Financial Results Briefing for the December 2005 Term March 3, 2006 SBS Co., Ltd. Securities code: 2384 Table of Contents І. Financial Results for the December 2005 Term & Earnings Forecast for the December 2006 Term ІІ. Post-M&A Activities and Business Strategies III. Briefing on Balance Sheet IV. Future Efforts SBS Co., LTD. Financial Results Briefing for 2005 1 I. Financial Results for the December 2005 Term & Earnings Forecast for the December 2006 Term SBS Co., LTD. Financial Results Briefing for 2005 2 Consolidated Statement of Income for December 2005 Term (Unit: Million Yen) Dec. 2004 Dec. 2005 Percentage (%) Percentage (%) Change Sales 45,123 100.0 89,319 100.0 + 97.9 % Cost of sales 41,505 92.0 80,602 90.2 + 94.2 % Gross Profit 3,618 8.0 8,717 9.8 + 140.9 % Selling, general and administrative expenses 2,950 5.5 7,211 8.1 + 244.4 % Operating profit 668 1.5 1,506 1.7 + 125.4 % Ordinary profit 663 1.5 2,125 2.4 + 220.3 % Net income 217 0.7 1,197 1.3 + 450.4 % Foods Lec contributed to the consolidated results for the full year. TL Logicom (former Tokyu Logistics) and two other companies contributed for the half-year. Same-day delivery business and human resources business continued steady growth SBS Co., LTD. Financial Results Briefing for 2005 3 Consolidated Segment Information for December 2005 Term Logistics business Marketing business Human resources business Other businesses Results for Dec. 2004 Sales Operating profit Corporate and/or Elimination Consolidate d base (Unit: Million Yen) 31,838 9,275 4,522 15 (528) 45,123 542 236 321 4 (435) 668 Results for Dec. 2005 (Unit: Million Yen) 73,896 9,469 5,074 1,497 (617) 89,319 (Change) + 132.1% +2.1% +12.2% +9880.0% + 97.9% Operating profit 1,153 (84) 262 272 (97) 1,506 (Change) + 112.7 % (18.5%) + 6,700.0% + 125.4% Sales SBS Co., LTD. Financial Results Briefing for 2005 4 Consolidated Segment Information for December 2005 Term Logistics business General distribution and food distribution: Foods Lec’s performance has been strong TL Logicom started to contribute to earnings from the second half. Post M&A activities of Foods Lec (former Yukijirushi Butsuryu) & TL Logicom (former Tokyu Logistics) (Refer to case study in later slides) Same-day delivery service: Income & profit increased thanks to competitor withdrawal Expanded base for network logistics Moving service business: Explored marketing methods/incurred costs in organizational realignment Retreated from unprofitable free paper business (Refer to case study in later slides) SBS Co., LTD. Financial Results Briefing for 2005 5 Consolidated Segment Information for December 2005 Term Marketing business Income increased, yet competition remains stiff in preparation for postal privatization. Earnings are sluggish. Move of industry reorganization. This fiscal year would be the bottom in terms of financial performance. PAM Co.,Ltd. joined SBS Group. Financial contribution from FY2006. Human resources business New operational bases aggressively launched during the first half made positive contribution to sales Significant rise in recruitment cost suppressed earnings Other businesses Environmental services business Cost for Yokohama Facility launch was a burden, resulting in red for the full year, Financial services business Re-acquisition of Omiya Center Building. Built qualifications in real estate liquidation techniques. SBS Co., LTD. Financial Results Briefing for 2005 6 Consolidated Balance Sheet for December 2005 Term (Unit: Million Yen) Dec. 2004 Dec. 2005 Change 14,403 23,195 +8,792 Fixed assets 8,375 56,218 +47,843 (Property, plant and equipment) 3,875 43,040 +39,165 (Investment securities) 2,902 8,990 +6,088 (Other fixed assets) 1,598 4,188 +2,590 22,778 79,403 +56,625 Current liabilities 8,216 12,491 + 4,275 Interest-bearing debt 4,754 30,310 + 25,556 5,000 + 5,000 541 17,919 + 19,864 48 7,468 + 7,420 546 1,829 + 1,283 8,721 11,854 + 3,133 22,778 79,403 + 56,625 Current assets Total assets Alpine bond (CB) Fixed liabilities (goodwill on consolidation) Minority interests Total shareholders’ equity Total liabilities and shareholders’ equity SBS Co., LTD. Financial Results Briefing for 2005 7 Consolidated Cashflow Statement for December 2005 Term (Unit: Million Yen) Dec. 2004 Dec. 2005 Change Cashflow from operating activities 341 952 +611 Cashflow from investing activities (7,523) (17,869) (10,346) Cashflow from financing activities 11,081 18,572 +7,491 Increase/decrease in cash and cash equivalent 3,898 1,615 (2,283) Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year 1,487 5,385 +3,898 Cash and cash equivalents at end of year 5,385 7,000 +1,615 CF from