qissa Anup Singh The Netherlands is home to a vibrant film industry with an open attitude towards international co-production and a successful track record in the production of feature films for children and of feature-length documentaries. The Netherlands Film Fund strives to intensify international collaboration through stimulating international co-production, the export of Dutch films and the development of talent through training in an international context. On average, the Fund supports 10-17 minority co-productions a year and provides funding to Dutch producers to facilitate their involvement as minority co-producer. 2 Why co-produce with the Netherlands? contribution for a feature is € 250,000 (€ 50,000 for a short animation or documentary); • The requested subsidy amount must be fully spent on Dutch services, cast and crew; • A deal memo from a Dutch film distributor for the theatrical release of the film in the Netherlands is required; • A good chance of reciprocity enhances the likelihood of funding for the project. released feature film, documentary or animation film; •Priority is given to co-productions with European-based production companies and co-productions with countries that have a co-production agreement or treaty with the Netherlands. Our primary conditions Hubert Bals Fund • The The Hubert Bals Fund (HBF) and the Netherlands Film Fund work together in the Hubert Bals Fund Plus. € 200,000 is available annually from the Film Fund for applications from Dutch producers who can be awarded a maximum of € 50,000 for co-producing an HBF Film. • Maximum project must have substantial financial support already in place from the country of origin of the main producer, amounting to at least 50% of its own share; • The total Dutch share of the project needs to be at least 10% of the production costs, including any Dutch share from Eurimages; • Applications for production support must be submitted by the Dutch producer, who has produced at least one theatrically Who can apply? Dutch production companies. More info: www.filmfonds.nl (English pages) Who can apply? Dutch production companies. More info: www.filmfestivalrotterdam.com 3 love eternal Brendan Muldowney International distribution and dubbing support The Netherlands Film Fund supports the theatrical release of Dutch features and documentaries outside the Netherlands by a foreign distributor in a maximum of two countries. The Film Fund can match up to 40% of the total costs to a maximum of € 10,000 per film. The Film Fund can also match up to 50% of the total dubbing cost with a maximum contribution of € 20,000 per film for Dutch feature films handled by a foreign distributor. Our conditions • Only Fund supported films. up to € 3 million for a feature film; feature-length documentaries with a budget up to € 600,000 or films selected for specific international festivals which are released theatrically. •International distribution or dubbing support is given as a conditional loan from the Fund. Dutch children and youth films get priority treatment. • Budget 4 Who can apply? Only foreign distributors can apply (with confirmation of the Dutch producer and sales agent). More information can be found at our website www.filmfonds.nl (english-pages). DISTRIBUTION SUPPORT FOR MINORITY CO-PRODUCTIONS About the Netherlands Film Fund The Netherlands Film Fund supports the theatrical release of minority coproductions (with production funding by the Fund) for domestic release to a maximum of € 10,000. The Netherlands Film Fund is the national agency responsible for supporting film production in the Netherlands. The Fund focuses on securing the continual production and dissemination of different types of film, so that the overall range of films - in terms of artistic quality, diversity, volume and audience appeal - develops and strengthens Dutch cinema and film culture domestically and internationally. The Fund also supports film activities such as festivals, training, workshops & seminars and research & publications. The Fund has three programmes for supporting the development, production and distribution of films: Support for Production and post-production exploration in the Netherlands Production companies of foreign feature films, considering the production and/or postproduction in the Netherlands can apply to be reimbursed. Eligable are exploratory days for a Dutch postproduction supervisor, location scout and/or executive producer up to a maximum of € 1,500. New Screen NL for talent development, cinematic experiment and short (animation) films; Screen NL for feature films, feature-length animation films and feature-length documentaries and for international co-productions; 5 borgman alex van warmerdam (Cannes Competition 2013) Screen NL Plus for cinema films targeting a large audience, through a matching scheme. Decision making The Fund’s bureau will assess all applications on its budget, financing plan and distribution plan. For applications through the programmes Screen NL and New Screen NL, a recommendation is made by a film consultant or, in specific cases, by the programme’s head together with external experts. The assessment of an application will be on its content, the artistic potential of its concept and story, and on the potential of the team involved. The time needed to process a request for support generally varies from four to twelve weeks, depending on the type of request. BUDGET In 2014 the Fund budget for support amounts to 28,625 million euro: 6 NEW SCREEN NL SCREEN NL SCREEN NL PLUS Distribution Film activities Eurimages € 3,340 million € 14,017 million € 7,750 million € 0,925 million € 1,675 million € 0,917 million Facts and Figures screens arthouse screens (digital: 100%) released films dutch feature films dutch documentaries 113 15 cinema attendance 2011, 2012, 2013 43 26 30,7 30,8 311 806 Netherlands is served by 256 theatres with 806 screens of which 113 are dedicated to arthouse film (2013). 