Fast Breeder Reactor (FBR) University of Fukui Tsuruga NPP (JAPC) JAEA Tsuruga HQ INSS Fugen (JAEA) Tsuruga Peninsula Mihama NPP (KEPCO) APWR Site Monju (JAEA) Research Center (JAEA) Professor H. MOCHIZUKI Research Institute of Nuclear Engineering University of Fukui 1 Outline University of Fukui • • • • • Pu production and fuel cycle Comparison between LWR and FBR FBRs in the world Components of FBR Thermalhydraulic analysis of FBR 2 FBR and LWR University of Fukui FBR: Breed nuclear fuel (238U⇒239Pu.) We can utilize nuclear fuel for a couple of CR thousands. Fuel LWR:235U of 0.7% in the uranium ore is consumed. Uranium 235U will be consumed within 100 years. Blanket fuel 238U 239Pu Liquid sodium Large core Temp: ~300℃ High-pressure Core is small. Temp. is more than 500℃. Atmospheric pressure FBR Pu(~20%)+238U(~80%) : MOX LWR Fuel Slightly enriched uranium ( 3~ 4% 235U) Liquid sodium Non Fast neutron Coolant water Moderator water Fission Thermal neutron 3 Fuel cycle University of Fukui FBR cycle LWR cycle Mine Uranium U3O8 FBR FBR fuel Depleted uranium Enrichment Depleted uranium Enriched U Recovery U UF6 Recovery U & Pu Spent fuel Fuel fabrication Recovery U & Pu Reprocessing Plant Fuel fabrication (U & MOX fuels) HLW Recovery U & Pu Reprocessing Plant Spent fuel LWR Fuels LWR HLW Underground storage Intermediate storage 4 Fission in LWR or Graphite reactor University of Fukui Control Moderator Water, Graphite moderation Fast neutron 10,000 km/s 1/30 of light speed 2.2 km/s 10,000 km/s 235U has a large fission cross section to a thermal neutron. Some fast neutrons are absorbed in 238U and produce 239Pu. 5 Neutron irradiation chain of 238U University of Fukui 15 452 238U 2.7 239U 22 23.5 min b disintegration 239Np 37 240U Half-life period 14.1 h 240Np Fission cross section 7.2 min 2.35 d 747.4 62 min 239Pu 270 240Pu 289 1012 241Pu 242Pu 361.5 14.4 y 200 18.8 243Pu 90 4.96 h 3.1 (n,g) reaction 241Am 242Am 639.4 243Am 76.7 6 Microscopic cross section of 235U & 238U University of Fukui Easiness of fission From R A Knief, Nuclear Engineering 0.7% 99.3% Thermal neutron Fission cross section is large for thermal neutron. Fast neutron Fission cross section is small for fast neutron. 7 Cross section of neutron capture of 238U University of Fukui 8 Number of neutrons produced by one fission Number of neutrons produced by a fission University of Fukui 239Pu When η is less than 2, breeding is impossible. 241Pu Thermal neutron One must be used for a fission, and the other one should be used for breeding. Some of them escape from the reactor. Fast neutron Energy of neutron (eV) 9 Characteristics of FBR University of Fukui • FBR can produce nuclear fuel more than consumption. Configuration of FBR is different from LWRs. • Neutrons are not moderated in order to breed nuclear fuel efficiently. • Enrichment of fuel is higher than that of LWR in order to raise fission probability. • Fuels should be cooled by good heat transfer coolant (sodium) because power density is high. 10 Comparison of reactor vessel between FBR and LWR University of Fukui Monju 238MWe Reactor vessel is thin due to low system pressure Mihama Unit-3 826MWe Reactor vessel is thick due to high system pressure 11 Comparison of fuel arrangement between FBR and LWR University of Fukui 238U+Pu(20%~30%) Driver fuel Blanket fuel of 238U is placed in the peripheral, upper and lower region of the core in order to breed effectively. •Small core •Short fuel •Small diameter fuel Example:238U(96%)+ 235U(4%) •Large core •Long fuel •Large diameter fuel Enrichment is high in the outer region of the core in order to flatten the power distribution. 