ストレンジネスとエキゾティクス・理論の課題 March 1-3 2007 Toba A search for deeply bound kaonic nuclear states by in-flight 3He(K-,n) reaction Hiroaki Ohnishi RIKEN For the J-PARC E15 collaboration A search for deeply bound kaonic nuclear states Goal for the experiment J-PARC E15 To answering the basic question : whether the deeply bound state really exists? Direct production of K-pp cluster via 3He(K-,n) reaction K- 3He reaction Decay? ??? K-pp cluster neutron Possible K-pp decay mode 2370 MeV 2275 MeV 2267 MeV K-pp p+S-p p-S+p fit region Phys. Rev. Lett. 94 , 212303 (2005) FINUDA Dominant Decay mode = YN 2054 MeV cluster B.E. = 115 MeV L p decay mode p L p2131 MeV K-pp S0 p p Lp Invariant mass reconstruction S0 p decay mode g p p- L p Formation of K-pp via 3He(K-,n) reaction 3He K- reaction Only charged particles in final state L pp K-pp cluster neutron decay p This mode allows us to investigate K-pp cluster with both missing mass and invariant mass spectroscopy Detector concept • Missing mass spectroscopy with forward going neutron K- beam momentum used 1 GeV/c for the experiment In the case, if B.E. = 100 MeV ( FINUDA case) Momentum of outgoing neutron will be 1.3 GeV • Bound state tagging with the measurement of decay product – Good charged particle detection efficiency – Good charged particle momentum resolution L reconstruction will be crucial for this measurement E15 Detector Experiment will be performed at K1.8BR beam line. Neutron counter Cylindrical detector system GEANT4 detector simulation Proton Proton K- p- B.E. = 100 MeV Expected detector performance L p decay mode p L pp • Expected decay mode for K-pp S0 p decay mode g p p- L p ∑ channel Λ channel – K-pp ➾ Λp ➾ pπ-p – K-pp ➾ S0p ➾ gΛp ➾ g pπ-p • Assume GK-pp= 60 MeV Invariant mass of Λp (MeV) Possible K-pp decay mode(2) Back to the beginning 2370 MeV K-pp Akaishi-Yamazaki prediction based on L(1405) as KN bound state In this case, K-pp can be decay to 2275 MeV 2267 MeV pS mode p+S-p p-S+p p 0 S0 p Hyperon production p+S0n Y.Akaishi & T.Yamazaki, PLB 535(2002) 70. 2131 MeV S0 p p +S -p p 0 S +p p -S +p YN mode S0 p + Lp Question 1) Can we identify K-pp bound state only from missing mass? 2) How to tag formation of K-pp bound state via decay product? 2054 MeV Lp BR( K-pp → pSp) = ??? BR( K-pp → YN) Concerning on the decay mode of K-pp →pSp K-pp decay mode pS mode p 0 S0 p p-S+p p- p+n p p +S 0 n p +S - p p0S+p p -S + p n from S decay p n p- n from S decay p+ p- n proton cannot escape from target p+ • Can we use p+p- from target region as a tag of pS decay ? Still need to investigate Summary • J-PARC E15 experiment – Search for simplest deeply bound kaonic nuclear state, K-pp bound state via 3He(K-,n) reaction • Detector construction is in progress • Experiment will be ready before Dec. 2008 L p decay modeΛ p L p- p- p S0 p decay mode K-pp state g p σ(MeV) σ(MeV) Expected detector performance L p Λ momentum (MeV/c) • Expected decay mode for K-pp momentum (MeV/c) ∑ channel Λ channel – K-pp ➾ Λp ➾ pπ-p – K-pp ➾ S0p ➾ gΛp ➾ g pπ-p • Assume GK-pp= 60 MeV Invariant mass of Λp (MeV)
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