Promoties 2014 Cardiologie Houthuizen P (Patrick) Left bundle branch block : controversies in aortic valve Interventions and cardiac resynchoronization therapy Promotiedatum: 11‐06‐2014‐94fa‐4a82‐b4da‐caad73f725bc Kwaliteit Schulz DN (Daniela) Using the internet to promote a healthy lifestyle; Testing a multiple behaviour change intervention regarding reach, use, appreciation, effectiveness and cost‐effectiveness Promotiedatum: 28‐05‐2014‐a30c‐40be‐b0d2‐601b4e6b41a3 Inwendige geneeskunde / Maag‐ darm‐ leverziekten Wlazlo N (Nick) Novel aspects of insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes mellitus: iron metabolism, the complement system, and liver cirrhosis Promotiedatum: 14‐05‐2014‐cfd4‐4699‐a25c‐12a3ab927094 Chirurgie Brinkman WM (Willem) Learning laparoscopic and robotic surgery in urlology Promotiedatum: 02‐05‐2014 Radiologie Setz‐Pels W (Wikke) Improving screening mammography in the south of the Netherlands : usingan extended data collection on diagnostic procedures and outcome parameters Promotiedatum: 20‐02‐2014 Longgeneeskunde Romme EA (Lisette) Bone imaging and strength in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Promotiedatum: 20‐02‐2014‐bd2f‐4c19‐b39d‐b07459e0fe1a Gynaecologie Huppelschoten AG (Dana) Improving patient‐centredness of fertility care Promotiedatum: 23‐01‐2014 PAMM Wegdam‐Blans MC (Marjolijn) Diagnostic challenges during the Dutch Q fever outbreak Promotiedatum: 17‐01‐2014‐08a2‐47b0‐a00b‐7c25ff4911fd Promoties Catharina Ziekenhuis te Eindhoven 2014 versie 20 juni 2014 Chirurgie Maaskant AJ (Sabrina) Clinical dilemmas in sentinel node biopsy for breast cancer Promotiedatum: 17‐01‐2014‐0b8e‐4ac3‐a137‐f320a008eb62 Promoties Catharina Ziekenhuis te Eindhoven 2014 versie 20 juni 2014
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