CORPORATE EVENT NOTICE: LOCATIE: NOTICE: DATUM: MARKT: Bericht H.E.S. BEHEER NV Amsterdam AMS_20140717_03603_EUR 17/07/2014 EURONEXT AMSTERDAM Reference is made to the press release and Offer Memorandum available on the website of the company H.E.S. BEHEER NV ( Cash offer by 1908 ACQUISITION B.V. for all issued and outstanding shares in the share capital of H.E.S. BEHEER NV The Offerer: Offer price: Acceptance period: Acceptance by Shareholders: Shares issued and subject to the Offer: H.E.S. BEHEER NV EGM: Documentation: 1908 ACQUISITION B.V. 43.64 EUR per share (cum dividend) From 18/07/2014 (09:00am - CEST) to 17/09/2014 (5:40pm - CEST) "unless extended" Shareholders who hold their Shares through an Admi tted Institution are requested to make their acceptanc e known via their custodian, bank or stockbroker by n o later than 17:40 hours CEST on 17/09/2014 9.331.751 shares 03/09/2014 - Offer Memorandum dated 16/07/2014 - Press release date 17/07/2014 Page 1 of 4 Produktnaam: ISIN code: Symbool: HES BEHEER NL0000358125 HES Euronext code: NL0000358125 Deze mededeling en haar inhoud zijn louter informatief teneinde te zorgen voor een goede, ordelijke en efficiënte werking van de markt en vormt geen beleggingsadvies. De inhoud van deze mededeling is gebaseerd op informatie die aan de marktexploitant werd verstrekt en wordt aangeboden zoals ze is zonder enige waarborg van welke aard dan ook. Euronext kan niet aansprakelijk gesteld worden voor enig verlies of schade van welke aard dan ook, voortvloeiend uit het gebruik van, het vertrouwen op of het handelen ten gevolge van de verstrekte informatie. De inhoud van deze mededeling vormt evenmin de basis voor enig contract. De creatie van rechten en verplichtingen met betrekking tot financiële producten die verhandeld worden op de markten die door aan Euronext gelieerde vennootschappen beheerd worden zal uitsluitend afhangen van de van toepassing zijnde marktregels van de desbetreffende marktexploitant. De Euronext markten omvatten de markten die worden geëxploiteerd door Euronext Amsterdam, Euronext Brussels, Euronext Lisbon, Euronext Paris en Euronext UK Markets, respectievelijk aangeduid als de markten van Amsterdam, Brussel, Lisabon, Parijs en Londen, waar relevant. Euronext omvat Euronext N.V. en de aan haar gelieerde ondernemingen. Informatie met betrekking tot merken en intellectuele eigendomsrechten van Euronext is beschikbaar op de volgende website: © 2014 Euronext N.V. – Alle rechten voorbehouden. Page 2 of 4 CORPORATE EVENT NOTICE: LOCATION: NOTICE: DATE: MARKET: Announcement H.E.S. BEHEER NV Amsterdam AMS_20140717_03603_EUR 17/07/2014 EURONEXT AMSTERDAM Reference is made to the press release and Offer Memorandum available on the website of the company H.E.S. BEHEER NV ( Cash offer by 1908 ACQUISITION B.V. for all issued and outstanding shares in the share capital of H.E.S. BEHEER NV The Offerer: Offer price: Acceptance period: Acceptance by Shareholders: Shares issued and subject to the Offer: H.E.S. BEHEER NV EGM: Documentation: Product name: ISIN: Symbol: HES BEHEER NL0000358125 HES 1908 ACQUISITION B.V. 43.64 EUR per share (cum dividend) From 18/07/2014 (09:00am - CEST) to 17/09/2014 (5:40pm - CEST) "unless extended" Shareholders who hold their Shares through an Admi tted Institution are requested to make their acceptanc e known via their custodian, bank or stockbroker by n o later than 17:40 hours CEST on 17/09/2014 9.331.751 shares 03/09/2014 - Offer Memorandum dated 16/07/2014 - Press release date 17/07/2014 Euronext code: NL0000358125 Page 3 of 4 The present notice and the contents thereof are only provided for information purposes in order to facilitate the fair, orderly and efficient functioning of the market and is not a recommendation to engage in investment activities. The contents of this notice are provided “as is” based on information provided to the market operator without representation or warranty of any kind. Euronext will not be held liable for any loss or damages of any nature ensuing from using, trusting or acting on information provided. No information set out or referred to in this notice shall form the basis of any contract. The creation of rights and obligations in respect of financial products that are traded on the exchanges operated by Euronext’s subsidiaries shall depend solely on the applicable rules of the market operator. The Euronext Markets comprise the markets operated by Euronext Amsterdam, Euronext Brussels, Euronext Lisbon, Euronext Paris and Euronext UK Markets, referred to respectively as the Amsterdam, Brussels, Lisbon, Paris and London markets, as relevant. Euronext refers to Euronext N.V. and its affiliates. Information regarding trademarks and intellectual property rights of Euronext is located at © 2014 Euronext N.V. - All rights reserved. Page 4 of 4
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