12 Comparison of fuel assembly University of Fukui Length:2.8m Feul elements:162 Blanket pellets are inserted in the cladding. Length:4.2m Length:approx. 4m Effective length:Approx. 3.6m Weight:670kg (17×17) 13 Comparison of turbine system University of Fukui Containment Vessel Main steam 13MPa 483℃ MSIV 0.8MPa Low P turbine MSIV バイパス弁 B G Generator 高圧タービン D Condenser Sea water A Condensate pump 0.0042MPa at 30℃ Control valve 6.4MPa 278℃ Feed-water pump Low pressure High pressure feed-water feed-water heaters Turbine rotor heaters Generator Cross-over pipe 200℃ Vacuum 25℃ Casing Feed water heaters 15.7MPa 325℃ Control valve Main steam Casing Extraction Efficiency: ≈40% Efficiency: ≈32% 14 Rankin Cycle University of Fukui Critical point 347.15 ℃ 487℃ 22.1MPa C T B’ Liquid ~300K 0 328℃ B A SA Mixture D’ T Higher energy C’ Super heated steam D E Saturation curve S’C SC S Critical point 647.3 K 22.1MPa Liq. B’ 280℃ - Receive Q1 - Release Q2 - Power output L1 - Pump work L2 B 0 A SA C’ Super heated S. D’ Mixture S’C E S Q1 iC iB Area( BB' C ' CSC S A B) Q1 iC ' iB Area( BB' C ' SC ' S A B) Q2 iD iA Area( ADSC S A A) Q2 iD ' i A Area( AD' SC ' S A A) L1 L2 iC iD iB iA Q1 Q2 L1 L2 iC ' iD ' iB i A Q1 Q2 F L1 L2 Q1 Q2 Area( ABB' C ' CDA) Q1 Q1 Area( BB' C ' CSC S A B) L L1 L2 Q1 Q2 Area( ABB' C ' D' A) Q1 Q1 Area( BB' C ' SC ' S A B) 15 FBR & LWR University of Fukui Neutron life time FBR LWR 10-7 seconds 10-5 seconds Ratio of delayed neutron 0.34~0.37% 0.55~0.7% Mean free path long short Coolant Sodium (low corrosive) Water (high corrosive) Fuel UO2,, PuO2 (Enrichment ~ UO2 (Enrichment 3~ 20%) 4%) Cladding S.S. Zircaloy Dia. of fuel pellet 4~6mm Approx. 1cm Outlet coolant temperature 500~550℃ 280~320℃ Temperature difference 130~150℃ 15℃(B)~35℃(P) System pressure Atmospheric 7MPa(B)、15MPa(P) Power density Approx. 300kW/l Approx. 90kW/l Burn-up 100,000MWd/t 30,000~60,000MWd/t Efficiency Approx. 40% Approx. 32% 16 Characteristics of sodium University of Fukui ◆ Sodium is alkali metal which is soft and has metallic color. Weight of sodium is 0.97 times of water at 20 ºC. ◆Melting point is 98ºC(97.8 ºC ). ◆Boiling point is 881.5ºC at atmospheric pressure. Sodium is lighter than water. Easily cut by a knife Liquid sodium 17 Reaction of sodium with water and air University of Fukui ◆When sodium reacts with water, hydrogen gas and NaOH are produced. 2Na + 2H2O → 2NaOH+ H2(Hydrogen)+Heat Therefore, sodium must be separated from water. ◆Leak speed of sodium is slow due to atmospheric system pressure. However, sodium reacts with air as shown in photos, and produces a lot of white alkali aerosol. 18 Blow-down of high-pressure and high-temperature coolant University of Fukui •Blow-down: Discharge of hightemperature and high-pressure light water •ECC water injection in order to cool down the heat-up fuel •Even a small amount of steam leak, a jet is very dangerous. This is a different point compared to a leak of sodium. 