Price list of NINO publications on Egyptology
NINO publications
Page 1 of 7
Price list of NINO publications on Egyptology
2014 Weiss, Religious practice (Eg. Uitg. 29)
Price excl. VAT:
L. Weiss – Religious Practice at Deir el-Medina (Eg. Uitg. 29), 2014. [27 cm, softcover;
VIII, 437]. ISBN: 978-90-6258-229-7.
2014 Mouton, Life death age (PIHANS 124)
2014 NINO-75-jubileumboek (NINO )
2014 Anatolica 40
€ 60,00
Price incl. VAT: € 63,60
2014 Hays, Sinuhe (Eg. Uitg. 27)
Price excl. VAT:
Harold M. Hays†, Frank Feder and Ludwig D. Morenz (eds.) – Interpretations of
Sinuhe. Inspired by Two Passages (Proceedings of a Workshop held at Leiden
University, 27-29 November 2009) (Eg. Uitg. 27), 2014. [27 cm, softcover; VI, 243].
ISBN: 978-90-6258-227-3.
2014 Haring,Workman's progress (Eg. Uitg. 28)
2013 Vliet, Qasr Ibrim (Eg. Uitg. 26)
2013 Ann. Report NINO-NIT 2012 (NINO )
2012 Ann. Report NINO-NIT 2011 (NINO )
Price incl. VAT:
Price excl. VAT:
J. Eidem, C.H. van Zoest et al. – Annual Report NINO and NIT 2011 (NINO ), 2012.
[29 cm, softcover; 64].
2012 Kaper, Colours Oasis
Price incl. VAT:
Price excl. VAT:
Olaf E. Kaper (ed.) – Colours of the Oasis. Artists and the archaeology of Dakhleh
Oasis, Egypt, 2012. [25 cm, softcover; 60]. ISBN: 978-90-6258-250-1.
€ 40,00
Price incl. VAT: € 42,40
Price excl. VAT:
J. Eidem, C.H. van Zoest et al. – Annual Report NINO and NIT 2012 (NINO ), 2013.
[28 cm, softcover; 82].
€ 59,00
Price incl. VAT: € 62,54
Price excl. VAT:
J. van der Vliet and J.L. Hagen (eds.) – Qasr Ibrim, between Egypt and Africa. Studies in
cultural exchange (NINO symposium, Leiden, 11-12 December 2009) (Eg. Uitg. 26),
2013. [27 cm, softcover; VI, 191]. ISBN: 978-90-6258-226-6.
€ 45,00
Price incl. VAT: € 47,70
Price excl. VAT:
Ben Haring, Olaf Kaper & René van Walsem (eds.) – The Workman’s Progress. Studies
in the village of Deir el-Medina and documents from Western Thebes in Honour of Rob
Demarée (Eg. Uitg. 28), 2014. [27 cm, softcover; XIV, 332]. ISBN: 978-90-6258-228-0.
Printed 20-11-2014
€ 46,50
Price incl. VAT: € 49,29
Price excl. VAT:
Anatolica XL. 2014, [27 cm, softcover; 231]. ISSN: 0066-1554; 40.
€ 55,00
Price incl. VAT: € 58,30
Price excl. VAT:
O.E. Kaper en J.G. Dercksen (red.) – Waar de geschiedenis begon: Nederlandse
onderzoekers in de ban van spijkerschrift, hiërogliefen en aardewerk. Uitgave naar
aanleiding van het 75-jarig-bestaan van het Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije
Oosten, 1939-2014 (NINO ), 2014. [28 cm, softcover; XIV, 363]. ISBN: 978-90-6258-
Price list NINO publications
Price incl. VAT: € 82,68
Price excl. VAT:
Alice Mouton and Julie Patrier (eds.) – Life, Death, and Coming of Age in Antiquity:
Individual Rites of Passage in the Ancient Near East and Adjacent Regions. Vivre,
grandir et mourir dans l’antiquité : rites de passage individuels au Proche-Orient ancien
et ses environs (PIHANS 124), 2014. [27 cm, softcover; XIII, 566]. ISBN: 978-90-6258-
€ 78,00
€ 0,00
€ 0,00
€ 0,00
€ 0,00
€ 16,95
Price incl. VAT: € 17,97
Available NINO publications on Egyptology
NINO publications
Page 2 of 7
Price list of NINO publications on Egyptology
2011 Ann. Report NINO-NIT 2010 (NINO )
Price excl. VAT:
J. Eidem, C.H. van Zoest et al. – Annual Report NINO and NIT 2010 (NINO ), 2011.
[29 cm, softcover; 68].
