スライド 1

埼玉医科大学腎臓内科 岡田浩一
E. Needham: Management of Acute Renal Failure
Am Family Physician 72:1739-1746, 2005
BUN to Cr ratio
Urine specific gravity
Urine osmolality
Urine Na concentration
Urine sediment
Prerenal <1%,
Prerenal >20:1
Prerenal >1.020
Prerenal >500
Prerenal < 10
Prerenal Hyaline cast
Intrarenal >1%
Intrarenal 10 to 20:1
Intrarenal 1.010 to 1.020
Intrarenal 300 to 500
Intrarenal >20
Intrarenal Granular cast