Detailed information on Studie in Cijfers (HBO) 2014 – 2015 Version 1.0, May 2014 Studie in Cijfers (or “Studiebijsluiter”) is a quick-facts leaflet detailing a degree programme’s relative performance compared to the same programme at other Dutch universities of applied sciences (HBO). Prospective students can use this information to help them choose a degree programme. Studie in Cijfers is offered as a numerical tool to help compare programmes, formulate well-informed questions and start fruitful conversations with teachers and programme directors. It is not meant to serve as a sole ground for choosing a course programme. In this document the categories and figures presented in Studie in Cijfers are defined and described. Sources are cited for each category, and where appropriate the significance of the figure given and the representation or display are also clarified. All figures are based on full-time HBO Bachelor’s degree programmes. Studie in Cijfers compares an institution’s degree programme figures to the programme’s national average. Left out of this national average are university programmes and private school programmes (i.e. non-Government-funded). Unavailable data The figures presented must be based on reliable information. The measure of reliability used may vary from category to category. When available figures do not meet the requirements for reliability, or when there is another reason data is unavailable, a dash sign (“–”) is put in its place on the Studie in Cijfers leaflet. Information on job opportunities on an institution level is unavailable on every Studie in Cijfers leaflet. Other information may be missing because the necessary data are not collected, response rates are too low to result in a reliable figure, or the programme is new and there is no data available yet. Source Year of Based on students who... Sources used for each category: in short publication National Student Survey (NSE) 2014 enrolled in 2013–2014 (as first-years or later) STUDENT SATISFACTION 1-digit Higher Education (1cHO1) 1cHO1 NSE benchmark file NSE 2013 2013 2014 2014 started in 2013–2014 started in 2013–2014 ADVANCEMENT TO SECOND YEAR 1cHO1 2013 started in 2012–2013 BACHELOR’S DEGREE OBTAINED WITHIN 5 YEARS 2013 started in 2008–2009 FOLLOW-UP EDUCATION Performance tables Vereniging Hogescholen (Studiesucces) 1cHO1 2013 graduated in 2011–2012 JOB OPPORTUNITIES HBO-Monitor 2013 graduated in 2011–2012 NUMBER OF FIRST-YEAR STUDENTS NUMBER OF FIRST-YEAR STUDENTS across locations PERCEIVED CONTACT HOURS IN FIRST YEAR 1 started in 2013–2014 Figures on the matriculation, enrollment, advancement and results of degree programmes are taken from the 1-digit Higher Education File for Government-paid education by Dienst Uitvoering Onderwijs (a dutch governmental agency, responsible for administration and registration of studies and programmes). Version 1.1, February 2014 Detailed information on Studie in Cijfers (HBO) 2014 – 2015 Version 1.0, May 2014 Sources used for each category: in detail STUDENT SATISFACTION In short Source Year of publication 2014 Based on students who... National Student enrolled in 2013–2014 (as first-years or later) Survey (NSE) This indicates how satisfied students are with this programme. This is measured on a scale of 1 to 5. When a programme is offered at several different locations, the specific grade per location is given. Source This figure is based on the answers given to the 2014 National Student Survey question “How do you assess your course programme in general?” It is the average of the ratings given by all of this programme’s students (in first year and later years) who took the NSE survey between January and March 2014. The nationwide response rate of this survey was 33,4%. Representation This figure is represented by five stars, filled in to match the number of points out of 5 awarded for student satisfaction. A star may be left blank, half-full or filled in. 1-digit Higher Education 2013 started in 2013–2014 NUMBER OF FIRST-YEAR STUDENTS (1cHO) NUMBER OF FIRST-YEAR 1cHO 2013 started in 2013–2014 STUDENTS across locations NSE benchmark file 2014 The number of students starting this programme each year. When a programme is offered at several different locations, the specific grade per location is given. In short Source In short Source Representation This figure represents the number of students who started this programme in September 2013. It is taken from the 1-digit Higher Education File by Dienst Uitvoering Onderwijs (Education Executive Agency), which lists all figures on higher education enrollment and assessment. PERCEIVED CONTACT HOURS IN NSE 2014 started in 2013–2014 FIRST YEAR The number of clock hours per week students say is offered for this programme in the first course year. Internships and work experience do not count toward this total. Specifically, this is the number of hours per week during which students have scheduled meetings with teachers (lecturers, tutors, et cetera). The Studie in Cijfers figure on contact hours is based on the answers given