LIST OF APPROVED PLANTS HANDLING ANIMAL BY-PRODUCTS - SECTION I Establishments or plants carrying out intermediate activities and plants storing animal by-products - Category 3 Article 24(1)(h) and (i) of Regulation (EC) No 1069/2009 N° Approval Number 1 NL 1006 UCO Kampen B.V. Haatlandhaven 15 8263AS KAMPEN cat 3 INTP 2 NL 1048 C. van Heezik Utrecht BV Neutronweg 5 3542AH UTRECHT cat 3 INTP PETR 3 NL 1051 Dieren en Vogelgroothandel Rob van Hazendonk B.V. 1E Tieflaarsestraat 19 4182PC NEERIJNEN cat 3 INTP CAD 4 NL 1134 Bottelarij Den Helder Nieuwe Haven GEEN 1780CA DEN HELDER cat 3 INTP 5 NL 115180 Dutch Pet Products B.V. Venrayseweg 128 a 5961NT HORST cat 3 INTP RAW 6 NL 127 Tripe Meat Petproducts B.V. Elbingstraat 2 7418EP DEVENTER cat 3 INTP FORMF PETR RAW 7 NL 1288 Koel- En Vrieshuis Lintelo Euroweg 17 7051EB VARSSEVELD cat 3 INTP SLHBP 8 NL 196 POSTMA SNELVRIES Breukersweg 6 7471ST GOOR cat 3 INTP RAW Modified on: 19-JAN-2015 Name of the establishment Town Region Activities Associated Category Product Types Activities LIST OF APPROVED PLANTS HANDLING ANIMAL BY-PRODUCTS - SECTION I Remarks 1/33 LIST OF APPROVED PLANTS HANDLING ANIMAL BY-PRODUCTS - SECTION I Establishments or plants carrying out intermediate activities and plants storing animal by-products - Category 3 Article 24(1)(h) and (i) of Regulation (EC) No 1069/2009 N° Approval Number 9 NL 20345 Euro Feed Services Holding Textielweg 14 4104AM CULEMBORG cat 3 INTP 10 NL 20383 Vof L.G. V.D. Burg Eerste Stationsstraat 186 2712HM ZOETERMEER cat 3 INTP CATW FORMF 11 NL 20399 Promix B.V. Parelgras 5 5986PN BERINGE cat 3 INTP 12 NL 20486 Peys Doggyfood B.V. Centaurusweg 53 5015TC TILBURG cat 3 INTP 13 NL 20515 Kuehne + Nagel Logistics B.V. Siriusstraat 7 5015BT TILBURG cat 3 INTP 14 NL 206840 FarmFeed B.V. Kwinkweerd 12 7241 CW LOCHEM cat 3 INTP FORMF 15 NL 206857 Dick Rood Dokter de Vriesstraat 34 1654 JV BENNINGBROEK cat 3 INTP PETR 16 NL 206995 Icova Kajuitweg 1 1041 AP AMSTERDAM cat 3 INTP CATW Modified on: 19-JAN-2015 Name of the establishment Town Region Activities Associated Category Product Types Activities LIST OF APPROVED PLANTS HANDLING ANIMAL BY-PRODUCTS - SECTION I Remarks 2/33 LIST OF APPROVED PLANTS HANDLING ANIMAL BY-PRODUCTS - SECTION I Establishments or plants carrying out intermediate activities and plants storing animal by-products - Category 3 Article 24(1)(h) and (i) of Regulation (EC) No 1069/2009 N° Approval Number 17 NL 207384 Vriesveem De Berg B.V. Oude Roderweg 23 6422 PE HEERLEN cat 3 INTP RAW 18 NL 207493 Van Gansewinkel Nederland B.V. De Lier 2 9206 BH DRACHTEN cat 3 INTP FORMF 19 NL 207493 Van Gansewinkel Nederland B.V. De Lier 2 9206 BH DRACHTEN cat 3 INTP CATW 20 NL 207571 Van Gansewinkel Nederland B.V. Kreekweg 80 3133 AZ VLAARDINGEN cat 3 INTP CATW 21 NL 207571 Van Gansewinkel Nederland B.V. Kreekweg 80 3133 AZ VLAARDINGEN cat 3 INTP FORMF 22 NL 207572 Vliko B.V. Achthovenerweg 17 B 2351 AX LEIDERDORP cat 3 INTP CATW 23 NL 207572 Vliko B.V. Achthovenerweg 17 B 2351 AX LEIDERDORP cat 3 INTP FORMF 24 NL 207600 SITA Recycling Services Noord-Oost Havenkade 36 7553 GN HENGELO OV cat 3 INTP CATW Modified on: 19-JAN-2015 Name of the establishment Town Region Activities Associated Category Product Types Activities LIST OF APPROVED PLANTS HANDLING ANIMAL BY-PRODUCTS - SECTION I Remarks 3/33 LIST OF APPROVED PLANTS HANDLING ANIMAL BY-PRODUCTS - SECTION I Establishments or plants carrying out intermediate activities and plants storing animal by-products - Category 3 Article 24(1)(h) and (i) of Regulation (EC) No 1069/2009 N° Approval Number 25 NL 207721 Van Vulpen Biogas Meelsewei 4 4004 LR TIEL cat 3 INTP RAW 26 NL 207721 Van Vulpen Biogas Meelsewei 4 4004 LR TIEL cat 3 INTP CATW 27 NL 207721 Van Vulpen Biogas Meelsewei 4 4004 LR TIEL cat 3 INTP FORMF 28 NL 207734 T. Meiboom Weerdingerkanaal NZ 102 7831 HH NIEUW-WEERDINGE cat 3 INTP PETR 29 NL 207868 Van Gansewinkel Nederland B.V. Ophemertstraat 9 3089 JD ROTTERDAM cat 3 INTP FORMF 30 NL 207928 Ruto Frozen Fishfood BV Nijverheidscentrum 44 2761 JP ZEVENHUIZEN ZH cat 3 INTP PETR 31 NL 208010 Recycling Rouwmaat Groenlo BV Den Sliem 93 7141 JG GROENLO cat 3 INTP FORMF 32 NL 208010 Recycling Rouwmaat Groenlo BV Den Sliem 93 7141 JG GROENLO cat 3 INTP CATW Modified on: 19-JAN-2015 Name of the establishment Town Region Activities Associated Category Product Types Activities LIST OF APPROVED PLANTS HANDLING ANIMAL BY-PRODUCTS - SECTION I Remarks 4/33 LIST OF APPROVED PLANTS HANDLING ANIMAL BY-PRODUCTS - SECTION I Establishments