MARETTI L I G H T I N G “Maretti levert, ontwerpt, produceert en geeft service en ondersteuning op gebied van verlichting” “Maretti delivers, designs, produces and provides service and support in the field of lighting” HEADQUARTERS HEADQUARTERS Maretti Lighting, Almere Maretti Lighting, Almere WELKOM BIJ MARETTI LIGHTING Bij Maretti staan de wensen van haar klanten voorop. Wij bieden een enorm breed en diep pakket van producten en diensten aan, waarmee wij alle specifieke en unieke wensen van onze klanten kunnen verwezenlijken. En we doen ons best om hun verwachtingen te overtreffen. We hebben kantoor, showroom, ontwerpstudio, fabriek en magazijn onder één dak. Zo werken wij efficiënt aan de beste verlichtingsoplossingen. Maretti puts the wishes of the customers at first place. We offer a very wide and deep range of products and services, with which we realize all specific and unique requests of our customers. And we do our best to exceed their expectations. We have office, showroom, design studio, factory and warehouse under one roof. The most efficient way to produce the best lighting solutions. Ons hoofdkantoor is een bron van inspiratie. Hier komen creativiteit en innovatie tot leven! Our head office is a source of inspiration, where creativity and innovation come to life! 4 Maretti headquarters Maretti headquarters 5 HEADQUARTERS Maretti Lighting, Almere HEADQUARTERS Maretti Lighting, Almere Prestigieuze merken en designers laten hun ontwerpen produceren door Maretti en presenteren hun exclusieve collecties in onze showroom. Maretti inspireert Prestigious labels let Maretti produce their designs and present their exclusive collections in our showroom. Ons hoofdkantoor is met recht uniek te noemen en een inspiratiebron voor particulieren en ondernemers. Om u het effect van vele soorten verlichtingstoepassingen te laten ervaren, leiden wij u graag rond door ons pand en onze showrooms. U vindt hier een groot deel van onze collectie standaardarmaturen en vele maatwerkmodellen. Onze zes boardrooms, elk ingericht door een andere Nederlandse topontwerper, geven een goed beeld van de toegevoegde waarde van basis- en designverlichting in een interieur. Maretti inspires Our head office is truly unique and a source of inspiration for individuals and entrepreneurs. To let you experience the effect of many types of lighting applications, we are happy to show you around in our building and showrooms. Here you will find a large part of our standard collection and many custom made models. In our six board rooms, each decorated by a different famous Dutch designer, you will experience the added value of basic and design lighting in an interior. 6 Maretti headquarters Maretti headquarters 7 HEADQUARTERS Maretti Lighting, Almere Onze innovatieve visie op verlichting, vernieuwende ontwerpen en maatwerkproducten tillen interieurprojecten naar een hoger niveau qua ambiance, sfeer en technische mogelijkheden. Toonaangevende ontwerpers en architecten kiezen daarom voor onze deskundigheid en samen realiseren we wereldwijd trendsettende projecten. Our innovative vision on lighting, revolutionary designs and custom made products lift interior projects to the next level in terms of ambiance,atmosphere and technical capabilities. Leading designersand architects elect our expertise and together we realize trendsettingprojects worldwide. Waar iets onmogelijk lijkt, begint voor ons de uitdaging! When something seems impossible, we see a challenge! 8 Maretti headquarters Maretti headquarters 9 HEADQUARTERS Maretti Lighting, Almere HEADQUARTERS Maretti Lighting, Almere Maatwerk is voor ons meedenken Ons creatieve teken- en ontwerpteam weet ieder origineel idee en elke wens op verlichtingsgebied om te zetten in een ontwerp en te verwerken in een lichtplan. Maatwerk is productie op maat Deze ontwerpen worden vervolgens in onze inpandige fabriek door zeer deskundig personeel vervaardigd. Zij beschikken over zoveel technische kennis en hebben zulke geavanceerde machines tot hun beschikking, dat zij alle Iedere klant heeft zijn eigen wensen en eisen. Maretti heeft voor elke klant dé oplossing. denkbarematerialen kunnen bewerken, zoals brons, glas, metaal en rvs. Zo kunnen zij ieder ontwerp vormgeven, van glas buigentot lassen, lasersnijden, zandstralen en spuiten. Every customer has its own needs and requirements. Maretti has for each customer the solution. Maatwerk biedt eindeloze mogelijkheden 10 Als geen ander weten wij bij Maretti hoe belangrijk verlichting is voor onze opdrachtgevers. In elk project bieden we Maatwerk is unieke oplossingen maatwerk. Of het nu gaat om winkels en showrooms, restaurants en hotels, zorg- en wellnesscentra, bedrijven of Wat voor een ander onmogelijk lijkt, zien wij bij Maretti als uit- particuliere woningen, met onze wijze van verlichten creëren wij de gewenste ambiance. Zodat de klanten van onze daging. Wij denken in oplossingen en maken daarbij gebruik opdrachtgevers zich prettig voelen in elke ruimte. van de nieuwste technische ontwikkelingen. Maretti headquarters Maretti headquarters 11 ECO FRIENDLY LIGHTING ECO FRIENDLY LIGHTING Energiezuinige verlichting ‘Schoon licht’ is niet alleen beter voor het milieu, maar ook voor uw energierekening, met besparingen van soms zelfs meer dan 50%. De extra investeringskosten in energiezuinige verlichting verdient u dus snel terug. Energiezuinige verlichting in uw huis, bedrijf of kantoor zorgt voor: • besparing op de energiekosten • langere levensduur/minder vervangkosten • verbeterde werkprestaties Maretti biedt u een grote keus aan energiezuinige verlichting, zoals led en ADD-led™, en daarvoor bestemde armaturen. Wij weten precies welke energiezuinige lamp op welke plek het best tot zijn recht komt en optimaal energie bespaart. Daarbij letten we op de lichtopbrengst en lichtkleur, de dimbaarheid en het aantal keer dat de lamp aan- en uitgeschakeld kan worden. En wij bewijzen dat energiezuinige verlichting wel degelijk net zo mooi is als conventionele. Of zelfs nog mooier! Meer informatie over ADD-led™ op pagina: 514-519. Energy-efficient lighting 'Clean light' is not only better for the environment, but also for your energy bill, with savings of sometimes more than 50%. The extra investment costs in energy-efficient lighting will be earned back soon. Energy-efficient lighting in your home, business or office provides: Met de ontwikkeling van de ADD-led™ draagt Maretti doelbewust bij aan de verwachtingen en eisen van deze tijd. With the development of ADD-led™ Maretti deliberately contributes to the expectations and demands of this time. ECO ECO • saving on energy costs • longer life span/less replacement costs • improved work performance Maretti offers you a wide range of energy-efficient lighting, such as led and ADD-led™, and appropriate fixtures. We know exactly where to put which energy-efficient lamp for the best result in saving energy. In doing so, we pay attention on the light output and light colour, dimmability and the number of times that the lamp can be switched on and off. And we prove that energy-efficient lighting is just as beautiful as conventional. Or even more beautiful! More information about ADD-led™ on page: 514-519. ENERGIEZUINIGE LEDVARIANTEN Elke Maretti halogeenspot kunnen wij vervangen door een energiezuinige led-variant. De Panama led past in veel AR111 spots, de Lima en de Brazil zijn de ideale vervangers van de MR16 of AR70 halogeenlampen. Onze verkoopadviseurs kunnen u uitgebreid informeren over de mogelijkheden. We can replace each Maretti halogen spot with an energy efficient led variant. The Panama led AR111 fits in many AR111 spots, the Lima and the Brazil can replace the MR16 or AR70 halogen light bulbs. Our sales consultants can inform you about the possibilities. ECO FRIENDLY LIGHTING De hedendaagse tendens is het besparen van energie en sparen van het milieu. Maretti zet ook hierbij de toon door de ontwikkeling van het ADD-led™ systeem, het produceren van led-armaturen en het toepassen van led-verlichting in tal van projecten. Today’s trend is conserving energy and saving the environment. Herein Maretti is a trendsetter, by developing the ADD-led™ system, producingled fixtures and the application of led lighting in many projects. 