100% of all Dutch cinemas is digital. features shot wholly or mainly in the netherlands shot wholly or mainly abroad 20,5% 30,4 • The market share dutch film 2013 a total of 369 films were theatrically released in the Netherlands of which 58 were Dutch productions: 43 feature films and 15 documentaries. •In 9 • 2013 showed an increase in cinema attendance from € 30.7 to € 30.8 million, which accounted for gross box office revenues of € 249,3 million. • Film festivals and markets in the Netherlands attract up to 700.000 visitors and film professionals each year. •In 2013 the market share for Dutch film was 20.53% domestically (almost 5 million admissions). • 26 features (including co-productions) were shot wholly or mainly in the Netherlands in 2013 and 9 feature films (including co-productions) were shot wholly or mainly abroad. • Dutch features dropped to a total production volume of € 57 million. The volume of minority co-productions rose to € 23 million. 7 8 Dutch majority co-productions in release kurai kurai - tales with the wind feature film Borgman A Christmoose Story / Midden in de Winternacht It’s All So Quiet / Boven is het stil In Your Name / In jouw Naam Above Us All / Ondersteboven Supernova director director Tamar van den Dop director / writer Marco van Geffen Eugenie Jansen producers director Nanouk Leopold writers writers Graniet Film Lourens Blok producer co-producers writers Two Donkeys Jolein Laarman, Marco van Geffen Kim Niekerk, Patrick Minks Revolver Amsterdam, IJswater Films Epidemic (Belgium), Angel Films (Denmark) Daan Bakker, Marco van Geffen co-producer producer producer co-producers Coin Film (Germany) Lemming Film producer broadcaster co-producers broadcaster Lemming Film VPRO Coin Film (Germany), Epidemic (Belgium) co-producers funding co-producers funding Anchorage Entertainment (Belgium), Svensk Filmindustri (Sweden), Davaj Film (Sweden) Netherlands Film Fund, MEDIA, CoBO, Filmstiftung NordrheinWestfalen, Deutscher FilmförderFonds, Eurimages Kino Elektron (France), A Private View (Belgium) De Productie, Digna Sinke, delegate producer Minds Meet (Belgium), Mollywood (Belgium) Netherlands Film Fund, Rotterdam Media Fund, Filmförderung Hamburg, NordMedia, Flanders Audiovisual Fund (VAF) director / writer Alex van Warmerdam producer NTR funding Netherlands Film Fund, CoBO, Flanders Audiovisual Fund (VAF), Danish Film Insitute, Eurimages countries The Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark released August, 2013 festivals & awards Selection Competition Palm d’Or, Cannes 2013 international sales agent Delphis Films (Canada) funding Netherlands Film Fund, Filmpool Nord (Sweden), Swedish Film Institute, Tax Shelter Belgium countries The Netherlands, Sweden, Belgium released December, 2013 festivals & awards Selection Berlinale Generation 2014 international sales agent Elle Driver funding The Netherlands, Germany Netherlands Film Fund, Cinema du Monde (France), Flanders Audiovisual Fund (VAF), Tax Shelter Belgium, MEDIA Slate funding released countries April, 2013 The Netherlands, Belgium, France Netherlands Film Fund, CoBO, Media Fund, Tax Shelter Belgium, Flanders Audiovisual Fund (VAF), Rotterdam Media Fund release countries March, 2014 The Netherlands, Belgium countries festivals & awards Competition International Film Festival Berlin 2013 festivals & awards Selection Cannes L’atelier 2012, International Relations Arte Prize 2012 broadcaster KRO funding director / writer countries The Netherlands, Belgium, Germany release April, 2014 festivals & awards Selection Berlinale Generation 2014 Kurai Kurai Tales With The Wind / Koeraaj Koeraaj Verhalen met de Wind director Marjoleine Boonstra writers Céline Linssen, Marjoleine Boonstra producer Volya Films co-producer Oy Art (Kyrgyzstan) broadcaster Buddhist Broadcasting Foundation funding Netherlands Film Fund, Rotterdam Media Fund countries The Netherlands, Kyrgyzstan release March, 2014 festivals & awards Selection Berlinale Generation 2014 finn frans Weisz (Berlinale 2014) 9 › Dutch majority co-productions in release nena Finn Kenau director director Lucia de B. Maarten Treurniet Secrets Of War / Oorlogsgeheimen Frans Weisz writer writers director Janneke van der Pal producer Marnie Blok, Karen van Holst Pellekaan Flinck Film producer co-producer Eyeworks Belgium Fu Works Productions broadcaster co-producers Rinkel Film MAX IM Films (Hungary), Prime Time (Belgium) co-producers funding Netherlands Film Fund, Flanders Audiovisual Fund (VAF) countries The Netherlands, Belgium release December, 2013 festivals & awards Selection Berlinale Generation 2014 broadcaster NCRV funding Netherlands Film Fund, CoBO, Filmboard Hungary, Tax Shelter Belgium, Tax Rebate Hungary, Eurimages countries The Netherlands, Hungary, Belgium release March, 2014 love is the word Nena Paula van der Oest Love Is The Word / Hemel op Aarde writer director Dennis Bots Moniek Kramer