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Victoria Shestalova
PO Box 80510, 2508GM The Hague, The Netherlands
Phone :
+31 70 33 83 446 (w)
E-mail :
[email protected]
Research interests
Policy design and incentive regulation (applications: healthcare, energy)
Deregulation in healthcare: vertical integration, pricing, contracting
Efficiency, benchmarking, yardstick competition, applications to different sectors (energy, healthcare)
Productivity and efficiency: TFP growth, Data Envelopment Analysis, Input-Output Analysis
Consultant at the Structural Policy Division, Directorate of Science, Technology and
Industry (DSTI), OECD
Researcher at the Department Climate and Regional Economics, the CPB Netherlands Bureau
for Economic Policy Analysis
Researcher at the Department Regulation and Competition, the CPB Netherlands Bureau for
Economic Policy Analysis
Economist at the Office for Energy Regulation (DTe), The Netherlands
1996-2002 Teaching Assistant (AIO) at Dep. of Econometrics, Tilburg University, The Netherlands
Teaching Assistant at the New Economic School, Moscow, Russia
Researcher at the Department of Applied Mathematics, Sumy State University, Ukraine
Ph.D. in Economics, Tilburg University, The Netherlands; Title: “Essays in productivity and
efficiency”; supervisor: Thijs ten Raa (Tilburg University); co-promotors Edward Wolff (New York
University) and Dolf Talman (Tilburg University)
NAKE Diploma, Dutch Network of Economics (NAKE), The Netherlands
M.A. in Economics, New Economic School, Moscow, Russia
M.Sc. in Mathematics (cum laude), Moscow State University named after Lomonosov, Russia
Publication list
International journals in Economics
1. Ten Raa, T., V. Shestalova, 2014, Supply-use framework for international environmental policy
analysis. accepted to Economic Systems Research.
2. Douven, R., R. Halbersma, K. Katona, V. Shestalova, 2014, Vertical integration and exclusive
behavior of insurers and hospitals, Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, 23 (2), 344368.
3. Aalbers, R., V. Shestalova, V. Kocsis, 2013, Innovation policy for directing technical change in
the power sector, Energy Policy, 63, 1240–1250.
4. Bijlsma, M., P. Koning, V. Shestalova, 2013, The effect of competition on process and outcome
quality of hospital care in the Netherlands, De Economist, 161(2), 121-155.
5. Ten Raa, T., V. Shestalova, 2011, The Solow Residual, Domar Aggregation, and Inefficiency: A
Synthesis of TFP Measures, Journal of Productivity Analysis, 36 (1), 71-77.
Mosca, I., Pomp, M., V. Shestalova, 2010, Market share and price in Dutch home care: market
power or quality?, De Economist, 158 (1), 61-79.
7. Mulder, M., V. Shestalova, G. Zwart, 2007, Vertical separation of the Dutch energy distribution
industry: an economic assessment of the political debate, Intereconomics, 6, 305-310.
8. Pomp, M., V. Shestalova, 2007, Switching costs in Netherlands energy markets: can liberalisation
bring benefits to small customers, De Economist, 155(3), 305-321.
9. Mulder, M., V. Shestalova, 2006, Costs and benefits of vertical separation of the energy
distribution industry: the Dutch case, Competition and Regulation in Network Industries, 1(2),
10. Ten Raa, T., V. Shestalova, 2004, Empirical Evidence on Payment Media Costs and Switch
Points, Journal of Banking and Finance, 28, 203–213.
11. Shestalova, V., 2003, Sequential Malmquist indices of productivity growth: an application to
OECD industrial activities, Journal of Productivity Analysis, 19, 211-226.
12. Mikkers, M., V. Shestalova, 2003, Regulating natural monopolies: Effects and remedies, The
Utilities Journal, 6, 38-39.
13. Shestalova, V., 2001, General equilibrium analysis of international TFP growth rates, Economic
Systems Research, 13 (4), 391-404.
Dutch policy journals
1. Aalbers, A., V. Kocsis, V. Shestalova, 2012, Tarifering van decentrale opwekking elektriciteit,
Economisch Statistische Berichten, 97 (4633), 13 april 2012, 230-233.
