陽子のスピン構造: 2008.8.8 at KEK 東工大 柴田利明 l l 陽子 1 1 qi G Lq LG 2 2 i 非偏極: f1(x) 密度分布関数 q(x) 縦偏極: g1(x) ヘリシティ分布関数 Δq(x) 1 1 qi Lq ,G 2 2 i 横偏極: h1(x) 横向きスピン分布関数 δq(x) Q2 発展が異なる 陽子のスピン構造: 2008.8.8 at KEK 東工大 柴田利明 深非弾性散乱 レプトンビーム: ミューオン , 電子, ニュートリノ f ( xBJ , Q2 ) 陽 子 ハドロン化: fragmentation 陽子-陽子衝突: 陽 子 f ( xBJ 1 , Q2 ) f ( xBJ 2 , Q2 ) 陽 子 陽子のスピン構造: 2008.8.8 at KEK l l レプトン-核子偏極散乱実験 SLAC, CERN, DESY, J-Lab FNAL, J-PARC (ニュートリノ) 軸性ベクトル形状因子 → Δs SciBooNE at FNAL KEK-Belle (破砕関数 fragmentation) space-like * q q q l time-like Drell‐Yan Process FNAL, J-PARC * q p p 東工大 柴田利明 l 偏極陽子-陽子弾性散乱 J-PARC 一般化されたパートン分布 (GPD) パートン分布関数 ← → 弾性散乱の形状因子 偏極陽子-陽子衝突 非弾性 RHIC Generalized Parton Distributions ~q ~q H ( x, ,t ), E ( x , ,t ), H ( x , ,t ), E ( x, ,t ) q q Forward limit t 0, H q ( x, 0,0) q( x ), ~q H ( x, 0,0) q( x ) Ordinary Quark Distributions Sum rules, x – integral, sum over q H ( x , , t ) F1 (t ), E ( x , ,t ) F2 (t ) ~q ~q H ( x , ,t ) gA (t ), E ( x , ,t ) hA (t ) q q lim t0 Dirac and Pauli Nucleon Form Factors Axial-vector and Pseudoscalar Form Factors 1 1 q q q dx x [ H ( x , , t ) E ( x , , t )] J 2 1 1 q J qi Lqz 2 i 2nd moment Total angular momentum Orbital angular momentum Generalized (Off-Forward) Parton Distributions Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering Exclusive Meson Production Deep Inelastic Scattering q, q , , , Generalized Parton Distributions (GPD) ~ ~ Hq , E q , Hq , E q F1 , F2 Electromagnetic Form Factors ( Elastic Scattering ) Total Angular Momentum Jq Jq 1 2 q i i Lqz Orbital Angular Momentum Lq Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering How to measure DVCS Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering Bethe-Heitler Process, known calculable d4 2 2 2 | A A | | A | | A | I DVCS BH DVCS BH 2 d dt dQ dx LU (e p) - (e p) sin Im I ch (e p) - (e p) cos Re I Beam-spin asymmetry by HERMES and CLAS Beam-charge asymmetry by HERMES -- DVCS-BH Interference, Real and Imaginary DVCS Cross Section by ZEUS and H1 Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering (DVCS) Coss section for inclusive deep inelastic scattering -- Exclusive production of a real photon x x p Im p x GPD :Light cone momentum fraction x BJ :Exchanged longitudinal momentum fraction 2 x BJ t :Momentum transfer Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering First observation of beam-spin asymmetry of DVCS ALU HERMES (2001) ~ 30% effect CLAS (2001)
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