writer Karen van Holst Pellekaan producer documentary film director / writer 40 Days Of Silence Ne me quitte pas Saskia Diesing director directors producer Saodat Ismailova Pieter Kuijpers KeyFilm writers producer Writer co-producers Rinkel Film Edward Stelder Coin Film (Germany) Saodat Ismailova, Ulughbek Sadikov Sabine Lubbe Bakker, Niels van Koevorden co-producers producer broadcaster producers Living Stone (Belgium), Filmkreatörerna AB (Sweden) Pupkin Film VPRO Volya Films Sabine Lubbe Bakker co-producers funding co-producer producer Caviar Films (Belgium) Petit Film (France), Rohfilm (Germany) Pieter van Huystee Film & TV broadcaster broadcaster funding co-producer NCRV AVRO Netherlands Film Fund, Mediafund, CoBO, Nordmedia Fund Germany funding funding countries Storyhouse Film (Belgium) Netherlands Film Fund, CoBO, Swedish Film Institute, Tax Shelter Belgium Netherlands Film Fund, CoBO, Eurimages, Tax Shelter Belgium The Netherlands, Germany countries january, 2014 release Netherlands Film Fund (Hubert Bals Fund), Rotterdam Media Fund, Fonds Sud CNC, Fondation GAN, World Cinema Fund Berlin, Goteborg International Film Festival Fund, Global Film Initiative and Sundance Screenwriters and directors Lab, MEDIA Programme (Slate funding) October, 2014 countries Bijker Film en TV (The Netherlands), Living Stone (Belgium), Tarantula (Luxembourg) broadcaster KRO funding Netherlands Film Fund, CoBO, AFS Luxembourg, Tax Shelter Belgium countries The Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg director The Netherlands, Belgium, Sweden release April, 2014 release France, Germany, The Netherlands festivals & awards Selection Berlinale Forum 2014 10 writer broadcaster VRT funding Netherlands Film Fund, Flanders Audiovisual Fund (VAF) countries The Netherlands, Belgium festivals & awards IDFA International Competition release December 2013 Dutch majority co-productions in (pre)production feature film Last Hijack See No Evil Nude Area Atlantic / Land director / writer director / writer director / writer Kidnap / Kidnep Zurich directors Tommy Pallotta, Femke Wolting Jos de Putter Urszula Antoniak Jan-Willem van Ewijk director Sacha Polak producer producer producer Anna van der Heide writer writers Dieptescherpte Topkapi Films writer Femke Wolting, Tommy Pallotta co-producers co-producer Augustus Film Productions Helena van der Meulen producer Cobra Film (Belgium) Apple Film Production (Poland) Submarine Films broadcaster funding co-producers VPRO Still films (Ireland), Savage Films (Belgium), Razor Films (Germany), Les films d’ici (France) funding Netherlands Film Fund, Polish Film Institute, Canal + Poland broadcaster IKON funding Irish Film Board, Netherlands Film Fund, Flanders Audiovisual Fund (VAF), CoBO, Media Fund, Filmstiftung Nordrhein-Westfalen co-producers Karen van Holst Pellekaan director producer Man’s Film (Belgium), Endorphine Produktion (Germany), Propellor Film (The Netherlands) producer Viking Film Topkapi Films co-producers co-producers A Private View (Belgium), Roh Film (Germany) broadcaster NTR broadcaster KRO funding NTR Television funding countries funding The Netherlands, Belgium Netherlands Film Fund, CoBO, Flanders Audiovisual Fund (VAF), Fédération WallonieBruxelles (Belgium), Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg, Eurimages Netherlands Film Fund, KRO, CoBO Netherlands Film Fund, Flanders Audiovisual Fund (VAF), Filmstiftung MDM Netherlands Film Fund, Media Fund, CoBO, Flanders Audiovisual Fund (VAF), RTBF countries The Netherlands, Poland festival & awards Rotterdam Film Festival 2014- Spectrum countries countries France, Belgium, Ireland, The Netherlands The Netherlands, Belgium, Germany The Storytellers Film & TV, Menuet (Belgium) countries The Netherlands, Switzerland, Belgium broadcaster countries The Netherlands, Belgium, Germany festivals & awards Selection Berlinale Panorama Dokumente 2014 release February 2014 nude area Urszula Antoniak 11 › Dutch majority co-productions in (pre)production life acoording to nino Confetti Harvest / Dorsvloer vol Confetti Between 10 And 12 / Tussen 10 en 12 In The Heart / Onder het Hart Wiplala director director / writer Life According To Nino / Het Leven volgens Nino Nicole van Kilsdonk director Peter Hoogendoorn director Tallulah Schwab producer writer between 10 and 12 Full Contact Tim Oliehoek Cat And Mouse / Kat en Muis David Verbeek The Hidden Force / De stille Kracht writer director / writer producer director writer Tamara Bos Maartje Seyferth Lemming Film Paul Verhoeven Peer Wittenbols producer producer co-producers writer Phanta Vision Simone van Dusseldorp producer Bos Bros Moskito Film Gerard Soeteman Chris Westendorp co-producer writer Waterland Film co-producers co-producers Nukleus Film (Croatia) producer Minds Meet (Belgium), Unlimited (France) Urszula Antoniak co-producer broadcaster Fu Works producer A Private View (Belgium) Ciné Cri de Coeur (Belgium), Samsa Film (Luxembourg) VPRO co-producers funding broadcaster broadcaster A Private View (Belgium), Jive (Indonesia) director Grobbendonk Films (Belgium) broadcaster Waterland Film, Family Affair Films AVRO co-producer KRO-NCRV AVRO De Productie (The Netherlands), Metaluna Productions (France) broadcaster funding funding funding funding NTR Netherlands Film Fund, MEDIA, Screen Flanders, Film Fund Luxembourg, AFS countries countries funding CoBO, Netherlands Film Fund, Eurimages, Screen Flanders, Flanders