2. Douven, R., R. Halbersma, K. Katona, V. Shestalova, 2011, Kritisch oog op samengaan
ziekenhuizen en zorgverzekeraars nodig, Me Judice, Tilburg University, The Nederlands.
3. Bijlsma, M., P. Koning, V. Shestalova, 2010, Concurrentie en kwaliteit van Ziekenhuiszorg,
Economisch Statistische Berichten, 12-11-2010: 697-699.
4. Bijlsma, M., V. Shestalova, 2009, Fusies tussen verzekeraars en ziekenhuizen, Economisch
Statistische Berichten, 94(4556), 184-187.
5. Bijlsma, M., A. Meijer, V. Shestalova, 2008, Fusies tussen verzekeraar en ziekenhuis: risico voor
concurrentie?, Infobulletin van de Vereniging voor Gezondheidseconomie, 2008, 25(3), 20-25.
6. Pomp, M., V. Shestalova, 2005, Overstapkosten en welvaart, Economisch Statistische Berichten,
90(4464), D10-D11.
7. Onderstal, S., V. Shestalova, 2003, Welvaart en de regulering van Netwerksectoren,
boekbespreking, Tijdschrift Politieke Economie, 4, 98-105.
8. Ten Raa, T., V. Shestalova, 2001, Met tarieven beter betalingsverkeer, Economisch Statistische
Berichten, 86(4309), 414-416.
Book contributions
1. Ten Raa, T., V. Shestalova, 2011, The Solow Residual, Domar Aggregation, and Inefficiency: A
Synthesis of TFP Measures, ch.20 in T. ten Raa and E.N. Wolff (2012) Productivity Growth
Industries, Spillovers and Economic Performance, Edward Elgar Publ.
2. Shestalova, V., 2006, Obscheravnovesny analiz tempov rosta mezhdunarodnoj obshej
proizvoditelnosti truda, in Leontievsky sbornik, I.I Eliseeva, A.L. Dmitriev, eds, "Nestor-Istoriya",
Sankt-Peterburg, Russia, 269-293. (In Russian.)
3. Shestalova, V., 2002, Essays in productivity and efficiency, 2002, PhD Thesis, Tilburg University,
The Netherlands.
Contributions to consultation documents on energy regulation
1. DTe (Dutch Energy Regulator), 2003, Regulering TenneT, Informatie- en consultatiedocument,
februari 2003 (project team member).
2. DTe (Dutch Energy Regulator), 2002, Yardstick Competition of Regional Electricity Network
Companies, Second Regulatory Period, Information and consultation document, 20 November
2002 (project team member).
1. Noailly, J., V. Shestalova, 2013, Knowledge spillovers from renewable energy technologies,
Lessons from patent citations, CPB Discussion Paper 262.
2. Noailly, J., V. Shestalova, 2013, On which technologies do renewable energy innovations build
on? CPB Background document, 19-12-2013.
3. Aalbers, R., V. Shestalova, G., Zwart, 2013, Interactie Milieubeleidsinstrumenten met het ETS,
CPB Notitie 8 januari 2013.
4. Aalbers, R., V. Shestalova, V. Kocsis, 2012, Innovation policy for directing technical change in
the power sector, CPB Discussion Paper 223.
5. Aalbers, R., V. Kocsis, V. Shestalova, 2011, Optimal regulation under unknown supply of
distributed generation, CPB Discussion Paper 192.
6. Douven, R., R. Halbersma, K. Katona, V. Shestalova, 2011, Vertical integration and exclusive
vertical restraints between insurers and hospitals, CPB Discussion Paper 172. Also published as
TILEC Discussion paper 2011-016.
7. Besseling, P., V. Shestalova, 2011, Forecasting public health expenditures in the Netherlands,
CPB Background Document, 3-02-2011.
8. Bijlsma, M., P. Koning, V. Shestalova, and A. Aouragh, 2010, The effect of competition on
process and outcome quality of hospital care: An empirical analysis for the Netherlands, CPB
Discussion Paper 157. Also published as TILEC Discussion Paper 2011-002.
