Special Support Education in Japan Center for Research on International Cooperation in Educational Development University of Tsukuba, Japan School System in Japan Compulsory Education Special Support Education System in Japan (Compulsory Education - 6 to15 years) A total of children with and without disability ; 10,860,000 Profound Special Support Education Schools Blind Deaf Intellectual disabilities Physical/Motor disabilities Health impairments 0.52% (approximately 56,000) 1.86% Elementary and lower secondary schools Special Classes (Children Severity of Disability Visual impairments Hard of hearing Intellectual disabilities Physical/Motor disabilities (approximately 200,000) with disabilities are registered in special units.) 0.96% Health impairments (approximately 105,000) Speech and language disorders Emotional disturbance Regular Classes Resource Rooms (Children with disabilities are registered in regular class rooms.) Low vision Hard of hearing Autism (approximately 41,000) Physical/Motor disabilities Emotional disturbance Health impairments Speech and language disorders LD ADHD 0.38% LD・ ADHD・ HF (high function autism) etc. However, according to the survey of the teachers, there might be approximately Mild 680,000 (6.3%) children with LD, ADHD and HF in classrooms (MEXT, 2002). From Special Education to Special Support Education Special School (0.46%) *1 School for the blind (0.01%) School for the deaf (0.03% ) School for the otherwise disabled*2 (0.42%) Establishment the schools meeting individual needs beyond classification Special Support Schools *1;( ) Enrolled children *2 ;School for - the intellectual disabilities - the Physical/motor disabilities - Health Impairments New functions of special schools as local special education centers Cooperation welfare Special Supportive School Medication Labor University Special Support School Nursery Elementary school Lower secondary school Kindergarten Upper secondary school Support 600 543 Number of school 500 400 300 197 200 104 91 100 71 0 School for children with intellectual disabilities School for children with physical/motor disabilities School for the deaf School for children with health impairments School for the blind Type of schools Number of Special Schools (May 2006) Trends in Number of Special Schools 1200 1000 number of schools Blind Deaf 800 Intelectual disabilities Physical disabilities 600 Health impairments Total 400 200 0 1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 year Number of Enrolled Children in Special Schools (May 2006) 80000 70000 Upper Secondary dept. Lower Secondary dept. Elementary dept. Kindergarten dept. Number of children 60000 50000 40000 30000 20000 10000 0 School for children with intellectual disabilities School for children with physical/motor disabilities School for the deaf School for children with health impaimants School for the blind Type of Schools Number of Enrolled Children in Special Schools (May 2006) Total Type of schools Kindergarten dept. Elementary dept. Lower Secondary dept. Upper Secondary dept. School for the deaf 6,544 1,263 2,210 1,279 1,792 School for the blind 3,688 268 678 448 2,294 School for children with intellectual disabilities 71,453 57 20,585 16,060 34,751 School for children with physical/motor disabilities 18,717 59 7,811 4,455 6,392 School for children with health impairments 4,190 1 1,410 1,379 1,400 Total 104,592 1,648 32,694 23,621 46,629 Number of Special School Teachers and Staff (May 2006) Number of teacher and staff 50,000 45,000 40,000 7,801 staff teacher 35,000 30,000 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 38,288 3,381 14,940 5,000 1,836 4,908 0 School for children School for children with intellectual with disabilities physical/motor disabilities School for the deaf 1,758 3,323 School for the blind 722 3,598 School for children with health T ype o f impairments Sc h o o l Number of Special School Teachers with specialized license (2005) • Special School Teachers - With specialized license 33,617 (62.5%) - Without specialized license 20,140 (37.5%) (2005) Number of Schools with Special Classes (May 2005) Elementary schools Total of schools with special schools Lower secondary schools Total 14,004 6,532 20,536 National 8 8 16 Pabulic 13,995 6,523 20,518 Privete 1 1 2 Total of schools 23,123 11,035 34,158 Number of Special Classes and Students Elementary schools Type of special classes Classes Students (May 2005) Total Lower secondary schools Classes Students Classes Students 12,927 39,763 6,264 19,986 19,191 59,749 1,648 2,914 554 834 2,202 3,748 Health impairments 639 1,261 262 435 901 1,696 Visual impairments 177 221 49 74 226 295 Hard of hearing 437 821 195 337 632 1,158 Speech and language disorders 328 1,197 31 44 359 1,241 7,550 21,508 2,953 7,416 10,503 28,924 23,706 67,685 10,308 29,126 34,014 96,811 Intellectual disabilities Physical/Motor disabilities Emotional disturbance Total Number of Students using Resource Rooms Elementary schools Type of resource rooms Speech and language disorders Lower secondary schools Total Same schools 29,683 224 5,764 1,072 133 25 Hard of hearing 1,536 280 Physical/motor disabilities 4 1 14 2 37,134 95.90% 1,604 4.10% Emotional Disturbance Low vision Health impairments Total 29,907 77.20% 6,836 17.60% 158 0.40% 1,816 4.70% 5 0.01% 16 0.04% 38,738 100.00% Other schools Itinerant