Group Economics ECB Watch Macro & Financial Markets Research Nick Kounis, +31 20 343 5616 Mario confident that QE will work Kim Liu, Aline Schuiling 5 March 2015 ECB confident that QE will be a success, as it becomes more positive on growth… … while expecting inflation to return to around its goal in 2017 Government bond yields fall on the ECB’s statement Clarity on details was given although grey areas remain ECB starts purchases on 9 March rise in inflation in 2016 (to 1.5%) and 2017 (to 1.8%). ECB president Mario Draghi announced that the central bank Regarding the core inflation rate, Mr Draghi mentioned that it will start its government bond purchases on 9 March as should be lifted by the euro exchange rate, a rise in disposable expected. Mr Draghi repeated that the monthly purchases of household income and a gradual closing of the output gap EUR 60bn are intended to be carried out until end-September between now and 2017. Therefore, the ECB seems confident 2016 and will in any case be conducted until inflation is that inflation will meet its target level on a sustainable basis. expected to rise to 2% over the medium term. Meanwhile, he asserted that the ECB already “sees a significant number of Greek bonds not yet eligible as collateral positive effects from its monetary policy decisions”, including With regard to the recent developments in Greece, Mr Draghi the impact of the announcement of its QE programme. said that the ECB had decided that Greek government bonds According to Mr Draghi, the ECB’s measures “will contribute to would not be eligible as collateral for the ECB’s refinancing a sustained return of inflation towards a level below, but close operations until “a successful completion of the review will be to, 2% over the medium term and underpin the firm anchoring in place”. In the meantime, the central bank decided today to of medium to long-term inflation expectations”. He added that raise Greece’s limit for ELA support by another EUR 500mn. the ECB is prepared to also buy securities with yields below zero, but not below its deposit rate of -0.2%. ECB staff projections % Staff projection for GDP growth raised, … In its new staff macroeconomic projections, the ECB has 2.5 raised its forecasts for GDP growth, roughly reversing the 2.0 downward revisions it made in December. It expects GDP to 1.5 grow by 1.5% this year and 1.9% in 2016 (up from the 1.0 December forecast of 1.0% and 1.5%, respectively). It added a forecast for 2017 of 2.1%. Mr Draghi mentioned that the upward revision reflected “the favourable impact of lower oil prices, the weaker euro exchange rate and the impact of the ECB’s recent monetary policy measures”. The forecast for GDP growth this year is close to our own estimate of 1.6%, 0.5 0.0 0.0 Growth 2015 2016 December 14 2017 Inflation 2015 March 15 2016 2017 ECB inflation target Source: AFME whereas we are somewhat more positive than the ECB for 2016 (2.2%). Clarity on details was given although grey areas remain Mr Draghi gave clarity on a number of features of the purchase … while inflation should rise to close to the target in 2017 The downward impact of oil prices should push average inflation down to 0.0% this year, according to the new ECB staff projections. However, Mr Draghi added that “supported by the favourable impact of the ECB’s recent monetary policy programme and confirmed some assumptions. For instance, he confirmed that the purchases will include the continuation of the existing ABS and covered bond programmes and that the additional purchases will include government bonds, supranational bonds and bonds issued by national agencies. measures on aggregate demand, the impact of the lower euro exchange rate and the assumption of somewhat higher oil prices in the years ahead, inflation rates are expected to start increasing gradually later in 2015”. The ECB expects a further Second, he addressed that there will be no duration target and that the ECB will only buy in the secondary market, regardless 2 Mario confide ent that QE willl work – 5 Marrch 2015 of the t type of security (except fo or ABS and cov vered bonds). M Mr ed back later and a firrst few minutes of the statemeent, but bounce Dra aghi also confirrmed that all pu urchases will be carried out b by en nded up a bit higher, on balannce. We expec ct these trends in nattional central banks and that central c banks will w exclusivelyy fin nancial markets s to continue. buy y their own dom mestic governm ment and nation nal agency deb bt. Still unclear is how w the securities lending facilitty will operate. All purchases will be eligible for securities lend ding and these nsactions will b be executed in a decentralised manner. Butt tran no information wa as given with re egard to the co onditions (we sume bond for bond) or if a punitive rate will be used. ass Room to deviate e purchases frrom ECB capittal key p explained that while Furrthermore, the central bank president gov vernment bond d and national agency a purchases will follow the e ECB capital kkey, the ECB will w still have roo om to ma anoeuvre. In the e situation thatt the purchasab ble volume of ma arketable debt is insufficient, the t ECB can sw witch to sub bstitute assets.. This means th hat if a national central bank can nnot buy enoug gh governmentt bonds (as calculated by the EC CB capital key), it could buy elligible national agency bondss or the e ECB could de ecide to buy mo ore bonds issue ed by sup pranational age encies. Lis st of eligible su upra and natio onal agencies s published Afte er the press co onference a document was re eleased which gives insights whiich supranation nal agencies and national age encies are eligiible for QE purrchases. The lis st of eligible nam mes closely follows the ECB collateral criterria. This meanss tha at institutions w which are not re ecognised by th he ECB as nattional agenciess, like BNG and d NBW, will in principle p not be e elig gible for purcha ases. Howeverr, it seems that the list provide ed by the ECB shoulld still be seen as an preliminary list as the EC CB reserves the e right to add more m institutions s. pact on financ cial markets Imp The e euro initially rrose on the upw ward revision in eurozone gro owth forecasts. Also his comm ments that the downside d riskss hav ve decreased a also gave supp port to the euro. As a result, EUR/USD moved d back above 1.11 and made a high of 1.111 14. During the Q&A ssession the eurro fell under pre essure again er Draghi's com mments that the e ECB could co ontinue buying g afte gov vernment bond ds until they “re eached the leve el of the negativve dep posit rate”. Also o the commitm ment to continue e the QE pro ogramme until S September 201 16, or even bey yond, added to o pre essure on the e euro. We expecct the euro to fa all further versu us the e US dollar goin ng forward beccause of the impact of QE and d diverging monetary policy pathss on either side of the Atlanticc. eanwhile, Germ man 10y govern nment bond yie elds declined o n Me Mr Draghi’s statem ment, on balan nce, while perip pheral spreadss ove er Germany tightened. Eurozo one equity pric ces fell during tthe 3 Mario confide ent that QE willl work – 5 Marrch 2015 nd out more abo out Group Eco onomics at: http ps://insights.a n/ Fin O. It is solely intended to provide financial annd general information on economics. The infformation in this docum ment is strictly proprieta ary and is being supplie ed to This document has been prepared by ABN AMRO s for your informattion. It may not (in who ole or in part) be reprod duced, distributed or paassed to a third party or o used for any other purposes than stated abbove. 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Before investing in any pro oduct of ABN AMRO Ba ank N.V., you should obtain o information on va various financial and oth her risks and any poss sible restrictions that yoou and your investmen nts activities may encou unter unde er applicable laws and regulations. If, after reading this document, you y consider investing in a product, you are advised a to discuss such an investment with yyour relationship manager or personal adviso or and chec ck whether the relevantt product –considering the risks involved- is appropriate a within yourr investment activities. The value of your inve estments may fluctuatee. Past performance is no guarantee for future e returrns. ABN AMRO reservves the right to make amendments a to this ma aterial. © Co opyright 2015 ABN AM MRO Bank N.V. and affi filiated companies ("AB BN AMRO").
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