9. Zubanov, N.V., V. Kocsis, R. Lukach, B. Minne, V. Shestalova, H. van der Wiel, 2009, Relation
entry, exit and productivity: An overview of recent theoretical and empirical literature, CPB
Document 180.
10. Bijlsma, M., A. Meijer, V. Shestalova, 2008, Vertical relationships between health insurers and
healthcare providers, CPB Document 167.
11. Bijlsma, M., V. Kocsis, V. Shestalova, G. Zwart, 2008, Vertical foreclosure: a policy framework,
CPB Document 157.
12. Mosca, I., Pomp, M., V. Shestalova, 2007, Market share and price in Dutch home care: market
power or quality?, CPB Discussion Paper 95. Also published as NZa Research Paper 2007-07.
13. Lijesen, M., V.Shestalova, 2007, Public and private roles in road infrastructure: An exploration of
market failure, public instruments and government failure, CPB Document 146.
14. Mulder, M., A. Dannenberg, T. Mennel, U. Moslener, V. Shestalova, G. Zwart, 2006,
Liberalisation of European energy markets: challenges and policy options, CPB Document 138.
Also published as a chapter in European Competitiveness Report 2006 of the European
15. Mulder, M., M. Lijesen, V. Shestalova, G. Zwart, 2006, Kwantitatieve verkenning
welvaartseffecten splitsing energiebedrijven, CPB Notitie, March 20, 2006.
16. Leuvensteijn, van, M., V. Shestalova, 2006, Investeringsprikkels voor woningcorporaties, CPB
Document 112.
17. Pomp, M., L. Rangel, V. Shestalova, 2005, Switch on the competition: Causes, consequences and
policy implications of consumer switching costs, CPB Document 97.
18. Mulder, M., M. Lijesen, V. Shestalova, 2005, Vertical separation of the energy-distribution
industry: an assessment of several options for unbundling, CPB Document 84.
19. Aalbers, R., M. Canoy, E. Dijkgraaf, S. van der Geest, S. Onderstal, A. Perez, V. Shestalova, M.
Varkevisser, 2004, Better safe than sorry? Reliability policy in network industries. CPB Document
20. De Joode, J., D. Kingma, M. Lijesen, M. Mulder, V. Shestalova, 2004, Energy Policies and Risks
on Energy Markets: a cost-benefit analysis, Sdu Publishers, The Hague.
1. Ten Raa, T., V. Shestalova, 2006, Alternative Measures of Total Factor Productivity Growth,
CentER Discussion Paper 2006-54.
2. Mikkers, M., V. Shestalova, 2003, Yardstick competition and reliability of supply in public
utilities, CRI technical paper 15, CRI, Bath University.
3. Ten Raa, T., V. Shestalova, 2001, Via tarifering naar efficiënter betalingsverkeer,
onderzoeksrapport voor Het Hoofdbedrijfschap Detailhandel, Den Haag.
4. Filshtinsky, L.A., V. Shestalova, 1992, Дифракция магнито-упругой волны на отверстии и
трещине, Физико-химическая механика материалов, 28 (3), 14-18. (Diffraction of magnetoelastic waves on a hole and a crack, published in Fiziko-chimicheskaya mehanika materialov.)
Other professional activities
Workshop organization
Organizer of Health Policy Workshops: workshop series for policy makers and
academics organized together with the Dutch Healthcare Authority and TILEC/Tilburg
Topics: The future of long-term care (October 5, 2010); Incentives in health insurance:
the role of cost sharing (November 9, 2011).
Organizer of Competition Workshops: workshop series for policy makers and
academics organized together with the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs and
TILEC/Tilburg University.