operating activities: Increase in profits due to group expansion. Increase in depreciation expense CF from Investing/financing activities: Acquisition of TL Logicom. Funds procured by arranging a loan for the acquisition. SBS Co., LTD. Financial Results Briefing for 2005 8 Consolidated Performance Forecast for December 2006 Term (Unit: Million Yen) Results for Dec. 2005 Forecast for Dec. 2006 Percentage (%) Sales Percentage (%) Change 89,319 100.0 125,000 100.0 +39.9% Operating profit 1,506 1.7 3,000 2.4 +99.2% Ordinary profit 2,125 2.4 4,400 3.5 +107.1% Net income 1,197 1.3 2,700 2.2 +125.6% Full-year contributions will be made by TL Logicom, Zentsu, etc. Focus on 3PL/Joint-distribution business (rollout of LAOX project) Integration of headquarters function (April). Pursuit of existing M&A synergy Seek further business expansion SBS Co., LTD. Financial Results Briefing for 2005 9 Consolidated Earnings Forecast by Segment for December 2006 Term Logistics business Marketing business Human resources business Other businesses Corporate Consolidated and/or base Elimination Results for Dec. 2005 Sales Operating profit (Unit: Million Yen) 73,896 9,469 5,074 1,497 (617) 89,319 1,153 (84) 262 272 (97) 1,506 Forecast for Dec. 2006 (Unit: Million Yen) Sales 109,400 10,500 5,360 1,640 (1,900) 125,000 (Change) +48.0% +10.9% +5.6% + 9.6% +39.9% 2,400 190 280 250 (120) 3,000 +108.2% +6.9% (8.1%) +99.2% Operating profit (Change) Logistics business: Focus on growth of 3PL business Marketing business: Industry trend will be set this year ahead of postal service privatization Expectation of business opportunities for SBS is high. Human resources business: Strong demands for general assistance work/work in warehouses, but impact of staff shortage is a concern. Earnings improved at new operational bases from FY2005. SBS Co., LTD. Financial Results Briefing for 2005 10 II. Post-M&A Activities and Business Strategies SBS Co., LTD. Financial Results Briefing for 2005 11 Recognizing business environment Changes in business environment Privatization of postal services Sophisticated demands from Clients Industry trend toward oligopoly Challenges Escalating fuel cost Rise in labor cost Establish competitive advantage by strengthening comprehensive capability of SBS group Much closer relationship-building with customers Secure earnings by building more effective business model Measures (strategies) Expansion in size and business offerings 1) Integrated business expansion strategy of M&A + internal growth 2) Enhancing business portfolio Enhance corporate strength (Examples in Case Studies) 1) Strengthen sales capability 2) Pursue synergy of SBS group 3) Strengthen capability to respond to clients’ needs SBS Co., LTD. Financial Results Briefing for 2005 12 Integrated Business Expansion Strategy of M&A + Internal Growth 1) Execution of strategic and sound M&A Selecting M&A targets in alignment of our aim of being a business infrastructure provider Build track records in turn-around businesses 2) Swift integration of newly acquired companies (Business co-ordination /Group-wide network) Enhance Corporate Strength Strengthen sales capability Revise incentives Reform corporate culture Share success experiences via post-M&A support to group companies Pursuit of synergy effects 3) Efficient and effective use of assets (Group-wide) Build advanced logistics facilities by providing know-how in logistics system design/development Review/Assess effective use of real estate Liquidation Logistics REIT Know-how for efficient use of assets (One of our core competency) M&A + Internal Growth SBS Co., LTD. Financial Results Briefing for 2005 13 Strengthening Business Portfolio Provide comprehensive service catering to outsourcing needs of businesses – as a business infrastructure provider Realize cost competitiveness and capability to respond to sophisticated needs Current three pillars Human resources business Marketing business Market research Sales promotion Online mail order business, etc. Logistics business Temporary staffing service Staff subcontracting service Same-day delivery/nationwide delivery Food distribution/Vehicle transportation Overseas distribution/moving service business Expand current business segments from 3 pillars to 6 Financial services business Establish leasing business Securitization/liquidat ion of real estate Others Business areas to drive growth in the future Information service business Environmental services business Recent efforts Logistics business: Acquired Zentsu (Sales: 10 billion yen), which is highly regarded for its fresh foods storing/processing skills and home-delivery service (deal closing on January 5) Financial services business: In 2005, acquired Carlyle-held interest in real estate which had been acquired jointly by our AMAX financial subsidiary and Carlyle in 2004. Marketing business: Took 20% stake in PAM, which engages in advertisement planning and production (mainly brochures for financial products) and later made it a wholly-owned subsidiary through a stock swap. Collaboration with logistics business Collection of large refuse from households Strengthening industrial waste disposal business Warehouse management system (WMS) Medical analysis system solution Logistics system SBS Co., LTD. Financial Results Briefing for 2005 14 Case Study 1: Efforts in Foods Lec ① At the time of acquisition by SBS Foods Lec sales were mainly generated through transportation service, work in warehouses, and auto-leasing business contracted from Snow Brand Group and its affiliates. (including former Snow Brand Group companies and its affiliates) (Approx. 70% of the total sales) Sales environment has been tough. Vehicle finance lease to partner transportation companies is a unique business area. Challenges Maintain quality level, expand into broader range of refrigerated/general food area and secure earning base Drive deployment of consolidated distribution business (3PL) leveraging the synergy of SBS group Expand auto-leasing business to the entire group SBS Co., LTD. Financial Results Briefing for 2005 15 Case Study 1: Efforts in Foods Lec ② Efforts and specific results New customer cultivation Contracted the entire logistics business from Sweet Garden and created a business division. Strengthen Consolidated distribution business Strengthen consolidated inland distribution business leveraged on the Sweet Garden case Cooperate/coordinate with Zentsu in business deployments within the Kanto region Leasing business division rollout Expand service provision by the entire group from the current scope of service provision to partner companies. Study growth strategy towards specializing in finance lease business for trucks Staff and system enhancement Planned investment amount for 2006: 2.4 billion yen Improvement of vehicle dispatching/hiring control and efficiency in wide-area transportation Concentrated vehicle dispatch control centers for wide-area transportation in the Chubu Branch Office, and improved loading and capacity operating rates. SBS Co., LTD. Financial Results Briefing for 2005 16 Case Study 1: Efforts in Foods Lec ③ Performance Trend Unconsolidated (Unit: Million yen) Sales Total Consolidated distribution business H15 H16 (Results for 9 months) H17 H18 Plan FY 2002 FY 2003 FY 2004 FY 2005 FY 2006 38,054 36,582 28,029 37,728 39,370 380 552 269 489 425 1,166 1,547 1,735 Operating profit 232 286 160 Sales 952 1,937 2,600 6 14 50 Operating profit Sales Leasing H14 Operating profit Refrigerated logistics business grew steadily, focused on consolidated distribution business Improving logistics profit rate is a challenge. Impact of accounting standard change in leasing business SBS Co., LTD. Financial Results Briefing for 2005 17 Case Study 2: Efforts in TL Logicom ① At the time of acquisition by SBS Performance of logistics business was stable. Larger profit contribution provided from real estate leasing business. Existing customer base has been stable. New customer base remained small. Close to 20 percent of sales from Tokyu Group companies Sotetsu Transportation, Tokyu Unyu, and Tokyo Tsuun have merged over the course of the past two years. (Integration process, both in terms of HR and business operations, of the three former companies is ongoing) Challenges Cultivation of new customers Increase profitability of logistics business Effective use of real estate Faster information sharing among sales offices and further strengthening of operational coordination. Organizational Reformation SBS Co., LTD. Financial Results Briefing for 2005 18 Case Study 2: Efforts in TL Logicom ② Efforts and specific results Strengthening sales capability in logistics business Promotion of new customer cultivation by efforts such as establishment of Sales Development Division. Example: SBS group won a contract to handle the entire logistics operation for LAOX. (Refer to the next slide for details) Group-wide sales efforts based on coordination among SBS group companies, led by TL Logicom. (A-Max:real estate asset management, AT&C:warehouse management system) Drive further business deployments of 3PL service, taking the LAOX deal as a model case Established a real estate division in order to promote effective use of real estate Concentrated real estate-related