Results - icamh

ICAMH like to invite you to the:
AMHA European Championship Show 201 4
Saturday 6th and Sunday 7th September 201 4
ICAMH is proud to have had such great quality horse in the ring. It was a
wonderful show!
A big thank you to all the volunteers, sponsors and participants who made it such
a succes.
These results can be changed if the AMHA has any remarks on it.
Looking for more information on the different classes? Take a look at our website
on the showinformation page.
It is the owner/handler/exhibitor's responsibility to be on time for classes.
Smoking is prohibited only on assigned locations.
Dogs are allowed but have to be on a leash or in a bench.
Food and drinks are available on the grounds.
Free parking.
On the cover:
SMO Bailamos de Suerte
Owner: Modello Horse Farm
Sentower Park
Leemkuilstraat 21
B-3660 Opglabbeek
Mrs. Roswitha Boensma
Mr. Rene Hagen
Mrs. Caren Schoorl
Veterinairy on duty
Tel: +32 471 09 34 31 / T +32 496 1 0 93 73
Farrier on duty
Available at showground
Mrs. Marion Tubiana
Mrs. Margo Hepner-Hart, USA
Senior Judge
Mrs. Judy Wright, USA
Senior Judge
Mrs. Kathy Callahan-Smith, USA
AMHA Judge
Ribbons & Trophies
1 - 1 0 places
Supreme and Champion
Show starting time
08.30 hours
08.30 hours
1 7.00 - 1 9.30 hours
07.30 - 08.1 5 hours
Only on appointment with Showmanager
Contact info
[email protected]
Sentower Park
T +32 (0)89 20 1 8 00
Emergency ICAMH at showground
T +32 496 1 0 93 73
Weanlings cannot exceed 30 inches
Yearlings cannot exceed 32 inches
Two-year-olds cannot exceed 33 inches
3 years of age and older cannot exceed 34 inches
Entry closing date: August 1 8th, 201 4
Entry Fee:
Late entry fee:
Per horse
Per class
€ 3,50 per horse
€ 1 0,00
€ 20,00
€ 25,00
€ 50,00
€ 1 5,00
Stables will be available from thursday till monday morning.
Price of stable includes 2 bags of shavings.
Stable booked before the entry deadline
Stable booked after august 1 8th (if available)
€ 95,00
€ 1 50,00
Extra bag of shaving can be bought at showgrounds for € 1 0,00
Stables will be open 24 hours a day.
A showstand can be booked on the entry form for € 1 0,00
Sponsor packages will also be available on the entry form.
Links are available on the website for hotels and B&B near the showgrounds.
Diner will be availble on saturday evening and can be booked on the entry form.
With free accomplimentary spanish horse show 'Al son de la Garrocha'
Buffet Youth € 20,00
VIP Diner
€ 76,00
Buffet Adult
€ 30,00
Buffet non ICAMH member
€ 40,00
Upon collecting your exhibitor number, a guarantor fee has to be paid (in cash)
of € 5,00 per number. This amount is fully refundable when the number is
returned to the organization after the show.
Refunds will not be given without a veterinarian’s written certifcate stating why
the horse is unable to show (illness or injury). There will be no refunds on stalls,
sponsorship, showstand or diner. Substitutions will be accepted without penalty.
Order of Go at the discretion of the management of the European
Championship Show, random go orders will be generated by the computer.
When measuring, your horse’s passport will be checked for meeting the
requirements for valid vaccination against equine influenza. All horses must
have documentation, endorsed by a veterinarian, of an initial series of two
intramuscular injections for primary vaccination against equine influenza given
no less than 21 days and no more than 92 days apart. In addition, a booster
injection must be recorded as having been given at least within every 1 2 months
following the 2nd shot of the initial series.
Owners are responsible for knowing and meeting any health requirements
regarding the exhibition of horses and their transport between their home
location and the show. Please check with your local veterinarian
Amateur and Youth must provide a copy of their current Amateur or Youth card.
Applications for Amateur or Youth memberships will be available in the show
Cruelty, abuse or inhumane treatment of any horse in the show ring, barn,
stalls, or on the show grounds is strictly prohibited. The use of stimulants or
depressants or any drug affecting the showing of a horse is forbidden.
It is the tradition of the show ring that handlers be correctly attired for the
classes. Appropriate dress shall not include shorts, Tshirts or opentoed shoes.
Management may at its discretion bar any entry or person from entering the ring
if not suitably dressed to appear before an audience.
The sponsor and show management cannot be held responsible for any
accidents, damages, or loss to personal property or livestock.
All horses must be measured before entering the ring. Valid annual
measurement cards will not be accepted. For identification, either the original or
a color photocopy of both sides of each horse’s registration papers must be
presented to the official measurer at the time of measuring or the horse will not
be measured and cannot compete at the show. Exhibitor packets and numbers
will be issued after measurement.
Owners of AMHA senior stallions (3 & older) must present a Certificate of
Veterinary Inspection for cryptorchidism to show management prior to
participating. Form can be found on the AMHA website. Only the official AMHA
form will be accepted.
Two-minute Gate
The two-minute gate rule (GR-045B) will be followed.
Every horse entered in the show must have a valid AMHA registration
number on or before the close of entry date or will incur the appropriate Late
Fee(s). Listing of ownership on Regional Championship Show Entries is not
subject to any change after close of entries. Horses will be announced with
ownerships as recorded in the AMHA computer database on date entries closed.
Due to this, horses intended to be shown in a Amateur Class at the
European Championship Show must be tranferred before the entry closing date.
New registrations and tranfers postmarked one week prior to and through to the
entry closing date must include a expiditing fee of € 40,00 per horse for new
owners if you wish the horse's ownership to be announced in your name or want
to show the horse in a Amateur Class. Any new registrations and transfers
postmarked or entries recieved after the entry closing date will not be listed in
the catalog.
If you are registering or transferring a horse close to the show date, please allow
yourself enough time to receive your original registration papers back to present
at the show for measuring purposes. AMHA Show Letters will not be
In order to show at a Regional Championship Show, leases must be postmarked
and mailed (or hand delivered to the AMHA National Office) with the appropriate
fees on or before the close of entries for the AMHA Regional you attend. A
backdated lease will not be accepted. No exceptions will be made.
You can send in your Liberty music on the entry form, you can also hand it in
on USB stick when you pic up your starting numbers.
Entry forms can be found on the website
All amateur & Youth entries must be accompanied by a copy of the current
Amateur/Youth card.
Each horse entry must be accompanied by a copy of the
front and back of the AMHA papers.
Each adult stallion entry must be accompanied by a copy Veterinary Inspection
for cryptorchidism.
If the exhibitor in AMHA Amateur is not the same as the owner of the horse,
please include copy of the lease agreement with entry.
If you have any trouble with the online entry forms please contact the webmaster
for help at [email protected]
Classlist Saturday 6th
Show will start at 08:30 hours
1 . Open halter obstacle
2. Amateur halter obstacle
3. Youth halter obstacle 1 3 to 1 8 years of age
4. Youth halter obstacle 1 2 years of age and under
5. Open obstacle driving
6. Amateur Obstacle Driving
7. Youth obstacle driving 1 3 years of age and older
8. Youth obstacle driving 1 2 years of age and under
9. AOTE junior mares Lvl 1
1 0. AOTE senior mares Lvl 1
11 . Amateur junior mares 30” & under Lvl 1
1 2. Amateur junior mares over 30” up to and including 33” Lvl 1
1 3. Amateur senior mares 30” & under Lvl 1
1 4. Amateur senior mares over 30” up to and including 34” Lvl 1
1 5. AOTE country pleasure driving
1 6. AOTE classic pleasure driving
1 7. AOTE single pleasure driving
1 8. AOTE junior mares Lvl 2
1 9. AOTE senior mares Lvl 2
20. Amateur junior mares 30” & under Lvl 2
21 . Amateur junior mares over 30” up to and including 33” Lvl 2
22. Amateur senior mares 30” & under Lvl 2
23. Amateur senior mares over 30” up to and including 34” Lvl 2
24. Amateur Grand and Reserve Champion mare
(All 1st and 2nd places from classes: 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23)
25. Country pleasure driving – stallions
26. Youth roadster
27. Three by one owner **
28. Amateur showmanship
29. AOTE junior geldings Lvl 1 (prize money)
30. AOTE senior geldings Lvl 1 (prize money)
31 . Country pleasure driving - mares
32. Amateur junior geldings Lvl 1 (prize money)
33. Amateur senior geldings Lvl 1 (prize money)
34. AOTE junior geldings Lvl 2 (prize money)
35. AOTE senior geldings Lvl 2 (prize money)
36. Country pleasure driving - geldings
37. Amateur junior geldings Lvl 2 (prize money)
38. Amateur senior geldings Lvl 2 (prize money)
39. Amateur Grand and Reserve Champion gelding
(All 1st and 2nd places from classes: 29, 30, 32, 33, 34, 35, 37, 38)
40. Classic pleasure driving 32” and under
41 . Classic pleasure driving over 32” up to and including 34”
42. Open hunter
43. Amateur hunter
44. Youth hunter 1 3 to 1 8 years of age
45. Youth hunter 1 2 years of age and under
46. Single pleasure driving – stallions
47. YOTE geldings 1 8 years of age and under (prize money)
48. Youth 1 3 to 1 8 years of age exhibiting a gelding (prize money)
49. Youth 8 to 1 2 years of age exhibiting a gelding (prize money)
50. Youth 7 years of age and under exhibiting a gelding (prize money)
51 . Single pleasure driving - mares
52. AOTE junior stallions Lvl 1
53. AOTE senior stallions Lvl 1
54. Single pleasure driving - geldings
55. Amateur junior stallions 30” & under Lvl 1
56. Amateur junior stallions over 30” up to and including 33” Lvl 1
57. Amateur senior stallions 30” & under Lvl 1
58. Amateur senior stallions over 30” up to and including 34” Lvl 1
59. Amateur country pleasure driving
60. Youth classic pleasure driving
61 . AOTE junior stallions Lvl 2
62. AOTE senior stallions Lvl 2
63. Amateur junior stallions 30” and under Lvl 2
64. Amateur junior stallions over 30” up to and including 33” Lvl 2
65. YOTE mares 1 8 years of age and under
66. Youth 1 3 to 1 8 years of age exhibiting a mare
67. Youth 8 to 1 2 years of age exhibiting a mare
68. Youth 7 years of age and under exhibiting a mare
69. Amateur single pleasure driving
70. Youth special needs with mare or gelding
71 . Adult special needs with mare
72. Adult special needs with gelding or stallion
73. Get of sire **
74. Amateur classic pleasure driving
75. Amateur senior stallions 30” and under Lvl 2
76. Amateur senior stallions over 30” up to and including 34” Lvl 2
77. Amateur Grand and Reserve Champion stallion
(All 1st and 2nd places from classes: 52, 53, 55, 56, 57, 58, 61, 62, 63, 64, 75, 76)
78. President’s touch of class **
(No entry fee)
79. Liberty
80. Open roadster
Classlist Sunday 7th
Show will start at 08:30 hours
81 . Open jumper
82. Amateur jumper
83. Youth jumper 1 3 to 1 8 years of age
84. Youth jumper 1 2 years of age and under
85. Versatility
86. Youth versatility
87. Open multiple hitch light harness - pairs or tandem
88. Weanling mares 26” and under
89. Weanling mares over 26” up to and including 30”
90. Classic pleasure driving – stallions
91 . Youth country pleasure driving 1 3 to 1 8 years of age
92. Youth country pleasure driving 1 2 years of age and under
93. Yearling mares 28” and under
94. Yearling mares over 28” up to and including 30”
95. Yearling mares over 30” up to and including 32”
96. Classic pleasure driving - mares
97. Two-year-old mares 29” and under
98. Two-year-old mares over 29” up to and including 31 ”
99. Two-year-old mares over 31 ” up to and including 33”
1 00. Grand and Reserve Champion junior mare
(All 1st and 2nd places from classes: 88, 89, 93, 94, 95, 97, 98, 99)
1 01 . Classic pleasure driving - geldings
1 02. Produce of dam **
1 03. Yearling and weanling geldings
1 04. Two-year-old geldings
1 05. Grand and Reserve Champion junior gelding
(All 1st and 2nd places from classes: 103, 104)
1 06. Adult showmanship
1 07. Country pleasure driving 32” and under
1 08. Senior geldings 30” and under
1 09. Senior geldings over 30” up to and including 32”
11 0. Senior geldings over 32” up to and including 34”
111 . Grand and Reserve Champion senior gelding
(All 1st and 2nd places from classes: 108, 109, 110)
11 2. Country pleasure driving over 32” up to and including 34”
11 3. Youth showmanship 1 3 to 1 8 years of age
11 4. Youth showmanship 8 to 1 2 years of age
11 5. Youth showmanship 7 years of age and under
11 6. Amateur roadster
11 7. Weanling stallions 26”and under
11 8. Weanling stallions over 26” up to and including 30”
11 9. Youth costume
1 20. Adult costume
1 21 . Yearling stallions 28” and under
1 22. Yearling stallions over 28” up to and including 30”
1 23. Yearling stallions over 30” up to and including 32”
1 24. Grand and Reserve Champion country pleasure driving
(All 1st and 2nd places from classes: 15, 25, 31, 36, 59, 91, 92, 107, 112)
1 25. Two-year-old stallions 29” and under
1 26. Two-year-old stallions over 29” up to and including 31 ”
1 27. Two-year-old stallions over 31 ” up to and including 33”
1 28. Grand and Reserve Champion junior stallion
(All 1st and 2nd places from classes: 117, 118, 121, 122, 123, 125, 126, 127)
1 29. Grand and Reserve Champion classic pleasure driving
(All 1st and 2nd places from classes: 16, 40, 41, 60, 74, 90, 96, 101)
1 30. Multi-color mares (limited to pinto and appaloosa only)
1 31 . Solid color mares (open to all other colors)
1 32. Youth single pleasure driving
1 33. Reinsmanship **
1 34. Grand and Reserve Champion Roadster
(All 1st and 2nd places from classes: 26, 80, 116)
1 35. Senior mares 28” and under
1 36. Senior mares over 28” up to and including 30”
1 37. Senior mares over 30” up to and including 32”
1 38. Senior mares over 32” up to and including 34”
1 39. Grand and Reserve Champion senior mare
(All 1st and 2nd places from classes: 135, 136, 137, 138)
1 40. Single pleasure driving 32” and under
1 41 . Single pleasure driving over 32” up to and including 34”
1 42. Multi-color stallions and geldings (limited to pinto and appaloosa only)
1 43. Solid color stallions and geldings (open to all other colors)
1 44. Grand and Reserve Champion single pleasure driving
(All 1st and 2nd places from classes: 17, 46, 51, 54, 69, 132, 140, 141)
1 45. Special needs driving
1 46. Senior stallions 28” and under
1 47. Senior stallions over 28” up to and including 30”
1 48. Senior stallions over 30” up to and including 32”
1 49. Senior stallions over 32” up to and including 34”
1 50. Grand and Reserve Champion senior stallion
(All 1st and 2nd places from classes: 146, 147, 148, 149)
1 51 . AMHA European Youth Supreme Champion ** (non-approved)
(Open for all youth that participated in one of the Youth classes during this show, handler
will be judged not the horse)
1 52. AMHA European Amateur Supreme Champion ** (non-approved)
(Grand Champions from classes: 24, 39, 77)
1 53. AMHA European Supreme Champion ** (non-approved)
(Grand Champions from classes: 100, 105, 111, 128, 139, 150)
** non pointed classes
Classlist Saturday 6th
Show will start at 08:30 hours
1 . Open halter obstacle
1 01 . DD Too Hots Silk Treasure; A 1 58621 ; Gelding; 2005; Buckskin Pinto; Half
Measures GM Too Hot To Gamble x Bells Silk Stocking; Breeder: T Cornell or C
Coffman; Owner: Elsje & Karl Holtappels; Handler: Sam Bertrands
1 . Rose Dancing Cazador; A 21 0007; Stallion; 201 2; Bay Pinto; JSW Dancing
Deed x Sunraes Satans Shimeree; Breeder: R.T.M. Boensma; Owner &
Handler: Lian Janssen
1 3. ZBS Wonders Angel; A 1 9381 5; Mare; 2009; Black Roan; Flabys Wonder
Man x Lotsafun Tru Paisley; Breeder: Michele Halverson; Owner: J.P.K. Kuiper
& G.A. van Leur; Handler: J.P.K. Kuiper
2. Amateur halter obstacle
1 . Rose Dancing Cazador; A 21 0007; Stallion; 201 2; Bay Pinto; JSW Dancing
Deed x Sunraes Satans Shimeree; Breeder: R.T.M. Boensma; Owner &
Handler: Lian Janssen
1 3. ZBS Wonders Angel; A 1 9381 5; Mare; 2009; Black Roan; Flabys Wonder
Man x Lotsafun Tru Paisley; Breeder: Michele Halverson; Owner: J.P.K. Kuiper
& G.A. van Leur; Handler: J.P.K. Kuiper
3. Youth halter obstacle 1 3 to 1 8 years of age
No entries.
