International results Z-horses week 16 (14 th - 21 st April 2014) horse birth name sire sire of dam breeder rider winsum World Cup Final/CSI3*/CSI2* Lyon (France) - website and all results: Thursday 17/4 Class 2 (World Cup Final, Warming Up, Competition against the clock, 1.45 m): 4th Carmena Z Carthago Z Irco Mena Carmel Ryan (IRL) Saer Coulter (USA) € 2.400,00 Friday 18/4 Class 4 (CSI3*, Competition against the clock, 1.45 m): 5th Carmena Z Carthago Z Irco Mena Carmel Ryan (IRL) Saer Coulter (USA) € 1.680,00 Class 5 (CSI2*, Competition with jump-off, 1.45 m): 16th Cortes vd Heffinck Z Contact vd Heffinck Cento Hubert Hamerlinck, Evergem (BEL) Julien Champailler (FRA) € Class 6 (World Cup Final I, Competition Table C, 1.50 m): 15th HH Carlos Z Carlos V.H.P. Z Chellano Z Voltaire Guy De Schuymer, Diest (BEL) McLain Ward (USA) € 1.000,00 Saturday 19/4 Class 8 (CSI3*, Competition against the clock, 1.50 m): 4th Carmena Z Carthago Z Irco Mena Carmel Ryan (IRL) Saer Coulter (USA) € 2.400,00 Class 10 (World Cup Final II, Competition with jump-off, 1.50/1.60 m): 7th Chill R Z Chellano Z A Lucky One L. Tielen, Wortel (BEL) Charlie Jayne (USA) € 8.250,00 Monday 21/4 Class 14 CSI2* - Grand Prix, 1.45 m: 3rd Casilias Z Cento Lano Ohio van de Padenborre Herman Verdonck, Lier (BEL) Laurent Guillet (FRA) € 3.600,00 Class 15 (World Cup Final III, Competition in two rounds, 1.50/1.60 m): 14th Chill R Z Chellano Z A Lucky One L. Tielen, Wortel (BEL) Charlie Jayne (USA) € 3.000,00 - CSI3*/CSI1*/CSIYH1* Lummen (Belgium) - website and all results: Tuesday 15/4 Class I (CSIYH1*, Competition not against the clock for 5 year old horses, 1.10 m): 1st e.a. Cabrio Z 1st e.a. Lord vh Boekweit Z 1st e.a. Catch China Z 1st e.a. Chester VI Z 1st e.a. Crustal Crush Z Crystal Crush Z st 1 e.a. Cesar SBK Z 1st e.a. Orage Z Cavaggio Lord Chin Calvados Z Clintissimo Z Clovis 111 Clintissimo Z Ogano Sitte Randel Z Codexco Grosso Z t'Is Voltaire Moujik de Schan Quidam de Revel Toulon Marcel Denisse, Stabroek (BEL) Van Hoof, Lommel (BEL) A. Mijten, Halen (BEL) Vuskens Consulting BVBA, Sint Truiden (BEL) Nick Hermys, Zoutleeuw (BEL) Bijloos, Alken (BEL) Brems, Diest (BEL) Emma McIntosh (GBR) Joris Schepers (BEL) Kim Colaers (BEL) Leen Verwimp (BEL) Nick Hermys (BEL) Tamarin Christie (GBR) Joris Schepers (BEL) € € € € € € € 20,00 20,00 20,00 20,00 20,00 20,00 20,00 Class IIA (CSIYH1*, Competition not against the clock for 6 year old horses, 1.20 m): 1st e.a. Calamity Jane Z 1st e.a. Quickchin WH Z 1st e.a. Fabrice van Overis 1st e.a. Quilina Z 1st e.a. Alezie Z 1st e.a. Condor Z 1st e.a. Beach Girl vh Koekoekshof Z 1st e.a. Attitude Z Cumano Quidam de Revel For Pleasure Quidam de Revel Accardi Cobra Bamako de Muze Air Jordan Z Cor de la Bryère Chin Chin Diamant de Semilly Chin Chin Bernstein Cruising Toulon Orlando Remans, Meeuwen (BEL) Kristof Wouters, Hasselt-Kuringen (BEL) Gerald Lenaerts, Peer (BEL) Rob Santermans, Zepperen (BEL) Luc Heeren, Wellen (BEL) Tom & Linda Magee, Craigavon (IRL) Steven Polfliet, Stekene (BEL) Caitlin Liefsoens, Hasselt (BEL) Gert Bloemen (BEL) Alexander Liefsoens (BEL) Louise Pavitt (GBR) Nico Baerts (BEL) Jeroen Appelen (BEL) Joe Owens (IRL) Thibaut Huyvaert (BEL) Alexander Liefsoens (BEL) € € € € € € € € 15,00 15,00 15,00 15,00 15,00 15,00 15,00 15,00 Class IIB (CSIYH1*, Competition not against the clock for 6 year old horses, 1.20 m): 1st e.a. Costa Rica vh Waterschoot Z 1st e.a. Cencor WP Z 1st e.a. Axana vd Herkkant Z 1st e.a. Buster W Z 1st e.a. Lordabel Z Cicero (van Paemel) Z Cento Accardi Bentley van de Heffinck Lordanos Parco Concorde Furioso Z Lancelot Caretano Z Ronny & Lut Patteet-Van Bossche, Belsele (BEL) Wim Putseys, Bertem (BEL) Ronny Paulissen, Berbroek (BEL) A. Waldman, Putten (NED) Gerard Hennau, Borlon (BEL) Gudrun Patteet (BEL) Dimitri Taeijmans (BEL) Jeroen Appelen (BEL) Peter Van Miegroet (BEL) Geraldine Rouch (FRA) € € € € € 18,00 18,00 18,00 18,00 18,00 Class IIIA (CSIYH1*, Competition with jump-off for 7 year old horses, 1.30 m): 1st Sea Coast Diamant Z Diamant Star de Tiji Z 15th Leontine Ledimar Z Diamant de Semilly Lovefever II Quick Star Grosso Z Tijistables, Kapelle-Op-Den-Bos (BEL) Ledimar Hoeve, Geetbets (BEL) Gudrun Patteet (BEL) Peter Lauwers (BEL) € € 125,00 10,00 Class IIIB (CSIYH1*, Competition with jump-off for 7 year old horses, 1.30 m): 1st Verdine SZ 13th Clicquot van Overis Z Verdi Caritano Z Heartbreaker Ramiro Sylvain De Wreede, Hamme (BEL) Gerald Lenaerts, Peer (BEL) Virginie Thonon (BEL) Deborah Van Roy (BEL) € € 125,00 10,00 Class A (CSI1*, Competition against the clock, 1.10 m): 3rd Colorado vh Simsehof Z 5th Jasmin de Bornival Z 16th New Jersey ET Z Chicago Z Jouyeux Ardent Numero Uno Nonstop Harmonia de Bornival Jasper Geenen, Alken (BEL) Leon & Daniel Stalpaert, Bornival-Nivelles (BEL) Luc Leemans & Chloe Daout, Brecht (BEL) Sander Geenen (BEL) Louise Van Laer(BEL) Lola De Braekeleer (BEL) € € € 75,00 35,00 - Class B (CSI1*, Competition with jump-off, 1.20 m): 4th Time for Picobello Z 5th Ilancia Z 14th Champi d'Or T'is Voltaire Indian Gold Quinar Papillon Rouge Ernest Carthago Z Picobello Horses, Hooglede (BEL) Heinz Mertens, Buellingen (BEL) Vandenbussche, Wiekevorst (BEL) Rob Gradussen (NED) Kim Van Decraen (BEL) Yara Coppe (BEL) € € € 50,00 35,00 12,50 Campione Z Cartani Coriano Z Nabab de Reve Sonia Lason, Oosterzele (BEL) Peter Simons, Lanaken (BEL) Joris Geenen (BEL) Jan Vermeiren (BEL) € € 75,00 20,00 For Pleasure Cassini I Rolin, Bray sur Seine (FRA) Olivier Van Roosbroeck (BEL) € 18,75 Vaillant Robin I Z Giovanni Romano, Harmelen (NED) Karim El Zoghby (EGY) € 150,00 Quidam de Revel Lux Z Chellano Z Jalisco B Corthouts & Foriers, Halen (BEL) A. Vandepapeliere-Deflinne, Mourcourt (BEL) Tim Van Den Broeck (BEL) José Thiry (BEL) € € 41,25 22,50 Cracky Z Chellano Z Stoeterij 't Kelfshof, Haacht (BEL) Chaouki Rijnders (BEL) € 40,00 Class 4B (CSI3*, Competition against the clock, 1.45 m): 1st Andino Z 14th Sea Coast Pebles Z Pebbles vd Wijngaardh Z Andiamo Z Picasso Z Cabdula du Tilard Flamenco de Semilly Paul Schockemöhle Pferdehaltung, Mühlen (GER) Yves Clercx, Hoesselt (BEL) Darragh McCarthy (IRL) Gudrun Patteet (BEL) € € 250,00 30,00 Thursday 17/4 Class IV (CSIYH1*, Competition not against the clock for 5 year old horses, 1.10 m): 1st e.a. Cigaret JV H Z 1st e.a. Orage Z 1st e.a. Noa K Z 1st e.a. Chinon Z 1st e.a. Noukie Z 1st e.a. Hailey AD Z 1st e.a. Ciaro vh Lepelhof Z 1st e.a. Cesar SBK Z 1st e.a. Chester VI Z Clinton Ogano Sitte Nonstop Candillo Z Nabab de Reve Hardrock Z Cluysenaer vd Heffinck Clintissimo Z Clintissimo Z Kannan Toulon Carthago Z Jokinal de Bornival Chi Chin Skippy II Canadian River Quidam de Revel t'Is Voltaire Jan Vermeiren, Wecheeterzande (BEL) Brems, Diest (BEL) Klinkers, Echt (NED) Tony Hayen, Nieuwerkerken (BEL) Rob Santermans, Zepperen (BEL) Detre, Bree (BEL) Van den Driessche, Brakel (BEL) Bijloos, Alken (BEL) Vuskens Consulting BVBA, Sint Truiden (BEL) Jan Vermeiren (BEL) Joris Schepers (BEL) Rob Gradussen (NED) Gilles Kender (BEL) Nico Baerts (BEL) Chloe Vranken (BEL) Ben Van den Driessche (BEL) Tamarin Christie (GBR) Leen Verwimp (BEL) € € € € € € € € € 18,00 18,00 18,00 18,00 18,00 18,00 18,00 18,00 18,00 Class VA (CSIYH1*, Competition against the clock for 6 year old horses, 1.20 m): 2nd Quilina Z 5th Cencor WP Z 8th Casillias N89 Z 16th Axana vd Herkkant Z Quidam de Revel Cento Cavaggio Accardi Chin Chin Concorde Mouijk de Sohan Furioso Z Rob Santermans, Zepperen (BEL) Wim Putseys, Bertem (BEL) Nick Verlies, Schaffen (BEL) Ronny Paulissen, Berbroek (BEL) Nico Baerts (BEL) Dimitri Taeijmans (BEL) Nick Verlies (BEL) Jeroen Appelen (BEL) € € € € 100,00 35,00 15,00 - Class VIA (CSIYH1*, Competition against the clock for 7 year old horses, 1.30/1.35 m): 1st Carrera vd Kattevennen Z 4th Clicquot van Overis Z 10th Arno vh Scheefkasteel Z 16th Comtesse vt Ertsenhof Z Conterno Grande Caritano Z Air Jordan Z Calvaro Z Darco Ramiro Laurin Holstein Ogano Sitte Leon Spronken, Genk (BEL) Gerald Lenaerts, Peer (BEL) Johan Hubrechts, Peer (BEL) Willy Maris, Halen (BEL) Nico Baerts (BEL) Deborah Van Roy (BEL) Marit H. Skollerud (NOR) Eiken Sato (JPN) € € € € 125,00 50,00 12,50 10,00 Class VIB (CSIYH1*, Competition against the clock for 7 year old horses, 1.30/1.35 m): 2nd Verdine SZ 4th Famoso d'Ive Z Verdi For Pleasure Heartbreaker Chin Chin Sylvain De Wreede, Hamme (BEL) Isabelle Van Eeckhout, Outer-Ninove (BEL) Virginie Thonon (BEL) Christophe Vanderhasselt (BEL) € € 100,00 50,00 Class C (CSI1*, Competition with jump-off, 1.30 m): 3rd Chayenne HP Z 7th Cupido van de Hoefslag Z Chayenne Donaldson Z Wednesday 16/4 Class 1B (CSI3*, Competition with jump-off, 1.30 m): 11th For Play Z Class 2A (CSI3*, Competition with jump-off, 1.35 m): 2nd Afandina VOR Curioso Z Class 2B (CSI3*, Competition with jump-off, 1.35 m): 6th Quattrina 2000 Z 9th La Diva du Ruisseau Class 3 (CSI3*, Competition with jump-off, 1.40 m): 7th Cas de Liberté Cas de Liberté Kelfshof Z 7th Unta Z Untouchable Z Chellano Z Nico Baerts, Herk-De-Stad (BEL) Nico Baerts (BEL) € 20,00 Class D (CSI1*, Competition with jump-off, 1.10 m): 13th Con Air Z 16th Colorado vh Simsehof Z Contendro Chicago Z Air Jordan Z Nonstop Stal de Krochten, Rijsbergen (NED) Geenen, Alken (BEL) Carmen Christiaansen (BEL) Sander Geenen (BEL) € € - Class E (CSI1*, Competition against the clock, 1.20 m): 4th Ilancia Z 8th Time for Picobello Z Indian Gold t'Is Voltaire Ernest Papillon Rouge Heinz Mertens, Buellingen (BEL) Picobello Horses, Hooglede (BEL) Kim Van Decraen (BEL) Rob Gradussen (NED) € € 50,00 15,00 Cartani Campione Z Cadence van 't Gelutt Z Nabab de Reve Coriano Z Elton Peter Simons, Lanaken (BEL) Sonia Lason, Oosterzele (BEL) Peter Postelmans, Lummen (BEL) Jan Vermeiren (BEL) Joris Geenen (BEL) Stefan Corten (BEL € € € 125,00 15,00 15,00 Picasso Z Zeppelin G. Bongaerts, Echt (NED) Carlos Eduardo Mota Ribas (BRA) € 100,00 Chellano Z Burggraaf Picasso Z Animo II Z Concorde Centauer Z Flamenco de Semilly Continue Wim van der Steen, Gemonde (NED) Beazar, Geraardsbergen (BEL) Yves Clercx, Hoesselt (BEL) Stoeterij Zangersheide, Lanaken (BEL) Phillip Miller (GBR) James Paterson-Robinson (AUS) Gudrun Patteet (BEL) Cameron Hanley (IRL) € € € € 1.320,00 720,00 600,00 600,00 Class 7A (CSI3*, Competition against the clock, 1.30 m): 5th Flair Z Feliciano 823 Sandro Z Alex Gisbertz, Beek (NED) Gondje Poell (NED) € 52,50 Class 7B (CSI3*, Competition against the clock, 1.30 m): 2nd For Play Z 5th Navenna Navenna vd Aard Z th 12 Gemmy du Domaine Z For Pleasure Nelson Z Gem of India Cassini I Sioux de Baugy Romino Rolin, Bray sur Seine (FRA) Van den Heuvel, Hoogstraten (BEL) L. De Brauwer, Bever (BEL) Olivier Van Roosbroeck (BEL) Katty King (BRA) Tom Van den Driessche (BEL) € € € 150,00 52,50 18,75 Class 8B (CSI3*, Competition against the clock, 1.35 m): 10th Air Nike Z van de Helle 13th Caramba van 't Ruytershof Z Air Jordan Z Crown Z Chellano Z Darco B. Vink & M. Helsoot, IJsselstein (NED) Bert Van den Branden, St. Niklaas (BEL) Constant Van Paesschen (BEL) Marit H. Skollerud (NOR) € € 18,75 - Class 9A (CSI3*, Competition against the clock, 1.40 m): 3rd Queretaro Z Quattro 2000 Z 14th Aikido Z 16th Talou Contender K Z Quidam de Revel Accardi Taloubet Z Feinschnitt II vd Richter Corrado I Contender Corthouts & Foriers, Halen (BEL) Annick Bijloos, Zepperen (BEL) C.T. Klaver, Schoorl (NED) Manuel Fernandez Saro (ESP) Jeroen