2010 Borghouts, Egyptian (Eg. Uitg. 24)
€ 0,00
Price excl. VAT: € 120,00
J.F. Borghouts – Egyptian. An Introduction to the writing and language of the Middle
Kingdom. Volume I: Grammar, Syntax and Indexes; Volume II: Sign lists, Exercises and
Reading Texts (Eg. Uitg. 24), 2010. [27 cm, softcover; I: XXXII, 581; II: VII, 482].
ISBN: 978-90-6258-224-2.
2009 Haring, Pictograms (Eg. Uitg. 25)
Price incl. VAT: € 127,20
Price excl. VAT:
B.J.J. Haring and O.E. Kaper (eds.) – Pictograms or Pseudo Script?. Non-textual identity
marks in practical use in Ancient Egypt and elsewhere (Eg. Uitg. 25), 2009. [27 cm,
softcover; VII, 236]. ISBN: 978-90-6258-225-9.
2009 Broekman, Libyan Period (Eg. Uitg. 23)
2007 Cooney, Cost of Death (Eg. Uitg. 22)
2006 AEB 53 (2001)
€ 80,00
Price incl. VAT: € 84,80
Price excl. VAT:
Kathlyn M. Cooney – The Cost of Death. The social and economic value of ancient
Egyptian funerary art in the Ramesside Period (Eg. Uitg. 22), 2007. [27 cm, softcover;
XV, 509, plates on cd-rom]. ISBN: 978-90-6258-222-8.
€ 45,00
Price incl. VAT: € 47,70
Price excl. VAT:
G.P.F. Broekman, R.J. Demarée and O.E. Kaper (eds.) – The Libyan Period in Egypt.
Historical and Cultural Studies into the 21st-24th Dynasties. Proceedings of a
Conference at Leiden University, 25-27 October 2007 (Eg. Uitg. 23), 2009. [27 cm,
softcover; XIII, 457]. ISBN: 978-90-6258-223-5.
€ 87,00
Price incl. VAT: € 92,22
Price excl. VAT: € 100,00
W. Hovestreydt – Annual Egyptological Bibliography 2001. (Volume 53), 2006. [24 cm,
softcover; IX, 285]. ISBN: 90-72147-18-9.
2006 Lucarelli, Gatseshen (Eg. Uitg. 21)
2006 Blom-Böer, Tempelanlage (Eg. Uitg. 20)
2005 Janssen, Donkeys (Eg. Uitg. 19)
2005 Van Soldt, RAI 48 (PIHANS 102)
€ 37,00
Price incl. VAT: € 39,22
Price excl. VAT:
W.H. van Soldt, R. Kalvelagen, D. Katz (eds.) – Ethnicity in Ancient Mesopotamia.
Papers Read at the 48th Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale, Leiden 1-4 July 2002
(PIHANS 102), 2005. [27 cm, softcover; VIII, 455]. ISBN: 90-6258-313-X.
€ 79,00
Price incl. VAT: € 83,74
Price excl. VAT:
Jac.J. Janssen – Donkeys at Deir el-Medina (Eg. Uitg. 19), 2005. [27 cm, softcover; XI,
127]. ISBN: 90-6258-219-2.
€ 56,00
Price incl. VAT: € 59,36
Price excl. VAT:
I. Blom-Böer – Die Tempelanlage Amenemhets III. in Hawara. Das Labyrinth.
Bestandsaufname und Auswertung der Architektur- und Inventarfragmente (Eg. Uitg.
20), 2006. [27 cm, softcover; XII, 322, plates on cd-rom]. ISBN: 90-6258-220-6.