Gold Sponsor:
Modello Horse Farm
4. Youth halter obstacle 1 2 years of age and under
1 01 . DD Too Hots Silk Treasure; A 1 58621 ; Gelding; 2005; Buckskin Pinto; Half
Measures GM Too Hot To Gamble x Bells Silk Stocking; Breeder: T Cornell or C
Coffman; Owner: Elsje & Karl Holtappels; Handler: Sam Bertrands
90. Bellmills Superstar Las Vegas; A 1 78687; Gelding; 2007; MH Superstar x
Toyhorse Lady Bright Eyes; Breeder: A & C Moulin-van Royen; Owner: Bianca
de Warle; Handler: Anouk de Warle
22. Lucky Four Impressive Santa Fe Bey; A 1 211 62; Gelding; 2001 ; Bay; Lucky
Four Galahads Impressive x Martins Boozers Dark N Darling; Breeder: Wade S
Burns or Jon Woodring; Owner: Femke de Mey; Handler: Maxime Baert
89. DT Rebels Chasin Snowstorms; A 1 87038; Gelding; 2008; Silver Dapple
Pinto; Lucky Four Rebels Chasin Rainbows x KGL Zeros Isis; Breeder: Wade
Burns or Jon Woodring; Owner: Bianca de Warle; Handler: Anne Marije de Warle
5. Open obstacle driving
1 08. Em Pacs Pezula; A 1 87740; Stallion; 2008; Bay; HCM Bucks Em Pac x MH
Jupiters Wild Margarita; Breeder: Mrs. Barthy Lennings; Owner & Driver: Susan
1 09. TSS Em Pac Chocolate Gem; A 1 79850; Gelding; 2007; Bay; HCM Bucks
Em Pac x War Mans Southern Bell; Breeder: R & A van Nederpelt; Owner &
Driver: Susan Bijl
6. Amateur Obstacle Driving
Sponsored by: SB Miniature Horses Driving Stables
1 09. TSS Em Pac Chocolate Gem; A 1 79850; Gelding; 2007; Bay; HCM Bucks
Em Pac x War Mans Southern Bell; Breeder: R & A van Nederpelt; Owner:
Susan Bijl; Driver: Janny Hogeboom
7. Youth obstacle driving 1 3 years of age and older
No entries.
8. Youth obstacle driving 1 2 years of age and under
1 01 . DD Too Hots Silk Treasure; A 1 58621 ; Gelding; 2005; Buckskin Pinto; Half
Measures GM Too Hot To Gamble x Bells Silk Stocking; Breeder: T Cornell or C
Coffman; Owner: Elsje & Karl Holtappels; Driver: Sam Bertrands
9. AOTE junior mares Lvl 1
Sponsored by: The Junior Partnership
24. Arions Love Of Sophia; A 211 090; Mare; 201 2; Buckskin Pinto; Little Kings
Byzantine Buck x Aaprinas Destiny In Absolute Love; Breeder: John or Melinda
Eberth; Owner & Handler: Sophie Menheere
1 5. SSF Fajah By Baccarra; A 211 459; Mare; 201 2; Black; Lucky Four Rebels
Chasin Rainbows x Silver Plates Barbarina Baccarra; Breeder: Angelique van
Nederpelt; Lessee: Marco or Erica van der Heijden; Handler: Marco van der
78. Daddys Sparkling Treasure; A 21 4339; Mare; 201 2; Palomino; Samis Whose
Your Daddy x EBF Johns Gold Pearl; Breeder: Stephanie Arlenson; Owner:
Tanja Cremers or Kevin Lathouwers; Handler: Tanja Cremers
82. ERL Whisper; A 21 5406; Mare; 201 3; McCarthys Aloha Silent Partner x
Pecan Grove Customized Jewel; Breeder: Matha S. Hickham; Owner: Kai-Sven
Herrmann & Wolfgang Zager; Handler: Kai-Sven Herrmann
1 0. AOTE senior mares Lvl 1
66. Paradiseranch Montys Island Girl; A 204396; Mare; 201 0; Bay; Pepper Ridge
Montego Bay x Royal Oaks Impressive Dynamite; Breeder: Pia Runde
Hansen/Kevin Bojen; Owner & Handler: Lise Andersen
41 . STP Beethovens Grace N Honey; A 206208; Mare; 2011 ; Silver Bay; Indian
Peaks Buck Beethoven x EJH Dukes Lady Charmain; Breeder: Guy Verhulst;
Owner: Jamie van Zelst; Handler: Marlonne van Zelst
11 . Amateur junior mares 30” & under Lvl 1
67. EBF SH Juniors Confetti; A 21 5292; Mare; 201 2; Palomino Pinto; EBF Johns
Supreme Heritage x Diamond M Destinys Confetti; Breeder: Cedric Dubroecq;
Owner & Handler: Elsje Holtappels
77. EBF SH Like A Diamond In The Sky; A 21 6261 ; Mare; 201 3; Bay; EBF Johns
Supreme Heritage x EBF Lady Black Pearl By Daddy; Breeder: Cedric
Dubroecq; Owner: Kevin Lathouwers & Tanja Cremers; Handler: Tanja Cremers
50. Hopkins The Jokers Moonlight Ink; A 21 4786; Mare; 201 3; Black; Another
Dimension DWBS The Joker x Hopkins Valentine Idol; Breeder: Brad or Debra
Hopkins; Owner & Handler: Mrs. E.A.J. Jongbloed
64. EBF SH Let Me Be Your Fire Flame; A 21 5291 ; Mare; 201 3; Bay Pinto; EBF
Johns Supreme Heritage x Sonoita Invaders Catch A Fire; Breeder: Cedric
Dubroecq; Owner & Handler: Katia Thienpondt
1 2. Amateur junior mares over 30” up to and including 33” Lvl 1
Sponsored by: Elevage de la Buise
1 0.
68. Ravenwood Ever After; A 211 357; Mare; 201 2; Sorrel; Mccarthys Kryptonite
x Ravenwood Dominate The Ring; Breeder: Craig Westergaard or B Hall;
Owner: Elsje or Karl Holtappels; Handler: Karl Holtappels
24. Arions Love Of Sophia; A 211 090; Mare; 201 2; Buckskin Pinto; Little Kings
Byzantine Buck x Aaprinas Destiny In Absolute Love; Breeder: John or Melinda
Eberth; Owner & Handler: Sophie Menheere
1 4. Stal Heijden Velvetbucks Shirina; A 21 4982; Mare; 201 3; Black Pinto;
Libertymeres Velvet Buckeroo x Ravenwood Aristocrat Sweet As Pie; Breeder &
Owner: Marco or Erica van der Heijden; Handler: Marco van der Heijden
78. Daddys Sparkling Treasure; A 21 4339; Mare; 201 2; Palomino; Samis Whose
Your Daddy x EBF Johns Gold Pearl; Breeder: Stephanie Arlenson; Owner:
Tanja Cremers or Kevin Lathouwers; Handler: Tanja Lathouwers
28. SDZ Take Five Chanel; A 21 5049; Mare; 201 3; Black Pinto; HCM War Paints
Take Five x WF Bucks Cover Girl; Breeder: Prosper van Langehove; Lessee &
Handler: Steve Gaorgievski
53. Cremedela Hi Gear Estrella; A 21 7492; Mare; 201 3; Buckskin; Seahorse
Beyond Realitys Hi Gear x Rogers HSR Destinys Paltinum Star; Breeder:
Veronica Holtskog; Owner & Handler: Katia Thienpondt
47. Mini Persuasions Bling Queen; A 21 3724; Mare; 201 2; Sorrel Pinto; LM Idols
Bling x LM Hawks Liza Jane; Breeder: Peggy or Richard Ducharme; Owner:
Jamie van Zelst; Handler: Marlonne van Zelst
82. ERL Whisper; A 21 5406; Mare; 201 3; McCarthys Aloha Silent Partner x
Pecan Grove Customized Jewel; Breeder: Matha S. Hickham; Owner: Kai-Sven
Herrmann & Wolfgang Zager; Handler: Kai-Sven Herrmann
51 . SHM Westernboys Femme Fatal; A 21 0997; Mare; 201 2; Silver Dapple; SHM
Redis Western Boy x Alliance Zodiacs Inspiration; Breeder: Ben van de
Wetering; Owner & Handler: Mrs. E.A.J. Jongbloed
1 05. Bolvero Emblem Numero Uno; A 21 2537; Mare; 201 2; Black; Arions Private
Emblem x Bolvero Destiny Tess; Breeder & Owner: Leo Bollansee; Handler: Tom
1 3. Amateur senior mares 30” & under Lvl 1
48. Olympian Markers Pretty Littlewoman; A 1 80792; Mare; 2007; Grey; Aloha
Acres Magic Marker x Aloha Acres I Believe N Magic; Breeder: V Joan Richards;
Owner & Handler: Jamie van Zelst
42. Marschwood Awesome Secret; A 206551 ; Mare; 2011 ; Black; Astartes Untold
Secret x Darmond Sassy Sweet Pea; Breeder: Hein Marsch; Owner: Jamie van
Zelst; Handler: Marlonne van Zelst
1 4. Amateur senior mares over 30” up to and including 34” Lvl 1
66. Paradiseranch Montys Island Girl; A 204396; Mare; 201 0; Bay; Pepper Ridge
Montego Bay x Royal Oaks Impressive Dynamite; Breeder: Pia Runde
Hansen/Kevin Bojen; Owner & Handler: Lise Andersen
22. Sonoita Dominus In Style; A 201 773; Mare; 201 0; Quintessa Electributes
Dominus x Sonoita Invaders In Style; Breeder: Lori Barile Naveh; Owner &
Handler: Femke de Mey
1 07. Bolvero Emblem Esperanza; A 205957; Mare; 2011 ; Arions Private Emblem
x Bolvero Destiny Tess; Breeder & Owner: Leo Bollensee; Handler: Tom Torfs
37. SHM Westernboys Exotic Queen; A 207374; Mare; 2011 ; Silver Bay Pinto;
SHM Redis Western Boy x Houcks Monique; Breeder: Ben van de Wetering;
Lessee & Handler: Monia Wauters
41 . STP Beethovens Grace N Honey; A 206208; Mare; 2011 ; Silver Bay; Indian
Peaks Buck Beethoven x EJH Dukes Lady Charmain; Breeder: Guy Verhulst;
Owner: Jamie van Zelst; Handler: Marlonne van Zelst
1 5. AOTE country pleasure driving
86. SLC Kid Banana; A 20421 2; Stallion; 201 0; Bay; Samis Voyager x NXS
Duffys Dynamic Doll; Breeder: Sophie Collette; Owner & Driver: Mathilda Jansen
46. NL Moonlight Sampsons Skittles; A 1 99582; Gelding; 201 0; Black; Silver
Plates Baccarra Sampson x Darmond Strike Me Remarkable; Breeder: Mrs.
M.C. Fiege de Freitas; Owner & Driver: Pauline Donkers Nijenhuis
76. HCM Bucks Ebay; A 1 80928; Mare; 2006; Bay; Little Kings Almighty Buck x
HCM Navajo Hearts Delight; Breeder: B Goodwin or S or J Ruehle; Owner &
Driver: Elzeline Greeve-van Dijk
44. EBF Johns Prince Of Persia; A 200320; Stallion; 201 0; Sorrel Pinto; Samis
Vip Mr John x Sonoita Invaders Partytime; Breeder: Cedric Dubroecq; Owner:
John or Pauline Donkers; Driver: John Donkers
1 6. AOTE classic pleasure driving
66. Paradiseranch Montys Island Girl; A 204396; Mare; 201 0; Bay; Pepper Ridge
Montego Bay x Royal Oaks Impressive Dynamite; Breeder: Pia Runde
Hansen/Kevin Bojen; Owner & Driver: Lise Andersen
1 7. AOTE single pleasure driving
No entries
1 8. AOTE junior mares Lvl 2
1 8. DT Johns Dutch Design; A 21 0696; Mare; 201 2; Black Pinto; Samis Vip Mr
John x DT Velvet Dynamic Buckeroo; Breeder & Owner & Handler: Marije
97. Exquisite Idols Sheementa Hawk; A 21 3864; Mare; 201 2; Palomino Pinto;
First Knights Billy Idol x LM Hawks Bedazzled; Breeder: Janet F. King; Owner &
Handler: Audrey Julien
1 9. AOTE senior mares Lvl 2
No entries.
20. Amateur junior mares 30” & under Lvl 2
No entries.
21 . Amateur junior mares over 30” up to and including 33” Lvl 2
Sponsored by: Farm Little Creek
5. EBF SH Hot Fever; A 21 2400; Mare; 201 2; Buckskin; EBF Johns Supreme
Heritage x MH Tuffs Top Model; Breeder: Cedric Dubroecq; Owner: Brigitte
Blommaert or Dirk Blommaert; Handler: Dirk Blommaert
1 8. DT Johns Dutch Design; A 21 0696; Mare; 201 2; Black Pinto; Samis Vip Mr
John x DT Velvet Dynamic Buckeroo; Breeder & Owner & Handler: Marije
69. Samis For The Boys; A 21 5661 ; Mare; 201 3; Sorrel Pinto; Alamos Sirs Firey
Echo x Samis Zabella Bey; Breeder: Ron or Sami Scheuring; Owner & Handler:
Egbert Tiemann
97. Exquisite Idols Sheementa Hawk; A 21 3864; Mare; 201 2; Palomino Pinto;
First Knights Billy Idol x LM Hawks Bedazzled; Breeder: Janet F. King; Owner &
Handler: Audrey Julien
22. Amateur senior mares 30” & under Lvl 2
No entries.
23. Amateur senior mares over 30” up to and including 34” Lvl 2
No entries.
