Tools for Talking: A Collaborative Approach to

Kittie Butcher, MSU Extension, Clinton County
Katie Strong, MSU, Communication Sciences and Disorders
Outcomes of today’s presentation
Identify roles of speech-language pathologist, parent
educators, and other team members in training parents on
language promotion strategies
Identify available tools for establishing program on
promoting language development
Understand the value of collaborating with university level
students, early childhood partners, and parent leaders in the
training process to promote an interactive team in support of
children’s outcomes
Traditional Model of Training of Students in SpeechLanguage Pathology Conflicts with Early Intervention
Philosophy and Expectations
Traditional Medical Model
Disorder focused
Clinical setting preferred
Clinician driven therapy
Treatment directly
focused on ‘patient’ or
Skill set is kept within
specialist and shared
only with ‘patient’ or
Family Centered Practice
Bruder & Dunst (2005)
Focus on family support
Natural environments
Cross disciplinary
models of service
Service coordination
Development of IFSPs
Role of SLP in Early Intervention
(ASHA 2008)
Impact of IDEA Part C
SLP in variety of roles
Direct service provider, consultant, service coordinator, resource locator, advocate, insurance
liaison, administrator, policy maker
Federal mandates and general practice patterns support the goal of
enhancing developmental outcomes for the targeted population of infants and
Broader focus on children's successful participation in the activities and routines that they
engage in at home and in community settings
Practices featuring family-centered, culturally sensitive, developmentally appropriate, and
collaborative components have been deemed desirable
There is no one model or precise set of therapeutic approaches that can
guide all early intervention services.
Guiding principles for services to infants and
toddlers with disabilities (ASHA 2008)
Family centered and culturally and linguistically
Developmentally supportive and promote children's
participation in their natural environments
Comprehensive, coordinated, and team based
Based on the highest quality evidence available
WKAR Talaris
Parenting Counts Grant
Early Head Start, MSU Extension,
Clinton and Eaton Counties & Eaton
County Early Childhood
Goal - present parent training to
families enrolled in programs
Emotion Coaching
“Train the trainer" format to
expand outreach efforts
Supports from Grant
Training materials
 Handouts
 Website
 Research Spotlights
 Book for each family to
practice with at training
and then take home
Functions of the SLP in Infant/Toddler and Family
Services (ASHA 2008)
The SLP is qualified to provide
services to
Families and their children who
are at risk for developing, or
who already demonstrate, delays
or disabilities in languagerelated play and symbolic
behaviors, communication,
language, speech, and/or
swallowing and feeding.
In providing these services, the
SLP may participate in the
following primary functions
Evaluation and assessment
Planning, implementing, and
monitoring intervention
Consultation with and education
for team members, including
families and other professionals
Service coordination
Transition planning
Advancing the knowledge base in
early intervention.
Strategies for supporting and enhancing early
child communication
(ASHA 2008)
Directive Interaction Strategies
Adult structures
interactions by selecting
ways to elicit a particular
communicative act,
expecting and supporting
the child in the interaction
to gain the desired
response and often
providing a tangible
reward for correct
Responsive Interaction Strategies
Encourage the child's
engagement and
interaction, to provide
opportunities for childinitiated behavior, and
for reciprocity and
balanced turn taking
with communication
Strategies for supporting and enhancing early
child communication
(ASHA 2008)
One size does
not fit all
Continuum of service delivery models may include
combinations of clinician-delivered and parentimplemented interventions that are individually
designed in conjunction with the family for their
In some instances, it may be determined that the best
approach is for the SLP to provide services directly to the
child in a one-on-one format
With others, it may be best for the SLP to teach caregivers
and/or other team members providing direct services to
implement communication and language-enhancing strategies
In yet other cases a combination of these two approaches
may be warranted.
Irrespective of the approach, however, it is essential that
the SLP and family collaboratively determine what is best
given the child's needs and family priorities.
Collaborative partnership with the family and
other team members (ASHA 2008)
The SLP selects among the available
approaches and strategies, provides
direct implementation of intervention,
shares information and resources, offers
information to family members to
enhance informed decision making, and
implements practices that enhance
family confidence and competence.
Talk Tools Workshop
Goals of Talk Tools Workshop
Parent Participants
Increase knowledge and value of daily interactions
with their child and the impact on language
development; language is a turn taking activity that
can be embedded in daily routines.
Increase understanding of expressive language and
receptive language skills.
Practice language support tools modeled by video
clips and hands-on activities with feedback from
language coaches.
