'J sM 5. 1J 7 Izck CITA 41,±411310tElfit'l (IsR) o)(t=XL, R.4 *, Come Pieterse*, Leendert C. Van Loon* Shu Hase, Come Pieterse, and Leendert C. Van Loon Mechanisms of Rhizobacteria-Mediated Induced Systemic Resistance Abstract Some of non-pathogenic rhizosphere bacteria reduce disease by activating a resistance mechanism in the plant called rhizobacteria-mediated induced systemic resistance (ISR). Rhizobacteria-mediated ISR resembles classic pathogen-induced systemic acquired resistance (SAR) in that both types of induced resistance render uninfected plant parts more resistant towards a broad spectrum of plant pathogens. In contrast to SAR, ISR induced by Pseudomonas fluorescens WCS417r functions independently of salicylic acid accumulation and pathogenesis-related gene activation. Mutant analyses showed that this ISR follows a novel signalling pathway in which components from the plant hormones jasmonic acid (JA) and ethylene response are successively engaged to trigger a defensive state that, like SAR, is controlled by the regulatory factor NPR1. To investigate the role of JA and ethylene in ISR, their production was monitored in ISR-expressing plants. Neither local nor systemic levels of JA and ethylene production changed upon induction of ISR. Therefore, we postulate that ISR is mediated via an increase in the plant's sensitivity to JA and ethylene. Interestingly, ISRexpressing plants show an increase in ACC-oxidase activity, providing a greater potential to produce ethylene after pathogen infection. In addition, ISR is associated with the potentiation of specific JA-inducible genes, resulting in an enhanced level of their expression after pathogen infection. These results suggest that ISR-expressing plants are primed to express ethylene- and JA-dependent defenses more efficiently upon pathogen infection. Key words: Pseudomonas fluorescence, Arabidopsis, defence signalling, ethylene, jasmonic acid, salicylic acid 41 t.;66 I: ztio4MMAIPP-5-1J7/Mr:4AALLMtUsMEI*01AV(7_1-z * Section Phytopathology, Faculty of Biology, Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands ** 310LX PAM* ffgAf=1- Graduate School of Agricultural Science, Tohoku University, 981-8555, Sendai, Japan. 15 #111fittrA41-6. :_otaliftl,14113144.tritft (IsR) 7, -1.,'-ct9-( )1/7. a, < I U c3 SARl 4i'ltiff-glitit(SAR)LXNMaitrCL6b1, 4-1.-C-6 Tti 6 Z71 M6±."