Appelen (BEL) Gilles Dunon (BEL) € € € 225,00 30,00 - Saturday 19/4 Class VII (CSIYH1* Final, Competition with jump-off for 5 year old horses, 1.10 m): 2nd Orage Z 3rd Chester VI Z 4th Ciaro vh Lepelhof Z 7th Duanda of the Lowlands Z 13th Noa K Z Ogano Sitte Clintissimo Z Cluysenaer vd Heffinck Diamant de Semilly Nonstop Toulon t'Is Voltaire Canadian River Goodtimes Carthago Z Brems, Diest (BEL) Vuskens Consulting BVBA, Sint Truiden (BEL) Van den Driessche, Brakel (BEL) Lowlands Stud, Peer (BEL) Klinkers, Echt (NED) Joris Schepers (BEL) Leen Verwimp (BEL) Ben Van den Driessche (BEL) Sus Dirickx (BEL) Rob Gradussen (NED) € € € € € 200,00 150,00 100,00 30,00 10,00 Class VIII (CSIYH1* Final - Section 1, Competition with jump-off for 6 year old horses, 1.20 m): 7th Mamba du Buisson Z 9th Cantitus Z Mr. Blue Canturano Wolfgang Cantus Van de Mortel, Zetten (NED) Beauty BVBA, Nazareth (BEL) Jan Vlemmix (BEL) Jan De Pauw (BEL) € € 40,00 30,00 Class VIII (CSIYH1* Final - Section 2, Competition with jump-off for 6 year old horses, 1.20 m): 2nd Alezie Z 11th Fabrice van Overis Accardi For Pleasure Bernstein Diamant de Semilly Luc Heeren, Wellen (BEL) Gerald Lenaerts, Peer (BEL) Jeroen Appelen (BEL) Philip Miller (GBR) € € 200,00 25,00 Class G (CSI1*, Competition with jump-off, 1.10 m): 1st Jasmin de Bornival Z 15th Con Air Z Jouyeux Ardent Contendro Harmonia de Bornival Air Jordan Z Leon & Daniel Stalpaert, Bornival-Nivelles (BEL) Stal de Krochten, Rijsbergen (NED) Louise Van Laer(BEL) Carmen Christiaansen (BEL) € € 250,00 - Class H (CSI1*, Competition against the clock, 1.20 m): 4th Chellana vh Molenhof Z 11th Quicksilver Z of the Lowlands Z Chellano Z Quick Star Nonstop Athlet Z Luc Liesens-Vossen, Dilsen (BEL) W. van de Rijt, Waalre (NED) Joris Geenen (BEL) Inge Pieck (BEL) € € 100,00 25,00 Class J CSI1* - Grand Prix, 1.30 m: 5th Cupido van de Hoefslag Z Cartani Nabab de Reve Peter Simons, Lanaken (BEL) Jan Vermeiren (BEL) € 175,00 Class F (CSI1*, Competition with jump-off, 1.30 m): 1st Cupido van de Hoefslag Z 9th Chayenne HP Z 11th Herakles Z Chayenne Donaldson Z C-Herakles Z Friday 18/4 Class 5 (CSI3*, Competition with jump-off, 1.45 m): 15th Pelvin Z Class 6 (CSI3*, Competition with jump-off, 1.45 m): 6th Caritiar Z 8th Boris III 10th Sea Coast Pebles Z 12th Antello Z Cartier Z Boris van 't Glemhof Z Pebbles vd Wijngaardh Z Class 10 (CSI3*, Competition with jump-off, 1.45 m): 2nd Cash del Mar Z Conan Z Prins Drum van Bellet Wijnans, Hamme (BEL) Tim Hoster (GER) € Sunday 20/4 Class IXA (CSIYH1* Final, Competition with jump-off for 7 year old horses, 1.30/1.35 m): 15th Clockwise of Greenhill Z Clearway Caretino Philip Gysbrechts, Tessenderlo (BEL) Philip Gysbrechts (BEL) € - Class IXB (CSIYH1* Final, Competition with jump-off for 7 year old horses, 1.30/1.35 m): 3rd Chanel d'Ysenbeeck Z 10th Sea Coast Diamant Z Diamant Star de Tiji Z th 15 Arno vh Scheefkasteel Z Calvaro Z Diamant de Semilly Air Jordan Z Kannan Quick Star Laurin Holstein De Coninck, Asse (BEL) Tijistables, Kapelle-Op-Den-Bos (BEL) Johan Hubrechts, Peer (BEL) Pieter Devos (BEL) Gudrun Patteet (BEL) Marit H. Skollerud (NOR) € € € 225,00 37,50 10,00 Class 11 (CSI3*, Competition with jump-off, 1.30 m): 6th Caramba van 't Ruytershof Z 14th Asoka de Regor Z 16th For Play Z Crown Z Andiamo Z For Pleasure Darco Ramiro Z Cassini I Bert Van den Branden, St. Niklaas (BEL) Fam. Veldeman, Oudegem (BEL) Rolin, Bray sur Seine (FRA) Marit H. Skollerud (NOR) Thomas De Wit (BEL) Olivier Van Roosbroeck (BEL) € € € 55,00 10,00 10,00 Class12 (CSI3*, Competition against the clock, 1.35 m): 6th Pina Colada Z 7th Bianca Z Pino Balou du Rouet Tangelo van de Zuuthoeve Jadalco Wolters, Kerkrade (NED) Claeskens, St. Truiden (BEL) Loewie Joppen (NED) Kim Thiry (BEL) € € 110,00 80,00 Cracky Z Chellano Z