Kansendossier Olympische Spelen 2020

Kansendossier 2020 Tokyo Olympics business
opportunities for Dutch companies.
RVO.nl | Kansendossier 2020 Tokyo Olympics business opportunities for Dutch companies.
In September 2013 Japan landed the bid for the 2020 Summer Olympics and
Paralympics. The Olympics will be held in Tokyo from the 25th of July till the 9th of
August, the Paralympics from 25th of August to the 6th of September.
The Tokyo 2020 Bid Committee presented in the Candidature File the document
“Discover Tomorrow” which is the outline for its plan of approach for the Games. 37
sport venues are listed, of which 22 will be newly built, two will be renovated and
11 will be temporal constructions. Most noteworthy is the main Olympic Stadium,
where the opening and closing ceremony will be held. An athlete’s village will be
built from scratch and an international media hub renovated. For these huge
infrastructure projects the Committee estimates costs up to 383 billion Yen (4,4
billion dollar).
Current situation
The Tokyo Metropolitan Government (TMG) is responsible for setting up the
procurement process for the construction of the permanent sport venues, in close
collaboration with the Tokyo Organizing Committee for the Olympic Games
(TOCOG). With regard to the procurement process they are bound by the rules
outlined in the WTO ‘Agreement on Government Procurement’ and their own
procedures. While the TMG and TOCOG will work together on permanent venues,
temporal venues will fall under the sole responsibility of TOCOG, due to the fact
that funding is expected to be covered fully by sponsors and there won’t be a public
tending process.
The construction of the main stadium will be supervised by the ‘Japan Sport
Council’. TOCOG will work in tandem with the TMG to outline the requirements for
the sport venues, monitor the tender process and manage the actual construction
process. While the TOCOG is still setting up shop at the moment this paper is being
published, it will be staffed by around 2000 personnel in the final run-up to the
games. The ‘Olympic Venues Department’ of the TOCOG is the section directly
concerned with the construction of the permanent venues.
While non-Japanese companies are allowed to participate in the bidding, this is
significantly complicated by the fact that the entire tender process is done in the
Japanese language only. On top of that companies must be recognized by the
government through the ‘Business Construction Law’. Additionally, actual
participation has to be done online after registration of an electronic ID-card. TMG
has published a manual (in Japanese, see left) on this latter process. Information
on the tenders for the Games will be posted under Procuring Entity 13000 Tokyo-to
on JETRO’s site.
Meaningful and economic post-game usage of the sporting venues and facilities as
a means to renew and reinvigorate areas of the city is a major point of focus and
top priority for TOCOG. In this respect, TOCOG sees the London Games 2012 as a
huge success story and wants to “copy-paste” these concepts. This has already led
to a close cooperation between the Cities London and Tokyo and both governments.
It means that the UK and its relevant corporate Olympic Games-sectors are already
strategically well positioned.
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RVO.nl | Kansendossier 2020 Tokyo Olympics business opportunities for Dutch companies.
TMG: www.sporttokyo.metro.tokyo.jp/english/index.html
TOCOG: http://tokyo2020.jp/en
Manual: https://www.eprocurement.metro.tokyo.jp/html/manual.html
JETRO: https://www.jetro.go.jp/en/database/procurement/local
Opportunities and gaining access
To what extend are there opportunities for Dutch companies in gaining access?
While the Japanese-only procurement process poses a significant entry barrier
several factors could help to successfully land a bid.
(1) Entering a partnership with a Japanese company would significantly increase
the chances of smooth sailing through the Japanese procurement process. (1a)
Because regulations require staff to be present in Japan to clear all the
requirements for participating in the tender process, access to Japanese speaking
staff seems nearly essential for successful participation.
(2) As the Games are for a large extent a prestige project, companies that are
market leaders in their sector or product(s) or have recent experience with
executing projects for the Olympics or other large sport events, would have a clear
advantage. Numerous Dutch companies have contributed in the build-up for the
London Olympics, f.e. lighting for the Olympic village, specialized floors for
volleyball and handball and construction advice for the Olympic stadium, among
many others. Also in the realization of major football events like the 2012 Euro Cup
and the 2014 World Cup, many Dutch companies won contracts. Additionally, in
areas as stadium security, cyber security, hospitality business (refurbishing of
hotels) and temp staffing there exist opportunities. Connecting the different sport
venues and facilities by means of eco-friendly nodes (such as cycling roads) could
be another possible angle.
From the perspective of the Netherlands government a variety of steps will be
taken to stimulate Dutch business opportunities:
(1) An up-to-date source of information on the Olympics, tailor-made for Dutch
companies will be created on the RVO-Japan website. The evaluation of Economic
diplomacy around the Games in London stresses the fact that specific webpages on
the Olympics on the www.hollanduktrade.nl site served as an important
communication hub where the different parties could reach out to each other and
gather information.
(2) RVO will closely coordinate with FME, VNO-CNW, MKB Nederland, the Dutch
Olympic Committee and the Dutch Embassy in Tokyo to compose an action plan to
help maximize positive output for Dutch business.
(3) The Netherlands Embassy in Tokyo will continue to cultivate its close contacts
with TMG and TOCOG, as this could help to pinpoint in what sectors and projects
the best opportunities could to be found.
Looking from the perspective of the Dutch private sector it is important to mention
the Dutch Sport Infrastructure, which forms a cluster of companies working
together to create a platform for international exchange of innovations and ideas
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RVO.nl | Kansendossier 2020 Tokyo Olympics business opportunities for Dutch companies.
around the largest sports events like the Football World Cups and Olympic Games.
They have recently released a promotional video to open discussion on the
realization of ‘the Stadium of the Future’- sustainable stadium concepts build with
Dutch Technology: http://www.dutchsportsinfrastructure.nl/met-trots-presenteertdutch-sports-infrastructure-dsi-de-introductiefilm-het-stadion-van-de-toekomst/
Additionally, the Dutch Sports Infrastructure could consider creating a specific
brochure on opportunities for the Tokyo Olympics combining infographics on Dutch
involvement and innovative accomplishments during the London Games and other
major sport events, as this could serve as a tangible example to present to TMG
and TOCOG.
*‘Evaluatie Rol Ambassade Olympische Spelen London 2012’ – HMA
London Sep 2012
Dutch Sports Infrastructure Guide by FME-CWM:
Business lead
Sports infrastructure
Japan (Netherlands Embassy in Tokyo)
Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Tokyo
Trade Secretary: Karin Jager
Telephone: +81 (0)3-5776-5433
E-Mail: [email protected]
Internet: http://japan.nlembassy.org/
3-6-3 Shibakoen
Tokyo 105-0011
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RVO.nl | Kansendossier 2020 Tokyo Olympics business opportunities for Dutch companies.
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