-CNI*Mti). LCS U ) 5- U :7--XL 'iJ7 U 1. )- I; t:, U `jR9 5-0 771grA- bibb\ Lu, iiA4tErriftoVrzts)(t.7-XIA Lts6t$1441V-ifto):>9'±)1/13tVkil6 ISRO 5--1) .gt34.< ofiltfiaAJA14:5(1.1.-COAknflzi) tu-C1/16. ISR t/N tt.6 Z6. *att., rAm, 7 ODPseudomonas fluorescens WCS417W 41-4z Lts 6 LV,P111-Lt.:: L7.41.1-C49ffi-D- C s 7b141.LtS41-44titriiit(ISR) tttft11. AirWo)13z*ffiGq6t--,:673i-J_I,)<-Db\01314ftolUIMIN{MA_ Ti/N6. Mtct <R9Yffii.C95 (54-1.--Cu)633141t0IM&VI. A3,EL tts5Mgf*M-Oft -ritttiE 116 t ---es -0)**.tt404Pt131:fBiZbiTrAU: 0AIRWoftffit4i'ltf'41-1V-ift(SAR)LtAti--C.t3 5(4-1.-CtAtrin4:-.ts6. co( "fsettLMJC*0-A11.(7-,--Ett-D-q---C4M-tt-ct/N6 (Ross,1961), (Hammerschmidt and Kuc, 1995, Ryals et al., 1996; Sticher et al., 1997 ; Hammerschmidt, 1999). AWARE. tilAffi Izt,12.1.-C1/6 Ott'', :-/-5-10 Ni/5-ij 7orla1:41, 7 A- 7 Vii-q-Ur:_r A- .> 00112iAbriE ttNO3-}t6L ±4to -c-±4,14-;41.'t MAL 1.,--cillt®ARVZiE-d-6 Lb16(Bakker et al., Migf Lilt-MIA U 7 id, 4:11Xffi tais Liettolkts Ea) Llz, 1991). IP:, Al*M I_EffMgM4-6AJ#1*(DiMM1110.110)60 -DI 0 V/I5---IJ 7 Lift 0411-CofflEffifiolZA. am- *LoDittOoftdircatIts<, fikiieti*{*t:i314 grAft(IsR) lif Idtt. 1.,T, 77E * 1998). *, 77 E F 7°:.7 U 7 LAP: , ;t14,-c- to 6. -f 7°0#011111,141114 3f-f .>, /R,D. r, 11 7. o4 altfir,7_,31,N--c-citr-c-t,N6 (Van Loon et al., 11. 'J/75IJ 7 Pseudomonas.fluorescens WCS417r Dz---5111J-N1- 6 z: LT. AJA-15-"-I.J 7 0) P. syringae pv. tomato DC3000 (Pst L Xanthomonas campestris pv. amoracia, MOTU, Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. bib -"D C rz 4tgvi ft 774raphani Peronospore parasitica t (Pieterse et al., 1996; Van Wees et al., 1997; J. Ton, unpublished results). (It'll; OAR. DC3000) t.:5(1---4- 6 taiiitta. mmotingLAW4KoiMoK.Mlz.. 11/*It0)7 E rif/A =X T- 1/ '117.-C'rifiai: flgtfit ISR L TIT 1,-: Lt -csifffil- 6 LbiT 1LS -0M14,tt (1:1 ISR OD:7 Yt11/ii.tfni 2. 2-1. -9-1) Ltkr-4- Ltst,):/Yt)lpfilfhlIM *EXiNt'i0)AiRf*k7.ct 6 SAR ODIVA 16 `9-1.) -)1/fOtliNlin L (Malamy et al.,1990; Métraux et al., 1990), -cIrs,v4art<337.->/witi (PR) blt&fitl6 Ca6(V an Loon, 1997; Ward et al.,1991)0 11100)-it '')I/FMJ1.17.1031174f1=Miti. i± (nahG) U .-)1/fit-M:f-r-eV-s< Lk NahG XRCtMettil, SAR 7its14 tur. PR IEL1 Z.: Lffi SAR 0:2 ,49-)IpE311,1ii-1) t. fgiziA41-6 LI' LON i;b4:1I171t(Gaffney et al.,1993)0 7 E SAR 17_ 6 18&-C-9- U '-)1/fg41V-A L PR MAIL 416 (uknes et al., 1993; Cameron et al., 1994; Mauch-Mani and Slusarenko,1994)0 NahG )1MC4A1*J1E1(/ LAM ffi 6 , 7 7 E Fif/A--et SAR or):>Y9-)1/1-11,1-9-1J -)1/M ;:c1A4-L-cti6 LON Gffi tz.