Stoeterij 't Kelfshof, Haacht (BEL) Chaouki Rijnders (BEL) € 100,00 Juulia Jyläs (FIN) Vicky Van de Poel (BEL) € € 120,00 - Noemi Marelli (ITA) € - Class 14 CSI3* - Grand Prix, 1.50 m: 13th Cas de Liberté Cas de Liberté Kelfshof Z 4.800,00 CSI2*/CSI1*/CSICh-A/CSIJ-B/CSIOJ/CSIOY/CSIY-A/CSIYH1* Arezzo (San Marino) - website and all results: Thursday 17/4 Class I-02 (CSIYH1*, Competition in two phases for 6 year old horses, 1.20 m): 3rd Courage T Z 13th Q Picobello Z Calvino Z Quidam de Revel Espri Heartbreaker Class I-10 (CSIY/CSIJ, Competition in two phases, 1.20 m): 7th Fleur Z de Guldenboom Dark Amour Codexco Class O-07 (CSIOY, Competition against the clock, 1.35 m): 16th Deviline Z Diamant de Semilly Quidam de Revel J&S NV, Zele (BEL) Ivana Hronova (CZE) € - Class O-08 (CSIOY, Competition in two phases, 1.40 m): 6th Cupido Z 11th Diablo Chellano Z Dutch Capitol Lugano van Laroche Rex Z Tom Camerlynck, Diksmuide (BEL) Emanuele Bianchi (ITA) Elisa Baldazzi (IAT) € € 55,00 25,00 Friday 18/4 Class O-14 (CSIOJ, Nations Cup, 1.40 m) - individual results: 7th Val d’Isère Zal d’Isère Z th 8 Carsey Z 9th Chatanooga Z Zandor Z Carthino Z Chellano Z Habsburg) Columbus Fantastique Roelink, Lattrop (NED) DAP L.G. Morsink, De Lutte (NED) Erik Wuyts, Bocholt (BEL) Luca Schena (ITA) Tomas Matos Nunes (POR) Lisa Maria Rudigier (AUT) € € € - Class O-15 (CSIOY, Competition in two phases, 1.35 m): 14th Deviline Z Diamant de Semilly Quidam de Revel J&S NV, Zele (BEL) Ivana Hronova (CZE) € - Class I-15 (CSI2*, Competition in two phases, 1.30 m): 2nd Centro vh Schaarbroek Z 3rd Copilot Z Cento Lano Capilens Corleone Pilot Van Craen, Berlaar (BEL) Stal Veldhoek & H. Boeve, Lemelerveld (NED) Laura Gianetti (ITA) Alessandro Mari (ITA) € € 200,00 150,00 Class I-14 (CSI1*, Competition with jump-off, 1.25 m): 16th Samba Overcinge's Z Sandro Lagos Federica Biglietti (ITA) € - Class I-21 (CSIY/CSIJ, Competition in two phases, 1.20 m): 11th Fleur Z de Guldenboom Dark Amour Codexco Noemi Marelli (ITA) € - Class I-12 (CSIYH1*, Competition against the clock for 6 year old horses, 1.20 m): 3rd Courage T Z 9th Q Picobello Z Calvino Z Quidam de Revel Espri Heartbreaker Juulia Jyläs (FIN) Vicky Van de Poel (BEL) € € 120,00 24,00 Saturday 19/4 Class I-28 (CSI2*, Competition against the clock, 1.35 m): Triest, Elburg (NED) Picobello Horses, Hooglede (BEL) Triest, Elburg (NED) Picobello Horses, Hooglede (BEL) 1st Centro vh Schaarbroek Z Cento Lano Corleone Van Craen, Berlaar (BEL) Laura Gianetti (ITA) € 375,00 Class I-29 (CSI2*, Competition against the clock, 1.45 m): 14th Caramouche Z Caretano Z Coronado PGMBH Hammes, Recht (BEL) Ales Opatrny (CZE) € - Class O-24 (CSIOY, Competition with jump-off, 1.40 m): 6th Zora VHP Z 7th Deviline Z Zandor Z Diamant de Semilly Voltaire Quidam de Revel Guy De Schuymer, Diest (BEL) J&S NV, Zele (BEL) Roberto Nocerino (ITA) Ivana Hronova (CZE) € € 55,00 40,00 Class I-34 (CSICh/CSIJ, Competition with jump-off, 1.20 m): 15th Fleur Z de Guldenboom Dark Amour Codexco Noemi Marelli (ITA) € - Class I-27 (CSI2*, Competition with jump-off, 1.30 m): 4th Hunter St Anna Z 13th Copilot Z Baron Cento Heldenlaan Capilens Skippy II Pilot Armand Belien, Zolder (BEL) Stal Veldhoek & H. Boeve, Lemelerveld (NED) Vicky Van de Poel (BEL) Alessandro Mari (ITA) € € 100,00 - Class I-23 (CSIYH1*, Competition with jjump-off for 6 year old horses, 1.20 m): 3rd Courage T Z 7th Q Picobello Z Calvino Z Quidam de Revel Espri Heartbreaker Triest, Elburg (NED) Picobello Horses, Hooglede (BEL) Juulia Jyläs (FIN) Vicky Van de Poel (BEL) € € 100,00 32,00 Sunday 20/4 Class O-32 (CSIOY, Grand Prix, 1.45 m): 5th Diablo 10th Cupido Z Dutch Capitol Chellano Z Rex Z Lugano van Laroche Tom Camerlynck, Diksmuide (BEL) Elisa Baldazzi (IAT) Emanuele Bianchi (ITA) € € 490,00 175,00 Class O-29 (CSIOJ, Competition against the clock, 1.30 m): 11th Liquidor Z Lux Z Ernest W.J.L. Strous, Beesel (NED) Laura Sutterlüty (AUT) € 10,00 Class O-27 (CSIOCh, Competition against the clock, 1.15 m): 7th Cocinelle Z Carthago Z Prince Royal Van Kerckhove, Zele (BEL) Vanina Lombard (ITA) € - Class I-38 (CSI2*, Competition in two phases, 1.35 m): 2nd Centro vh Schaarbroek Z 6th No Limit Z Cento Lano Nonstop Corleone Le Tot de Semilly Van Craen, Berlaar (BEL) Raymon & Eric Lombard, Sprimont (BEL) Laura Gianetti (ITA) Eric Lombard (BEL) € € 300,00 82,50 Class I-37 (CSI2*, Competition against the clock, 1.30 m): 4th Copilot Z 11th Hunter St Anna Z Capilens Baron Cento Heldenlaan Pilot Skippy II Stal Veldhoek & H. Boeve, Lemelerveld (NED) Armand Belien, Zolder (BEL) Alessandro Mari (ITA) Vicky Van de Poel (BEL) € € 100,00 25,00 Class I-44 (CSICh/CSIJ, Competition against the clock, 1.15 m): 12th Fleur Z de Guldenboom Dark Amour Codexco Noemi Marelli (ITA) € - CSI2*/CSI1*/CSIYH1* San Giovanni in Marignano (Italy) - website and all results: Thursday 17/4 Class 2 (CSIYH1*, Competition against the clock for 6 year old horses, 1.20 m): 2nd Cheese W Z 3rd Coquelicot de Blany Z 14th Quelle Belle Z Chatman Cornet Obolensky Quasimodo Z Galoubet A Igor des Fontenis Lord Z A. Waldman, Putten (NED) Jean Serge Bertoncini, Laize (FRA) Anne Marie Dekkers, Lommel (BEL) Bertram Allen (IRL) Harold Boisset (FRA) Larissa Notz (SUI) € € € 140,00 105,00 - Class 4 (CSI2*, Competition in two phases, 1.45 m): 10th Quote Zavaan Z Quasimodo Z Armstrong F.H. van den Broek, Veghel (NED) Luiz Felipe de Azevedo Filho (BRA) € 100,00 Friday 18/4 Class 6 (CSIYH1*, Competition in two phases for 6 year old horses, 1.20 m): 2nd Coquelicot de Blany Z 7th Quelle Belle Z 8th Cheese W Z 10th Vesper Lynn DH Z Cornet Obolensky Quasimodo Z Chatman Va-Vite Igor des Fontenis Lord Z Galoubet A Padinus Jean Serge Bertoncini, Laize (FRA) Anne Marie Dekkers, Lommel (BEL) A. Waldman, Putten (NED) De Dwerse Hagen BVBA, Sint-Katelijne-Waver (BEL) Harold Boisset (FRA) Larissa Notz (SUI) Bertram Allen (IRL) Joëlle Cairaschi-Dagut (FRA) € € € € 140,00 28,00 21,00 17,50 Class 8 (CSI1*, Competition against the clock, 1.15 m): 2nd Casper Z 3rd Actros B Z 11th Cees van Overis Z Calvaro Z Artos Z Canturo Kojak Hans Groeneveld, Lattrop (NED) Evarist Maeseele, Haasrode (BEL) Calvados Gerald Lenaerts, Peer (BEL) Maria Concato (ITA) Jessica Leoncini (ITA) Maria Concato (ITA) € € € 100,00 75,00 12,50 Class 9 (CSI1*, Competition against the clock, 1.20 m): 6th Cargo Z Chellano Z Cumano Eyskens, Ulbeek (BEL) Giuseppina Edwige de Stasio (ITA) € 27,50 Class 31 (CSI1*, Competition in two phases, 1.30 m): 7th Casper Z Coriano Z Inferno Jozef Verheyen, Merksplas (BEL) William Edwards (GBR) € 40,00 Class 12 (CSI2*, Competition against the clock, 1.30 m): 3rd Andinie Ledimar Z 12th Nubertus Z 16th Popeye Wijngaardh Z Arco Polo Z Nabab de Reve Picasso Z Cocktail Burggraaf Ahorn Ledimar Hoeve, Geetbets (BEL) X.J.M. van Heertum, Oirschot (NED) Yves Clercx, Hoesselt (BEL) Amber Fijen (NED) Martina Bernini (ITA) Fiona Meier (SUI) € € € 150,00 25,00 - Class 14 (CSI2*, Competition against the clock, 1.45 m): 2nd Quinelza Z 16th Casallo Z Quidam de Revel Casall Almé Carthago Z Paul Blomme, De Haan (BEL) Maurice Hermans, Alken (BEL) Carlo Pfyffer (SUI) Piergorgio Bucci (ITA) € € 4.800,00 - Saturday 19/4 Class 16 (CSIYH1*, Competition with jump-off for 6 year old horses, 1.20/1.25 m): 5th Quelle Belle Z 10th Coquelicot de Blany Z Quasimodo Z Cornet Obolensky Lord Z Igor des Fontenis Anne Marie Dekkers, Lommel (BEL) Jean Serge Bertoncini, Laize (FRA) Larissa Notz (SUI) Harold Boisset (FRA) € € 63,00 22,50 Class 18 (CSI1*, Competition in two phases, 1.15 m): 7th Casper Z Calvaro Z Kojak Hans Groeneveld, Lattrop (NED) Maria Concato (ITA) € 20,00 