Emballagecodes Lijst van codes voor de identificatie van emballage artikelen in de BENELUX Datum: 19 januari 2015, versienummer 1.4 Inhoud Inleiding 3 1 Geldige emballagecodes 4 2 Uitgefaseerde emballagecodes Versiebeheer en contactinformatie 20 24 Inleiding In dit document vindt u de lijst van toegestane emballagecodes voor België, Nederland en Luxemburg. GS1 Belgium & Luxembourg en GS1 Nederland hebben deze lijst samengesteld om een geharmoniseerde en consequente identificatie van emballage artikelen (in België bekend als RTI: Returnable Trade Item) in de BENELUX te garanderen. De emballagecodes zijn bekend als ‘emballage GTIN’s’ in Nederland (en als nGRAI in Belgie en Luxemburg) en worden door talloze partijen gebruikt om emballage artikelen te identificeren binnen elektronische berichten (factuur, pakbon, enz.) en bij het uitwisselen van artikelstamgegevens via GS1 Data Source (GS1 DAS). Toegestane codes De lijst vervangt de eerder gepubliceerde codelijst voor emballage. Er is ten opzichte van die lijst een aantal codes verwijderd en vervangen. Op pagina 20 vindt u welke codes dit zijn. De codes in dit document zijn geverifieerd met logistieke dienstverleners. Daarnaast wordt de codelijst uitsluitend gebruikt voor logistieke artikelen. Emballage artikelen die door consumenten gebruikt worden (zoals kratten, flessen en containers) zijn niet in dit document opgenomen. De afmetingen die in dit document worden vermeld zijn afkomstig uit de functionele specificaties van de eigenaren van de emballage zelf. Het is belangrijk dat u rekening houdt met eventuele variaties tussen de dimensies van de specificaties en de (werkelijke) fysieke dimensies van de emballage. Gebruik van deze lijst in GS1 Data Source De codes in dit document bestaan uit slechts 13 cijfers conform internationale GS1 standaarden. Voor meer informatie over het correct invullen van deze codes in GS1 DAS kunt u het document “GS1 Data Source: Gebruik van en toelichting op invoervelden” raadplegen. Deze codelijst wordt regelmatig geüpdatet waardoor er verschillen kunnen ontstaan met de emballage codelijst in de gebruikersinterface van GS1 DAS. Voor vragen over deze verschillen kunt u contact opnemen met de Customer Support van GS1 Nederland. Zij zijn bereikbaar via telefoonnummer 020 511 38 88 of door een e-mail te sturen aan [email protected]. Onderhoud van deze lijst Dit document wordt gezamenlijk onderhouden door GS1 Belgium & Luxembourg en GS1 Nederland. Wanneer er andere codes voor deze artikelen in de keten worden gebruikt (bijvoorbeeld in de communicatie met uw handelspartners), dan verzoeken wij u vriendelijk om dit te melden bij GS1 Nederland via het e-mailadres [email protected]. U kunt via dit adres ook een wijzigingsverzoek voor de codelijst indienen. Wij willen GS1 Belgium & Luxembourg hartelijk bedanken voor de bijdrage die zij aan de totstandkoming van dit document hebben geleverd. All contents copyright © | GS1 Nederland | 19 januari 2015 3 1 Geldige emballagecodes EMBALLAGECODES Description of 'asset type' Allocated nGRAI Relevant information on colour, material, weight, specifications LxWxH in mm, etc. (In the Netherlands this code is known as the GTIN for 'emballage'.) This is the identification code to use in EDI messages. Official owner Party who has allocated the identification code (nGRAI) to the asset type. Technical specifications Corresponding package type description code for EANCOM DESADV #23 PAC, DE 7065 (or GS1 XML Despatch_Advice) Gall & Gall rolcontainer 800x670x1670 (for private label products) 8715297933000 AHOLD N/A CW Albert Heijn diary plastic crate (kunstof krat zuivel) 800x400x230 (for private label products) 8710400465119 AHOLD N/A CR Albert Heijn tray dolly-tray unit 800x670x110 (for beverages) 8710400465324 AHOLD N/A TRE CBL fust 7 cm. Uniform versfust, colour black, CBL crate 400x600x70 8714303000002 CBL / Stichting versfust Detail CR CBL fust 11 cm. Uniform versfust, colour black, CBL crate 400x600x115 8714303000019 CBL / Stichting versfust Detail CR CBL fust 17 cm. Uniform versfust, colour black, CBL crate 400x600x170 8714303000026 CBL / Stichting versfust Detail CR EMBALLAGECODES Description of 'asset type' Allocated nGRAI Relevant information on colour, material, weight, specifications LxWxH in mm, etc. (In the Netherlands this code is known as the GTIN for 'emballage'.) This is the identification code to use in EDI messages. Official owner Party who has allocated the identification code (nGRAI) to the asset type. Technical specifications Corresponding package type description code for EANCOM DESADV #23 PAC, DE 7065 (or GS1 XML Despatch_Advice) CBL fust 23 cm. Uniform versfust, colour black, CBL crate 400x600x230 8714303000033 CBL / Stichting versfust Detail CR CBL fust 15 cm. Uniform versfust, colour black, 400x300x150 8714303000040 CBL / Stichting versfust Detail CR CBL cover. Uniform lid (deksel/couvercle), colour black, 400x600x70 8714303000057 CBL / Stichting versfust N/A Code not available in EANCOM CBL fust 8 cm. Uniform versfust, colour black, 300x400x80 8714303000064 CBL / Stichting versfust Detail CR CC ½ Container Base 8716532000518 Container Centralen A/S Detail TRE CC ½ Container Shelf 8716532000440 Container Centralen A/S Detail PU CC Container base 8716532000303 Container Centralen A/S Detail TRE CC Dolly 8716532015109 Container Centralen A/S Detail TRE All contents copyright © | GS1 Nederland | 19 januari 2015 5 EMBALLAGECODES Description of 'asset type' Allocated nGRAI Relevant information on colour, material, weight, specifications LxWxH in mm, etc. (In the Netherlands this code is known as the GTIN for 'emballage'.) This is the identification code to use in EDI messages. Official owner Party who has allocated the identification code (nGRAI) to the asset type. Technical specifications Corresponding package type description code for EANCOM DESADV #23 PAC, DE 7065 (or GS1 XML Despatch_Advice) CC Euro Dolly 8716532015116 Container Centralen A/S Detail TRE CC Euro Dolly adapter tray w/RFID 8716532001072 Container Centralen A/S Detail Code not available in EANCOM CC Euro Dolly RFID Tag 8716532001065 Container Centralen A/S Detail TRE CC Euro Roll container 8716532001102 Container Centralen A/S Detail CW CC Euro Rolly 8716532001096 Container Centralen A/S Detail TRE CC Euro Trolley post 1175mm 8716532001133 Container Centralen A/S Detail Code not available in EANCOM CC Euro Trolley post 1792mm 8716532001140 Container Centralen A/S Detail Code not available in EANCOM CC Euro Trolley Shelf 8716532001157 Container Centralen A/S Detail PU CC Euro Trolley w/castors 8716532001119 Container Centralen A/S Detail TRE All contents copyright © | GS1 Nederland | 19 januari 2015 6 EMBALLAGECODES Description of 'asset type' Allocated nGRAI Relevant information on colour, material, weight, specifications LxWxH in mm, etc. (In the Netherlands this code is known as the GTIN for 'emballage'.) This is the identification code to use in EDI messages. Official owner Party who has allocated the identification code (nGRAI) to the asset type. Technical specifications Corresponding package type description code for EANCOM DESADV #23 PAC, DE 7065 (or GS1 XML Despatch_Advice) CC Euro Trolley wo/castors 8716532001126 Container Centralen A/S Detail TRE CC Eurocrate 167 (VRC167) 8716532000556 Container Centralen A/S Detail CR CC Eurocrate 220 Red 8716532050322 Container Centralen A/S Detail CR CC Eurocrate 222 (VRC222) 8716532000563 Container Centralen A/S Detail CR CC Eurocrate 115 (VRC115) 8716532001003 Container Centralen A/S Detail CR CC Low Noise Dolly 8716532001188 Container Centralen A/S Detail TRE CC Low Noise Rolly 8716532001171 Container Centralen A/S Detail TRE CC Minitainer 8716532014102 Container Centralen A/S Detail CW CC Roll Container 8716532013105 Container Centralen A/S Detail CW All contents copyright © | GS1 Nederland | 