Printed 20-11-2014
Price incl. VAT: € 106,00
Price excl. VAT:
R. Lucarelli – The Book of the Dead of Gatseshen. Ancient Egyptian funerary religion
in the 10th century BC (Eg. Uitg. 21), 2006. [27 cm, softcover; XIV, 305, plates on cdrom]. ISBN: 90-6258-221-4.
Price list NINO publications
Price incl. VAT:
€ 0,00
€ 63,00
Price incl. VAT: € 66,78
Available NINO publications on Egyptology
NINO publications
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Price list of NINO publications on Egyptology
2004 Dercksen, Assyria (PIHANS 100)
Price excl. VAT:
J.G. Dercksen (ed.) – Assyria and Beyond. Studies Presented to Mogens Trolle Larsen
(PIHANS 100), 2004. [27 cm, softcover; XIII, 631]. ISBN: 90-6258-311-3.
2004 Collier, Dating (Eg. Uitg. 18)
2004 AEB 52 (2000)
2003 Janssen, Woodcutters (Eg. Uitg. 17)
2003 Haring, Writing (Eg. Uitg. 16)
2002 AEB 51 (1999)
2001 Toivari, Women (Eg. Uitg. 15)
2001 AEB 50 (1998)
2001 cd-rom Eg. Bibliography
€ 82,00
Price incl. VAT: € 86,92
Price excl. VAT: € 112,00
H.S. van den Berg, W. Hovestreydt – Egyptological bibliography 1822-1997. A guide to
60,000 books and articles on ancient Egypt and Egyptology, 2001. [12 cm, jewelcase; PC
edition]. ISBN: 90-6258-961-8.
2000 Van Moorsel, Called (De Goeje 30)
Price incl. VAT: € 118,72
Price excl. VAT:
P.P.V. van Moorsel – Called to Egypt. Collected Studies on Painting in Christian Egypt
(De Goeje 30), 2000. [24 cm, softcover; XXII, 290]. ISBN: 90-6258-982-0.
Printed 20-11-2014
€ 55,00
Price incl. VAT: € 58,30
Price excl. VAT:
W. Hovestreydt, L.M.J. Zonhoven, M.W. Keuken – Annual Egyptological Bibliography
1998. (Volume 50), 2001. [24 cm, softcover; X, 355]. ISBN: 90-72147-15-4.
€ 82,00
Price incl. VAT: € 86,92
Price excl. VAT:
J. Toivari – Women at Deir el-Medîna. A Study of the Status and Roles of the Female
Inhabitants in the Workmen's Community during the Ramesside Period (Eg. Uitg. 15),
2001. [27 cm, softcover; VIII, 293]. ISBN: 90-6258-215-X.
€ 50,00
Price incl. VAT: € 53,00
Price excl. VAT:
W. Hovestreydt, L.M.J. Zonhoven, J. Hallof – Annual Egyptological Bibliography 1999.
(Volume 51), 2002. [24 cm, softcover; X, 354]. ISBN: 90-72147-16-2.
€ 36,00
Price incl. VAT: € 38,16
Price excl. VAT:
B.J.J. Haring, K. Donker van Heel (eds.) – Writing in a Workmen's Village. Scribal
Practice in Ramesside Deir el-Medina (Eg. Uitg. 16), 2003. [27 cm, softcover; X, 218].
ISBN: 90-6258-216-8.
€ 82,00
Price incl. VAT: € 86,92
Price excl. VAT:
Jac.J. Janssen, E. Frood, M. Goecke-Bauer – Woodcutters, Potters and Doorkeepers.
Service Personnel of the Deir el-Medina Workmen (Eg. Uitg. 17), 2003. [27 cm,
softcover; VIII, 170]. ISBN: 90-6258-217-6.
€ 34,00
Price incl. VAT: € 36,04
Price excl. VAT:
W. Hovestreydt, J. Hallof, L.M.J. Zonhoven – Annual Egyptological Bibliography 2000.
(Volume 52), 2004. [24 cm, softcover; VIII, 322]. ISBN: 90-72147-17-0.
Price list NINO publications
Price incl. VAT: € 82,68
Price excl. VAT:
M. Collier – Dating Late XIXth Dynasty Ostraca (Eg. Uitg. 18), 2004. [27 cm, softcover;
XIV, 164, 9 p. pl.]. ISBN: 90-6258-218-4.