Audiovisual Fund (VAF) Netherlands Film Fund Netherlands Film Fund, CoBO, Tax Shelter Belgium Netherlands Film Fund, CoBO, Eurimages, Region Alsace, Screen Flandres, Savage Film (Belgium) The Netherlands, Belgium The Netherlands, Belgium Netherlands Film Fund, Flanders Audiovisual Fund (VAF), Screen Flanders, Eurimages Column Film co-producer funding international sales agent Delphis Films broadcaster NCRV countries The Netherlands, Belgium 12 countries The Netherlands, Belgium countries The Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg countries The Netherlands, France director / writer Netherlands Film Fund, Media Fund, CoBO producer broadcaster countries AVRO The Netherlands, Croatia funding Netherlands Film Fund countries The Netherlands, Belgium zurich Eisenstein In Guanajuato The Surprise Our Sun director / writer director / writer director / writer Mike van Diem Peter Greenaway producer producer Isabella Films Submarine, Fu Works co-producers co-producers Potemkino (Belgium), Edith Film (Finland), Paloma Negra Films (Mexico) broadcaster VPRO funding Netherlands Film Fund, Finnish Film Foundation, MEDIA slate funding, ZDF/ ARTE, Screen Flanders, EFICINE (Mexico) Michiel de Ruyter Tokyo Trials Boy 7 director director J. Kessels: The Movie Joost van Ginkel Public Works / Publieke Werken director Pieter Verhoeff Lourens Blok director producer director / writer Roel Reiné writer writer Erik de Bruyn Bastide Films / PRPL Joram Lürsen writers Marco van Geffen writer producer producer Jan Eilander Prime Time (Belgium), Riva Film (Germany), Fastnet (Ireland) co-producers Topkapi Films producer Lemming Film producer Savage Film (Belgium), Göta Film (Sweden) co-producers Alex van Galen, Lars Boom, Michael Loumea Kees van Beijnum, Max Mannix FATT Productions co-producers CTM Pictures co-producers broadcaster funding A Private View (Belgium), Proton (Hungary) VARA Netherlands Film Fund, Swedish Film Institute, Film I Väst Menuet Films (Belgium), Zentropa (Germany), I’m Film (Hungary) producer co-producers Farmhouse Film & TV NHK (Japan) co-producers broadcaster broadcaster NCRV broadcaster VPRO Ciné Cri de Coeur (Belgium) Netherlands Film Fund Savage Film (Belgium), Ostlicht Weimar (Germany) countries funding AVRO countries funding broadcaster Netherlands Film Fund, Flanders Audiovisual Fund (VAF) TROS Netherlands Film Fund, Tax Rebate Hungary funding The Netherlands, Belgium, Sweden The Netherlands, Japan countries countries countries The Netherlands, Belgium, Ireland The Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Hungary The Netherlands, Belgium funding Netherlands Film Fund, Screen Flanders, Filmförderung Hamburg, Nordmedia funding Netherlands Film Fund, Eurimages funding countries The Netherlands, Belgium, Hungary Netherlands Film Fund, Flanders Audiovisual Fund (VAF) countries The Netherlands, Belgium, Germany countries The Netherlands, Finland, Mexico 13 › Dutch majority co-productions in (pre)production nude area Beyond Sleep Brimstone director / writer director / writer Boudewijn Koole Martin Koolhoven producer producer KeyFilm N279 Entertainment co-producers co-producers Neo Film (Norway) Prime Time (Belgium), Illusion Film (Sweden), The Film Farm (Canada), F&ME (UK) broadcaster VPRO funding Netherlands Film Fund broadcaster countries AVRO The Netherlands, Norway funding Netherlands Film Fund countries The Netherlands, Belgium, Sweden, Canada, UK My Father’s Garden / Knielen op een Bed Violen We Starts, Where I End / Bij wij eindig ik Owl & Mice / Uilenbal Disappearence / Ventoux director Verdwijnen director / writer director Nicole van Kilsdonk director / writer director / writer Boudewijn Koole writers director Rene Eller Simone van Dusseldorp writer Alex van Warmerdam Ben Sombogaart producer producer Jolein Laarman Bert Wagendorp, Nicole van Kilsdonk writer Habbekrats Lemming Film producer producer Graniet Film Hugo Heinen co-producers co-producers Waterland Film KeyFilm co-producers producer A Private View (Belgium) co-producers co-producers NL Film & TV Potemkino (Belgium) co-producers broadcaster broadcaster Prime Time (Belgium), Czar (Belgium), Angel Films (Denmark) U Media (Belgium), Little Shark Entertainment (Germany) BNN VPRO broadcaster funding funding funding NTR Netherlands Film Fund Netherlands Film Fund, Eurimages A Private View (Belgium), Neue Mediopolis Filmproduktion GMBH (Germany) Netherlands Film Fund funding broadcaster countries countries Netherlands Film Fund NCRV The Netherlands, Belgium The Netherlands, Belgium funding Netherlands Film Fund countries The Netherlands, Belgium, Germany 14 Netherlands Film Fund countries The Netherlands, Belgium, Germany funding countries The Netherlands, Belgium Schneider vs. Bax producer countries The Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark documentary film animated feature film animated short film triple trouble Heroes Of The Abalone Wars / Helden van de Perlemoenoorlogen A Gentrification Programme A Haunting History Triple Trouble / Trippel Trappel Cats And Dogs Ravenkreek Splintertime director / writer director director / writer From The Snow Covered Hill director / writer directors Paul Driessen Yi Zhao Rosto directors / writers director / writer Femke van Velzen producer writer producer Renzo Martens producer Paco Vink, Albert ‘t Hooft il Luster Studio Rosto A.D. Wijnand Driessen, Matty Jorissen director / writer producer IF Productions writers co-producers