19 januari 2015 7 EMBALLAGECODES Description of 'asset type' Allocated nGRAI Relevant information on colour, material, weight, specifications LxWxH in mm, etc. (In the Netherlands this code is known as the GTIN for 'emballage'.) This is the identification code to use in EDI messages. Official owner Party who has allocated the identification code (nGRAI) to the asset type. Technical specifications Corresponding package type description code for EANCOM DESADV #23 PAC, DE 7065 (or GS1 XML Despatch_Advice) CC Rolly 8716532016106 Container Centralen A/S Detail TRE CHEP B1210A, Block Pallet, perimetric 1200x1000 0662510000019 CHEP Detail 202 CHEP Auto Pallet, non-perimetric 1200x1000 0662510000606 CHEP N/A 202 CHEP B1208A, Block Pallet, 800x1200 0662510000033 CHEP Detail 201 0662510000064 CHEP N/A 212 0662510000088 CHEP Detail 200 0662510000163 CHEP Detail 203 CHEP B1006A, Block Pallet, 600x1000 CHEP B0806A, Dusseldorfer Type Pallet, 800x600 CHEP P0604A, Black or Blue Plastic Pallet,600x400 All contents copyright © | GS1 Nederland | 19 januari 2015 8 EMBALLAGECODES Description of 'asset type' Allocated nGRAI Relevant information on colour, material, weight, specifications LxWxH in mm, etc. (In the Netherlands this code is known as the GTIN for 'emballage'.) This is the identification code to use in EDI messages. Official owner Party who has allocated the identification code (nGRAI) to the asset type. Technical specifications Corresponding package type description code for EANCOM DESADV #23 PAC, DE 7065 (or GS1 XML Despatch_Advice) CHEP Collar 1000x1200 0662510000248 CHEP Detail Code not available in EANCOM CHEP Collar lid 1000x1200 0662510000255 CHEP Detail Code not available in EANCOM CHEP Collar 800x1200 0662510000309 CHEP Detail Code not available in EANCOM CHEP Collar lid 800x1200 0662510000316 CHEP Detail Code not available in EANCOM CHEP P1208, Plastic pallet, 800 x 1200 0662510000767 CHEP Detail 201 CHEP P1210B, Plastic Pallet, 1200x1000 0662510000774 CHEP Detail 202 CHEP Pallet top header 1000x1200 0662510000323 CHEP N/A Code not available in EANCOM CHEP Pallet top header 800x1200 0662510000330 CHEP N/A Code not available in EANCOM CHEP wheel pallet / display dolly (600x400x170) 0662510060402 CHEP Detail TRE All contents copyright © | GS1 Nederland | 19 januari 2015 9 EMBALLAGECODES Description of 'asset type' Allocated nGRAI Relevant information on colour, material, weight, specifications LxWxH in mm, etc. (In the Netherlands this code is known as the GTIN for 'emballage'.) This is the identification code to use in EDI messages. Official owner Party who has allocated the identification code (nGRAI) to the asset type. Technical specifications Corresponding package type description code for EANCOM DESADV #23 PAC, DE 7065 (or GS1 XML Despatch_Advice) Banana pallet, 1000x1060x150 8716132120067 Chiquita Fresh Netherlands N/A 09 Delhaize Black Dolly 5400111008721 Delhaize Belgium N/A TRE Delhaize 812 crate 5400111008127 Delhaize Belgium N/A CR Delhaize 824 crate 5400111008240 Delhaize Belgium N/A CR Delhaize Bac DPS Droog/Sec 5400113028857 Delhaize Belgium N/A CR Delhaize Big Box 5400119007993 Delhaize Belgium N/A BX Delhaize Quarter Box (Eggs) 5400113026716 Delhaize Belgium N/A BX DPB wooden pallet, 1000x1200 8713543290969 DPB Detail 202 DPB plastic pallet, 1000x1200 8717953013750 DPB Detail 202 EPS 104-Container, Foldable Crate, 550 g, 400x300x101 8714548104008 Euro Pool System International Detail CR EPS 106-Container, Foldable Crate, 1190 g, 600x400x101 8714548106002 Euro Pool System International Detail CR EPS 136-Container, Foldable Crate, 1340 g, 600x400x123 8714548136009 Euro Pool System International Detail CR EPS 154-Container, Foldable Crate, 690 g, 400x300x154 8714548154003 Euro Pool System International Detail CR All contents copyright © | GS1 Nederland | 19 januari 2015 10 EMBALLAGECODES Description of 'asset type' Allocated nGRAI Relevant information on