9 Aug 2004 at Mihama NPP, 5 people were killed and 6 were seriously injured. 19 Sodium leak from secondary system on 8 Dec. 1995 University of Fukui Leak location IHX Reactor Evaporator Super heater Debris of sodium from a broken thermocouple Air cooler Pump for secondary system 20 Reason of superiority of Na among liquid metal Na K University of Fukui NaK Li Pb Bi (70/30) Pb/Bi Hg (eutectic) Melting point(℃) 97.5 62.3 40 186 327.4 271.3 125 -38.9 Boiling point(℃) 881 758 825 1317 1737 1477 1670 357 Vapor pressure(600℃)(mmHg) 26 128 5×10-2 3×10-4 6×10-4 71 0.17 0.034 22(atm) Neutron absorption cross section Thermal neutron (barns) 0.505 2.07 Fast neutron (100eV)(mb) 1.1 5(400eV) 1000 Half-life period 15hr. 12.5hr. 0.8sec. 3.3hr. Thermal conductivity 0.15 0.084 0.07 0.036 4 380 3 60 5days 5.5min. 0.037 0.02 (600℃)(cal/cm/sec/℃) Specific heat(600℃)(cal/g/℃) 0.3 Density (600℃)(g/cm3) 0.183 1.0 0.038 0.038 0.03 0.81 0.7 0.47 10.27 9.66 12.2 3.4 1.9 1.2 8.8 1.2 1.3 1.2 1.4 47 29.2 78 4.2 178 238 233 169 3 42 Heat transport capability (4in.φPipe)(C.H.V./ft2℃sec.) Pumping forth (1/ρ2c3) Price (£/ft3) 16 120 40 500 300 730 21 Sodium cooled fast reactors University of Fukui Loop type FBR “Monju” Tank type FBR “Phénix” Secondary sodium Super heater (SH) Main motor Primary & Pony motor circulating Primary pump sodium Turbine Generator Air cooler (AC) Condenser Secondary circulating pump Sea water cooler Evaporator (EV) Core Feed water pump Intermediate Heat Exchanger (IHX) Primary Heat Transport System (PHTS) Turbine system Secondary Heat Transport System (SHTS) 22 FBR around the world University of Fukui DFR, PFR (Therso) Super Phénix (Crays-Malville) BN-600, 800(Belouarsk) BOR-60(Dimitrovgrad) CEFR(Beijing) BN-350(Aktau) Phénix (Marcoule) Monju (Tsuruga) Joyo (O-arai) FFTF(Hanford) EBR-Ⅱ(Idaho falles) FBTR, PFBR (Kalpakkam) :Closed :in operation (including operation) 23 First power plant in the world (USA) University of Fukui EBR-I (Experimental Breeder Reactor) Coolant was NaK. Four light bulbs were lit up on 20 December 1951. 24 Donreay Fast Reactor, PFR (UK) University of Fukui Rating: 60 MWt/15MWe Coolant: Na-K Loops: 24 Prototype Fast Reactor 25 Phénix (France) University of Fukui Oldest power reactor in France. Rating: 565MWt/255MWe Coolant: Na Loops: 3 26 Tank-type FBR(Phénix) University of Fukui 27 Super-Phénix (France) University of Fukui Electrical power: 1200MWe Demonstration plant in France ・Super-Phénix was sacrificed by Prime minister Jopspin on 2 February 1998 in order to have a coraboration between Socialist party and green party. 28 Super-Phénix University of Fukui Photo shoot in side the plant was allowed after the workshop at SPX. This might be the first and the last chance. 