€ 78,00
€ 87,00
Price incl. VAT: € 92,22
Available NINO publications on Egyptology
NINO publications
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Price list of NINO publications on Egyptology
2000 Demarée, Fs Janssen (Eg. Uitg. 14)
Price excl. VAT:
R.J. Demarée, A. Egberts (eds.) – Deir el-Medîna in the Third Millennium A.D.. A
Tribute to Jac.J. Janssen (Eg. Uitg. 14), 2000. [27 cm, softcover; X, 374]. ISBN: 90-6258214-1.
2000 AEB 49 (1997)
1999 Van Loon, Gate of Heaven (PIHANS 85)
1999 AEB 48 (1996)
Price incl. VAT: € 86,92
Price incl. VAT: € 108,12
Price excl. VAT:
W. Hovestreydt, L.M.J. Zonhoven, M.W. Keuken – Annual Egyptological Bibliography
1996. (Volume 48), 1999. [24 cm, softcover; XII, 334]. ISBN: 90-72147-13-8.
1998 AEB 47 (1995)
W. Hovestreydt, L.M.J. Zonhoven, M.W. Keuken – Annual Egyptological Bibliography
1995. (Volume 47), 1998. [24 cm, softcover; XII, 414]. ISBN: 90-72147-12-X.
1997 AEB 46 (1988-1991, 2)
1997 AEB 45 (1994)
1997 Van Walsem, Coffin (Eg. Uitg. 10)
1997 Janssen, Village varia (Eg. Uitg. 11)
1996 AEB 44 (1993)
€ 35,00
Price incl. VAT: € 37,10
Price excl. VAT:
W. Hovestreydt, L.M.J. Zonhoven, M.W. Keuken – Annual Egyptological Bibliography
1993. (Volume 44), 1996. [24 cm, softcover; X, 334]. ISBN: 90-72147-09-X.
€ 84,00
Price incl. VAT: € 89,04
Price excl. VAT:
Jac.J. Janssen – Village Varia. Ten Studies on the History and Administration of Deir elMedina (Eg. Uitg. 11), 1997. [27 cm, softcover; X, 192]. ISBN: 90-6258-211-7.
€ 54,00
Price incl. VAT: € 57,24
Price excl. VAT:
R. van Walsem – The Coffin of Djedmontuiufankh in the National Museum of
Antiquities at Leiden. Technical and Iconographic/Iconological Aspects; Volume I:
Text; Volume II: Tables, Graphs etc., Illustrations (Eg. Uitg. 10), 1997. [27 cm,
softcover; XLIV, 532]. ISBN: 90-6258-210-9.
€ 86,00
Price incl. VAT: € 91,16
Price excl. VAT:
W. Hovestreydt, L.M.J. Zonhoven, M.W. Keuken – Annual Egyptological Bibliography
1994. (Volume 45), 1997. [24 cm, softcover; XII, 394]. ISBN: 90-72147-10-3.
€ 54,00
Price incl. VAT: € 57,24
Price excl. VAT:
W. Hovestreydt, L.M.J. Zonhoven, M.W. Keuken – Annual Egyptological Bibliography
1988-1991, Part 2. (Volume 46), 1997. [24 cm, softcover; XII, 522]. ISBN: 90-72147-111.
€ 82,00
Price incl. VAT: € 86,92
Price excl. VAT:
Printed 20-11-2014
€ 82,00
Price excl. VAT: € 102,00
G.J.M. van Loon – The Gate of Heaven. Wall Paintings with Old Testament Scenes in
the Altar Room and the Khûrus of Coptic Churches (PIHANS 85), 1999. [27 cm,
softcover; XII, 373]. ISBN: 90-6258-086-6.
Price list NINO publications
Price incl. VAT: € 83,74
Price excl. VAT:
W. Hovestreydt, L.M.J. Zonhoven, M.W. Keuken – Annual Egyptological Bibliography
1997. (Volume 49), 2000. [24 cm, softcover; X, 348]. ISBN: 90-72147-14-6.
