IWV-10, Mumbai, India, Jan 9-15, 2005 Nano-scale friction kinetic friction of solids of Magnetic flux quanta and Charge-density - a new route to microscopic understanding of friction - Dep. Basic Science, Univ. Tokyo, Japan Frontier Research System, RIKEN A. MAEDA Y. INOUE H. KITANO T. UMETSU S. SAVELEV F. NORI CRIEPI I. TSUKADA JAERI S. OKAYASU Outline 1) background: problems in physics of friction dynamics of driven vortices of superconductors and CDW 2) purpose of this research 3) experimental 4) kinetic friction as a function of velocity 5) theoretical understanding 6) effect of irradiation of columnar defects 7) comparison of vortex result with CDW systems 8) further discussion 9) conclusion Physics of friction ・physics not well understood ・importance in application and control static friction ・・・ rather understood (adhesion mechanism) kinetic friction ・・・ collapse of Amontons-Coulomb’s law friction friction FC Fk depends on velocity at low velocities Fc Fk FC FC driving force 0 static moving Amontons-Coulomb’s friction Massive blocks driving force 0 static moving friction in reality・・・ Problems on kinetic friction Amontons-Coulombs’ Law (1) Friction is independent of apparent contact area. (2) Friction is proportional to normal component of reaction. (3) Kinetic friction Fk, (> static friction), is independent of velocity. ・finite Fk even for zero normal reaction Not always valid ・(3) is invalid at low velocities (velocity dependent) larger velocity dependence for clean surfaces ・any relationship between Fk and Fs? scaling law between Fk and Fs (thick paper: Heslot (1994)) d (v) S (t D0 / v) universal property? Good model systems are necessary, with which systematic experiment is available in a repeated manner H. Matsukawa and H. Fukuyama: PRB 49, 17286 (1994) Microscopic formulation of friction ←a displacement of upper atom i: ui , mass ←b displacement of lower atom j vj , mass ma ui ma ra (ui ui i ) Fa (ui u j ) FI ja jb (i , j ) mb vi mb rb ( vi vi i ) Fb ( v i v j ) FI jb ja dissipation from a representative DF to others steady state summing up for all atoms time averaged ma mb eq. motion for an upper atom i (ui v j ) Fex FG (i , j ) ( v i u j ) FS ( v j ) FG eq. motion for a lower atom i FI // (ui v j ) t Na Fex ia jb t friction: sum of interatomic (pinning) forces 1 D model for clean surfaces numerical solution for the above equation ・clean surface finite Fk even for zero Fs ・disordered surface less velocity dependent similar to Amontons-Coulomb’s law Fk as a function of velocity clean surface (normal) dirty surface Model systems for friction study in quantum condensate in solids Charge-density wave (CDW) 1D T Tc m ui m ui F (ui u j ) Fp (ui ) Fex (i ) i, j i Fex eE ui : displacement of i-th electron in the CDW ・ j e ui m: mass of the i-th electron Fp: pinning force for i-th electron i 2D Vortex lattice of superconductor (m ui ) ui F (ui u j ) Fp (ui ) Fex (i ) i, j i Fex 0 j ・ E 0 ui i B 0 h 2e ui : displacement of i-th vortex in the lattice m: mass of the i-th vortex in the lattice Fp: pinning force for i-th vortex Driven vortices of superconductor (a) many internal degrees of freedom (b) nonlinearity (c) random pinning (d) finite threshold friction (critical current density Jc) (e) finite kinetic friction in moving state (flux flow) E many advantages ・change various parameter continuously and repeatedly in a reproducible manner ・ no sample degradation (no wear) ・comparison with CDW (1 dim) discuss friction and dimension ・potentially, a good model system of friction study ・expect understanding of kinetic friction in a microscopic level ・bridge friction in macroscopic scale and microscopic scale energy dissipation Jc J Expressing solid-solid friction in terms of vortex motion necessary to make correspondence with theory Fk P u J 0 hu ρ J 0 1 ρ (ω ) 0: flux quantum J: current density r: resistivity ρ (ω ) B 0 η viscous force η<v> kinetic friction FFRIC (pinning force) Driving force J ×Φ0 direction of vortex motion Flux flow resistivity I -V measurement and viscosity ,h , measurement can deduce kinetic friction Sliding charge-density waves (CDWs) kinetic friction (E) Fk eE 1 e electronic charge E driving electric field for CDW (E) conductivity at electric field E conductivity in the infinite field limit I-V measurement and measurement can deduce kinetic friction Purpose of research microscopic understanding of solid-solid friction using driven vortices of high-Tc superconductor as a model system (1) measure kinetic friction in quantum condensates effect of disorder compare with other quantum condensate : CDW (2) theory : numerical simulation and analytical formula (3) Comparison between the experiments and the theory re-investigate dynamics of vortices of superconductors in terms of physics of friction and vice versa # dc14・・・pristine # dc 6 ・・・irradiated by ion (S. Okayasu (JAERI)) Tc=31 K Tc=30 K dc-6 ( B = 3 T) dc-14 (unirradiated) 600 400 200 cm) achieve high current densities (velocities) 800 200 Resistivity ( (1) thin films (PLD) (I. Tsukada (CRIEPI)) cm) Cuprate superconductor : La2-xSrxCuO4 (x=0.16) Resistivity ( Samples 100 0 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 200 300 10-3 Resistivity ( cm) BΦ=3T columnar defects for viscosity measurement by microwave technique 50 Temperature (K) 200 MeV Iodine (2) bulk crystal (FZ method) 100 Temperature (K) 0 0 compare Fk among samples with different pinning dc-8 ( B = 0.3 T) dc-6 ( B = 3 T) dc-14 (unirradiated) 150 10-4 dc14 10-5 5T -6 10 4T -7 10 0T 3T 2T -8 10 1T 0.3T -9 10 15 18 21 24 27 Temperature (K) 30 33 Vortex viscosity and electronic structure of QP in the core h* 0.2 n h* ~ 1×10-7 Ns/m2 (4.5K) LSCO (x=0.15) h* (moderately clean) E 0.2 core GL E moderately clean nature rather generic in HTSC (doping, material) 1E-7 1E-8 h ( Ns / m2) 1E-6 1E-9 0.0 LSC 2 GHz LSC 19 GHz YBC 19 GHz BSCCO 19 GHz 0.2 0.4 T. Umetsu et al unpublished. Y.Tuchiya et al PRB 63 184517 (2001). 0.6 T / Tc 0.8 1.0 A.Maeda et al Physica C 362 (2001) 127-134 Resistivity (W cm) LSCO films Resistivity (W cm) I-V measured with using short pulses 10-3 10-4 27 K 10-5 10-7 10-8 10 10 -3 1 10 10-4 10-4 2 10 10 3 10-6 10-7 10-8 unirradiated 4 10 5 10 21 K 10-9 1 10 10 10-3 6 10-4 10-5 10-5 10-6 10-6 10-7 10-7 10-8 10-8 10-9 1 10 2 10 10 3 24 K 10-5 5T 4T 3T 2T 1T 0.3T 3T irradiated 10-6 -9 10-3 4 10 2 J (A/cm ) stronger pinning at low temperatures in irradiated samples 5 10 103 104 105 106 103 104 2 105 106 18 K 10-9 1 10 10 6 102 102 J (A/cm ) effect of irradiation Kinetic Friction (10-6 N/m) (up to ~1 km/s) 1) Fk changes with B and T in a reproducible manner good as a model system similar to “clean surface” 3) Fk saturates and decreases Kinetic Friction (10-6 N/m) 2) very much different from the Amontons-Coulomb behavior 8 dc14 ( B = 0 T ) existence of a peak in Fk(v) 4) smaller Fk in irradiated samples inconsistent with the behavior at low velocities ? Data points with crosses denote pulsed measurements 24 K 8 6 6 4 4 2 0 0.0 Kinetic Friction (10-6 N/m) Fk (v) 12 0.3 T 1T 2T 3T 4T 5T 0.5 1.0 Vortex Velocity (km/s) 1.5 2 0 0.0 12 21 K 10 10 8 8 6 6 4 4 2 2 0 0.0 20 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Vortex Velocity (km/s) 0 1.0 0.0 18 K 20 15 10 10 5 5 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 Vortex Velocity (km/s) pristine 24 K 0.3 T 1T 2T 3T 4T 5T 0.5 1.0 Vortex Velocity (km/s) 1.5 21 K 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Vortex Velocity (km/s) 1.0 18 K 15 0 0.0 dc6 ( B = 3 T ) 0 0.5 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 Vortex Velocity (km/s) 3T irradiated 0.5 Minimal model to explain the data : overdamped equation of motion S. Savel’ev and F. Nori h xi xi U ( xi ) W ( xi x j ) Fd 2kBT (t ) i xi h : position of vortices U ( xi ) : substrate pinning potential : viscosity of vortices W ( xi x j ) : inter-vortex interaction Fd : driving force (t ) T : thermal random force : temperature Numerical simulation for 1D vortex array at finite temperatures S. Savel’ev and F. Nori 2 Q a peak Resistivity (W cm) Resistivity (W cm) LSCO films 10 -3 10 -4 10 -5 10 -6 10 -7 10 -8 10 -9 27K 24K 21K 18K 4T 1 10 10 -3 10 -4 10 -5 10 -6 10 2 10 3 10 4 10 5 10 6 -7 10 -8 10 -9 -3 10 -4 10 -5 10 -6 10 -7 10 -8 10 -9 27K 24K 21K 10 18K 3T 1 10 2 10 3 10 4 5 10 6 10 -3 10 -4 10 27K -5 10 3T irradiated 21K -6 10 24K 10 10 18K 27K -7 10 unirradiated 21K 2T 1 10 10 -8 10 18K 2 10 3 10 4 10 5 24K 1T -9 10 6 10 10 J (A/cm2) Pinning did not increase R below H = 1 T 1 10 2 10 3 4 10 5 10 6 10 J (A/cm2) matching effect (B=3T)? 