ITALY 2013-1-IT1-LEO05-03988 GREECE LATVIA TURKEY THE NETHERLANDS ENGLISH Science At Theatre (SAT) project fosters a didactic methodology based on the transfer of the Science contents foreseen in the compulsory education curriculum through the application of drama techniques. The method has been developed by the Department of Physic of the University of Rome “Tor Vergata” and the Cultural Association “IL Globetto” and is the result of a long-standing experience (over ten years) in producing, organizing and divulgating “Science performances” addressed to low secondary students. Within the project the SAT methodology will be transferred in Italy, Greece, Turkey, Latvia and The Netherlands. Main features and results of the SAT method • Mixing the experimental, interactive and cooperative approach with the recreational and technical elements of drama; • students education to “rational thinking” and to the application of “logical reasoning”; • fostering the creative attitude of students and educating them to teamworking; • valorisation of the teaching of Science disciplines; • improvement of students’ learning outcomes related to science contents; • training a new profile: the “science educator-entertainer”. Main goals • Updating the competences of Secondary Education teachers of Science subjects (Chemistry and Physics in particular) transferring them the theoretical and practical principles of the SAT methodology. • Increased motivation of students in general and the ones “at risk” (school leaving/failure) in particular, in studying and learning scientific contents. • Divulgation of practices/experiences fostering the design of innovative (non traditional) didactic materials/tools. • Fostering the achievement of EU benchmarks related to the increase of enrolment rates in science field of study at tertiary education level. • Promoting the networking between Schools and Universities working in the same territory. Main actions and products Survey on methodologies and training practices similar to the one promoted by the project, addressed to teachers of scientific subjects in IT, LV, NL, GR, TR. Production of didactical Modules on specific contents of Chemistry and Physics, in Italy and Latvia. Training workshops on SAT model, addressed to secondary school teachers and trainers, in Italy and Latvia. SAT Workshops addressed to secondary school students, in Italy and Latvia. Production of scripts/storyboards on specific scientific contents (chemistry and physics), in Italy and Latvia Performance of Theatre-Science events based on the scripts produced by the students, in Italy and Latvian. Publication of the SAT Handbook (IT/EN). Principali caratteristiche e risultati del metodo SAT • lntreccio dell’approccio sperimentale, interattivo e cooperativo con elementi ludici e tecnici propri del teatro; • educazione degli studenti al "rational thinking" e all’applicazione del ragionamento logico-razionale; • sollecitazione dell’attitudine creativa dei ragazzi e l’educazione al lavoro di gruppo; • valorizzazione dell’insegnamento delle materie scientifiche; • apprendimento rapido e consapevole delle nozioni scientifiche da parte degli studenti; • formazione di una figura innovativa di educatore scientifico – animatore. Obiettivi • Aggiornare le competenze dei docenti e formatori della Scuola Secondaria (con attenzione particolare agli insegnanti di Fisica, Chimica e Scienze), trasferendo loro i principi teorici e applicativi del modello SAT. • Incrementare la motivazione allo studio e apprendimento di argomenti scientifici degli studenti in generale e di quelli a rischio di abbandono scolastico o con difficoltà di apprendimento, in particolare. • Contribuire alla divulgazione e valorizzazione di pratiche ed esperienze formative ed educative che promuovono la creazione e utilizzo di materiali e strumenti didattici non tradizionali. • Contribuire