Publicatielijst Prof

Selected publications of prof.dr. Jonathan Verschuuren
July 2014
* refereed
** admitted by series editor(s)
I. International books and contributions to books and proceedings
Regional Environmental Law: Transregional Comparative Lessons in Pursuit of Sustainable
Development (edited book, co-editor: W. Scholtz), book proposal accepted for publication by Edward
Elgar Publishers, UK, plus single authored chapter ‘Contribution of the case law of the European Court
of Human Rights to sustainable development in Europe’ (forthcoming)
From North to South. Legal Pathways to Stimulate Biodiversity Conservation in Developing Countries
in the Transboundary Trade in Biodiversity Resources, in: Louis J. Kotzé, Thilo Marauhn (eds.),
Transboundary Governance of Biodiversity, (series: Legal Aspects of Sustainable Development, Vol.
19) Brill Martinus Nijhoff 2014, ISBN 978-900427384-9, p. 235-251 *
Connectivity: Is Natura 2000 Only an Ecological Network on Paper? Ch.-H Born (ed.), 20 Years of Habitat
Directive, Routledge/Earthscan (accepted)
Effective Auctioning of European Union Emissions Trading Scheme Allowances in a Globalized
Market for Carbon Dioxide (co-author: F. Fleurke), in: Jo Gerardu, Meredith Koparova, Ken
Markowitz, Elise Stull, Durwood Zelke, Compliance Strategies to Deliver Climate Benefits, Institute
for Governance and Sustainable Development, Washington 2013, ISBN 978-0-9842076-6-4, p. 5-7
Research Handbook on Climate Change Adaptation Law (edited book), Research Handbooks in
Environmental Law series, Edward Elgar Publishers, UK, ISBN 978-1-78100-007-6, 440 pages plus
single authored chapters: Chapter 1 - Introduction (p. 1-11), Chapter 9 – Climate change adaptation
and water law (p. 250-272), Chapter 14 – Climate change adaptation and environmental and
pollution control law (p. 383-390)
Legal Aspects of Climate Change Adaptation (Chapter 11), in: Erkki J. Hollo, Kati Kulovesi, Michael
Mehling (eds.), Climate Change and the Law (series: Ius Gentium: Comparative Perspectives on Law
and Justice 21), Springer, Dordrecht-Heidelberg-NY-London 2013, ISBN 978-94-007-5439-3, p. 257285
Overcoming the Limitations of Environmental Law in a Globalised World (Chapter 21), in: F. Wijen, K.
Zoeteman, J. Pieters, P. van Seters (eds.), A Handbook of Globalisation and Environmental Policy, Second
Edition. National Government Interventions in a Global Arena, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, Northampton,
2012, ISBN 978-1-84980-312-0, p. 616-640
Victims of Environmental Pollution in the Slipstream of Globalization (co-autor S. Kuchta), in: Rianne
Letschert, Jan van Dijk (eds.), The New Faces of Victimhood. Globalization, Transnational Crimes
and Victim Rights, Studies in Global Justice Vol. 8, Springer, 2011, ISBN 978-90-481-9019-5, p. 127156 **
The Impact of Legislation. A Critical Analysis of Ex Ante Evaluation (edited book, translated in
Korean language from 2009 book with this title, see below), Korea Legislation Research Institute,
Seoul 2011, ISBN 978-89-8323-687-6 (352 p.)
The Right to Water as a Human Right or a Bird’s Right: Does Co-operative Governance Offer a Way
Out of a Conflict of Interests and Legal Complexity? in: Philippe Cullet, Alix Gowlland-Gualtieri,
Roopa Madhav, Usha Ramanathan (eds.), Water Governance in Motion. Towards Socially and
Environmentally Sustainable Water Laws, Cambridge University Press India, New Delhi 2010, ISBN
978-8175-96634-5, p. 359-387 **
Adaptation to Climate Change to Save Biodiversity: Lessons Learned from African and European
Experiences (co-authors: S. Erens, K. Bastmeijer), in: B.J. Richardson, Y. Le Bouthillier, H. McLeodKilmurray, S. Wood (eds.), Climate Law and Developing Countries: Legal and Policy Challenges for
the World Economy, series New Horizons in Environmental and Energy Law, Edward Elgar,
Cheltenham, Northampton 2009, ISBN 9781-84844-226-9, p. 206-231 **
The Netherlands (Chapter 1), in: Louis J. Kotzé and Alexander R. Paterson (eds.), The Role of the
Judiciary in Environmental Governance: Comparative Perspectives, Energy and Environmental Law
& Policy Series, Wolters Kluwer Law & Business/Kluwer Law International, Austin-Boston-Chicago
etc. 2009, ISBN 978-90-411-2708-2, p. 55-83 **
The Impact of Legislation. A Critical Analysis of Ex Ante Evaluation, Martinus Nijhoff
Publishers/Brill, Leiden/Boston 2009, ISBN 978-90-04-17020-9, edited work, 275 p., includes two
contributions: ‘Ex ante evaluation of legislation: an introduction’ (Chapter 1), and ‘Conclusions. A
conditional yes to ex ante evaluation of legislation’ (Chapter 11), p. 3-8 and p. 255-272 respectively
(both co-authered by Rob van Gestel)
International Governance and Law. State Regulation and Non-state Law, Edward Elgar Publishing,
Cheltenham (UK)/Northampton, Ma (US) 2008, ISBN 978-1-84720-727-2, co-edited by Hanneke van
Schooten, includes contributions ‘Introduction’ (Chapter 1), and ‘Conclusions and challenges; towards
a fruitful relationship between state regulation and non-state law’ (Chapter 13) (the latter co-authored
by Van Schooten), p. 1-7 and p. 221-229 respectively *
Environmental law (Chapter 18), in: J. Chorus, P.H. Gerver, E. Hondius (eds.), Introduction to Dutch
Law, 4th revised edition, Kluwer Law International, Alphen a/d Rijn, 2006, ISBN 90-411-2507-8, p.