Class 19 (CSI1*, Competition in two phases, 1.20 m): 7th Actros B Z 8th Cees van Overis Z Artos Z Canturo Calvados Maeseele, Haasrode (BEL) Gerald Lenaerts, Peer (BEL) Jessica Leoncini (ITA) Maria Concato (ITA) € € 20,00 15,00 Class 20 (CSI1*, Competition against the clock, 1.25 m): 10th Caramel-M Z Caretano Z For Pleasure D.J. Mellema, Nieuw Scheemda (NED) Elodie Lanoir (SUI) € 25,00 Class 32 (CSI1*, Competition against the clock, 1.30 m): 9th Casper Z 11th Cargo Z Coriano Z Chellano Z Inferno Cumano Jozef Verheyen, Merksplas (BEL) Eyskens, Ulbeek (BEL) William Edwards (GBR) Giuseppina Edwige de Stasio (ITA) € € 30,00 25,00 Class 21 (CSI2*, Competition in two phases, 1.30 m): 15th Nubertus Z Nabab de Reve Burggraaf X.J.M. van Heertum, Oirschot (NED) Martina Bernini (ITA) € - Class 22 (CSI2*, Competition with jump-off, 1.35 m): 16th Zingaro MK Z Zandor Z Burggraaf Rene Koopmans, Nieuwerkerken (BEL) Francesco Colasanti (ITA) € 20,00 Sunday 20/4 Class 24 (CSI1*, Competition against the clock, 1.15 m): 2nd Casper Z Calvaro Z Kojak Hans Groeneveld, Lattrop (NED) Maria Concato (ITA) € 100,00 Class 25 (CSI1*, Competition against the clock, 1.20 m): 4th Cees van Overis Z Canturo Calvados Gerald Lenaerts, Peer (BEL) Maria Concato (ITA) € 50,00 Class 26 (CSI1*, Competition with jump-off, 1.25 m): 4th Caramel-M Z Caretano Z For Pleasure D.J. Mellema, Nieuw Scheemda (NED) Elodie Lanoir (SUI) € 100,00 Class 33 (CSI1*, Competition with jump-off, 1.30 m): 6th Casper Z 10th Cargo Z Coriano Z Chellano Z Inferno Cumano Jozef Verheyen, Merksplas (BEL) Eyskens, Ulbeek (BEL) William Edwards (GBR) Giuseppina Edwige de Stasio (ITA) € € 55,00 25,00 Class 30 CSI2* - Grand Prix, 1.45 m: 10th California Girl Z 12th Quote Zavaan Z Calvino Z Quasimodo Z Quick Star Armstrong Kunkle, Solvang, California (USA) F.H. van den Broek, Veghel (NED) Amber Fijen (NED) Luiz Felipe de Azevedo Filho (BRA) € € 650,00 650,00 CSI2*/CSI1*/CSIAm-B/CSIYH1* Chantilly (France) - website and all results: Friday 18/4 Class 1 (CSI2*, Competition in two phases, 1.30 m): 10th Apollo Z Amaroso van de Helle not registered Eddy Verbeecke, Beverlo (BEL) Nicolas Mignon (FRA) € 44,00 Class 2 (CSI2*, Competition against the clock, 1.35 m): 9th Candice vd Windeweg Z 16th Qapitano d Hayettes Z Chin Chin Quartz Adelheid Z Le Tot de Semilly Codexco Luc Deknudt, Dikkebus (BEL) Haras des Hayettes, Saint Maclou (FRA) Emmanuel Deknudt (BEL) Aymeric de Ponnat (FRA) € € 60,00 20,00 Class 10 (CSI1*, Competition in two phases, 1.20 m): 11th Caneo de Fuyssieux Z Cassini II Grannus Ass Zumkehr, Interlaken (SUI) Frederic Lagrange (FRA) € 19,00 Class 20 (CSIYH1*, Competition not against the clock for 7 year old horses, 1.25 m): 1st e.a. Casy M&M Z 1st e.a. Delilah Z 1st e.a. Mister Z Mister Picobello Z Cassandiamo Darco Mr. Blue Vigaro Z Le Tot de Semilly Chin Chin Dag Keymolen, Affligem (BEL) Eurohorse BVBA, Grobbendonk (BEL) Picobello Horses, Hoooglede (BEL) Dag Keymolen (BEL) Harrie Smolders (NED) Frédéric David (FRA) € € € 33,00 33,00 33,00 Class 24 (CSIAm-B, Competition in two phases, 1.20 m): 13th Casca Belle 3 Z Clearway Carnute 3 Invest, Zoersel (BEL) Danny Stappaerts (BEL) € 5,00 Saturday 19/4 Class 5 (CSI2*, Competition in two phases, 1.40 m): 10th Vas Y M&M Z Vigaro Z Donnerschlag Joris Laethem, Wingene (BEL) Dag Keymolen (BEL) € 63,00 Class 13 (CSI1*, Competition against the clock, 1.25 m): 11th Chiolano Z 15th Caneo de Fuyssieux Z Chellano Z Cassini II Recruut Grannus Ass Mues, Beringen-Mijn (BEL) Zumkehr, Interlaken (SUI) Aurelien Georges Picot (FRA) Frederic Lagrange (FRA) € € 25,00 10,00 Class 21 (CSIYH1*, Competition against the clock for 7 year old horses, 1.25 m): 7th Quick Racer Z 14th Delilah Z 15th Mister Z Mister Picobello Z Quaprice Z Darco Mr. Blue Cassini II Le Tot de Semilly Chin Chin Bernard