24. Amateur Grand and Reserve Champion mare
Grand Champion: 5. EBF SH Hot Fever; A 21 2400; Mare; 201 2; Buckskin; EBF Johns
Supreme Heritage x MH Tuffs Top Model; Breeder: Cedric Dubroecq; Owner: Brigitte
Blommaert or Dirk Blommaert
Reserve Grand Champion : 68. Ravenwood Ever After; A 211 357; Mare; 201 2; Sorrel;
Mccarthys Kryptonite x Ravenwood Dominate The Ring; Breeder: Craig Westergaard or B
Hall; Owner: Elsje or Karl Holtappels
25. Country pleasure driving – stallions
Sponsored by: InProPharma
1 08. Em Pacs Pezula; A 1 87740; Stallion; 2008; Bay; HCM Bucks Em Pac x MH
Jupiters Wild Margarita; Breeder: Mrs. Barthy Lennings; Owner & Driver: Susan
44. EBF Johns Prince Of Persia; A 200320; Stallion; 201 0; Sorrel Pinto; Samis
Vip Mr John x Sonoita Invaders Partytime; Breeder: Cedric Dubroecq; Owner:
John or Pauline Donkers; Driver: John Donkers
99. STP Eros Starfire; A 206209; Stallion; 2011 ; Bay Pi nto; MH Tuffs Eros
x Divinas Top Tahira; Breeder: Guy Verhulst; Owner & Driver: Annebet
26. Youth roadster
Sponsored by: Dream Team Miniatures
57. Martins Boozers Daring Difference; A 61 092; Stallion; 1 994; Sorrel Pinto;
Bond Boozer x My Own Minuet; Breeder: Lee or Barbara Martin; Owner:
Marlene E. Nielsen; Driver: Katja Bager
27. Three by one owner **
68. HT Miniatures
Ravenwood Ever After; A 211 357; Mare; 201 2; Sorrel; Mccarthys Kryptonite x
Ravenwood Dominate The Ring
Stars Genuine Granite; A 204844; Gelding; 2011 ; Black; Nirvanas Black Knight x
Glory Be Farm Rebels Lady Jingle
Condors Rule The World
28. Amateur showmanship
1 3. ZBS Wonders Angel; A 1 9381 5; Mare; 2009; Black Roan; Flabys Wonder
Man x Lotsafun Tru Paisley; Breeder: Michele Halverson; Owner: J.P.K. Kuiper &
G.A. van Leur; Handler: J.P.K. Kuiper
2. Rose Dancing Nimmerdor; A 21 0007; Stallion; 201 2; Buckskin Pinto; JSW
Dancing Deed x Santa Fe Starlight Of Rose; Breeder: R.T.M. Boensma; Owner
& Handler: Lian Janssen
29. AOTE junior geldings Lvl 1 (prize money)
No entries.
30. AOTE senior geldings Lvl 1 (prize money)
21 . Lucky Four Impressive Santa Fe Bey; A 1 211 62; Gelding; 2001 ; Bay; Lucky
Four Galahads Impressive x Martins Boozers Dark N Darling; Breeder: Wade S
Burns or Jon Woodring; Owner & Handler: Femke de Mey
89. DT Rebels Chasin Snowstorms; A 1 87038; Gelding; 2008; Silver Dapple
Pinto; Lucky Four Rebels Chasin Rainbows x KGL Zeros Isis; Breeder: Wade
Burns or Jon Woodring; Owner & Handler: Bianca de Warle
31 . Country pleasure driving - mares
76. HCM Bucks Ebay; A 1 80928; Mare; 2006; Bay; Little Kings Almighty Buck x
HCM Navajo Hearts Delight; Breeder: B Goodwin or S or J Ruehle; Owner &
Driver: Elzeline Greeve-van Dijk
75. Teglmosens Shyanne West; A 1 99927; Mare; 201 0; Bay; Westwind Farms
Bordeaux By Attitude x Rocholls Shoshone Dreams; Breeder: Anna & Henning
Kraegpoth; Lessee & Driver: Jill Poulsen
4. Sonoita Dazzling Doll; A 1 82824; Mare; 2007; Sorrel Pinto; OMP Dazzling
Dark Destiny x A D Remarkable Overture; Breeder: Lori Barile; Owner: Jan te
Grotenhuis & Sandra Muller; Driver: Sandra Muller
32. Amateur junior geldings Lvl 1 (prize money)
88. Cremedela Hi Gears Excalibur; A 21 8330; Gelding; 201 3; Bay; Seahorse
Beyond Realitys Hi Gear x SLC Blue Ice Baccara; Breeder: Veronica Holtskog;
Owner & Handler: Hannah Bouma
33. Amateur senior geldings Lvl 1 (prize money)
71 . Stars Genuine Granite; A 204844; Gelding; 2011 ; Black; Nirvanas Black
Knight x Glory Be Farm Rebels Lady Jingle; Breeder: Mike or Allison Rosauer;
Owner & Handler: Karl Holtappels
21 . Lucky Four Impressive Santa Fe Bey; A 1 211 62; Gelding; 2001 ; Bay; Lucky
Four Galahads Impressive x Martins Boozers Dark N Darling; Breeder: Wade S
Burns or Jon Woodring; Owner & Handler: Femke de Mey
89. DT Rebels Chasin Snowstorms; A 1 87038; Gelding; 2008; Silver Dapple
Pinto; Lucky Four Rebels Chasin Rainbows x KGL Zeros Isis; Breeder: Wade
Burns or Jon Woodring; Owner & Handler: Bianca de Warle
34. AOTE junior geldings Lvl 2 (prize money)
1 9. DT Dancing Party Trooper; A 21 4540; Gelding; 201 3; Silver Bay Pinto; JSW
Dancing Deed x DT Midnight Party Girl; Breeder & Owner & Handler: Marije
35. AOTE senior geldings Lvl 2 (prize money)
No entries.
36. Country pleasure driving - geldings
1 09. TSS Em Pac Chocolate Gem; A 1 79850; Gelding; 2007; Bay; HCM Bucks
Em Pac x War Mans Southern Bell; Breeder: R & A van Nederpelt; Owner &
Driver: Susan Bijl
1 01 . DD Too Hots Silk Treasure; A 1 58621 ; Gelding; 2005; Buckskin Pinto; Half
Measures GM Too Hot To Gamble x Bells Silk Stocking; Breeder: T Cornell or C
Coffman; Owner: Elsje & Karl Holtappels; Driver: Sam Bertrands
46. NL Moonlight Sampsons Skittles; A 1 99582; Gelding; 201 0; Black; Silver
Plates Baccarra Sampson x Darmond Strike Me Remarkable; Breeder: Mrs.
M.C. Fiege de Freitas; Owner & Driver: Pauline Donkers Nijenhuis
3. SLC Count Spotacular; A 1 70077; Gelding; 2006; Black; Wildnwoolys Spotted
Buck x NXS Dreamers Country Contessa; Breeder: Sophie Collette; Owner: Jan
te Grotenhuis & Sandra Muller; Driver: Mandy Konijn
37. Amateur junior geldings Lvl 2 (prize money)
72. LM Idols Feature; A 21 3663; Gelding; 201 2; First Knights Billy Idol x Mini
Persuasions LM Sweet Roses; Breeder: Janet F. King; Owner & Handler: Judith
1 9. DT Dancing Party Trooper; A 21 4540; Gelding; 201 3; Silver Bay Pinto; JSW
Dancing Deed x DT Midnight Party Girl; Breeder & Owner & Handler: Marije
38. Amateur senior geldings Lvl 2 (prize money)
No entries.
39. Amateur Grand and Reserve Champion gelding
Grand Champion : 71 . Stars Genuine Granite; A 204844; Gelding; 2011 ; Black; Nirvanas
Black Knight x Glory Be Farm Rebels Lady Jingle; Breeder: Mike or Allison Rosauer;
Owner: Karl Holtappels
Reserve Grand Champion : 21 . Lucky Four Impressive Santa Fe Bey; A 1 211 62;
Gelding; 2001 ; Bay; Lucky Four Galahads Impressive x Martins Boozers Dark N Darling;
Breeder: Wade S Burns or Jon Woodring; Owner: Femke de Mey
Silver Sponsor
InProPharma BV
40. Classic pleasure driving 32” and under
45. Lucky Four Suchabuck Starrific; A 1 93431 ; Mare; 2009; Buckskin; Silver
Plates Baccarra Couragio x Lucky Four Rebels Ritzybuck; Breeder: Wade S
Burns or Jon Woodring; Owner & Driver: Pauline Donkers Nijenhuis
41 . Classic pleasure driving over 32” up to and including 34”
Sponsored by: Farm Little Creek
40. Teglmosens Papapya Whiz; A 1 99926; Mare; 201 0; Sorrel; Blue Ribbon
Black Velvet G Whiz x Rio Reds Shooters Polka Dot; Breeder: Anna Kraegpoth;
Lessee & Driver: Simone Waitz Mosegaard
33. Schuwacht Stables No Limit Holdem; A 201 485; Stallion; 201 0; Bay Pinto;
Nehi Fools Gold x Showcase Little Black Diamond; Breeder: Herbert Klumpes;
Owner: Herbert Klumpes & Stephanie van Schie; Driver: Stephanie van Schie
22. Sonoita Dominus In Style; A 201 773; Mare; 201 0; Quintessa Electributes
Dominus x Sonoita Invaders In Style; Breeder: Lori Barile Naveh; Owner &
Driver: Femke de Mey
66. Paradiseranch Montys Island Girl; A 204396; Mare; 201 0; Bay; Pepper Ridge
Montego Bay x Royal Oaks Impressive Dynamite; Breeder: Pia Runde
Hansen/Kevin Bojen; Owner & Driver: Lise Andersen
42. Open hunter
40. Teglmosens Papapya Whiz; A 1 99926; Mare; 201 0; Sorrel; Blue Ribbon
Black Velvet G Whiz x Rio Reds Shooters Polka Dot; Breeder: Anna Kraegpoth;
Lessee & Handler: Simone Waitz Mosegaard
48. Olympian Markers Pretty Littlewoman; A 1 80792; Mare; 2007; Grey; Aloha
Acres Magic Marker x Aloha Acres I Believe N Magic; Breeder: V Joan Richards;
Owner & Handler: Jamie van Zelst
1 01 . DD Too Hots Silk Treasure; A 1 58621 ; Gelding; 2005; Buckskin Pinto; Half
Measures GM Too Hot To Gamble x Bells Silk Stocking; Breeder: T Cornell or C
Coffman; Owner: Elsje & Karl Holtappels; Handler: Sam Bertrands
41 . STP Beethovens Grace N Honey; A 206208; Mare; 2011 ; Silver Bay; Indian
Peaks Buck Beethoven x EJH Dukes Lady Charmain; Breeder: Guy Verhulst;
Owner & Handler: Jamie van Zelst
43. Amateur hunter
Sponsored by: Rose Miniature Horses
40. Teglmosens Papapya Whiz; A 1 99926; Mare; 201 0; Sorrel; Blue Ribbon
Black Velvet G Whiz x Rio Reds Shooters Polka Dot; Breeder: Anna Kraegpoth;
Lessee & Handler: Simone Waitz Mosegaard
48. Olympian Markers Pretty Littlewoman; A 1 80792; Mare; 2007; Grey; Aloha
Acres Magic Marker x Aloha Acres I Believe N Magic; Breeder: V Joan Richards;
Owner & Handler: Jamie van Zelst
41 . STP Beethovens Grace N Honey; A 206208; Mare; 2011 ; Silver Bay; Indian
Peaks Buck Beethoven x EJH Dukes Lady Charmain; Breeder: Guy Verhulst;
Owner & Handler: Jamie van Zelst
44. Youth hunter 1 3 to 1 8 years of age
55. Abrias Daring Eclipse; A 1 32292; Stallion; 2002; Sorrel; Martins Boozers
Daring Difference x Little Kings Kiss Of Buckeroo; Breeder: Stacy Sachen;
Owner: Katja & Gitte Bager & Malene Nielsen; Handler: Katja Bager
45. Youth hunter 1 2 years of age and under
90. Bellmills Superstar Las Vegas; A 1 78687; Gelding; 2007; MH Superstar x
Toyhorse Lady Bright Eyes; Breeder: A & C Moulin-van Royen; Owner: Bianca
de Warle; Handler: Anouk de Warle
1 01 . DD Too Hots Silk Treasure; A 1 58621 ; Gelding; 2005; Buckskin Pinto; Half
Measures GM Too Hot To Gamble x Bells Silk Stocking; Breeder: T Cornell or C
Coffman; Owner: Elsje & Karl Holtappels; Handler: Sam Bertrands
89. DT Rebels Chasin Snowstorms; A 1 87038; Gelding; 2008; Silver Dapple
Pinto; Lucky Four Rebels Chasin Rainbows x KGL Zeros Isis; Breeder: Wade
Burns or Jon Woodring; Owner: Bianca de Warle; Handler: Anne Marije de Warle
48. Olympian Markers Pretty Littlewoman; A 1 80792; Mare; 2007; Grey; Aloha
Acres Magic Marker x Aloha Acres I Believe N Magic; Breeder: V Joan Richards;
Owner: Jamie van Zelst; Handler: Guusje Wijnands
46. Single pleasure driving – stallions
55. Abrias Daring Eclipse; A 1 32292; Stallion; 2002; Sorrel; Martins Boozers
Daring Difference x Little Kings Kiss Of Buckeroo; Breeder: Stacy Sachen;
Owner: Katja & Gitte Bager & Malene Nielsen; Driver: Malene Nielsen
96. Flagstone Farms B Dazzled; A 1 95376; Stallion; 2009; Sorrel Pinto; Short
Acre Deserts Winford B x Oak Bay Two Times A Lady; Breeder: Julianna or Mark
Myers; Owner & Driver: Audrey Julien
47. YOTE geldings 1 8 years of age and under (prize money)
21 . Lucky Four Impressive Santa Fe Bey; A 1 211 62; Gelding; 2001 ; Bay; Lucky
Four Galahads Impressive x Martins Boozers Dark N Darling; Breeder: Wade S
Burns or Jon Woodring; Owner: Femke de Mey; Handler: Maxime Baert
89. DT Rebels Chasin Snowstorms; A 1 87038; Gelding; 2008; Silver Dapple
Pinto; Lucky Four Rebels Chasin Rainbows x KGL Zeros Isis; Breeder: Wade
Burns or Jon Woodring; Owner: Bianca de Warle; Handler: Anouk de Warle
90. Bellmills Superstar Las Vegas; A 1 78687; Gelding; 2007; MH Superstar x
Toyhorse Lady Bright Eyes; Breeder: A & C Moulin-van Royen; Owner: Bianca
de Warle; Handler: Thys de Warle
48. Youth 1 3 to 1 8 years of age exhibiting a gelding (prize money)
No entries.