teaching 11,293 18,047 567 2,148 4,548 140 22 120 16 373 1,267 176 3 1 1 11 4 1 13,850 35.80% 23,987 61.90% 901 2.30% First Destination of New Graduates of Upper Secondary Dept. of Special Schools Graduates of class of 2005 Total of graduates Higher level of education Education and training institution Employee Residents of welfare/medical institutions Others Type of schools Blind 305 111(36.4%) 10(3.3%) 52(17.0%) 85(27.9%) 47(15.4%) Deaf 477 210(44%) 45(9.4%) 164(34.4%) 34(7.1%) 24(5.0%) Intellectual disabilities 9,899 78(0.8%) 294(3.0%) 2299(23.2%) 5797(58.6%) 1431(14.5%) Physical/Motor disabilities 1,981 31(1.6%) 96(4.8%) 120(6.1%) 1253(63.3%) 481(24.3%) 360 35(9.7%) 51(14.2%) 37(10.3%) 157(43.6%) 80(22.2%) 13,022 465(3.6%) 496(3.8% ) 2672(20.5%) 7326(56.3%) 2063(15.8%) Health impairments Total First Destination of New Graduates of Special Schools - Upper 15% Secondary Dept. - (2005 of March graduation) 5% 7% Higher level of education 37% 45% Education and training institution Employee 28% 34% Residents of welfare/medical institutions Other 3% 17% School for the deaf School for the blind 14% 1% 2% 5% 3% 24% 9% 10% 6% 22% 14% 23% 10% 59% School for children with intellectual disabilities 63% School for children with physical/motor disabilities 44% School for children with health impairments Employment Rates of Special School Graduate 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 year By MEXT http://www.mhlw.go.jp/bunya/shougaihoken/shingikai01/pdf/2a.pdf Number of Labors by Vocation -Special School Graduate in the Class of 2005Vocation Production worker 993 Services Wholesale and retail trade, eating and drinking places 669 300 Mining, construction or civil enginiaring worker 240 Other 173 Business or administration 86 Transport and communication 76 Agriculture, forestry and fishery 61 Specialized, technical, or management position 60 Electrictity, gas, heat supply and water Security Officer 12 3 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Number of Labors by Vocation -Special School Graduate in the Class of 2005- Vocation Production worker 993 Services 669 Wholesale and retail trade, eating and drinking places 300 Mining, construction or civil enginiaring worker 240 Other 173 Business or administration 86 Transport and communication 76 Agriculture, forestry and fishery 61 Specialized, technical, or management position 60 Electrictity, gas, heat supply and water 12 Security Officer 3 The Number of People having a Disability Handbook Intellectual disability handbook 2004 Total A(severe) 668,702 B(moderate,mild) 310,408 358,294 Physical disability handbook Total 4,672,390 Blindness/Visual Impairment 389,304 ・Hearing Impairment ・Speech and ・Disorder of vestibular language disorders function ・dysfunction of mastication 440,394 Motor disability 2004 Physiological disability 56,884 2,610,135 1,175,673 Amount of Disability Basic Pension Benefit (for the year 2007) Class 1 792,100 yen ×1.25 (82,510 yen /month)+ additional amount for child Class 2 792,100 yen /year( 66,008 yen /month)+ additional amount for child Education for the Gifted Tuition of a Cram School for Kindergartens Admission fee Tuition fee Chief of the lab. \31.500 Staff 40 min. \14.000 40 min. \7.000 60 min. \20.000 60 min. \10.000 90 min. \28.000 90 min. \14.000 Trends in Percentage of Students Attending Private Cram Schools (7, 10 and 13-year-olds) Questions in entrance examinations of Kindergartens Choose the same figures. 日本女子大 幼稚園<Same-different task> Choose figure when you opened this paper which was folded into half. 田園調布双葉幼稚園 <Reasoning> Questions in entrance examinations of elementary schools What kind of figure is there when you put two transparent cards of left ? Choose a figure from the right side. 筑波大学附属小学校 <Reasoning> Watch a right photograph. Which camera was used to take this photograph? 学習院初等科 <Reasoning> Draw a figure when you folded the left figure into the right side. 早稲田実業学校初等部 <巧緻性> Questions in entrance examinations of lower secondary schools Fig.1 Fig.2 A θ B C E D The number of students enrolling in Tokyo University, 2007 Name of gifted schools Kaisei High School Nada High School Azabu High School Type of school Private boys' school Private boys' school Private boys' school Komaba High School affiliated National boys' school to The Univ.of Tsukuba Ouin Private girls' school Tsuchiura First High School Public coeducational school (2007) Number of students 189 100 95 74 55 28 ・Special Supportive School beyond classification of disabilities ・ A role of Local Special Education center Special School (The special school which is separate type of disabilities ) Enrolled children 0.46% (0.01%) School for Blindness and Visual Impairment (0.03% ) Increase of the number of children for special education The Special Supportive School Increase of the number of children with profound disability and multiple disability School for Hearing Impairment (0.42%) School for - Intellectual Disability - Motor Disability - Health Impairment Special Supportive School 基本的な 考え方の転換 welfare Medication A change of basic Concept to special education university Special Supportive School nursery Labor kindergarten Upper secondary school Elementary school Lower secondary school Make the same form as this illustration with these plates. 桐蔭学園 幼稚園<構成>
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