12 Eco friendly lighting Eco friendly lighting 13 2 1 2 WorldWide projects 2 3 4 2 3 4 5 3 4 5 4 5 1 1 2 3 4 3 1 3 WorldWide projects 4 5 6 6 6 6 5 Tel Aviv, Israël Mallorca, Spanje Altea, Spanje Ibiza, Spanje Brakkeput, Curaçao Dubai, Verenigde Arabische Emiraten De samenwerking tussen Maretti en Deze vrijstaande villa nabij Palma de Mallorca Stijlvol wonen op een unieke locatie in Altea, Op een idyllische plek op Ibiza, omgeven door In samenwerking met Jan des Bouvrie heeft Palmeiland Jumeirah in Dubai is een droomplek 5 interieurdesigner Wolterinck, die het gehele heeft 6 een complete restyling ondergaan. Spanje. Deze villa, gebouwd onder architec- rust en ruimte en met uitzicht op een azuur- Maretti op Curaçao een zestal strak en om te wonen. Maretti werd hier uitgenodigd een Interieurarchitect Wim Hoopman tekende voor tuur, is ontwikkeld door Meg van Amstel. Daar blauwe zee, staat deze riante villa. kubistisch vormgegeven villa’s voorzien van luxueuze villa te restylen qua verlichting. prachtig resultaat, waarbij Maretti verant- het interieurconcept. Maretti al in een beginstadium bij het ontwerp De architectuur van Erwin Kleinsman is puur verlichting. betrokken was, sluit het lichtplan naadloos aan gericht op de weelde van het buitenleven, waar verlichting. Het perfect op elkaar afstemmen van de in- op het interieurontwerp van topdesigner je dolfijnen kunt spotten vanaf je terras. De stijlvolle armaturen van Maretti zijn op de gevels creëren een spectaculair lichteffect. en exterieurstyling, liet een vloeiende overgang Eric Kuster. Ook het interieurontwerp van Marcel Wolterinck ontworpen door Jan des Bouvrie en sluiten Ook de overige armaturen in het zorgvuldig staat in dienst van ultiem woongenot. perfect aan bij de architectuur en het ontworpen lichtplan benadrukken de open, Zowel binnen als op de vele terrassen zijn Maretti wist met unieke verlichtingsarmaturen interieurontwerp. kubistische architectuur. Een zeer geslaagde project in Tel Aviv verzorgde, heeft geleid tot een 6 woordelijk was voor zowel de in- als exterieur- Onze Costa collectie, naar ontwerp van Marcel van het binnen- en buitenleven ontstaan. Wolterinck, siert deze villa. Deze armaturen voor paden, pilaren, gevels en terrassen worden in De design verlichtingsarmaturen uit de bijzondere lichteffecten gecreëerd. Designarma- als de Casa Atlantis het gevoel van rust en onze fabriek met de hand vervaardigd. fabriek van Maretti geven tuin en terras turen geven de styling extra allure en brengen comfort te versterken. Het door Maretti Inmiddels is deze collectie buitenverlichting extra elan en sfeer. sfeer en gezelligheid. De op geraffineerde wijze ontworpen lichtplan voor buiten, onthult de aangebrachte led-strips in de plafonds van de schoonheid van de architectonische elementen terrassen creëren `s avonds een warme lichtval. van deze villa. wereldwijd een succes. De subtiel geplaatste Tube Cube led-armaturen restyling met een oogstrelend resultaat. Elke ruimte in en om deze villa ademt de sfeer van pure luxe en rust. 2 4 3 1 5 6 14 Worldwide projects Worldwide projects 15 PETER KOS CONTENT exclusive designers Never change a winning team; clean, tough and minimal design, simply beautiful. Kunstenaar pur sang en artistiek brein achter het Hala Lighting design; Peter Kos ontwerpt verlichtingsarmaturen die door de jaren heen hun schoonheid en BASIC LIGHTING 028 ACCENT LIGHTING 090 TRACK LIGHTING 200 DECORATIVE LIGHTING 224 SHADES 398 EXTERIOR LIGHTING 404 GEARS & TRANSFORMERS 482 EMERGENCY LIGHTING 492 LED LIGHTING 502 ADD-led™ 514 LIGHT BULBS 520 functionaliteithebben bewezen. Simpel en doeltreffend. Robuuste vormen en eerlijke materialenworden één in elk ontwerp. 26 Designers content 27 Presso Presso Presso by Peter Kos Height between 1000-1800mm 230V 450mm E27 IP20 E27 Ø485mm Colour Article number Bulb (option) max.75W High gloss brown / Anthracite 153 60.2240.160 1 max.75W High gloss brown 005 60.2240.161 1 max.75W High gloss champagne 007 60.2240.162 1 max.75W High gloss copper 006 60.2240.163 1 max.75W High gloss red 164 60.2240.164 1 max.75W High gloss silver 023 60.2240.165 1 LIGHTING Bulb (option) LIGHTING 1 Standard ES PRO 46W E27 clear ENERGYSAVER DULUX IL 11W E27 825 Master led bulb (12=60W) 2700K dimmable Lumen Article number 700 lm 21.3237.91 640 lm 21.5595.82 806 lm 21.8805.82 LIGHTING 362 DECORATIVE LIGHTING DECORATIVE LIGHTING 363 LIGHTING PENDANTS PENDANTS LIGHTING LIGHTING PENDANTS by PETER KOS 230V E27 PENDANTS by PETER KOS IP20 230V E27 IP20 550mm Diva suspended Ø710mm Diva Dot suspended Height Adjustable max.75W Colorball 3,5 and 7 Ø270mm Dot Height Adjustable 500-1600mm max.60W Height Adjustable 500-1600mm Colour Material Article number Copper Aluminium 60.2099.114 Colour Material Article number Available in 17 colours* Chrome / Copper 60.0180 Colour Material Article number Clooney suspended Bulb (option) Bulb (option) max.3x75W Available in 15 colours* Aluminium 60.2080 1 max.5x75W Available in 15 colours* Aluminium 60.2085 1 max.7x75W Available in 15 colours* Aluminium 60.2090 1 Article number Bulb (option) max.60W White matt 9010 Black 60.2070.101 1 max.60W Black matt 9005 Black 60.2070.103 1 Clooney max.60W Anthracite 7022 Black 60.2070.109 1 max.60W Orange 2010 Black 60.2070.122 1 max.60W Brown 8028 Black 60.2070.123 1 max.60W Taupe 7003 Black 60.2070.130 1 Colour Fabric cord Article number Bulb (option) Fabric cord 1 Colour Ø460mm 1 Jazz 5 suspended 290mm Ø550mm Bulb (option) max.60W White matt 9010 Black 60.2100.101 1 max.60W Black matt 9005 Black 60.2100.103 1 Colour Fabric cord Article number Jazz 5 Jazz 7 suspended * Ø270mm 17 COLOURS AVAILABLE FOR DOT: Height Adjustable 102: Shiny white 9010, 103: Black matt 9005, 104: Shiny black 9005GL, 105: Silver grey metallic 9006, 106: Mouse grey 7031, 500-1600mm 113: Chrome, 114: Copper, 120: Olive 7003, 121: Orange 2011, 180: Soft white S95, 183: Soft antracite B21, 184: Soft blue S631, Ø270mm 185: Soft brown J32, 186: Soft green B28, 187: Soft orange D8, 188: Soft silk grey S551, 189: soft stone grey B2. * 15 COLOURS AVAILABLE FOR COLORBALL: Bulb (option) max.60W White matt 9010 Black 60.2110.101 1 max.60W Black matt 9005 Black 60.2110.103 1 380mm 102: Shiny white 9010, 103: Black matt 9005, 104: Shiny black 9005GL, 105: Silver grey metallic 9006, 106: Mouse grey 7031, Colorball 3, 5 and 7 Ø270mm500-1600mm Height adjustable Ø sphere 270mm 120: Olive 7003, 121: Orange 2011, 180: Soft white S95, 183: Soft antracite B21, 184: Soft blue S631, 185: Soft brown J32, Ø600mm 186: Soft green B28, 187: Soft orange D8, 188: Soft silk grey S551, 189: soft stone grey B2. Jazz 7 Bulb (option) 1 STANDARD ES PRO 46W E27 CLEAR ENERGYSAVER DULUX IL 11W E27 825 MASTER LED BULB (12=60W) 2700K DIMMABLE 364 DECORATIVE LIGHTING Lumen Article number Bulb (option) 700 lm 21.3237.91 640 lm 21.5595.82 ENERGYSAVER DULUX IL 11W E27 825 806 lm 21.8805.82 MASTER LED BULB (12=60W) 2700K DIMMABLE 1 STANDARD ES PRO 46W E27 CLEAR Lumen Article number 700 lm 21.3237.91 640 lm 21.5595.82 806 lm 21.8805.82 DECORATIVE LIGHTING 365 Twist series Twist series Twist Length arms 750 / 500mm (axially adjustable) 230V E27 IP20 Twist 1 220mm Ø450mm Length arms 750 / 500mm (axially adjustable) Colour Shade Article number Bulb (option) max.1x60W Chrome Excl. 60.0330.113 1 max.1x60W Chrome White shade incl. (chintz 01) 60.0340.113 1 max.1x60W Chrome Black shade incl. (chintz 20) 60.0341.113 1 Colour Shade Article number Twist 2 Bulb (option) max.2x60W Chrome Excl. 60.0350.113 1 max.2x60W Chrome White shade incl. (chintz 01) 60.0360.113 1 max.2x60W Chrome Black shade incl. (chintz 20) 1 60.0361.113 220mm Ø450mm Bulb (option) LIGHTING 1 Standard ES PRO 46W E27 clear ENERGYSAVER DULUX IL 11W E27 825 Master led bulb (12=60W) 2700K dimmable Lumen Article number 700 lm 21.3237.91 640 lm 21.5595.82 806 lm 21.8805.82 LIGHTING 366 DECORATIVE LIGHTING LIGHTING DECORATIVE LIGHTING 367 Aureool led Love & Peace Aureool led by Peter Kos (ceiling or wall mounting) Height adjustable 1800mm 230V LED IP20 Love & Peace by Peter Kos (ceiling or wall mounting) 230V DIM LED IP20 Remote control* DIM Remote control* 110mm LED Ø1000mm 55W Colour Opal Material Article number Bulb (option) Polyethylene 60.2060.200 Included LED 100W Colour Material Article number OpalPolyethylene 60.2200.200 Bulb (option) Included Ø1000mm *: It is dimmable with the remote control (usb cable incl.) and 1 extra dim unit. (Note: Remote controle and dim unit are ordered separately) *: It is dimmable with the remote control (usb cable incl.) and 3 extra dim units. (Note: Remote controle and dim units are ordered separately) LIGHTING LIGHTING 368 DECORATIVE LIGHTING LIGHTING DECORATIVE LIGHTING 369 Monday series & seventies series Monday series & seventies series 280mm Monday & seventies by Peter Kos 230V E27 IP20 870mm Monday floor special max.5x40W ColourMaterial Bulb (option) WhitePolyethylene 1 620mm Monday floor Monday suspended Special 280mm 870mm Seventies 60 620mm max.5x40W max.60W ColourMaterial Article number WhitePolyethylene 60.2210.200 ColourMaterial Article number White - shade soft B21 60.2320.200 Polyethylene Bulb (option) 1 Bulb (option) 1 Monday pendant Seventies 120 max.3x60W ColourMaterial Article number White - shade soft B21 60.2310.200 Polyethylene Bulb (option) 1 Ø640mm Ø600mm Seventies 60 Ø640mm Ø1200mm Seventies 120 LIGHTING Bulb (option) LIGHTING 370 DECORATIVE LIGHTING 1 Standard ES PRO 30W E27 clear ENERGYSAVER DULUX IL 11W E27 825 Master led bulb (12=60W) 2700K dimmable Lumen Article number 405 lm 21.3237.91 640 lm 21.5595.82 806 lm 21.8805.82 DECORATIVE LIGHTING LIGHTING 371 Saturday suspended