49. Youth 8 to 1 2 years of age exhibiting a gelding (prize money)
Sponsored by: Farm Little Creek
71 . Stars Genuine Granite; A 204844; Gelding; 2011 ; Black; Nirvanas Black
Knight x Glory Be Farm Rebels Lady Jingle; Breeder: Mike or Allison Rosauer;
Owner: Elsje Holtappels; Handler: Sam Bertrands
21 . Lucky Four Impressive Santa Fe Bey; A 1 211 62; Gelding; 2001 ; Bay; Lucky
Four Galahads Impressive x Martins Boozers Dark N Darling; Breeder: Wade S
Burns or Jon Woodring; Owner: Femke de Mey; Handler: Maxime Baert
72. LM Idols Feature; A 21 3663; Gelding; 201 2; First Knights Billy Idol x Mini
Persuasions LM Sweet Roses; Breeder: Janet F. King; Owner: Judith Moore;
Handler: Joni Timmers
59. Heatside Standing Ovations; A 211 462; Gelding; 201 2; Aaprina In Ovations
Mashena x LR After Dark Lights Out; Breeder: Stephen & Alison Johnston;
Owner: Heather Way; Handler: Joseph Johnston
89. DT Rebels Chasin Snowstorms; A 1 87038; Gelding; 2008; Silver Dapple
Pinto; Lucky Four Rebels Chasin Rainbows x KGL Zeros Isis; Breeder: Wade
Burns or Jon Woodring; Owner: Bianca de Warle; Handler: Anne Marije de Warle
90. Bellmills Superstar Las Vegas; A 1 78687; Gelding; 2007; MH Superstar x
Toyhorse Lady Bright Eyes; Breeder: A & C Moulin-van Royen; Owner: Bianca
de Warle; Handler: Anouk de Warle
50. Youth 7 years of age and under exhibiting a gelding (prize money)
89. DT Rebels Chasin Snowstorms; A 1 87038; Gelding; 2008; Silver Dapple
Pinto; Lucky Four Rebels Chasin Rainbows x KGL Zeros Isis; Breeder: Wade
Burns or Jon Woodring; Owner: Bianca de Warle; Handler: Thys de Warle
1 2. Sonoita Invaders Smooth Jazz; A 1 98554; Gelding; 2009; Palomino Pinto;
Another Dimension DWB S Invader x Sonoita Highlands Summertime; Breeder:
Lori Barile Naveh; Owner: Emma Williams; Handler: Jacob Adams
51 . Single pleasure driving - mares
62. MRMS Chips Superstition; A 1 60572; Mare; 2004; Buckskin; Samis Mr
Banana Chip x Montys Glory B; Breeder: B Jasper or M. Meacham; Owner &
Driver: Christel Moulin-van Royen
56. Elizabeth The Queen; A 202248; Mare; 201 0; Silver Dapple Pinto; Grosshill
Dandys Cheating Heart x V & L 3T Scarlet Lace; Breeder: Elizabeth Eversfield;
Owner: Katja Bager or Gitte Bager; Driver: Katja Bager
52. AOTE junior stallions Lvl 1
Sponsored by: The Junior Partnership
1 6. SSF Velvetbucks Levi; A 21 0341 ; Stallion; 201 2; Bay; Libertymeres Velvet
Buckeroo x Lucky Four Rebelchase Halana; Breeder: Angelique van Nederpelt;
Lessee: Erica & Marco van der Heijden; Handler: Marco van der Heijden
83. BMS Heritages Royal Edition; A 21 3249; Stallion; 201 2; EBF Johns
Supreme Heritage x First Knight High Flying Adored; Breeder & Owner:
Kai-Svenn Herrmann and/or Wolfgang Zager; Handler: Kai-Sven Herrmann
23. SSF Velvetbucks I Am Ready To Shine; A 21 61 67; Stallion; 201 3; Bay Pinto;
Libertymeres Velvet Buckeroo x Lucky Four Skippa Sierra Supreme; Breeder:
Angelique van Nederpelt; Owner & Handler: Femke de Mey
2. Rose Dancing Nimmerdor; A 21 0007; Stallion; 201 2; Buckskin Pinto; JSW
Dancing Deed x Santa Fe Starlight Of Rose; Breeder: R.T.M. Boensma; Owner
& Handler: Lian Janssen
38. SHM Westernboys Gentleman; A 21 5763; Stallion; 201 3; Silver Dapple
Pinto; SHM Redis Western Boy x Alliance Zodiacs Inspiration; Breeder: Ben van
de Wetering; Owner & Handler: Eva Santermans
53. AOTE senior stallions Lvl 1
1 00. Arabian Star Of Pegasus; A 207658; Stallion; 2011 ; Grullo; Silver Plate
Baccarra Black Gold x Het Veldhuis Sunrise; Breeder: Willy Maebe; Owner:
Petra Mom; Handler: Maurice Felkers
86. SLC Kid Banana; A 20421 2; Stallion; 201 0; Bay; Samis Voyager x NXS
Duffys Dynamic Doll; Breeder: Sophie Collette; Owner & Handler: Mathilda
54. Single pleasure driving - geldings
No entries.
55. Amateur junior stallions 30” & under Lvl 1
80. EBF SH Royal Baroque; A 21 5335; Stallion; 201 3; Silver Buckskin Pinto;
EBF Johns Supreme Heritage x Sonoitas Lady Ramona; Breeder: Cedric
Dubroecq; Owner: Tanja Cremers & Kevin Lathouwers; Handler: Tanja Cremers
Modello MT Ballamos Bellini; A 2201 85; Owner: Jamie & Marlonne van Zelst;
Handler: Marlonne van Zelst
79. Lucky Four Rebelsupreme Flyn Colors; A 21 01 94; Stallion; 201 2; Palomino
Pinto; Lucky Four Rebelchase Rebelsupreme x Lucky Four Splendor Supreme;
Breeder: Wade S Burns or Jon Woodring; Owner: Kevin Lathouwers & Tanja
Cremers; Handler: Kevin Lathouwers
11 0. EBF Cuttys Made In France; A 21 5334; Stallion; 201 3; Chestnut Pinto;
Pecan Grove Chargers Customized x Texas LL Miss Mystic; Breeder: Martha S
Hickham; Owner: Dirk & Brigitte Blommaert; Handler: Brigitte Blommaert
56. Amateur junior stallions over 30” up to and including 33” Lvl 1
Sponsored by: Modello Horse Farm
70. Maccarthys Storm Warning; A 21 4236; Stallion; 201 2; Red Roan; NFCS
Superman x Mccarthys Blonde Ambition; Breeder: Edward J. Mccarthy II;
Owner: Elsje or Karl Holtappels; Handler: Elsje Holtappels
1 6. SSF Velvetbucks Levi; A 21 0341 ; Stallion; 201 2; Bay; Libertymeres Velvet
Buckeroo x Lucky Four Rebelchase Halana; Breeder: Angelique van Nederpelt;
Lessee: Erica & Marco van der Heijden; Handler: Marco van der Heijden
83. BMS Heritages Royal Edition; A 21 3249; Stallion; 201 2; EBF Johns
Supreme Heritage x First Knight High Flying Adored; Breeder & Owner: KaiSvenn Herrmann and/or Wolfgang Zager; Handler: Kai-Sven Herrmann
29. TF Crow Feathers Sly Guy; A 21 0461 ; Stallion; 201 2; Bay; Bear Branch
Crow Feather x Double Diamonds Thiefs Dancer; Breeder: Tina Fisseler;
Lessee & Handler: Steve Gaorgievski
23. SSF Velvetbucks I Am Ready To Shine; A 21 61 67; Stallion; 201 3; Bay Pinto;
Libertymeres Velvet Buckeroo x Lucky Four Skippa Sierra Supreme; Breeder:
Angelique van Nederpelt; Owner & Handler: Femke de Mey
1 04. Vermilyea Farms Byzness Tycoon; A 21 0791 ; Stallion; 201 2; Sorrel Pinto;
Little Kings Byzantine Buck x The Kids My Bay Lady; Breeder: William C
Humphries; Owner: Leo Bollansee; Handler: Tom Torfs
20. Cremedela Alas De Fuego; A 21 281 7; Stallion; 201 2; Chestnut Pinto;
Seahorse Echos Arabian Wingz x Knells Lady In Red; Breeder: Veronica
Holtskog; Owner & Handler: Kim Shawyer
34. SHM Westernboys Gift From Nature; A 21 5770; Stallion; 201 3; Sorrel Pinto;
SHM Redis Western Boy x Little Kings Let Er Buck; Breeder: Ben van de
Wetering; Lessee & Handler: Monia Wauters
38. SHM Westernboys Gentleman; A 21 5763; Stallion; 201 3; Silver Dapple
Pinto; SHM Redis Western Boy x Alliance Zodiacs Inspiration; Breeder: Ben van
de Wetering; Owner & Handler: Eva Santermans
57. Amateur senior stallions 30” & under Lvl 1
1 06. Grandviews Toy Comrad; A 1 70771 ; Stallion; 2006; Sorrel; Bond Atoy4U C
x Vermilyeas Echos Prima Donna; Breeder: Barbara & Steve Mattison; Owner:
Leo Bollansee; Handler: Tom Torfs
65. Oasis XS Beyond Belief; A 1 93869; Stallion; 2009; Palomino; First Knights
Billy Idol x Asa Boy Blues Secret Love; Breeder: Janet King or Mike Buerkley;
Lessee & Handler: Tanja Cremers
58. Amateur senior stallions over 30” up to and including 34” Lvl 1
Sponsored by: Elevage de la Buise
35. Alliance Majestics Mine All Mine; A 2001 75; Stallion; 201 0; Black; Sequoia
Majestics Mime x Uno Minuet; Breeder: Mike or Terry Hlavatovic; Lessee &
Handler: Monia Wauters
74. Condors Rule The World; A 208082; Stallion; 2011 ; First Knight Breakin All
The Rules x Beloveds Royal Athena; Breeder: Abby Condor; Owner: Elsje or
Karl Holtappels; Handler: Karl Holtappels
32. MCS Priceless DJ Stijn; A 205581 ; Stallion; 2011 ; Buckskin; Seahorse
Orions Priceless x Blue Chips Echos 4x Supreme Dream; Breeder: Claudia
Heijmans; Owner: Herbert Klumpes & Stephanie van Schie; Handler: Herbert
54. Cremedela Columbus; A 21 281 9; Stallion; 201 0; Buckskin; Seahorse Echos
Arabian Wingz x Briar Patch Mohawks Chaos; Breeder: Veronica Holtskog;
Owner & Handler: Katia Thienpondt
86. SLC Kid Banana; A 20421 2; Stallion; 201 0; Bay; Samis Voyager x NXS
Duffys Dynamic Doll; Breeder: Sophie Collette; Owner & Handler: Mathilda
Bronze + Sponsors
The Junior Partnership
Elevage de la Buise
Dream Team Miniatures
59. Amateur country pleasure driving
Sponsored by: InProPharma
1 09. TSS Em Pac Chocolate Gem; A 1 79850; Gelding; 2007; Bay; HCM Bucks
Em Pac x War Mans Southern Bell; Breeder: R & A van Nederpelt; Owner:
Susan Bijl; Driver: Janny Hogeboom
43. Westwind Farms Bordeaux By Attitude; A 1 83003; Stallion; 2007; Silver Bay
Pinto; Flying Aces Unos Noble Attitude x Alvadars Double Chardonnay; Breeder:
Cammie Cavanaugh; Owner: Anna or Henning Kraegpoth or Simone Waitz
Mosegaard; Driver: Simone Waitz Mosegaard
76. HCM Bucks Ebay; A 1 80928; Mare; 2006; Bay; Little Kings Almighty Buck x
HCM Navajo Hearts Delight; Breeder: B Goodwin or S or J Ruehle; Owner &
Driver: Elzeline Greeve-van Dijk
46. NL Moonlight Sampsons Skittles; A 1 99582; Gelding; 201 0; Black; Silver
Plates Baccarra Sampson x Darmond Strike Me Remarkable; Breeder: Mrs.
M.C. Fiege de Freitas; Owner & Driver: Pauline Donkers Nijenhuis
75. Teglmosens Shyanne West; A 1 99927; Mare; 201 0; Bay; Westwind Farms
Bordeaux By Attitude x Rocholls Shoshone Dreams; Breeder: Anna & Henning
Kraegpoth; Lessee & Driver: Jill Poulsen
44. EBF Johns Prince Of Persia; A 200320; Stallion; 201 0; Sorrel Pinto; Samis
Vip Mr John x Sonoita Invaders Partytime; Breeder: Cedric Dubroecq; Owner:
John or Pauline Donkers; Driver: John Donkers
99. STP Eros Starfire; A 206209; Stallion; 2011 ; Bay Pinto; MH Tuffs Eros x
Divinas Top Tahira; Breeder: Guy Verhulst; Owner & Driver: Annebet Vercammen
4. Sonoita Dazzling Doll; A 1 82824; Mare; 2007; Sorrel Pinto; OMP Dazzling
Dark Destiny x A D Remarkable Overture; Breeder: Lori Barile; Owner: Jan te
Grotenhuis & Sandra Muller; Driver: Sandra Muller
60. Youth classic pleasure driving
22. Sonoita Dominus In Style; A 201 773; Mare; 201 0; Quintessa Electributes
Dominus x Sonoita Invaders In Style; Breeder: Lori Barile Naveh; Owner: Femke
de Mey; Driver: Maxime Baert
89. DT Rebels Chasin Snowstorms; A 1 87038; Gelding; 2008; Silver Dapple
Pinto; Lucky Four Rebels Chasin Rainbows x KGL Zeros Isis; Breeder: Wade
Burns or Jon Woodring; Owner: Bianca de Warle; Handler: Anne Marije de Warle
61 . AOTE junior stallions Lvl 2
No entries.
62. AOTE senior stallions Lvl 2
No entries.
63. Amateur junior stallions 30” and under Lvl 2
7. HP Johns Lucky Nr Seven; A 21 9457; Stallion; Palomino Pinto; Samis Vip Mr
John x Modello Blue Phantom True Romance; Breeder & Owner: Dirk & Brigitte
Blommaert; Handler: Dirk Blommaert
64. Amateur junior stallions over 30” up to and including 33” Lvl 2
6. EBF Pol SH Cyrano; A 211 293; Stallion; 201 2; Bay Pinto; EBF Johns
Supreme Heritage x Alamos Streaker Golden Echo; Breeder: Nicole Verbeke;
Owner: Dirk & Brigitte Blommaert; Handler: Dirk Blommaert
65. YOTE mares 1 8 years of age and under
No entries.
66. Youth 1 3 to 1 8 years of age exhibiting a mare
63. RH Idols Voodoo Queen; A 21 01 76; Mare; 201 2; Black; First Knights Billy
Idol x LM Hawks Voo Doo Medicine; Breeder: Jennifer Hasslinger; Lessee:
Rachel Moulin; Handler: Jordy Spriet
67. Youth 8 to 1 2 years of age exhibiting a mare
67. EBF SH Juniors Confetti; A 21 5292; Mare; 201 2; Palomino Pinto; EBF Johns
Supreme Heritage x Diamond M Destinys Confetti; Breeder: Cedric Dubroecq;
Owner: Elsje Holtappels; Handler: Sam Bertrands
50. Hopkins The Jokers Moonlight Ink; A 21 4786; Mare; 201 3; Black; Another
Dimension DWBS The Joker x Hopkins Valentine Idol; Breeder: Brad or Debra
Hopkins; Owner: Mrs. E.A.J. Jongbloed; Handler: Joni Timmers
22. Sonoita Dominus In Style; A 201 773; Mare; 201 0; Quintessa Electributes
Dominus x Sonoita Invaders In Style; Breeder: Lori Barile Naveh; Owner: Femke
de Mey; Handler: Maxime Baert
47. Mini Persuasions Bling Queen; A 21 3724; Mare; 201 2; Sorrel Pinto; LM Idols
Bling x LM Hawks Liza Jane; Breeder: Peggy or Richard Ducharme; Owner:
Jamie van Zelst; Handler: Guusje Wijnands
48. Olympian Markers Pretty Littlewoman; A 1 80792; Mare; 2007; Grey; Aloha
Acres Magic Marker x Aloha Acres I Believe N Magic; Breeder: V Joan
Richards; Owner: Jamie van Zelst; Handler: Sanne Wijnands
42. Marschwood Awesome Secret; A 206551 ; Mare; 2011 ; Black; Astartes
Untold Secret x Darmond Sassy Sweet Pea; Breeder: Hein Marsch; Owner:
Jamie van Zelst; Handler: Gwendolyn Hulshout
68. Youth 7 years of age and under exhibiting a mare
1 0. LM Hawks Vhanatee Ink; A 207402; Mare; 2011 ; Bay Pinto; Champion
Farms Nighthawk x LM Partners Vhanatee Hawk; Breeder: Janet King or Mike
Buerkley; Owner: Emma Williams; Handler: Jacob Adams
Bronze Sponsors
Farm Little Creek
SB Miniature Horses Driving Stables
Tikitano Farm
69. Amateur single pleasure driving
55. Abrias Daring Eclipse; A 1 32292; Stallion; 2002; Sorrel; Martins Boozers
Daring Difference x Little Kings Kiss Of Buckeroo; Breeder: Stacy Sachen;
Owner: Katja & Gitte Bager & Malene Nielsen; Driver: Malene Nielsen
62. MRMS Chips Superstition; A 1 60572; Mare; 2004; Buckskin; Samis Mr
Banana Chip x Montys Glory B; Breeder: B Jasper or M. Meacham; Owner &
Driver: Christel Moulin-van Royen
96. Flagstone Farms B Dazzled; A 1 95376; Stallion; 2009; Sorrel Pinto; Short
Acre Deserts Winford B x Oak Bay Two Times A Lady; Breeder: Julianna or
Mark Myers; Owner & Driver: Audrey Julien
70. Youth special needs with mare or gelding
89. DT Rebels Chasin Snowstorms; A 1 87038; Gelding; 2008; Silver Dapple
Pinto; Lucky Four Rebels Chasin Rainbows x KGL Zeros Isis; Breeder: Wade
Burns or Jon Woodring; Owner: Bianca de Warle; Handler: Anouk de Warle
71 . Adult special needs with mare
No entries.
