PROVISIONAL EXAM SCHEDULE FACULTY ES FACULTY ES - 1st EXAMINATION PERIOD - 1st EXAMINATION SESSION JANUARY 2015 Monday 12th of January - Saturday 31st of January 2015 Title (Professor) Advanced Marketing (WILLEMS K.) Date Time Mon 19-Jan-2015 13:00 Advanced Methods for Communication Studies - Track: Business Modeling (VAN DEN BROECK W.) registration via pointcarré is obligatory - follow instructions prof. W. Van den Broeck Tue 20-Jan-2015 Advanced Methods for Communication Studies - Track: Business Modeling (VAN DEN BROECK W.) registration via pointcarré is obligatory - follow instructions prof. W. Van den Broeck Wed 21-Jan-2015 Advanced Methods for Communication Studies - Track: Policy Research (VAN DEN BROECK W.) registration via pointcarré is obligatory - follow instructions prof. W. Van den Broeck Thu 15-Jan-2015 Advanced Methods for Communication Studies - Track: Policy Research (VAN DEN BROECK W.) registration via pointcarré is obligatory - follow instructions prof. W. Van den Broeck Fri 16-Jan-2015 Advanced Methods for Communication Studies - Track: User Research (VAN DEN BROECK W.) registration via pointcarré is obligatory - follow instructions prof. W. Van den Broeck Tue 20-Jan-2015 Advanced Methods for Communication Studies - Track: User Research (VAN DEN BROECK W.) registration via pointcarré is obligatory - follow instructions prof. W. Van den Broeck Wed 21-Jan-2015 Advanced Methods for Communication Studies - Track: User Research (VAN DEN BROECK W.) registration via pointcarré is obligatory - follow instructions prof. W. Van den Broeck Fri 30-Jan-2015 Advanced Technology (VAN OVERMEIRE M.) exam according to arrangement with prof M. Van Overmeire Tue 27-Jan-2015 Advanced Technology (VAN OVERMEIRE M.) exam according to arrangement with prof M. Van Overmeire Wed 28-Jan-2015 BEWARE: This is a provisional and incomplete exam schedule. Missing exams, exam dates, times and rooms will be added later. 5-dec-2014 Page 1 of 9 PROVISIONAL EXAM SCHEDULE FACULTY ES FACULTY ES - 1st EXAMINATION PERIOD - 1st EXAMINATION SESSION JANUARY 2015 Monday 12th of January - Saturday 31st of January 2015 Title (Professor) Date Advanced Theoretical Debates: Digital Media Marketing (BLEYEN V.) registration via pointcarré is obligatory - follow instructions prof. V. Bleyen Fri 23-Jan-2015 Advanced Theoretical Debates: Digital Media Marketing (BLEYEN V.) registration via pointcarré is obligatory - follow instructions prof. V. Bleyen Tue 27-Jan-2015 Advanced Theoretical Debates: Digital Media Marketing (BLEYEN V.) registration via pointcarré is obligatory - follow instructions prof. V. Bleyen Wed 28-Jan-2015 Advanced Theoretical Debates: Media and Culture (CARPENTIER N.) verplicht inschrijven via pointcarré - volg instructies prof N. Carpentier Fri 16-Jan-2015 Advanced Theoretical Debates: Media and Culture (CARPENTIER N.) verplicht inschrijven via pointcarré - volg instructies prof N. Carpentier Wed 28-Jan-2015 Advanced Theoretical Debates: Media and Culture (CARPENTIER N.) verplicht inschrijven via pointcarré - volg instructies prof N. Carpentier Thu 29-Jan-2015 Advanced Theoretical Debates: New Media and Society (VAN DEN EEDE Y.) registration via pointcarré is obligatory - follow instructions prof. Y. Van Den Eede Mon 12-Jan-2015 Advanced Theoretical Debates: New Media and Society (VAN DEN EEDE Y.) registration via pointcarré is obligatory - follow instructions prof. Y. Van Den Eede Mon 19-Jan-2015 Advanced Theoretical Debates: New Media and Society (VAN DEN EEDE Y.) registration via pointcarré is obligatory - follow instructions prof. Y. Van Den Eede Wed 21-Jan-2015 Time BEWARE: This is a provisional and incomplete exam schedule. Missing exams, exam dates, times and rooms will be added later. 