colour, material, weight, specifications LxWxH in mm, etc. (In the Netherlands this code is known as the GTIN for 'emballage'.) This is the identification code to use in EDI messages. Official owner Party who has allocated the identification code (nGRAI) to the asset type. Technical specifications Corresponding package type description code for EANCOM DESADV #23 PAC, DE 7065 (or GS1 XML Despatch_Advice) EPS 156-Container, Foldable Crate, 1350 g, 600x400x153 8714548156007 Euro Pool System International Detail CR EPS 186-Container, Foldable Crate, 1540 g, 600x400x176 8714548186004 Euro Pool System International Detail CR EPS 216-Container, Foldable Crate, 1820 g, 600x400x211 8714548216008 Euro Pool System International Detail CR EPS 246-Container, Foldable Crate, 2070 g, 600x400x238 8714548246005 Euro Pool System International Detail CR EPS 164-Container, Foldable Crate, 755 g, 400x300x165 8714548164002 Euro Pool System International N/A CR EPS 18-Container, Foldable Crate, 1650 g, 600x400x179 8714548110009 Euro Pool System International Detail CR EPS 46-Container, Foldable Crate, 755 g, 400x300x165 8714548116001 Euro Pool System International Detail CR EPS 24-Container, Foldable Crate, 1950 g, 600x400x241 8714548118005 Euro Pool System International Detail CR EPS 13-Container, Foldable Crate, 1300 g, 600x400x126 8714548119002 Euro Pool System International Detail CR All contents copyright © | GS1 Nederland | 19 januari 2015 11 EMBALLAGECODES Description of 'asset type' Allocated nGRAI Relevant information on colour, material, weight, specifications LxWxH in mm, etc. (In the Netherlands this code is known as the GTIN for 'emballage'.) This is the identification code to use in EDI messages. Official owner Party who has allocated the identification code (nGRAI) to the asset type. Technical specifications Corresponding package type description code for EANCOM DESADV #23 PAC, DE 7065 (or GS1 XML Despatch_Advice) EPS 410-Container, Foldable Crate, 550 g, 400x300x101 8714548410000 Euro Pool System International Detail CR EPS 610-Container, Foldable Crate, 1100 g, 600x400x101 8714548610004 Euro Pool System International Detail CR EPS T-Container, Rigid Crate, 542 g, 400x300x165 8714548111006 Euro Pool System International Detail CR EPS H-Container, Rigid Crate, 1950 g, 600x400x241 8714548112003 Euro Pool System International Detail CR EPS M-Container, Rigid Crate, 1600 g, 600x400x179 8714548113000 Euro Pool System International Detail CR EPS L-Container, Rigid Crate, 1300 g, 600x400x126 8714548114007 Euro Pool System International Detail CR EPS S-Container, Rigid Crate, 1300 g, 600x400x153 8714548115004 Euro Pool System International N/A CR EPS 230-Plastic pallet 80-120, 18500 g, 1200x800x160 8714548230004 Euro Pool System International N/A 201 EPS Poolpallet, 25000 g, 1200x1000x136 8714548300004 Euro Pool System International Detail 202 All contents copyright © | GS1 Nederland | 19 januari 2015 12 EMBALLAGECODES Description of 'asset type' Allocated nGRAI Relevant information on colour, material, weight, specifications LxWxH in mm, etc. (In the Netherlands this code is known as the GTIN for 'emballage'.) This is the identification code to use in EDI messages. Official owner Party who has allocated the identification code (nGRAI) to the asset type. Technical specifications Corresponding package type description code for EANCOM DESADV #23 PAC, DE 7065 (or GS1 XML Despatch_Advice) EPS F01 Fish-Container, Nestable Crate, 795 g, 400x300x139 8714548541001 Euro Pool System International Detail CR EPS F02 Fish-Container, Nestable Crate, 932 g, 400x300x192 8714548542008 Euro Pool System International Detail CR EPS F03 Fish-Container, Nestable Crate, 1630 g, 600x400x147 8714548561009 Euro Pool System International Detail CR EPS BigBox 808 green pallet, BigBox Crate, 19000 g, 800x600x760 8714548808005 Euro Pool System International Detail CR EPS BigBox 848 green wheels, BigBox Crate, 