€ 79,00
€ 54,00
Price incl. VAT: € 57,24
Available NINO publications on Egyptology
NINO publications
Page 5 of 7
Price list of NINO publications on Egyptology
1996 Willems, Coffin Texts (Eg. Uitg. 9)
Price excl. VAT:
H.O. Willems (ed.) – The World of the Coffin Texts. Proceedings of the Symposium
held on the Occasion of the 100th Birthday of Adriaan de Buck, Leiden, 17-19
December 1992 (Eg. Uitg. 9), 1996. [27 cm, softcover; VIII, 209]. ISBN: 90-6258-209-5.
1995 Egberts, Quest (Eg. Uitg. 8)
1995 AEB 43 (1992)
1994 AEB 42 (1988-1991, 1)
1994 Van Moorsel, Icons
1991 Milde, Neferrenpet (Eg. Uitg. 7)
1991 AEB 40 (1986)
1991 Zandee, Sylvanus (Eg. Uitg. 6)
1990 McDowell, Jurisdiction (Eg. Uitg. 5)
1989 AEB Late 1947-1984
Printed 20-11-2014
€ 30,00
Price incl. VAT: € 31,80
Price excl. VAT:
L.M.J. Zonhoven, A. Egberts, W. Hovestreydt – Late reviews Annual Egyptological
Bibliography 1947-1984, 1989. [24 cm, softcover; XIII, 74]. ISBN: 90-72147-05-7.
€ 50,00
Price incl. VAT: € 53,00
Price excl. VAT:
A.G. McDowell – Jurisdiction in the Workmen's Community of Deir el-Medîna (Eg.
Uitg. 5), 1990. [27 cm, softcover; XII, 307]. ISBN: 90-6258-205-2.
€ 36,00
Price incl. VAT: € 38,16
Price excl. VAT:
J. Zandee – The Teachings of Sylvanus (Nag Hammadi Codex VII, 4). Text, Translation,
Commentary (Eg. Uitg. 6), 1991. [27 cm, softcover; XI, 601]. ISBN: 90-6258-206-0.
€ 44,00
Price incl. VAT: € 46,64
Price excl. VAT:
L.M.J. Zonhoven, I. Hofmann, W. Hovestreydt – Annual Egyptological Bibliography
1986. (Volume 40), 1991. [24 cm, softcover; X, 272]. ISBN: 90-72147-07-3.
€ 16,00
Price incl. VAT: € 16,96
Price excl. VAT:
H. Milde – The Vignettes in the Book of the Dead of Neferrenpet (Eg. Uitg. 7), 1991.
[27 cm, softcover; VIII, 284]. ISBN: 90-6258-207-9.
€ 54,00
Price incl. VAT: € 57,24
Price excl. VAT:
P.P.V. van Moorsel – Catalogue Général du Musée Copte. The Icons, 1994. [24 cm,
softcover; IV, 190]. ISBN: 977-235-234-6.
€ 54,00
Price incl. VAT: € 57,24
Price excl. VAT:
W. Hovestreydt, L.M.J. Zonhoven – Annual Egyptological Bibliography 1988-1991, Part
1. (Volume 42), 1994. [24 cm, softcover; VIII, 290]. ISBN: 90-72147-08-1.
€ 56,00
Price incl. VAT: € 59,36
Price excl. VAT:
W. Hovestreydt, L.M.J. Zonhoven, M.W. Keuken – Annual Egyptological Bibliography
1992. (Volume 43), 1995. [24 cm, softcover; X, 346]. ISBN: 90-72147.
Price list NINO publications
Price incl. VAT: € 38,16
Price excl. VAT:
A. Egberts – In Quest of Meaning. A Study of the Ancient Egyptian Rites of
Consecrating the Meret-Chests and Driving the Calves (Eg. Uitg. 8), 1995. [27 cm,
softcover; XXXVII, 540]. ISBN: 90-6258-208-7.
€ 36,00
Price incl. VAT:
€ 0,00
€ 0,00
Available NINO publications on Egyptology
NINO publications
Page 6 of 7
Price list of NINO publications on Egyptology
1989 AEB 39 (1985)
Price excl. VAT:
L.M.J. Zonhoven, I. Hofmann, W. Hovestreydt – Annual Egyptological Bibliography
1985. (Volume 39), 1989. [24 cm, softcover; X, 376]. ISBN: 90-72147-06-5.