businesses. Promotion of more effective use of assets and efficient business operations. Refinement of operation management Execute efficient vehicle dispatch control by enhancing information sharing and operational coordination among branch offices. Staff enhancement Reformation of management/human resources Concentrate into a 3-business-division system from 8 divisions. Quicker management decisions Reform in business management and promotion of junior staff SBS Co., LTD. Financial Results Briefing for 2005 19 Case Study 2: Efforts in TL Logicom ③ Business tie-up with LAOX SBS group coordination led by TL Logicom. Provision of a total solution. Better correspondence to more detailed client needs through enhanced sales capability. Group effort to pursue synergy, utilizing group resources. Laox’s business management strategy SBS’s sales approach Switch over to “Lifestyle providing business” capable of responding to changes in the needs of consumers and society. Capture unyielding support from customers by building “a business model for small trade area” in close relationship with local communities. Formed a project team as SBS group (Studied solutions to respond to various customer needs in addition to efforts to cut costs and improve efficiency) Proposed a one-stop solution responding to customer needs Needs of logistics/supply chain management Realize improved operational efficiency and cost reductions Service enhancement including same-day delivery Improvement in logistics by bringing down logistics costs Needs for supply chain management Remove unprofitable products by thorough item-by-item control Enhance fresh atmosphere of sales floors by placing more popular products. Higher added value Renewal of E-commerce system and strengthening home-delivery function Strengthen home appliance handling service at the time of moving Handling of home appliance disposal Details of solution (Contract signed on December 20) Won a contract to handle entire logistics center operation and distribution to stores TL Logicom: Center operation. Distribution to stores AT&C: Logistics system design Set up a joint venture: home appliance installation service in conjunction with moving service Converge LAOX home-appliance sales channel and SBS group moving service channels such as Duck Packaged sales of moving service and home appliance installation service Recycling business of home appliance disposal LAOX and SBS’s environmental service division (Sogo Butsuryu System) are jointly working on the recycling business for home appliances disposed of by LAOX customers SBS Co., LTD. Financial Results Briefing for 2005 20 Case Study 2: Efforts in TL Logicom ④ Performance Trend Consolidated (Unit: Million yen) Fiscal Year Sales H15/March H16/March H17/March H17/Dec H18/Dec 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 (For 9 months) (Plan) 36,656 34,478 33,203 25,810 35,380 Operating profit 1,280 897 1,176 1,180 1,605 Sales from real estate-related businesses 1,147 1,106 1,080 723 1,090 718 595 645 373 660 Operating profit Aim for increased income and profit for FY 2006. Operating profit ratio expected to improve 1 point from FY2004, the most recent financial results for a full 12 months. SBS Co., LTD. Financial Results Briefing for 2005 21 Case Study 3: Summary of Efforts in Moving Service Business Duck Moving Group joined SBS Group in January 2005 and Sakura Transport Joined it in March 2005 Entered moving service (for individual customers) , first B2C business for SBS group. At the time of acquisition by SBS Challenges Both Duck and Sakura Transportation have been struggling in its core moving business. Sakura Transport’s free paper/flyer distribution business has been incurring losses. Concentrate on the core business. Increase profitability. Strengthening marketing capability (Making the company name well known to customers is the important issue. ) Efforts and specific results Establish “new Duck” (Duck Moving Group and Sakura Transportation integrated their businesses in July 2005) Promote efficiency in business management by integration of B2C moving services Withdraw from unprofitable free paper business Focus on the core business of moving service Change in marketing policy Switch to marketing via TV commercials instead of via flyers Promote Duck brand recognition through TV commercials which converged with the Internet. SBS Co., LTD. Financial Results Briefing for 2005 22 III. Briefing on Balance Sheet SBS Co., LTD. Financial Results Briefing for 2005 23 Financial Standings: Balance Sheet Summary Actual net debt/equity ratio is lower than 1.00 Current consolidated balance sheet Appraisal