Yi Zhao, Robert van Dijk co-producer producer Heinrich Dahms broadcaster Armadillo Film Autour de Minuit (France) Buzzmedia Network co-producer funding producer National Film Board of Canada (Canada), S.O.I.L. (Belgium) SeriousFilm IKON Michiel Snijders, Arnoud Rijken producer producer Pieter van Huystee Film & TV co-producer animation studio / key co-producers Inti Films (Belgium) il Luster Walking The Dog (Belgium) funding Mergans Telewerk (Belgium) animation VisualAntics (Belgium), Miraj Films (United Kingdom) Netherlands Film Fund animation studio / key animation broadcaster Yi Zhao funding funding Netherlands Film Fund, Flanders Audiovisual Fund (VAF) countries The Netherlands, Belgium Netherlands Film Fund, Flanders Audiovisual Fund (VAF) countries The Netherlands, Belgium co-producer animation studio / key animation countries Vivi Film (Belgium) Kris van Alphen The Netherlands animation studio funding Anikey Studios Netherlands Film Fund, Flanders Audiovisual Fund, National Film Board of Canada broadcaster KRO Television, VRT funding Netherlands Film Fund, CoBO, Flanders Audiovisual Fund (VAF), Screen Flanders countries Netherlands, Belgium, Canada funding Netherlands Film Fund, Flanders Audiovisual Fund (VAF) countries Netherlands, Belgium Studio Rosto A.D. Canal+ co-producer animation studio / key animation Wijnand Driessen, Matty Jorissen Netherlands Film Fund, CNC Broadcast, CNC Auvergne (tbc) funding countries countries Netherlands, France Netherlands, Belgium Netherlands Film Fund, Flanders Audiovisual Fund countries The Netherlands, Belgium 15 Dutch minority co-productions in release feature film Heli Tanta Agua Love Eternal director / writer directors / writers director / writer director / writer The Broken Circle Breakdown Amat Escalante Brendan Muldowney producer Erik van Schaaik director producer Anna Guevara, Leticia Jorge SeriousFilm producer Felix van Groeningen producer co-producer Pedri Animation writers Fastnet Films (Ireland) Walking The Dog (Belgium) co-producers Mantarraya Producciones (Mexico) co-producers co-producers Le Pacte (France), Unafilm (Germany) Lemming Film (The Netherlands) Bonita Films (Mexico), Komplizen Film (Germany), Topkapi Films (The Netherlands) Voltaire director / writer Under The Apple Tree Jan Snoekx Carl Joos, Felix van Groeningen animation Beast Animation (Belgium), NOZON (Belgium) Jan Snoekx animation studio / key co-producer funding animation Netherlands Film Fund, Flanders Audiovisual Fund Pedri Animation, Beast Animation Topkapi Films (The Netherlands) countries Netherlands Film Fund animation studio / key Netherlands, Belgium funding producer Menuet (Belgium) international sales agent The Match Factory (Germany) broadcaster countries VTM (Belgium) Netherlands, Belgium funding Flanders Audiovisual Fund (VAF), Netherlands Film Fund, Eurimages countries Belgium, The Netherlands festivals & awards brand new-u Simon Pummell 16 Best European Film, Panorama Berlinale 2013, European Film Awards 2013: Best Actress Award, Tribeca Film Festival 2013: Best Actress Award, Best Screenplay Award, EU Parliament: LUX Award, 2014 Oscar nominated Best Foreign Language Film release December 2012 funding EFICINE/Foprocine, Filmstiftung NordrheinWestfalen, ZDF/ ARTE, Fonds Sud CNC, Netherlands Film Fund countries Mexico, France, Germany, USA, The Netherlands festivals & awards Selection Competition Palm d’Or, Cannes 2013, World première Official Competition Cannes 2013, Winner Golden Palm Best Director, Filmfestival Cannes 2013 Control Z Films (Uruguay) producer co-producers Red Lion (Luxembourg), Rinkel Film (The Netherlands) broadcaster Canal + funding funding Fonds Sud CNC, Hubert Bals Fund, Netherlands Film Fund Irish Film Board, Filmfund AVS Luxembourg, Netherlands Film Fund countries Uruguay, Mexico, Germany, The Netherlands festivals & awards Premiere at Panorama, Berlinale 2013 countries Ireland, Luxembourg, The Netherlands release April, 2014 heli in what city does it live Greencard Warriors Qissa 82 Days In April Layla Fouri The Blue Wave director director directors / writers director / writer Anup Singh director / writer Pia Marais Miriam Kruishoop writers Bart van den Bempt writers producer Anup Singh, Madhuja Mukherjee producer Crosstown the movie LCC (USA) co-producer De Productie (The Netherlands) international sales agent Traction Media (USA) funding Netherlands Film Fund countries USA, The Netherlands producer Heimatfilm (Germany) co-producers Augustus Film (The Netherlands), Cine Sud Promotion (France), India’s National Film Development NFDCIndia NF (India) international sales agent The Match Factory (Germany) broadcaster ZDF funding NFDC, Arte, Fonds Sud CNC, FFA, Filmstiftung NordrheinWestfalen (NRW), Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg, Deutscher Filmförderfonds (DFFF), Eurimages, Fonds Sud Cinéma, ZDF, Hubert Bals Fund, Netherlands Film Fund countries Germany, India, The Netherlands, France Serendipity Films (Belgium) co-producer Circe Films (The Netherlands), Mollywood, (Belgium) broadcaster CANVAS funding Flanders Audiovisual Fund (VAF), The MEDIA Programme of the European Union, The EAVE Programme, The Belgium Tax Shelter for film financing, Kinepolis Group, Telenet, Eye Lite, Flanders Images, Netherlands Film Fund countries Belgium, The Netherlands festivals & awards World première Montréal IFF, Mención Especial Punto de Encuentro’ Valladolid Film Festival I’m The