5-dec-2014 Page 2 of 9 PROVISIONAL EXAM SCHEDULE FACULTY ES FACULTY ES - 1st EXAMINATION PERIOD - 1st EXAMINATION SESSION JANUARY 2015 Monday 12th of January - Saturday 31st of January 2015 Title (Professor) Date Advanced Theoretical Debates: New Media and Society (VAN DEN EEDE Y.) registration via pointcarré is obligatory - follow instructions prof. Y. Van Den Eede Mon 26-Jan-2015 Advanced Theoretical Debates: New Media and Society (VAN DEN EEDE Y.) registration via pointcarré is obligatory - follow instructions prof. Y. Van Den Eede Tue 27-Jan-2015 Biotechnology (MUYLDERMANS S.) registration via pointcarré is obligatory - follow instructions prof. S. Muyldermans Mon 12-Jan-2015 Biotechnology (MUYLDERMANS S.) registration via pointcarré is obligatory - follow instructions prof. S. Muyldermans Tue 13-Jan-2015 Biotechnology (MUYLDERMANS S.) registration via pointcarré is obligatory - follow instructions prof. S. Muyldermans Thu 29-Jan-2015 Business Aspects of Biotechnology (CRISPEELS T.) inschrijven via pointcarré - volg instructies prof. T. Crispeels Mon 26-Jan-2015 Business Aspects of Biotechnology (CRISPEELS T.) inschrijven via pointcarré - volg instructies prof. T. Crispeels Tue 27-Jan-2015 Business Aspects of Biotechnology (CRISPEELS T.) inschrijven via pointcarré - volg instructies prof. T. Crispeels Wed 28-Jan-2015 China's Foreign Policy (GEERAERTS G.) registration via pointcarré is obligatory - follow instructions prof. G. Geeraerts Time Tue 13-Jan-2015 BEWARE: This is a provisional and incomplete exam schedule. Missing exams, exam dates, times and rooms will be added later. 5-dec-2014 Page 3 of 9 PROVISIONAL EXAM SCHEDULE FACULTY ES FACULTY ES - 1st EXAMINATION PERIOD - 1st EXAMINATION SESSION JANUARY 2015 Monday 12th of January - Saturday 31st of January 2015 Title (Professor) Date China's Foreign Policy (GEERAERTS G.) registration via pointcarré is obligatory - follow instructions prof. G. Geeraerts Wed 14-Jan-2015 Communication and Media Theories: Capita Selecta (LOISEN J.) Mon 26-Jan-2015 Comparative Communication Research (BAELDEN D.) verplicht inschrijven via pointcarré - volg instructies prof. D. Baelden Mon 12-Jan-2015 Comparative Communication Research (BAELDEN D.) verplicht inschrijven via pointcarré - volg instructies prof. D. Baelden Thu 22-Jan-2015 Critical Issues in Media Economics (BALLON P.) registration via pointcarré is obligatory - follow instructions prof. P. Ballon Tue 27-Jan-2015 Critical Issues in Media Economics (BALLON P.) registration via pointcarré is obligatory - follow instructions prof. P. Ballon Wed 28-Jan-2015 Time 14:00 Economics for Business (HENS L.) Tue 20-Jan-2015 18:00 Entrepreneurship (DENTCHEV N.) Mon 19-Jan-2015 13:00 Entrepreneurship (mondeling) (DENTCHEV N.) verdediging business plan - volg instructies prof. N. Dentchev Mon 19-Jan-2015 Ethics in International Relations (COPPIETERS B.) EU Institutions: Communication Strategies and Information Sources (MORGANTI L.) registration via pointcarré is obligatory - follow instructions prof. L. Morganti Thu 22-Jan-2015 13:00 Mon 12-Jan-2015 BEWARE: This is a provisional and incomplete exam schedule. Missing exams, exam dates, times and rooms will be added later. 5-dec-2014 Page 4 of 9 PROVISIONAL EXAM SCHEDULE FACULTY ES FACULTY ES - 1st EXAMINATION PERIOD - 1st EXAMINATION SESSION JANUARY 2015 Monday 12th of January - Saturday 31st of January 2015 Title (Professor) Date Time EU Institutions: Communication Strategies and Information Sources (MORGANTI L.) registration via pointcarré is obligatory - follow instructions prof. L. Morganti Tue 13-Jan-2015 European Economic Integration (BUTS C.) Thu 15-Jan-2015 18:00 European Innovation Policy (BURGELMAN J.) Fri 23-Jan-2015 9:00 European Media Policy (PAUWELS C.) registration via pointcarré is obligatory - follow instructions prof. C. Pauwels Fri 16-Jan-2015 European Media Policy (PAUWELS C.) registration via pointcarré is obligatory - follow instructions prof. C. Pauwels Wed 21-Jan-2015 European Media Policy (PAUWELS C.) registration via pointcarré is obligatory - follow instructions prof. C. Pauwels Fri 30-Jan-2015 European Monetary Policy (VAN HOVE L.) Mon 12-Jan-2015 18:00 European Population Issues (DEBOOSERE P.) Mon 26-Jan-2015 13:00 Tue 27-Jan-2015 18:00 Mon 19-Jan-2015 13:00 Financial and Managerial Accounting (MARTIN R.) Gender Diversity and Politics (WOODWARD A.) Governance, Law and Policy of the European Union (DEVUYST Y.) Students can choose the examination date (17, 24 or 31 January 2015). To register for the date wanted you have to log in to pointcarré and go to the course page for 'Political Structures and Processes of the European Union' (001166). By using the appointment tool you can register for 1 of the available dates. Sat 17-Jan-2015 BEWARE: This is a provisional and incomplete exam schedule. Missing exams, exam dates, times and rooms will be added later. 