f(R) Modified Gravity Cosmological & Solar-System Tests arXiv:1009.3488 Je-An Gu 顧哲安 臺灣大學梁次震宇宙學與粒子天文物理學研究中心 Leung Center for Cosmology and Particle Astrophysics (LeCosPA), NTU Collaborators : Wei-Ting Lin 林韋廷 @ Phys, NTU Dark Energy Working Group @ LeCosPA & NCTS-FGCPA 2010/09/27 COSMO/CosPA @ Tokyo Univ. f(R) Modified Gravity (MG): Sg 1 d 4 x g R f R 16G Purposes Explain cosmic acceleration Model (parameterize) deviation from GR as an essence of cosmology, need to pass as a theory of modified gravity, need to pass Cosmological Test Cosmic Expansion Cosmic Structure Local Test Solar-System Test f(R) Modified Gravity (MG): Sg 1 d 4 x g R f R 16G Cosmological Test Cosmic Expansion Local Test Cosmic Structure Solar-System Test FACT For a given expansion history H(t), one can reconstruct f(R) “designer f(R)” which generates the required H(t). OUR APPROACH with Consider the expansion H(t) parametrized via the Chevallier-Polarski-Linder weff(z): current observational constraints wCPL z w 0 w a z 1 z (WMAP7+BAO+SN): (1) w eff constant 0.980 0.053 72 (2) w 0 0.93 0.13, w a 0.4100..71 construct f R;w 0 ,w a , fini , q j fini : initial condition of f(R) qj : other cosmological parameters f(R) Modified Gravity (MG): Sg 1 d 4 x g R f R 16G Cosmological Test Cosmic Expansion Local Test Cosmic Structure Solar-System Test FACT OUR APPROACH Consider the expansion H(t) parametrized via the Chevallier-Polarski-Linder weff(z): wCPL z w 0 w a z 1 z f / H02 + 6DE For a given expansion history H(t), one can reconstruct f(R) “designer f(R)” w = 1 Example eff which generates the required H(t). R H02 construct f R;w 0 ,w a , fini , q j fini : initial condition of f(R) qj : other cosmological parameters f(R) Modified Gravity (MG): Sg 1 d 4 x g R f R 16G Cosmological Test Cosmic Expansion Local Test Cosmic Structure Solar-System Test Then, proceed to the other two tests of “designer f(R)” f R; w 0 ,w a , fini , q j OUR APPROACH Consider the expansion H(t) parametrized via the Chevallier-Polarski-Linder weff(z): wCPL z w 0 w a z 1 z with observational constraints (WMAP7+BAO+SN): (1) w eff constant 0.980 0.053 72 (2) w 0 0.93 0.13, w a 0.4100..71 construct f R;w 0 ,w a , fini , q j fini : initial condition of f(R) qj : other cosmological parameters f(R) Modified Gravity (MG): Sg 1 d 4 x g R f R 16G Cosmological Test Cosmic Expansion Local Test Cosmic Structure Solar-System Test Key quantities distinguishing GR & MG Geff G defined in : Perturbed metric: ds 2 1 2 dt 2 a2 1 2 ij dx i dx j Evolution eqn. of matter density perturbation: late-time, 2H 4G 0 m m eff m m sub-horizon f(R) Modified Gravity (MG): Sg 1 d 4 x g R f R 16G Cosmological Test Cosmic Expansion Cosmic Structure GR “designer f(R)” f R; w 0 ,w a , fini , q j Local Test 1 Geff 1 G Solar-System Test f(R) MG k 2 fRR 1 4 2 a 1 fR k, a k 2 fRR 1 2 2 a 1 fR late-time, sub-horizon k 2 fRR 1 4 2 Geff k, a 1 a 1 fR k 2 fRR G 1 fR 1 3 2 a 1 fR function of k , a ; f R; w 0 ,w a , fRi ;q j f 2f fR , fRR ; fRi fR initial R R 2 f(R) Modified Gravity (MG): Sg 1 d 4 x g R f R 16G Cosmological Test Cosmic Expansion Local Test Cosmic Structure Solar-System Test E.g. weff = 1 / (now) most f (R) m 0.27 eff 0.73 For the present time and k = 0.01h / Mpc. Similar behavior for other weff(z). GR k 0.01 h Mpc 1 1032 fRi Observational constraint (Giannantonio et al, 2009): 1 Geff G 1.403 1 1.996 f R 2f fRR R 2 fRi fR initial fR f(R) Modified Gravity (MG): Sg 1 d 4 x g R f R 16G Cosmological Test Cosmic Expansion Local Test Cosmic Structure Solar-System Test viable fRi f R 2f fRR R 2 fRi fR initial fR constant w eff f(R) Modified Gravity (MG): Sg 1 d 4 x g R f R 16G Cosmological Test Cosmic Expansion Local Test Cosmic Structure Solar-System Test Constraint on survey parameter space around GR point 1, 0 f = constant f(R) MG with Chameleon Mechanism 10 15 fR 0 0 RfRR 2 5 Viable f R;w eff , fini 10 1 w eff 10 fRi 10 37 very small viable region 1 10 6 Geff 1 10 6 G closely GR + mimicking indistinguishable from GR !! f(R) Modified Gravity (MG): Sg 1 d 4 x g R f R 16G Cosmological Test Cosmic Expansion Local Test Cosmic Structure Solar-System Test Constraint on fRi f(R) MG with Chameleon Mechanism GR 1 w eff The viable f(R) models in the parameter space (weff, fRi) around the GR point (1,0) for constant weff. 10 15 fR 0 0 RfRR 2 5 Conclusion Cosmic Expansion (observational) Designer f R;w 0 ,w a , fini w.r.t. the constraint on {w0,wa} (by design) can pass the cosmic-expansion test. Cosmic Structure The existence of the designer f R;w 0 ,w a , fini models which pass the cosmic-structure test would require fine-tuning of initial condition fini. Solar-System Test Among the designer f R;w 0 ,w a , fini models, only those closely mimicking GR + (in all the 3 tests) can pass the solar-system test. As a result, the solar-system test rules out the frequently studied w eff 1 f R ; fini models that are distinct from CDM in , Geff G .
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