72. Adult special needs with gelding or stallion
2. Rose Dancing Nimmerdor; A 21 0007; Stallion; 201 2; Buckskin Pinto; JSW
Dancing Deed x Santa Fe Starlight Of Rose; Breeder: R.T.M. Boensma; Owner
& Handler: Lian Janssen
73. Get of sire **
EBF Johns Supreme Heritage
74. Amateur classic pleasure driving
45. Lucky Four Suchabuck Starrific; A 1 93431 ; Mare; 2009; Buckskin; Silver
Plates Baccarra Couragio x Lucky Four Rebels Ritzybuck; Breeder: Wade S
Burns or Jon Woodring; Owner: Pauline Donkers Nijenhuis; Driver: John
22. Sonoita Dominus In Style; A 201 773; Mare; 201 0; Quintessa Electributes
Dominus x Sonoita Invaders In Style; Breeder: Lori Barile Naveh; Owner &
Driver: Femke de Mey
40. Teglmosens Papapya Whiz; A 1 99926; Mare; 201 0; Sorrel; Blue Ribbon
Black Velvet G Whiz x Rio Reds Shooters Polka Dot; Breeder: Anna Kraegpoth;
Lessee & Driver: Simone Waitz Mosegaard
66. Paradiseranch Montys Island Girl; A 204396; Mare; 201 0; Bay; Pepper
Ridge Montego Bay x Royal Oaks Impressive Dynamite; Breeder: Pia Runde
Hansen/Kevin Bojen; Owner & Driver: Lise Andersen
33. Schuwacht Stables No Limit Holdem; A 201 485; Stallion; 201 0; Bay Pinto;
Nehi Fools Gold x Showcase Little Black Diamond; Breeder: Herbert Klumpes;
Owner: Herbert Klumpes & Stephanie van Schie; Driver: Stephanie van Schie
75. Amateur senior stallions 30” and under Lvl 2
No entries.
76. Amateur senior stallions over 30” up to and including 34” Lvl 2
No entries.
77. Amateur Grand and Reserve Champion stallion
Grand Champion : 70. Maccarthys Storm Warning; A 21 4236; Stallion; 201 2; Red Roan;
NFCS Superman x Mccarthys Blonde Ambition; Breeder: Edward J. Mccarthy II; Owner:
Elsje or Karl Holtappels
Reserve Grand Champion : 35. Alliance Majestics Mine All Mine; A 2001 75; Stallion;
201 0; Black; Sequoia Majestics Mime x Uno Minuet; Breeder: Mike or Terry Hlavatovic;
Lessee & Handler: Monia Wauters
78. President’s touch of class ** (No entry fee)
1 08. Em Pacs Pezula; A 1 87740; Stallion; 2008; Bay; HCM Bucks Em Pac x MH
Jupiters Wild Margarita; Breeder: Mrs. Barthy Lennings
TSS Em Pac Chocolate Gem; A 1 79850; Gelding; 2007; Bay; HCM Bucks Em
Pac x War Mans Southern Bell; Breeder: R & A van Nederpelt
Owner & Driver: Susan Bijl
55. Abrias Daring Eclipse; A 1 32292; Stallion; 2002; Sorrel; Martins Boozers
Daring Difference x Little Kings Kiss Of Buckeroo; Breeder: Stacy Sachen;
Owner: Katja & Gitte Bager & Malene Nielsen; Driver: Malene Nielsen
4. Sonoita Dazzling Doll; A 1 82824; Mare; 2007; Sorrel Pinto; OMP Dazzling
Dark Destiny x A D Remarkable Overture; Breeder: Lori Barile; Owner: Jan te
Grotenhuis & Sandra Muller; Driver: Sandra Muller
75. Teglmosens Shyanne West; A 1 99927; Mare; 201 0; Bay; Westwind Farms
Bordeaux By Attitude x Rocholls Shoshone Dreams; Breeder: Anna & Henning
Kraegpoth; Lessee & Driver: Jill Poulsen
22. Sonoita Dominus In Style; A 201 773; Mare; 201 0; Quintessa Electributes
Dominus x Sonoita Invaders In Style; Breeder: Lori Barile Naveh; Owner &
Driver: Femke de Mey
39. Stars Gives Me Fever; A 1 98997; Stallion; 201 0; Black; Nirvanas Black
Knight x Miss Crissy; Breeder: Ken or Nell Jackson; Owner: Anna or Henning
Krogpoth; Driver: Simone Waitz Mosegaard
33. Schuwacht Stables No Limit Holdem; A 201 485; Stallion; 201 0; Bay Pinto;
Nehi Fools Gold x Showcase Little Black Diamond; Breeder: Herbert Klumpes;
Owner: Herbert Klumpes & Stephanie van Schie; Driver: Stephanie van Schie
99. STP Eros Starfire; A 206209; Stallion; 2011 ; Bay Pinto; MH Tuffs Eros x
Divinas Top Tahira; Breeder: Guy Verhulst; Owner & Driver: Annebet Vercammen
79. Liberty (random go order will be generated by the computer for judging this class)
Sponsored by: Tikitano Farm
1 0.
48. Olympian Markers Pretty Littlewoman; A 1 80792; Mare; 2007; Grey; Aloha
Acres Magic Marker x Aloha Acres I Believe N Magic; Breeder: V Joan
Richards; Owner & Handler: Jamie van Zelst
39. Stars Gives Me Fever; A 1 98997; Stallion; 201 0; Black; Nirvanas Black
Knight x Miss Crissy; Breeder: Ken or Nell Jackson; Owner: Anna or Henning
Krogpoth; Handler: Simone Waitz Mosegaard
1 2. Sonoita Invaders Smooth Jazz; A 1 98554; Gelding; 2009; Palomino Pinto;
Another Dimension DWB S Invader x Sonoita Highlands Summertime; Breeder:
Lori Barile Naveh; Owner & Handler: Emma Williams
42. Marschwood Awesome Secret; A 206551 ; Mare; 2011 ; Black; Astartes
Untold Secret x Darmond Sassy Sweet Pea; Breeder: Hein Marsch; Owner &
Handler: Jamie van Zelst
11 . Brookhavens Calvin Klein By Design; A 1 97278; Gelding; 2009; Red Roan;
Fallen Ash Farms Scouts Dark Design x Brookhaven LK Deja Blue; Breeder:
Merry E. Black; Owner & Handler: Emma Williams
86. SLC Kid Banana; A 20421 2; Stallion; 201 0; Bay; Samis Voyager x NXS
Duffys Dynamic Doll; Breeder: Sophie Collette; Owner & Handler: Mathilda
11 8. Modello Meeting Phantom Stand By Me; A 211 849; Lessee & Handler:
Cassandra Beuvry
47. Mini Persuasions Bling Queen; A 21 3724; Mare; 201 2; Sorrel Pinto; LM Idols
Bling x LM Hawks Liza Jane; Breeder: Peggy or Richard Ducharme; Owner &
Handler: Jamie van Zelst
40. Teglmosens Papapya Whiz; A 1 99926; Mare; 201 0; Sorrel; Blue Ribbon
Black Velvet G Whiz x Rio Reds Shooters Polka Dot; Breeder: Anna Kraegpoth;
Lessee & Handler: Simone Waitz Mosegaard
25. DT Pattons Jack Frost; A 21 41 21 ; Stallion; 201 3; Silver Dapple; DT Midnight
Painted Patton x KGL Zeros Isis; Breeder: Marije Rademaker; Owner: Johan
Meyers; Handler: Cindel Brusselaers
80. Open roadster
Sponsored by: Rose Miniature Horses
57. Martins Boozers Daring Difference; A 61 092; Stallion; 1 994; Sorrel Pinto;
Bond Boozer x My Own Minuet; Breeder: Lee or Barbara Martin; Owner &
Driver: Marlene E. Nielsen
58. Astartes Secret Passion; A 1 55375; Mare; 2004; Black Pinto; Candylands
Best Kept Secreat x Magic Place Passion Flower; Breeder: Rosanne Goodman;
Owner & Driver: Christel Moulin-van Royen
3. SLC Count Spotacular; A 1 70077; Gelding; 2006; Black; Wildnwoolys Spotted
Buck x NXS Dreamers Country Contessa; Breeder: Sophie Collette; Owner: Jan
te Grotenhuis & Sandra Muller; Driver: Mandy Konijn
Pearl Sponsors
RJ Flex Design
HT Miniatures
Classlist Sunday 7th
81 . Open jumper
Show will start at 08:30 hours
1 01 . DD Too Hots Silk Treasure; A 1 58621 ; Gelding; 2005; Buckskin Pinto; Half
Measures GM Too Hot To Gamble x Bells Silk Stocking; Breeder: T Cornell or C
Coffman; Owner: Elsje & Karl Holtappels; Handler: Sam Bertrands
48. Olympian Markers Pretty Littlewoman; A 1 80792; Mare; 2007; Grey; Aloha
Acres Magic Marker x Aloha Acres I Believe N Magic; Breeder: V Joan Richards;
Owner & Handler: Jamie van Zelst
82. Amateur jumper
43. Westwind Farms Bordeaux By Attitude; A 1 83003; Stallion; 2007; Silver Bay
Pinto; Flying Aces Unos Noble Attitude x Alvadars Double Chardonnay; Breeder:
Cammie Cavanaugh; Owner: Anna or Henning Kraegpoth or Simone Waitz
Mosegaard; Handler: Simone Waitz Mosegaard
48. Olympian Markers Pretty Littlewoman; A 1 80792; Mare; 2007; Grey; Aloha
Acres Magic Marker x Aloha Acres I Believe N Magic; Breeder: V Joan Richards;
Owner & Handler: Jamie van Zelst
83. Youth jumper 1 3 to 1 8 years of age
No entries.
84. Youth jumper 1 2 years of age and under
90. Bellmills Superstar Las Vegas; A 1 78687; Gelding; 2007; MH Superstar x
Toyhorse Lady Bright Eyes; Breeder: A & C Moulin-van Royen; Owner: Bianca
de Warle; Handler: Anouk de Warle
89. DT Rebels Chasin Snowstorms; A 1 87038; Gelding; 2008; Silver Dapple
Pinto; Lucky Four Rebels Chasin Rainbows x KGL Zeros Isis; Breeder: Wade
Burns or Jon Woodring; Owner: Bianca de Warle; Handler: Anne Marije de Warle
48. Olympian Markers Pretty Littlewoman; A 1 80792; Mare; 2007; Grey; Aloha
Acres Magic Marker x Aloha Acres I Believe N Magic; Breeder: V Joan Richards;
Owner: Jamie van Zelst; Handler: Guusje Wijnands
1 01 . DD Too Hots Silk Treasure; A 1 58621 ; Gelding; 2005; Buckskin Pinto; Half
Measures GM Too Hot To Gamble x Bells Silk Stocking; Breeder: T Cornell or C
Coffman; Owner: Elsje & Karl Holtappels; Handler: Sam Bertrands
85. Versatility
Sponsored by: SB Miniature Horses Driving Stables
96. Flagstone Farms B Dazzled; A 1 95376; Stallion; 2009; Sorrel Pinto; Short
Acre Deserts Winford B x Oak Bay Two Times A Lady; Breeder: Julianna or Mark
Myers; Owner & Driver: Audrey Julien
55. Abrias Daring Eclipse; A 1 32292; Stallion; 2002; Sorrel; Martins Boozers
Daring Difference x Little Kings Kiss Of Buckeroo; Breeder: Stacy Sachen;
Owner: Katja & Gitte Bager & Malene Nielsen; Handler: Malene Nielsen
Diamond Sponsors
Stal Heijden
Elevage de la Buise
Farm Little Creek
86. Youth versatility
1 01 . DD Too Hots Silk Treasure; A 1 58621 ; Gelding; 2005; Buckskin Pinto; Half
Measures GM Too Hot To Gamble x Bells Silk Stocking; Breeder: T Cornell or C
Coffman; Owner: Elsje & Karl Holtappels; Handler: Sam Bertrands
22. Sonoita Dominus In Style; A 201 773; Mare; 201 0; Quintessa Electributes
Dominus x Sonoita Invaders In Style; Breeder: Lori Barile Naveh; Owner: Femke
de Mey; Handler: Maxime Baert
56. Elizabeth The Queen; A 202248; Mare; 201 0; Silver Dapple Pinto; Grosshill
Dandys Cheating Heart x V & L 3T Scarlet Lace; Breeder: Elizabeth Eversfield;
Owner: Katja Bager or Gitte Bager; Handler: Katja Bager
89. DT Rebels Chasin Snowstorms; A 1 87038; Gelding; 2008; Silver Dapple
Pinto; Lucky Four Rebels Chasin Rainbows x KGL Zeros Isis; Breeder: Wade
Burns or Jon Woodring; Owner: Bianca de Warle; Handler: Anne Marije de Warle
87. Open multiple hitch light harness - pairs or tandem
1 08. Em Pacs Pezula; A 1 87740; Stallion; 2008; Bay; HCM Bucks Em Pac x MH
Jupiters Wild Margarita; Breeder: Mrs. Barthy Lennings
TSS Em Pac Chocolate Gem; A 1 79850; Gelding; 2007; Bay; HCM Bucks Em
Pac x War Mans Southern Bell; Breeder: R & A van Nederpelt
Owner & Driver: Susan Bijl
88. Weanling mares 26” and under
No entries.
