Approach to the High Density State of QCD S. Muroya Tokuyama Women’s College Contents • • • • • • Introduction Finite Density QCD in Naraの話題 理論から予想される相図 格子シミュレーションの現状 実験に寄せる期待 まとめ 物理学最前線 “クォークマター” 宮村修 1986 物理学最前線 “クォークマター” 宮村修 物理学最前線 “クォークマター” 宮村修 Program July 10 (Thu) 15:50 - 17:40 Afternoon Session 3 (Poster) 9:15 - 9:25 Opening 15:50-16:45 Five minutes presentation (11 posters) 9:25-10:40 Morning Session 1 (general overview) Mark 9:25-10:10 Alford 10:10-10:40 Teiji Kunihiro Dense quark matter in nature (incld. Review) 45min Some recent topics on possible chiral restoration in a nuclear medium (incld. Review) 30min 11:00-12:20 Morning Session 2 (Lattice, Review and 2-color QCD at finite density, simulations) Maria-Paola Lombardo 11:40-12:20 Donald Sinclair Lattice QCD at finite density - Primer (incld. Review) 40min Finite density lattice gauge theories with positive fermion determinants 40min Improved Schwinger-Dyson approach to pairing phenomena and QCD phase diagram Satoshi Takagi Phase Structure of Hot and/or Dense QCD in the Schwinger-Dyson Approach 13:50 - 14:40 Afternoon Session 1 (2-color QCD at finite density, simulations) Higher order calculation for CFL gap prefactor Daiji Kimura NJL Model at Finite Chemical Potential in a Constant Magnetic Field Yusuke Nishida Thermodynamics of strong coupling 2-color QCD with chiral and diquark condensates Slavo Kratochvila Hideko Nagahiro Minoru Biyajima 13:50-14:15 Shin Muroya 14:15-14:40 Jonivar Skullerud Color SU(2) Lattice QCD High Density State 25min Lattice simulations of 2-colour QCD with Wilson fermions 25min Latent heat in the chiral phase transition Chaejun Song Artan Borici 12:20 - 13:50 Lunch Pseudogap of color superconductivity Hiroaki Abuki Masaharu Iwasaki 10:40-11:00 Coffee Break 20min 11:00-11:40 Masakiyo Kitazawa QCD at zero baryon density Global Monte Carlo for light quarks $\eta$ mesic nuclei in chiral models Description of $\eta$-distributions at RHIC energies in terms of a stochastic model 16:45-17:45 Poster presentation 19:00 - 21:00 Banquet 14:40 - 15:30 Afternoon Session 2 (NJL models at finite T and mu) 14:40-15:05 Costas Strouthos The 3d NJL model at nonzero temperature and density 25min 15:05-15:30 David N Walters A BCS Gap on the lattice 25min 15:30 - 15:50 Coffee Break July 11 (Fri) July 12 (Sat) 9:15 - 10:55 Moring Session 1 (3-color QCD on the lattice, simulations) Zoltan FINITE T/MU LATTICE QCD AND THE CRITICAL POINT 9:15- 9:55 Fodor 40min 9:15 - 10:55 Morning Session 1 (Analytic approaches) Kenji Toward understanding recent lattice results from the 9:15- 9:55 Fukushima strong coupling expansion 40min 9:55-10:25 Sandor Katz THE QCD EQUATION OF STATE AT FINITE T/MU ON THE LATTICE 30min Study of QCD thermodynamics at finite density by Taylor expansion 25min 10:50 - 11:10 Coffee Break 11:10 - 12:20 Morning Session 2 (3-color QCD on the lattice, simulations, continued) Lattice QCD at non-zero chemical potential and t he 11:10-11:50 Frithjof Karsch resonance gas model 40min 10:25-10:50 Shinji Ejiri Philippe de The phase diagram of three-flavor QCD for small 11:50-12:20 Forcrand baryon densities 30min 12:20 - 13:50 Lunch 13:50 - 15:30 Afternoon Session 1 (QCD phase structure: analytic approaches) Misha QCD phase diagram and the critical point (incld. 