1988 Van den Brink, Nile Delta
1987 AEB 41 (1987)
1987 AEB 38 (1984)
1986 Borghouts, Nieuwjaar
1982 Van Moorsel, Nubia (Eg. Uitg. 2)
1979 Leclant, Pyramide Pépi I (SABMD 6)
1974 Quispel, Gnostic Studies (PIHANS 34)
€ 2,00
€ 2,12
€ 43,00
Price incl. VAT: € 45,58
Price excl. VAT:
J. Leclant – Recherches dans la pyramide et au temple haut du pharaon Pépi Ier, à
Saqqarah (SABMD 6), 1979. [27 cm, softcover; 23]. ISBN: 90-6258-146-3.
€ 14,00
Price incl. VAT: € 14,84
Price excl. VAT: € 109,00
G. Quispel – Gnostic Studies (PIHANS 34), 1974. [27 cm, softcover; XX, 546]. ISBN:
1973 Kaplony, Kleinfunde (PIHANS 32)
Price incl. VAT: € 115,54
Price excl. VAT:
P. Kaplony – Beschriftete Kleinfunde in der Sammlung Georges Michailidis. Ergebnisse
einer Bestandsaufnahme im Sommer 1968 (PIHANS 32), 1973. [27 cm, softcover; IV,
33]. ISBN: 90-6258-032-7.
1970 Wilson, Herodotus (SABMD 5)
€ 27,00
Price incl. VAT: € 28,62
Price excl. VAT:
J.A. Wilson – Herodotus in Egypt (SABMD 5), 1970. [27 cm, softcover; VI, 13]. ISBN:
Printed 20-11-2014
Price incl. VAT:
Price excl. VAT:
P.P.V. van Moorsel (ed.) – New Discoveries in Nubia. Proceedings of the Colloquium
on Nubian Studies, The Hague, 1979 (Eg. Uitg. 2), 1982. [27 cm, softcover; X, 129].
ISBN: 90-6258-202-8.
€ 36,00
Price incl. VAT: € 38,16
Price excl. VAT:
J.F. Borghouts – Nieuwjaar in het oude Egypte. Inaugurele rede Rijksuniversiteit Leiden,
1986. [21 cm, stapled; 36].
€ 36,00
Price incl. VAT: € 38,16
Price excl. VAT:
L.M.J. Zonhoven, I. Hofmann – Annual Egyptological Bibliography 1984. (Volume 38),
1987. [24 cm, softcover; XII, 252]. ISBN: 90-72147-03-0.
€ 45,00
Price incl. VAT: € 47,70
Price excl. VAT:
L.M.J. Zonhoven, I. Hofmann, W. Hovestreydt – Annual Egyptological Bibliography
1987. (Volume 41), 1987. [24 cm, softcover; X, 284]. ISBN: 90-72147-04-9.
Price list NINO publications
Price incl. VAT: € 47,70
Price excl. VAT:
E.C.M. van den Brink (ed.) – The Archaeology of the Nile Delta, Egypt. Problems and
Priorities, 1988. [24 cm, softcover; XV, 325]. ISBN: 90-70556-30-8.
€ 45,00
Price incl. VAT:
€ 9,00
€ 9,54
Available NINO publications on Egyptology
NINO publications
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Price list of NINO publications on Egyptology
1966 Michalowski, Faras (SABMD 3)
Price excl. VAT:
K. Michalowski – Faras. Centre artistique de la Nubie chrétienne (SABMD 3), 1966. [27
cm, softcover; VIII, 25]. ISBN: 90-6258-143-9.
1962 Emery, Funerary repast (SABMD 1)
Price list NINO publications
Printed 20-11-2014
Price incl. VAT: € 14,84
Price excl. VAT:
W.B. Emery – A Funerary Repast in an Egyptian Tomb of the Archaic Period (SABMD
1), 1962. [27 cm, softcover; VI, 6]. ISBN: 90-6258-141-2.
€ 14,00
Price incl. VAT:
€ 9,00
€ 9,54
Available NINO publications on Egyptology