5-dec-2014 Page 5 of 9 PROVISIONAL EXAM SCHEDULE FACULTY ES FACULTY ES - 1st EXAMINATION PERIOD - 1st EXAMINATION SESSION JANUARY 2015 Monday 12th of January - Saturday 31st of January 2015 Title (Professor) Date Governance, Law and Policy of the European Union (DEVUYST Y.) Students can choose the examination date (17, 24 or 31 January 2015). To register for the date wanted you have to log in to pointcarré and go to the course page for 'Political Structures and Processes of the European Union' (001166). By using the appointment tool you can register for 1 of the available dates. Sat 24-Jan-2015 Governance, Law and Policy of the European Union (DEVUYST Y.) Students can choose the examination date (17, 24 or 31 January 2015). To register for the date wanted you have to log in to pointcarré and go to the course page for 'Political Structures and Processes of the European Union' (001166). By using the appointment tool you can register for 1 of the available dates. Sat 31-Jan-2015 Informatics for Management (DE BRUYNE S.) Tue 13-Jan-2015 Institutional and Political Aspects of the European Integration (DEVUYST Y.) Students can choose the examination date (17, 24 or 31 January 2015). To register for the date wanted you have to log in to pointcarré and go to the course page for 'Political Structures and Processes of the European Union' (001166). By using the appointment tool you can register for 1 of the available dates. Sat 17-Jan-2015 Institutional and Political Aspects of the European Integration (DEVUYST Y.) Students can choose the examination date (17, 24 or 31 January 2015). To register for the date wanted you have to log in to pointcarré and go to the course page for 'Political Structures and Processes of the European Union' (001166). By using the appointment tool you can register for 1 of the available dates. Sat 24-Jan-2015 Institutional and Political Aspects of the European Integration (DEVUYST Y.) Students can choose the examination date (17, 24 or 31 January 2015). To register for the date wanted you have to log in to pointcarré and go to the course page for 'Political Structures and Processes of the European Union' (001166). By using the appointment tool you can register for 1 of the available dates. Sat 31-Jan-2015 International Conflict Resolution (COPPIETERS B.) Wed 21-Jan-2015 Time 17:00 13:00 BEWARE: This is a provisional and incomplete exam schedule. Missing exams, exam dates, times and rooms will be added later. 5-dec-2014 Page 6 of 9 PROVISIONAL EXAM SCHEDULE FACULTY ES FACULTY ES - 1st EXAMINATION PERIOD - 1st EXAMINATION SESSION JANUARY 2015 Monday 12th of January - Saturday 31st of January 2015 Title (Professor) Date International Relations Theory (GEERAERTS G.) registration via pointcarré is obligatory - follow instructions prof. G. Geeraerts Thu 15-Jan-2015 International Relations Theory (GEERAERTS G.) registration via pointcarré is obligatory - follow instructions prof. G. Geeraerts Fri 16-Jan-2015 International Relations Theory (GEERAERTS G.) registration via pointcarré is obligatory - follow instructions prof. G. Geeraerts Mon 19-Jan-2015 International Relations Theory (GEERAERTS G.) registration via pointcarré is obligatory - follow instructions prof. G. Geeraerts Tue 20-Jan-2015 International Relations Theory (GEERAERTS G.) registration via pointcarré is obligatory - follow instructions prof. G. Geeraerts Wed 21-Jan-2015 Time International Trade (HENS L.) Thu 22-Jan-2015 17:00 Internet Censorship, Control and Governance (MORGANTI L.) registration via pointcarré is obligatory - follow instructions prof. L. Morganti Tue 27-Jan-2015 Internet Censorship, Control and Governance (MORGANTI L.) registration via pointcarré is obligatory - follow instructions prof. L. Morganti Wed 28-Jan-2015 Internet Censorship, Control and Governance (MORGANTI L.) registration via pointcarré is obligatory - follow instructions prof. L. Morganti Thu 29-Jan-2015 Introduction to Accounting (MARTIN R.) Thu 15-Jan-2015 18:00 Introduction to Finance (SCHOUPPE J.) Thu 22-Jan-2015 18:00 BEWARE: This is a provisional and incomplete exam schedule. Missing exams, exam dates, times and rooms will be added later. 