Innovation Financing as a business opportunity

Wednesday 4 February 2015, 9:00-14:15
Norra Latin Building, Stockholm City Conference Center, Drottninggatan 71b, Stockholm
Moderator: Judit Wefer, EU Policy Coordinator, VINNOVA
Registration & Coffee
Welcome Addresses
Charlotte Brogren, Director General, VINNOVA
Gunilla Nordlöf, Director General, Tillväxtverket
Real Life Stories
• Why EIF bank guarantees were a good deal for Sparbanken Öresund
Göran Sjöberg, Head of Corporate Market, Sparbanken Öresund
• The new Almi loan for innovative companies with an EIF guarantee, InnovFin
Carina Nordström, Head of Credits, Almi
• Experience from innovation loans from EIB
Peter Hjalmarson, Group Treasurer, Getinge
Address by the Minister
Per Bolund, Minister for Financial Markets and Consumer Affairs
10.40 - 11.00
Coffee Break
11.00 - 12:30
Banks and Financial
Led by:
Vincent van Steensel, EIF
Astrid Bartels, EC
Led by:
Jussi Hätönen, EIB
Piermario Di Pietro, EIB
12.30 - 14.15
(Mid-Caps and Large Caps)
InnovFin SME Guarantee
InnovFin Mid-Cap Guarantee
Cosme Loan Guarantee Facility
InnovFin Mid-Cap Finance
InnovFin Large Projects
InnovFin Advisory
Networking lunch and possibility to have confidential bi-lateral talks