*4-11 (Lawton et al., 1995). lit, "#' I) ..)1/61ce tctffi 1 JZCS Iti.A14 qt. anti --C SAR t PR ?Mitt 41ts 41 NPR1 I nprl tar4.1.k.(Cao, et al.,1994). SAR , )1/fgoVAJ. WCS417r L,t77 E Fl>X0r) ISR a, "9-1J ti !t0 cJZC PR ot-&-tt1LV#1-3tsti. CIC* 41, Pst DC3000 j U '11404:41{3k4- Lai/ 2-2. i4:At_f-N ZL. WCS417r Lit NahG JFW F,Yt/l/fita, RIL1J ISR /to (Pieterse et al., 1996 ; Van Wees et al., 1997). Lblt)ffi VA, A ,.2fg, I3 1/ >Pi; SAR 0:-/Y9--)kriClialit424 L.1-I/./4:7.41f-A4Utottio I>t ISR (d. :7"-,A7FOLIV'Azg-s.? E F V'f/ S16R3-1-, tsGZ.XV: NPR1 (.111K4 Utz (Pieterse, et al., 1998). 1-tsbt , A, A .>&14:_g:c jur1-1 etr1-1 5tia*, tsGZX npr1-1 OR,wa. WCS417r IC#J Pst DC3000 I1-61:1MWCS417r V-N1,1-c7 fiV,314.-etsffi-D tt. :Y.)-)1/,{"itoffI4in6L-t951.--:)c)1.77-rA fg jar1-1, etr1-1 L npr1-1 vjcal*i,:ttiv Utz: , olf.A4 ttittf-Efi --C---tsbN-Dt.:7 51, >0111.1ffilK-c; 6 1-7 o R.> 1 t)1/.7 G :71,- 1-(ACC)Alf-N1- L jar1-1 stinWillEtfittfisi4 5mwittgrmst,1314---Ctczffi-D /to L. R6 etr1-1 nprl T, WCS417r 4,:ct-D-Cfg4t16 ISR 0):>Yt)14-441, 11101-,::;t 6 SAR PM: NPR1 k=ct.--D -CFM-4-6 Mii:{1K4 L. fik*---4- 6 ffffti E'D 6 ttk (El 1 ; Pieterse, et al., 1998). NPR1 as SAR 0)Y9-)1/11.tr04--c11.--0-Fir-e PR (DiSitiL < 751, ISR 0):Yt)1/1-3* Lit/ *Weil PR i-81111LLtsti(Cao et al.,1994; Pieterse et al., 1998). `DI 111--T-61/ 41, Ik110) ISR r41411-1T-oftiMbi, UT. NPR1 bN6ntsX1"6.4(1--Ct Aj:341.6. 2-3. # ISR L SAR 0)77 Yt/l/iit ariti '...)141a4d, L Litty-q---c4k6 L, EL)1,7: Ea-ACV-T-01-6 ODffi -tt.-E-41.±..b1.0)404i:{1k4 te 6 (Reymond and Farmer, L SAR1,1 Lt 1 NPR1 ct "D -CAM t1.6 >RIATI0MgS 1998; Pieterse and Van Loon, 1999)0 ISR SAR Rtii* $1.1"-i- 6 Li' L 51 (7_ >F0g;i4i-.:{A4- ® ISR Lit') fta-Y0) SAR 751 T, Van Wees et al., (2000)41A 5 kin 751 <0 17 :>Y.)--)1440-) TJJS DA Ttst-Dt 1:--31,)-Cf1M Litto I- 41-6 WCS417r ISR avrRpt2Al Pst DC3000 SAR C7-911fN1,/tL:._, -Z-07 L-0 tftfiftbilk E tiA4T ts ti) NahG JRWC14*. A (,)11 ISR etrl, jarl 1$S WCS417r L Pst DC3000 (avrRpt2) ttfitAttkl§ tsi-3/sM---Dtt. 6 t:, SAR PR-1 OR 1JW1, ISR SAR 19-)Pi5tWl.,'"CL)Ztittti SAR OW-)-4iL-C1.)ZtilltL0) SAR )7 1tt, rrAitZZbitSffi-D NPR1 tzlit41-6 .Yj-)1/{3t1,1, SAR L ISR Lts< 111,1141kii-TY±)1/bifl-DZ LA-A_ Gtt.Z. IJ `1) 5- 1J 7 0) P. aeruginosa 7NSK2 scb, il1-40'91:qt 'J )1A .18#1.13EIN -ttz: P3 **All, fRO-AffiT-9- 1J --)litikctgl-Z z: LT, ettz-it1J9-)1/ fM:fik41.,tz_-:>Y±11/1-3tVOt-q-Zz.: Lbil-Dffi-D-Cti)Z(De Meyer et al.,1999a,b; Maurhofer et al., 1998). WCS417r L:14160 'JR 7 5---U 7 1st 1,-C±4(:).81111ti ct Nti4Affilt fttr-4-Z L;?,_60 P. aeruginosa 1J 7 It1 tXM4A)g{* I 4. tA 1jarl .2fiDtS 4. !IF # 9 ../Lftt 1etrl ,2 NPR1 IMMIRMItN nprl PR37 ISR VI 1 3. NahG SAR ISR Mitt 9'±)1/firftiTi (Pieterse et al.,1998 9) c 0, ISR &ZODINA 3-1. ISR SAR --4-et-cus u SAR 03-}-T-7t --(CtS-D-Cl/)60 az T. lt -\- PR -,9) PR tl, Ef'1:-/ WCS417r -)1/1fOldgfAli1 PR tikitiLli/V.). L:ttITin[1641-C(/)6M4P t I tilt& i7-igf-V Lit 05-24 7 7 l/.2-t/l/A IM411.-TOMIYJAciE ----11:4170fiLL-MAizt ft41M-141 tsffi--Dtt. (Van Wees et al., 1999a)0 E1. WCS417r E 1.7*.bNi=31/fT41.,/-z: cDNA 18 >YAWL. 11-1--t-s 6 Z.) A'Ra) 2 'TcY)1/-M%-iii<fhii'plfi1.-:-D--CtftfM'Ar. RUN:DO- Glitsffi-D t= (Van Wees et al., 1999b)0 SAR a 37 WCS417r ct L1,1%1110471.: , ISR Mg; Tr: 111 '111 37 Ltitst,). >fit Li.-1,.71-:.3(44-6WrooDS1.-It 3-2. ØI>COU witiv , fit linPaZ AliA 41.-"C tO 6 (De Laat and van Loon, 1982; Gundlach et al., 1992). Af/y1--)t,,-}-Tq1 , A toirclit.trzi:qk' 77-1, r1:2A1,1, Pst DC3000 t:Int./TIA. ft (Boller,1991; g _1.4 Lit 7 7 E Pieterse, et al.,1998; Van Wees et al., 1999a)0 WCS417r iF/A 1/ >fiA41toRVOMM.11 >t0b5 itT (Lox], Lox2, Atvsp, Pdf1.2, Hel, ChiB, and Pal) 0) EtItattiLtrt (Van Wees et al., 1999a). :101- Lffi WCS417r 7V7 7 E Ltst/4-.6 5 LtftV:111-,:.. 9410117-:)%t ai-12 625 Gtit-sffi > rek 4111 t 1,ttbis ffi r,:VAE-4 :A ts ty E >6.1ceAb.i. 1/ tt( Pieterse, et al., 2000). ISR a, ct 0 t:{1k41.,-c < ts-D ::41.1730*)1/,'A:_91-1--Wialt cAllto R 3-3. :it F)A,A>Filce1-:_cLD--CgA41-L6itf-ftiRoDt5"->,-t)1/ 7 E F I: optU:ZJI 1-, 1,2:4041-64g-c11, WCS417r ::)-\,>titLx.fl7>o)lantsZfLatst,),, /Sr 1_17 >ot.A41#5rMig1*ffirzVt..L.L1z, --a)tfifoitt, J *16. 14 ---C t tbtao -C WCS417r --.0)ttilttb1:;-\-2 1,< az1 -6 Lbim -it.r7YT,L\tIgifttl/413,>1-1=1)1/LL 7 EF i-E/A WCS417r Pst DC3000 (Atvsp, Pdf1.2, Lox2 Pall) L. > >R4-314tt >riAattoi-tf-T- (Hel ChiB) oRfRiatait)z- Lit (Van Wees et al., 1999a). --12) WCS417r fR(:_ttf-g kVA OV)13 >1- t=1 MT, 1/ .2 ''tOft L ttm--e )l/taltrj:.tLiCAL) Atvsp 0ftNiA-it 614ft Li ISR "Ca, lafftglo)71i5=-.2:-/t/1/751MJC*013tVI:INA.