369-397 (this is a totally revised version from Chapter 17a, published in the 3rd edition (1999) then coauthored with P.C. Gilhuis: ISBN 90-411-1121-2, p. 355-381)
Effectiveness of the Wild Birds and Habitats Directives in the Wadden Sea Area: Will the Tiger Lose
its Teeth? in: K. Laursen (ed.), Monitoring and Assessment in the Wadden Sea. Proceedings from the
11th Scientific Wadden Sea Symposium, Esbjerg, Denmark 4-8 April 2005, Technical Report No. 573,
National Environmental Research Institute, Roskilde, Denmark, published online 18 May 2006 at Monitoring+and+Assessment+in+the+Wadden+Sea.htm *
NGO-Business Collaborations and the Law. Sustainability, Limitations of Law and the Changing
Relationship between Companies and NGOs (co-author K. Bastmeijer), in: Istemi Demirag (ed.),
Corporate Social Responsibility, Accountability and Governance: Global Perspectives, Greenleaf
Publishing, Sheffield 2005, ISBN 1-874719-56-X, 315-329 *
The Netherlands, in: N. de Sadeleer, G. Roller, M. Dross (ed.), Access to Justice in Environmental
Matters and the Role of NGOs. Empirical Findings and Legal Appraisal, Europa Law Publishing, The
Avosetta Series No. 6, Groningen 2005, ISBN 90-76871-28-0, p. 95-118 **
Public Participation regarding the Elaboration and Approval of Projects in the EU after the Aarhus
Convention, in: T.F.M. Etty, H. Somsen (eds.), Yearbook of European Environmental Law, Vol. 4,
Oxford University Press, 2004, ISBN 0-19-026786-3, p. 29-48 *
Current Survey ‘The Netherlands’, in: T.F.M. Etty, H. Somsen (eds.), Yearbook of European
Environmental Law, Vol. 4, Oxford University Press, 2004, ISBN 0-19-026786-3, p. 629-638
Effectiveness of nature protection legislation in the European Union and the United States: The
Habitats Directive and the Endangered Species Act, in: Martin Dieterich, Jan van der Straaten (ed.),
Cultural Landscapes and Land Use: The Nature Conservation-Society Interface, Kluwer Academic
Publishers, Dordrecht/Boston/London 2004, ISBN 1-4020-2104-6, p. 39-67 **
The Role of Ideals in Legal Development: Sustainable Development and the Conservation of
Biological Diversity as Cases in Point (co-author T. Oudenaarden), in: Wibren van der Burg/Sanne
Taekema (eds.), The Importance of Ideals. Debating their Relevance in Law, Morality, and Politics,
Series Philosophy and Politics No. 10, P.I.E.-Peter Lang, Bruxelles/Bern/Berlin/Frankfurt aM/New
York/Oxford/Wien, 2004, ISBN 90-5201-226-1, p. 231-262 **
Principles of Environmental Law, The Ideal of Sustainable Development and the Role of Principles of
International, European, and National Environmental Law, Studies on Environmental Law, Vol. 30,
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, Baden-Baden, 2003, ISBN 3-8329-0017-9 (165 p.) **
Effectiveness of Nature Protection Legislation in the EU and the US: The Birds and Habitats
Directives and the Endangered Species Act, in: H. Somsen, T.F.M. Etty, J. Scott, L. Krämer (eds.),
Yearbook of European Environmental Law, Vol. 3, Oxford University Press, 2003, ISBN 0-19925462-1, p. 305-328 *
Current Survey ‘The Netherlands’, in: H. Somsen, T.F.M. Etty, J. Scott, L. Krämer (eds.), Yearbook of
European Environmental Law, Vol. 3, Oxford University Press, 2003, ISBN 0-19-925462-1, p. 681690
Towards a Trilateral Convention on the Wadden Sea: The Relationship between International Treaties
and EC-Directives and the Westerschelde case, in: Kees Lambers, Luuk Boerema, Marja Holsink,
Klarissa Nienhuys, Jan Veltman, Karel van der Zwiep (eds.), Trilateral or European Protection of the
Wadden Sea? SdU, The Hague 2003, ISBN 90-12-09914-5, p. 195-202
Current Survey ‘The Netherlands’, and ‘Horizontal instruments’ (latter co-authored by J. Janssen) in:
H. Somsen, H. Sevenster, J. Scott, L. Krämer (eds.), Yearbook of European Environmental Law, Vol.
2, Oxford University Press, 2002, ISBN 0-19-924778-1, p.517-526 and p. 391-400 respectively
The constitutional right to environmental protection, in: U. Steinhaus (ed.), Yearbook of Human Rights
& Environment, Vol. 2, BookWorld Publications, 2002, ISSN 1568-2420, p. 107-130 (reprint from:
Current Legal Theory 1994/2, vol. XII, p. 23-36 *)
EC Environmental Law and Self-Regulation in the Member States: In search of a Legislative
Framework, in: H. Somsen, H. Sevenster, J. McCahery, L. Krämer (eds.) Yearbook of European
Environmental Law, Vol. I, Oxford University Press, 2000, ISBN 0-19-876463-3, p. 103-121*
Current Survey ‘The Netherlands’, and ‘Horizontal instruments’ (the latter co-authored by J. Holder, J.
Janssen), in: H. Somsen, H. Sevenster, J. McCahery, L. Krämer (eds.) Yearbook of European
Environmental Law, Vol. I, Oxford University Press, 2000, ISBN 0-19-876463-3, p. 509-514 and p.
417-428 respectively
Introduction (with B. de Waard), and Negotiated Decision-Making in the Shadow of the Law (with P.
Gilhuis, A. De Moor-Van Vugt, B. de Waard), both in: Boudewijn de Waard (ed.), Negotiated
Decision-Making, Boom Juridische Uitgevers, The Hague 2000, ISBN 90-5454-053-2, p. 1-9 and p.
219-243 respectively
Principles of environmental law emerging from Rio: implementation by States (co-author P. Gilhuis),
in: G. Cordini/A. Postiglione (ed.), Towards the world governing of the environment, International
Court of the Environment Foundation, Gianni Iuculano Editore, Pavia 1996, pp. 687-700, ISBN 887072-238-4 **
Integration of environmental objectives into agricultural policy and law in the Netherlands (co-author
V. Bekkers), in: William Lockeretz (ed.), Environmental enhancement through agriculture, Center for
Agriculture, Food and Environment, Tufts University, Medford, Mass, March 1996, p. 295-304 **
The right to a healthy environment in the Netherlands, in: M. Bothe (ed.), The right to a healthy
environment in the European Union, Frankfurt aM, June 1996, p. 171-177 **
Agriculture and the environment in the Netherlands (co-author: P. Gilhuis), in: J.H.M. van Erp, E.H.
Hondius (ed.), Netherlands reports to the fourteenth international congress of comparative law, Asser
Instituut, The Hague 1995, ISBN 90-6704-089-4, p. 133-147 **
The Ambt Delden case, in: T. van Eck e.a. (ed.), Dutch environmental organisations go to court-Case
book, Amsterdam 1994, p. 34-37
Soil protection policy and law in the Netherlands (co-author: P. Gilhuis), in: La protection juridique
des sols dans les états membres de la communauté européenne, Centre International de droit comparé
de l'environnement, Limoges 1993, pp. 135-164, ISBN 2-910016-02-1
II. International journal articles (incl. online journals)
The Future of Corporate Liability for Extraterritorial Human Rights Abuses: The Dutch Case against
Shell (co-authors: N. Jägers, K. Jesse), American Journal of International Law Unbound “Agora:
Reflections on Kiobel”, January 2014 (online journal), p. e-36/e-41
Towards a Legal Framework for Coastal Adaptation: Assessing the First Steps in Europe and Australia
(co-author: J. McDonald), Transnational Environmental Law, Vol. 1, No. 2 (October 2012), p. 355379 *
Global Environmental Law, Tilburg Law Review, vol. 17, No. 2 (Global Law Special Issue), p. 222227
County Report: The Netherlands. Climate change and coasts, IUCN Academy of Environmental Law eJournal 2012/1, published online 16 April 2012 at
The Dutch Crisis and Recovery Act: Economic Recovery and Legal Crisis? Potchefstroom Electronic
Law Journal, Vol. 13, No. 5 (2010), p. 5/189-25/189, published online 9 March 2011 at *
County Report: The Netherlands (co-author: K. Jesse), in: IUCN Academy of Environmental Law eJournal 2011/1, available online at
Climate Change: Rethinking Restoration in the European Union’s Birds and Habitats Directives,
Ecological Restoration, Vol. 28, No. 4 (2010), p. 431-439 *
County Report: The Netherlands, in: IUCN Academy of Environmental Law eJournal 2010/1,
available online at
The Case of Transboundary Wetlands Under the Ramsar Convention: Keep the Lawyers Out! in:
Colorado Journal of International Environmental Law and Policy, Vol. 19, No. 1 (Winter 2008), p.