Saturday & Planet suspended LIGHTING LIGHTING LIGHTING Saturday & Planet suspended by Peter Kos 230V E27 IP20 Saturday suspended Height adjustable 550-1800mm 300mm Ø900mm Colour Material Article number Bulb (option) max.75W White matt 9010 Shade: Polyethylene 60.2270.101 1 max.75W Black matt 9005 Shade: Polyethylene 60.2270.103 1 max.75W Anthracite 7022 Shade: Polyethylene 60.2270.109 1 max.75W Red Shade: Polyethylene 60.2270.124 1 Colour Material Article number Available in 15 colours* Aluminium 60.3200 Saturday suspended Planet suspended max.75W Bulb (option) 1 350mm Ø700mm Planet suspended * 15 Colours available for Planet suspended: 102: Shiny white 9010, 103: Black matt 9005, 104: Shiny black 9005GL, 105: Silver grey metallic 9006, 106: Mouse grey 7031, 120: Olive 7003, 121: Orange 2011, 180: Soft white S95, 183: Soft antracite B21, 184: Soft blue S631, 185: Soft brown J32, 186: Soft green B28, 187: Soft orange D8, 188: Soft silk grey S551, 189: soft stone grey B2. Bulb (option) 372 DECORATIVE LIGHTING 1 Standard ES PRO 46W E27 clear ENERGYSAVER DULUX IL 11W E27 825 Master led bulb (12=60W) 2700K dimmable Lumen Article number 700 lm 21.3237.91 640 lm 21.5595.82 806 lm 21.8805.82 DECORATIVE LIGHTING 373 Tommy series Tommy series Tommy by Peter Kos 170mm 230V E27 IP20 Height adjustable 600-1800mm Ø270mm Tommy 27 Tommy 27 170mm 60W Colour Fabric cord Article number Available in 15 colours* Black 60.2500 Colour Fabric cord Article number Available in 15 colours* Black 60.2520 Colour Fabric cord Article number Available in 15 colours* Black 60.2540 Colour Fabric cord Article number Available in 15 colours* Black 60.2560 Colour Fabric cord Article number Available in 15 colours* Black 60.2900 Bulb (option) 1 Ø320mm Tommy 32 Tommy 32 60W Bulb (option) 1 170mm Ø450mm Tommy 45 Tommy 45 60W Tommy 60 230mm 60W Bulb (option) 1 Bulb (option) 1 Ø600mm Tommy 60 Tommy bundle 3x60W Bulb (option) 1 170mm Ø270mm Ø320mm Ø450mm * Colours available: 102: Shiny white 9010, 103: Black matt 9005, 104: Shiny black 9005GL, 105: Silver grey metallic 9006, 106: Mouse grey 7031, 120: Olive 7003, 121: Orange 2011, 180: Soft white S95, 183: Soft antracite B21, 184: Soft blue S631, Tommy bundle 185: Soft brown J32, 186: Soft green B28, 187: Soft orange D8, 188: Soft silk grey S551, 189: soft stone grey B2. Bulb (option) LIGHTING 1 Standard ES PRO 46W E27 clear ENERGYSAVER DULUX IL 11W E27 825 Master led bulb (12=60W) 2700K dimmable Accessories LIGHTING 374 DECORATIVE LIGHTING Spreader for Tommy bundle 60.2900 Spreader for Tommy bundle 60.2900 Lumen Article number 700 lm 640 lm 806 lm 21.3237.91 21.5595.82 21.8805.82 Colour Article number Black White 60.9900.04 60.9900.05 DECORATIVE LIGHTING LIGHTING 375 LIGHTING TOMMY SERIES TOMMY SERIES LIGHTING LIGHTING TOMMY by PETER KOS Ø270mm 230V E27 IP20 430mm Ø220mm Tommy table Tommy table Colour Fabric cord Article number 1x60W Shiny white 9010 Black 60.2710.102 1x60W Shiny black 9005 Black 60.2710.104 Colour Fabric cord Article number Bulb (option) 1 Ø450mm Tommy living Bulb (option) 3x60W Shiny white 9010 Black 60.2700.102 1 3x60W Shiny black 9005 Black 60.2700.104 1 Colour Fabric cord Article number 1700mm Tommy read max.75W Shiny White 9010 Black 60.2800.102 1 max.75W Black matt 9005 Black 60.2800.103 1 max.75W Shiny black 9005 Black 60.2800.104 1 Ø420mm Bulb (option) DIM Tommy living Ø270mm 1450mm Tommy read Bulb (option) 1 STANDARD ES PRO 46W E27 CLEAR ENERGYSAVER DULUX IL 11W E27 825 MASTER LED BULB (12=60W) 2700K DIMMABLE 376 DECORATIVE LIGHTING Lumen Article number 700 lm 21.3237.91 640 lm 21.5595.82 806 lm 21.8805.82 DECORATIVE LIGHTING 377 LIGHTING Busquet table & dot floor Dot floor LIGHTING LIGHTING Busquet table & Dot floor 230V E27 IP20 420mm Busquet table Busquet table lamp Ø270mm 1650mm Dot floor lamp max.60W max.60W max.60W max.60W max.60W max.60W max.60W max.60W max.60W max.60W max.60W max.60W max.60W max.60W max.60W max.60W Dot floor 378 DECORATIVE LIGHTING max.75W max.75W max.75W max.75W max.75W max.75W max.75W max.75W max.75W max.75W max.75W max.75W max.75W max.75W max.75W max.75W Colour Material Article number Bulb (option) Shiny white Black matt 9005 Shiny Black 9005GL Silver grey metallic 9006 Mouse grey 7031 Aluminium Olive 7003 Orange 2011 Soft white S95 Soft anthracite B21 Soft blue S631 Soft brown J32 Soft green B28 Soft orange D8 Soft silk grey S551 Soft stone grey B2 Chrome / Brushed alu. Chrome / Brushed alu. Chrome / Brushed alu. Chrome / Brushed alu. Chrome / Brushed alu. Chrome / Brushed alu. Chrome / Brushed alu. Chrome / Brushed alu. Chrome / Brushed alu. Chrome / Brushed alu. Chrome / Brushed alu. Chrome / Brushed alu. Chrome / Brushed alu. Chrome / Brushed alu. Chrome / Brushed alu. Chrome / Brushed alu. 60.0100.102 60.0100.103 60.0100.104 60.0100.105 60.0100.106 60.0100.107 60.0100.120 60.0100.121 60.0100.180 60.0100.183 60.0100.184 60.0100.185 60.0100.186 60.0100.187 60.0100.188 60.0100.189 21.3237.91 21.3237.91 21.3237.91 21.3237.91 21.3237.91 21.3237.91 21.3237.91 21.3237.91 21.3237.91 21.3237.91 21.3237.91 21.3237.91 21.3237.91 21.3237.91 21.3237.91 21.3237.91 Colour Material Article number Bulb (option) Shiny white Metal 60.0240.102 Black matt 9005 Metal 60.0240.103 Shiny Black 9005GL Metal 60.0240.104 Silver grey metallic 9006 Metal 60.0240.105 Mouse grey 7031 Metal 60.0240.106 ChromeMetal60.0240.113 Olive 7003 Metal 60.0240.120 Orange 2011 Metal 60.0240.121 Soft white S95 Metal 60.0240.180 Soft anthracite B21 Metal 60.0240.183 Soft blue S631 Metal 60.0240.184 Soft brown J32 Metal 60.0240.185 Soft green B28 Metal 60.0240.186 Soft orange D8 Metal 60.0240.187 Soft silk grey S551 Metal 60.0240.188 Soft stone grey B2 Metal 60.0240.189 21.3237.91 21.3237.91 21.3237.91 21.3237.91 21.3237.91 21.3237.91 21.3237.91 21.3237.91 21.3237.91 21.3237.91 21.3237.91 21.3237.91 21.3237.91 21.3237.91 21.3237.91 21.3237.91 DECORATIVE LIGHTING 379 Balance series Balance series LIGHTING LIGHTING LIGHTING Balance 230V E27 IP20 Arm: 300-1300mm Balance ceiling 220mm Ø450mm Balance Ceiling Colour Shade Article number Bulb (option) 75W Stainless steel Excl. shade 60.0220.112 1 60W Shiny white 9010 White shade incl. (chintz 11) 60.0221.102 1 60W Shiny black 9005GL White shade incl. (chintz 11) 60.0221.104 1 60W Shiny white 9010 Black shade incl. (chintz 20) 60.0222.102 1 60W Shiny black 9005GL Black shade incl. (chintz 20) 60.0222.104 1 Colour Shade Article number Arm: 300-2000mm Balance Ceiling XL 320mm Ø600mm Balance Ceiling XL 75W Stainless steel Excl. shade 60.0225.112 1 60W Shiny white 9010 White shade incl. (chintz 11) 60.0226.102 1 60W Shiny black 9005GL White shade incl. (chintz 11) 60.0226.104 1 60W Shiny white 9010 Black shade incl. (chintz 20) 60.0227.102 1 60W Shiny black 9005GL Black shade incl. (chintz 20) 60.0227.104 1 Colour Shade Article number 60W Shiny black 9005GL Excl. shade 60.0230.104 1 60W Shiny white 9010 Excl. shade 60.0230.102 1 60W Shiny white 9010 White shade incl. (chintz 11) 60.0231.102 1 60W Shiny black 9005GL White shade incl. (chintz 11) 60.0231.104 1 60W Shiny white 9010 Black shade incl. (chintz 20) 60.0232.102 1 60W Shiny black 9005GL Black shade incl. (chintz 20) 60.0232.104 1 Balance floor lamp 2200mm 800-2100mm (adjustable) Balance floor lamp D IM Bulb (option) 380 DECORATIVE LIGHTING 1 Bulb (option) Standard ES PRO 46W E27 clear ENERGYSAVER DULUX IL 11W E27 825 Master led bulb (12=60W) 2700K dimmable Bulb (option) Lumen Article number 700 lm 21.3237.91 640 lm 21.5595.82 806 lm 21.8805.82 DECORATIVE LIGHTING 381 Amoure series Amoure series LIGHTING LIGHTING LIGHTING Amoure by Peter Kos 230V E14 IP20 Adjustable 600-1700mm Amoure 5S Colour Fabric cord Article number max.40W White matt 9010 Red 60.2000.101 1 max.40W White matt 9010 White 60.2001.101 1 max.40W White matt 9010 Black 60.2002.101 1 max.40W Black matt 9005 Red 60.2000.103 1 max.40W Black matt 9005 White 60.2001.103 1 max.40W Black matt 9005 Black 60.2002.103 1 Colour Fabric cord Article number Ø700mm Amour 5 small Adjustable 600-1700mm Amoure 5L Ø950mm Amour 5 Large Adjustable 600-1700mm Height adjustable 600 - 1700mm max.40W White matt 9010 Red 60.2010.101 1 max.40W White matt 9010 White 60.2011.101 1 max.40W White matt 9010 Black 60.2012.101 1 max.40W Black matt 9005 Red 60.2010.103 1 max.40W Black matt 9005 White 60.2011.103 1 max.40W Black matt 9005 Black 60.2012.103 1 Colour Fabric cord Article number Bulb (option) max.40W White matt 9010 Red 60.2020.101 1 max.40W White matt 9010 White 60.2021.101 1 Ø950mm max.40W White matt 9010 Black 60.2022.101 1 Amour 8 max.40W Black matt 9005 Red 60.2020.103 1 max.40W Black matt 9005 White 60.2021.103 1 max.40W Black matt 9005 Black 60.2022.103 Colour Fabric cord Article number Amoure 10 Ø950mm Amour 10 1 Bulb (option) max.40W White matt 9010 Red 60.2030.101 1 max.40W White matt 9010 White 60.2031.101 1 max.40W White matt 9010 Black 60.2032.101 1 max.40W Black matt 9005 Red 60.2030.103 1 max.40W Black matt 9005 