89. Weanling mares over 26” up to and including 30”
27. ZBS Beethovens Jump Around; A 21 9541 ; Mare; 201 4; Buckskin; Indian
Peaks Buck Beethoven x Journeys End Midas Golden Girl; Breeder & Owner &
Handler: Steve Gaorgievski
11 2. Modello Hawks EJ Ballerina Hawk; A 2201 87; Owner: Nathalie Marmuse;
Handler: Sander Demuynck
Stal Heijden Velvetbucks Timona; A 21 8834; Owner: Marco & Erica van der
Heijden; Handler: Marco van der Heijden
11 7. Modello Dya Phantom Leto; A 220204; Owner: Nathalie Marmuse; Handler:
Camille Cosson
90. Classic pleasure driving – stallions
Sponsored by: Dream Team Miniatures
33. Schuwacht Stables No Limit Holdem; A 201 485; Stallion; 201 0; Bay Pinto;
Nehi Fools Gold x Showcase Little Black Diamond; Breeder: Herbert Klumpes;
Owner: Herbert Klumpes & Stephanie van Schie; Driver: Stephanie van Schie
91 . Youth country pleasure driving 1 3 to 1 8 years of age
57. Martins Boozers Daring Difference; A 61 092; Stallion; 1 994; Sorrel Pinto;
Bond Boozer x My Own Minuet; Breeder: Lee or Barbara Martin; Owner:
Marlene E. Nielsen; Driver: Katja Bager
92. Youth country pleasure driving 1 2 years of age and under
1 01 . DD Too Hots Silk Treasure; A 1 58621 ; Gelding; 2005; Buckskin Pinto; Half
Measures GM Too Hot To Gamble x Bells Silk Stocking; Breeder: T Cornell or C
Coffman; Owner: Elsje & Karl Holtappels; Driver: Sam Bertrands
93. Yearling mares 28” and under
64. EBF SH Let Me Be Your Fire Flame; A 21 5291 ; Mare; 201 3; Bay Pinto; EBF
Johns Supreme Heritage x Sonoita Invaders Catch A Fire; Breeder: Cedric
Dubroecq; Owner: Katia Thienpondt; Handler: Cedric Dubroecq
87. SDL Take Five Princess; A 21 4895; Mare; 201 3; Black Pinto; HCM War
Paints Take Five x Het Veldhuis Early Dreamcatcher; Breeder & Owner &
Handler: Nathalie Poels
Decoration Sponsor
‘t Bloemenhofke
94. Yearling mares over 28” up to and including 30”
Sponsored by: Farm Little Creek
67. EBF SH Juniors Confetti; A 21 5292; Mare; 201 2; Palomino Pinto; EBF Johns
Supreme Heritage x Diamond M Destinys Confetti; Breeder: Cedric Dubroecq;
Owner & Handler: Elsje Holtappels
50. Hopkins The Jokers Moonlight Ink; A 21 4786; Mare; 201 3; Black; Another
Dimension DWBS The Joker x Hopkins Valentine Idol; Breeder: Brad or Debra
Hopkins; Owner: Mrs. E.A.J. Jongbloed; Handler: Joni Timmers
77. EBF SH Like A Diamond In The Sky; A 21 6261 ; Mare; 201 3; Bay; EBF Johns
Supreme Heritage x EBF Lady Black Pearl By Daddy; Breeder: Cedric
Dubroecq; Owner: Kevin Lathouwers & Tanja Cremers; Handler: Cedric
Modello Streaker Phantom Phoebe; A 21 9077; Owner: Jaqueline Mantovani;
Handler: Sander Demuynck
93. Pinetrees UK Eagles Summer Dream; A 21 8009; Mare; 201 3; Buckskin;
Double Diamond Thiefs Soaring Eagle x PRF Summer Love Affair; Breeder &
Owner: Mike & Sylvia Hook; Handler: Alison Johnston
95. Yearling mares over 30” up to and including 32”
69. Samis For The Boys; A 21 5661 ; Mare; 201 3; Sorrel Pinto; Alamos Sirs Firey
Echo x Samis Zabella Bey; Breeder: Ron or Sami Scheuring; Owner: Egbert
Tiemann; Handler: Guy Verhulst
1 4. Stal Heijden Velvetbucks Shirina; A 21 4982; Mare; 201 3; Black Pinto;
Libertymeres Velvet Buckeroo x Ravenwood Aristocrat Sweet As Pie; Breeder &
Owner: Marco or Erica van der Heijden; Handler: Marco van der Heijden
11 9. Modello EBF Hawks SH Dolce Vita; A 21 6334; Owner: Nathalie Marmuse;
Handler: Cedric Dubroecq
28. SDZ Take Five Chanel; A 21 5049; Mare; 201 3; Black Pinto; HCM War Paints
Take Five x WF Bucks Cover Girl; Breeder: Prosper van Langehove; Lessee &
Handler: Steve Gaorgievski
1 22. Modello Hawks Buck Nell Blue Hawk; A 21 9009; Lessee: Camille Cosson;
Handler: Sander Demuynck
1 21 . Modello Hawks Loumir Loumede Hawk; A 21 6333; Lessee: Cassandra
Beuvry; Handler: Camille Cosson
96. Classic pleasure driving - mares
45. Lucky Four Suchabuck Starrific; A 1 93431 ; Mare; 2009; Buckskin; Silver
Plates Baccarra Couragio x Lucky Four Rebels Ritzybuck; Breeder: Wade S
Burns or Jon Woodring; Owner & Driver: Pauline Donkers Nijenhuis
22. Sonoita Dominus In Style; A 201 773; Mare; 201 0; Quintessa Electributes
Dominus x Sonoita Invaders In Style; Breeder: Lori Barile Naveh; Owner &
Driver: Femke de Mey
40. Teglmosens Papapya Whiz; A 1 99926; Mare; 201 0; Sorrel; Blue Ribbon
Black Velvet G Whiz x Rio Reds Shooters Polka Dot; Breeder: Anna Kraegpoth;
Lessee & Driver: Simone Waitz Mosegaard
66. Paradiseranch Montys Island Girl; A 204396; Mare; 201 0; Bay; Pepper Ridge
Montego Bay x Royal Oaks Impressive Dynamite; Breeder: Pia Runde
Hansen/Kevin Bojen; Owner & Driver: Lise Andersen
97. Two-year-old mares 29” and under
No entries.
98. Two-year-old mares over 29” up to and including 31 ”
Sponsored by: Tikitano Farm
5. EBF SH Hot Fever; A 21 2400; Mare; 201 2; Buckskin; EBF Johns Supreme
Heritage x MH Tuffs Top Model; Breeder: Cedric Dubroecq; Owner: Brigitte
Blommaert or Dirk Blommaert; Handler: Dirk Blommaert
1 5. SSF Fajah By Baccarra; A 211 459; Mare; 201 2; Black; Lucky Four Rebels
Chasin Rainbows x Silver Plates Barbarina Baccarra; Breeder: Angelique van
Nederpelt; Lessee: Marco or Erica van der Heijden; Handler: Marco van der
30. ZBS Take Five Shania; A 21 21 82; Mare; 201 2; Black; HCM War Paints Take
Five x Lotsafun Tru Luvs Magic; Breeder: S. Gaorgievski & M. de Buyser;
Lessee & Handler: Steve Gaorgievski
78. Daddys Sparkling Treasure; A 21 4339; Mare; 201 2; Palomino; Samis Whose
Your Daddy x EBF Johns Gold Pearl; Breeder: Stephanie Arlenson; Owner:
Tanja Cremers or Kevin Lathouwers; Handler: Tanja Cremers
1 8. DT Johns Dutch Design; A 21 0696; Mare; 201 2; Black Pinto; Samis Vip Mr
John x DT Velvet Dynamic Buckeroo; Breeder & Owner & Handler: Marije
97. Exquisite Idols Sheementa Hawk; A 21 3864; Mare; 201 2; Palomino Pinto;
First Knights Billy Idol x LM Hawks Bedazzled; Breeder: Janet F. King; Owner &
Handler: Audrey Julien
99. Two-year-old mares over 31 ” up to and including 33”
Sponsored by: Modello Horse Farm
51 . SHM Westernboys Femme Fatal; A 21 0997; Mare; 201 2; Silver Dapple; SHM
Redis Western Boy x Alliance Zodiacs Inspiration; Breeder: Ben van de
Wetering; Owner: Mrs. E.A.J. Jongbloed; Handler: Ben van de Wetering
68. Ravenwood Ever After; A 211 357; Mare; 201 2; Sorrel; Mccarthys Kryptonite
x Ravenwood Dominate The Ring; Breeder: Craig Westergaard or B Hall;
Owner: Elsje or Karl Holtappels; Handler: Guy Verhulst
63. RH Idols Voodoo Queen; A 21 01 76; Mare; 201 2; Black; First Knights Billy
Idol x LM Hawks Voo Doo Medicine; Breeder: Jennifer Hasslinger; Lessee:
Rachel Moulin; Handler: Cedric Dubroecq
24. Arions Love Of Sophia; A 211 090; Mare; 201 2; Buckskin Pinto; Little Kings
Byzantine Buck x Aaprinas Destiny In Absolute Love; Breeder: John or Melinda
Eberth; Owner & Handler: Sophie Menheere
47. Mini Persuasions Bling Queen; A 21 3724; Mare; 201 2; Sorrel Pinto; LM Idols
Bling x LM Hawks Liza Jane; Breeder: Peggy or Richard Ducharme; Owner:
Jamie van Zelst; Handler: Marlonne van Zelst
1 00. Grand and Reserve Champion junior mare
Grand Champion : 5. EBF SH Hot Fever; A 21 2400; Mare; 201 2; Buckskin; EBF Johns
Supreme Heritage x MH Tuffs Top Model; Breeder: Cedric Dubroecq; Owner: Brigitte
Blommaert or Dirk Blommaert
Reserve Grand Champion : 69. Samis For The Boys; A 21 5661 ; Mare; 201 3; Sorrel
Pinto; Alamos Sirs Firey Echo x Samis Zabella Bey; Breeder: Ron or Sami Scheuring;
Owner: Egbert Tiemann
1 01 . Classic pleasure driving - geldings
61 . SLC Rebel Ranger; A 21 01 02; Gelding; 2011 ; Buckskin Pinto; Samis
Voyager x NXS Egos Pretty Paige; Breeder: Sophie Collette; Owner & Driver:
Christel Moulin-van Royen
1 02. Produce of dam **
1 30. Elvira Jazz; A 1 83623
Modello Hawks EJ Ballarina Hawk
Modello Hawks EJ Citizen Cane
1 03. Yearling and weanling geldings
1 9. DT Dancing Party Trooper; A 21 4540; Gelding; 201 3; Silver Bay Pinto; JSW
Dancing Deed x DT Midnight Party Girl; Breeder & Owner & Handler: Marije
88. Cremedela Hi Gears Excalibur; A 21 8330; Gelding; 201 3; Bay; Seahorse
Beyond Realitys Hi Gear x SLC Blue Ice Baccara; Breeder: Veronica Holtskog;
Owner & Handler: Hannah Bouma
1 04. Two-year-old geldings
72. LM Idols Feature; A 21 3663; Gelding; 201 2; First Knights Billy Idol x Mini
Persuasions LM Sweet Roses; Breeder: Janet F. King; Owner: Judith Moore;
Handler: Guy Verhulst
59. Heatside Standing Ovations; A 211 462; Gelding; 201 2; Aaprina In Ovations
Mashena x LR After Dark Lights Out; Breeder: Stephen & Alison Johnston;
Owner: Heather Way; Handler: Alison Johnston
1 05. Grand and Reserve Champion junior gelding
Grand Champion : 72. LM Idols Feature; A 21 3663; Gelding; 201 2; First Knights Billy Idol
x Mini Persuasions LM Sweet Roses; Breeder: Janet F. King; Owner: Judith Moore
Reserve Grand Champion : 1 9. DT Dancing Party Trooper; A 21 4540; Gelding; 201 3;
Silver Bay Pinto; JSW Dancing Deed x DT Midnight Party Girl; Breeder & Owner: Marije
1 06. Adult showmanship
1 3. ZBS Wonders Angel; A 1 9381 5; Mare; 2009; Black Roan; Flabys Wonder
Man x Lotsafun Tru Paisley; Breeder: Michele Halverson; Owner: J.P.K. Kuiper &
G.A. van Leur; Handler: J.P.K. Kuiper
2. Rose Dancing Nimmerdor; A 21 0007; Stallion; 201 2; Buckskin Pinto; JSW
Dancing Deed x Santa Fe Starlight Of Rose; Breeder: R.T.M. Boensma; Owner
& Handler: Lian Janssen
1 07. Country pleasure driving 32” and under
1 08. Em Pacs Pezula; A 1 87740; Stallion; 2008; Bay; HCM Bucks Em Pac x MH
Jupiters Wild Margarita; Breeder: Mrs. Barthy Lennings; Owner & Driver: Susan
39. Stars Gives Me Fever; A 1 98997; Stallion; 201 0; Black; Nirvanas Black
Knight x Miss Crissy; Breeder: Ken or Nell Jackson; Owner: Anna or Henning
Krogpoth; Driver: Simone Waitz Mosegaard
HCM Bucks Ebay; A 1 80928; Mare; 2006; Bay; Little Kings Almighty Buck x HCM
Navajo Hearts Delight; Breeder: B Goodwin or S or J Ruehle; Owner & Driver:
Elzeline Greeve-van Dijk
44. EBF Johns Prince Of Persia; A 200320; Stallion; 201 0; Sorrel Pinto; Samis
Vip Mr John x Sonoita Invaders Partytime; Breeder: Cedric Dubroecq; Owner:
John or Pauline Donkers; Driver: John Donkers
46. NL Moonlight Sampsons Skittles; A 1 99582; Gelding; 201 0; Black; Silver
Plates Baccarra Sampson x Darmond Strike Me Remarkable; Breeder: Mrs.
M.C. Fiege de Freitas; Owner & Driver: Pauline Donkers Nijenhuis
3. SLC Count Spotacular; A 1 70077; Gelding; 2006; Black; Wildnwoolys Spotted
Buck x NXS Dreamers Country Contessa; Breeder: Sophie Collette; Owner: Jan
te Grotenhuis & Sandra Muller; Driver: Mandy Konijn
99. STP Eros Starfire; A 206209; Stallion; 2011 ; Bay Pinto; MH Tuffs Eros x
Divinas Top Tahira; Breeder: Guy Verhulst; Owner & Driver: Annebet Vercammen
1 08. Senior geldings 30” and under
No entries.
1 09. Senior geldings over 30” up to and including 32”
Sponsored by: Elevage de la Buise
21 . Lucky Four Impressive Santa Fe Bey; A 1 211 62; Gelding; 2001 ; Bay; Lucky
Four Galahads Impressive x Martins Boozers Dark N Darling; Breeder: Wade S
Burns or Jon Woodring; Owner: Femke de Mey; Handler: Maxime Baert
1 2. Sonoita Invaders Smooth Jazz; A 1 98554; Gelding; 2009; Palomino Pinto;
Another Dimension DWB S Invader x Sonoita Highlands Summertime; Breeder:
Lori Barile Naveh; Owner & Handler: Emma Williams
11 0. Senior geldings over 32” up to and including 34”
71 . Stars Genuine Granite; A 204844; Gelding; 2011 ; Black; Nirvanas Black
Knight x Glory Be Farm Rebels Lady Jingle; Breeder: Mike or Allison Rosauer;
Owner: Elsje Holtappels; Handler: Guy Verhulst
11 . Brookhavens Calvin Klein By Design; A 1 97278; Gelding; 2009; Red Roan;
Fallen Ash Farms Scouts Dark Design x Brookhaven LK Deja Blue; Breeder:
Merry E. Black; Owner & Handler: Emma Williams
111 . Grand and Reserve Champion senior gelding
Grand Champion : 71 . Stars Genuine Granite; A 204844; Gelding; 2011 ; Black; Nirvanas
Black Knight x Glory Be Farm Rebels Lady Jingle; Breeder: Mike or Allison Rosauer;
Owner: Elsje Holtappels
Reserve Grand Champion : 21 . Lucky Four Impressive Santa Fe Bey; A 1 211 62;
Gelding; 2001 ; Bay; Lucky Four Galahads Impressive x Martins Boozers Dark N Darling;
Breeder: Wade S Burns or Jon Woodring; Owner: Femke de Mey
11 2. Country pleasure driving over 32” up to and including 34”
Sponsored by: InProPharma
43. Westwind Farms Bordeaux By Attitude; A 1 83003; Stallion; 2007; Silver Bay
Pinto; Flying Aces Unos Noble Attitude x Alvadars Double Chardonnay; Breeder:
Cammie Cavanaugh; Owner: Anna or Henning Kraegpoth or Simone Waitz
Mosegaard; Driver: Simone Waitz Mosegaard
1 01 . DD Too Hots Silk Treasure; A 1 58621 ; Gelding; 2005; Buckskin Pinto; Half
Measures GM Too Hot To Gamble x Bells Silk Stocking; Breeder: T Cornell or C
Coffman; Owner: Elsje & Karl Holtappels; Driver: Sam Bertrands
1 09. TSS Em Pac Chocolate Gem; A 1 79850; Gelding; 2007; Bay; HCM Bucks
Em Pac x War Mans Southern Bell; Breeder: R & A van Nederpelt; Owner:
Susan Bijl; Driver: Peter Koskamp
75. Teglmosens Shyanne West; A 1 99927; Mare; 201 0; Bay; Westwind Farms
Bordeaux By Attitude x Rocholls Shoshone Dreams; Breeder: Anna & Henning
Kraegpoth; Lessee & Driver: Jill Poulsen
86. SLC Kid Banana; A 20421 2; Stallion; 201 0; Bay; Samis Voyager x NXS
Duffys Dynamic Doll; Breeder: Sophie Collette; Owner & Driver: Mathilda Jansen
11 3. Youth showmanship 1 3 to 1 8 years of age
No entries.
