Australia-Japan Relations (Economy) EMBASSY of JAPAN in AUSTRALIA Japan is Australia’s largest export market. Australia's Merchandise Exports by Countries and Country Groups (2007-08) Taiwan 6.5 (3.6%) Japan 35.0 (19.3%) Othere 37.1 (20.5%) China 27.0 (14.9%) NZ, 9.5 (5.3%) USA, 10.6 (5.9%) ROK 14.2 (7.9%) EU 20.5 (11.3%) ASEAN 20.5 (11.3%) (Unit: billion dollars) <Source: ABS (2007-08)> ① Australia-Japan Relations (Economy) EMBASSY of JAPAN in AUSTRALIA Australia is a Key and stable supplier of important commodities and goods for Japan. Japanese imports of major commodities by country BEEF (2007) NAT URAL CHEESE (2007 ) (Tot a l Import s: 241.3 billion ye n) NZ USA 9.1% 6.6% (T ot a l Im por t s: 9 3 .3 billion y en ) Ot hers 2.9% Aust ralia 81.4% IRON ORES (2008) (Tot a l Import s : 1358.3 billion ye n) Germany 5.0% USA 5.1% Italy 7.9% India 4.2% Canada 1.7% Ot hers Sout h Af rica 5.3% 2.8% Others 19.2% Australia 37.6% NZ 25.1% Aust ralia Brazil 52.9% 33% URANIUM (2005) COAL(2008) (Total Imports: about 9.5 thousand short tons) (Total Imports: 3050.5 billion y en) China Russia 7.3% 5.4% Canada 7.6% Indonesia 13.0% Kazakhstan Uzbekistan 1.2% USA 1.5% Namibia 2% 11% Niger Others 3.5% Australia Others 1% Australia 36% 11% 63.3% Canada 36% ② Australia-Japan Relations (Economy) EMBASSY of JAPAN in AUSTRALIA Australia is Japan’s largest supplier of energy. Total Import of Petroleum, LNG and Coal by Country (Convert LNG and Coal to Petroleum) Others 30.84% Qatar 32.176 Indonesia 7.81% 45,800,477 10.66% Australia 92,470,746 21.53% Saudi Arabia 63,030,395 14.68% UAE 62,171,888 14.48% (Unit: million tons) <Source: Trade Statistics of MOF (2007)> ③ Australia-Japan Relations (Economy) EMBASSY of JAPAN in AUSTRALIA Australia’s trade surplus with Japan is larger than any other country. Australia's Trade Surplus by country (2007-08) ($100million) 200.00 152.60 150.00 100.00 80.90 77.20 23.90 50.00 0.00 -50.00 -40.70 -100.00 -83.80 -91.30 -137.20 -150.00 -200.00 an Ja p K RO ia In d NZ ina ore a ny h p m C a r g Ge Sin A US <Source: DFAT (2007-08)> ④ Australia-Japan Relations (Economy) EMBASSY of JAPAN in AUSTRALIA Japanese are major investors to Australia. Level of Amount of Direct Investmet to Australia by Countries (2008) Others 124,013 (31.6%) USA 95,417 (24.3%) NZ, 5,362 (1.4%) France 13,406 (3.4%) Germany 13,738 (3.5%) Switzerland 19,509 (5%) Netherland Japan 25,085 35,959 (6.4%) (9.2%) UK 60,373 (15.4%) (Unit: million dollars) <Source: ABS (2008)> ⑤ Australia-Japan Relations (People-to-People Links) EMBASSY of JAPAN in AUSTRALIA Australia hosts the fourth largest number of Japanese residents. Number of Japanese citizens residing abroad (2007) (number of People) 400,000 374,732 (+1.17%) 350,000 300,000 250,000 200,000 127,905 (+1.98%) 150,000 63,459 (+7.04%) 63,526 (+4.57%) 100,000 50,000 61,527 47,376 42,736 32,775 (▲5.05%)(+7.29%) (+6.18%) (▲2.54%) 0 A US i na Ch UK A al ia r t us Bra zi l nd an y ada a l n i m a r a C Th Ge <Source: MOFA (2007)> ⑥ Australia-Japan Relations (People-to-People Links) EMBASSY of JAPAN in AUSTRALIA Japanese rank third in visitor arrivals in Australia. Visitor Arrivals in Australia (2008) NZ 1,113.3 20% Others 1,872.1 34% Malaysia 171.0 3% ROK 218.3 4% UK 672.1 12% USA 454.4 8% Singapore 270.9 5% China 356.4 6% Japan 457.3 8% (Unit: thousands people) <Source: ABS Overseas Arrival and Departures, Australia (2008)> ⑦ Australia-Japan Relations (People-to-People Links) EMBASSY of JAPAN in AUSTRALIA Australia ranks third in number of people learning Japanese. Number of People learning Japanese (2006) 1,000,000 910,957 800,000 1 in 52 peopl e 684,366 1 in 1,900 people 1 in 55 people 600,000 366,165 400,000 272,719 436,277 1 in 2,500 191,367people 200,000 117,969 0 K RO Ch ina a st r Au lia In es i don a n wa i a T A US er Oth s <Source: Japan Foundation “Survey of Overseas Organization Involved in Japanese-Language Education (2006)”> ⑧
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