White 60.2031.103 1 max.40W Black matt 9005 Black 60.2032.103 1 Bulb (option) Article number Candle bulb ES 30W E14 clear 345 lm 21.3263.91 Candle bulb MARETTI LED 2,5W 2700k not dimmable 21.8900.82 Candle bulb MARETTI LED 2,5W 2700k dimmable 21.8901.82 DECORATIVE LIGHTING Bulb (option) Amoure 8 Adjustable 600-1700mm 382 Bulb (option) 1 DECORATIVE LIGHTING 383 Floor & Table lamps LIGHTING Floor & Table lamps LIGHTING LIGHTING Ø300mm Floor & table lamps by Peter Kos 230V 490mm E27 DIM IP20 Liesje Liesje Ø700mm 1800mm max.60W max.60W max.60W max.60W max.60W max.60W Lisa Lisa Ø550mm Ø700mm D IM Ø850mm max.60W max.60W max.60W max.60W Thijs S 1750mm Ø550mm Ø650mm Thijs S Ø550mm 1750mm Thijs M Ø700mm 1750mm Ø550mm 1750mm 1750mm Ø850mm Ø800mm Thijs XL 384 DECORATIVE LIGHTING max.60W max.60W max.60W max.60W max.60W max.60W Thijs M 1750mm Ø650mm D IM Ø800mm D IM max.60W max.60W max.60W max.60W max.60W max.60W Thijs XL D IM max.60W max.60W max.60W max.60W max.60W max.60W Colour Material Article number Bulb (option) White 9010 Black matt 9005 Anthracite 7022 Orange 2010 Brown 8028 Taupe 7003 Aluminium Aluminium Aluminium Aluminium Aluminium Aluminium 60.2120.101 60.2120.103 60.2120.109 60.2120.122 60.2120.123 60.2120.130 21.3237.91 21.3237.91 21.3237.91 21.3237.91 21.3237.91 21.3237.91 Colour Shade Article number Bulb (option) White matt 9010 Black matt 9005 White matt 9010 Black matt 9005 White (Kay 01) White (Kay 01) Black (Kay 84) Black (Kay 84) 60.2130.101 60.2130.103 60.2140.101 60.2140.103 21.3237.91 21.3237.91 21.3237.91 21.3237.91 Colour Shade Article number Bulb (option) White matt 9010 Black matt 9005 White matt 9010 Black matt 9005 White matt 9010 Black matt 9005 Excl. Excl. White (Kay 01) White (Kay 01) Black (Kay 84) Black (Kay 84) 60.3000.101 60.3000.103 60.3010.101 60.3010.103 60.3020.101 60.3020.103 21.3237.91 21.3237.91 21.3237.91 21.3237.91 21.3237.91 21.3237.91 Colour Shade Article number Bulb (option) White matt 9010 Black matt 9005 White matt 9010 Black matt 9005 White matt 9010 Black matt 9005 Excl. Excl. White (Kay 01) White (Kay 01) Black (Kay 84) Black (Kay 84) 60.3050.101 60.3050.103 60.3060.101 60.3060.103 60.3070.101 60.3070.103 21.3237.91 21.3237.91 21.3237.91 21.3237.91 21.3237.91 21.3237.91 Colour Shade Article number Bulb (option) White matt 9010 Black matt 9005 White matt 9010 Black matt 9005 White matt 9010 Black matt 9005 Excl. Excl. White (Kay 01) White (Kay 01) Black (Kay 84) Black (Kay 84) 60.3150.101 60.3150.103 60.3160.101 60.3160.103 60.3170.101 60.3170.103 21.3237.91 21.3237.91 21.3237.91 21.3237.91 21.3237.91 21.3237.91 DECORATIVE LIGHTING 385 LIGHTING Atelier series Atelier series LIGHTING LIGHTING Height adjustable 600-1800mm Atelier 230V Ø205mm E27 IP20 Atelier S Height adjustable 600-1800mm max.60W Atelier M max.60W Colour Fabric cord Article number Available in 15 colours* Black 60.2041 Colour Fabric cord Article number Available in 15 colours* Black 60.2051 Bulb (option) 1 Bulb (option) 1 Ø390mm * Colours available Article number Shiny white 9010 102 Black matt 9005 103 Shiny black 9005GL 104 Silver grey metallic 9006 105 Mouse grey 7031 106 Olive 7003 120 Orange 2011 121 Soft white S95 180 Soft antracite B21 183 Soft blue S631 184 Soft brown J32 185 Soft green B28 186 Soft orange D8 187 Soft silk grey S551 188 soft stone grey B2 189 Bulb (option) 1 Standard ES PRO 46W E27 clear ENERGYSAVER DULUX IL 11W E27 825 Master led bulb (12=60W) 2700K dimmable 386 DECORATIVE LIGHTING Lumen Article number 700 lm 21.3237.91 640 lm 21.5595.82 806 lm 21.8805.82 DECORATIVE LIGHTING 387 LIGHTING Swing Swing LIGHTING LIGHTING Swing by Peter Kos Length 250-1300mm 230V E27 IP20 Swing Ø450mm Colour Shade Article number Bulb (option) max.60W Black matt 9005 Excl. 60.2330.103 1 max.60W White matt 9010 Excl. 60.2330.101 1 max.60W Black matt 9005 White shade incl. (chintz 11) 60.2340.103 1 max.60W Black matt 9005 Black shade incl. (chintz 20) 60.2350.103 1 max.60W White matt 9010 White shade incl. (chintz 11) 60.2340.101 1 max.60W White matt 9010 Black shade incl. (chintz 20) 1 Bulb (option) 1 Standard ES PRO 46W E27 clear ENERGYSAVER DULUX IL 11W E27 825 Master led bulb (12=60W) 2700K dimmable 388 DECORATIVE LIGHTING 60.2350.101 Lumen Article number 700 lm 21.3237.91 640 lm 21.5595.82 806 lm 21.8805.82 Skybar, design by Robert Kolenik DECORATIVE LIGHTING 389 Cilinder series Cilinder series LIGHTING LIGHTING LIGHTING Ø110mm Cilinder 230V G9 IP20 1700mm Cilinder floor lamp 60.0200 Ø110mm 1700mm Height adjustable 800-1600mm Ø110mm 1100x500mm DECORATIVE LIGHTING Article number Bulb (option) 2x40W Brushed aluminium (stainless steel) 60.0200.107 Included 4x40W Brushed aluminium (stainless steel) 60.0203.107 Included 3x40W Brushed aluminium (stainless steel) 60.0206.107 Included Colour Article number Bulb (option) D IM Cilinder suspended 60.0206 390 Colour 8x25W Aluminium 60.0110.107 Included 2x25W Aluminium 60.0111.107 Included 4x25W Aluminium 60.0112.107 Included 6x25W Aluminium 60.0113.107 Included 10x25W White matt 9010 / Aluminium 60.0114.101 Included 10x25W Black matt 9005 / Aluminium 60.0114.103 Included 10x25W Aluminium 60.0114.107 Included 10x25W Anthracite 7022 / Aluminium 60.0114.109 Included DECORATIVE LIGHTING 391 Saturday outdoor LIGHTING Saturday outdoor LIGHTING LIGHTING Saturday outdoor by Peter Kos 230V 300mm 900mm 2400mm 3400mm Sturday outdoor E27 IP65 Saturday outdoor Colour shade Bulb (option) max.75W White matt 9010Shade: Polyethylene 60.2260.101 1 max.75W Black matt 9005Shade: Polyethylene 60.2260.103 1 max.75W Anthracite shiny metalicShade: Polyethylene 60.2260.108 1 max.75W AnthraciteShade: Polyethylene 60.2260.109 1 max.75W RedShade: Polyethylene 60.2260.124 1 Lumen Article number Standard ES PRO 46W E27 clear 700 lm 21.3237.91 Energy saving bulb DULUX IL 11W E27 825 640 lm 21.5595.82 MASTER LEDbulb E27 (12=60W) 2700k dimmable 806 lm 21.8805.82 EXTERIOR LIGHTING Article number Bulb (option) 422 Material 1 EXTERIOR LIGHTING 423 SHADES & Fabrics 398 SHADES SHADES & fabrics SHADES 399 SHADES & Fabrics SHADES & Fabrics colour Swatches Chintz: White (66.8003.01) Chintz: Creme (66.8003.02) Chintz: Beige (66.8003.50) Chintz: Brown (66.8003.77) Chintz: Red (66.8003.94) Chintz: Blue (66.8003.14) Chintz: Black (66.8003.20) VPN: White (66.8243.11) VPN: Black (6699.8243.20) VPN: Grey (6699.8243.81) VPN: Brown (6699.8243.77) VPN: Red (66.8243.90) Your ideas VPN: Blue (6699.8243.14) VPN: Green (66.8243.43) Suede: Latte (587) Suede: Midnight (176) Suede: White Coulours on request Shades fabrics Onze uitgebreide collectie lampenkappen is verkrijgbaar in vele varianten. Prachtige stoffen, in alle mogelijke kleuren en een grote variatie aan vormen biedt voor elk armatuur de juiste kap. Wilt u de kap perfect afstemmen op uw interieur, dan kunnen wij ook elke lampenkap als maatwerk leveren. Onze lampenkappen zijn vervaardigd uit de mooiste stoffen en materialen. De juiste kleur en materiaalkeuze bepalen de gewenste uitstraling van de gehele lamp. Ook in de keuze voor de stof en het materiaal kunnen wij maatwerk leveren. Zo zorgen wij dat de verlichting bijdraagt aan de sfeer en identiteit van het interieur. Our extensive collection of lamp-shades is available in many varieties. Beautiful fabrics, in all possible colours and a great variety in forms offer for each fixture the right lamp-shade. If a lampshade should perfectly suit your interior, we can also provide custom-made lampshades. Our lampshades are made of the finest fabrics and materials. The right choice in colour and materials determine the desired look of the whole lamp. Also in the choice of the fabric and the material we can provide custom work. So we make sure that the lighting adds to the atmosphere and identity of the interior. 