13:50-14:35 Stephanov Review) 45min 14:35-15:00 Hirotsugu Fujii Soft Modes at the Critical End Point in the Chiral Effective Models 25min Masayasu Vector Manifestation in Dense Matter 30min Harada 15:30 - 15:50 Coffee Break 15:50 - 17:20 Afternoon Session 2 (various phases in high density matter, models) Meson Condensations in High Density Matter (Review) 15:50-16:30 Takumi Muto 40min 9:55-10:25 10:25-10:55 Kei Iida Toshitaka Tatsumi 16:55-17:20 Aiichi Iwazaki Ferromagnetism and superconductivity in quark matter 25min Color Ferromagnetism and Quantum Hall St ates in Quark Matter 25min 18:30 - 19:30 Public Lecture Petersson at National Nara Museum Dimensional Reduction 30min Ginzburg-Landau approach to color superconductivity 30min 10:55-11:15 Coffee Break 11:15 - 12:45 Morning Session 2 (effective theory and color superconfuctivity) Deog-Ki 11:15-11:45 High Density Effective Theory of QCD 30min Hong 11:45-12:15 Stephen Hsu Positivty and Dense Matter 30min Motoi Neutrino processes in the $K^0$ condensed phase of Tachibana color flavor locked quark matter 30min 12:45 - 14:15 Lunch 14:15 - 16:05 Afternoon Session 1 (Finite T and mu, simulations) Peter Comparing reweighting approaches to lattice QCD at 14:15-14:40 Crompton finite baryondensities 25min 12:15-12:45 14:40-15:10 Sourendu Gupta Stepping off the wall--- Taylor expansions in the chemical potential 30min 15:10-15:40 Tetsuya Takaishi Hadronic property at finite density -- results from QCD-TARO projects -- 30min 15:00-15:30 16:30-16:55 Bengt Petersson Olaf Heavy quark free energies, potentials and the Kaczmarek renormalizedPolyakov Loop 25min 16:05 - 16:25 Coffee Break 16:25 - 17:50 Afternoon Session 2 (new directions) Jun 16:25-16:55 A new Monte Carlo method for finite density QCD 30min Nishimura 15:40-16:05 16:55-17:25 17:25-17:50 Harald Markum Quantum Chaos in Supersymmetric QCD at Finite Density 30 min summary/closing 講演数42 SU(3) 12 SU(2) 2 QCD Lattice MC 理論計算 モデル・アルゴリスム 6 Lattice 2 QCD 8 NJL 6 New Picture 6 20 22 お土産のマグカップの シンボルマーク by 湯川先生 将来の会議で シンボルマークに 使われるであろう 初田さんの 書 バンケットの主役 中村さんの パンフルート Closing by Pierre van Baal 最近の標準的な相図 Big bang Universe T QGP RHIC Critical end point? GSI, J-PARC hadron csb 2CS csymmetry restore? CFL csb m 2nd (20,146) 147MeV 2nd 1st =325MeV S. Takaki, PTP 109 (03)233 臨界点付近での揺らぎが見えるか? 流体モデル を通じて実験と比較 (Asakawa and Nonaka) Does Chiral symmetry restore ? (m_s vs m) Big bang Universe T QGP RHIC Critical end point? GSI, J-PARC hadron csb 2CScs csymmetry restore? CFL csb m Hiroaki Abuki : hep-ph/0306074 m_c =325 MeV by Takaki •Schwinger-Dyson eq, + CJT effective potential •Improved Ladder Does Chiral symmetry restore ? (m_s vs m) Big bang Universe T QGP RHIC Critical end point? GSI, J-PARC hadron csb 2CS ? CFL csb c-symmetry never restore? m Approach to high density state of the Lattice QCD • Reweighting method – Fodor & Katz – Grasgow • • • • Taylor expansion Imaginary Chemical Potential Density of the state Positive Measure model Chemical Potential on a Lattice • Introducing the chemical potential on a lattice (Wilson fermion) Tre - ( H - mN ) DUD D e - ( SG S F ) U m ( x) e iAm ( x ) S F W , W 1 - (1 - m )U m ( x) x ', x m (1 m )U m ( x) x ', x - m 4 m 1 :hopping parameter P4 P4 - im 3 quark mass W 1 - (1 - i )U i ( x) x ', x iˆ (1 i )U i ( x) x ', x -iˆ i 1 W 5W 5 - e ma (1 - 4 )U 4 ( x) x ', x4ˆ e-ma (1 4 )U 4 ( x' ) x ', x-4ˆ det W : complex • Phase (sign) problem 1 1 O DUD DO e - SG - S F DU O det W e -SG Z