neuropsychiatric symptoms in dementia in long

Submitted symposium voor EUGMS congres 2014 in Rotterdam
Voorlopige titel: neuropsychiatric symptoms in dementia in long-term care: towards
appropiate and effective interventions
Prof. Dr. Raymond TCM Koopmans
Sprekers met voorlopige titels:
1. Dr. R. Leontjevas/dr. D. Gerritsen (ELG UMCN en OU): Act in case of depression:
effects on depression and apathy
2. Dr. S. Zuidema/A. Johanssen (UMC Groningen): A consensus guideline for
antipsychotic drug use for dementia in long-term care. Bridging the gap between
scientific evidence and clinical practice.
3. Prof. C. Ballard (King’s college London): Impact of the WHELD Non Pharmacological
Intervention on Neuropsychiatric symptoms, antipsychotic use, mortality and quality
of life: A Cluster RCT
4. Geir Selbaeck, Md, PhD (Norway) : The use of psychotropic drugs (or antipsychotics
specifically) and mortality risk in nursing home patients.