Ramsar Soft Law is Not Soft at All. Discussion of the 2007 Decision by the Netherlands Crown on the
Lac Ramsar Site on the Island of Bonaire, international version of a Dutch article published in ‘Milieu
en Recht’ Vol. 35, No. 1 (2008), p. 28-34, only published online (2008) at the SSRN website
On Small Particles and Old Articles - An Exploration of Legal and Regulatory Issues of
Nanotechnologies (co-authored by B. Koops, R. Leenes, R. Marbus, K. Stuurman), international
version of a Dutch article publisheed in ‘Nederlands Juristenblad’ Vol. 80, No. 30, p. 1554-1559, only
published online (2008) at the SSRN website
Sustainable Development and the Nature of Environmental Legal Principles, in: Potchefstroom
Electronic Law Journal, 2006, No. 1, p. 1-57, published online at
fakulteite/regte/per/issue06v1.html *
Shellfish for Fishermen or for Birds? Article 6 Habitats Directive and the Precautionary Principle, in:
Journal of Environmental Law, Vol. 17, No. 2 (2005), p. 265-283 **
Restructuring Environmental Legislation in the Netherlands, in: Environmental Law Network
International Review 2004/2, p. 34-37
Implementation of the Convention on Biodiversity in Europe: 10 years of Experience with the Habitats
Directive, in: Journal of International Wildlife Law and Policy, Vol. 5, No. 3 (2002), p. 251-267 *
Case-law: Hatton and others v. the United Kingdom (European Court of Human Rights, 2 Oct. 2001),
in: Tilburg Foreign Law Review, Vol. 9, No. 3 (2001), p. 310-321.
Case-law: Whitman et al. v. American Trucking Associations inc. et al. (US Supreme Court, 27 Feb.
2001), in: Tilburg Foreign Law Review, Vol. 9, No. 1 (2001), p. 84-88.
The Precautionary Principle in International, European, and Dutch Wildlife Law (co-author C.
Backes), in: Colorado Journal of International Environmental Law and Policy, Vol. 9, No. 1, p. 4370 (Winter 1998)
Integration of environmental objectives into agricultural policy and law in the Netherlands (co-author
V. Bekkers), in: Tilburg Foreign Law Review, Vol. 5, No. 4 (1996), p. 323-334
Legal control of acidification caused by large scale bio-industry in the Netherlands: battle between
farmers and environmentalists, in: Tilburg Foreign Law Review, Vol.3, No. 2 (1994), p. 105-111
The constitutional right to protection of the environment in the Netherlands, in: Revue Juridique de
l'Environnement 1994/4, p. 339-347
The constitutional right to environmental protection, in: Current Legal Theory 1994/2, Vol. XII, p. 2336 *
The Precautionary principle in European Environmental Policy and Law (with Andrea Williams,
University of Essex), in: Paradigms, the Kent Journal of International Relations, University of Kent,
Canterbury, Vol.7, no. 1, Summer 1993, p. 30-42
The constitutional right to protection of the environment in the Netherlands, in: Austrian Journal for
public and international law, Vol. 46, No. 1, 1993, p. 67-77
III. International book reviews
Marco Onida (ed.), Europe and the Environment. Legal Essays in Honour of Ludwig Krämer, Europa
Law Publishing, Groningen, 2004, ISBN 90-76871-23-X, 274 p., in: Common Market Law Review
Vol. 42, 2005, p. 900-901
René J.G.H. Seerden, Michiel A. Heldeweg, Kurt R. Dekeletelaere (eds.), Public Environmental Law
in the European Union and the United States, Comparative Environmental Law & Policy Series.
Kluwer Law International, The Hague-London-New York, 2002, ISBN 90-411-1926-4, 583 p., in:
Common Market Law Review Vol. 40, 2003, p. 1551-1553
J.W. van de Gronden, The Implementation of EC Environmental Law by Decentralized Authorities in
the Netherlands, Kluwer, Deventer, The Netherlands, 1998, ISBN 90-268-3317-2, 605 p., in:
Yearbook of European Environmental Law, Vol. I, Oxford University Press 2000, p. 547-549
IV. Accepted conference papers (selection of most recent papers)
Environmental pollution by transnational corporations: what role for human rights? (co-authors: Nicola
Jägers, Katinka Jesse), paper accepted for the symposium of the Global Network for the Study of
Human Rights and the Environment (GNHRE), Tarragona, Spain June 30-July 1 2014
Hydraulic fracturing and future generations: The role of local governments. Paper accepted for
workshop during Colloquium of IUCN Academy of Environmental Law, Tarragona, Spain, July 1,
Connectivity: Is Natura 2000 only an Ecological Network on Paper? Paper presented at the
international conference ’20 Years of Habitats Directive: European Wildlife’s Best Hope?’, coorganized by the Universities of Ghent, Louvain, Saint-Louis and others, Antwerp, Belgium,
December 12-13 2012
A Radical Shift for the future of Environmental Law: the Potential and Risks of the Use of Technology
for the Benefit of the Environment (co-author: Floor Fleurke), paper presented at the IUCN Academy
of Environmental Law Colloquium ‘Global Environmental Law at a Crossroad’, University of
Maryland, Baltimore, July 1-5 2012
How to protect global biodiversity? Transnational regulation of biodiversity resources, paper presented at the
Law Schools Global League conference ‘Global Legal Research’, June 22 2012, Tilburg University,
Netherlands, 8 pp.
Towards a legal framework for coastal adaptation: Assessing the first steps in Europe and Australia (co-author:
Jan McDonald), paper presented at symposium ‘The Governance of Adaptation’, March 22-23 2012, Institute
for Environmental Studies, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 19 pp.
From North to South. Legal pathways to stimulate biodiversity conservation in developing countries in the
transboundary trade in biodiversity resources, paper presented at the conference ‘Transboundary Trade in
Biodiversity Resources’, North West University, South Africa, November 14th-15th 2011, 11 pp.
Climate Change Adaptation – Europe’s Response, presentation at staff seminar, University of Tasmania Law
School, Hobart, 19 April 2011
Adaptation to Climate Change. Towards a New Approach to Restoration in Europe. Paper presented at
the conference ‘Resilience and Climate Change: Law’s Response’, Australian Centre for Climate and
Environmental Law, Sydney, August 26th-27th 2010, 27 pp.
The Dutch Crisis and Recovery Act – Economic Recovery and Legal Crisis? HL Swanepoel lecture, North
West University at Potchefstroom, South Africa, 16 February 2010 and paper presented at staff seminar
University of Sydney Law School, 25 August 2010, 20 pp.
Climate Change: Rethinking Restoration under the Natura 2000-regime. Paper presented at the 2nd
European Congress of Conservation Biology, Prague, Sept. 1-5th 2009 (28 p.). An elaborated version of
this paper titled ‘Climate Change: Rethinking Restoration’, was presented at the 7th Annual colloquium
of the IUCN Academy of Environmental Law ‘Environmental Governance and Sustainability’, Wuhan,
Nov. 1-5th 2009
Co-operative governance of transboundary wetlands under the Ramsar Convention: How international
law works in practice. Paper presented at the SANPAD workshop ‘Improving Transboundary
Environmental Governance in South Africa, Lesotho, Swaziland and Mozambique. A legal analysis’,
Potchefstroom, South Africa, Sept.22nd 2008, 84 p.
Adaptation to Climate Change to Save Biodiversity: Lessons Learnt from African and European
Experiences (co-authors: S. Erens, K. Bastmeijer). Paper presented by S. Erens at the IUCN Academy
of Environmental law conference ‘Climate Law in Developing Countries post-2012: North and South
Perspectives’, Ottawa, Canada, Sept. 26-28th 2008, 30 p.
Co-operative Governance of Transboundary Wetlands under the Ramsar Convention. Paper presented
at the 5th Worldwide Colloquium of the IUCN Academy of Environmental Law, Rio de Janeiro/Paraty,
May 31st-June 5th 2007, 46 p.
Adaptation to Climate Change: Opportunities and Barriers. Paper presented at the International
Colloquium on Global Warming, Rio de Janeiro, May 21st, 2007, 8 p.