21000 g, 800x600x772 8714548848001 Euro Pool System International Detail CR EPS BigBox 880 blue pallet, BigBox Crate, 17000 g, 800x600x292 8714548880001 Euro Pool System International Detail CR EPS BigBox 884 blue wheels, BigBox Crate, 21000 g, 800x600x364 8714548884009 Euro Pool System International Detail CR N/A CR N/A CR N/A CR EPS 18604-black container, Foldable Crate, 1540 g, 600x400x176 EPS 13604-black container, Foldable Crate, 1340 g, 600x400x123 EPS 10604-black container, Foldable Crate, 1190 g, 600x400x101 8714548351006 8714548353000 8714548354007 Euro Pool System International Euro Pool System International Euro Pool System International All contents copyright © | GS1 Nederland | 19 januari 2015 13 EMBALLAGECODES Description of 'asset type' Allocated nGRAI Relevant information on colour, material, weight, specifications LxWxH in mm, etc. (In the Netherlands this code is known as the GTIN for 'emballage'.) This is the identification code to use in EDI messages. EPS 15404-black container, Foldable Crate, 690 g, 400x300x153 EPS 10404-black container, Foldable Crate, 550 g, 400x300x101 EPS 24604-black container, Foldable Crate, 2000 g, 600x400x238 Friesland Campina Roll-in container, metal, 420x1200x640 8714548355004 8714548356001 8714548357008 8712800009337 Official owner Party who has allocated the identification code (nGRAI) to the asset type. Euro Pool System International Euro Pool System International Euro Pool System International Friesland Campina Netherlands Technical specifications Corresponding package type description code for EANCOM DESADV #23 PAC, DE 7065 (or GS1 XML Despatch_Advice) N/A CR N/A CR N/A CR N/A TRE IFCO crate, 4310, 400x300x125 4027527143108 IFCO Detail CR IFCO crate, 4314 400x300x167 4027527143146 IFCO Detail CR IFCO crate, 6410 600x400x125 4027527164103 IFCO Detail CR IFCO crate, 6413 600x400x160 4027527164134 IFCO Detail CR IFCO crate, 6416 600x400x190 4027527164165 IFCO Detail CR IFCO crate, 6418 600x400x205 4027527164189 IFCO Detail CR All contents copyright © | GS1 Nederland | 19 januari 2015 14 EMBALLAGECODES Description of 'asset type' Allocated nGRAI Relevant information on colour, material, weight, specifications LxWxH in mm, etc. (In the Netherlands this code is known as the GTIN for 'emballage'.) This is the identification code to use in EDI messages. Official owner Party who has allocated the identification code (nGRAI) to the asset type. Technical specifications Corresponding package type description code for EANCOM DESADV #23 PAC, DE 7065 (or GS1 XML Despatch_Advice) IFCO crate, 6420 600x400x218 4027527164202 IFCO Detail CR IFCO crate, 6424 600x400x250 4027527164240 IFCO Detail CR IPP A1210 (full perimeter base pallet), 1200x1000x161 3700395612105 IPP Logipal Detail 202 IPP E812 (euro pallet), 800x1200x144 3700395681200 IPP Logipal Detail 201 IPP B610 (display pallet), 600x1000 3700395661004 IPP Logipal Detail 212 IPP C1210 (3 skid), 1200x1000 3700395612112 IPP Logipal Detail 202 IPP D608 (display pallet), 600x800 3700395660809 IPP Logipal Detail 200 Lekkerland Rollcontainer (red) 680*820*1500, 25 kg. 8710548074884 Lekkerland N/A CW LPR Europallet, PR080 (sides colour red), 800x1200x144 3589460000012 LPR Detail 201 All contents copyright © | GS1 Nederland | 19 januari 2015 15 EMBALLAGECODES Description of 'asset type' Allocated nGRAI Relevant information on colour, material, weight, specifications LxWxH in mm, etc. (In the Netherlands this code is known as the GTIN for 'emballage'.) This is the identification code to use in EDI messages. Official owner Party who has allocated the identification code (nGRAI) to the asset type. Technical specifications Corresponding package type description code for EANCOM DESADV #23 PAC, DE 7065 (or GS1 XML Despatch_Advice) LPR block pallet PR100 (sides colour red), 1000x1200x161 3589460000029 LPR Detail 202 LPR half pallet DP608 (sides colour red), 600x800x161 3589460000050 LPR Detail 