--CIAI-D-CLItiVtItt. c 'it 3-4. .1.n,:/t*CD)ii5---,>t)1/ A":S:kittt-C11, .1;fl/:/id, s-7-5-2J .)1/?( .>ffir6 ACC r''''AtlIA0fittat:_. ct J ACC (::12Ati, '-1-11)1W)-C-- ACC FOILtO*omizt1 (Kende,1993; Kende and Zeevaart, 1997; Theologis,1992)0 7 13 13 f/A.t6 ti14/- 1=1:/A0MitA.-41-A1,q41)116,'*1./ttt.hlt(il, ACC 12-1ANIAtsr3Z1k: ACC Mt` (De Laat and Van Loon,1982)0 lArTioff fLEiMblikttfLllm..- 1/ >abqM)iir--4L. SAR AT, SAR W%C,Tr:l.k.37/I3C1, ACC 19 ote0/1DAiz ACC tc. .1.1n1:7_VV1.1t.14frizi1-c, (De Laat and Van Loon,1983)0 'DI 19 SAR i,n..7thta7)iA5-D AT'id, ACC WCS417r 11: l/ A:1_111-6 ACC fitintAitithiAc< ts-D -cwt. EgUtz.-77EFIA11, it±ii1A41.41a: ACC Vrt-tn1-.7:4A..6L, >17)1, 77E F 7°:/A1,7_. ACC (Pieterse, et al., 2000). ISR );'6 -tA -E- t -q-A_/-z-_tA T 20^-50% E1A\-D t tt 7 -7 E F , ACC 7" .r...1,,>1:-0411--4-6 ACC FOILFilVtitbiai<ts-D-coft. 77Er 1_, WCS417r 7°:2 ViZ9,11,1Nt.ittfc..=41eidt_E.SVII.114T0)11/,'/IACI'M iligts-ItlElfltsli)(Pieterse, et al., 2000)0 Lt:_bi-) Ts WCS417r f.Rtz:11,4 L tz7 E F.1:',A--c ACC AktftMittiki-A<ts-D--co6L: 1,>:;t0f11164fi ts--)--0,6 Lrqd,-c-to6L4- Glitto AidoW5-re, fNUt-z77E A_ 1, > -r 7'0 Pst DC3000(avrRpt2) WCS417r 595 1/>:710fiLftL .-/I,E1)atttz Pst DC3000(avrRpt2)VOR Lk:War x. I/ >E47514g1:r-Cil bibb''"D tt(S. Hase, unpublished result). 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I/ Aigi*Ogt*fe.iitttLC:, 1-A4011-A4tAllift.ti9AVihtzR L LIMID-D-c-66)-eidtsii)ffiLA. ttrc. 111 1319 01: '-ii1W1t,a): LV1, t )1/{-itfil5alliV:13414 6,ffrito fit ido)iLkINI:: let1113M-4-6RAto-)37-1'11:1A4't,-c M.1111L-4-6 LbiT 6 L V 5 Z71 "C" --ChM SItsIM'fIlaZo-)F,Y/-)1/{ 6 (Bostock,1999; Dong,1998; Glazebrook, 1999; Maleck and Dietrich,1999; Mauch-Mani and Métraux, 1998; Pieterse and Van Loon,1999; Reymond and Farmer,1998)0 *fit I, It IJ I) 7 Pseudomonas fluorescens WCS417r Zf-g L it 77 El-t 7°-:> id, 1J ')1/f0 Vs:fikr4 SAR L 11A f;Atczlo, tiiltiz 0)FrAti:fik4L7-z-AllitiliA41.tt. ,.)1/ftkf-ik4otgrfiftitsi'-41-6 ,)-,7-- I) 7 tA-iffi--D --c.V-zo -it ..-)1/ftt fA4L A, >ffk 1/ >P6,4 r,:f1K41, A/fit MS* LLTIMMLUAVIVIA-41.k.:z.: Lb) 6, Ats6 F,Yt)1/fitigi4-4--6 1J 7 oDMA Vritti L-c-CL:Currtaf, 1-11-fENI-614tigit ":!..: Lit. 040fild 6 < 0)f100)JC*1:tA LA'A. ISR IC:"D i/1T, aidoriff5t-chb\--D-c- V-k,,E>FOLi-1,>ki141:7_AP:f*orAVid-t.:1141-Wts.R,V1 5a:L--c6c. 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