or plants carrying out intermediate activities and plants storing animal by-products - Category 3 Article 24(1)(h) and (i) of Regulation (EC) No 1069/2009 N° Approval Number 33 NL 208159 Nijenkamp Voedseldieren Hexelerweg 66 7441 PD NIJVERDAL cat 3 INTP CAD 34 NL 208159 Nijenkamp Voedseldieren Hexelerweg 66 7441 PD NIJVERDAL cat 2 INTP RAW 35 NL 208260 Gebr. Bouwens Import-Export Hengelo B.V. Broekstraat 16 7009 ZB DOETINCHEM cat 3 INTP SLHBP 36 NL 208380 CarniVoer De Hoefsmid 14 1851 PZ HEILOO cat 3 INTP PETR 37 NL 208382 SITA Recycling Services Zuid B.V. Ankerkade 21 6222 NL MAASTRICHT cat 3 INTP CATW 38 NL 208382 SITA Recycling Services Zuid B.V. Ankerkade 21 6222 NL MAASTRICHT cat 3 INTP FORMF 39 NL 208417 Vetrecycling J. Vogels B.V. Moleneindstraat 5 A 5406 PC UDEN cat 3 INTP FORMF 40 NL 208417 Vetrecycling J. Vogels B.V. Moleneindstraat 5 A 5406 PC UDEN cat 3 INTP CATW Modified on: 19-JAN-2015 Name of the establishment Town Region Activities Associated Category Product Types Activities LIST OF APPROVED PLANTS HANDLING ANIMAL BY-PRODUCTS - SECTION I Remarks 5/33 LIST OF APPROVED PLANTS HANDLING ANIMAL BY-PRODUCTS - SECTION I Establishments or plants carrying out intermediate activities and plants storing animal by-products - Category 3 Article 24(1)(h) and (i) of Regulation (EC) No 1069/2009 N° Approval Number 41 NL 208469 Lidl Minerva 1 8448 CT HEERENVEEN cat 3 INTP FORMF 42 NL 208480 Strijbos Agro Facilities B.V. Deurneseweg 176 5813AC YSSELSTEYN cat 3 INTP FORMF 43 NL 208561 SITA Recycling Services Wijchen B.V. Buys Ballotstraat 10 6603 BW WIJCHEN cat 3 INTP CATW 44 NL 208589 SITA Recycling Services Roelofshoeveweg 41 6921 RH DUIVEN cat 3 INTP CATW 45 NL 208590 SITA Recycling Services Sint-Maarten 1 7332BG APELDOORN cat 3 INTP CATW 46 NL 208609 Melkverwerkingsbedrijf P.F. Kamstra B.V. Oosteinderlaan 60 2181 HK HILLEGOM cat 3 INTP FORMF 47 NL 208640 SITA Doetinchem Kajuitstraat 9 7005 BP DOETINCHEM cat 3 INTP CATW 48 NL 208717 Lompen- en Metalenhandel Cobus Spigt Ruigendijk 35 1796 MP DE KOOG cat 3 INTP CATW Modified on: 19-JAN-2015 Name of the establishment Town Region Activities Associated Category Product Types Activities LIST OF APPROVED PLANTS HANDLING ANIMAL BY-PRODUCTS - SECTION I Remarks 6/33 LIST OF APPROVED PLANTS HANDLING ANIMAL BY-PRODUCTS - SECTION I Establishments or plants carrying out intermediate activities and plants storing animal by-products - Category 3 Article 24(1)(h) and (i) of Regulation (EC) No 1069/2009 N° Approval Number 49 NL 208796 K.M. Frigo B.V. Kamperstraat 17 7418 CA DEVENTER cat 3 INTP SLHBP 50 NL 208800 Van de Weijer Holding BV Industrieterrein Panningen 125 5981NC PANNINGEN cat 3 INTP FORMF 51 NL 208801 Vetveredeling Moerdijk B.V. Moerdijk 10 4782 PX MOERDIJK cat 3 INTP CATW 52 NL 208937 Rotie B.V. van der Heijdenstraat 2 7102 JA WINTERSWIJK cat 3 INTP CATW 53 NL 208961 Wolhandel Douwe Rijpstra V.O.F. Sanjesreed 8 C 9062 EK OENTSJERK cat 3 INTP RAW 54 NL 208979 Rotie B.V. Hornweg 61 1044 AN AMSTERDAM cat 3 INTP SLHBP 55 NL 208979 Rotie B.V. Hornweg 61 1044 AN AMSTERDAM cat 3 INTP CATW 56 NL 208979 Rotie B.V. Hornweg 61 1044 AN AMSTERDAM cat 3 INTP FORMF Modified on: 19-JAN-2015 Name of the establishment Town Region Activities Associated Category Product Types Activities LIST OF APPROVED PLANTS HANDLING ANIMAL BY-PRODUCTS - SECTION I Remarks 7/33 LIST OF APPROVED PLANTS HANDLING ANIMAL BY-PRODUCTS - SECTION I Establishments or plants carrying out intermediate activities and plants storing animal by-products - Category 3 Article 24(1)(h) and (i) of Regulation (EC) No 1069/2009 N° Approval Number 57 NL 209013 Zuiderinslag 20 3871MR HOEVELAKEN cat 3 INTP SLHBP 58 NL 209018 Bonda Franseweg 13 5469 DX ERP cat 3 INTP FORMF 59 NL 209079 Districenter Cuijk BV Schuttersweg 16 5443 PR HAPS cat 3 INTP RAW 60 NL 209079 Districenter Cuijk BV Schuttersweg 16 5443 PR HAPS cat 3 INTP SLHBP 61 NL 209083 JW Wolf. Hoenwaardseweg 9 8051 SH HATTEM cat 3 INTP RAW 62 NL 209166 Rotie B.V. Vulcanus 29 8448 CH HEEREVEEN cat 3 INTP CATW 63 NL 209505 Hermes Wool Bv Oostmijzerdijk 9 1636 WC SCHERMERHORN cat 3 INTP RAW 64 NL 209598 Reclassering Nederland Radonweg 3 3542 AN UTRECHT cat 3 INTP FORMF Modified on: 19-JAN-2015 Name of the establishment Town Region Activities Associated Category Product Types Activities LIST OF APPROVED PLANTS HANDLING ANIMAL BY-PRODUCTS - SECTION I Remarks 8/33 LIST OF APPROVED PLANTS HANDLING ANIMAL BY-PRODUCTS - SECTION I Establishments or plants carrying out intermediate activities and plants storing animal