Goals of Talk Tools Workshop
Student Participants
Expanding experience in sharing information in language
Learning to value of partnering with parents and increasing
comfort level with parents
Using parent as a partner model in speech intervention
Increasing knowledge and skills in language intervention
Developing value for collaboration with interdisciplinary
Begin exposure to service delivery that differs from
traditional medical model
Looking for where language can fit into daily tasks,
developing props for parents to practice these skills
Selection of Language Coaches
Student volunteers from MSU CSD473 Childhood
Phonological Disorders Class
Student Leader - Honors Option
 Assisted
in organization of materials, pre-workshop
trainings, communication with other Language Coaches,
wrap-up session
additional students
 1-2nd
year MA student
 3-1st year MA students
 2-Undergradaute seniors
Language Coach Training
Initial 60-minute training
Review of language development for
2-3 year olds
Provide additional reading resources
Second 60-minute training
Talaris materials
ASHA supplements
Practiced modeling language for
Brainstormed on ideas for activities to
use during Talk Tools training
Discussion and Q/A on
What types of children may
What intervention already done
Assembled practice kits for hands
on activities with parents
Practiced with at least 2
different kits
Reading material
Developing scenarios and equipment for
hands on practice with parents
Language modeling strategies
Providing feedback to parents
Explaining concepts to parents
Strategies Taught for Modeling
Slow Rate
actions &
It’s your turn to get in the kitchen
Share your
ideas with
sitting next to
List 5 daily activities that you could
model with a family you are currently
working with.
Expand one of the activities on your list
 What
Take 5 minutes
for this task.
materials are needed?
 What are the target words or sounds?
 How would this interaction with the parent
Language Activities
Car ride
Snack time
Taking a bath
Getting dressed in the
Getting ready for bed
Making and eating
Grocery shopping
Changing a diaper
Watching sports/tv
Reading a book
Look Who’s Talking – Helpful Parenting Tips
(Talaris 2008)
Talk to your little one early,
& talk to her often. Get up
close so she can see how
your lips move. Babies are
wonderful copycats.
Use “parentese." It’s a way
of drawing out your vowels
and changing the tone of
your voice from high to low,
like “hello baaaabeeeee!”
Don’t be afraid to repeat
yourself, over and over
again. Favorite songs,
nursery rhymes, and the
words to favorite books
give children lots of
practice hearing the sounds
of the language.
When she babbles, don’t
be embarrassed to babble
right back. Babies learn
early to take turns with you
in making sounds. Think of
these as conversations!
What a Chatterbox! – Helpful Parenting Tips
(Talaris 2008)
Remember that young children
recognize & understand many
more words than they can say.
Talk to your child often. Point out
the cats, balls, & other objects in
her life. Talk about what you’re
doing throughout the day.
Follow her lead and describe
the things she points to.
As children learn new
words, they may not say
them quite right at first.
Rather than correcting them,
help them by repeating the
word after they say it, so
that they can hear it again.
Help build a child’s
vocabulary by adding
details to the objects and
events of the day. For
example, if she says “ball”
you could add, “Yes, that’s
right, it’s a ball. It’s a red
ball that bounces.” Use a
rich vocabulary when you
talk about things.
Tired of talking? Try
reading. It can be a fun
way to be close to your
Talking on the Go: Everyday Activities to Enhance
Speech and Language Development
(Dougherty & Paul 2007)
Loaded with everyday activities
to enhance speech and language
development in four major areas:
building vocabulary
listening and speech production
reading and writing readiness
participation in conversations
Offers simple and fun
suggestions for parents and
caregivers to use in a variety of
settings. Activities are geared for
children from birth through age
CD included in the book for easy
access in printing handouts for
parents and caregivers
Ongoing Debate… What does evidence
say on modeling language (van Kleeck et. al in press)
Telegraphic Input
(Susan is/I’m) feeding the
(The baby is) drinking milk
(from the bottle)
(This is/Here is) my baby
(Mommy) feed(ing) (baby)
(Baby) drink(ing) (milk)
(from) (bottle)
This (is) my baby
Grammatical Input
Dad: Bucket (picks up
Child: Bucket
Dad: Bury the bucket (digs
hole) Daddy’s going to bury
the bucket. (buries in sand)
Where’s the bucket?
Child: Where?
Dad: Where? Where’s the
Language Modeling (van Kleeck et. al in press)
Bottom Line:
support from
consultants is
vital in
parents shift
their skills
based on their
child’s needs
at the time of
Child: Ball
Adult: Say, throw the ball.
Child: Throw ball.
Adult: Okay, I’ll throw the ball.
Lexically and relationally simple, but
grammatically well-formed utterances that
are highly redundant in structure and
content, characteristic of 2-year old
language production
Talk Tools Training
Nuts and bolts of planning
Participant identification
 Language delayed children currently in Early On
Flyers sent to Head Start, Great Parents Great Start, Community
Play Groups
Home visit recruiting identified by Early On Consultant
Invitations at initial evaluations for Early On eligibility
 Language delayed children, who at the time were not receiving
special education services
 Typical language learners – strategies appropriate for these
 Parents self identified as wanting support for their child’s
language development
 Some parents with children whose needs were more complex that
the content of this training (e.g., ASD)
36 participants – including student language coaches
Agenda for “Tools for Talking” Seminar
2-hour seminar
Dinner (not included in 2-hour time frame)
Welcome, explanation of grant and community partners
(15 minutes)
View “Parentese” video clip (30 minutes)
Introduction of presenters
Instructions for completion of necessary paperwork
Introduction of parents and student participants, each individual will
introduce self and share their (child’s) favorite book or toy.