5-dec-2014 Page 7 of 9 PROVISIONAL EXAM SCHEDULE FACULTY ES FACULTY ES - 1st EXAMINATION PERIOD - 1st EXAMINATION SESSION JANUARY 2015 Monday 12th of January - Saturday 31st of January 2015 Title (Professor) Date Time Fri 30-Jan-2015 18:00 Introduction to Management, Marketing and HRM (DENTCHEV N.) Thu 29-Jan-2015 18:00 IT Modeling and Economics (VERBEKE W.) Tue 27-Jan-2015 13:00 Management and Strategy (UK) (DOOMS M.) Sat 17-Jan-2015 17:00 Political Economy of Communication (VERHOEST P.) registration via pointcarré is obligatory - follow instructions prof. P. Verhoest Fri 16-Jan-2015 Political Economy of Communication (VERHOEST P.) registration via pointcarré is obligatory - follow instructions prof. P. Verhoest Fri 23-Jan-2015 Political Economy of Communication (VERHOEST P.) registration via pointcarré is obligatory - follow instructions prof. P. Verhoest Fri 30-Jan-2015 Introduction to IT and Operations Management (MACHARIS C.) Political Parties and Elections (DEPAUW S.) Wed 28-Jan-2015 Political Structures and Processes of the European Union (DEVUYST Y.) Students can choose the examination date (17, 24 or 31 January 2015). To register for the date wanted you have to log in to pointcarré and go to the course page for 'Political Structures and Processes of the European Union' (001166). By using the appointment tool you can register for 1 of the available dates. Sat 17-Jan-2015 Political Structures and Processes of the European Union (DEVUYST Y.) Students can choose the examination date (17, 24 or 31 January 2015). To register for the date wanted you have to log in to pointcarré and go to the course page for 'Political Structures and Processes of the European Union' (001166). By using the appointment tool you can register for 1 of the available dates. Sat 24-Jan-2015 9:00 BEWARE: This is a provisional and incomplete exam schedule. Missing exams, exam dates, times and rooms will be added later. 5-dec-2014 Page 8 of 9 PROVISIONAL EXAM SCHEDULE FACULTY ES FACULTY ES - 1st EXAMINATION PERIOD - 1st EXAMINATION SESSION JANUARY 2015 Monday 12th of January - Saturday 31st of January 2015 Title (Professor) Political Structures and Processes of the European Union (DEVUYST Y.) Students can choose the examination date (17, 24 or 31 January 2015). To register for the date wanted you have to log in to pointcarré and go to the course page for 'Political Structures and Processes of the European Union' (001166). By using the appointment tool you can register for 1 of the available dates. Date Time Sat 31-Jan-2015 Wed 21-Jan-2015 16:00 Thu 22-Jan-2015 9:00 Wed 28-Jan-2015 18:00 Research Methods for Business (VANHAVERBEKE L.) Sat 24-Jan-2015 13:00 Risk Management (VANDUFFEL S.) Sat 24-Jan-2015 13:00 Software for Management (VERBEKE W.) exam by appointment with professor W. Verbeke or assistant A. Thys Thu 15-Jan-2015 Software for Management (VERBEKE W.) exam by appointment with professor W. Verbeke or assistant A. Thys Thu 22-Jan-2015 Software for Management (VERBEKE W.) exam by appointment with professor W. Verbeke or assistant A. Thys Thu 29-Jan-2015 Sustainable Mobility and Logistics (MACHARIS C.) Thu 29-Jan-2015 13:00 Theory of European Economic Integration (BUTS C.) Thu 15-Jan-2015 18:00 Project Management (HAEZENDONCK E.) Public Policy Analysis (TANASESCU M.) Quantitative Methods for Business (DE MOOR L.) BEWARE: This is a provisional and incomplete exam schedule. Missing exams, exam dates, times and rooms will be added later. 5-dec-2014 Page 9 of 9
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