by-products - Category 3 Article 24(1)(h) and (i) of Regulation (EC) No 1069/2009 N° Approval Number 65 NL 209606 SITA Recycling Services Noord B.V. Aziehavenweg 18 1046 BK AMSTERDAM cat 3 INTP CATW 66 NL 209606 SITA Recycling Services Noord B.V. Aziehavenweg 18 1046 BK AMSTERDAM cat 3 INTP FORMF 67 NL 209686 Minketeers Eiermijndreef 6 5764 RH DE RIPS cat 3 INTP RAW 68 NL 209741 Flevo Industrial Facilities B.V. Nijverheidsweg 8 3881 LA PUTTEN cat 3 INTP SLHBP 69 NL 209800 Kiezebrink Holland Hoge Eng-Oost 52 A 3882 TN PUTTEN cat 3 INTP SLHBP 70 NL 209800 Kiezebrink Holland Hoge Eng-Oost 52 A 3882 TN PUTTEN cat 2 INTP RAW 71 NL 209800 Kiezebrink Holland Hoge Eng-Oost 52 A 3882 TN PUTTEN cat 3 INTP CAD 72 NL 209800 Kiezebrink Holland Hoge Eng-Oost 52 A 3882 TN PUTTEN cat 3 INTP PETR Modified on: 19-JAN-2015 Name of the establishment Town Region Activities Associated Category Product Types Activities LIST OF APPROVED PLANTS HANDLING ANIMAL BY-PRODUCTS - SECTION I Remarks 9/33 LIST OF APPROVED PLANTS HANDLING ANIMAL BY-PRODUCTS - SECTION I Establishments or plants carrying out intermediate activities and plants storing animal by-products - Category 3 Article 24(1)(h) and (i) of Regulation (EC) No 1069/2009 N° Approval Number 73 NL 209800 Kiezebrink Holland Hoge Eng-Oost 52 A 3882 TN PUTTEN cat 3 INTP RAW 74 NL 209801 Meatco B.V. Rietmolenweg 4 C 7482 NX HAAKSBERGEN cat 3 INTP SLHBP 75 NL 209847 Cornelis Vrolijk B.V. Vissershavenweg 35 2583 DK 'S-GRAVENHAGE cat 3 INTP CAD 76 NL 209854 Wolter Koops Fabricageweg 20 3899 AV ZEEWOLDE cat 3 INTP SLHBP 77 NL 26 Broersma Int. Transp. & Logist. Services Venus 2 8448GW HEERENVEEN cat 3 INTP 78 NL 281 Vrieshuis Almere Vlotbrugweg 19 1332AG ALMERE cat 3 INTP RAW 79 NL 283 HAVI Logistics B.V. De Zonnecel 30 3815KN AMERSFOORT cat 3 INTP 80 NL 296 E-Coldstore Neede BV Rapenburg 27 A 7161EB NEEDE cat 3 INTP Modified on: 19-JAN-2015 Name of the establishment Town Region Activities Associated Category Product Types Activities LIST OF APPROVED PLANTS HANDLING ANIMAL BY-PRODUCTS - SECTION I Remarks 10/33 LIST OF APPROVED PLANTS HANDLING ANIMAL BY-PRODUCTS - SECTION I Establishments or plants carrying out intermediate activities and plants storing animal by-products - Category 3 Article 24(1)(h) and (i) of Regulation (EC) No 1069/2009 N° Approval Number 81 NL 31 Combinatie Teijsen v.d. Hengel (C.T.H.) B.V. Bolderweg 38 1332AW ALMERE cat 3 INTP FORMF 82 NL 348 Vice Versa Transporten B.V. Kanaalstraat 15 5347KM OSS cat 3 INTP RAW 83 NL 352 Jan Zandbergen Bobinestraat 29 3903KE VEENENDAAL cat 3 INTP RAW 84 NL 35561 Sita Recycling Services Gerstdijk 1 5704RG HELMOND cat 3 INTP CATW FORMF 85 NL 35564 Lidl Nederland Gmbh Mercurius 14 8448GX HEERENVEEN cat 3 INTP 86 NL 35568 Nijpro B.V. Veulenseweg 20 5814AC VEULEN cat 3 INTP FORMF 87 NL 35571 Indaver Compost B.V. Bosland 51 2661DV BERGSCHENHOEK cat 3 INTP CATW 88 NL 35575 Vliet Oostmiddelweg 3 4797SB WILLEMSTAD NB cat 3 INTP Modified on: 19-JAN-2015 Name of the establishment Town Region Activities Associated Category Product Types Activities LIST OF APPROVED PLANTS HANDLING ANIMAL BY-PRODUCTS - SECTION I Remarks 11/33 LIST OF APPROVED PLANTS HANDLING ANIMAL BY-PRODUCTS - SECTION I Establishments or plants carrying out intermediate activities and plants storing animal by-products - Category 3 Article 24(1)(h) and (i) of Regulation (EC) No 1069/2009 N° Approval Number 89 NL 35591 Stoffels International Bv Maalbekerweg 14 5951NT BELFELD cat 3 INTP 90 NL 35597 Kwaliflex Bv Molenstraat 40 5446PL WANROIJ cat 3 INTP FORMF 91 NL 35610 Dusseldorp Inzameling en Recycling Albert Schweitzerstraat 23 7131PG LICHTENVOORDE cat 3 INTP 92 NL 35628 Groningen Gemeente Milieudienst Duinkerkenstraat 45 9723BP GRONINGEN cat 3 INTP 93 NL 35629 Aqua Zoo Friesland De Groene Ster 2 8926XE LEEUWARDEN cat 3 INTP 94 NL 35649 Keizersberg, Diervoeders Elsendorp B.V. Keizersberg 20 5424SH ELSENDORP cat 3 INTP 95 NL 35650 Hermes Wool Bv Warstienserdyk 2 B 9005XM WERGEA cat 3 INTP 96 NL 35658 Flevo Fur Sterappellaan 21 A 3897LL ZEEWOLDE cat 3 INTP RAW Modified on: 19-JAN-2015 Name of the establishment Town Region Activities Associated Category Product Types Activities LIST OF APPROVED PLANTS HANDLING ANIMAL BY-PRODUCTS - SECTION I Remarks 12/33 LIST OF APPROVED PLANTS HANDLING ANIMAL BY-PRODUCTS - SECTION I Establishments or plants carrying out intermediate activities and plants storing animal by-products - Category 3 Article 24(1)(h) and (i) of Regulation (EC) No 1069/2009 N° Approval Number 97 NL 35665 Friese