all’incremento delle iscrizioni degli studenti alle Facoltà scientifiche nei percorsi di istruzione superiore. • Promuovere il rafforzamento di interventi di cooperazione tra Scuole e Università operanti sullo stesso territorio. Attivita’ e prodotti Ricerca e analisi di buone pratiche ed esperienze affini alle tematiche del progetto realizzate in tutti i paesi partner (IT, GR, LV, NL, TR). Produzione di moduli didattici su specifici argomenti di Fisica e Chimica, in Italia e Lettonia. Laboratori di trasferimento del metodo SAT rivolti a docenti di Scuola Secondaria, in Italia e Lettonia. Laboratori sperimentali in applicazione del metodo SAT, rivolti a studenti di Scuola Secondaria, in Italia e Lettonia. Produzione di sceneggiature di Teatro-Scienza su particolari argomenti di Fisica e Chimica, in Italia e Lettonia. Realizzazione di eventi di Teatro-Scienza basati sulle sceneggiature prodotte dagli studenti, in Italia e Lettonia. Pubblicazione del Manuale SAT (IT/EN). ITALIAN Il progetto Science At Theatre (SAT) promuove una metodologia di insegnamento di contenuti scientifici compresi nei programmi dell’obbligo scolastico, attraverso la sperimentazione e applicazione delle tecniche teatrali. Il metodo, codificato dal Dipartimento di Fisica dell’Università di Roma Tor Vergata e dal Globetto Associazione Culturale, di cui il progetto prevede il trasferimento in Italia, Lettonia, Grecia, Turchia e Olanda, è il risultato di un'esperienza ultra decennale (1998–2013) di produzione, organizzazione e distribuzione di spettacoli scientifici con allievi delle scuole elementari e delle scuole medie inferiori. GREEK Το έργο Science At Theatre (SAT) προωθεί μια διδακτική μεθοδολογία με βάση τη μεταφορά στοιχείων επιστήμης που προβλέπονται στο υποχρεωτικό πρόγραμμα σπουδών της εκπαίδευσης μέσω της εφαρμογής των τεχνικών δράματος. Η μέθοδος έχει αναπτυχθεί από το Τμήμα Φυσικής του Πανεπιστημίου της Ρώμης "Tor Vergata" και από τον Πολιτιστικό Σύλλογο «IL Globetto» και είναι το αποτέλεσμα μιας μακρόχρονης εμπειρίας (πάνω από δέκα χρόνια) στην παραγωγή, οργάνωση και διάδοσης της δράσης "Επιστήμονικές Παρaαστάσεις », η οποία απευθύνεται σε μαθητές της δευτεροβάθμιας εκπαίδευσης. Στο πλαίσιο του έργου η μεθοδολογία SAT θα μεταφερθεί στην Ιταλία, στην Ελλάδα, στην Τουρκία, στη Λετονία και στην Ολλανδία. Κύρια χαρακτηριστικά και τα αποτελέσματα της μεθόδου SAT • Ανάμιξη του πειραματικής, διαδραστικής και συνεργατικής προσέγγισης με τις ψυχαγωγικά και τεχνικά στοιχεία του δράματος • Εκπαίδευση φοιτητών στη «λογική σκέψη» με την εφαρμογή του «λογικής σκέψης» • Προώθηση της δημιουργικής στάσης των μαθητών και της διαπαιδαγώγησής τους στην ομαδική εργασία • Αξιοποίηση της διδασκαλίας των επιστημών Επιστήμης •Βελτίωση των μαθησιακών αποτελεσμάτων των μαθητών που σχετίζονται με το περιεχόμενο της επιστήμης • Κατάρτιση ενός νέου επαγγελματικού προφίλ: «εκπαιδευτικός επιστημών -διασκεδαστής". Κύριοι Στόχοι • Αναβάθμιση των ικανοτήτων των εκπαιδευτικών της ∆ευτεροβάθμιας Εκπαίδευσης σε μαθήματα των Επιστημών (Χημείας και Φυσικής κυρίως) και η μεταφορά των θεωρητικών και πρακτικών αρχών της μεθοδολογίας SAT. • Κινητοποίηση των μαθητών εν γένει και ειδικά όσων βρίσκονται "σε κίνδυνο αποχώρησης από το σχολείο / αποτυχία, σχετικά με τη μελέτη και την εκμάθηση των επιστημών. • ∆ημοσιοποίηση των πρακτικών / εμπειριών που προωθούν τον σχεδιασμό καινοτόμων (μη παραδοσιακών) διδακτικών υλικών / εργαλείων. • Προώθηση της επίτευξης των κριτηρίων της ΕΕ που σχετίζονται με την αύξηση των ποσοστών εγγραφής στην τριτοβάθμια εκπαίδευση. • Προώθηση της δικτύωσης μεταξύ σχολείων και πανεπιστημίων που εδράζουν στην ίδια περιοχή. Κύριες δράσεις και προιόντα Έρευνα σχετικά με τις μεθοδολογίες και πρακτικές κατάρτισης παρόμοιες με εκείνη του πρόγραμματος, που απευθύνεται σε εκπαιδευτικούς (LV, NL, GR, TR.) Παραγωγή διδακτικών ενοτήτων σε συγκεκριμένο περιεχόμενο της