11 4. Youth showmanship 8 to 1 2 years of age
89. DT Rebels Chasin Snowstorms; A 1 87038; Gelding; 2008; Silver Dapple
Pinto; Lucky Four Rebels Chasin Rainbows x KGL Zeros Isis; Breeder: Wade
Burns or Jon Woodring; Owner: Bianca de Warle; Handler: Anne Marije de Warle
90. Bellmills Superstar Las Vegas; A 1 78687; Gelding; 2007; MH Superstar x
Toyhorse Lady Bright Eyes; Breeder: A & C Moulin-van Royen; Owner: Bianca
de Warle; Handler: Anouk de Warle
1 01 . DD Too Hots Silk Treasure; A 1 58621 ; Gelding; 2005; Buckskin Pinto; Half
Measures GM Too Hot To Gamble x Bells Silk Stocking; Breeder: T Cornell or C
Coffman; Owner: Elsje & Karl Holtappels; Handler: Sam Bertrands
11 5. Youth showmanship 7 years of age and under
90. Bellmills Superstar Las Vegas; A 1 78687; Gelding; 2007; MH Superstar x
Toyhorse Lady Bright Eyes; Breeder: A & C Moulin-van Royen; Owner: Bianca
de Warle; Handler: Thys de Warle
11 6. Amateur roadster
43. Westwind Farms Bordeaux By Attitude; A 1 83003; Stallion; 2007; Silver Bay
Pinto; Flying Aces Unos Noble Attitude x Alvadars Double Chardonnay; Breeder:
Cammie Cavanaugh; Owner: Anna or Henning Kraegpoth or Simone Waitz
Mosegaard; Driver: Simone Waitz Mosegaard
58. Astartes Secret Passion; A 1 55375; Mare; 2004; Black Pinto; Candylands
Best Kept Secreat x Magic Place Passion Flower; Breeder: Rosanne Goodman;
Owner & Driver: Christel Moulin-van Royen
11 7. Weanling stallions 26” and under
Sorga Star Silencio Guido; A 2201 80; Owner: Jaqueline Montovani; Handler:
Camille Cosson
11 8. Weanling stallions over 26” up to and including 30”
Modello MT Bailamos Bellini; A 2201 85; Owner: Marlonne & Jamie van Zelst;
Handler: Sander Demuynck
7. HP Johns Lucky Nr Seven; A 21 9457; Stallion; Palomino Pinto; Samis Vip Mr
John x Modello Blue Phantom True Romance; Breeder & Owner: Dirk & Brigitte
Blommaert; Handler: Dirk Blommaert
36. SHM Westernboys Harley Davidson; A 21 9274; Stallion; 201 4; Bay; SHM
Redis Western Boy x Houcks Monique; Breeder & Owner: Ben & Carla van de
Wetering; Handler: Ben van de Wetering
11 4. Modello Al Attal Meeting With Lewis; A 2201 88; Owner: Nathalie Marmuse;
Handler: Camille Cosson
95. SHM Westernboys Hurricane; A 21 9279; Stallion; 201 4; Sorrel Pinto; SHM
Redis Western Boy x Uno Montegos Fiesta; Breeder & Owner: Ben van de
Wetering ; Handler: Monia Wauters
11 5. Modello Pe Al Attal Straight South; A 2201 89; Owner: Nathalie Marmuse;
Handler: Cassandra Beuvry
11 9. Youth costume
89. DT Rebels Chasin Snowstorms; A 1 87038; Gelding; 2008; Silver Dapple
Pinto; Lucky Four Rebels Chasin Rainbows x KGL Zeros Isis; Breeder: Wade
Burns or Jon Woodring; Owner: Bianca de Warle; Handler: Thys de Warle
21 . Lucky Four Impressive Santa Fe Bey; A 1 211 62; Gelding; 2001 ; Bay; Lucky
Four Galahads Impressive x Martins Boozers Dark N Darling; Breeder: Wade S
Burns or Jon Woodring; Owner: Femke de Mey; Handler: Maxime Baert
1 0. LM Hawks Vhanatee Ink; A 207402; Mare; 2011 ; Bay Pinto; Champion Farms
Nighthawk x LM Partners Vhanatee Hawk; Breeder: Janet King or Mike Buerkley;
Owner: Emma Williams; Handler: Jacob Adams
1 20. Adult costume
1 . Rose Dancing Cazador; A 21 0007; Stallion; 201 2; Bay Pinto; JSW Dancing
Deed x Sunraes Satans Shimeree; Breeder: R.T.M. Boensma; Owner & Handler:
Lian Janssen
1 21 . Yearling stallions 28” and under
No entries.
A special thanks to all the volunteers of the ICAMH who
made this wonderfull show possible
1 22. Yearling stallions over 28” up to and including 30”
Sponsored by: The Junior Partnership
80. EBF SH Royal Baroque; A 21 5335; Stallion; 201 3; Silver Buckskin Pinto;
EBF Johns Supreme Heritage x Sonoitas Lady Ramona; Breeder: Cedric
Dubroecq; Owner: Tanja Cremers & Kevin Lathouwers; Handler: Cedric
11 0. EBF Cuttys Made In France; A 21 5334; Stallion; 201 3; Chestnut Pinto;
Pecan Grove Chargers Customized x Texas LL Miss Mystic; Breeder: Martha S
Hickham; Owner: Dirk & Brigitte Blommaert; Handler: Dirk Blommaert
Cremedela Visions Piccolo; A 21 8328; Owner: Mrs. E.A.J. Jongbloed; Handler:
Bianca de Warle
26. ZBS Cuttys Untouchable; A 21 4489; Stallion; 201 3; Sorrel; Pecan Grove
Chargers Customized x FCA Starbreakers First Impression; Breeder: Martha
Hickman; Owner & Handler: Steve Gaorgievski
1 23. Yearling stallions over 30” up to and including 32”
Sponsored by: Tikitano Farm
52. WMM Johns Golden Rebel; A 21 7556; Stallion; 201 3; Palomino Pinto; Samis
Vip Mr John x WMM Miss Satin Kiss Of LTDS; Breeder & Owner: Sonja Koster;
Handler: Aline van Laarhoven
23. SSF Velvetbucks I Am Ready To Shine; A 21 61 67; Stallion; 201 3; Bay Pinto;
Libertymeres Velvet Buckeroo x Lucky Four Skippa Sierra Supreme; Breeder:
Angelique van Nederpelt; Owner & Handler: Femke de Mey
34. SHM Westernboys Gift From Nature; A 21 5770; Stallion; 201 3; Sorrel Pinto;
SHM Redis Western Boy x Little Kings Let Er Buck; Breeder: Ben van de
Wetering; Lessee: Monia Wauters; Handler: Ben van de Wetering
81 . SVH Beethoven Sir Elliot; A 21 5492; Owner & Handler: Tony de Roo
94. Glasses Idols In The Spotlight; A 21 5925; Stallion; 201 3; Palomino Pinto; LM
Idols On The Prowl x Lucky Four Spotz Shez Allthat; Breeder: Ann Hawke;
Owner: Hilary Kirk; Handler: Alison Johnston
1 24. Grand and Reserve Champion country pleasure driving
Sponsored by: InProPharma
Grand Champion : 1 08. Em Pacs Pezula; A 1 87740; Stallion; 2008; Bay; HCM Bucks Em
Pac x MH Jupiters Wild Margarita; Breeder: Mrs. Barthy Lennings; Owner: Susan Bijl
Reserve Grand Champion : 43. Westwind Farms Bordeaux By Attitude; A 1 83003;
Stallion; 2007; Silver Bay Pinto; Flying Aces Unos Noble Attitude x Alvadars Double
Chardonnay; Breeder: Cammie Cavanaugh; Owner: Anna or Henning Kraegpoth or
Simone Waitz Mosegaard
1 25. Two-year-old stallions 29” and under
Modello Meeting Phantom Stand By Me; A 211 849; Lessee: Cassandra Beuvry;
Handler: Sander Demuynck
1 02. DC Painted By Picasso; A 211 311 ; Stallion; 201 2; Circle S Painted Vegas x
Redrock C Anahita; Breeder & Owner: ASJ Heppener; Handler: Charlotte van
1 26. Two-year-old stallions over 29” up to and including 31 ”
83. BMS Heritages Royal Edition; A 21 3249; Stallion; 201 2; EBF Johns Supreme
Heritage x First Knight High Flying Adored; Breeder & Owner: Kai-Svenn
Herrmann and/or Wolfgang Zager; Handler: Lori Barile
Maryhorse Spectacular Adaggio; A 220203; Owner: Maryline Tournier; Handler:
Sander Demuynck
79. Lucky Four Rebelsupreme Flyn Colors; A 21 01 94; Stallion; 201 2; Palomino
Pinto; Lucky Four Rebelchase Rebelsupreme x Lucky Four Splendor Supreme;
Breeder: Wade S Burns or Jon Woodring; Owner: Kevin Lathouwers & Tanja
Cremers; Handler: Cedric Dubroecq
20. Cremedela Alas De Fuego; A 21 281 7; Stallion; 201 2; Chestnut Pinto;
Seahorse Echos Arabian Wingz x Knells Lady In Red; Breeder: Veronica
Holtskog; Owner & Handler: Kim Shawyer
1 . Rose Dancing Cazador; A 21 0007; Stallion; 201 2; Bay Pinto; JSW Dancing
Deed x Sunraes Satans Shimeree; Breeder: R.T.M. Boensma; Owner & Handler:
Lian Janssen
1 27. Two-year-old stallions over 31 ” up to and including 33”
Sponsored by: Dream Team Miniatures
70. Maccarthys Storm Warning; A 21 4236; Stallion; 201 2; Red Roan; NFCS
Superman x Mccarthys Blonde Ambition; Breeder: Edward J. Mccarthy II;
Owner: Elsje or Karl Holtappels; Handler: Guy Verhulst
29. TF Crow Feathers Sly Guy; A 21 0461 ; Stallion; 201 2; Bay; Bear Branch
Crow Feather x Double Diamonds Thiefs Dancer; Breeder: Tina Fisseler; Lessee
& Handler: Steve Gaorgievski
6. EBF Pol SH Cyrano; A 211 293; Stallion; 201 2; Bay Pinto; EBF Johns
Supreme Heritage x Alamos Streaker Golden Echo; Breeder: Nicole Verbeke;
Owner: Dirk & Brigitte Blommaert; Handler: Cedric Dubroecq
1 6. SSF Velvetbucks Levi; A 21 0341 ; Stallion; 201 2; Bay; Libertymeres Velvet
Buckeroo x Lucky Four Rebelchase Halana; Breeder: Angelique van Nederpelt;
Lessee: Erica & Marco van der Heijden; Handler: Marco van der Heijden
9. Sonoita Invaders Rock N Roll; A 211 864; Stallion; 201 2; Black Appaloosa;
Another Dimension DWB S Invader x Picture Rocks French Silk; Breeder: Lori
Barile Naveh; Owner: Lisa Berberich; Handler: Emma Williams
Modello Hawks EJ Citizen Kane; A 2201 93; Owner: Nathalie Marmuse; Handler:
Sander Demuynck
1 28. Grand and Reserve Champion junior stallion
Sponsored by: RJ Flex Design
Grand Champion : 70. Maccarthys Storm Warning; A 21 4236; Stallion; 201 2; Red Roan;
NFCS Superman x Mccarthys Blonde Ambition; Breeder: Edward J. Mccarthy II; Owner:
Elsje or Karl Holtappels
Reserve Grand Champion : 52. WMM Johns Golden Rebel; A 21 7556; Stallion; 201 3;
Palomino Pinto; Samis Vip Mr John x WMM Miss Satin Kiss Of LTDS; Breeder & Owner:
Sonja Koster
1 29. Grand and Reserve Champion classic pleasure driving
Sponsored by: InProPharma
Grand Champion : 45. Lucky Four Suchabuck Starrific; A 1 93431 ; Mare; 2009; Buckskin;
Silver Plates Baccarra Couragio x Lucky Four Rebels Ritzybuck; Breeder: Wade S Burns
or Jon Woodring; Owner: Pauline Donkers Nijenhuis
Reserve Grand Champion : 22. Sonoita Dominus In Style; A 201 773; Mare; 201 0;
Quintessa Electributes Dominus x Sonoita Invaders In Style; Breeder: Lori Barile Naveh;
Owner: Femke de Mey
1 30. Multi-color mares (limited to pinto and appaloosa only)
69. Samis For The Boys; A 21 5661 ; Mare; 201 3; Sorrel Pinto; Alamos Sirs Firey
Echo x Samis Zabella Bey; Breeder: Ron or Sami Scheuring; Owner: Egbert
Tiemann; Handler: Guy Verhulst
1 4. Stal Heijden Velvetbucks Shirina; A 21 4982; Mare; 201 3; Black Pinto;
Libertymeres Velvet Buckeroo x Ravenwood Aristocrat Sweet As Pie; Breeder &
Owner: Marco or Erica van der Heijden; Handler: Marco van der Heijden
1 31 . Solid color mares (open to all other colors)
Sponsored by: Rose Miniature Horses
48. Olympian Markers Pretty Littlewoman; A 1 80792; Mare; 2007; Grey; Aloha
Acres Magic Marker x Aloha Acres I Believe N Magic; Breeder: V Joan Richards;
Owner: Jamie van Zelst; Handler: Marlonne van Zelst
50. Hopkins The Jokers Moonlight Ink; A 21 4786; Mare; 201 3; Black; Another
Dimension DWBS The Joker x Hopkins Valentine Idol; Breeder: Brad or Debra
Hopkins; Owner: Mrs. E.A.J. Jongbloed; Handler: Joni Timmers
41 . STP Beethovens Grace N Honey; A 206208; Mare; 2011 ; Silver Bay; Indian
Peaks Buck Beethoven x EJH Dukes Lady Charmain; Breeder: Guy Verhulst;
Owner & Handler: Jamie van Zelst
63. RH Idols Voodoo Queen; A 21 01 76; Mare; 201 2; Black; First Knights Billy
Idol x LM Hawks Voo Doo Medicine; Breeder: Jennifer Hasslinger; Lessee:
Rachel Moulin; Handler: Tanja Cremers
1 32. Youth single pleasure driving
Sponsored by: Bellmills Miniatures
56. Elizabeth The Queen; A 202248; Mare; 201 0; Silver Dapple Pinto; Grosshill
Dandys Cheating Heart x V & L 3T Scarlet Lace; Breeder: Elizabeth Eversfield;
Owner: Katja Bager or Gitte Bager; Driver: Katja Bager
1 33. Reinsmanship **
1 08. Em Pacs Pezula; A 1 87740; Stallion; 2008; Bay; HCM Bucks Em Pac x MH
Jupiters Wild Margarita; Breeder: Mrs. Barthy Lennings; Owner & Driver: Susan
1 09. TSS Em Pac Chocolate Gem; A 1 79850; Gelding; 2007; Bay; HCM Bucks
Em Pac x War Mans Southern Bell; Breeder: R & A van Nederpelt; Owner:
Susan Bijl; Driver: Janny Hogeboom
75. Teglmosens Shyanne West; A 1 99927; Mare; 201 0; Bay; Westwind Farms
Bordeaux By Attitude x Rocholls Shoshone Dreams; Breeder: Anna & Henning
Kraegpoth; Lessee & Driver: Jill Poulsen
3. SLC Count Spotacular; A 1 70077; Gelding; 2006; Black; Wildnwoolys Spotted
Buck x NXS Dreamers Country Contessa; Breeder: Sophie Collette; Owner: Jan
te Grotenhuis & Sandra Muller; Driver: Mandy Konijn
1 34. Grand and Reserve Champion Roadster
Sponsored by: InProPharma
Grand Champion : 57. Martins Boozers Daring Difference; A 61 092; Stallion; 1 994; Sorrel
Pinto; Bond Boozer x My Own Minuet; Breeder: Lee or Barbara Martin; Owner: Marlene
E. Nielsen
Reserve Grand Champion : 43. Westwind Farms Bordeaux By Attitude; A 1 83003;
Stallion; 2007; Silver Bay Pinto; Flying Aces Unos Noble Attitude x Alvadars Double
Chardonnay; Breeder: Cammie Cavanaugh; Owner: Anna or Henning Kraegpoth or
Simone Waitz Mosegaard
1 35. Senior mares 28” and under
No entries.