Wolhandel B.V. De Boeg 6 9206BB DRACHTEN cat 3 INTP 98 NL 35674 P.A. Rozemeijer Fliertseweg 4 6741NL LUNTEREN cat 3 INTP 99 NL 35680 De Jong St Nicolaasga De Wieken 5 8521ME SINT NICOLAASGA cat 3 INTP 100 NL 35683 Internat. Expeditiebedrijf Vat-Rotterdam Marco Polostraat 2 3165AL ROTTERDAM ALBRANDS cat 3 INTP 101 NL 35774 Wolhandel Douwe Rijpstra V.O.F. Burgumerdaam 28 9251GD BURGUM cat 3 INTP 102 NL 35783 Sita Recycling Services Noord-Oost Energielaan 17 8466ST NIJEHASKE cat 3 INTP 103 NL 35794 Biomassa-erf Lexmond BV Driemolensweg 17 4128LS LEXMOND cat 3 INTP 104 NL 35816 Dekamarkt Kennemerland Lijndenweg 16 1951NC VELSEN-NOORD cat 3 INTP Modified on: 19-JAN-2015 Name of the establishment Town Region Activities Associated Category Product Types Activities LIST OF APPROVED PLANTS HANDLING ANIMAL BY-PRODUCTS - SECTION I Remarks 13/33 LIST OF APPROVED PLANTS HANDLING ANIMAL BY-PRODUCTS - SECTION I Establishments or plants carrying out intermediate activities and plants storing animal by-products - Category 3 Article 24(1)(h) and (i) of Regulation (EC) No 1069/2009 N° Approval Number 105 NL 35836 Boni Supermarkten Dc Edisonstraat 2 3861NE NIJKERK GLD cat 3 INTP 106 NL 35861 Cpc Flevo B.A. Nijverheidsweg 4 I 3881LA PUTTEN cat 3 INTP 107 NL 35879 Hoogvliet Distributieweg 17 2404CM ALPHEN AAN DEN RIJN cat 3 INTP 108 NL 35894 Aquadip Dommelstraat 11 5347JK OSS cat 3 INTP 109 NL 35906 Sligro Dc Putten Voorthuizerstraat 69 3881SC PUTTEN cat 3 INTP 110 NL 35915 B.V. Van Vliet Grote Wade 45 3439NZ NIEUWEGEIN cat 3 INTP 111 NL 35930 Kuehne + Nagel Logistics B.V. Lippestraat 15 8028PS ZWOLLE cat 3 INTP 112 NL 35935 Aldi Groenlo B.V. Zuidgang 2 7141JK GROENLO cat 3 INTP Modified on: 19-JAN-2015 Name of the establishment Town Region Activities Associated Category Product Types Activities LIST OF APPROVED PLANTS HANDLING ANIMAL BY-PRODUCTS - SECTION I Remarks 14/33 LIST OF APPROVED PLANTS HANDLING ANIMAL BY-PRODUCTS - SECTION I Establishments or plants carrying out intermediate activities and plants storing animal by-products - Category 3 Article 24(1)(h) and (i) of Regulation (EC) No 1069/2009 N° Approval Number 113 NL 35949 Heijboer Transport B.V. Tussendonk 15 4878AM ETTEN-LEUR cat 3 INTP RAW 114 NL 35989 Kras Recycling B.V. Zeedijk 1 1131GG VOLENDAM cat 3 INTP 115 NL 35990 Poiesz Supermarkten B.V. Edisonstraat 3 8606JH SNEEK cat 3 INTP 116 NL 35996 Tinlo B.V. Wilgenlaan 3 E 2651TA BERKEL EN RODENRIJS cat 3 INTP 117 NL 35999 Aldi Drachten B.V. Het Helmhout 1 9206AZ DRACHTEN cat 3 INTP 118 NL 36003 De Graaf Petfood Ijzerwerf 9 2544EP 'S-GRAVENHAGE cat 3 INTP 119 NL 36005 Aldi Ommen B.V. Nieuwelandstraat 15 7731TH OMMEN cat 3 INTP 120 NL 36007 Aldi Zaandam Bv Kleine Tocht 44 1507CA ZAANDAM cat 3 INTP Modified on: 19-JAN-2015 Name of the establishment Town Region Activities Associated Category Product Types Activities LIST OF APPROVED PLANTS HANDLING ANIMAL BY-PRODUCTS - SECTION I Remarks 15/33 LIST OF APPROVED PLANTS HANDLING ANIMAL BY-PRODUCTS - SECTION I Establishments or plants carrying out intermediate activities and plants storing animal by-products - Category 3 Article 24(1)(h) and (i) of Regulation (EC) No 1069/2009 N° Approval Number 121 NL 36008 Aldi Culemborg B.V. Ohmweg 3 4104BM CULEMBORG cat 3 INTP 122 NL 36017 Simon Loos Logistiek B.V. Tender 2 1687JB WOGNUM cat 3 INTP 123 NL 36021 Vogelhuis Nijland Achthuizensedijk 92 A 3256AR ACHTHUIZEN cat 3 INTP 124 NL 36025 Godeschalk Diervoeding V.O.F. Waagweg 7 7451AZ HOLTEN cat 3 INTP 125 NL 36026 Oudendijk Oils B.V. Dorpsweg 78 1631DH OUDENDIJK NH cat 3 INTP 126 NL 36038 Lidl Nederland Gmbh Zwarthoofd 5 4878AL ETTEN-LEUR cat 3 INTP FORMF 127 NL 36039 Lidl Nederland Gmbh Meelsewei 3 4004LR TIEL cat 3 INTP 128 NL 36040 Lidl Nederland Gmbh Singelvenweg 1 6002SE WEERT cat 3 INTP Modified on: 19-JAN-2015 Name of the establishment Town Region Activities Associated Category Product Types Activities LIST OF APPROVED PLANTS HANDLING ANIMAL BY-PRODUCTS - SECTION I Remarks 16/33 LIST OF APPROVED PLANTS HANDLING ANIMAL BY-PRODUCTS - SECTION I Establishments or plants carrying out intermediate activities and plants storing animal by-products - Category 3 Article 24(1)(h) and (i) of Regulation (EC) No 1069/2009 N° Approval Number 129 NL 36041 Lidl Nederland Gmbh De Marowijne 2 1689AR ZWAAG cat 3 INTP 130 NL 36073 De Zaai-Ster Stevinstraat 1 9351VK LEEK cat 3 INTP 131 NL 3679 Vomar Voordeelmarkt B.V. Opaalstraat 15 1812RH ALKMAAR cat 3 INTP 132 NL 3687 Frigomundo Services B.V. Produktieweg 5 2382PA ZOETERWOUDE cat 3 INTP 133 