The Right to Water as a Human Right or a Bird’s Right? Does Co-operative Governance Offer a Way
Out of a Conflict of Interests and Legal Complexity? Paper presented at the International
Environmental Law Research Centre’s Workshop on ‘Legal Aspects of Water Sector Reforms’,
Geneva, April 20-21st 2007, 30 p.
Integrated Management of Transboundary River Basins and Coastal Areas: The Scheldt Estuary Case.
Workshop Nordic Environmental Law Network, Reyjavik, Iceland, August 21-25th 2004, 10 p.
Public participation regarding the elaboration and approval of projects: Directives 85/337/EEC and
96/61/EC, International conference on ‘Environmental Rights in Europe after the UN/ECE Aarhus
Convention’, Leuven, Belgium, August 29-30th 2003, 14 p.
Why the precautionary principle is essential, presentation for the workshop ‘Science v. Precaution?
The Rise of the Precautionary Principle in EU Risk Regulation’, Maastricht, May 19th 2003, 8 p.
V. International external research reports
Report on the legal implementation of the EU ETS at Member state level, EU FP ENTRACTE
Deliverable D2.4, May 2014, 90 pages (co-author: Floor Fleurke)
The Legal Aspects of Connectivity Conservation, Volume 2 – Case Studies, IUCN Environmental
Policy and Law Paper No. 85 Vol. 2, IUCN, Gland 2013, ISBN 978-2-8317-1601-5, 78 pages (coauthors D. Farrier, M. Harvey, M. Gromilovam A. Paterson, A. Trouwborst)
The Legal Aspects of Connectivity Conservation, Volume 1 – A Concept Paper, IUCN Environmental
Policy and Law Paper No. 85 Vol. 1, IUCN, Gland 2013, ISBN 978-2-8317-1600-8, 190 pages (coauthors B. Lausche, D. Farrier, A.G.M. La Viña, A. Trouwborst, C-H Born, L. Aug)
Climate Change as a Catalyst for Conflict: a Research Agenda, report for The Hague Institute for
Global Justice, September 2012, 16 pages (with F. Fleurke)
Country report and case study: The Netherlands, in: Nicolas de Sadeleer, Gerhard Roller, Miriam
Dross, Access to Justice in Environmental Matters, project for European Commission, Brussels, July
2003, annex 6a, 37p.
Complaint procedures and access to justice for citizens and NGOs in the field of the environment
within the European Union, report for the EU-IMPEL Workshop 10-11 May 2000, The Hague (coauthored by K. Bastmeijer, J. van Lanen), 131p.
The implementation of the Rio principles in national environmental law, research report for
international conference organized by the Netherlands, The Hague, November 1995, 24 p. (zo-author
P. Gilhuis), also published in: Publikatiereeks milieubeheer van het ministerie van VROM, no. 1996/1,
January 1996, titled: The codification of the Rio principles in national environmental law
VI. National books and contributions to books (in Dutch) (selection)
Bestaande regulering van klimaatengineering (Regulating geo-engineering)(co-authors: F. Fleurke, M.
Riphagen), in: M. Riphagen, F. Brom (eds.), Klimaatengineering: hype, hoop of wanhoop? Rathenau
Instituut/Technology Assessment, The Hague 2013, ISBN 978-90-77364-51-2, p. 143-175
Boze Belgen. Hoe Nederland uitvoering geeft aan verdragen met betrekking tot de Westerschelde
(Angry Belgians. How the Netherlands implements bilateral treaties with regard to the Scheldt river),
in: M.N. Boeve, R. Uylenburg, Kansen in het omgevingsrecht, Europa Law Publishing, Groningen
2010, ISBN 978-90-8952-079-1, p. 189-200
Instandhoudingsdoelstellingen Natura 2000 beoordeeld (Assessing Natura 2000 conservation
objectives), in: A. Cliquet et al., Wie beschermt het natuurbeschermingsrecht? Publicaties van de
Vereniging voor Milieurecht 2008-3, Boom Juridische uitgevers, The Hague 2008, ISBN 978-908974-015-1, p. 15-28
Recht op water (The right to water), in: Th.G. Drupsteen, H.J.M. Havekes, H.F.M.W. van Rijswick
(eds.), Weids water. Opstellen over waterrecht, Sdu publishers, The Hague 2006, ISBN 978-90-1211862-0, p. 427-440
Fundament onder het Omgevingsrecht; een selectie uit het werk van P.C. Gilhuis,
Samengesteld en van een inleiding voorzien door J.M. Verschuuren (Foundations of
environmental law. A selection of the work of Prof.dr. Piet Gilhuis, edited and introduced by Jonathan
Verschuuren), Wolf Legal Publishers, Nijmegen 2006, ISBN 90-5850-242-2, 440 p.
Internationaal milieurecht (International environmental law), Chapter 2, in: Backes/Gilhuis/Koeman
(ed.), Milieurecht (Handbook environmental law) Tjeenk Willink, Deventer 2005, 6th edition (and in
previous editions) ISBN 90-13-01356-2, p. 43-65
Dossier Natuurbeschermingsrecht 2004 (Textbook Nature Conservation Law), SdU, The Hague 2004,
ISBN 90-12-09987-0 (co-edited by Ch.Backes), 547 p. (2nd edition of the 2001 Textbook
Natuurbeschermingsrecht 2001/2002 (ISBN 90-120-93236))
Invloed van het EVRM op het materiële omgevingsrecht in Nederland (Influence of the European
Convention for Human Rights on Dutch environmental and planning law), in: T. Barkhuysen, A.B.
Blomberg, M.K. Bulterman, J.M. Verschuuren, De betekenis van het EVRM voor het materiële
bestuursrecht, VAR preadviezen no. 132, Boom Juridische uitgevers, The Hague 2004, ISBN 905454-450-3, p. 253-311
Codificatie en dynamiek in het milieurecht (Codification and dynamics in environmental law), and
Invulling door belangengroepen (The role of NGOs in the legislative process), both in: J.B.M.
Vranken, I. Giesen (eds.), Codificatie en dynamiek. Instrumenten ter begeleiding van de omgang met
codificaties, Boom Juridische uitgevers, The Hague 2004, ISBN 90-5454-460-0, p. 65-97 and p. 207211 respectively
De fascinatie. Wat wetgevingsonderzoekers bezighoudt (Fascinating: Legislative studies), Boom
Juridische uitgevers, The Hague 2004, ISBN 90-5454-461-9 (158 p.) (co-edited with W. Witteveen),
includes the contribution ‘De werking van de wet’ (How regulation works), p. 89-93
Is er nog verschil tussen Europees en Nederlands milieurecht? (Is there any difference between
European and Dutch environmental law?), Boom Juridische uitgevers, The Hague 2003, ISBN 905454-394-9 (140 p.) (co-edited by P. Gilhuis), includes ‘De Vogelrichtlijn en de Habitatrichtlijn:
nieuwe impuls voor achtergebleven rechtsgebied’ (The Birds and Habitats Directives: Impetus for
underdeveloped field of law), and ‘Is er nog verschil en moet en moet er nog verschil zijn?’ (Is there
still a difference between EU and Dutch environmental law, and should there be a difference?, the
latter co-authored by P. Gilhuis, p. 99-117 and p. 125-133 respectively
Convenanten in het milieurecht: Europese beperkingen (Environmental Agreements: EC-law
limitations), in: B.P.M. van Ravels, M.A. van Voorst van Beest (ed.), Natuurlijk van belang. Opstellen
aangeboden aan P.C.E. van Wijmen, Kluwer, Deventer 2003, ISBN 90-130-0460-1, p. 255264
De oogst van het milieurecht (Harvesting Environmental Law Research), in: J. Boersema, T. Pulles, J.
van der Straaten, J. Bertels (ed.), De oogst van milieu, Boom, Amsterdam 2003, ISBN 90-5352-849-0,
p. 210-227
Milieurecht en mensenrechten (Environmental law and human rights), in: H. von Meijenfeldt, J.M.