Same, I’m An Other The Third Side Of The River Violet Merve Kayan, Zaynep Dadak director / writer director / writer Bart Devos Caroline Strubbe Celine Murga producer Horst Markgraf, Pia Marais producer producer producer Bulut Film (Turkey) co-producers Tresmilmundos Cine (Argentina) Minds Meet (Belgium) producer Minds Meet (Belgium) Pandora Filmproduktion (Germany) Family Affair Films (The Netherlands), Riva Filmproduktion GmbH (Germany), Two Thirty Five SA (Greece) co-producers co-producers La Parti Production (Belgium), De Productie (The Netherlands) Waterland Film (The Netherlands), Martin Scorsese (USA), Peter Rommel Film (Germany) funding Flanders Audiovisual Fund (VAF), CCF, MEDIA+, Tax Shelter Belgium, Netherlands Film Fund international sales agent countries co-producers Spier Productions, DV8 Films (South Africa), Topkapi Films (The Netherlands), Cinema Defacto (France) international sales agent The Match Factory (Germany) broadcaster WDR/ARTE funding Filmstiftung Nordrhein-Westfalen, Medienboard BerlinBrandenburg, Filmförderungsanstalt (FFA), Deutsche Filmförderfonds (DFFF), CNC, Eurimages, Netherlands Film Fund countries Germany, South Africa, France, The Netherlands festivals & awards release Arte Award Cinemart 2010, Competition Berlin 2013 April, 2014 release July, 2014 Hubert Bals Fund, FilmFörderung Hamburg/ Schleswig-Holstein (Germany), Ministry of Culture and Tourism Republic of Turkey), Eurimages, Netherlands Film Fund countries Turkey, Germany, The Netherlands festivals & awards Selection Berlinale Generation 2014 funding Belgium, The Netherlands director / writer co-producers Artemis Productions (Belgium), Phanta Vision Film International (The Netherlands) funding ZDF Flanders Audiovisual Fund (VAF), CCF, Tax Shelter Belgium Netherlands Film Fund funding countries Hubert Bals Fund, ZDF, World Cinema Fund Berlin, Medienboard Berlin Brandenberg, Instituto Nacional de Cine Y Artes Audiovisuales Argentina, Netherlands Film Fund, Hubert Bals Fund Plus Belgium, The Netherlands The Match Factory (Germany) broadcaster festivals & awards Selection Berlinale Generation 2014 countries Argentina, Germany, The Netherlands festivals & awards Selection Berlinale Official Competition 2014 17 › Dutch minority co-productions in release blind In What City Does It Live? Brand New-U director / writer The Treatment / Blind director / writer De Behandeling director / writer Simon Pummell director Liew Seng Tat producer producer Everything Films (Malaysia) co-producers Volya Films (The Netherlands), Mandra Films (France), Flying Moon (Germany) funding Hubert Bals Fund, Prince Claus Film Fund, World Cinema Fund Berlin, Fondation GAN, Netherlands Film Fund (Hubert Bals Fund Plus) countries Malaysia, France, Germany, The Netherlands 18 short animated film Emilie director / writer The Legend Of Longwood Eskil Vogt Adrián Biniez director N- The Madness Of Reason Hans Herbots producer producer Lisa Mulcahy director / writer producer Hot Property Films (United Kingdom) writer Motlys (Norway) writer Peter Krüger Carl Joos co-producer Mutante Cine (Uruguay) producer Samsa Films (Luxembourg) co-producers producer Inti Films co-producers Rinkel Film (The Netherlands), Savage Productions (Ireland) Eyeworks Belgium Lemming Film (The Netherlands) Nadadja Kemper & Gwen Eckhaus producer co-producer co-producer international sales agent Phanta Vision Film IV (The Netherlands) Versatile (France) Grand Pictures Ltd. (Ireland) Dieptescherpte (The Netherlands) CTM Pictures (The Netherlands), Beast Animation (Belgium) co-producers funding animation studio Longwood Pictures (Germany) Holland Harbour (The Netherlands) Flanders Audiovisual Fund (VAF), Netherlands Film Fund, ZDF/ARTE Pedri Animation funding British Film Institute, Irish Film Board, Netherlands Film Fund countries United Kingdom, Ireland, The Netherlands funding Flanders Audiovisual Fund (VAF), Netherlands Film Fund The Midfielder documentary film co-producers The Norwegian Film Fund, Netherlands Film Fund Morocha Films (Argentina), Pandora Filmproduktion (Germany), Topkapi Films (The Netherlands), Petit Films (France) countries funding Norway, The Netherlands INCAA, ZDF/ ARTE, Hubert Bals Fund, FONDO ICAU, Filmstiftung Nordrhein Westfalen, Aide aux Cinema du Monde, Aporte HD, Netherlands Film Fund (Hubert Bals Fund Plus) international sales agent countries ARRI World Sales Germany, The Netherlands, Belgium countries Ireland, Germany, The Netherlands funding countries festivals & awards Belgium, The Netherlands World première Sundance 2014 – Competition ‘World Drama’ Winner Screenwriting Award: World Cinema Dramatic Sundance 2014 Berlinale 2014 – Panorama Competition Uruguay, Argentina, Germany, The Netherlands, France funding The Irish Film Board, Section 481 Tax Incentive, Investitionsbank Sachsen Anhalt, Netherlands Film Fund countries release December, 2014 festivals & awards Selection Berlinale Forum 2014 director / writer Olivier Pesch funding Film Fund Luxembourg, Fonds National de Sountien á la Production Audiovisuelle, Flanders Audiovisual Fund (VAF), Netherlands Film Fund countries Luxembourg, Belgium, The Netherlands Dutch minority co-productions in (pre)production diamant experimental film feature film Dead & Beautiful Blessed Benefit Paradise Trips Diamant Mia Drift directors / writers director / writer director Geert Vandenbroele, Kris Mergan Wouter Bongaerts director / writer director / writer Raf Reyntjens