200 LPR half pallet DP610 (sides colour red), 600x1000x161 3589460000074 LPR Detail 212 LPR UK pallet, UK100 (block) 1000x1200x162 3589460000128 LPR Detail 202 LPR plastic display pallet, mini pallet (colour black), 400x600x146 3589460000159 LPR Detail 203 LPR Düsseldorfer pallet, DU608, 600x800x161 3589460000135 LPR Detail 200 LPR Wooden pallet, (Düsseldorfer pallet with plywood topboard) 600x800 3589460000142 LPR N/A 200 Mopal DPA Pallet, 1000x1200 8712345010812 Mopal palletindustrie Detail 202 Polymer Logistics Big Maxi Crate (BMC), PP/HDPE, 26.5 kg, 800x600x965 7290101460091 Polymer Logistics Detail CR Broban crate, colour brown, (for bakery products), 700x492x192 8712908000014 Stichting beheer Broban-Krat N/A CR All contents copyright © | GS1 Nederland | 19 januari 2015 16 EMBALLAGECODES Description of 'asset type' Allocated nGRAI Relevant information on colour, material, weight, specifications LxWxH in mm, etc. (In the Netherlands this code is known as the GTIN for 'emballage'.) This is the identification code to use in EDI messages. Official owner Party who has allocated the identification code (nGRAI) to the asset type. Technical specifications Corresponding package type description code for EANCOM DESADV #23 PAC, DE 7065 (or GS1 XML Despatch_Advice) Broban dolly, metal, 690x480x142 8712908000106 Stichting beheer Broban-Krat N/A TRE Triplett pallet, SEP pallet, two-way pallet, colour white, 1000x1200x150 8710147031004 The Greenery Netherlands N/A 202 Transmeat, little red crate, PVC red, 2000 g, 600x400x190 5414497999894 Transmeat Belgium N/A CR Transmeat, big red crate, PVC red, 3400 g, 600x400x290 5414497999993 Transmeat Belgium N/A CR e-Performance crate WK1, EDEKA meat crate 25l, colour white, polyethylen, 1500 g, 600x400x125. (Replaces the former red meat crate) 4051513999998 Georg Utz GmbH Detail CR e-Performance crate WK2, EDEKA meat crate 40l, colour white, polyethylen, 2000 g, 600x400x200. (Replaces the former red meat crate) 4051513999981 Georg Utz GmbH Detail CR Oneway pallet (Pallet need not be returned to the point of expedition) (all sorts of colours) 8712345010010 - Allocated by GS1 Netherlands N/A 08 EUR-pallet/EURO-pallet/EPAL-pallet, 1/2, pallet ISO 0, standard pallet, 800x600 8712345010034 - Allocated by GS1 Netherlands Detail 200 All contents copyright © | GS1 Nederland | 19 januari 2015 17 EMBALLAGECODES Description of 'asset type' Allocated nGRAI Relevant information on colour, material, weight, specifications LxWxH in mm, etc. (In the Netherlands this code is known as the GTIN for 'emballage'.) This is the identification code to use in EDI messages. Official owner Party who has allocated the identification code (nGRAI) to the asset type. Technical specifications Corresponding package type description code for EANCOM DESADV #23 PAC, DE 7065 (or GS1 XML Despatch_Advice) EUR-pallet/EURO-pallet/EPAL-pallet, 1/1, pallet ISO 1, standard pallet, 800x1200 8712345010041 - Allocated by GS1 Netherlands Detail 202 EUR-pallet/EURO-pallet/EPAL-pallet, pallet ISO 2, standard pallet, 1200x1000 8712345010058 - Allocated by GS1 Netherlands Detail 203 EUR-pallet /EURO-pallet/EPAL-pallet, 1/4, standard pallet 600x400 8712345010065 - Allocated by GS1 Netherlands N/A 204 EUR-pallet/EURO-pallet/EPAL-pallet, 1/8, standard pallet 400x300 8712345010072 - Allocated by GS1 Netherlands N/A CR EUR-pallet/EURO H1 pallet, 1200x800 5410000000033 - Allocated by GS1 Belgilux (due to unknown RTI owner) N/A 201 EUR-pallet/EURO H3 pallet, 1200x1000 5410000000040 - Allocated by GS1 Belgilux (due to unknown RTI owner) N/A 202 E2 red meat crate, outer dimensions 600x400x200. (Will be replaced by eperformance crates). 