NL 37 Groenveld B.V. Schillingweg 30 2153PL NIEUW VENNEP cat 3 INTP SLHBP 134 NL 3766 Rijkenberg Opslag Van Leeuwenhoekstraat 8 1704RC HEERHUGOWAARD cat 3 INTP 135 NL 383 Hsf Distri-Coldstores Winterswijk B.V. Misterweg 165 7102EN WINTERSWIJK cat 3 INTP 136 NL 430 Amerongen Kamphuis B.V. Ambachtsweg 15 3771MG BARNEVELD cat 3 INTP Modified on: 19-JAN-2015 Name of the establishment Town Region Activities Associated Category Product Types Activities LIST OF APPROVED PLANTS HANDLING ANIMAL BY-PRODUCTS - SECTION I Remarks 17/33 LIST OF APPROVED PLANTS HANDLING ANIMAL BY-PRODUCTS - SECTION I Establishments or plants carrying out intermediate activities and plants storing animal by-products - Category 3 Article 24(1)(h) and (i) of Regulation (EC) No 1069/2009 N° Approval Number 137 NL 44 Koel- en Vrieshuis Arctic B.V. Chroomstraat 154 2718RH ZOETERMEER cat 3 INTP 138 NL 442 Frigo Breda Bv Hazeldonk 6284 4836LG BREDA cat 3 INTP SLHBP 139 NL 443 Sneker Slachtproduktenhandel Jansen Smidsstraat 24 8601WB SNEEK cat 3 INTP RAW 140 NL 451 Koel- en Vrieshuis Lintelo BV Albert Schweitzerstraat 25 7131PG LICHTENVOORDE cat 3 INTP 141 NL 469 De Poel Koel- en Vrieshuis B.V. Molenweg 10 A 9231HS SURHUISTERVEEN cat 3 INTP 142 NL 474 Op- En Overslagbedrijf Van Der Vaart Bv Branskamp 2 6014CB ITTERVOORT cat 3 INTP 143 NL 477 Daalimpex Velsen BV Velserkade 3 1951NK VELSEN-NOORD cat 3 INTP 144 NL 5009 Grolleman Coldstore B.V. Ecofactorij 14 7325WC APELDOORN cat 3 INTP RAW Modified on: 19-JAN-2015 Name of the establishment Town Region Activities Associated Category Product Types Activities LIST OF APPROVED PLANTS HANDLING ANIMAL BY-PRODUCTS - SECTION I Remarks 18/33 LIST OF APPROVED PLANTS HANDLING ANIMAL BY-PRODUCTS - SECTION I Establishments or plants carrying out intermediate activities and plants storing animal by-products - Category 3 Article 24(1)(h) and (i) of Regulation (EC) No 1069/2009 N° Approval Number 145 NL 5018 Storteboom Kornhorn B.V. Provincialeweg 70 9864PG KORNHORN cat 3 INTP SLHBP 146 NL 5033 Polskamp B.V. Oude Telgterweg 177 3851EC ERMELO cat 3 INTP PETR 147 NL 5039 Frisia Food B.V. Leeksterweg 59 8433KW HAULERWIJK cat 3 INTP RAW 148 NL 5048 Pluimveeslachterij Gebr. Heijs B.V. Mulderspark 23 9351NR LEEK cat 3 INTP RAW 149 NL 505 Jan Roemaat Koel- en Vrieshuizen BV Kerkstraat 66 A 7135JM HARREVELD cat 3 INTP 150 NL 5082 Ferdinand Zandbergen B.V. De Nort 21 3931NE WOUDENBERG cat 3 INTP RAW 151 NL 512 Koel- en Vrieshuis Gebr. Van Langen B.V Middenweg 576 A 1704BR HEERHUGOWAARD cat 3 INTP CAD 152 NL 515 Blokland Cold Stores Cuijk B.V. Simon Homburgstraat 14 5431NN CUIJK cat 3 INTP PETR RAW Modified on: 19-JAN-2015 Name of the establishment Town Region Activities Associated Category Product Types Activities LIST OF APPROVED PLANTS HANDLING ANIMAL BY-PRODUCTS - SECTION I Remarks 19/33 LIST OF APPROVED PLANTS HANDLING ANIMAL BY-PRODUCTS - SECTION I Establishments or plants carrying out intermediate activities and plants storing animal by-products - Category 3 Article 24(1)(h) and (i) of Regulation (EC) No 1069/2009 N° Approval Number 153 NL 519 Koel-, Vries- En Opslagbedrijf Gosliga James Wattstraat 6 8912AS LEEUWARDEN cat 3 INTP 154 NL 521 Coldstore Wibaco B.V. Bedrijfsterrein Ziedewij 44-46 2991LB BARENDRECHT cat 3 INTP 155 NL 5210 J.A. Ter Maten Pluimveebedrijf Bv Copernicusweg 6 3752LZ BUNSCHOTEN SPAKENBURG cat 3 INTP 156 NL 5214 Bakker Koel- En Vrieshuizen B.V. Venus 8 8448GW HEERENVEEN cat 3 INTP 157 NL 5269 Gebr. Schoonbroodt Pluimvee en Poeliersbedrijf B.V Naanhofsweg 3 6361DP NUTH cat 3 INTP 158 NL 527 Vrieshuis Lagemaat B.V. Gildenstraat 51 3861RG NIJKERK GLD cat 3 INTP RAW 159 NL 528 Harthoorn Coldstores BV Nijverheidsweg 64 3771ME BARNEVELD cat 3 INTP 160 NL 5287 Visgroothandel De Jong B.V. De Riepel 4 8321MR URK cat 3 INTP SLHBP Modified on: 19-JAN-2015 Name of the establishment Town Region Activities Associated Category Product Types Activities LIST OF APPROVED PLANTS HANDLING ANIMAL BY-PRODUCTS - SECTION I Remarks 20/33 LIST OF APPROVED PLANTS HANDLING ANIMAL BY-PRODUCTS - SECTION I Establishments or plants carrying out intermediate activities and plants storing animal by-products - Category 3 Article 24(1)(h) and (i) of Regulation (EC) No 1069/2009 N° Approval Number 161 NL 531 Koel- En Vrieshuis Jos Veldboer B.V. De Mossel 2 1723HZ NOORD-SCHARWOUDE cat 3 INTP PETR 162 NL 538 Frigocare Rotterdam BV Reeweg 25 3089KM ROTTERDAM cat 3 INTP 163 NL 543 Vriesoord BV Larenweg 100 5234KC 'S-HERTOGENBOSCH cat 3 INTP 164 NL 546 Diepvries Leek BV Kalkoven 15 