400 SHADES Your colour Your choice SHADES 401 Ø220 Shade E27 Down Ø300 x 250 70.3070 Shade E14 Down 140 x 110 70.3000 Ø90 SHADES 250 110 SHADES Ø140 Ø300 Shade E14 Up 140 x 110 70.3006 Ø90 250 Shade E27 Up Ø300 x 250 70.3071 110 Shade E27 Down Ø1000 x 300 70.3290 - 70.3291 Shade E14 Up Ø220 x 180 70.3008 Shade E27 Down Ø1000 x 300 70.3290 - 70.3291 Shade E14 Up Ø220 x 180 70.3008 Shade E27 Down Ø1000 x 300 70.3290 - 70.3291 Ø150 Shade E14 Up Ø220 x 180 70.3008 Shade E27 Down Ø1000 x 300 70.3290 - 70.3291 Shade E14 Up Ø220 x 180 70.3008 Ø220 Shade E27 Down Ø1000 x 300 70.3290 - 70.3291 Shade E14Ø300 Up Ø220 x 180 70.3008 Black 250 250 250 200 200 Ø140 300 150 300 300 Shade E14 Down 140 x 110 Ø220 70.3000 Ø90 300 Shade E14 DOWN 70.3070 Ø400 70.3071.05 70.3002.04 70.3002.05 70.3002.52 Colour Article number 70.3000.04 White 70.3000.05 Ø220 Cream 70.3000.52 Ø90 Ø140 70.3071.52 Ø300 Shade E27 Down Ø300 x 250 70.3070 Shade E27Ø300 Up Ø300 x 250 70.3071 Shade E27 Up Ø300 x 250 70.3071 Ø300 Black Shade E14 Ø90 Down 140 x 110 Black 70.3000 White Cream Black Shade E14 Down 140 x 110 70.3000 Ø140 Shade E14 Up 140 x 110 70.3006 Article number Shade E14 UP 70.3060.04 Ø90 Shade E14 Up 140 x 110 70.3006 Ø140 Colour Article number Ø90 Black 70.3060.05Shade E27 Up Ø300 x 250 Shade E14 Up 140 x 110 White 70.3006.05 70.3060.52 Ø90 Cream 70.3006.52 70.3071 70.3006 Ø140 Shade E27 Up Ø300 x 250 Ø300 70.3071 Shade E27 Down Ø300 x 200 70.3060 Ø300 Shade E27 Down Ø300 x 200 Ø90 Ø140 Shade E14 Up 140 x 110 70.3006 Ø140 Ø90 110 Shade E27 Down 150 x 150 x 150 Ø400 Ø300 x 250 Shade E27 Down 70.3070 70.3071.04 Cream Article number White Cream Black 70.3006.04 110 Ø300 Ø300 x 200 Shade E27 Down Ø300 70.3060 Ø220 Shade E14Ø150 Down 140 x 110 70.3000 110 SHADES 110 402 Ø140 Ø400 Shade E27 Down Ø300 x 250 Article number White 70.3002 Cream Ø220 70.3070 70.3070.52 Colour White Shade E14 Down 220 x 180 110 110 200 250 110 Ø300 Ø150 Black Shade E27 Down Ø300 x 250 70.3070.05 Ø300 Ø300 Ø90 Shade E14 Down 220 x 180 Ø150 70.3002 Ø220 70.3008.52 110 111100 Shade E27 Down Ø300 x 200 70.3060 Ø300 70.3070.04 Shade E14 DOWN 250 250 250 110 Cream 70.3008.05 110 White Cream Black Ø90 70.3006 White Ø90 Ø140 Cream Ø300 Ø300 Ø90 Shade E14 Up 140 x 110 Shade E27 Up Ø300 x 250 Ø140 70.3006 70.3071 Ø300 Ø140 Shade E27 Down Ø300 Ø300 x 200 Shade E27 DOWN Colour Ø140 70.3060 Ø300 Black Shade E14Ø90 Up 140 xCream 110 Shade E27 Up Ø300 x 250 White Black Shade E27 Down Ø300 x 200 White 70.3006 70.3071 Ø140 70.3060 70.3071 70.3008.04 White Cream Black Shade E14 Down 220 x 180 70.3002 Cream Ø220 Shade E14 Down 220 x 180 70.3002 Ø150 110 Shade E14 Up 140 x 110 Shade E27 Up Ø300 x 250 Black Article number Article number White 180 110 Colour Shade E27 Down Ø400 x 300 Ø400 70.3080 Colour Ø220 Ø150 Black 250 250 250 250 110 Ø140 ShadeE14 E14 Up 140 Shade Down 140x x110 110 70.3006 70.3000 Ø90 Shade E14 UP 180 110 ShadeE27 E27Down Up Ø300 x 250 Shade Ø300 Ø300 x 250 70.3071 70.3070 Shade E27 UP 180 Ø220 Ø90 Black Ø140 White Cream Black Ø300 White Shade E14 Down 140 x 110 Shade E27 Down Ø300 x 250 70.3000 70.3070 Cream Ø400 Ø140 Shade E14 Up 140 x 110 Shade E27 Up Ø300 x 250 Ø220 Ø300 70.3006 70.3071 Ø90 70.3020.52 250 Colour 300 300 250 300 Shade E27 DOWN Ø1000 70.3020.04 70.3020.05 Shade E14 Up Ø220 x 180 180 Shade E14 Down 140 x 110 Ø90 70.3000 110 Ø400 70.3080.52 70.3080 Black Cream 70.3008 Shade E27 Down Ø400 x 300 70.3080.05 180 Shade E27 Down Ø300 x 250 70.3070 70.3080.04 Cream 180 White Cream Black 70.3000 70.3070 70.3002 70.3080 White Ø400 Cream Shade E14Ø220 Down 140 x 110 Shade E27 Down Ø300 x 250 Ø90 70.3000 70.3070 Ø150 300 Ø150 Black Shade E14 E14Ø220 Down 220 140 xx 180 110 Shade E27 E27 Down Down Ø400 Ø300 xx 300 250 Shade Down Shade Ø1000Ø400 x 300 Shade E27 Down 70.3080 Article number 250 Colour 250 300 180 Ø400 70.3291.52 Ø1000 Shade E27 Down Ø400 x 300 70.3080 Shade E14 Down 220 x 180 70.3002 Ø220 Ø220 Shade E27 DOWN Ø1000 70.3291.05 White Article number Ø150 White 180 Shade E27 Down Ø400 x 300 70.3080 Ø400 Ø1000 180 300 Ø150 Inclusive Cream 70.3291.04 250 Inclusive Inclusive White Black 150Ø220 150 50 300 300 300 Ø1000 70.3002 Ø150 Ø220 Shade E27 Down Ø1000 x 300 70.3290 - 70.3291 Colour 180 300 300 70.3290.52 70.3290.05 180 Exclusive Cream Shade E14 Down 220 x 180 Shade E27 Down Ø400 x 300 180 180 70.3290.04 300 Article number 300 Colour Ø1000 Shade E14 Down 220 x 180 Shade E27 Down Ø400 x 300 Exclusive Black Ø150 White Cream Black 70.3002 70.3080 Ø150 Exclusive White 70.3080 Ø150 Shade E14 Up Ø220 x 180 70.3008 Shade E27 Down 150 x 150 x 150 Ø150 70.3020 Shade E27 DOWN Shade E27 Down Ø1000 x 300 70.3290 - 70.3291 180 Shade E14Ø150 Up Ø220 x 180 Ø220 70.3008 Shade E14 Down 220 x 180 70.3002 Blender Ø220 180 Shade E27 Down Ø1000 x 300 70.3290 - 70.3291 Ø1000 Shade E27 Down Ø400 x 300 70.3080 Shade E27 DOWN 200 300 Ø150 Shade E14 Up Ø220 x 180 70.3008 180 Ø1000 Shade E27 Down Ø300 x 200 70.3060 180 Shade E27 Down Ø1000 x 300 70.3290 - 70.3291 Ø140 180 Ø150 Ø300 SHADES 403 GEARS & TRANSFORMERS 482 GEARS AND TRANSFORMERS GEARS & TRANSFORMERS GEARS AND TRANSFORMERS 483 Led drivers Constant Voltage LED DRIVER INBOUW LED DRIVER INBOUW Led drivers Constant Voltage Input voltage Output voltage Wattage Measurements Article number LED DRIVER 230V 12V 10W L:76xB:36xH:18 19.7610.05 LED DRIVER SLIM LED DRIVER SLIM LED DRIVER 12V LED DRIVER LED DRIVER with strain relief LED DRIVER SLIM LED DRIVER SLIM/U IP65 (D.C) Output voltage Wattage Measurements Article number LED DRIVER IP67 230V 24V 25W L:148xB:40xH:32 19.1310.00 LED DRIVER IP67 230V 24V 40W L:162xB:43xH:32 19.1313.00 LED DRIVER IP67 230V 24V 60W L:162xB:43xH:32 19.1316.00 LED DRIVER IP67 230V 24V 90W L:161xB:61xH:36 19.1319.00 Input voltage Output voltage Wattage Measurements Article number LED DRIVER IP67 230V 24V 150W L:228xB:68xH:38,8 19.1280.00 230V 12V 13W L:158xB:22xH:19 19.7620.05 LED DRIVER IP67 230V 24V 185W L:228xB:68xH:38,8 19.1284.00 LED DRIVER IP67 230V 24V 240W L:244xB:68xH:38,8 19.1288.00 Input voltage Output voltage Wattage Measurements Article number LED DRIVER Input voltage Input voltage Output voltage Wattage Measurements Article number LED DRIVER 230V 12V 16W L:155xB:38xH:25 19.7410.04 LED DRIVER IP67 dimmable 1-10V 230V 24V 40W L:171xB:61,5xH:36,8 19.1210.00 LED DRIVER IP67 dimmable 1-10V 230V 24V 60W L:171xB:61,5xH:38,8 19.1213.00 LED DRIVER IP67 dimmable 1-10V 230V 24V 80W L:196xB:61,5xH:38,8 19.1216.00 LED DRIVER IP67 dimmable 1-10V 230V 24V 150W L:228xB:68xH:38,8 19.1225.00 LED DRIVER IP67 dimmable 1-10V 230V 24V 240W L:244xB:68xH:38,8 19.1228.00 LED DRIVER IP67 dimmable 1-10V 230V 24V 320W L:252xB:90xH:43,8 19.1231.00 Input voltage Output voltage Wattage Measurements Article number 230v 24VDC 20W L:155xB:38xH:29 19.7415.05.A Input voltage Output voltage Wattage Measurements Article number Input voltage Output voltage Wattage Measurements Article number 230V 12V 20W L:146xB:55xH:20 19.7630.05 Input voltage Output voltage Wattage Measurements Article number LED DRIVER 230V 12V 13W L:194xB:20xH:20 19.7625.05 Input voltage Output voltage Wattage Measurements Article number LED DRIVER 230V 12V 50W 19.7650.05 LED DRIVER with strain relief 230V 24VDC 50W L:225xB:60xH:36 19.7700.05 LED DRIVER with strain relief 230V 24VDC 70W L:225xB:60xH:39 19.7701.05 LED DRIVER with strain relief 230V 24VDC 150W L:240xB:60xH:49 19.7705.05 Input voltage Output voltage Wattage Measurements Article number 230V 24VDC 72W L:145xB:60xH:32 19.7755.04 Input voltage Output voltage Wattage Measurements Article number LED DRIVER 1-10V LED DRIVER LED DRIVER with strain relief LED DRIVER Input voltage Output voltage Wattage Measurements Article number LED DRIVER desktop model LED DRIVER strain relief excl. 230V 24VDC 25W L:75xB:51xH:28 19.7100.00 LED DRIVER strain relief excl. 230V 24VDC 75W L:129xB:92xH:38 19.7102.00 LED DRIVER strain relief excl. 230V 24VDC 100W L:159xB:97xH:38 19.7103.00 LED DRIVER strain relief excl. 230V 24VDC 150W L:197xB:98xH:38 19.7110.00 LED DRIVER strain relief excl. 230V 24VDC 200W L:226xB:116xH:62 19.7125.00 LED DRIVER strain relief excl. 230V 24VDC 240W L:190xB:93xH:50 19.7127.00 LED DRIVER strain relief excl. 230V 24VDC 320W L:215xB:115xH:50 19.7133.02 LED DRIVER strain relief excl. 230V 24VDC 480W L:278xB:127xH:43 19.7138.00 484 GEARS AND TRANSFORMERS LED DRIVER LED DRIVER desktop model LED DRIVER 230V 24VDC 120W L:167xB:67xH:35 19.7758.04 LED DRIVER 230V 24VDC 220W L:210xB:85xH:46 19.7765.04 GEARS AND TRANSFORMERS 485 LED controllers LED DIMUNIT LED DIM UNIT WARM WHITE Sun controllers LED controllers Input voltage Output voltage 24V Input voltage Output voltage Wattage Measurements Article number SUN push controller & remote controle (Warm White) 120W L:172xB:42xH:20 19.7420.05 SUN Push LED WW remote controle for 19.7266.05 Push controller input 20.5 Ampere (RF) 4x12-36VDC Wattage Measurements Article number WW (1 address 4 CH) 1-10V 4x12-36V 4x96-288W L:168xB:58xH:28 19.7272.05 RGB+WW (4 address 4 CH) 1-10V 4x12-36V 4x96-288W L:168xB:58xH:28 19.7273.05 Input voltage Wattage Article number Sun controllers WW (1 address 4 CH) PUSH & dali Output voltage 4x12-36V Measurements 4x96-288W L:168xB:58xH:28 LED RGB controller LED RGB controller with remote controle RGB+WW (4 address 4 CH) PUSH & dali Sun controllers Input voltage RGB+WW (4 address 4 CH) DMX Sun controllers Input voltage Measurements Article number Article number Play controller RGB 19.7276.05 Input voltage Output voltage Wattage Article number Play controller RGB 1-10VL:86xB:86xH:41 19.7277.05 Play III remote control RGB DMX wall controller unit RGB 12-24VDC DMX out L:86xB:86xH:41 19.7270.04 DMX wall controller unit RGB WIFI 12-24VDC DMX out L:86xB:86xH:41 19.7278.05 DMX MASTER WIFI Input voltage Play III controller for RGB 19.7279.05 Output voltage Wattage Measurements Article number Play IV remote control RGB L:105xB:50xH:20 19.7251.04 Measurements Article number Mini controller + remote control RGB Output voltage Wattage SUN WIFI remote control RF L:115xB:59xH:12 19.7252.04 SUN WIFI remote control RF L:115xB:59xH:12 19.7252.05 SUN WIFI wall holder for 19.7252 controller input RGB + WW (WIFI - PUSH - RF)4x12-36VDC Play IV controller for RGB Input voltage SUN LED RGB remote controller for 19.7257.05 (USB cable incl.) Output voltage 19.7250.05 Wattage Article number 19.7256.05 SUN controller RGB LED driver input (RF) 3x12-36VDC SUN FLAT Controller & remote controle (warm white) Input voltage Output voltage SUN LED tripple white (USB cable incl.) for 19.7261.05 LED driver Input tripple white RGB (RF)4x12-36VDC 486 GEARS AND TRANSFORMERS Input voltage Wattage Article number Output voltage Output voltage Measurements 120W 19.7228.05 Wattage Measurements Article number 24V 120W 19.7231.05 Input voltage Output voltage Wattage Measurements Article number 19.7233.04 Input voltage Output voltage Wattage Article number 19.7234.04 Input voltage Output voltage Wattage Article number Input voltage Output voltage Input voltage Output voltage Signaal repeater for Play & Mini IP67 3x(60-180)W L:178xB:46xH:18 19.7257.05 Wattage Article number LED RGB S-controller 19.7260.05 4x(60-180)W L:178xB:46xH:18 19.7261.05 Measurements 19.7290.04 Signaal repeater for Play & Mini Signaal repeater 216-432W Measurements Measurements 19.7238.05 Wattage Article number 19.7253.04 4x(60-180)W L:178xB:57xH:21 Measurements 12-24V Mini controller + remote control Signaal repeater SUN FLAT Controller & remote controle (RGB) Article number Measurements Input voltage Wattage 24VDC SUN controller & remote controle Wattage 19.7229.05 Output voltage SUN WIFI UNIT 5-12VDC for wifi controller 19.7266.05 DMX wall controller unit RGB 4x(60-180)W L:178xB:46xH:18 Smart dimcontroller remote control 19.7275.05 4x96-288W L:168xB:58xH:28 Input voltage Output voltage 19.7265.07 4x96-288W L:168xB:58xH:28 SUN WIFI unit Article number 24V 4x12-36V 4x12-36V Measurements Smart dimcontroller warm white Wattage Measurements Wattage Output voltage Measurements Input voltage Output voltage 19.7274.05 Smart dimcontroller Sun controllers Input voltage Input voltage Output voltage LED RGB S-Controller Measurements 19.7239.05 Wattage Article number Measurements 19.7240.05 Wattage Article number Measurements 19.7244.04 GEARS AND TRANSFORMERS 487 Led drivers Constant Current Led drivers Constant Current Output voltage Wattage Measurements Article number LED driver (LC- PUSH) 350mA 1,4W L:20xB:29 19.7400.05 LED DRIVER350mA 4,2W L:28xB:33 L:54xB:22 LED DRIVER 350mA IP66 Input voltage LED DRIVER LED DRIVER LED DRIVER 350mA (PUSH) 350mA 4,2W Input voltage Output voltage Wattage Measurements Article number 350mA 15W L:110xB:52xH:22 19.7472.05 19.7401.05 500mA 22W 19.7402.05 700mA 25W 12V 10W 24V 20W Input voltage Output voltage Wattage Measurements Article number 230V 350mA 17W L:166xB:47xH:35 19.7478.05 500mA 24W LED DRIVER MINI MULTI MD dimmable 1-10V 230V Input voltage Output voltage Wattage Measurements Article number LED driver (LC- PUSH) LED DRIVER 1-10V 24V 350mA 6W L:68xB:35xH:21 19.7405.05.A LED DRIVER MULTI MD dimmable LED DRIVER 1-10V dimmable 24V 350mA 6W L:57xB:50xH:22 19.7404.05 700mA 32W LED DRIVER 700mA 1-2 LEDs 3W Input voltage Output voltage LED DRIVER 1-2 LEDs 700mA Wattage Measurements Article number 6W L:50xB:50xH:22 19.7455.04 12V 10W 24V 20W LED driver (PUSH) LED DRIVER 700mA Input voltage Output voltage LED DRIVER 700mA Wattage Measurements Article number 12W L:99,1xB:39,3xH:23 19.7460.07 Input voltage Output voltage Wattage Measurements Article number 230V 350mA 15W L:103xB:67xH:21 19.7475.05 500mA 22W LED DRIVER MULTI 1-10V dimmable 700mA 25W 12V 10W 24V 20W LED DRIVER 700mA 3-9 LEDs Input voltage Output voltage LED DRIVER 3-9 LEDs 700mA Wattage Measurements Article number LED driver (PUSH) 27W L:117xB:50 19.7450.05 Input voltage Output voltage Wattage Measurements Article number LED DRIVER MULTI MAXI 1-10V dimmable 230V 350mA 25W L:125xB:79xH:22 19.7476.05 500mA 35W 700mA 50W LED driver (LC) Input voltage Output voltage Wattage Measurements Article number 900mA 50W 230V 180mA 9W 19.7498.05.A 1050mA 50W LED DRIVER dimmable Ra92 For LIMA 21.8330.14 / 21.8332.14 / 21.8343.14 LED driver (LC) LED driver (DALI - PUSH) Input voltage Output voltage Wattage Measurements Article number 230V 180mA 8,5W 19.7500.05.A LED DRIVER dimmable Ra82 For LIMA 21.8340.14 / 21.8342.14 / 21.8344.14 Output voltage Wattage Measurements Article number 230V 350mA 15W L:103xB:67xH:21 19.7465.05 500mA 24W LED DRIVER MULTI MAXI dimmable 700mA 32W 900mA 20W LED driver (DALI - PUSH) LED DRIVER 350mA for Panama LED (dimmable) (L.C) Input voltage Input voltage Output voltage Wattage Measurements Article number LED DRIVER (dimmable) 230V 350mA 16W L:175xB:42xH:29 19.7408.05.A LED DRIVER (dimmable) 230V 450mA 15W 19.7409.05.A Input voltage LED DRIVER MULTI MAXI 1-10V dimmable 230V Output voltage Wattage Measurements Article number 350mA 25W L:125xB:79xH:22 19.7466.05 500mA 35W 700mA 50W 900mA 50W LED driver (LC- PUSH) Input voltage Output voltage Wattage Measurements Article number 230V 350mA 15W L:110xB:52xH:22 19.7470.05 500mA 22W 700mA 25W 12V 10W 24V 20W 488 LED DRIVER MINI MULTI MD dimmable GEARS AND TRANSFORMERS 1050mA 50W GEARS AND TRANSFORMERS 489 GEARS Transformers ECO EVSA Input voltage Output voltage Wattage Measurements Article number 230V 2x13W L:103xB:67xH:21mm 16.5545.05.B ELECTR. GEAR Output voltage Wattage Measurements Article number 230V 12V 10-60W L:68xB:34xH:20mm 16.2050.05 Input voltage Output voltage Wattage Measurements Article number eco evsa de eco evsa de 230V 2x18W L:103xB:67xH:21mm 16.5550.05.B eco evsa de 230V 2x26W L:103xB:67xH:21mm 16.5555.05.B Input voltage Wattage Measurements Article number MARETTI ELECTR. GEAR (C) 1x26W L:159xB:79xH:33mm 16.6523.05 maretti ELECTR. GEAR 230V 60W L:90xB:40xH:27mm 16.2160.04 1x32W maretti ELECTR. GEAR 230V 105W L:144xB:38xH:25mm 16.2182.04 1x42W maretti ELECTR. GEAR 230V 150W L:147xB:45xH:34mm 16.2185.04 maretti ELECTR. GEAR 230V 210W L:163xB:48xH:34mm 16.2187.04 Input voltage Wattage Measurements Article number 230V distribution block 6 way 60W 16.2200.05 230V distribution block 105W 16.2205.05 Input voltage Wattage Measurements Article number 230V 60W L:125xB:38xH:24mm 16.2161.04 EVSA MULTIWATT DIM PLC evsa MULTIWATT DIM 1-10V EVSA MULTIWATT DIM PLC 230V Input voltage evsa MULTIWATT DIM 1-10V Output voltage Output voltage 230V Wattage Measurements Article number 2x26W L:195xB:102xH:38mm 16.6529.05 2x32W ELECTR. GEAR MINI Input voltage MARETTI ELECTR. GEAR (L.C) maretti ELECTR. GEAR P&P maretti ELECTR. GEAR P&P Output voltage 2x42W MARETTI EVSA Input voltage Output voltage Wattage Measurements 20W Article number ELECTR. GEAR WITH P&P (C) 16.4021.04.A ELECTR. GEAR WITH P&P Output voltage EVSA HQI/CDM/HCI/MHN 20VA incl. B&M 230V EVSA HQI/CDM/HCI/MHN 35VA incl. BM 230V 35W L:140xB:67xH:31mm 16.4037.05.B ELECTR. GEAR WITH P&P 230V 105W L:156xB:38xH:24mm 16.2183.04 EVSA HQI/CDM/HCI/MHN 70VA incl. BM 230V 70WL:187xB:88xH:37mm 16.4072.05.B ELECTR. GEAR WITH P&P 230V 150W L:158xB:45xH:28mm 16.2186.04 ELECTR. GEAR WITH P&P 230V 210W L:176xB:48xH:34mm 16.2188.04 ECO EVSA Input voltage Output voltage Wattage Measurements Article number evsa hqi-cdm-hci-mhn 230V 2x35W L:224xB:89xH:37mm 16.4045.05 evsa hqi-cdm-hci-mhn 230V 2x70W L:224xB:89xH:37mm 16.4076.05 Input voltage Wattage Measurements 230V 1x13W L:103xB:67xH:21mm 16.5535.05.B ECO EVSA Output voltage Article number eco evsa de eco evsa de 230V 1x18W L:103xB:67xH:21mm 16.5540.05.B eco evsa de 230V 1x26W L:103xB:67xH:21mm 16.5542.05.B 490 GEARS AND TRANSFORMERS GEARS AND TRANSFORMERS 491 ADD-led™ 514 ADD-LED™ ADD-led™ ADD-LED™ 515 ADD-LED™ ADD-LED™ LAMPHOLDER ECO THE ADD-LED TRANSFORMER THE ADD-LED ECO 230V SPIRAL De toegevoegde waarde van ADD-LED™ T H E L E D F I T TING S TA N D A R D G L A S S De enorme expertise die Maretti heeft opgebouwd op gebied van led-verlichting heeft zich ook vertaald in de ontwikkeling van het ADD-LED™ systeem. Het licht van een led komt uit een klein oppervlak en is met een lensje eenvoudig te bundelen tot een gerichte straal. Hierdoor is een led minder geschikt als vervanger van de gloeilamp die het licht in meerdere richtingen uitstraalt. De techniek van het ADD-LED™ systeem, gepatenteerddoor Maretti, maakt het echter mogelijk om het effect van gloeilampen te benaderen, door de vele soorten “gloeidraad”-vervangers en verschillende opzetglaasjes, die eindeloos te combineren zijn. Armaturen voorzien van het ADD-LED™ systeem bieden daarom qua licht VOORDELEN ADD-LED™ heeft een lange levensduur, laag energieverbruik, een kleine bouwvorm en is bestand tegen trillingen. Daarbij is ADD-LED™ eenvoudig dimbaar, heeft geen last van in- en uitschakel-effecten, het licht kan gericht worden en biedt een scala aan sfeervolle varianten. opbrengst en sfeerbepaling veel meer mogelijkheden dan de gangbare led-verlichting. Onze adviseurs kunnen u er uitgebreid over informeren. The added value of ADD-LED™ Maretti has built up an enormous expertise in the area of led lighting, which has also led to the development of ECO the ADD-LED™ system. The light of a led comes from a small surface and is easy to bundle with a lens into a targeted beam. This makes the led less suitable as VERWISSELBAAR Met slechts een aanpassing van de fitting is elk armatuur direct geschikt voor de diverse modellen van de ADD-LED™ accessoires. Dit genereerteen meeropbrengst voor producenten van armaturen. replacementof the traditional light bulb which emits the light in multiple directions. The technique of the ADD-LED ™ system, patented by Maretti, however, makes it possible to nearly equal the effect of incandescent light bulbs, by the many kinds of “filament”-substitutes and different design glasses, which can be combined endlessly. Fixtures equipped with the ADD-LED™ system therefore offer -in terms of light output and creating a warm atmosphere- many more possibilities than the common led lights. Our consultants can inform you extensively KEUZE IN UITSTRALING Het ADD-LED™ systeem bestaat uit de eigenlijke ADD-LED™, de fitting, een ‘gloeidraad’ voor het sfeereffect en een glaasje. ADD-LED™ biedt eindeloze combinatiemogelijkheden, passend in elk interieur. about this system. 