5410000000057 - Allocated by GS1 Belgilux (due to unknown RTI owner) N/A CR 5410000000064 - Allocated by GS1 Belgilux (due to unknown RTI owner) N/A TRE Danish trolley / Chariot Danois (Generic, non CC non-branded) All contents copyright © | GS1 Nederland | 19 januari 2015 18 EMBALLAGECODES Description of 'asset type' Allocated nGRAI Relevant information on colour, material, weight, specifications LxWxH in mm, etc. (In the Netherlands this code is known as the GTIN for 'emballage'.) This is the identification code to use in EDI messages. Bunik car BIO BOX Official owner Party who has allocated the identification code (nGRAI) to the asset type. Technical specifications Corresponding package type description code for EANCOM DESADV #23 PAC, DE 7065 (or GS1 XML Despatch_Advice) 5410000000071 - Allocated by GS1 Belgilux (due to unknown RTI owner) N/A TRE 5410000000088 - Allocated by GS1 Belgilux (due to unknown RTI owner) N/A CR All contents copyright © | GS1 Nederland | 19 januari 2015 19 2 Uitgefaseerde emballagecodes De codes die hieronder vermeld zijn mogen niet meer gebruikt worden. Deze codes worden gesaneerd en uitgefaseerd in de BENELUX. In de kolom “mapping” kunt u zien welke codes uit de nieuwe lijst gebruikt kunnen worden. Description of 'asset type' Relevant information on colour, material, weight, specifications LxWxH in mm, etc. Allocated nGRAI (In the Netherlands this code is known as the GTIN for 'emballage'.) This is the identification code to use in EDI messages. Official owner Party who has allocated the identification code (nGRAI) to the asset type. Technical specifications Corresponding package type description code for EANCOM DESADV #23 PAC, DE 7065 (or GS1 XML Despatch_Advice) OneWay Pallet 800x1200 5410000000019 - Allocated by GS1 Belgilux (due to unknown RTI owner) OneWay Pallet 1000x1200 5410000000026 - Allocated by GS1 Belgilux (due to unknown RTI owner) 8712345010027 - Allocated by GS1 Netherlands Wholesaler pallet (Pallet provided by the wholesaler) 8712345010089 - Allocated by GS1 Netherlands N/A Code not available in EANCOM Pallet 80 X 100 cm 8712345010096 - Allocated by GS1 Netherlands N/A Code not available in EANCOM Returnable pallet (Pallet must be returned to the point of expedition), Reason for delete Unnecessary code (Agreement Jan Westerkamp - Nele De Flou 18/2) Unnecessary code (Agreement Jan Westerkamp - Nele De Flou 18/2) Mapping (correct code to use instead of the deleted one) N/A Code not available in EANCOM N/A Code not available in EANCOM N/A Code not available in EANCOM Unnecessary code (Agreement Jan Westerkamp - Nele De Flou 18/2) Replaced by the code of the specific product that is used Unnecessary code (Agreement Jan Westerkamp - Nele De Flou 18/2) Replaced by the code of the specific product that is used Unnecessary code (Agreement Jan Westerkamp - Nele De Flou 18/2) Replaced by the code of the specific product that is used All contents copyright © | GS1 Nederland | 19 januari 2015 20 8712345010010 8712345010010 Description of 'asset type' Relevant information on colour, material, weight, specifications LxWxH in mm, etc. Pallet 60 X 100 cm CHEP Pallet 100X120 CM CHEP Pallet 80X120 CM Allocated nGRAI (In the Netherlands this code is known as the GTIN for 'emballage'.) This is the identification code to use in EDI messages. 8712345010102 5016054000014 5016054000038 Official owner Party who has allocated the identification code (nGRAI) to the asset type. - Allocated by GS1 Netherlands CHEP CHEP Technical specifications N/A Corresponding package type description code Reason for delete Mapping (correct code to use instead of the deleted one) Code not available in EANCOM Unnecessary code (Agreement Jan Westerkamp - Nele De Flou 18/2) Replaced by the code of the specific product that is used 202 Redundant code, the right code for this product is given on the column "Mapping". 0662510000019 201 Redundant code, the right code for this product is given on the column "Mapping". 0662510000033 Redundant code, the right code for this product is given on the column "Mapping". 