specificatie van beschikbare apparatuur.

Cultuurpodium Houtmaat -­‐ Techspecs Stage size: 8 x 8 meters, NO side stage, height: 1.5 meters Clearance 8 meters Power Supply: Backline power 230V Risers: No risers available House PA specs: PA; each side: 4x dB Technologies T4 (active) 2x dB Technologies Sub18D (active) Processing: No external processing Multicore: DiGiCo MADI-­‐rack (I/O à 56/16) FOH Desk: DiGiCo D1 Equaliser: -­‐
DiGiCo internal BSS FCS 966 Opal (in overleg) Effects: -­‐
Roland 3030 (in overleg) DiGiCo D1 à internal FX Inserts: DiGiCo D1 à internal FX Player: DAP DS-­‐610 (USB/CD-­‐player) Monitor desk: DiGiCo D1 à FOH and MON through same desk (placed at FOH) EQ: DiGiCo D1 à internal 31-­‐band graphic EQ’s Wedges: 4x EV TX-­‐1122FM No drum and side fills Amps: 2x QSC GX-­‐5 (700W) Microphones: 2x 5x 2x 2x 6x 2x 6x 6x Shure Beta 52A Shure SM-­‐57 Shure Beta 57A Shure Beta 98A H/C Shure SM-­‐58 Sennheiser e-­‐906 Sennheiser e-­‐904 Rode NT-­‐5 Mic stands 12x K&M 21090 (groot, met hengel) 8x K&M 25900 (groot, met hengel) DI’s: 8x Klark Teknik DN-­‐100 Lighting No lighting equipement available Truss/rigging No truss/rigging equipement available