to the 2014 National Student Survey question “The following number of contact hours are available to me in this teaching period”. It is the average of the responses given by all of this programme’s first-year students who took the NSE survey between January and March 2014. Answering this question, students chose one of the following six-hour ranges: fewer than 6 clock hours per week 6 to 12 clock hours per week 12 to 18 clock hours per week 18 to 24 clock hours per week 24 to 30 clock hours per week 30 or more clock hours per week The Studie in Cijfers figure given for Contact Hours is the statistical mode: the six-hour range most often selected by first-year respondents. Version 1.1, February 2014 Detailed information on Studie in Cijfers (HBO) 2014 – 2015 Version 1.0, May 2014 Sources used for each category: in detail In short Source In short Source Year of publication 2013 Based on students who... ADVANCEMENT TO 1cHO started in 2012–2013 SECOND YEAR The percentage of students who directly advance from the first course year of this programme to the second year of the same programme. This means they have not dropped out and their ECTS credit score is sufficient to advance to the second course year. This figure can be taken to indicate their academic success in the first phase of their degree programme. This figure represents the number of students who started this programme in September 2012 and are in September 2013 enrolled once again in the same programme at the same institution. It is taken from the 1-digit Higher Education File by Dienst Uitvoering Onderwijs (Education Executive Agency), which lists all figures on higher education enrollment and assessment. DEGREE OBTAINED WITHIN 5 Performance tables data 2013 started in 2008–2009 YEARS Vereniging Hogescholen (Studiesucces) The percentage of students who obtain a degree in higher education within five years of starting this programme (not necessarily in the same field or at the same institution). This figure is taken from the performance tables supplied by Vereniging Hogescholen. It is the percentage of students who started their degree programme in the 2008–2009 course year and obtained their degree in the 2012–2013 course year. FOLLOW-UP EDUCATION In short Source 1cHO 2013 graduated in 2011–2012 The percentage of students who pursue another degree after this programme. This could be a Master’s degree programme, or a university Master’s degree programme. If this percentage is high, it is often a cause for the Job Opportunities figure being relatively low. This percentage is visualised to help prospective students gauge the possibilities for further study after graduating. Note that these possibilities may have changed by the time the student graduates. Source In short Source This is the percentage of students who graduate in the 2011–2012 course year and after one to two years are enrolled in another higher education (university or HBO) degree programme. It is taken from the 1-digit Higher Education File by Dienst Uitvoering Onderwijs (Education Executive Agency), which lists all figures on higher education enrollment and assessment. HBO-Monitor 2013 graduated in 2011–2012 JOB OPPORTUNITIES The percentage of students who report having found suitable work within 1.5 years after graduating. Only the national average for this category is given, as the number of HBO graduates available for this survey is typically too low to obtain useful figures. PLEASE NOTE: Due to a change in the way this figure is calculated, the 2013–2014 Studie in Cijfers leaflet (dated 31 May 2013) will show a lower value than the 2012–2013 leaflet (dated 1 September 2012) .2 These figures were taken from the HBO-Monitor, an annual survey of recent HBO graduates. A year and a half after graduating, these graduates are polled on whether they have found a suitable job, i.e. on an HBO graduate level or higher. In this case, these are 2011– 2012 graduates. 2 For the 2013–2014 Studie in Cijfers leaflet, the number of graduates who have found suitable work is compared to the total number of graduates. For the 2012–2013 leaflet, the umber of graduates who have found suitable work was mistakenly compared to the total number of graduates with a job. Version 1.1, February 2014 Detailed information on Studie in Cijfers (HBO) 2014 – 2015 Version 1.0, May 2014 Notice: No rights may be derived from Studie in Cijfers. This information is based on existing research and data that we try to keep up to date as much as possible. We expect this information will fairly represent future experiences, but we cannot guarantee that it will. Degree programmes may change in various ways, due to scheduling changes, higher or lower enrollment figures, mergers with other programmes et cetera. This may affect the relevance of existing data to current situations. Contact your programme director if you have questions about facts and figures on a degree programme or if you’re wondering why some figures are not available. Version 1.1, February 2014
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