gains in real estate/investment securities (*) Goodwill on consolidation (negative goodwill) Net debt/equity ratio 2.01 Equity ratio 17% Cash and cash equivalents 7.7 billion yen Current assets 15.5 billion yen Fixed assets 56.2 billion yen (Real estate)* (Investment securities)* Current liabilities 12.5 billion yen Interest-bearing debt 30.3 billion yen CB 5 billion yen Fixed liabilities 10.4 billion yen Goodwill on consolidation 7.5 billion yen Minority interests 1.8 billion yen Actual consolidated balance sheet (image) Consideration (1) Depreciation of goodwill on consolidation (negative goodwill) Consideration (2) Conversion of Alpine bond (CB) Net debt/equity ratio (actual) 0.86 Equity ratio (actual) 33% Cash and cash equivalents 7.7 billion yen Current assets 15.5 billion yen Fixed assets 56.2 billion yen (Real estate)* (Investment securities)* Interest-bearing debt 30.3 billion yen Fixed liabilities 10.4 billion yen CB 5 billion yen Goodwill on consolidation 7.5 billion yen Minority interests 1.8 billion yen Shareholders’ equity 11.9 billion yen Shareholders’ equity 11.9 billion yen Total assets 79.4 billion yen Net asset 13.7 billion yen Current liabilities 12.5 billion yen Total assets Actual net asset 79.4 billion yen 26.2 billion yen SBS Co., LTD. Financial Results Briefing for 2005 24 Balance Sheet: Assets owned by SBS Group Property name Shibuya Minamiguchi Building Minami Shinjuku SK Building Exterior view (Major commercial properties for lease) Property outline Location Book value Shibuya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo Completion Size January 2000 (January, Heisei 12) Above ground: 9 floors Below ground: 1 floor Steel-framed/steel-framed, steel-reinforced concrete Structure structure Total floor area 8,819.08m2 (2,667.77 tsubo) Effective area 6,367.95m2 (1,926.30 tsubo) Land area 1,361.30m2 (411.79 tsubo) Location Sendagaya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo Completion Size 1997 (July, Heisei 7) Above ground: 8 floors Structure steel-framed, steel-reinforced concrete structure Below ground: 1 floor Total floor area 7,225.96m2 (2,185.85 tsubo) Iidabashi Building Effective area 5,474.56m2 (1,656.05 tsubo) Land area 1,275.59m2 (385.87 tsubo) Location Koraku, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo Completion June, 1982 (June, Showa 57) Size Above ground: 6 floors Structure Steel-reinforced concrete structure Below ground: 1 floor Total floor area 4,224.27m2 (1,277.84 tsubo) Effective area 2,822.57m2 (853.83 tsubo) Land area 828.11m2 (250.11 tsubo) Book value: 1,345 million yen (December 2005) Market value: 2,685 million yen (as of June 2005) Percentage held: Land 64.23% Building 62.82% Book value: 698 million yen (December 2005) Market value: 2,930 million yen (as of June 2005) Percentage held: Land 58.68% Building 58.70% Book value: 499 million yen (December 2005) Market value 1,440 million yen (as of June 2005) Percentage held: Land 100% Building 100% SBS Co., LTD. Financial Results Briefing for 2005 25 Balance Sheet: Assets owned by SBS Group Property name Yokohama Kanazawa logistics center Fukagawa distribution center Higashiougijima International Logistics Center Exterior view (Major logistic facilities) Property outline Book value Location Kanazawa-ku, Yokohama city, Kanagawa prefecture Completion October, 1983 (Additions: October, Showa 58, Heisei 1& 4) Size Above ground: 5 floors Structure Steel-reinforced concrete structure Total floor area 14,803.75m2 (tsubo) Effective area 14,803.75m2 (4,478.13 tsubo) Land area 18,112.38m2 (5,478.99 tsubo) Location Shiobara, Koto-ku, Tokyo Completion September, 1998 (September, Heisei 10) Size Above ground: 5 floors Structure Steel-framed structure Total floor area 4,223.60m2 (1,277.64 tsubo) Effective area 4,223.60m2 (1,277.64 tsubo) Land area 1,767.27m2 (534.60 tsubo) Location Kawasaki-ku, Kawasaki-city, Kanagawa prefecture Completion Size Structure Book value: 8 million yen (December 2005) Market value: 2,215 million yen (as of June 2005) Book value: 415million yen (December 2005) Market value: 1,110 million yen (as of June 2005) Book value: 561 million yen September 1987 (September, Showa 62, Addition: Heisei 8) (December 2005) Above ground: 6 floors Market value: 886 million yen Steel-framed structure, partially steel-reinforced concrete (as of June 2005) structure Total floor area 6,367.32m2 (1,926.12 tsubo) Effective area 6,367.32m2 (1,926.12 tsubo) Land area 5,000.00m2 (1,512.50 tsubo) SBS Co., LTD. Financial Results Briefing for 2005 26 Balance Sheet: Assets Held by SBS Group (Investment Securities) Investment securities (This summary only relates to listed stocks) Listed stocks: 46 issues Breakdown : Financial institutions Client companies Partner companies, etc. 9 issues 27 issues 10 issues Book value (as of December 31, 2005) : Approx. 