producer Benny Vandendriessche David Verbeek Mahmoud al Massad producer producer ViVifilm (Belgium) writers producers producer Caviar (Belgium) Mergans Telewerk (Belgium) co-producers Rocketta Film (The Netherlands) animation studio / key producer China Blue Films (China), Lemming Film (The Netherlands) Twenty Twenty Vision Filmproduktion (Germany) co-producers il Luster (The Netherlands) Benny Vandendriessche, Dirk Hendrikx animation Inti Films (Belgium) international sales agent co-producers broadcaster funding Creative Conspiracy (Belgium), NMTrix Studio (The Netherlands) co-producer ROW (to be negotiated) VMMa - 2BE funding Flanders Audiovisual Fund (VAF), Netherlands Film Fund Jo Image (Jordan), Habbekrats (The Netherlands), iSee film (The Netherlands) co-producer Flanders Audiovisual Fund (VAF), Netherlands Film Fund countries Belgium, The Netherlands Flanders Audiovisual Fund (VAF), Netherlands Film Fund countries Belgium, Netherlands Revolver (The Netherlands) funding countries Belgium, The Netherlands funding Darklight Media, MEDIA, Netherlands Film Fund countries China, The Netherlands funding Medienboard Berlin Brandenburg Germany, ZDF/ ARTE, Doha Film Institute, Netherlands Film Fund, Eurimages director / writer IJswater Films (The Netherlands), Climax Films (Wallonia), funding Flanders Audiovisual Fund (VAF), Netherlands Film Fund, Centre du Cinéma et de l’Audiovisuel (CCA/ VAF), Tax Shelter Belgium countries Belgium, The Netherlands countries Jordan, Germany, The Netherlands the broken circle breakdown Felix van Groeningen 19 › Dutch minority co-productions in (pre)production tanta agua Humidity A Blast Galloping Mind Two Gunshots Bull Down! director director / writer director / writer director / writer director / writer Nikola Ljuca Syllas Tzoumerkas Wim Vandekeybus Martín Rejtman Gabriel Mascaro writers producer producer producer producer Stasa Bajac, Nikola Ljuca Homemade Films (Greece) Savage Film (Belgium), Ruda Cine (Argentina) Desvia (Brazil) producer co-producers co-producers co-producers DART Film (Serbia) unafilm (Germany), Bastide Films/ PRPL (The Netherlands) Climax Films (Belgium), Phanta Vision (The Netherlands), Uj Budapest Filmstudio (Hungary) Pandora Filmproduktions (Germany), Alina Film (Switzerland), Waterland Film (The Netherlands), Jirafa (Chili), Fortuna Films (The Netherlands) Malbicho Cine (Urugay), Viking Film (The Netherlands) co-producers Zischlermann Filmproduktion (Germany), A.S.A.P. Films (France), Lemming Film (The Netherlands) funding Ministry of Culture and Film Center of Serbia Film Fund, Hubert Bals Fund, Netherlands Film Fund (Hubert Bals Fund Plus) countries Serbia, Germany, France, The Netherlands 20 funding Greek Film Center, MEDIA, Film und Medien Stiftung NRW, Filmförderung Hamburg Schleswig-Holstein, Netherlands Film Fund, Eurimages Co-production Development Award countries Greece, Germany, The Netherlands funding Flanders Audiovisual Fund (VAF), Netherlands Film Fund countries Belgium, The Netherlands, Hungary funding INCAA, Hubert Bals Fund, Netherlands Film Fund (Hubert Bals Fund Plus) co-producers Big Father, Small Father And Other Stories director / writer La Ultima Tierra Niles Atallah director / writer producer Pablo Lamar director / writer Mômerade (France) producer Phan Dang Di co-producers Sapukai Cine (Paraquay) producer Acrobat Films (France) funding co-producers Ancine, Pernambuco State Culture Fund Brazil, ICAU, Hubert Bals Fund, Netherlands Film Fund (Hubert Bals Fund Plus) V Block media (Vietnam), Volya Films (The Netherlands) countries Brazil, Urugay, The Netherlands funding World Cinema Fund, Hubert Bals Fund, Netherlands Film Fund (Hubert Bals Fund Plus) countries countries Chili, Germany, Switzerland, Argentina, The Netherlands France, Vietnam, The Netherlands Rey Unafilm (Sweden), Diluvio (Chile), Circe Films (The Netherlands) funding Hubert Bals Fund, Netherlands Film Fund (Hubert Bals Fund Plus) countries France, Chili, The Netherlands co-producers Fortuna Films (The Netherlands), Mandra Films (France) funding National Fund Paraquay, Cinema du Monde, Hubert Bals Fund, Netherlands Film Fund (Hubert Bals Fund Plus), Torino Filmlab, CORFO Chile countries France, Paraquay, The Netherlands 40 days of silence The Women Of The Weeping River False Witness Francooonia Mammal Welp director / writer They Have Escaped The Lobster director / writer director / writer director / writer director / writer The Sum of Histories Iglika Triffonova Alexandr Sokurov director / writer Yorgos Lanthimos Rebecca Daly Jonas Govaerts director / writer director / writer producer producer producer producer producer Lukas Bossuyt Sheron Dayoc Klas Film (Bulgary) Potemkino (Belgium) producer co-producers Element Pictures (Ireland) Fastnet Films producer Ideal Audience(France) Jukka-Pekka Valkeapää Southern Lantarn Studios Filmlance International (Sweden), Weydemann Bros (Germany), Phanta Vision (The Netherlands) co-producers Red Lion (Luxembourg), Rinkel Film (The Netherlands) co-producers Haut les mains Production (France), Mogador Film (Germany), Waterland Film (The Netherlands) funding Southern Lantern Studios, Asian Cinema Fund, Hubert Bals Fund, Netherlands Film Fund (Hubert Bals Fund Plus) countries funding NFC (Bulgary), BNT, Swedish Film Institute, FilmiFast (Sweden), Netherlands Film Fund co-producers Zero One (Germany), N 279 Entertainment (The Netherlands) funding CNC, MEDIA, Eurimages, Arte