29 FBTR (India) University of Fukui 40 MWt /13.2 MWe Fuel Mark I ( 25 Nos.) Mark II ( 13 Nos.) PFBR test SA 70% PuC + 30% UC 55% PuC + 45% UC 29% PuO2 + 71% UO2 From IAEA-TECDOC-1531 30 PFBR (India) University of Fukui 01 Main Vessel 02 Core Support Structure 03 Core Catcher 04 Grid Plate 05 Core 06 Inner Vessel 07 Roof Slab 08 Large Rotating Plug 09 Small Rotating Plug 10 Control Plug 11 CSRDM / DSRDM 12 Transfer Arm 13 Intermediate Heat Exchanger 14 Primary Sodium Pump 15 Safety Vessel 16 Reactor Vault 31 PFBR in 2008 University of Fukui 32 BN600 (Russia) University of Fukui Beloyarsk NPP is close to Ekaterinburg. Pressure tube type reactor Site for BN800 BN600 33 BN600 University of Fukui Modular type steam generator Irradiation of vibro-pack fuel (Dismantled War head was used.) From IAEA-TECDOC-1531 34 BN600 University of Fukui From IAEA-TECDOC-1531 35 CEFR(1/3) University of Fukui 36 CEFR(2/3) University of Fukui 37 CEFR(3/3) University of Fukui 38 Core of “Monju” University of Fukui 39 Fuel subassembly University of Fukui • Handling head: for the gripper of refueling machine • Spacer pad: keep clearance to the adjacent wrapper tube • Wrapper tube: keep flow rate and protect fuel subassembly • Entrance nozzle: adjusting flow rate. Many orifices to prevent blockage Length:2.8m Length:4.2m 40 Shielding plug University of Fukui Hole for upper core structure Hole for refueling machine 41 UIS and refueling machine University of Fukui 42 Arrangement of initial core University of Fukui Driver fuel subassemblies (fuels for driving the core) Blanket fuel subassemblies (fuels for breeding) Enrichment 20% Inner core Outer core Enrichment 25% 238U Blanket Dummy Neutron source Control rod B4C 43 Flow distribution mechanism University of Fukui “Monju” Wrapper tube Phénix Core support plate Orifices of entrance nozzsle Slit High pressure plenum Entrance nozzle Connection pipe High pressure plenum Low pressure plenum Low pressure plenum 44 Fuel subassembly of Fermi reactor University of Fukui A fuel melt accident occurred in October 1966. A part of a fuel structure fell down at the inlet of the fuel assembly and blocked the entrance. Orifices were provided in order to prevent total blockage. This is a lesson learned from the accident. 45 Piping of primary heat transport system University of Fukui Piping is winding in order to absorb stress due to elongation caused by high temperature coolant flow. 46 Anti-seismic supporting mechanism University of Fukui 47 Intermediate heat exchanger University of Fukui Outlet of secondary side Primary Secondary Flowrate 5120t/h 3730t/h Inlet temp. 529℃ 325℃ Outlet temp. 397℃ 505℃ Configuration of heat transfer tube OD 21.7mm, thickness:1.2mm, length:6.07m Number of HT tubes 3294 Rating 238MW Height 12.1m Inlet of secondary side Approx. 6m Approx.12m Inlet of primary side Outlet of primary side 48 Heat transfer in IHX University of Fukui Outlet of secondary side 100 Inlet of secondary side [3] 10 [1] Seban & Shimazaki (Nu=5+0.025Pe0.8 ) Nu [1] [2] Martinelli & Lyon Approx. 6m (Nu=7+0.025Pe0.8 ) [3] Lubarsky & Kaufman Approx.12m (Nu=0.625Pe0.4 ) 1 Nu(1) 50MWSG Nu(1) Joyo Nu(1) Monju Nu(2) 50MWSG Nu(2) Joyo Nu(2) Monju Seban-Shimazaki 0.1 1 10 100 Pe 1000 Inlet of primary side 4 10 5 10 Outlet of primary side 49 Internals of IHX University of Fukui 50 Primary main pump University of Fukui Intake pressure should be positive in order to prevent cavitation. Liquid surface is formed inside the casing of the pump. Height of the pump is restricted by this surface height. 51 Primary main pump University of Fukui Impeller blade 52 Electoro-magnetic pump University of Fukui Fabrication of a large EM pump is difficult. If one can fabricate a large EM pump, the location problem will be solved. Maintenance becomes easy. 53 Steam generator University of Fukui 140 heat transfer tubes are coiled. 