9351NP LEEK cat 3 INTP RAW 165 NL 5541 Van Leendert Maastricht B.V. Punterweg 45 6222NW MAASTRICHT cat 3 INTP RAW 166 NL 557 Kloosterboer Vlissingen V.O.F. Engelandweg 22 4389 PC RITTHEM cat 3 INTP 167 NL 557 Kloosterboer Vlissingen V.O.F. Engelandweg 22 4389 PC RITTHEM cat 3 INTP RAW 168 NL 558 Frigolanda Beuningen B.V. Zilverwerf 11 6641TC BEUNINGEN GLD cat 3 INTP SLHBP Modified on: 19-JAN-2015 Name of the establishment Town Region Activities Associated Category Product Types Activities LIST OF APPROVED PLANTS HANDLING ANIMAL BY-PRODUCTS - SECTION I Remarks 21/33 LIST OF APPROVED PLANTS HANDLING ANIMAL BY-PRODUCTS - SECTION I Establishments or plants carrying out intermediate activities and plants storing animal by-products - Category 3 Article 24(1)(h) and (i) of Regulation (EC) No 1069/2009 N° Approval Number 169 NL 558 Frigolanda Beuningen B.V. Zilverwerf 11 6641TC BEUNINGEN GLD cat 3 INTP FORMF 170 NL 558 Frigolanda Beuningen B.V. Zilverwerf 11 6641TC BEUNINGEN GLD cat 3 INTP RAW 171 NL 560 Vriesoord Boxtel Kruisbroeksestraat 8 5281RT BOXTEL cat 3 INTP FORMF 172 NL 565 Kloosterboer IJmuiden B.V. Trawlerkade 28 1976CB IJMUIDEN cat 3 INTP 173 NL 5664 Ven Poultry Stipdonk 46 5715PD LIEROP cat 3 INTP 174 NL 568 Grolleman Vrieshuis Exploitatie Maatschappij B.V. Industrieweg 23 8121BZ OLST cat 3 INTP RAW 175 NL 570 Sealane Coldstorage B.V. Eemshornweg 5 9979XK EEMSHAVEN cat 3 INTP RAW 176 NL 5700 Welling Pluimvee Biesterveldsweg 5 7433RD SCHALKHAAR cat 3 INTP PETR Modified on: 19-JAN-2015 Name of the establishment Town Region Activities Associated Category Product Types Activities LIST OF APPROVED PLANTS HANDLING ANIMAL BY-PRODUCTS - SECTION I Remarks 22/33 LIST OF APPROVED PLANTS HANDLING ANIMAL BY-PRODUCTS - SECTION I Establishments or plants carrying out intermediate activities and plants storing animal by-products - Category 3 Article 24(1)(h) and (i) of Regulation (EC) No 1069/2009 N° Approval Number 177 NL 5700 Welling Pluimvee Biesterveldsweg 5 7433RD SCHALKHAAR cat 3 INTP SLHBP 178 NL 571 Kloosterboer Vlissingen V.O.F. Denemarkenweg 25 4389 PE RITTHEM cat 3 INTP RAW 179 NL 573 Vrieskade Veemarktkade 9 A 5222AE 'S-HERTOGENBOSCH cat 3 INTP SLHBP 180 NL 573 Vrieskade Veemarktkade 9 A 5222AE 'S-HERTOGENBOSCH cat 3 INTP RAW 181 NL 573 Vrieskade Veemarktkade 9 A 5222AE 'S-HERTOGENBOSCH cat 3 INTP FORMF 182 NL 575 Prins Op- en Overslag B.V. Van Markenstraat 13 2941BX LEKKERKERK cat 3 INTP PETR 183 NL 582 Eurofrigo B.V. Abel Tasmanstraat 1 3165AM ROTTERDAM- cat 3 INTP 184 NL 587 Diepvriescentrum Hengelo Westermaatsweg 3 7556BW HENGELO OV cat 3 INTP Modified on: 19-JAN-2015 Name of the establishment Town Region Activities Associated Category Product Types Activities LIST OF APPROVED PLANTS HANDLING ANIMAL BY-PRODUCTS - SECTION I Remarks 23/33 LIST OF APPROVED PLANTS HANDLING ANIMAL BY-PRODUCTS - SECTION I Establishments or plants carrying out intermediate activities and plants storing animal by-products - Category 3 Article 24(1)(h) and (i) of Regulation (EC) No 1069/2009 N° Approval Number 185 NL 589 Vrieshuis Bussink Van Weerden Poelmanweg 5 7602PC ALMELO cat 3 INTP RAW 186 NL 589 Vrieshuis Bussink Van Weerden Poelmanweg 5 7602PC ALMELO cat 3 INTP SLHBP 187 NL 590 Vrieshuis Weert Bv Haveneind 8 6006RW WEERT cat 3 INTP 188 NL 593 Van Soest Bv Meezendreef 5 4041AC KESTEREN cat 3 INTP PETR 189 NL 599 Kloosterboer IJmuiden B.V. Trawlerkade 2-6 1976CB IJMUIDEN cat 3 INTP 190 NL 603 Kloosterboer Vlissingen V.O.F. Denemarkenweg 20 4389 PE RITTHEM cat 3 INTP RAW 191 NL 607 Distrifresh B.V. Van Salmstraat 64 5281RS BOXTEL cat 3 INTP 192 NL 6131 Cornelis Vrolijk's Visserij Maatschappij B.V. Strandweg 6 1976BS IJMUIDEN cat 3 INTP CAD Modified on: 19-JAN-2015 Name of the establishment Town Region Activities Associated Category Product Types Activities LIST OF APPROVED PLANTS HANDLING ANIMAL BY-PRODUCTS - SECTION I Remarks 24/33 LIST OF APPROVED PLANTS HANDLING ANIMAL BY-PRODUCTS - SECTION I Establishments or plants carrying out intermediate activities and plants storing animal by-products - Category 3 Article 24(1)(h) and (i) of Regulation (EC) No 1069/2009 N° Approval Number 193 NL 6209 Haringhandel A. Hoek B.V. Lageweg 15 2222AG KATWIJK ZH cat 3 INTP 194 NL 6218 Koel- en Vrieshuis Klaas de Jong B.V. Schoudermantel 47 3981AG BUNNIK cat 3 INTP SLHBP 195 NL 6221 Firma Zeevisgroothandel T. Bakker En Zonen Schulpengat 14 8321WC URK cat 3 INTP 196 NL 6235 Brand B.V. Quinten Matsyslaan 67 5642JC EINDHOVEN cat 3 INTP 197 NL 6242 Jaap Hoek Haring- En Zeevisgroothandel