Rolf M. Zinkernagel ——1996 Nobel Laureate 辛格纳吉 ----让免疫体分清敌我 1996年 诺贝尔奖生理与医学奖 澳大利亚的杜赫提(Peter C. Doherty)和 瑞士的辛克纳吉(Rolf M. Zinkernagel) 研究组织相容抗原, 发现细胞的中介免疫保 护特征。 学术贡献 免疫学中心法则: “免疫细胞识别机制——双识别” T 细胞? 保护实验小鼠对抗 脑膜炎病毒( LCMV ) 杀手T 细胞只毒杀 表现相同组织相容抗原之感染细胞 ←→ 两种细胞之间的作用具有 组织相容抗原限制性 具有攻击 性的T 细 胞不仅认 得病毒所 带的抗原 对组织相容抗原在免疫作用的角色加 以明确定位 为以后的研究免疫系统对抗病毒的作 用机转提供了正确方向 研究意义 传染病免疫力的了解以及疫苗的开发,被用 于发展癌症疫苗的基础 对于自体免疫疾病,例如类风湿性关节炎、 糖尿病等,也提供了较明确的探究方向。 通向“诺贝尔”之 路 1944, born in Riehen, a village near Basel Grandfather: Professor of German Literature at the University of Basel Father : employed by one of the former four big pharmaceutical companies -- not as a chemist, but as a biologist Mother: a lab technician whose family was in the watch-making business and in banking Public school Basel Study: voluntary Latin the school's more mathematically and science-oriented subjects Hobbies: handicraft, dancing , mountaineering holiday exchange program England 12-16 years old read a lot travel a lot through England, France and the Scandinavian countries University of Basel Medicine or chemistry? Medicine! Reason: greater range of choices the medical profession could offer research clinical activity private practice in the mountains 1968 final board exams married with Kathrin (classmate) 1969 work at the surgery department at one of the hospitals in Basel !! not the career to pursue postgraduate 1969, Experimental Medicine at the University of Zurich 1970-1972, the Department of Biochemistry at the University of Lausanne, learning about immunology, immunochemistry and the frustrations of experimental lab work. Postdoctoral 1972, join the Department of Microbiology in Canberra cell-mediated immunity against Salmonella and Listeria learn more about the role of cell-mediated versus antibody-dependent immune effector mechanisms in these infectious disease models Cooperate the only empty space in the small labs at the John Curtin School: the lab occupied by Peter Doherty cooperate on immune responses against the LCMV virus Result: the discovery of the MHC restriction enrol at the age of 28 as a PhD student at ANU 1974, join Scripps to work on cellmediated immunity of auto-immune mice 1975, write up PhD thesis and Peter Doherty correct its English language 工作与梦想 1976-1979, Department of Immunopathology, Scripps Clinic and Research Foundation 1979-1992, Department of Pathology, University of Zurich, University Hospital, Zurich 1992- Head, Institute of Experimental Immunology, Zurich 自然界是科学研究的生命力所在,科学家 要到自然界、到日常生活现象中去寻找课 题 赢得诺贝尔奖没有给生活带来改变,收到 邀请时,是去演讲还是继续工作?继续工 作! 梦想:彻底了解疫苗如何发挥作用的机理, 能发现更多解决疾病的方法。
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