Handleiding Installatie ADS

Installatie ADS
Versie: 1.0
Versiedatum: 19-03-2014
Handleiding Installatie ADS
Deze handleiding helpt u met de installatie van Advantage Database Server. Zorg ervoor dat u bij de
aanvang van de installatie het serial nummer en validation code evenals de releaseversie van de ADS bij de
hand heeft. Deze gegevens heeft u gekregen van onze supportdesk.
Handleiding Installatie ADS
Installatie ADS_____________________________________________________________________________________________ 4
Download installatiebestand___________________________________________________________________________ 4
De Installatie _______________________________________________________________________________________ 7
ADS configureren ____________________________________________________________________________________ 8
Bijlagen _________________________________________________________________________________________________ 10
Bijlage 1 – Advantage 6420 Solution ________________________________________________________________________ 11
Handleiding Installatie ADS
Installatie ADS
Download installatiebestand
Download ADS via onderstaande link:
Kies de juiste de release, zoals opgegeven door onze supportmedewerker, en selecteer de Advantage
Database Server en het van toepassing zijnde operating system (platform).
Handleiding Installatie ADS
Handleiding Installatie ADS
Druk nu op de download button en de download zal starten.
Handleiding Installatie ADS
De Installatie
Open nu het gedownloade zip bestand.
Na de unzip zal de installatie starten klik door naar onderstaand scherm.
Hier moet het serial nummer en validation code ingevoerd worden verkregen van de support medewerker
van UBplus. Klik hierna de schermen door tot finish. De installatie is nu afgerond. En zal de ADS opstarten.
Handleiding Installatie ADS
ADS configureren
Na het afronden van de installtieprocedure start er een configuratie utility op.
De instellingen van de ADS moeten nog aangepast worden. Om dit te kunnen doen dient u de ADS te
stoppen door op de button “Stop Service” te drukken.
Ga vervolgens naar het tabblad “Configuration Utility” en selecteer daarin het tabblad “Communications”.
Vul daar de waarden in zoals in de afbeelding hieronder.
Handleiding Installatie ADS
De LAN poort is de poort waarmee er met ADS wordt gecomuniceerd als deze op nul staat is dit UDP poort
Open tab “Database Settings” en neem de waardes over als dit om de standaard 5 user versie klik apply en
start de service weer op.
Om UBplus te laten communiceren met ADS zal in de map UBPlus het bestand UBplus.ini aangepast
moeten worden.
Het gaat om de volgende regel in het bestand. Deze dient bij gebruik ADS op Nee te staan.
ADS local=Nee
Zodra dit is aangepast kan ubplus opgestart worden.
Het kan voorkomen dat er bij het opstarten een foutcode word gegenereeerd met de code 6420 dit duidt
erop dat de ubplus.exe niet kan communiceren met de ads over poort 6262 UDP. Over het algemeen
veroorzaakt door firewall of virusscanner. Zie bijgevoegd 6420 solution document voor de eventueel
Handleiding Installatie ADS
Handleiding Installatie ADS
Bijlage 1 – Advantage 6420 Solution
This document is located on the DevZone at CodeCentral under Documentation. It is also
Knowledge Base item reference number 061009-1806.
An Advantage 6420 error occurs when the client application is unable to connect to the Advantage service
on the server. Advantage will normally use a discovery process to connect. The Advantage ADS.INI file was
developed as a solution for when there are problems with the discovery process. This solution assumes the
use of Advantage 7.x or 8.x and that Windows operating systems are being used on the client and the
server. Please note that on a Netware or Linux server, they must be running IP if the server and client(s)
are on different networks, as IPX is non-routable.
1. Ensure that the Advantage service is running.
2. Connect using the IP address of the server and the port configured for Advantage through the
client-side application.
3. Use an ADS.INI file.
a. Configure a port for Advantage on the server computer;
b. Find out the server computer’s name;
c. Find out the server computer’s IP address;
d. Ping the server computer IP address from the client computer;
e. Create an ADS.INI file;
f. Ensure visibility of the ADS.INI to the client application.
Troubleshoot with the Advantage Data Architect (ARC) using an ADS.INI in the ARC folder. Once
ARC has successfully connected, connect with the client application in the same way.
5. Validate that UDP communication is occurring on the port configured for Advantage. If UDP is
blocked, check all potential sources of blocked UDP communication on the port configured for
Advantage. Even if Advantage has been configured to use TCP/IP, UDP/IP will still be used for
6. If there appears to be a network communication problem, generate an ADSCOM.TXT file, which can
be used to diagnose communication problems.
7. Investigate mapped drives if it is indicated to be a possible factor.
8. On server machines with more than one IP address, it may be desired to force the Advantage
Database Server to use a specific IP address. This is done by changing a registry setting.
Handleiding Installatie ADS
9. With either domestic or international versions of Advantage, ensure that the Advantage license is
not an evaluation license that has expired. With international versions, ensure that the registration
period has not expired.
Detailed Walk Through:
1. Complete each step below. After each step, attempt to run the application.
2. lder nodes on the left of the Registry Editor screen, navigate to
\\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Advantage\Configuration\ .
3. Right-click on the right side of the screen and select “New”. Select “String Value”.
4. For the Name type LAN_IP_ADDRESS.
5. Right-click on the new entry LAN_IP_ADDRESS and select “Modify”. Enter into the “Value Data” text
field the IP address to be used for the server computer. This must be a valid IP address for the
server; for example, the IP address that comes up when running ipconfig from a command prompt.
Additional Sources of Help:
Some Advantage Help topics that contain information on this topic are:
• Ads.ini File Support
• Alias Configuration Utility
• Database Aliases and the ads.ini File
• LAN IP Address
You may also want to read the following Advantage Help – Index topics, each of which contain
numerous articles on their subjects:
 Troubleshooting and Technical Support – Troubleshooting
 Troubleshooting and Technical Support – Networking Issues
 Troubleshooting and Technical Support – Networking Issues - Advantage Database Server Discovery