DECLARATION u n d e n a kteh a tl s h a l u t l l r s rey v s l o n l y r o Í l h e p u e o s eo Í w h i . h V s a h a s b e e nê p p i € d , : n d . rdrc lry ro erre.o Íy staj !o. à r orhe,puÍp6e | àlsodela'e:hal I am presefl n Nelherlands on the dale of @king this appli€tionand that all lhe infomationqrvêi accuraleandcomolête lundèBland thêt rry visa appliÉlionis bêing handledthroughBLSIntenaíonalSeNic6 BV p Í o v i d e Íi s. N e l h ê Í l a n d sa p p o i n t ebdy T h ê E m b a s s y o r I n d i a , T h e H á g u è . l a m setoice awaGthatlrieqÍantoÍÍetusalolvisais allhe soled scretionolThe Efrbassy ol Ind a andBLS s not rêsponsibêlor lhe sameor toÍ any dêlayin the Íecelploí the visa Tnê pÍocessng otyour êppli@bonincud'ng p@sng hme is subjecl to thê pÍocenurcsafd trescalês of Íle Embassy of Ind a oveÍ wh'chBLShas no control.lhêrêby agÍeê to lhêTeÍre and Corditons ncludng DisclameÍánd BLS 0átá PÍotectionPolicyat lhê dále o1 my áppliÈton{doMloadsble lÍom lrllprwwwblsnda-nl.on, I amepl thalapplcálionlèês aÍê not Íefundêbeand aíê pêFbrê êvèn ll á visa is nol gÍanled.I a@pl that BLs limitsils liabiliryfor rephe|Bl of osr passponsoÍ otherràvèl docurên ts lam ÍêsponsbleíoÍ the accurácyof my appli€ton form ánd I ac.êpr Ihat laLS chêcksmy appri@tron ibÍÍ4 itdoês not guaranieelfr.t it winnnd any eío6 and dóesnol veÍifyiníoímalonI have pÍovded lêccepl lhal BLs excrudesê | otheÍ liabirrly in €laliof io my appli€lbn and ádviceof InfoÍ@i@ gtuenlo me ,ncludlng for beách ot @naad or lacknowlêdge and agÍee hat my appi@lion and ássocialêddata wil bê pÍocèssedin êccordan.ê $ith Dêta PÍolection Policy (doMloadable iiom lhê BLs http://ww!vbsndia.nl6m)andt)êlmydalamybêpro.6sedbyanaflilaledómpanyurrch frày be a pan ol he BLS gÍoupol companiesor a sub{onlíactoÍloÍBLS afd thal such pÍ@ssing roy iake place n Indiá bol subjectlo the sêmestandardsasapply nNethe ênds lnport ntNotê: SuppÍessionoí Íacts oí furnshing nislealing/falsêinfordalionwil Íêsult n dêniêlor visáwthout assgningany Íêàson Visá têe oncêt€ndêrêds noniêtundábleand subl{t lo changewllhoutnoticê aÍier ÍêceiptoÍ vsá ensu@nare spelina6.pas3portnumbe.,lypeand vadily visà rs sivendEdt Vsa s vaid í@m dalê of ssue li is advisablelo mke lÍave amnqeftnts aÍer obtainng aFpropnate visa. PLACÊ & DATÊ Signsrurêor !hê Appicanl
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