101 4T 100 18 K 21 K -1 10 -2 10 LSCO (x=0.15) film dc14 ( unirradiated) dc6 ( 3T irradiated) 24 K 10-3 10-2 10-1 Vortex Velocity (km/s) 100 kinetic friction (10-6 N/m) kinetic friction (10-6 N/m) “Inversion” of kinetic friction at intermediate velocities! 101 3T 18 K 100 21 K -1 10 10-3 friction sample with strong pinning higher static friction lower kinetic friction more gradual dependence on v LSCO (x=0.15) film dc14 ( 0T irradiated) dc6 ( 3T irradiated) 24 K 10-2 10-1 Vortex Velocity (km/s) pristine 3Tirradiated velocity 100 S. Savel’ev and F. Nori Analytical formula Solution of Fokker-Planck equation ( Fd 4Q / ) h ( Fd k BT (T )) 2 v( Fd , T , Q, ) 2 2 k BTFd (T ) 4Q 2 / Fk ( Fd , T , Q, ) Fd k BT (T ) Fd driving forrce Q potential height typical length scale of the potential h viscosity 16Q2 cosh(Fd / 2k BT ) cosh(Q / kBT ) (T ) 2 (4Q2 Fd 2 ) sinh(Fd / 2k BT ) ・similar Fk(v) behavior as the experimental data ・maximum Fk around at a velocity v satisfying Q/l~hv A peak in the kinetic friction Fk(v) velocity at the peak jc vp jc 0 h S. Savel’ev and F. Nori 106 A/cm2 0 2.07 107 gauss•cm2 h 107 Ns/m vp 2 102 m/s in good agreement with experiment Potential energy plays an important role for Fk(v). Estimate Q and l by a collective pinning theory G. Blatter et al. Rev. Mod. Phys. 66 (1994) 1125. pristine Q Hc12/3 Hc 4/3 2 irradiated Q Hc 2 2 rp rp 130 A effective radius of columnar defects crossover field gives Hc rp H c1 good agreement ! 2/3 5 100 A Vortex lattice in SC vs CDW using data in A. Maeda et al. JPSJ 59 (1990) 234. 100 10 101 unirradiated 1T 2T 3T 4T 5T 3T irradiated 2 3 4 5 T T T T Fkin/Fsmax kinetic friction (10-6 N/m) 2 100 LSCO(x=0.15) film T = 18 K 10-1 4 10 105 106 2 J (A/cm ) vortex lattice of SC (2D) NbSe3 #305 10 30 K 1 0.1 52 K 58 K 1 35 K 47 K 56 K 42 K 57 K 10 100 E/ET CDW (1D) similar behavior despite the difference of dimensionality of collective motion Thermal effect smears out the difference in dimension ? Effect of dimension and disorder (T=0 K result) 1D-CDW 2D F-K model T. Kawaguchi and H. Matsukawa: PRB 61 (2000) R16346. H. Matsukawa: JPSJ 57 (1988) 3463. Fk(v) largely dependent on dimension and disorder Physical origin of the peak Q / h Fd Fk kinetic static changing parameters change transition between static and kinetic regime v broaden the transition increasing magnetic field increasing temperature decreasing system size (macro to micro) N strongly coupled system collective coordinate xmacro new stochastic variable xi i N macro i effective temperature T Teff 3 L Teff i N T N (L : system size) Conclusion discuss kinetic friction by investigating dynamics of VL in high-Tc SC and CDW reproducible control of “interaction between interfaces”by B, T etc promising : vortices of high-Tc superconductors, CDWs as good model systems for investigating physics of friction theoretical understanding by a simple overdamped model numerical simulation, analytical results reproduce almost all the experimental behavior : the peak, defect dependence The peak is a broadened transition between Fs and Fk (a) explain the roundness of the crossing of Fs and Fk (b) provide a link between microscopic and macroscopic friction Future perspective ・systematic investigation of size effect ・waiting time dependence ・scaling between Fs and Fk ? New concepts proposed in driven vortex system plasticity static channels dynamic reordering etc. Dynamic Phase diagram of driven vortices P. Le Doussal & T. Giamarchi, PRB 57, 11356 (1998). C. J. Olson et al., PRL 81, 3757 (1998).
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