De Roysloot 9 C 2231NZ RIJNSBURG cat 3 INTP 198 NL 6256 A. Van De Groep En Zonen Haringweg 27 3751BG BUNSCHOTEN- cat 3 INTP 199 NL 642 Harthoorn Coldstores BV Harselaarseweg 133 3771MA BARNEVELD cat 3 INTP 200 NL 644 Teeuwissen Coldstore Cuijk B.V. Korte Oijen 6 5433NE KATWIJK NB cat 3 INTP RAW Modified on: 19-JAN-2015 Name of the establishment Town Region Activities Associated Category Product Types Activities LIST OF APPROVED PLANTS HANDLING ANIMAL BY-PRODUCTS - SECTION I Remarks 25/33 LIST OF APPROVED PLANTS HANDLING ANIMAL BY-PRODUCTS - SECTION I Establishments or plants carrying out intermediate activities and plants storing animal by-products - Category 3 Article 24(1)(h) and (i) of Regulation (EC) No 1069/2009 N° Approval Number 201 NL 6510 Zeevisgroothandel Poppe B.V. Arnesteinweg 33 4338PD MIDDELBURG cat 3 INTP 202 NL 6593 D. Koelewijn's Haringinleggerij B.V. Ansjovisweg 24 3751BL BUNSCHOTEN SPAKENBURG cat 3 INTP RAW 203 NL 6635 Ouwehand Visverwerking B.V. Lageweg 55 2222AG KATWIJK ZH cat 3 INTP 204 NL 6637 Parlevliet en Van der Plas B.V. Beemd 1 3844KT HARDERWIJK cat 3 INTP CAD 205 NL 6637 Parlevliet en Van der Plas B.V. Beemd 1 3844KT HARDERWIJK cat 3 INTP RAW 206 NL 6654 Kloosterboer Vlissingen V.O.F. Finlandweg 10 4455TE NIEUWDORP ZLD cat 3 INTP RAW 207 NL 6709 Stoelwinder Vis Plutoweg 1 8938AC LEEUWARDEN cat 3 INTP RAW 208 NL 6738 Firma Admiraal-De Witt Schoolstraat 7 2202HC NOORDWIJK ZH cat 3 INTP Modified on: 19-JAN-2015 Name of the establishment Town Region Activities Associated Category Product Types Activities LIST OF APPROVED PLANTS HANDLING ANIMAL BY-PRODUCTS - SECTION I Remarks 26/33 LIST OF APPROVED PLANTS HANDLING ANIMAL BY-PRODUCTS - SECTION I Establishments or plants carrying out intermediate activities and plants storing animal by-products - Category 3 Article 24(1)(h) and (i) of Regulation (EC) No 1069/2009 N° Approval Number 209 NL 6896 Cornelis Vrolijk's Visserij Maatschappij B.V. Makreelkade 9 1976DK IJMUIDEN cat 3 INTP CAD 210 NL 7025 Kiezebrink Holland Hoge Eng-Oost 44 3882TN PUTTEN cat 3 INTP RAW 211 NL 7025 Kiezebrink Holland Hoge Eng-Oost 44 3882TN PUTTEN cat 2 INTP RAW 212 NL 7098 Gerbuvet B.V. Lokhorstweg 34 3851 SE ERMELO cat 3 INTP CATW 213 NL 7100 Van Kaathoven Valor B.V. Eversestraat 11 5491SR SINT-OEDENRODE cat 3 INTP 214 NL 7101 Van Wijk en Olthuis B.V. Pioniersweg 79 -81 8251KT DRONTEN cat 3 INTP 215 NL 7115 De Eerste Ermelose Vethandel Rietgansstraat 9 3882JD PUTTEN cat 3 INTP 216 NL 7118 Orgaworld B.V. Karperweg 20 8221RB LELYSTAD cat 3 INTP Modified on: 19-JAN-2015 Name of the establishment Town Region Activities Associated Category Product Types Activities LIST OF APPROVED PLANTS HANDLING ANIMAL BY-PRODUCTS - SECTION I Remarks 27/33 LIST OF APPROVED PLANTS HANDLING ANIMAL BY-PRODUCTS - SECTION I Establishments or plants carrying out intermediate activities and plants storing animal by-products - Category 3 Article 24(1)(h) and (i) of Regulation (EC) No 1069/2009 N° Approval Number 217 NL 7133 J.C. Van Den Berg Rietlaan 18 3851PA ERMELO cat 3 INTP 218 NL 7140 Keizersberg Groesvlaas 7 5763PD MILHEEZE cat 3 INTP 219 NL 7160 Semler B.V. Ockhuizenweg 3 -5A 5691PJ SON cat 3 INTP CATW 220 NL 7160 Semler B.V. Ockhuizenweg 3 -5A 5691PJ SON cat 3 INTP FORMF 221 NL 7169 Rotie B.V. Raasdorperweg 177 1175KV LIJNDEN cat 3 INTP CATW FORMF 222 NL 7303 Snekervleeshandel Ijlsterkade 118 8608AC SNEEK cat 3 INTP FORMF 223 NL 7335 M. Adema Slachtproducten Pietersberg 7 4822TS BREDA cat 3 INTP PETR 224 NL 7337 Enorgha Nijverheidsweg 4 3881LA PUTTEN cat 3 INTP CATW FORMF Modified on: 19-JAN-2015 Name of the establishment Town Region Activities Associated Category Product Types Activities LIST OF APPROVED PLANTS HANDLING ANIMAL BY-PRODUCTS - SECTION I Remarks 28/33 LIST OF APPROVED PLANTS HANDLING ANIMAL BY-PRODUCTS - SECTION I Establishments or plants carrying out intermediate activities and plants storing animal by-products - Category 3 Article 24(1)(h) and (i) of Regulation (EC) No 1069/2009 N° Approval Number 225 NL 734 Jumbo Distributiecentrum B.V. Kanaalweg 15 9411KB BEILEN cat 3 INTP 226 NL 7364 Hinrichs B.V. Oosterhavenkade 2 9672AV WINSCHOTEN cat 3 INTP 227 NL 7385 Toornstra B.V. Fortuinweg 11 9101PE DOKKUM cat 3 INTP 228 NL 7388 Visser Visresten Vissershavenstraat 41 1976DB IJMUIDEN cat 3 INTP FORMF 229 NL 7402 E. Reitsema En Zn. Vogelsang 75 9271GC ZWAAGWESTEINDE cat 3 INTP 230 NL 7417 Verkade Veenendaal Accustraat 11 3903LX VEENENDAAL cat 3 INTP PETR 231 NL 7496 Riho B.V. Voorenswei 5 6669 MX DODEWAARD cat 3 INTP 