54 Super heater used at 50MW SG facility University of Fukui Sodium flow Inner duct Helically coiled heat transfer tube Water flow 55 Air cooler for auxiliary system University of Fukui Design: 15MW, Real rating :20MW Outlet damper (controlled with inlet vanes) Approx. 30m Heat transfer tubes with fins ~5.3m ~4.5m ~6.5m Inlet damper Inlet vanes Blower 56 H.T. C. of Finned Heat Transfer Tube University of Fukui 1000 hde Nu k a 100 50 MWSG Monju Joyo Turbulent +10% -10% Data by Jameson 1/3 1/3 Nu/Pr Carbon S. Copper S. S. Nu/Pr =0.1370Re 0.6702 10 Laminar 1 +20% 1/3 -20% 0.1 10 -3 Nu/Pr =9.796 ×10 Re 100 1000 0.9881 4 10 5 10 Re 57 Inter-subassembly Heat Transfer Model University of Fukui Sodium flow in subassembly t δg Center Inter-wrapper flow Tk-1 Tk hd e Nu 5 0.025Pe0.8 kliq Tk Tk+1 k+1th layer g 1 t U kliq h g ks k: thermal conductivity h: heat transfer coefficient kth layer k-1th layer 58 Heat Transfer to the Concerned Channel University of Fukui j Qm 6 n j j N l D z U m , i m i 1 j Tn ,i j Tm j: concerned axial mesh m: concerned channel group l: width of hexagonal wrapper tube Dzj: length of mesh j Nmn,i: number of subassemblies of channel group n facing to the face i of channel m Tn,ij Layer k+1 Tmj To,ij Layer k 59 Exit temperature of 3rd Layer Subassembly University of Fukui 560 540 40℃ Temperature ( deg-C (℃) ) Temperature 520 SSC-L 500 480 Measured 460 440 NETFLOW++ with ISHT model NETFLOW++ without ISHT model 420 400 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 Time (sec) 60 Downsizing of FBR University of Fukui Volume of reactor building = 810,000 m3 Prototype FBR “Monju” Thermal output 714 MWt Electrical output 280 MWe Gen-IV FBR (JSFR) Thermal output 3570 MWt Electrical output 1500 MWe 61 Combined IHX and pump University of Fukui Motor Pump support primary out primary in NSSS secondary out Pump can be withdrawn. Bellows DHX IHX heat transfer IHX support tubes Pump secondary in 62 Heat Transport Systems of Monju University of Fukui NETFLOW++ code NSSS BOP Secondary sodium Super heater (SH) Main motor Primary & Pony motor circulating Primary pump sodium Turbine Generator Air cooler (AC) Condenser Secondary circulating pump Sea water cooler Evaporator (EV) Core Feed water pump Intermediate Heat Exchanger (IHX) Turbine system Primary Heat Transport System (PHTS) Secondary Heat Transport System (SHTS) 63 Calculation model of whole heat transport systems University of Fukui [37] 15 [36] 14 [32] Loop-A Loop-B 13 9 8 7 [31] [20] [38] [14] [15] Air cooler [33] [19] [48] 3 16 -1 Upper plenum [46] 6 1 -3 4 [30] 1 1 [21] 2 20 21 [25] 3 Loop-C [41] 19 [43] [49] 12 [23] -4 5 1 1 [27] [8] [9] [10] [12] Pump to Loop-C [34] 11 1 Evaporator [16] 31.41 to Loop-B Superheater from Loop-B, C 3 Link 1-Link 6: 1st to 6th layer (Inner driver) Link 7: 7th & 8th layer (Outer driver) Link 8: 9th to 11th layer (Blanket) Link 9: Center CR Link 10: CRs Link 11: Bypass 24 Low-pressure turbine Condense r (Pressure boundary) Extraction [45] [44] [26] [35] IHX 4 High pressure plenum [24] 22 [28] [11] [1]~[7] [42] [17] [40] [39] 17 2 [13] 3 18 [47] 10 Pump [29] 5 [18] [22] to turbine -2 23 No. 2 feed water heater