1 36. Senior mares over 28” up to and including 30”
48. Olympian Markers Pretty Littlewoman; A 1 80792; Mare; 2007; Grey; Aloha
Acres Magic Marker x Aloha Acres I Believe N Magic; Breeder: V Joan Richards;
Owner & Handler: Jamie van Zelst
42. Marschwood Awesome Secret; A 206551 ; Mare; 2011 ; Black; Astartes Untold
Secret x Darmond Sassy Sweet Pea; Breeder: Hein Marsch; Owner: Jamie van
Zelst; Handler: Marlonne van Zelst
1 37. Senior mares over 30” up to and including 32”
Sponsored by: Stal Heijden
1 0. LM Hawks Vhanatee Ink; A 207402; Mare; 2011 ; Bay Pinto; Champion
Farms Nighthawk x LM Partners Vhanatee Hawk; Breeder: Janet King or Mike
Buerkley; Owner & Handler: Emma Williams
37. SHM Westernboys Exotic Queen; A 207374; Mare; 2011 ; Silver Bay Pinto;
SHM Redis Western Boy x Houcks Monique; Breeder: Ben van de Wetering;
Lessee: Monia Wauters; Handler: Ben van de Wetering
41 . STP Beethovens Grace N Honey; A 206208; Mare; 2011 ; Silver Bay; Indian
Peaks Buck Beethoven x EJH Dukes Lady Charmain; Breeder: Guy Verhulst;
Owner & Handler: Jamie van Zelst
1 38. Senior mares over 32” up to and including 34”
Sponsored by: Elevage de la Buise
73. Covergirls Idols Ice Princess; A 203836; Mare; 201 2; First Knights Billy Idol x
Buck Ons Suprema Donna; Breeder: Charlene Eisenmenger; Owner: Elsje or
Karl Holtappels; Handler: Guy Verhulst
22. Sonoita Dominus In Style; A 201 773; Mare; 201 0; Quintessa Electributes
Dominus x Sonoita Invaders In Style; Breeder: Lori Barile Naveh; Owner &
Handler: Femke de Mey
66. Paradiseranch Montys Island Girl; A 204396; Mare; 201 0; Bay; Pepper Ridge
Montego Bay x Royal Oaks Impressive Dynamite; Breeder: Pia Runde
Hansen/Kevin Bojen; Owner & Handler: Lise Andersen
1 39. Grand and Reserve Champion senior mare
Sponsored by: HT Miniatures
Grand Champion : 73. Covergirls Idols Ice Princess; A 203836; Mare; 201 2; First Knights
Billy Idol x Buck Ons Suprema Donna; Breeder: Charlene Eisenmenger; Owner: Elsje or
Karl Holtappels
Reserve Grand Champion : 1 0. LM Hawks Vhanatee Ink; A 207402; Mare; 2011 ; Bay
Pinto; Champion Farms Nighthawk x LM Partners Vhanatee Hawk; Breeder: Janet King
or Mike Buerkley; Owner & Handler: Emma Williams
1 40. Single pleasure driving 32” and under
Sponsored by: SB Miniature Horses Driving Stables
96. Flagstone Farms B Dazzled; A 1 95376; Stallion; 2009; Sorrel Pinto; Short
Acre Deserts Winford B x Oak Bay Two Times A Lady; Breeder: Julianna or Mark
Myers; Owner & Driver: Audrey Julien
1 41 . Single pleasure driving over 32” up to and including 34”
55. Abrias Daring Eclipse; A 1 32292; Stallion; 2002; Sorrel; Martins Boozers
Daring Difference x Little Kings Kiss Of Buckeroo; Breeder: Stacy Sachen;
Owner: Katja & Gitte Bager & Malene Nielsen; Driver: Malene Nielsen
56. Elizabeth The Queen; A 202248; Mare; 201 0; Silver Dapple Pinto; Grosshill
Dandys Cheating Heart x V & L 3T Scarlet Lace; Breeder: Elizabeth Eversfield;
Owner: Katja Bager or Gitte Bager; Driver: Katja Bager
1 42. Multi-color stallions and geldings (limited to pinto and appaloosa only)
9. Sonoita Invaders Rock N Roll; A 211 864; Stallion; 201 2; Black Appaloosa;
Another Dimension DWB S Invader x Picture Rocks French Silk; Breeder: Lori
Barile Naveh; Owner: Lisa Berberich; Handler: Emma Williams
99. STP Eros Starfire; A 206209; Stallion; 2011 ; Bay Pinto; MH Tuffs Eros x
Divinas Top Tahira; Breeder: Guy Verhulst; Owner & Driver: Annebet Vercammen
20. Cremedela Alas De Fuego; A 21 281 7; Stallion; 201 2; Chestnut Pinto;
Seahorse Echos Arabian Wingz x Knells Lady In Red; Breeder: Veronica
Holtskog; Owner & Handler: Kim Shawyer
85. BMS Ambitions Grandmaster Flash; Pending; Stallion; 201 4; SHM Pizzazz
Ambition x Ravenwood Willow The Wisp; Breeder & owner: Kai-Svenn
Herrmann and/or Wolfgang Zager; Handler: Kai-Sven Herrmann
1 44. Grand and Reserve Champion single pleasure driving
Grand Champion : 55. Abrias Daring Eclipse; A 1 32292; Stallion; 2002; Sorrel; Martins
Boozers Daring Difference x Little Kings Kiss Of Buckeroo; Breeder: Stacy Sachen;
Owner: Katja & Gitte Bager & Malene Nielsen
Reserve Grand Champion : 62. MRMS Chips Superstition; A 1 60572; Mare; 2004;
Buckskin; Samis Mr Banana Chip x Montys Glory B; Breeder: B Jasper or M. Meacham;
Owner & Driver: Christel Moulin-van Royen
1 45. Special needs driving
1 09. TSS Em Pac Chocolate Gem; A 1 79850; Gelding; 2007; Bay; HCM Bucks
Em Pac x War Mans Southern Bell; Breeder: R & A van Nederpelt; Owner:
Susan Bijl; Driver: Janny Hogeboom
1 46. Senior stallions 28” and under
No entries.
1 47. Senior stallions over 28” up to and including 30”
1 7. LM Idols Lightning Hawk; A 207400; Stallion; 2011 ; Buckskin; First Knights
Billy Idol x LM Hawks Funnyface; Breeder: Janet King or Mike Buerkley; Owner:
Brian C. Hill & Emma Williams; Handler: Emma Williams
65. Oasis XS Beyond Belief; A 1 93869; Stallion; 2009; Palomino; First Knights
Billy Idol x Asa Boy Blues Secret Love; Breeder: Janet King or Mike Buerkley;
Lessee: Tanja Cremers; Handler: Cedric Dubroecq
1 48. Senior stallions over 30” up to and including 32”
Sponsored by: Modello Horse Farm
74. Condors Rule The World; A 208082; Stallion; 2011 ; First Knight Breakin All
The Rules x Beloveds Royal Athena; Breeder: Abby Condor; Owner: Elsje or
Karl Holtappels; Handler: Guy Verhulst
31 . Indian Peaks Buck Beethoven; A 1 67752; Stallion; 2006; Bay; Manipulators
Buckingham x Nehi Golden Nugget; Breeder: John or Jennifer Bennett; Owner &
Handler: Steve Gaorgievski
1 00. Arabian Star Of Pegasus; A 207658; Stallion; 2011 ; Grullo; Silver Plate
Baccarra Black Gold x Het Veldhuis Sunrise; Breeder: Willy Maebe; Owner:
Petra Mom; Handler: Maurice Felkers
32. MCS Priceless DJ Stijn; A 205581 ; Stallion; 2011 ; Buckskin; Seahorse
Orions Priceless x Blue Chips Echos 4x Supreme Dream; Breeder: Claudia
Heijmans; Owner: Herbert Klumpes & Stephanie van Schie; Handler: Herbert
1 49. Senior stallions over 32” up to and including 34”
8. ERL Gold Dust; A 1 99776; Stallion; 201 0; Palomino; Alamos Sirs Golden
Chalice x ERL Pattons State Of Grace; Breeder: Martha S. Hickham; Owner:
Lisa Berberich; Handler: Emma Williams
35. Alliance Majestics Mine All Mine; A 2001 75; Stallion; 201 0; Black; Sequoia
Majestics Mime x Uno Minuet; Breeder: Mike or Terry Hlavatovic; Lessee: Monia
Wauters; Handler: Ben van de Wetering
1 50. Grand and Reserve Champion senior stallion
Sponsored by: PHP
Grand Champion : 8. ERL Gold Dust; A 1 99776; Stallion; 201 0; Palomino; Alamos Sirs
Golden Chalice x ERL Pattons State Of Grace; Breeder: Martha S. Hickham; Owner: Lisa
Reserve Grand Champion : 74. Condors Rule The World; A 208082; Stallion; 2011 ; First
Knight Breakin All The Rules x Beloveds Royal Athena; Breeder: Abby Condor; Owner:
Elsje or Karl Holtappels
1 51 . AMHA European Youth Supreme Champion ** (non-approved)
Sponsored by: Modello Horse farm
Maxime Baert
1 52. AMHA European Amateur Supreme Champion ** (non-approved)
Sponsored by: Modello Horse Farm
70. Maccarthys Storm Warning; A 21 4236; Stallion; 201 2; Red Roan; NFCS
Superman x Mccarthys Blonde Ambition; Breeder: Edward J. Mccarthy II; Owner:
Elsje or Karl Holtappels
1 53. AMHA European Supreme Champion ** (non-approved)
Sponsored by: Modello Horse Farm
73. Covergirls Idols Ice Princess; A 203836; Mare; 201 2; First Knights Billy Idol x
Buck Ons Suprema Donna; Breeder: Charlene Eisenmenger; Owner: Elsje or Karl
** non pointed classes
Exhibitors list
Leo Bollansee - Clemensstraat 40 - 2580 - Putte
Cindel Brusselaers - Groenkloosterstraat 39 - 3740 - Munsterbilzen
Tanja & Kevin - Langerenstraat 29 - 3680 - Neeroeteren
Steve Gaorgievski - Korte Heusstraat 27 - 1 980 - Zemst-Bos
Elsje & Karl Holtappels - Truyenhofstraat 1 a - 3960 - Bree
Audry Julien - Trappenstraat 41 - 3630 - Maasmechelen
Sophie Menheere - Witte Gracht 74A - 2222 - Wiekevorst
Femke de Mey - Amersveldestraat 67 - 861 0 - Kortemark
Petra Mom - Eekhoekstraat 1 - 9250 - Waasmunster
E.A.J. Noten-Jongbloed - Sint Odilialaan 11 5 - 3930 - Achel
Nathalie Poels - Vogelenzang 4 - 2340 - Beerse
Tony de Roo - Weststraat 21 - 9940 - Sleidinge
Christel van Royen - Klokkestraat 70 - 2570 - Duffel
Eva Santermans - Meybroekstraat 111 - 351 0 - Kermt
Katia Thienpondt - Oosterloseweg 54 - 2440 - Geel
Annebet Vercammen - Rommelaar 82 - 3202 - Rillaar
Monia Wauters - Stoffelstraat 1 9 - 9500 - Geraardsbergen
1 04 - 1 05 - 1 06
1 07
65 - 77 - 78 - 79
26 - 27 - 28 - 29
30 - 31
67 - 68 - 70 - 71
73 - 74 - 1 01
96 - 97
21 - 22 - 23
1 00
50 - 51
58 - 60 - 61 - 62
53 - 54 - 64
98 - 99
34 - 35 - 37
Lise Andersen - Tøvlidtvej 37 - 5400 - Bogense
Simone Waitz Mosegaard - Klintebakken 27 - 6933 - Kilbaek
Katja & Gitte Bager & Malene Nielsen - Gartnervaenget 3 - 8300 - Odder
Jill Poulsen - Munkebjergvej 1 5 - 5000 Odense C
39 - 40 - 43
55 - 56 - 57
Dirk & Brigitte Blommaert - 2384 Chemin Steenstraete - 59470 - Wormhout
Cedric Dubroecq - 1 595 Chemin de la Buise - 6211 0 - Hénin Beaumont
Rachel Moulin - 21 Bis Rue Des Patures - Pont St Pierre Norm - 27360
5 - 6 - 7 - 11 0
1 03
Kai-Sven Herrmann - Dodelle 55 - 45239 - Essen
Egbert Tiemann - Schwiepinghook 90a - 48683 - Ahaus Alstatte
82 - 83 - 84 - 85
The Netherlands
Hannah Bouma - Stienzer Hegedyk 27 B - 9077 TZ - Vrouwenparochie
Susan Bijl - Nieuwe Krim 1 5 - 7741 NR - Coevorden
Fam. Donkers - Luttelweg 2 - 5408 RA - Volkel
Elzeline Greeve - Roosendaalsebaan 27 - 471 5 PA - Rucphen
Marco & Erica van der Heijden - Hogeweg 1 2 - 5388 SK - Nistelrode
Anja Heppener - Lijnderdijk 231 - 11 75 KH - Lijnden
Herbert & Stephanie - Schuwacht 290 - 2941 EL - Lekkerkerk
Mathilda Jansen - Gedempte Hoofddiep 9 - 7926 TP - Kerkenveld
Lian Janssen - Achterste Wei 63 - 3844 HS - Harderwijk
Sonja Koster - Beukenlaan 3 - 7931 TG - Fluitenberg
Janine Kuiper - Westelijke Noorderbroekweg 7 - 7054 BZ - Westendorp
Sandra Muller - Stegerdijk 5 - 7095 AC - de Heurne
Marije Rademaker - De Horn 4 - 9591 AE - Onstwedde
Bianca de Warle - Westerein 25 - 8842 LA - Welsrijp
Ben van de Wetering - Peelstraat 1 5 - 5427 EG - Boekel
Jamie & Marlonne van Zelst - Aarleseweg 4 - 5684 NR - Best
1 08 - 1 09
44 - 45 - 46
14 - 15 - 16
1 02
32 - 33
1 -2
18 - 19
89 - 90
36 - 49 - 95
41 - 42 - 47 - 48
United Kingsdom
Lisa Berberich - Windmill Oast House - TN3 8AL - Turnbridge Wells
Mike & Sylvia Hook - Pinetrees, Newark Road - LN1 2JT - Laughterton
Alison & Stephen Johnston - Holly Tree House - DL6 3QS - Northallerton
Hilary Kirk - Great Limber- DN37 8JU - Lincoln
Judith Moore - The Bungalow, The Centre, Codicote Road - Welyn, Herts
Kim Shawyer - 28 Mill Rd Denmead - PO76PA - Portsmouth
Sarah-Jane Slater - Dandy Farm - Sk1 0 4LF - Adliington
Heather Way - The Bungalow, Hollytree House - DL6 3QS - Northallerton
Emma Williams - Windmill Oast House - TN3 8AL - Turnbridge Wells
1 0 - 11 - 1 2 - 1 7