Cinema, FFA, Medienboard, NRW, DFFF, Netherlands Film Fund countries France, Germany, The Netherlands producer Helsinki Filmi Oy (Finland) co-producers Revolver Film (The Netherlands) funding Haut et Court (France), Faliro House (Greece), Lemming Film (The Netherlands) Finnish Film Foundation, YLI TV1, Netherlands Film Fund funding countries countries Finland, The Netherlands Ireland, France, Greece, The Netherlands Irish Film Board, Netherlands Film Fund co-producers funding Irish Film Board, AFS Fiction, Netherlands Film Fund countries Ireland, Luxembourg, The Netherlands co-producers Caviar Films (Belgium) AT Production (Belgium), Submarine (The Netherlands) co-producers funding Flanders Audiovisual Fund (VAF), Netherlands Film Fund Flanders Audiovisual Fund (VAF), Wallimages, Netherlands Film Fund countries Pupkin Film (The Netherlands) funding countries Belgium, The Netherlands Belgium, The Netherlands countries Bulgary, Sweden, Germany, The Netherlands Philippines, France, Germany, The Netherlands 21 › Dutch minority co-productions in (pre)production the blue wave documentary film In The Trace Of Robert Van Gullik / In het Spoor van Robert van Gullik Our City / Stad tussen de Heuvels The Land Of The Enlightened Desert Cantos director / writer director / writer Maria Tarantino Pieter Jan de Peu producer producer Rob Rombout Wildundomesticated (Belgium) producer co-producer Savage Film Productions (Belgium) Offworld (Belgium) Pieter van Huystee Film & TV (The Netherlands) director / writer co-producer Zeppers Film & TV (The Netherlands) broadcaster funding Lichtpunt Flanders Audiovisual Fund (VAF), Netherlands Film Fund funding countries Belgium, The Netherlands Flanders Audiovisual Fund (VAF), Netherlands Film Fund, CCF countries Belgium, The Netherlands co-producers Submarine (The Netherlands), FastNet Film (Ireland), Ma.Ja.De Fiction (Germany) funding Flanders Audiovisual Fund (VAF), Netherlands Film Fund, VRT, Irish Film Board countries Belgium, Ireland, Germany, The Netherlands 22 The Dream Of Sheherazade Franky Sofie Benoot Addicted To Every Possibility director / writer director / writer Francois Verster Matthias Schoenaerts director / writer producer Off World Productions (Belgium) Moon Blaisse producer producer producer producer Fireworx Media (South Africa) Savage Film (Belgium) Timescapes BVBA (Belgium) co-producers co-producers co-producers Middlewest Films (Egypt), Melia Films (France), Undercurrent Film & Television (South Africa), Volya Films (The Netherlands) Submarine (The Netherlands) Laokoon Film Group (Hungary), Volya Films (The Netherlands) funding countries South Africa National Film & Video Foundation, World View Fund, Netherlands Film Fund Belgium, The Netherlands director / writer co-producer Zeppers Film & TV (The Netherlands) Pain Perdu (Belgium) co-producer broadcaster CTM Pictures (The Netherlands) VRT Canvas broadcaster funding VRT Flanders Audiovisual Fund (VAF), Netherlands Film Fund, MEDIA Slate Funding funding countries Belgium, The Netherlands Netherlands Film Fund, Flanders Audiovisual Fund (VAF), Stimuleringsfonds Architectuur countries Belgium, The Netherlands countries South Africa, Egypt, France, The Netherlands director / writer funding Flanders Audiovisual Fund (VAF), Netherlands Film Fund Beneath The Surface Alex Debreczeni funding Flanders Audiovisual Fund (VAF), CANVAS, MNF, Netherlands Film Fund countries Belgium, Hungary, The Netherlands animated short film animated feature film Sea Of Men Beiaard Cafard director / writer directors director / writer Manuel Munoz Rivas Jan Bultheel producer Steven de Beul, Ben Tesseur El Viaje Films (Spain) writer co-producers Gert Goovaerts Tondo Films (Belgium) Azharmedia (Spain), CTM Pictures (The Netherlands) producer co-producers Bulletproof Cupid (Belgium) funding co-producers Junta, de Andalucia, ICAA, Netherlands Film Fund, MEDIA Development Windmill Film (The Netherlands) Superprod (France), Topkapi Films (The Netherlands), Tarantula (Wallonia) countries Beast Animation Spain, The Netherlands broadcaster producer funding VRT Flanders Audiovisual Fund (VAF), MEDIA, Netherlands Film Fund, Tax Shelter Belgium funding countries Flanders Audiovisual Fund (VAF), Netherlands Film Fund Belgium, The Netherlands, France animation studio / key animation countries Belgium, The Netherlands 23 supernova tamar van den dop the Netherlands Film Fund Dutch Film organisations EYE [email protected] Wwww.international.eyefilm.nl Doreen Boonekamp CEO [email protected] Mediadesk Nederland [email protected] Wwww.mediadesknederland.eu Hubert Bals Fonds Plus [email protected] Wwww.filmfestivalrotterdam.com/ professionals/hubert_bals_fund Frank Peijnenburg Head of Screen NL [email protected] Binger Filmlab [email protected] Wwww.binger.nl Film Producers Netherlands (FPN) [email protected] Wwww.speelfilmproducenten.nl Peggy Driessen-Bussink Production manager International Affairs/ Analyst [email protected] Documentary Producers Netherlands, DPN [email protected] Wwww.documentaireproducenten.nl Animation Producers Netherlands, VNAP [email protected] Wwww.vnap.nl Dany Delvoie International Affairs [email protected] Dorien van de Pas Representative of Eurimages [email protected] The Netherlands Film Fund Pijnackerstraat 5 1072 JS Amsterdam The Netherlands T + 31 20 5707676 [email protected] Wwww.filmfonds.nl © The Netherlands Film Fund 2014
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