Group discussion of video
Activity of using learned strategies with book (provided by grant)
for each parent/s to take home with them. MSU students to assist
with small group facilitation.
View “Parentese” video clip again for further discussion
Break (5 minutes)
Agenda for “Tools for Talking” Seminar
2 hour seminar
Transition to application to daily life. (30 minutes)
Discussion of balance between “Parentese” - expressive activities and “Keep Talking” –
Receptive activities. Practical strategies on how parents can put this into their daily routines
with their children. Opportunities for modeling.
Information on speech sound development for parents with questions on
Language modeling activity with MSU students and parents (20 minutes)
View “Keep Talking” video clip – (30 minutes)
Model language using props for daily activities (ideas to include: bath time, meals, getting in
car seat, getting dressed, folding laundry, putting away groceries)
Group discussion of video
Language expansion activity with props again with MSU students as group facilitators.
Emphasizing level of child to engage in participation.
View “Keep Talking” video clip again for further discussion
Conclusion (5 minutes)
Final questions?
Thank you for attending
Completion of course evaluation
Workshop Participant Feedback
What did parents think?
What did student “language coaches” think”?
What is the most important thing you learned from
today’s workshop?
“To take sentences (phrases) kids are saying and expand to add one or two
words to it.”
“That all along I was doing the right thing for my son, and that’s reassuring.”
List one thing you will do as a result of this workshop
“To be more interactive during regular tasks around the house that will make my child
feel more involved.”
“Slow down, talk directly to my child, and do not talk over their skill level.”
What did you like about the workshop?
What would you add?
“Being able to
communicate with others
and connect, share
ideas, relate, etc. It’s
okay to be a little silly.”
“The students working
with the parents was
very good.”
“Having the students
help reinforce the ideas
being presented was
What did you like about the workshop?
What would you add?
“The center around our
relationships with our
“The assistance from
grad and undergrad
students. It was helpful
for me to practice out
loud to others to see if
what I am doing is
“Parents want info - great turn out.”
Feedback from colleague who attended workshop in response to “What is the
most important think you learned from today’s workshop
What did students say?
Skills learned
 Just talking to parents
 Confidence boost
Reinforced that this is for
all children
Liked the 2 trainings –
and the recap, just
enough information.
Our thoughts on this workshop
Collaborative effort
Reinforcement of information
on home visits, play groups
and home visits
Home visits
Consultation with SLP
Parent support and
Increased awareness and
skills for students
Future thoughts and ideas
Language coaches
Parent leaders
 Other EO staff
 Day care providers
Increased partnerships
 Other training centers
 Community agencies
Thank you for your
participation today!
Before you leave….
Take out your postcard from your white
envelope of handouts
Write your name and address on the
Write out a few thoughts on your
postcard regarding
 How
you may use this information in your
own setting
 Identify potential collaborators
References & Resources
Apel, K. & Masterson, J.J. (2001). Beyond baby talk. Roseville, CA: Prima
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2008). Roles and
Responsibilities of Speech-Language Pathologists in Early Intervention:
Technical Report [Technical Report]. Available from
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (2006). Speech,
language, and hearing milestones. DVD
Bruder,M.B. & Dunst, C.J. (2005). Personnel preparation in recommended
early intervention practices: Degree of emphasis across disciplines.
Topics in Early Childhood Special Education, 25(1), 25-33.
Childress, D.C. (2004). Special instruction and natural environments.
Infants and Young Children 17(2), 162-170.
Dougherty, D. & Paul, R. (2007). Talking on the go: Everyday activities to
enhance speech and language development. American SpeechLanguage Hearing Association.
References & Resources
Talaris Institute (2008). Look who’s talking! Babbling babies are learning how to
make sounds! Research Spotlight, Parenting Counts.
Talaris Institute (2008). Talking to baby: The magical sounds of “parentese”
make it the preferred language for babies. Research Spotlight, Parenting
Talaris Institute (2008). What a chatterbox! Learning new words can happen
quickly! Research Spotlight, Parenting Counts.
Talaris Research Institute (2005). It’s a wabbit! Rhymes and songs help children
learn the sounds of words. Research Spotlight.
Talaris Research Institute (2005). Look who’s talking: Babbling babies are
learning how to use their lips, tongues, mouths and jaws to make sounds
before they make words. Research Spotlight.
Van Kleeck, A., Schwarz, A.L., Fey, M., Kaiser, A., Miller, J. & Weitzman, E. (in
press). Should we use telegraphic or grammatical input with children in the
early stages of language development who have language impairment? A
meta-analysis of the research and expert opinion. Journal of SpeechLanguage Pathology.