No. 1 feed Feed water water heater pump Monju 3-Loop Calculation Model (Flow boundary) Deaerator Drain Drain 64 University of Fukui Analytical Model of Turbine and Feedwater Systems 19 To low pressure turbine High pressure turbine Sodium flow 9 17 16 10 12 11 -1 20 9 21 11 10 13 12 14 15 Super-heaters 25 19 23 Deaerator 18 18 15 Feed water 13 Separators 5 16 Evaporators Control valves 17 Loop-A 6 7 6 37 14 4 2 3 8 3 2 3 2 3 34 2 22 Loop-B 24 No. 2 high pressure Feed water heater Loop-C Volume model 8 Feed water pump 4 5 3 1 3 1 No. 1 high pressure Feed water heater Bold number: volume element Italic number: link number Blue number: number of nodes 65 Calculation of turbine and feed water system University of Fukui 66 Simulation of turbine trip test conducted at “Monju” University of Fukui R/V outlet (P) (Test) IHX outlet (P) (Test) IHX inlet (S) (Test) IHX outlet (S) (Test) R/V outlet (Calc.) IHX outlet (P) (Calc.) IHX inlet (S) (Calc.) IHX outlet (S) (Calc.) Temperature (℃) 450 400 600 Flowrate (P) (Test) Flowrate (S) (Test) Flowrate (P) (Calc.) Flowrate (S) (Calc.) 500 400 350 300 300 200 250 100 200 0 2000 4000 6000 Time (sec) 8000 Flow rate (kg/s) 500 500 1A1 2F1 3F1 4F1 5F1 6F1 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 0 10000 450 400 1st layer (Test) 2nd layer (Test) 3rd layer (Test) 4th layer (Test) 5th layer (Test) 6th layer (Test) Layer (Analysis) layer (Analysis) layer (Analysis) layer (Analysis) layer (Analysis) layer (Analysis) 350 300 0 2000 4000 6000 Time (sec) 8000 10000 67 Whole heat transport system model of “Joyo” University of Fukui -2 [25] [14] 7 [26] Pump Pump [15] [21] Upper plenum IHX Air cooler 1 8 [22] UCS -1 Air cooler 2 [24] IHX 5 [19] [16] 7 -3 Air cooler 3 8 Air cooler 4 4 [12] [20] [23] [18] 3 Pump Pump [17] Joint Sub-joint 2 [1]-[7] 1 High-pressure plenum Check valve [11] [8]-[10] 6 [13] Low-pressure plenum Link [1]: Center-subassembly Link [2]: First layer Link [3]: Second layer Link [4]: Third layer Link [5]: 4th layer Link [6]: 5th layer Link [7]: Irradiation rigs Link [8]: Control rods Link [9]: Inner reflectors Link [10]: Outer reflectors Link [11]: Bypass channel 68 Natural circulation after plant trip at “Joyo” University of Fukui Initial plant power: 140MW 600 400 Temperature (℃) 550 Calc. Calc. Calc. Calc. Calc. 350 Primary flowrate A Secondary flowrate A Calc. Calc. 500 300 450 250 400 200 350 150 300 100 250 50 200 0 0 600 1200 1800 2400 3000 Flow rate (kg/s) Reactor outlet temp (A) Reactor inlet temp (A) DHX inlet (A) DHX outlet (1A) DHX outlet (2A) 3600 Time (sec) 69 Natural Circulation Analysis of EOL Test at Phénix Reactor University of Fukui IAEA CRP Blind Test 15 [30] C-loop 12 Pu mp [22] Link 1-4 : 1st to 4th layer (Inner driver) Link 5, 6: 5th & 6th layer (Outer driver) Link 7 : Blanket (7th to 8th layer) Link 8 : CRs Link 9 ARA Link 10 : Shielding Link 11 : Bypass [21] 14 A-loop [29] Reheater 9 Pu Superheater [19] [18] mp Upper plenum 4 -1 13 IHX [23] [14] 11 Pump [33]-3 3 1 2 [31] 4 [28] [12] 3 [ 2 2 7 ] Pump [8] [1]~[7] 1 [15] 5 [9] [10] Lower plenum [13] [26] 7 [17] 10 [20] Evaporator [11] 6 IHX [16] 8 -2 [32] 1 from Cloop 3 Flow to boundary turbine (Flow rate P b and c boundary enthalpy)Pressure 70
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