3.2 billion yen Market value (as of December 31, 2005) : Approx. 6.1 billion yen SBS Co., LTD. Financial Results Briefing for 2005 27 IV. Future Efforts SBS Co., LTD. Financial Results Briefing for 2005 28 Efforts in FY 2006 ■ Strategic Priorities Promote 3PL business * Efforts by TL: Execute LAOX project Receive continuous orders for ongoing projects * Efforts by FL: Promote joint distribution business Promote cooperation with Zentsu Drive facility development leveraged on real estate liquidation technique * Effective use of assets owned by TL Develop logistics facility in Yokohama area Expand warehouse in the scope of our mid-term plan (Approx. 50,000 tsubo now Approx. 100,000 tsubo)*1 * SBS’s efforts Real estate development in view of mid-term strategy for the entire SBS group (Approximately 30,000 – 50,000 tsubo planned) *1 More efficient business management through integration of headquarters function Improvement in unprofitable businesses Acting on issues regarding environmental concern Targets to be achieved in this term ☆ Consolidated sales: 125 billion yen ☆ Consolidated ordinary profit: 4.4 billion yen Note *1 : 1 Tsubo = Approx. 3.3㎡ SBS Co., LTD. Financial Results Briefing for 2005 29 Future Efforts: Image of Strategy ~ Efficient Service Model Leveraged on SBS’s Comprehensive Capabilities ~ Realize high added-value for our customers via 3PL solution driven by SBS group’s collective strength SBS Group General distribution/ consolidated distribution TL Logicom SBS Logitem Foods Lec Zentsu Distribution support service in warehouse/ general assistance work (Temporary staff dispatching service) SBS Staff WMS development (Warehouse management system) AT&C Acquisition/development of logistics sites (Use of real estate liquidation scheme) A-MAX Build closer Client Relationships based on trust Comprehensive 3PL solution based on coordination among SBS group member companies Provide high value-added 3PL service for customers Improve efficiency in logistics operation Lower costs Optimized logistics facilities/warehouses (Use facilities within/outside SBS group effectively) SBS Co., LTD. Financial Results Briefing for 2005 30 Summary of SBS Group As of March 2006 Mailing service business SBS Postway Co., Ltd. Forward, Inc. Mailing service Environmental services business Recycling Sogo Butsuryu System Co., Ltd. Transportation Human resources outsourcing business SBS Staff Co., Ltd. Marketing planning business Marketing Partner Co., Ltd. PAM Co., Ltd. System integration service Staff dispatching General assistance work Marketing planning/proposal offering System development business Clients Real estate liquidation service Financial services business A-MAX Co., Ltd. CS-Net Co., Ltd. AT&C Co., Ltd. Big Bang Co., Ltd. Logistics consulting Logistics consulting business Fuji Sogo Logistics Research Center Co., Ltd. Same-day delivery/general logistics service Refrigerated logistics service Logistics/same-day delivery/3PL/moving service SBS Logitem Co., Ltd./ Duck Co., Ltd. Foods Lec Co., Ltd. / Transworld Co., Ltd. TL Logicom Co., Ltd. (Former business name: Tokyu Logistics) Nihon Kamotsu Kyuso Co., Ltd. / Izu Express Trucking, Inc. Zentsu Corporation (Joined SBS group in January 2006) SBS Co., LTD. Financial Results Briefing for 2005 31 Inquires Regarding Investor Relations Please visit our web site for IR information and inquires regarding IR issues. IR information page TOP page Contact Information Division: Corporate Planning Phone: 03-5655-6110 FAX: 03-5655-6180 E-mail: [email protected] Cautionary Statement on this Forecast The purpose of this document is to provide information to investors. It is not meant to solicit sales. Descriptions related to future prospects in this document are based on our targets and forecasts and do not provide any assurance or guarantee. Please use this document with the full understanding that future earnings of SBS may differ from our present forecasts. While our descriptions on performance are prepared based on various data that are deemed reliable, SBS does not guarantee the accuracy or safeness of such. This document is provided on the basis that investors may use this document for their own purposes, upon their own judgment and responsibility, thus SBS, under any circumstances, does not accept any responsibility for the results of such use. SBS Co., LTD. Financial Results Briefing for 2005 32
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