Verschuuren, B.C.J. Zoeteman, Over de grenzen van het milieurecht, series Association of
Environmental Law 2003-1, Boom Juridische uitgevers, Den Haag 2003, ISBN 90-5454-302-7, p. 3342
Codificatie van milieurechtelijke beginselen in de Wet milieubeheer (Codification of environmental
legal principles), series Center for Legislative Studies Tilburg University, Boom Juridische uitgevers,
The Hague 2002, ISBN 90-5454-163-6 (co-authored by Ch. Backes, K. Bastmeijer, A. Freriks, R. van
Gestel), 336 p.
De invloed van het Europees recht op het ruimtelijk bestuursrecht (The influence of European law on
spatial planning), Association for Building Law series no. 30, Kluwer, Deventer 2002, ISBN 90-2684030-6 (co-authored by A. Freriks, Th. Peters, J. Robbe), 165 p.
Internationaal milieurecht en de Awb (International environmental law and the Dutch General
Administrative Law Act), in: M. Lurks, W. den Ouden, J.E.M. Polak, A.E. Schilder (ed.), De grootste
gemene deler, opstellen aangeboden aan Drupsteen, Kluwer, Deventer 2002, ISBN 90268-4004-7, p. 235-244
Europees en internationaal natuurbeschermingsrecht in Nederland, Een nadere bestudering van de
gevolgen van de Vogel- en Habitatrichtlijn en het Verdrag van Bern in Nederland (European and
International Nature Conservation Law in The Netherlands), series Environmental Law Association
2001-1, BJU, Den Haag 2001, ISBN 90-5454-092-3, edited work, includes three contributions:
Inleiding (Introduction), Verankering van soorten- en gebiedsbescherming op grond van de Vogel- en
Habitatrichtlijn en de verdragen van Bern en Ramsar in de ruimtelijke ordening (Species and Area
Conservation on the basis of the Birds and Habitats Directives and the Berne Convention in Spatial
Planning), Conclusies (Conclusions), p. 13-14, 64-78, and 139-144 respectively
Duurzaam ondernemen en regelgeving (Sustainable Bussiness and Legislation), in: J.H.G. Van den
Broek, R. Uylenburg, J.M. Verschuuren, Duurzaam ondernemen en regelgeving, reeks Vereniging
voor Milieurecht 2001-4, Boom Juridische uitgevers, Den Haag 2001, ISBN 90-5454-111-3, p. 11-35
Alara: minimumregel of beginsel met aspiraties? (The ‘alara’-principle: minimum rule or principle
with aspiration?), in: P.C. Gilhuis/A.H.J. van den Biesen (ed.), Beginselen in het milieurecht
(Principles of environmental law, Kluwer, Deventer 2001, ISBN 90-1407970-2, p. 113-135 (co-edited
by R. van Gestel)
Inleiding voor de studiemiddag Europees en internationaal natuurbeschermingsrecht op 10 mei 2001
(Introduction to workshop on European and international nature conservation law), in: A.
Nollkaemper, H.J. Penning, L.A.J. Senden, J.M. Verschuuren, Europees en internationaal
natuurbeschermingsrecht (verslag studiemiddag), series Association of Environmental Law 2001-7,
Boom Juridische uitgevers, Den Haag 2001, ISBN 90-5454-154-7, p. 11-12
De gevolgen van het Europese en internationale natuurbeschermingsrecht voor de ruimtelijke ordening
(The consequences of European and international nature conservation law for spatial planning), in: R.
Uylenburg, M.J.C. Visser (ed.), Ruimte en milieu: juridische kansen en belemmeringen, series Center
for Environmental Law, Samsom, Alphen a/d Rijn 2001, ISBN 90-140-7971-0, p. 39-54
De laatste wilde hamster in Nederland en de grondslagen van het Europees en internationaal
milieurecht (The last hamster in the wild in The Netherlands and the principles of European and
international environmental law) inaugural lecture Tilburg University, series Center for Legislative
Studies Tilburg University, W.E.J. Tjeenk Willink, Deventer 2000, ISBN 90-271-5196-2, 34 p.
Handhaving van Europees milieurecht in Nederland (Enforcement of European environmental law in
The Netherlands), Boom Juridische uitgevers, The Hague 2000, ISBN 90-5454-059-1 (180 p.) (coeditor I. Koopmans), includes contribution ‘Inleiding’ (Introduction) (co-author: I. Koopmans), p. 1-8
Communicatie in het internationaal milieurecht (Communication in international environmental law),
in: B. van Klink, W. Witteveen (ed.), De overtuigende wetgever (The convincing legislature), series
Centre for Legislative Studies Tilburg University, W.E.J. Tjeenk Willink, Deventer 2000, ISBN 90271-5235-7, p. 161-171
Artikel 21 (Comment on Article 21 of the Dutch Consitution–The Right to Environmental Protection-),
in: A.K. Koekkoek (ed.), De Grondwet. Een systematisch en artikelsgewijs commentaar (The Dutch
Constitution), W.E.J. Tjeenk Willink, Deventer 2000, ISBN 90-271-5106-7, p. 231-239
Juridische handleiding bedrijfsinterne milieuzorg en vergunning op hoofdzaken (Legal manual for
Environmental Management Systems and environmental permits), series Center for Legislative Studies
Tilburg University W.E.J. Tjeenk Willink, Deventer 1999, ISBN 90-271-5088-5 (co-author R. van
Gestel), 155 p.
De toekomst van de Wet milieubeheer (The future of the Dutch Environmental Management Act),
series Center for Legislative Studies Tilburg University, W.E.J. Tjeenk Willink, Deventer 1998, ISBN
90-271-4861-9 (co-authored by Drupsteen, Gilhuis, Kleijs-Wijnnobel and De Leeuw), 271 p.
Het biodiversiteitsideaal en de juridische bescherming van Antarctica (The ideal of biodiversity
conservation and the legal protection of the Antarctic), in: W. van der Burg, F.W.A. Brom (ed.), Over
idealen, Het belang van idealen in recht, moraal en politiek (On ideals in law, morality and public
policy), W.E.J. Tjeenk Willink, Deventer 1998, ISBN 90-271-4951-8 (co-author T. Oudenaarden), p.
Artikel 21 Grondwet en de noodzaak van zelfregulering in het milieurecht: naar een andere betekenis
van sociale grondrechten? (Article 21 of the Dutch Constitution and the self-regulation in
environmental law: towards another role of socio-economic rights?), in: H.R.B.M. Kummeling, S.C.
van Bijsterveld (ed.), Grondrechten en zelfregulering (Fundamental rights and self-regulation) Tjeenk
Willink, Deventer 1997, ISBN 90-271-4739-6 (co-author R. van Gestel) p. 127-154
Het voorzorgbeginsel in het natuurbeschermingsrecht (The precautionary principle in nature
conservation law), W.E.J. Tjeenk Willink, Deventer 1997, ISBN 90-2-95518-5 (co-edited by Ch.
Backes and P. Gilhuis), 116 p.