0662510000248 for EANCOM DESADV #23 PAC, DE 7065 (or GS1 XML Despatch_Advice) Detail Detail CHEP Collar 100 x 120 5016054000243 CHEP Detail Code not available in EANCOM CC ½ Container Water Tray 8716532000718 Container Centralen A/S Detail CR Deleted. (Doesn't exist anymore according to CC) N/A (discontinued) CC Adapter Tray 8716532001095 Waiting for CC to provide the correct code. Container Centralen A/S PU Take up in the RTI list once CC provides the correct code. Replacement product not yet available N/A All contents copyright © | GS1 Nederland | 19 januari 2015 21 Description of 'asset type' Relevant information on colour, material, weight, specifications LxWxH in mm, etc. CC Eurocrate 4150 (VRC4150) LPR 080 europallet LPR 100 pallet LPR demi pallet DP608 LPR demi pallet DP610 Allocated nGRAI (In the Netherlands this code is known as the GTIN for 'emballage'.) This is the identification code to use in EDI messages. 8716532001097 Waiting for CC to provide the correct code. 3015894600011 3015894600028 3015894600059 3015894600073 Official owner Party who has allocated the identification code (nGRAI) to the asset type. Container Centralen A/S LPR LPR LPR LPR Technical specifications Corresponding package type description code Reason for delete Mapping (correct code to use instead of the deleted one) CR Take up in the RTI list once CC provides the correct code. Replacement product not yet available 201 Redundant code, the right code for this product is given on the column "Mapping". 3589460000012 202 Redundant code, the right code for this product is given on the column "Mapping". 3589460000029 200 Redundant code, the right code for this product is given on the column "Mapping". 3589460000050 212 Redundant code, the right code for this product is given on the column "Mapping". 3589460000074 for EANCOM DESADV #23 PAC, DE 7065 (or GS1 XML Despatch_Advice) Detail Detail Detail Detail Detail All contents copyright © | GS1 Nederland | 19 januari 2015 22 Description of 'asset type' Relevant information on colour, material, weight, specifications LxWxH in mm, etc. LPR UK pallet UK100 Allocated nGRAI (In the Netherlands this code is known as the GTIN for 'emballage'.) This is the identification code to use in EDI messages. 3015894600035 Official owner Party who has allocated the identification code (nGRAI) to the asset type. LPR Technical specifications Corresponding package type description code for EANCOM DESADV #23 PAC, DE 7065 (or GS1 XML Despatch_Advice) Detail All contents copyright © | GS1 Nederland | 19 januari 2015 202 Reason for delete Mapping (correct code to use instead of the deleted one) Redundant code, the right code for this product is given on the column "Mapping". 3589460000128 23 Versiebeheer en contactinformatie Datum 25-7-2014 Versie Door 1.0 Nele de Flou Petra Geerdink Jisca Kers Gabriel Sobrino Jan Westerkamp Toelichting wijzigingen Eerste publicatie. 1-9-2014 1.1 Gabriel Sobrino Correctie afmetingen CBL versfusten. Additionele toelichting toegevoegd aan de inleiding. 4-11-2014 1.2 Gabriel Sobrino Aanvullende informatie over code 0662510060402 toegevoegd. 12-12-2014 1.3 Gabriel Sobrino Geüpdatet beschrijving van codes: 8714548351006 8714548353000 8714548354007 8714548355004 8714548356001 Nieuwe code 8714548357008 toegevoegd. 19-1-2015 1.4 Gabriel Sobrino Geüpdatet links voor de specificaties van een aantal EPS codes. De tekst uit deze publicatie mag zonder toestemming vooraf worden verveelvoudigd op voorwaarde dat de bron wordt vermeld. Hoewel alle zorg is betracht om te garanderen dat de inhoud van dit document juist is, kan GS1 Nederland niet aansprakelijk worden gehouden voor fouten of ontbrekende gegevens in deze publicatie. Neem bij vragen over de inhoud van deze publicatie contact op met de Customer Support van GS1 Nederland. Deze is bereikbaar via telefoonnummer 020 511 38 88 of door een e-mail te sturen aan [email protected]. Click here to enter text. All contents copyright © | GS1 Nederland | 19 januari 2015 25
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