Z i det W det W e e i e -V Fodor-Katz, JHEP03(2002)014 TE 160 3.5 MeV , mE 725 35 MeV Standard gauge + Staggered fermion NF 2 1 mu,d 0.025, ms 0.2 Ns3 4, Ns 4, 6, 8 Reweighting 1 -Sg ( ) O DU det M ( ) e O Z 1 - S g ( 0 ) S g ( 0 ) - S g ( ) det M ( ) DU e det M ( 0 ) e O Z det M ( 0 ) Fodor and Katz Multi-reweighting method ( 0 ) ( ) ( , m, m ) ( 0 ) ( ) Taylor expansion at high T and low m • Allton et al. (Bielefeld-Swansea) hep-lat/0204010 Improved action + Improved staggered fermion 170 MeV N F 2, mq 0.1, 0.2 163 4 ma=0.29 Imaginary Chemical Potential deForcrand and Philipsen NPB642(02)290; hep-lat/0307020 D’Elia and Lombardo Phys.Rev. D67 (2003) 014505 At small m log Z (m ) a0 a2 m 2 a4 m 4 O(m 6 ) det M : complex mI 3 m I Im m log Z ( m I ) a0 - a2 m I a4 m I O( m I ) 2 det M : real Z(3) symmetry Im m -i Re m C (am I ) c0 c1 (am I ) 2 m I Im m Standard gauge N F 2, mq 0.025 3 3 + Staggered fermion 8 4, 6 4 4 6 Allton et al. Fodor-Katz Consistent !? YES deForcrand-Philipsen D’Elia and Lombardo Models free from Sing Problem • Effective theory • Finite Isospin mu -md det W ( m ) det W (- m ) det W ( m ) det W (-m ) det W (m )*, Um* 2Um2 • Two-color QCD 3 Pseudo-Real W ( x, x' ; m )* 2 x , x ' - (1 - *i )U i ( x) x ', x iˆ (1 *i )U i ( x' ) x ', x -iˆ i 1 ) ) - e ma 1 - *4 U 4 x ) x ', x 4ˆ e - ma 1 *4 U 4 x') x ', x -4ˆ 2 2W ( x, x' ; m* ) 2 {det W ( x, x' ; m )}* det W ( x, x' ; m* ) det W(x, x' ; 'm ) detW:real Monte Carlo Calculation Works Well ! 2 Color SU(2) r at Finite Density 3 4 X8 , 0.160 mu = 0.0 mu=0.1 mu=0.2 mu=0.3 100 mu=0.4 mu=0.5 mu=0.6 mu=0.7 10 mu=0.8 mu=0.9 Pi Kapp=160 (periodi c) 100 10 G(nt) G(nt ) 1 0.1 mu=0.0 mu=0.1 mu=0.2 mu=0.3 mu=0.4 mu=0.5 mu=0.6 mu=0.7 mu=0.8 mu=0.9 RHO K160( periodic) r 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 0.01 0 1 2 3 4 nt 5 6 7 8 0 1 2 3 4 5 nt Clear evidence of r meson mass decrease at finite chemical potential ! 6 7 8 Color SU(2) r at Finite Chemical Potential Peculiar behavior of a vector meson at finite density =0.160 a =0.175 Mass of r becomes small ! Remind us of the CERES Experiment a Sinclare and Kogut, condensation with m_I diquark condensation in colorSU(2) Talk by Fukushima. Strong coupling expansion works well to investigate Lattice results Where exists a high density state? • Quark star ? • Compact star … etc Something new cosmological object? • Collision experiment – CERES/NA45 Pb-Au 40GeV/A spectrum change is clearer than 200GeV/A – GSI or J-PARC 50 GeV/A Hydro-dynamical model by Morita and Muroya Single-Particle Distributions Output RHIC 200Gev/A • Input Parameters E0max = 6.9 GeV/fm3 (T0=238 MeV) <Eini> = 4.5 GeV/fm3 nB0 = 0.31 fm-3 h0+h = 2.7 Tf = 130 MeV 17.8 GeV/A SPS Pb+Pb 5.74 GeV/fm3 3.7 GeV/fm3 0.70 fm-3 1.09 Ef = 70 MeV/fm3 (<Tf> = 123 MeV) • Output Total Energy = 37420 GeV (95%) Net Baryon Number = 256 <mB> = 110 MeV <vT> (|h|<0.1) = 0.486 3267 GeV (92%) 305 280.2 MeV 0.467 Hydro-dynamical model by Morita and Muroya 高密度QCD •複雑な相構造 •Strange quark mass の違い 異なった Symmetry breaking pattern • model の入れ方が重要 Tatsumi, Iwasaki et al,, , もっといろいろな可能性も •Lattice simulation for small m seems to work enough •Future experiments at GSI and/or JPARC に期待しみんなで応援しましょう RHIC Muroya, Nakamura, Nonaka and Takaishi : hep-lat/0306031 JPARC Thomas Schafer, hep-ph/0304281 Ferro-Mgn.? Q-Hall st ?
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