Fundamentele plichten ten opzichte van de natuur? (Fundamental duties toward the environment?) in:
J.P. Loof, P.B. Cliteur (ed.), Mensenrechten, dierenrechten, ecosysteemrechten. Over het toekennen
van fundamentele rechten aan mannen, vrouwen, kinderen, dieren en de rest van de natuur (Human
rights, animal rights, ecosystem rights), Stichting NJCM-Boekerij 32, Leiden 1997, ISBN 90-6570033-X, p. 99-109
Marktwerking, deregulering en wetgevingskwaliteit... en de kwaliteit van het milieu? (Market
mechanism, deregulation, quality of legislation.... and the quality of the environment?) (co-author: R.
van Gestel), in: R. van Gestel, Ph. Eijlander et al. (ed.), Markt en wet (The market and the law), Tjeenk
Willink, Zwolle 1996, ISBN 90-271-4557-1, p. 151-172
Produktgericht milieurecht (Environmental law on products), Publikaties van de Vereniging voor
Milieurecht 1995-1, W.E.J. Tjeenk Willink, Zwolle 1994, ISBN 90-271-4125-8, 98 p.
Subsidiariteit en het Europese milieurecht (The principle of subsidiarity and European environmental
law) (co-autor P. Gilhuis), in: V. Bekkers, H. van den Hurk, G. Leenknegt (eds.), Subsidiariteit en
Europese integratie, een oude wijsheid in een context (Subsidiarity and European integration), Center
for Legislative Studies Tilburg University, W.E.J. Tjeenk Willink, Zwolle 1995, ISBN 90-271-4223-8,
p. 55-72
Naar een codificatie van beginselen van het milieurecht (Toward codification of principles of
environmental law), in: S. Gutwirth,G. van Maanen (eds.), De natuur van het milieurecht,
verkenningen naar de grondslagen van het milieurecht (The nature of environmental law), Ars Aequi
Libri, Nijmegen 1995, ISBN 90 6919 210 5, p. 100-125
Zorgplichtbepalingen in de milieuwetgeving (Duties of care in environmental law), in: E. van der
Schans, P. van Wijmen, J. Spier et al., Handboek Milieu-aansprakelijkheid (Handbook environmental
liability), loose leaf, Samsom H.D. Tjeenk Willink bv, August 1995, ISBN 90-6501-617-1, G1000, p.
Over de milieuwetgeving en de overheidstaken inzake de bescherming van het leefmilieu
(Environmental legislation and duties for the State to protect the environment) (co-author P. Gilhuis),
in: Wetgeving en de maat van de tijd (Legislation in a changing era), Center for Legislative Studies
Tilburg University, W.E.J. Tjeenk Willink, Zwolle 1994, ISBN 90-271-4086-3, p. 207-220
Het grondrecht op bescherming van het leefmilieu (The constitutional right to environmental
protection), PhD thesis (cum laude), series Center for Legislative Studies Tilburg University, W.E.J.
Tjeenk Willink, Zwolle 1993, ISBN 90-271-3725-0, 439 p.
VII. National journal articles (Dutch) (selection)
Sleutelen aan het klimaat. Regulering van klimaategineering (2nd author: F. Fleurke), in: Nederlands
Juristenblad 2014/9, p. 574-583.
Grensoverschrijdende wetlands: omgaan met rechtspuralisme (Transboundary wetlands: coping with
legal pluralism), in: Ecologie & Ontwikkeling Vol. 17, No. 79 (2009), p. 18-20
Omgaan met internationaal milieurecht in de praktijk: het Wetlandsverdrag (Dealing with international
environmental law in practice: the Ramsar convention) in: Milieu en Recht 2007/10, p. 600-605
Adaptatie aan klimaatverandering vraagt om adaptatie aan de wet (Adaptation to climate change
requires adaptation of the law), in: Nederlands Juristenblad 2007/45-46 (21 December 2007), p. 2880
Internationaal en Europees milieurecht in Nederland? Gewoon toepassen! (International and European
environmental law in the Netherlands? Just apply it!) (co-author R. van Gestel), in: Tijdschrift voor
Europees en economisch recht (SEW), June 2005, p. 244-251
Een heel klein artikel met grote gevolgen. Eerste verkenning van nanotechnologie & recht (An
exploration of legal issues of nanotechnology) (co-authored by B. Koops, R. Leenes, R. Marbus, C.
Stuurman), in: Nederlands Juristenblad 2005/30 (2 September 2005), p. 1554-1559
Natuur in de omgevingsvergunning (Nature in the integrated environmental permit), in: Milieu en
Recht 2005/9, p. 550-553
Naar integratie van de waterwetgeving: het voorontwerp Waterwet (Toward integration of water law:
the draft Water Act), in: Tijdschrift voor Omgevingsrecht 2005/4, p. 124-132
Juridische knelpunten bij de bescherming van natuurgebieden. Interdepartementaal beleidsonderzoek
Vogel- en Habitatrichtlijn (Legal obstacles for protected areas) (co-author C. Bastmeijer), in: Milieu en
Recht 2004/3, p. 142-149
Herijking van de VROM-regelgeving. Meer dan lippendienst aan politieke onderbuikgevoelens?
(Deregulation of environmental law), RegelMaat 2004/3, p. 81-92
Kroniek van het omgevingsrecht (Current review of environmental law), in: Nederlands Juristenblad
2004/31, p. 1672-1678
Implementatie milieurichtlijnen: Nederland raakt achterop (Implementation of environmental
directives: The Netherlands laggs behind), in: Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Europees Recht 2004/12, p.
Nogmaals kokkels, hamsters en woelmuizen: recente ontwikkelingen rond de implementatie van de
Vogel- en Habitatrichtlijn in Nederland (On cockles, hamsters, and mice: recent developments on the
implementation of EC Directives), in: Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Europees Recht 2003/1-2, p. 34-38
Afdeling bestuursrechtspraak worstelt met rechtstreekse werking EG-richtlijnen (Council of State Law
Division struggles with direct effect of EC Directives), in: Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Europees Recht
2003/3, p. 75-77
Rechtstreekse werking IPPC-richtlijn en ambtshalve toetsing (Direct effect of IPPC Directive), in:
Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Europees Recht 2003/5, p. 124-126
Zeggekorfslak en hamster nopen tot andere aanpak projecten (Snail and hamster necessitate another
approach of infrastructure projects), Opinie, in: Nederlands Juristenblad, Vol. 76, No. 15 (2001), p.
Europees milieurecht: verbetering noodzakelijk (European environmental law: an improvement is
required), in: De toekomst van de Europese integratie (Special issue on the future of European
integration), Ars Aequi 2001/5 (vol. 50), p. 415-423 (p. 119-127)
Over kokkels, hamsters en woelmuizen: de Vogel- en Habitatrichtlijn in Nederland (On cockles,
hamsters, and mice: the Wild Birds and Habitats Directives in The Netherlands), in: Nederlands
Tijdschrift voor Europees Recht 2001/4, p. 85-94
Perspectieven op wetgeving. Een beeld van onderzoek naar alternatieven voor en in wetgeving
(Perspctives on legislation. A survey of research on alternatives for and within legislation) (co-authored
by Ph. Eijlander, E. Hirsch Ballin, P. Gilhuis, B. van Klink, R. van Gestel), in: RegelMaat 2000/2, p.