Schmitz, Asselborn (LUX) Eurohorse BVBA, Grobbendonk (BEL) Picobello Horses, Hoooglede (BEL) Aymeric de Ponnat (FRA) Harrie Smolders (NED) Frédéric David (FRA) € € € 60,00 15,00 15,00 Sunday 20/4 Class 7 (CSI2*, Competition in two phases, 1.35 m): 10th Vas Y M&M Z 14th Candice vd Windeweg Z Vigaro Z Chin Chin Donnerschlag Le Tot de Semilly Joris Laethem, Wingene (BEL) Luc Deknudt, Dikkebus (BEL) Dag Keymolen (BEL) Emmanuel Deknudt (BEL) € € 63,00 25,00 Class 9 CSI2* - Grand Prix, 1.45 m: 1st Regina Z Rex Z Savoy Hanover J. Wilms & Th. Koopmans, Holthees (NED) Harrie Smolders (NED) € 6.000,00 Class 16 (CSI1*, Competition in two phases, 1.25 m): 16th Ramsexy Z Rex Z Caridor Z Stoeterij Zangersheide, Lanaken (BEL) Guillaume Canet (FRA) € - CSI2* Seoul (South Korea) results not available yet CSI2* Sydney Royal NSW (Australia) - website and all results: results not available yet CSI1*/CSICh-A/CSIJ-A/CSIY-A/CSIU25-A/CSIYH1* Eschweiler (Germany) - website and all results: Saturday 19/4 Class 23 (CSIU25-A, Competition against the clock): 16th Caronja Caritano Z Landgold Paul Schockemöhle Pferdehaltung, Mühlen (GER) Niklas Krieg (GER) € - Class 2 (CSI1*, Competition against the clock, 1.20 m): 9th Cancellano Canturo Chellano Z J.P. Coningx, Zoutleeuw (BEL) Carolina Schröder (GER) € 15,00 Sunday 20/4 Class 8 (CSIYH1*, Competition not against the clock for 6 year old horses): Dream Boy B Z 1st e.a. Dream Boy ME Diamant de Semilly For Keeps Evarist Maeseele, Haasrode (BEL) Christof Kauert (GER) € 41,00 Class 21 (CSIJ-A/CSIU25-A, Competition in two phases): 10th Caronja Caritano Z Landgold Paul Schockemöhle Pferdehaltung, Mühlen (GER) Niklas Krieg (GER) € 24,00 Class 18 (CSIJ-A, Competition in two phases): 13th Corientes Clinton Carthago Z Zentjes, Weert (NED) Katarina Bork (GER) € - Monday 21/4 Class 10 (CSIYH1*, Competition against the clock for 6 year old horses): Dream Boy B Z 12th Dream Boy ME Diamant de Semilly For Keeps Evarist Maeseele, Haasrode (BEL) Christof Kauert (GER) € 13,00 Class 24 (CSIU25-A, Competition against the clock): 6th Caronja Caritano Z Landgold Paul Schockemöhle Pferdehaltung, Mühlen (GER) Niklas Krieg (GER) € 44,00 Tuesday 22/4 results not available yet CSI1*Millstreet (Ireland) - website and all results: Friday 18/4 Class 1 (CSI1*, Competition against the clock, 1.30/1.35 m): 16th Hannibal van Overis Z Heartbreaker Perhaps vd Molenvondel Gerald Lenaerts, Peer (BEL) Vincent Byrne (IRL) ?? Sunday 20/4 Class 5 (CSI1*, Competition Table C): 4th Hannibal van Overis Z Heartbreaker Perhaps vd Molenvondel Gerald Lenaerts, Peer (BEL) Vincent Byrne (IRL) ?? International results Z-riders week 15 (7th - 13th April 2014) horse birth name sire of dam sire breeder winsum rider World Cup Final/CSI3*/CSI2* Lyon (France) - website and all results: Thursday 17/4 Class 2 (World Cup Final, Warming Up, Competition against the clock, 1.45 m): 16th Little Lady Z Laptop Grannus Wiebke Hannken, Langen (GER) Christian Ahlmann (GER) € Friday 18/4 Class 4 (CSI3*, Competition against the clock, 1.45 m): 4th Little Lady Z Laptop Grannus Wiebke Hannken, Langen (GER) Christian Ahlmann (GER) € 2.400,00 Class 6 (World Cup Final I, Competition Table C, 1.50 m): 9th Aragon Z Askari Kolibri Richard Rudolf, Thielbeer (GER) Christian Ahlmann (GER) € 4.500,00 Saturday 19/4 Class 10 (World Cup Final II, Competition with jump-off, 1.50/1.60 m): 8th Aragon Z Askari Kolibri Richard Rudolf, Thielbeer (GER) Christian Ahlmann (GER) € 7.500,00 World Cup Final - overall ranking: 14th Aragon Z Askari Kolibri Richard Rudolf, Thielbeer (GER) Christian Ahlmann (GER) € 7.500,00 On most of the names of the horses you can click for more information, like results, pedigree, progeny etc. Do you want to go deeper in the database? 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