Dec 8, 2006 第2回次世代光センサーに 関するワークショップ J-PARC E06 K+→π0μ+ν(Kμ3)を用いた 時間反転非保存探索実験における 新型光センサーの活用法 清水俊 大阪大学理学研究科 Transverse muon polarization K+→p0m+n decay T-odd Spurious effects from final state interaction are small. Nonzero PT is a signature of T violation. Clear channel to search for T violation. Long history of theoretical and experimental studies. (J.J. Sakurai, 1957) Experiment at KEK(E246) PT = - 0.0017 ± 0.0023(stat) ± 0.0011(syst) ( |PT | < 0.0050 : 90% C.L. ) PRD73, 72005(2006) Matrix element of K+→p0m+n decay T-violation parameter : Im(ξ) Im(ξ)≠0 PT is sensitive to scalar couplings. T-violation Theoretical aspects Standard Model contribution to PT : – Only from vertex radiative corrections and PT(SM) < 10-7 Spurious effects from final state interactions (FSI): PT(FSI) < 10-5 There is a large window for new physics beyond the SM in the region of PT = 10-3 ~ 10-5 There are theoretical models which allow sizeable PT without conflicting with other experimental constraints. Multi-Higgs doublet (3 Higgs doublet) model (MH) SUSY with s-quark mixing (SUS) SUSY with R-parity violation (SUR) KEK-12GeV PS KEK 全体図 T-violation search in KEK E246 experiment • Stopped K+ method • Large solid angle and high resolution of Toroidal Spectrometer and CsI(Tl) calorimeter side view decay end view Experimental setup Determination of PT Stopped K+ beam Double ratio measurement +PT(π0 forward) = -PT(π0 backward) PN contribution to systematic error is drastically reduced. Stopped K+ のためtargetと、 fwd/bwd π0検出器 が重要な鍵となる。 K+静止用ターゲット • K+静止崩壊用ターゲット • 直径8cmのプラスティック • 256本のシンチレーションファイバーで構成 • 読み出し:PMT(浜松H1635) • K+ 崩壊位置を特定する Pπ 測定 Using Stopped K+ measurement of Pπ, Pμ,Sμ • Pπ: CsI(Tl) calorimeter not only 2 γ but also 1 γ with high energy σ=14MeV CsI(Tl) photon detector D.V.Dementyev et al. Nucl. Instr. Method A440 (2000) 151 Segmentation Dq = Df = 7.5o Number of crystals 768 Length of crystals 25 cm (13.5 X0) Inner radius 20 cm Outer radius 50 cm Solid angle ~75%of 4p Readout PIN diode Light yield 11000 p.e./MeV Equiv. noise level 65 keV ΔE/E 12-14% at 1257 keV(22Na) σE 3% at 200MeV Pin diode使用により、 • 強磁場での利用可能 • 省スペース化 E246 result AT = (Afwd - Abwd ) / 2 Afwd(bwd) = Ncw - Nccw Ncw - Nccw PT = AT / {a <cosqT>} a : analyzing power <cosqT> : attenuation factor Imx = PT / KF KF : kinematic factor PT = - 0.0017 ± 0.0023(stat) ± 0.0011(syst) ( |PT | < 0.0050 : 90% C.L. ) Imx = - 0.0053 ± 0.0071(stat) ± 0.0036(syst) ( |Imx | <0.016 : 90% C.L. ) Statistical error dominant New experiment at J-PARC We aim at a sensitivity of dPT ~10-4 (E246-dPT ~10-3) Statistical error dPTstat ≤ 0.1 dPTstat (E246) ~10-4 with 1) × 30 of beam intensity, 2) × 10 of detector acceptance, and 3) higher analyzing power Systematic error dPTsyst ~ 0.1 dPTsyst (E246) ~10-4 by 1) precise calibration of misalignments using data 2) correction of systematic effects JPARC J-PARC 施設 Parameters of Main Ring Extraction Beam Energy Average Beam Current Repetition Extraction Scheme 50 GeV 15 μA 0.3 Hz Fast, and Slow Upgrade of the detector Muon polarimeter passive → active Muon magnetic field toroid → muon field magnet Target smaller and finer segmentation Charged particle tracking addition of two chambers CsI(Tl) readout PIN diode → APD New analysis scheme Target Smaller size (smaller beam spot) Finer segmentation Sci. fiber of 20 cm length Clear fiber or direct attachment Light readout by SiPMTs Diameter Active length Fiber size No. of fibers Light readout Light yield 6 cm 20 cm 2.5×2.5 mm 432 4 clear fibers ~ 10/SiPMT Target and tracking Better kinematical resolution Stronger Kp2 dif m+ BG suppression E246 Addition of C0 and C1 GEM chambers with - high position resolution - higher rate performance J-PARC Larger C3-C4 distance Use of He bags New target CsI(Tl) readout CsI(Tl) + APD + Amplifier + FADC Electrons after APD : ~ 2 ×107 @ 100 MeV Max count rate / module : ~ 100 kHz Max K+ decay rate : ~ 20 MHz - enough for the beam intensity in Phase 1 Noise level : to be tested Module energy resolution : to be tested -Energy resolution is determined by lateral shower leakage Sensitivity estimate Statistical sensitivity Systematic errors Source • Net run time • Proton beam intensity • K+ beam intensity • Total number of good Km3 • Total number of fwd/bwd (N) • Sensitivity coefficient dPT 1.0 ×107 s 9mA on T1 3×106 /s 2.4×109 7.2×108 3.73√N Total ~ 10-4 JPARC Source dPT dz qz qe+, Ee+ < 10-4 < 10-4 < 10-4 Total ~ 10-4 Summary PT in Km3 is a very sensitive probe of new physics We propose a J-PARC experiment in the early stage of Phase 1 to pursue a limit of dPT ~ 10-4. K0.8 beamline as a branch of K1.1 Upgraded E246 detector Beam time request = 1.3×107 s (net) at Ip= 9mA on T1 We would like to take the first step this year toward – Collaboration forming – Fund application – Detector R&D after obtaining some status.
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