Sept 20, 2006 奈良 フェルミ国立研における SciBooNE による ニュートリノ - 核子・原子核反応断面積の測定 東工大理, 京大理A, KEKB, 東大宇宙線研C 柴田利明, 宮地義之, 武居秀行, 中家剛A, 横山将志A, 田中秀和A, 平出克樹A, 栗本佳典A, 中島康博A, 石井孝B, 田中真伸B, 早戸良成C, 他SciBooNE Collaboration Contents 1. Cross Section for Neutrino Reactions 2. Fermi National Laboratory Booster Neutrino Beam 3. SciBooNE Experiment 4. Summary 1. Neutrino Cross Section Charged Current Neutral Current W Z p p p p p n n p Neutrino-induced reaction (CC) n p ( ) Carbon Target 12 7 Anti-neutrino induced reaction (CC) p n ( ) 12 5 N B 12 6 C Mirror Nuclei Nuclear Targets: Elastic Quasi-elastic Resonance Production ( ) Coherent Production, Non-resonant Production Charged Current QE Data from earlier experiments (1970~1980) Low statistics Systematic uncertainties Nuclear effects (/p/n absorption/scattering, low Q2 region) Not well-modelled DIS resonance Oscillation maximum in T2K More data around 1GeV are essential to advance Neutrino Physics 2. Booster Neutrino Beam (BNB) at FNAL Protons from Booster: 8 GeV cf. NuMI Being operated for MiniBooNE since 2002 Meson production cross section by HARP at CERN エネルギー: J-PARK T2K とほぼ同じ 3. SciBooNE実験 FNAL E-954 BNB + SciBar SciBooNE 実験の目的 • 次期長基線ニュートリノ振動実験 J-PARK T2Kに向けて、1GeV近辺の ニュートリノ反応を良く理解しておくこ とが重要。 • ニュートリノビームをプローブとした 原子核物理の創生。 ニュートリノビームと標的・検出器の配置 MiniBooNE beamline SciBar Decay region MiniBooNE Detector 50 m 440 m 100 m • 実験標的+検出器 (アクティブ ターゲット): ニュートリノビーム生成標的の下流 100m SciBar 3.5m 3m MRD 4m 3m 1.7m EC ~1.5m Fermi National Laboratory MiniBooNE SciBooNE実験ホール このあたり 実験ホール ~8m SciBar スケジュール: 2005年12月に 採択: E954 “SciBooNE” 2006年5-8月 SciBarの搬送(KEK FNAL) 2006年10,11月 測定器組み立て 2006年12月 実験スタート 1 年間の Run (2x1020 proton on target) ニュートリノビーム Run 0.5x1020 POT: (cf. K2K-SciBar: 0.21020 POT) CC-non-QE の断面積測定(ex. +n p++) 反ニュートリノビーム Run 1.5x1020 POT CCQE, CC-non-QE の断面積測定 Expected Number of Events Neutrino-induced reactions --------------------------------------Reaction Number of Events --------------------------------------CC QE 31,720 CC resonant 1pi+ 14,108 NC elastic 13,751 CC multi-pi 5,279 NC resonant 1pi0 3,723 CC resonant 1pi0 3,106 NC resonant 1pi+- 2,372 NC multi-pi 1,723 CC coherent 1pi+ 1,432 NC coherent 1pi0 746 ---------------------------------------Total 77,960 ---------------------------------------- Summary SciBooNE is an experiment of neutrino and antineutrino cross section measurements around 1 GeV The aims are to study neutrino cross section for T2K and also to open up ‘Nuclear Physics with Neutrino Beam’ It uses Booster Neutrino Beam at FNAL, and a detector (SciBar, EC, MRD) It measures Cross section for Nuclear Elastic scattering, Quasi-elastic, Resonance Production ( ), Coherent and non-Resonant Productions in charged and neutral current interactions Cooperation with theoretical physicists is highly important 2. Booster Neutrino Beam (BNB) at FNAL cf. NuMI Protons from Booster: 8 GeV, maximum rate 5Hz, a batch is 1.6x10-6 s wide and consists of 84 bunches, one bunch is 4ns wide, 19 ns peak-to-peak separation to next bunch background suppression Meson Production Cross Sections by HARP at CERN Being Operated for MiniBooNE since 2002 実験ホールにおける Detector EC MRD SciBar Area of circle is proportional to ADC. Hits along the proton track are larger CCQE candidate p CC-non-QE candidate νμ+ p μ+p+π 3 νμ+ n μ + p 2 1 NC elastic scattering cand. NC 0 candidate p ν μ+ N νμ+ N + π0 Vertex! e e candidate g 0 g p Large energy deposit in Electron Catcher e νe+ n e + p e
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