516 ADD-LED™ ADD-LED™ 517 ADD-LED™ ADD-LED™ ACCESSORIES SPIRAL SILVER FOR ADD18 SPIRAL SILVER FOR ADD26 44.0100.14 SPIRAL GOLD FOR ADD18 42.0100.01 SPIRAL GOLD FOR ADD26 STANDARD GLASS CLEAR FOR ADD18 STANDARD GLASS CLEAR FOR ADD26 WATTAGE3W WATTAGE8W VOLTAGE12V VOLTAGE12V LICHTHOEK115º LICHTHOEK115º VERWACHTTE LEVENSDUUR12.000H VERWACHTTE LEVENSDUUR10.000H STANDARD GLASS FROSTED FOR ADD18 AC/DCYES AC/DCYES STANDARD GLASS FROSTED FOR ADD26 WARM WITYES WARM WITYES COOL WITYES COOL WITYES ADD18 Article number STANDARD GLASS AMBER FOR ADD18 STANDARD GLASS AMBER FOR ADD26 44.0100.01 Article number 32.0100.91 34.0100.91 Article number 32.0100.90 34.0100.90 Article number 32.0100.45 Kelvin Article number TEAR DROP GLASS CLEAR FOR ADD18 42.0100.14 3W | ADD-LED 18 2700K 30.2210.05.14 3W | ADD-LED 18 3000K 30.2301.05.14 Kelvin Article number 34.0100.45 Article number 32.0950.91 ADD26 8W | ADD-LED 26 2700K 30.4310.05.14 8W | ADD-LED 26 3000K 30.4401.05.14 FITT18 FITT18 for ADD18 Article number 31.1000.14 TEAR DROP GLASS AMBER FOR ADD18 32.0950.90 Article number 32.0950.45 FITT26 FITT26 for ADD26 ADD-LENS Article number 31.2000.14 Article number 35.1825.14 ADD-LENS18 25 graden ADD-LENS18 40 graden 35.1840.14 ADD-LENS18 60 graden 35.1860.14 ADD-LENS26 40 graden 35.2640.14 ADD-LENS26 50 graden 35.2650.14 518 TEAR DROP GLASS FROSTED FOR ADD18 Article number ADD-LED™ BALL GLASS SILVER CUPPED FOR ADD18 REFLECTOR R80 FOR ADD26 Article number 32.1150.91 Article number 34.2310.14 ADD-LED™ 519 Light Bulbs 520 Light bulbs Light Bulbs Light bulbs 521 light BULBS light BULBS HALOSTAR Article number HALOSPOT AR111 IRC Article number Halostar halogen 20W clear G4 21.0003.91 AR111 Halospot IRC 35W 24° 21.0077.25 Halostar halogen 35W clear GY 6,35 21.0014.91 AR111 Halospot IRC 50W 24° 21.0082.25 AR111 Halospot IRC 50W 45° 21.0082.45 HALOPAR Article number Halostar halogen 50W clear GY 6,35 21.0013.91 Halostar ECO halogen 14W clear G4 21.1130.91 Halostar ECO halogen 25W clear GY 6,35 21.1132.91 Halostar ECO halogen 35W clear GY 6,35 21.1134.91 Halostar ECO halogen 50W clear GY 6,35 21.1136.91 DECOSTAR MR16 Article number Decostar Ø51mm 20W TITAN 12V 10° Decostar Ø51mm 20W TITAN 12V 38° 21.0021.23 HALOPAR 16 35W GU10 230V HALOPAR 16 50W GU10 230V 21.1082.14 21.1080.14 HALOPAR 16 ES 28W GU10 230V 21.1087.14 HALOPAR 16 ES 40W GU10 230V 21.1090.14 HALOLINE ES Article number 21.0023.23 Decostar Ø51mm 20W TITAN 12V 60° 21.0024.23 Decostar Ø51mm 35W TITAN 12V 10° 21.0031.23 Decostar Ø51mm 35W TITAN 12V 24° 21.0032.23 Decostar Ø51mm 35W TITAN 12V 38° 21.0033.23 Decostar Ø51mm 35W TITAN 12V 60° 21.0034.23 Decostar Ø51mm 50W TITAN 12V 10° 21.0051.23 Decostar Ø51mm 50W TITAN 12V 24° 21.0052.23 HALOLINE ES 48W R7s 74,9mm HALOLINE ES 80W R7s 74,9mm 21.1103.91 21.1106.91 HALOLINE ES 120W R7s 74,9mm 21.1109.91 HALOLINE ES 120W R7s 114,2mm 21.1112.91 HALOLINE ES 160W R7s 114,2mm 21.1115.91 Article number Decostar Ø51mm 50W TITAN 12V 38° 21.0053.23 Decostar Ø51mm 50W TITAN 12V 60° 21.0054.23 POWERBALL HCI-T HALOSTAR MR16 Article number POWERBALL HCI-T 35W WDL 21.2005.82 POWERBALL HCI-T 70W WDL 21.2006.82 POWERBALL HCI-T 150W WDL 21.2007.82 POWERBALL SHOPLIGHT Article number Halostar ECO 25W clear GY6,35 21.1132.91 Halostar ECO 35W clear GY6,35 21.1134.91 Halostar ECO 50W clear GY6,35 21.1136.91 DECOSTAR IRC MR16 Article number Decostar 20W IRC 12V 38° 21.0023.25 Decostar 35W IRC 12V 38° 21.0033.25 POWERBALL SHOPLIGHT HCI-T 35W WDL 21.2008.82 Decostar 35W IRC 12V 60° 21.0034.25 POWERBALL SHOPLIGHT HCI-T 70W WDL 21.2009.82 Decostar 50W IRC 12V 38° 21.0053.25 Decostar 50W IRC 12V 60° 21.0054.25 DECOSTAR MR11 Article number POWERBAL HCI-TS Article number Decostar Ø35mm 20W TITAN 12V 38° Decostar Ø35mm 35W TITAN 12V 38° HALOPIN Article number HALOPIN 20W G9 clear 230V HALOPIN ES 33W G9 clear 230V 21.0046.91 HALOSPOT AR48 Article number AR48 Halospot 20W 8° 21.0071.23 21.0073.23 HALOSPOT AR70 21.0120.14 Article number AR70 Halospot 20W 8° BA15d AR70 Halospot 20W 24° BA15d 21.0106.14 AR70 Halospot 50W 8° BA15d 21.0107.14 AR70 Halospot 50W 24° BA15d 21.0108.14 HALOSPOT AR111 Article number AR111 Halospot 35W 24° AR111 Halospot 50W 24° 522 light bulbs POWERBALL HCI-TS 70W WDL 21.2011.82 POWERBALL HCI-TS 150W WDL 21.2012.82 POWERBALL HCI-TC Article number 21.0045.91 POWERBALL HCI-TC 20W 830 WDL 21.2028.93 POWERBALL HCI-TC 35W 830 WDL 21.2029.93 POWERBALL HCI-TC 70W 830 WDL 21.2032.93 CMH MR16 Article number 21.0105.14 21.0077.14 CMH MR16 20W 12° 830 GX10 21.0082.14 CMH MR16 20W 25° 830 GX10 21.2206.83 CMH MR16 20W 40° 830 GX10 21.2209.83 21.2203.83 light bulbs 523 light BULBS light BULBS bent tip candle bulbs E14 Bent tip candle bulb 15W mat E14 Bent tip candle bulb 15W clear E14 Article number DULUXSTAR Article number 21.3025.90 DULUX PRO MINI BALL 7W 825 E27 300 lm 21.5743.82.A 21.3025.91 DULUXSTAR 11W 825 E27 21.5744.82 Bent tip candle bulb 25W mat E14 21.3026.90 DULUXSTAR 15W 825 E27 21.5746.82 Bent tip candle bulb 25W clear E14 21.3026.91 DULUXSTAR 20W 825 E27 21.5748.82 Candle bulb ES E14 Article number T5 short Fluorescent lamp Article number Candle bulb ES 18W E14 clear 21.3260.91 T5 fluorescent lamp 8W kleur 827 21.5008.82 Candle bulb ES 28W E14 clear 21.3263.91 T5 fluorescent lamp 8W kleur 830 21.5008.83 Candle bulb ES 42W E14 clear 21.3266.91 T5 fluorescent lamp 8W kleur 840 21.5008.84 Ball bulb ES E14 Article number T5 Fluorescent lamp Article number Ball bulb ES 20W E14 clear 21.3203.91 T5 fluorescent lamp 14W kleur 830 Ball bulb ES 30W E14 clear 21.3206.91 T5 fluorescent lamp 21W kleur 830 Ball bulb ES 42W E14 clear 21.3209.91 Ball bulb ES E27 Article number Ball bulb ES 20W E27 clear Ball bulb ES 30W E27 clear 21.3215.91 Ball bulb ES 42W E27 clear 21.3218.91 21.3212.91 Standard bulb ES E27 Article number Standard bulb ES 20W E27 clear 21.3230.91 Standard bulb ES 30W E27 clear 21.3233.91 Standard bulb ES 46W E27 clear 21.3237.91 Standard bulb ES 57W E27 clear 21.3240.91 Standard bulb ES 77W E27 clear 21.3243.91 Standard bulb ES 116W E27 clear 21.3246.91 Edison LAMP E27 Article number EDISON LAMP 60W E27 21.3108.91 Energy saving bulb DULUX IL E14 Energy saving bulb DULUX IL 5W E14 21.5550.82 Energy saving bulb DULUX IL 7W E14 21.5553.82 Energy saving bulb DULUX IL 11W E14 21.5586.82 Energy saving bulb DULUX IL 5W E27 21.5589.82 Energy saving bulb DULUX IL 11W E27 21.5595.82 Energy saving bulb DULUX IL 14W E27 21.5598.82 Energy saving bulb DULUX IL 18W E27 21.5601.82 T5 fluorescent lamp 28W kleur 830 21.5028.83 T5 fluorescent lamp 35W kleur 830 21.5035.83 T5 fluorescent lamp 54W kleur 830 21.5054.83 COMPACT Fluorescent lamp 2G7 4-pins Article number Compact fluorescent lamp 11W 2G7 4-pins 2700K 900 lm 21.5112.82 Compact fluorescent lamp 11W 2G7 4-pins 3000K 900 lm 21.5112.83 Compact fluorescent lamp 11W 2G7 4-pins 4000K 900 lm 21.5112.84 COMPACT Fluorescent lamp G24d-2 2-pins Article number Compact fluorescent lamp 18W G24d-2 2-pins 2700K 1200 lm 21.5218.82 Compact fluorescent lamp 18W G24d-2 2-pins 3000K 1200 lm 21.5218.83 Compact fluorescent lamp 18W G24d-2 2-pins 4000K 1200 lm 21.5218.84 Compact fluorescent lamp G24q-2 4-pins Article number Compact fluorescent lamp 18W EL G24q-2 4-pins 2700K 1200 lm 21.5219.82 Compact fluorescent lamp 18W EL G24q-2 4-pins 3000K 1200 lm 21.5219.83 Compact fluorescent lamp 18W EL G24q-2 4-pins 4000K 1200 lm 21.5219.84 Compact fluorescent lamp G24d-3 2-pins Article number Compact fluorescent lamp 26W G24d-3 2-pins 2700K 1800 lm 21.5226.82 Compact fluorescent lamp 26W G24d-3 2-pins 3000K 1800 lm 21.5226.83 Compact fluorescent lamp 26W G24d-3 2-pins 4000K 1800 lm 21.5226.84 Compact fluorescent lamp G24q-3 4-pins Article number Compact fluorescent lamp 26W G24q-3 4-pins 2700K 1800 lm 21.5227.82 Compact fluorescent lamp 26W G24q-3 4-pins 3000K 1800 lm 21.5227.83 Compact fluorescent lamp 