De openbare voorbereidingsprocedure Awb en de actio popularis in het milieurecht (Decision-making
procedures in Dutch administrative law and the actio popularis in environmental law), in: Nederlands
Tijdschrift voor Bestuursrecht 2000/6, p. 178-183
Duurzaam ondernemen. Naar een nieuwe generatie milieuwetgeving (Sustainable enterprise. Toward a
new generation of environmental law) (co-author R. van Gestel), in: Nederlands Juristenblad, Vol. 75,
No. 40 (2000), p. 1949-1955
Het milieu voor het Europees Hof voor de Rechten van de Mens: naar een geleidelijke erkenning van
een mensenrecht op bescherming van het milieu (The European Court of Human Rights and the
environment: toward gradual recognition of the right to environmental protection) (co-author J. van
Lanen), in: Milieu en Recht 1999/9, p. 213-219
Doormodderen met de Interimwet ammoniak en veehouderij? Op zoek naar een betere oplossing
(Struggling with the Interim Act on ammonia emissions from livestock industry. In search of a better
solution) (co-author Ch. Backes), in: Nederlands Juristenblad, Vol. 73, No. 19 (1998), p. 855-860
Verdroging in natuurgebieden: schade, waardering en verhaal (Dehydration of protected areas: liability
for environmnetal damage) (co-authhor P. de Putter), in: Milieu en Recht 1998/1, p. 2-7
Juridische dilemma’s bij coproductie in het milieubeleid en de mogelijke rol van de wetgever (Legal
dilemma’s in environmental cooperate governance and the potential role of the legislature) (co-author
V. Bekkers), in: RegelMaat 1998/2, p. 54-70
De formele wetgever als uitvoerder: de Vergunningwet Westerschelde en het streven naar een integrale
afweging (The legislature issueing permits. Ad hoc specific legislation on the Westerscheldt river
case), in: Bouwrecht 1998/5, p. 361-367
Mensenrechten en milieu (Human rights and the environment), in: Ars Aequi 1997/9, p. 577-583
De meerwaarde van milieu-effectrapportage, een onderzoek naar de meerwaarde van milieueffectrapportage bij de vergunningverlening ingevolge de Wet milieubeheer (The added value of
environmental impact assessment) (coo-author K. Jesse), in: Milieu en Recht 1997/4, p. 82-87
Twelve contributions to the Section “Spatial planning and environmental law” in the Ars Aequi law
journal on recent topics (1990-1995)
VIII. National book reviews (Dutch) (selection)
Arie Trouwborst, Precautionary Rights and Duties of States, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, Nova et
Vetera Iuris Gentium Series No. 25, Leiden 2006, ISBN 90-415212-1, 352 p., in: Milieu en Recht
2007/3, p. 156
Eberhard Bohne, The Quest for Environmental Regulatory Integration in the European Union.
Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control, Environmental Impact Assessment and Major Accident
Prevention, Kluwer Law International, Alphen a/d Rijn 2006, ISBN 90-411-2081-5, 645 p., in: Milieu
en Recht 2006/10, p. 614-615
Mariëlle van der Zouwen, Nature Policy between Trends and Traditions. Dynamics in Nature Policy
Arrangements in the Yorkshire Dales, Doñana and The Veluwe, Eburon, Delft 2006, ISBN 90-5972097-0, 251 p., in: Staatscourant 2006 no. 50 (10 March 2006), p. 6
Hans Vedder, Competition Law and Environmental Protection in Europe Towards Sustainability?,
diss. UvA, Europa Law Publishing, Groningen, 2003, ISBN 90-76871-17-5, 478 p., in: RM Themis
2004/5, p. 276-278
Nele Dhondt, Integration of Environmental Protection into other EC Policies. Legal Theory and
Practice, diss. UvA, Europa Law Publishing, Groningen, 2003, ISBN 90-76871-15-9, 532 p., in:
Milieu en Recht 2004/2, p. 85-86
Wybe Th. Douma, The Precautionary Principle. Its Application in International, European and Dutch
Law, PhD thesis Groningen University, 2003, 472 p., in: RM Themis 2003/6 (Dec.), p. 311-313
Birgit C.A. Toebes, The right to health as a human right in international law, School of Human Rights
Research Series Vol. 1, Intersentia-Hart, Antwerpen, 1999, ISBN 90-5095-057-4, 418 p., in: Milieu en
Recht 1999/9, p. 229-230
IX. National external research reports (selection)
Juridische toets: passende beoordeling boomkorvisserij in de Natura 2000 gebieden Voordelta,
Noordzeekustzone, Vlakte van Raan, project for Greenpeace, February 2012, 11 p.
Bestaande Regulering van Geo-engineering, report for Rathenau Institute, April 2012, 23p. (co-author:
Floor Fleurke)
Juridische Toets Commissie Otapan, advisory opinion for the Commissie Otapan, August 2012, 16
pages (co-author: Prof.dr. Ellen Hey)
Natura 2000 in Nederland: concept-aanwijzingsbesluiten getoetst (Research on behalf of BirdLife
Netherlands on the legal quality of the draft deisgnations of selected Natura 2000 sites), April 2008, 60
p. (co-authors K. Bastmeijer, M. de Bruin), also published by BirdLife Netherlands, Zeist 2008, 54 p.
Beantwoording vragen juridische beleidsopties Noordvleugel-projecten in het IJmeer en het
Markermeer (Advice on EU environmental law issues on development plans for the IJmeer and
Markemeer Natura 2000 sites, for the Dutch Ministery for Housing, Spatial Planning and the
Environment and the municipality of Almere), January 2008, 27 p.
Juridisch advies betreffende locatie natuurherstel SBZ Westerschelde (Advice on legal issues
concerning restoration projects within the Westerscheldt SPA for Provincial authorities Zeeland and
Dutch Parliament), November 2007, 12 p. (co-author S. Erens)
Internationaal natuurbeschermingsrecht: inspiratie voor de nationale wetgever? (Testing national nature
conservation law against international nature conservation conventions, research for the Dutch Ministry
for Agriculture, Food Quality and Nature, OCtober 2007, 57 p. (co-authors M. de Bruin, K.
Advies inzake uitgangspunt Wabo ‘Eens bevoegd gezag, altijd bevoegd gezag’ (Advice for the
Association of Dutch Municipalities on shifts of permitting competences between municipalities and
provinces), January 2007, 14 p. (co-authors M. de Bruin, F. Michiels)
Tussensprint naar 2015. Advies over de financiering van de primaire waterkeringen voor de
bescherming van Nederland tegen overstroming (Advice by the Advisory Commission on the
Financing of Primary Dykes for the Minister of Water, Public Works and Traffic on financing long
term flood defense works), December 2006, 70 p. (co-authors P. Vellinga, M.J.F. Stive, J.K. Vrijling,
P.B. Boorsma, E.V. van Ierland)
Effectentoets voor specifieke beleidsmaatregelen en regelgeving ter beheersing van geurhinder
veroorzaakt door hinderlijke inrichtingen (Advice for the Flemish Environment Ministry on combatting
industrial odours), December 2006, 181 p. (co-authored by I. Larmuseau et al.)
Juridische toets doelensytematiek Natura 2000 in Nederland (research report for BirdLife Netherlands
on Natura 2000 conservation objectives), October 2006, 43 p. (co-authors C.J. Bastmeijer, M.K. de
Bruin), also published by BirdLife Netherlands, Zeist 2006, 46 pages
Plan van aanpak Vergunningenregime Flexibele stortstrategie Westerschelde. Uitvoering geven aan
een flexibele Wvo-vergunning (research report for the Dutch Ministry of Transport, Public Works and
Water Management on dredging activities in the Westerscheldt SPA), September 2006, 70 p. (coauthors P.J. de Putter, M. Aerts)
Verhouding provinciaal milieubeleidsplan en provinciale milieuverordening Provincie Noord-Brabant
(research report for the Province of North Brabant on the relationship between the Provincial
environmental Policyplan and the Provincial Environmental Ordinance), Tilburg, May 2006, 13 p. (coauthor M.K. de Bruin)
Het milieu in de provincie: Den Bosch klem tussen Brussel en Den Haag? (research report for the
Province of North Brabant on the relationship between the Provincial Environmental Policy Plan and
EU law), Tilburg, March 2006, 23 p.