Χημείας και της Φυσικής, στην Ιταλία και τη Λετονία. Εργαστήρια κατάρτισης για το μοντέλο SAT, που απευθύνεται σε εκπαιδευτικούς της δευτεροβάθμιας και εκπαιδευτών στο σχολείο, στην Ιταλία και τη Λετονία. Εργαστήρια SAT aαπευθύνονται σε μαθητές της δευτεροβάθμιας εκπαίδευσης, στην Ιταλία και τη Λετονία. Παραγωγή σεναρίων / ιστοριών σχετικά με συγκεκριμένα επιστημονικά περιεχόμενα (φυσικής και χημείας), στην Ιταλία και τη Λετονία Θεατρικές παραστάσεις με βάση τα σενάρια που παράγονται από τους μαθητές, στην Ιταλία και την Λετονία. ∆ημοσίευση του Εγχειρίδιου SAT (IT / EN). SAT Yönteminin Ana Özellikleri ve Sonuçları • Deneyimsel, interaktif ve yardımlaşmacı yaklaşım ile dramanın eğlenceli ve teknik elementlerinin birleştirme • Öğrencinin “rasyonel düşünme” ve” mantıksal muhakeme” yöneliminin eğitimi • Öğrencinin yaratıcı tutumlarını teşvik etmek ve takım çalışması konusunda eğitmek • Bilimsel konuların öğretimine değer katmak •Öğrencilerin bilim konuları ile alakalı öğrenme çıktılarını geliştirmek •Yeni bir profili eğitmek: “bilim öğretici-animatörü” Temel Amaçlar • SAT yönteminin teorik ve pratik prensiplerini transfer ederek ortaöğretim bilimsel dersler (kimya ve fizik) öğretmenlerinin yeterliliklerini güncellemek. • Genel olarak tüm öğrencilerin ve özellikle risk altında olanların (okulu terk etmek/başarısız olmak gibi) bilimsel konuların öğrenimi ve bu konularda çalışmaya yönelik isteklerini yükseltmek. • Yenilikçi ve öğretici, araç ve yöntemlerin tasarlanmasını teşvik eden deneme ve deneyimleri yayımlamak. • AB ölçüm ve kriterlerinin, üçüncü derece eğitim seviyesindeki bilimsel çalışmaların kayıt oranlarının yükseltilmesi ile alakalı kazanımı teşvik etmek • Aynı ülkedeki okul ve üniversiteler arasında ağ kurmayı desteklemek. Ana Faaliyetler ve çıktılar Proje tarafından desteklenen yöntem ve eğitim uygulamaları hakkında, İtalya, Letonya, Hollanda, Yunanistan ve Türkiye’de bulunan bilimsel ders öğretmenlerine yönelik araştırmalar. İtalya ve Letonya’daki kimya ve fizik derslerinin müfredatı üzerine öğretici modüllerin üretimi. İtalya ve Letonya’daki orta öğretim öğretmenleri ve eğitmenlerine yönelik SAT modeli üzerine eğitim çalışmaları. İtalya ve Letonya’daki orta öğretim öğrencilerine yönelik SAT modeli çalışmaları. İtalya ve Letonya’da seçilen bilimsel konular (kimya, fizik) üzerine program/ görsel kılavuz basımı. İtalya ve Letonya’da öğrenciler tarafından hazırlanmış olan programları temel alan Tiyatro-Bilim yarışma performansları. SAT rehberinin İngilizce ve İtalyanca basımı. TURKISH “Science At Theatre” projesi zorunlu eğitim müfredatında öngörülen bilim konularının drama teknikleri ile aktarılması konusunda öğretici yöntemleri teşvik eder. Bu yöntem, Roma Üniversitesi Fizik Bölümü “Tor Vergata” ve kültürel dernek “IL Globetto” tarafından geliştirildi ve on yıllın üzerinde uzun süredir devam eden orta okul öğrencilerine yönelik “Bilim Performansları”’ deneyiminin, üretimi, organize edilmesi ve yayımlanmasının bir sonucudur. SAT projesi kapsamında, bu yöntem İtalya’ya, Yunanistan’a, Türkiye’ye, Letonya’ya ve Hollanda’ya transfer edilmiş olacak. LATVIAN Projekts Science at Theatre (SAT) – Zinātnes teātris piedāvā metodiku dabaszinātņu mācību priekšmetu apguvei, izmantojot skatuves mākslas elementus. Metodi ir izstrādājis Romas Tor Vergata universitātes Fizikas departaments sadarbībā ar kultūras biedrību Il Globetto (Itālija). Metodes autoriem ir vairāk nekā desmit gadu pieredze zinātnes izrāžu radīšanā un organizēšanā skolēniem. Metodes būtība • Eksperimentāla, interaktīva, uz sadarbību vērsta mācību pieeja, izmantojot dažādus skatuves mākslas elementus; • Skolēnu analītiskās domāšanas aktivizēšana iedvesmojot aktīvai darbībai; • Radošuma un savstarpējās sadarbības prasmju attīstīšana skolēnos; • Mācību sasniegumu uzlabošana dabaszinātņu mācību priekšmetos; • Pedagogs - atraktīvas un radošas mācību nodarbības veidotājs. Mērķi • Pilnveidot dabaszinātņu priekšmetu pedagogu profesionālo kompetenci, sagatavojot darbam ar SAT metodi; • Veicināt skolēnu motivāciju apgūt dabaszinātņu priekšmetus, īpašu uzmanību veltot riska grupas jauniešiem; • Sekmēt inovatīvu, netradicionālu mācību līdzekļu un materiālu izveidi; • Veicināt ES izvirzīto mērķu sasniegšanu – palielināt absolventu skaitu eksakto zinātņu studiju programmās; • Stiprināt sadarbību starp skolām un universitātēm. Projekta aktivitātes un rezultāti Izpēte par līdzīgām metodēm un iniciatīvām projekta partnervalstīs. Mācību semināri pedagogiem darbam ar SAT metodi Latvijā un Itālijā. Metodes aprobācija mācību stundās Latvijas un Itālijas skolās. Scenāriju izveide par konkrētām fizikas un ķīmijas tēmām. Zinātniskas izrādes pēc skolēnu veidotiem scenārijiem. Rokasgrāmata SAT metodes izmantošanai. Belangrijkste kenmerken en resultaten van de SAT-methode • Het mengen van de experimentele, interactieve en coöperatieve aanpak met de recreatieve en technische elementen van het theater; • Scholieren onderwijzen in "rationeel denken" en de toepassing van "logisch redeneren"; • het bevorderen van de creatieve houding van de scholieren en teamworking in de praktijk brengen; • valorisatie van het doceren van de wetenschappelijke disciplines; • verbetering van de leerresultaten van scholieren met betrekking tot de inhoud van wetenschap; • de opleiding binnen een nieuw profiel: de "wetenschap docent-entertainer". Belangrijkste doelen • Overdragen van de theoretische en praktische principes van de SAT methodologie aan docenten van bètavakken (natuur- en scheikunde in het bijzonder) in het Voortgezet Onderwijs. • Het verhogen van de motivatie van studenten in het algemeen en degenen die potentieel vroegtijdig schoolverlater te worden in het bijzonder, in het bestuderen en leren van de natuurwetenschappelijke inhoud. • Verspreiden van praktijken / ervaringen die de ontwikkeling van innovatieve (niet-traditionele) didactische materialen / gereedschap pen bevorderen. • Het bijdragen aan de realisatie van EU-benchmarks met betrekking tot de toename van deelname in betastudies in het hoger onderwijs. • Het bevorderen van netwerken tussen scholen en universiteiten. Belangrijkste acties en producten Enquête onder leerkrachten van bèta-vakken in IT, LV, NL, GR en TR over methoden en opleidingspraktijken vergelijkbaar met die, die het project promoot. Productie van didactische modules over specifieke inhoud uit de natuur- en scheikunde in Italië en Letland. Workshops over het SAT-model, gericht op de docenten op middelbare scholen in Italië en Letland. SAT Workshops gericht op middelbare scholieren, in Italië en Letland. Productie van scripts / storyboards op specifieke natuur- en scheikundige inhoud in Italië en Letland. Prestaties van Science at Theatre events gebaseerd op door studenten gemaakte scripts, in Italië en Letland. Publicatie van het SAT Handboek (IT / EN). DUTCH Het project Science at Theatre (SAT) – wetenschap in het theater – bevordert een didactische methode die in het onderwijs verplichte onderwerpen uit de natuur- en scheikunde overdraagt door de toepassing van theatrale technieken. De methode is ontwikkeld door de faculteit Natuurkunde van de Universiteit "Tor Vergata" uit Rome en de Culturele Vereniging "IL Globetto". De methode is het resultaat van jarenlange ervaring (meer dan tien jaar) in het produceren, organiseren en uitvoeren van "Wetenschap optredens" gericht op scholieren uit de onderbouw van het middelbaar onderwijs. Doel van dit project is het overdragen van de ‘SAT methodologie’ binnen Italië en naar Griekenland, Turkije, Letland en Nederland. TURKEY THE NETHERLANDS ITALY GREECE LATVIA 2013-1-IT1-LEO05-03988 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This brochure reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein
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