232 NL 7791 Kiezebrink International B.V. Hoge Eng-Oost 31 -33a 3882 TM PUTTEN cat 3 INTP Modified on: 19-JAN-2015 Name of the establishment Town Region Activities Associated Category Product Types Activities LIST OF APPROVED PLANTS HANDLING ANIMAL BY-PRODUCTS - SECTION I Remarks 29/33 LIST OF APPROVED PLANTS HANDLING ANIMAL BY-PRODUCTS - SECTION I Establishments or plants carrying out intermediate activities and plants storing animal by-products - Category 3 Article 24(1)(h) and (i) of Regulation (EC) No 1069/2009 N° Approval Number 233 NL 7801 P.F. Kamstra Holding Bv Nijverheidsweg 4 M 3881LA PUTTEN cat 3 INTP CATW FORMF RAW 234 NL 7806 Van der Linden Technisch Beheer B.V. Middegaal 53 5461XC VEGHEL cat 3 INTP RAW 235 NL 7806 Van der Linden Technisch Beheer B.V. Middegaal 53 5461XC VEGHEL cat 3 INTP SLHBP 236 NL 7806 Van der Linden Technisch Beheer B.V. Middegaal 53 5461XC VEGHEL cat 3 INTP FORMF 237 NL 7806 Van der Linden Technisch Beheer B.V. Middegaal 53 5461XC VEGHEL cat 3 INTP CATW 238 NL 7825 Dusseldorp Inzameling En Recycling Bv Tolweg 9 3851SL ERMELO cat 3 INTP 239 NL 7836 Gebr De Groot Hertog Van Beijerenstr. 1 2461EM TER AAR cat 3 INTP 240 NL 7852 A. C.J. Van Der Made Houtsnipweg 11 4791PC KLUNDERT cat 3 INTP Modified on: 19-JAN-2015 Name of the establishment Town Region Activities Associated Category Product Types Activities LIST OF APPROVED PLANTS HANDLING ANIMAL BY-PRODUCTS - SECTION I Remarks 30/33 LIST OF APPROVED PLANTS HANDLING ANIMAL BY-PRODUCTS - SECTION I Establishments or plants carrying out intermediate activities and plants storing animal by-products - Category 3 Article 24(1)(h) and (i) of Regulation (EC) No 1069/2009 N° Approval Number 241 NL 7853 Beneluxvet Holding Bv Staalwijk 53 -55 8251JP DRONTEN cat 3 INTP RAW 242 NL 786 Deen Distributie Kernweg 4 1627LC HOORN NH cat 3 INTP 243 NL 7879 Van Gansewinkel Nederland B.V. Fokkerstraat 14 7903AP HOOGEVEEN cat 3 INTP 244 NL 7912 Ved Milieu Service Pioniersweg 84 -86 8251KR DRONTEN cat 3 INTP CATW 245 NL 7931 VTO B.V. Columbusweg 27 5928LA VENLO cat 3 INTP FORMF 246 NL 7958 Albert Heijn Bv Laan Van Ruyven 1 2645EE DELFGAUW cat 3 INTP 247 NL 7960 Albert Heijn Bv Hoofdtocht 1 1507CJ ZAANDAM cat 3 INTP 248 NL 7961 Albert Heijn Bv Galvaniweg 1 8013RG ZWOLLE cat 3 INTP FORMF RAW Modified on: 19-JAN-2015 Name of the establishment Town Region Activities Associated Category Product Types Activities LIST OF APPROVED PLANTS HANDLING ANIMAL BY-PRODUCTS - SECTION I Remarks 31/33 LIST OF APPROVED PLANTS HANDLING ANIMAL BY-PRODUCTS - SECTION I Establishments or plants carrying out intermediate activities and plants storing animal by-products - Category 3 Article 24(1)(h) and (i) of Regulation (EC) No 1069/2009 N° Approval Number 249 NL 7973 Klm Catering Services Schiphol Bv Havenmeesterweg 1 1118CB SCHIPHOL cat 3 INTP 250 NL 7980 Gooiker'S Knaagdieren Eisenhowerweg 5 D 5466AB VEGHEL cat 3 INTP CAD 251 NL 80 2Mates Coldstores B.V. Nieuwgraaf 17 6921RJ DUIVEN cat 3 INTP 252 NL 829 De Koele Munt Muntweg 4 8305AL EMMELOORD cat 3 INTP 253 NL 843 Koel- En Vriesbedrijf De Vries Bv Sluitgatweg 4 8308RE NAGELE cat 3 INTP 254 NL 858 Kloosterboer IJmuiden B.V. Trawlerkade 10-12 1976CB IJMUIDEN cat 3 INTP 255 NL 900 Sonac Burgum B.V. Damsingel 27 -30 9262NB SUMAR cat 3 INTP SLHBP 256 NL 910 Eurofrigo Karimatastraat 7 3199LN MAASVLAKTE ROTTERDAM cat 3 INTP Modified on: 19-JAN-2015 Name of the establishment Town Region Activities Associated Category Product Types Activities LIST OF APPROVED PLANTS HANDLING ANIMAL BY-PRODUCTS - SECTION I Remarks 32/33 LIST OF APPROVED PLANTS HANDLING ANIMAL BY-PRODUCTS - SECTION I Establishments or plants carrying out intermediate activities and plants storing animal by-products - Category 3 Article 24(1)(h) and (i) of Regulation (EC) No 1069/2009 N° Approval Number Name of the establishment Town Region Activities Associated Category Product Types Activities 257 NL 9248 De Vijf Sterren Slagerij V.O.F. Staverdenseweg 9 8075AN ELSPEET cat 3 INTP SLHBP 258 NL 936 Cold- Store- Logistic Coevorden B.V. Modem 26 7741MJ COEVORDEN cat 3 INTP RAW 259 NL 951 Broersma Int. Transp. & Logist. Services Saturnus 4 8448CC HEERENVEEN cat 3 INTP 260 NL 963 A. Van De Groep En Zonen Haringweg 6 3751BH BUNSCHOTEN-SPAKENBURG cat 3 INTP 261 NL 964 Coevorden Ingredient Care De Mars 23 7742PT COEVORDEN cat 3 INTP RAW Remarks Total: 261 establishments Modified on: 19-JAN-2015 LIST OF APPROVED PLANTS HANDLING ANIMAL BY-PRODUCTS - SECTION I 33/33
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