Juridische verkenning naar de flexibiliteit van vergunningen voor het onderhoud en de verdieping van
de Westerschelde (research report for the National Water Management Agency, region Zeeland, on
legal requirements for deepening of Westerscheldt river fairway in Natura 2000), Tilburg, July 2005,
40 p. (co-authors P. de Putter, R. van Gestel)
Nieuw Groen = Vrij Groen: de juridische (on)mogelijkheden (research report for the Brabants
Landschap Foundation and the municipality of Etten-Leur on legal consequences of successful nature
restoration projects for farmers), Tilburg, April 2005, 83 p. (co-authors P. van Wijmen, K. Bastmeijer,
Th. Peters, L.G. Russo)
Werkingssfeer milieueffectrapportage. Meerwaarde door Eigen verantwoordelijkheid en afgestemde
Regelgeving (research report for the Dutch Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning, and the
Environment, on the added value of environmental impact assessments), Tilburg/Nijmegen, November
2004, 152 p. (co-autored by K. Jesse, P. Gilhuis and researchers from Royal Haskoning)
Juridische risicoanalyse ‘Beleidsbesluit Schelpdiervisserij 2005-2020’ met het oog op toetsing aan de
Vogel- en Habitatrichtlijn (research report for the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Fisheries,
a legal risk assessment of the draft policy on shell fish fisheries in protected areas), Tilburg, October
2004, 25 p.
Doorwerking van de IPPC-richtlijn in Noord-Brabant. Externe audit juridische vraagstukken rond
IPPC-richtlijn (research report for the Province of North Brabant, legal audit on several issues
concerning farming and the IPPC Directive), Wageningen, September 2004, 16 p. (co-authors W.
Bruil, Ch. Backes, D. van der Meijden)
Knelpunten bij de uitvoering van de natuurbeschermingswetgeving in Nederland (research report for
the interdepartmental policy research project on Natura 2000, Ministry of Finance), Tilburg, March
2003, 66 p. (co-author K. Bastmeijer)
Juridisering van besluitvorming over natuur en landschap als gevolg van EG-richtlijnen (research
report for the Netherlands Nature Assessment Agency on juridification of decision-making as a
consequence of EU nature conservation law), Tilburg, January 2003, 33 p. (co-author P. van Wijmen),
also published in: Planbureaustudies no. 5, 2002, ISBN 90-807205-4-2, 46 p.
Europese dialoog over voorstellen tot aanpassing van de Nederlandse milieuwetgeving (research report
for the Dutch Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning, and the Environment on how to bring Dutch
views on the future development of EU environmental law to the fore), Tilburg/Maastricht, May 2002,
94 p. (co-authors: C.J. Bastmeijer, J.A. Schout)
Wat beweegt de milieubeweging? Trends in de relevante omgeving van de natuur- en milieubeweging
en de mogelijke betekenis daarvan voor de Stichting Natuur en Milieu in het bijzonder (research report
for the Netherlands Society for Nature and Environment on its future role), Tilburg, November 2001,
108 p. (co-authors: W. van de Donk, B. Foederer)
Codificatie van milieurechtelijke beginselen in de Wet milieubeheer, Onderzoek naar Toekomstige
Regelgeving Algemene Milieubeginselen (research report for the Dutch Ministry of Housing, Spatial
Planning, and the Environment on the codification of environmental principles), Utrecht/Tilburg, April
2001, 266 p. (co-authors R. van Gestel, K. Bastmeijer, Ch. Backes, A. Freriks)
Duurzaam ondernemen en regelgeving (research report for the Dutch Ministry of Housing, Spatial
Planning, and the Environment on sustainable business corporations and legislation), Tilburg, May
2000, 161 p. (co-authors R. van Gestel, K. Bastmeijer and Royal Haskoning)
Kwaliteits- en handhaafbaarheidstoets afvalstoffenvergunningen Noord-Holland (research report for
the Province North Holland, assessing the quality of permits for waste disposal sites), Tilburg, April
2000, 52 p. (co-authors R.van Gestel, E. Broeren)
Studie voor een ‘Juridische leidraad BIM en vergunning op hoofdzaken’ (research report for the Dutch
Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning, and the Environment, preparing legal guidelines for regulators
how to deal with self-regulation in industry), Tilburg, July 1998, 125 p. (co-author R. van Gestel)
Modelvergunning op hoofdzaken voor DOW Terneuzen (research report for the province of Zeeland,
drafting a model permit for DOW), Tilburg/Den Bosch, 1998 (co-author R. van Gestel, SPM consult.)
Juridische aspecten van de vergunning op hoofdzaken, aangepast werkdocument (research report for
the Dutch Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning, and the Environment, on legal issues when
connecting the permitting proces to self-regulation in industry), also published in: Publicatiereeks
Milieu & Bedrijven, no. 1997/11, Den Haag/Tilburg, November 1997, 50 p. (co-author R. van Gestel)
Juridisch handboek natuurontwikkelingsprojecten in uiterwaarden (research report for the National
Water Management Agency (Region East), drafting a handbook on restoration projects along river
edges), The Hague, October 1997, 102 p. (co-authored by researchers of KPMG Environment)
Verdroging in natuurgebieden: schade, waardering en verhaal (research report for the Dutch
Association for the Conservation of Natural Monuments on liability for dehydration in protected areas),
The Hague/Tilburg, July 1997, 69 p. (with KPMG Environment)
Het voorzorgsbeginsel in het natuurbeschermingsrecht (research report for the Advisory Council for
Nature on the precautionary principle), Tilburg, September 1996, 52 p., also published by Raad voor
het natuurbeheer, November 1996, 60 p. (co-authors Ch.Backes, C. Lambers, T. Oudenaarden)
Positioneringsonderzoek milieu-effectrapportage (research report for the Evaluation Committee
Environmental Management Act on the effect of environmnetal impact assessment on decisionmaking), 112 p. (co-authors K. Jesse, R. Mooren, B. van de Putte), also published as:
Achtergrondstudie no. 26, ECW, The Hague, February 1996, ISBN 90-75155-09-3
De Nederlandse milieuwetgeving getoetst aan de Verklaring van Rio de Janeiro en Agenda 21
(research report for the Dutch Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning, and the Environment, testing
Dutch environmnetal legislation against the Rio Declaration and Agenda 21), January 1995, 105 p.,
also published in: Publikatiereeks milieubeheer van het ministerie van VROM, no. 1995/2, September
1995, p. 1-116 (co-author: P. Gilhuis)
Vernattingsschade als gevolg van verdrogingsbestrijding: een bestuurlijk-juridische analyse (research
report for the Dutch ministeries of Agriculture, Nature and Fisheries, and of Transport and Water
Management on liability for dehydration combatting policies), The Hague, March 1995 (co-authors J.
van der Vlies, P. de Putter), also published in: Nationaal Onderzoeksprogramma Verdroging, NOV
rapport 18-1, Den Haag 1995, ISBN 90-369-4503-8, 115 p.
Een milieuschadefonds in Nederland, een onderzoek naar de mogelijkheden (research report for the
Dutch Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning, and the Environment on the establishment of a national
fund for environmental damage), June 1994, The Hague/Tilburg 1994, 170 p., also published in:
Publikatiereeks milieubeheer van het ministerie van VROM, no. 1994/3, October 1994, no. SVS
1994/3 (co-authors P.C.Gilhuis,W.A. Hafkamp)
X. Case law annotations (selection)
More than 250 case law annotations in several Dutch journals, mainly Milieu en Recht (Environment &
Law) and AB (administrative law case reports) on a wide variety of environmental law cases, decided by
European Court of Justice, European Court of Human Rights and various Dutch courts, such as the
Administrative Law Division of the Council of State.