Topics: Investments to guarantee network reliability (October 6, 2004); Consumer
switching in liberalised markets (March 24, 2005); Privatisation of public companies:
policy and experiences (October 11, 2005); Competition and Regulation in Professional
Services (March 21, 2006); Competition and Quality in Health Care Markets (January 12,
2007); Do Non-For-Profits make a difference? (May 8, 2007); Effects of competition in
the banking sector (January 31, 2008); Competition and consumer protection (June 2,
2008); Effects of regulation on innovation and productivity (April 2, 2009); Procurement
of public services (October 21, 2009); Housing market and household mobility (June 17,
2010); System Competition and the Need for a World Competition Agency (October 13,
Guest lectures
Competition in healthcare markets, Free University of Amsterdam, 13 June 2014
Policy research on healthcare, Free University of Amsterdam, 22 October 2012
Competition and quality in healthcare, Free University of Amsterdam, 29 February 2012
Environmental Innovation and Policy, Wageningen University, 24 February 2012
Competition and quality in healthcare, Free University of Amsterdam, 3 November 2011
Competition and quality in healthcare, Free University of Amsterdam, 5 October 2010
Vertical integration in healthcare markets, jointly with Rein Halbersma, Free University
of Amsterdam, 25 February 2009.
5-day course ‘Advanced modelling tools’ at the Institute for Prospective Technological
Studies (research centre of the European Commission, Seville, Spain), February 2008.
Jointly with Thijs ten Raa.
Role of benchmarking in regulation, jointly with Misja Mikkers, Amsterdam University,
16 March 2006.
An introduction in economic theory of regulation, Energy Delta Institute, Groningen,
April 2006
Role of benchmarking in regulation, jointly with Misja Mikkers, Tilburg University, 1
December 2005
An introduction in economic theory of regulation, Energy Delta Institute, Groningen, 11
November 2004.
Ph.D. defense committee member
Antonio F. de Amores, “Essays in Efficiency and Stochastic Input-Output Analysis”,
Pablo de Olavide University, Seville, Spain, 25 March 2011.
Presentations at international conferences and workshops
"Renewable energy policies and cross-border investment: evidence from M&A in solar and
wind energy", WCERE 2014: World Congress of Environmental and Resource Economists,
Istanbul, Turkey, 28 June-3July 2014.
"Renewable energy policies and cross-border investment: evidence from M&A in solar and
wind energy", Mannheim Energy Conference 2014, Mannheim, Germany, 5-6 May, 2014.
“Directing technological change in the electricity sector”, EAERE2012: 19th Annual
Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists,
Prague, Czech Republic, June 27-30, 2012.
“Directing technological change in the electricity sector”, EEM 2012: 9th International
Conference on the European Energy Market, Florence, Italy, 10-12 May 2012.
“Competition, transparency and quality of hospital care: Analysis for the Dutch hospital
sector”, Health, Healthcare and Behavior: 3rd Biennial Conference of the American Society
of Health Economists, Cornell University, Ithaca, the USA, June 2010.
“Competition, transparency and quality of hospital care: Analysis for the Dutch hospital
sector”, ACLE-conference: Information, Communication and Competition, Amsterdam,
The Netherlands, April 2010.
“Bargaining in healthcare markets”, EARIE-conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia, September
“Environmental regulation and sectoral development”, ‘International Input-Output
Meeting on Managing the Environment’, Seville, Spain, 9-11 July 2008.
“Price Negotiations in Health Care Services: Netherlands’ Home Care” (jointly with Ilaria
Mosca), iHEA (International Health Economics Association) 6th World Congress,
Copenhagen, Denmark, 8-11 July 2007.
“Alternative measures of Total Factor Productivity growth” (jointly with Thijs ten Raa),
Intermediate Input-Output Conference, Sendai, Japan, July 2006.
“Switching costs in the Dutch residential energy market”, ENCORE workshop on
switching, The Hague, The Netherlands, 15 December 2005.
“Netherlands’ Experience with the Use of Modelling in Policy Analysis”, International
workshop: Different approaches to policy modelling for Ukraine, EERC/Kyiv-Mohyla
Academy, Kiev, Ukraine. 6 December 2005.
“Yardstick competition and reliability of supply in public utilities”(jointly with Misja
Mikkers), 2nd Hellenic Workshop on Productivity and Efficiency Measurement, Patras,
Greece, 30 May-1 June 2003.
“Sequential Malmquist indices of productivity growth: an application to OECD industrial
activities”, North American Productivity Workshop II, Union College, Schenectady, The
USA, June 2000.
“A General Equilibrium Analysis of International TFP growth rates”, ‘12th International
Conference on Input-Output Techniques’, New-York, The USA, May 1998.