26W G24q-3 4-pins 4000K 1800 lm 21.5227.84 Energy saving bulb DULUX IL 22W E27 21.5604.82 Energy saving bulb DULUX IL 30W E27 21.5607.82 superstar globe Article number SUPERSTAR GLOBE 14W E27 21.5612.82 SUPERSTAR GLOBE 18W E27 21.5613.82 DULUXSTAR Article number PLL fluorescent lamp Article number DULUXSTAR 5W E14 825 240lm 21.5740.82 PLL fluorescent lamp 36W 2700K 2900 lm 21.5336.82 DULUXSTAR 7W E14 825 310lm 21.5742.82 PLL fluorescent lamp 36W 3000K 2900 lm 21.5336.83 DULUX PRO MINI BALL 7W E14 825 300lm 21.5742.82.A PLL fluorescent lamp 36W 4000K 2900 lm 21.5336.84 524 light bulbs 21.5014.83 21.5021.83 Article number light bulbs 525 light BULBS light BULBS LED AR70 7W 12VAC Ba15d LED AR70 7W 12VAC 3000k warm white Ba15d Article number MASTER LED spot PAR16 dimmable Article number 21.8200.83 MASTER LED spot PAR16 6-50W 2700k 25°GU10 dimmable 21.8503.82 MASTER LED spot PAR16 6-50W 3000k 25°GU10 dimmable 21.8503.83 MASTER LED spot PAR16 6-50W 2700k 40°GU10 dimmable 21.8504.82 MASTER LED spot PAR16 6-50W 3000k 40°GU10 dimmable 21.8504.83 Havana LED AR111 Havana LED AR111 13W | 340mA | 38VDC | Ra82 | 2800K | 24° | 1050 lm (To use only with: 19.7407.05.A LED driver dimmable) Article number 21.8107.82 MASTER LED SPOT ar111 dimmable Article number MASTER LED spot LV AR111 10-50W 2700K 24° dimmable 21.8125.82 MASTER LED spot LV AR111 10-50W 3000K 24° dimmable 21.8125.83 MASTER LED spot LV AR111 10-50W 2700K 40° dimmable 21.8126.82 MASTER LED spot LV AR111 10-50W 3000K 40° dimmable 21.8126.83 PAnama LED ar111 G53 dimmable (350mA) Article number PANAMA LED AR111 11W | 350mA | 31VDC | 80 Ra | 2800K | 550 lm | 8° | dimmable 21.8155.82.A PANAMA LED AR111 11W | 350mA | 31VDC | 80 Ra | 2800K | 550 lm | 20° | dimmable 21.8156.82.A PANAMA LED AR111 11W | 350mA | 31VDC | 80 Ra | 2800K | 550 lm | 45° | dimmable 21.8157.82.A PAnama LED ar111 G53 not dimmable (350mA) PANAMA LED AR111 15W | 350mA | 12VDC | 80 Ra | 2800K | 550 lm | 8° | not dimmable 21.8160.82.A PANAMA LED AR111 15W | 350mA | 12VDC | 80 Ra | 2800K | 550 lm | 20° | not dimmable 21.8161.82.A PANAMA LED AR111 15W | 350mA | 12VDC | 80 Ra | 2800K | 550 lm | 45° | not dimmable 21.8162.82.A PANAMA LED AR111 15W | 450mA | 35VDC | 80 Ra | 2800K | 800 lm | 20° | dimmable 21.8168.82.A PANAMA LED AR111 15W | 450mA | 35VDC | 80 Ra | 2800K | 800 lm | 45° | dimmable 21.8169.82.A BRAZIL LED MODULE MR16 7W 350mA 30° 2700K BRAZIL LED MODULE MR16 7W 350mA 30° 3000K Lima LED module mr16 21.8301.14 21.8302.14 Article number LIMA LED MODULE MR16 24° 2700K Ra92 8,5W 600 lm (To use only with: 19.7498.05.A LED driver dimmable) 21.8330.14.A LIMA LED MODULE MR16 36° 2700K Ra92 8,5W 600 lm (To use only with: 19.7498.05.A LED driver dimmable) 21.8332.14.A LIMA LED MODULE MR16 60° 2700K Ra92 8,5W 600 lm (To use only with: 19.7498.05.A LED driver dimmable) 21.8334.14.A Lima LED module mr16 Article number LIMA LED MODULE MR16 24° 2800K Ra82 8W 550 lm (To use only with: 19.7500.05.A LED driver dimmable) 21.8340.14.A LIMA LED MODULE MR16 36° 2800K Ra82 8W 560 lm (To use only with: 19.7500.05.A LED driver dimmable) 21.8342.14.A LIMA LED MODULE MR16 60° 2800K Ra82 8W 560 lm (To use only with: 19.7500.05.A LED driver dimmable) 21.8344.14.A MASTER LED SPOT MR11 Gu4 Article number MASTER LED spot LV MR11 4-20W 2700K 24° 21.8050.82 MASTER LED spot LV MR11 4-20W 3000K 24° 21.8050.83 MASTER LED SPOT mr16 not dimmable Article number MASTER LED spot LV MR16 4-20W 2700K 24° not dimmable 21.8400.82 MASTER LED spot LV MR16 4-20W 3000K 24° not dimmable 21.8400.83 MASTER LED spot LV MR16 4-20W 2700K 36° not dimmable 21.8403.82 MASTER LED spot LV MR16 4-20W 3000K 36° not dimmable 21.8403.83 Article number LED G9 Article number Article number PAnama LED ar111 G53 dimmable (450mA) BRAZIL LED MODULE MR16 Article number LED G9 2W | 2700k | 100 lm 21.8250.82 Colombia LED GU10 Article number MASTER LED SPOT mr16 dimmable Article number Colombia LED GU10 5W 2800k 38° RA82 380 lm 21.8270.07 MASTER LED spot LV MR16 7-35W 2700K 15° dimmable 21.8430.82 MASTER LED spot LV MR16 7-35W 3000K 15° dimmable 21.8430.83 MASTER LED spot LV MR16 7-35W 2700K 24° dimmable 21.8431.82 MASTER LED spot LV MR16 7-35W 3000K 24° dimmable 21.8431.83 MASTER LED spot LV MR16 7-35W 2700K 36° dimmable 21.8432.82 MASTER LED spot LV MR16 7-35W 3000K 36° dimmable 21.8432.83 MASTER LED spot LV MR16 7-35W 2700K 60° dimmable 21.8433.82 MASTER LED spot LV MR16 7-35W 3000K 60° dimmable 21.8433.83 MASTER LEDspot LV MR16 DIMMABLE Article number MASTER LED spot LV MR16 10-50W 2700K 15° dimmable 21.8435.82 MASTER LED spot LV MR16 10-50W 3000K 15° dimmable 21.8435.83 Parathom par 16 led bulb PARATHOM PAR16 LED 5W 230V GU10 35° Article number 21.8315.82.A MASTER LED spot PAR16 dimmable Article number MASTER LED spot PAR16 4-35W 2700k 25°GU10 dimmable 21.8500.82 MASTER LED spot LV MR16 10-50W 2700K 24° dimmable 21.8436.82 MASTER LED spot PAR16 4-35W 3000k 25°GU10 dimmable 21.8500.83 MASTER LED spot LV MR16 10-50W 3000K 24° dimmable 21.8436.83 MASTER LED spot PAR16 4-35W 2700k 40°GU10 dimmable 21.8501.82 MASTER LED spot LV MR16 10-50W 2700K 36° dimmable 21.8437.82 MASTER LED spot PAR16 4-35W 3000k 40°GU10 dimmable 21.8501.83 MASTER LED spot LV MR16 10-50W 3000K 36° dimmable 21.8437.83 526 light bulbs light bulbs 527 light BULBS light BULBS Master led bulb E27 dimmable Article number MASTER LED bulb E27 | 12-60W | 2700K | dimmable 806 lm MASTER LED bulb E27 | 7-40W | 2700K | dimmable 470 lm 21.8803.82 Master led bulb E27 dimmable Article number MASTER LED bulb E27 | 13-75W | 2700K | dimmable | 1055 lm 21.8810.82 MASTER LED bulb E27 | 20-100W | 2700K | dimmable | 1521 lm 21.8812.82 Maretti LED Candle bulb E14 Article number MARETTI LED candle bulb 2,5W | 2700K | not dimmable 21.8900.82 MARETTI LED candle bulb 2,5W | 2700K | dimmable 21.8901.82 MARETTI LED candle bulb opal E14 Article number MARETTI LED candle bulb E14 | 3W | 2800K | opal | 180 lm | not dimmable 21.8905.05 Maretti Ball lamp E14 not dimmable Article number 21.8805.82 MARETTI LED ball lamp E14 | 3W | 2800K | opal | 180 lm | not dimmable 21.8920.05 Maretti led Ball lamp E27 not dimmable Article number MARETTI LED ball lamp E27 | 3W | 2800K | opal | 180 lm | not dimmable 21.8921.05 Maretti led bulb E27 not dimmable Article number MARETTI LED standard bulb E27 | 9W | 2800K | opal | 800 lm | not dimmable 21.8950.05 Design: Cees Dam & Partners, interieurbouw Kroeze 528 light bulbs light bulbs 529 Lighting facts lighting facts Kleurtemperatuur tabel / Colour temperature chart vergelijkingstabel / Comparision chart Luminous flux Tungsten licht Tungsten light Vroege zonsopgang Early sunrise Kaarslicht Candlelight Elektronische flits Electronic flash Spaarlampen Lichtstroom LED lights Energy saving lamps 50 lumen 1,2 W Daglicht bij bewolking Overcast daylight Blauwe lucht Blue sky Gloeilampen Halogeenlampen Light bulbs Halogen 7W 100 lumen Middaglicht Noon daylight Household light bulbs LED lampen 15 W 150 lumen 18 W 200 lumen 2W 300 lumen 3W 400 lumen 6W 500 lumen 8W 5W 28 W 8W 600 lumen 11 W 700 lumen 12 W 800 lumen 12,5 W 25 W 40 W 42 W 60 W 15 W 850 lumen 1000K 2000K 3000K 4000K 5000K 6000K 7000K 8000K 9000K 10000K 52 W 900 lumen 16 W 1100 lumen 18 W 1300 lumen 20 W 1500 lumen 23 W 1800 lumen 27 W Neutral tones 100 W 1900 lumen 70 W 105 W 2100 lumen Warm tones 75 W 33 W 150 W Cool tones Kleurtemperatuur en stemmingen / Colour temperature and moods Kleur temperatuur Zacht / Warm Medium Koud Daglicht Extra warm white: <2200K Colour temperature Soft / Warm Medium Cool Daylight Warm white: 2400 - 2800K Kelvin bereik Neutral white: 3000 - 3200K Kelvin range 2700K 3500K 4100K 6500K Geassocieerde effecten en stemmingen Vriendelijk, Intiem, Persoonlijk, Exclusief Vriendelijk, Uitnodigend, Niet dreigend Net, Zuiver, Efficiënt Helder, Alert, Toegankelijk, Natuurlijk, Zonlicht Associated effects and moods Friendly, Cozy, Personal, Exclusive Friendly, Welcoming, Not threatening Proper, Pure, Efficient Bright, Alert, Approachable, Natural Sunlight Gewenste toepassing Restaurants / Hotels, Woonhuizen, Boetieks, Bibliotheken, Kantoren, Winkels detailhandel Publiek ruimtes (recepties), Toonzalen, Boekhandels, Kantoren Kantoren, Conferentieruimtes, Klaslokalen, Groothandel, Ziekenhuizen Galerijen, Musea, Juweliers, Medische en onderzoeksruimten, Drukkerijen Appropriate application Restaurants / Hotels, Houses, Boutiques, Libraries, Offices, Retail stores Public areas (receptions), Showrooms, Bookstores, Offices Offices, Conference rooms, Classrooms, Wholesale, Hospitals Galeries, Museums, Jewelry stores, Medical and investigation rooms, Printing companies K= Kelvin Cool white: 5000K Extra cool white: >8000K Warm white 2400 -2500 K 530 lighting facts 2700 -2800 K Neutral white Cool white 3000 -3200 K lighting facts 531 MARETTI L I G H T I N G Bolderweg 7, 1332 AX Almere The Netherlands T +31 (0)36 532 66 12 F +31 (0)36 532 17 35 E [email protected] W
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