A COURSE SUMMARY 主要内容 • • • • • • • • 1第一讲 商务英语文体风格和语言特点 2第二讲 商务英语翻译标准 3第三讲 商务英语词语的翻译 (1) 4第四讲 商务英语词语的翻译 (2) 5第五讲 商务英语词语的翻译(3) 6第六讲 商务英语词语的翻译(4) 7第七讲 商务英语词语的翻译(5) 8第八讲 商务英语句子的翻译(1) 主要内容: 张新红《商务英语翻译》 考试形式:闭卷 100分 • 商务词汇互译 15*2=30% – 15 汉译英 – 15英译汉 • 商务句子翻译 (英译汉) 15*4=60% – 15个句子 • 简答题 2*5 % Sample • Section A C– 游资 – 保险承销 – 变相涨价 – 头寸 – 游资 – 保险承销商 • Section A E- C – – – – – – Laura SISU counter-offer bid bond an outstanding cheque draft at sight judgment by default particular average Part II sentence translation – A contract shall be an agreement whereby the parties establish, change or terminate their civil relationship. – We wish to cover the goods against All Risks. – These investors show no interest in putting fresh money into the market. – Advertisers must realize that people usually are motivated by the goal of satisfying some combination of two or more needs, and the needs may be both conscious and unconscious. Laura SISU Part III Questions • the criteria of translation with business English • 7c • Stylistics features • Context • Linguistic features of biz laugange • … Laura SISU 第一讲 商务英语文体风格和语言 特点 Technical /commercial Terms for Clarity Abbreviations • • • • • • • • CIF Cost , Insurance and Freight到 岸价格 O/C Outward Collection 出口托收 B/D Bank Draft 银行汇票 Laura • • • • • • • • SISU CPI Consumer Price Index C/A Current Account 往来账 TPND Theft Pilferage and Non-Delivery 盗窃和提货不着险 EXX • • • • • • • Anti-dumping measures Quota-free products 非配额产品 Counter-offer 还盘 Bid bond 投标保证金 Laura SISU EXX • • • • • • • • • • • • Kitty 凑集的资金 共同资金 Kite 空头支票 Negotiable 可兑现的(支票等) Raider 企图收购者 (证券交 易) honor 承兑(票据) (银行 业) Average 海损 海损费用 Laura • • • • • • • • • • • • SISU Offer 要约 Offerer 要约人 Offeree 受要约人 Accept 承诺 Acceptor 承诺人 Acceptee 接受承诺人 EXX • • • • • • • • • Bill of lading • 提单 • documents against acceptance • 承兑交单 • Bill of exchange • 汇票 • Offer • 发盘 • a firm offer • 实盘 • counter offer • 还盘 an outstanding cheque 未兑现支票 futures /drugs/buy 期货、滞销货、便宜货 Force Majeure 不可抗力 draft at sight 即期汇票 Laura SISU EXX Drugs: Unmarketable (unsalable, poor-selling) products; stickers • 滞销货;滞销商品 ; • This type of fixture went out of style and is now a drug on the market. • 这种装置的式样已经过时了,现在已成 为一种滞销货。 Laura SISU Technical terms • • • • default terms/value 违约条款/默认值 judgment by default 缺席裁判 Laura SISU Linguistic feature (conversational) • With reference to your request for an extension on your note under date of February 7,we have considered the matter carefully and are pleased to tell you that we will be willing to allow you an additional 90 days to make payment on your note. • 关于你的要求延期支付2月7日到期的贷款一事,我 们很高兴地通知您:在对这件事情慎重考虑之后,我 们同意多给您90天的宽限期来支付款项. • We are pleased to allow you an additional 90 days to pay your note dated February 7. • 我们很乐意多给您90天的时间来支付2月7日到期 的贷款. Laura SISU no vague language Literal words instead of figurative words are widely used in Business English. • We are delighted to receive your letter of November 18 asking whether we can supply you with Art. No 6024. • 很高兴收到你方案11月18 日来函,询问我方 可否供应6024货号商品. • The period for shipment begins on April 1 and ends October 20 (both dates inclusive). • 从四月一日起到十月二十日止这一其间交货. Laura SISU EXX • We are in receipt of –-- we have received Compare: • Please be advised that we have received your invoice No.248. • Your invoice No.248 has been received. • 贵方248号发票已收到 Laura SISU Objective and impersonal Expository writing • A contract shall be an agreement whereby the parties establish ,change or terminate their civil relationship. • 合同是当事人之间设立、变更、终止民事关系 的协议。(definition) • Business is a combination of all these activities: production.distribution and sale,through which profit or economic surplus will be created. • 商务是指生产、配送、销售等一切活动的组合, 通过这些活动,创造利润和经济盈余。 (definition) Laura SISU 4.Objective and impersonal • This contract is made out in duplicate in Chinese and in English Language ,one Chinese original copy and one English original copy for each party, both text being equally authentic. • 本合同用中文和英文书就,一式二份,双方各 执一份中文正本和一份英文正本。两种文本 具有同等效力。(illustration) Laura SISU 5. Principle-governed sentences loaded with clear and rich information for efficient communication • All offers by telex are open for 7 days. • 所有电传开盘七天内有效。 • Please rush your L/C so that the shipment may not be delayed. • 请速开证,以免耽误装运。 Laura SISU More passive sentences for objectivity and clarity • Documents must be presented not later than the expiry date of the credit. • 单据不得迟于信用证到期日提交。 • An expiry date stipulated for payment, acceptance or negotiation will be construed to express an expiry date for presentation of documents. • 所规定的付款、承兑或议付的到期日,将视 为提交单据的到期日. Laura SISU More Passive Examples • This matter should be taken up with the insurance company. • 这件事情应向保险公司提出。 • Anti-dumping is widely being made use of in some countries. • 某些国家在滥用反倾销措施。 Laura SISU 随函附上发票和提单。 We are enclosing the invoice and the bill of lading. 根据贵方5月6日来函,我方乐意订购下列货物。 With reference/ Regarding/In reply to /Referring to your letter of May 6,we are pleased to give an order for the following goods. Laura SISU You-attitude vs We-attitude Business • You earn a 5% discount when you pay cash. (“you”—attitude) 你付现款,可赚5%的折扣。 Laura SISU Words of the day Translation risk • Translation risks should be taken into account when you negotiate payment terms in international trade. • 做国际贸易谈判付款条件时要考虑换汇风险。 • The greater the proportion of asset and liability denominated in a foreign currency, the greater the translation risk. • 外汇业务中,所显示的资产和负债的比例越高, 换汇风险越高 Laura SISU Lecture 2. Criteria & Techniques for business English translation Criteria • loyal • Idiomatic/readable • consistent Faithful to Information • B should send A detailed information of guests (date of arrival, number of rooms needed, nights) ten days prior to the arrival. • 乙方应提前10天向甲方确报散客的详细信 息(抵达日期(即入住日期)、房数及天数。 EXX • Party A shall pay Party B a monthly salary of US$500 (SAY FIVE HUNDRED US DOLLARS ONLY). • 甲方须每月付给一方500美元元整。 EXX • 从4月1日起到10月20日止这一其间内交货. • ?Time of delivery begins on April 1 and ends on October 20. • Time of delivery begins on April 1 and ends on October 20,both dates inclusive. • 乙方没有按合同规定及时把货备妥,致使甲方派去装货的船 只滞期48小时. • ?Party B failed to get the goods ready for loading in accordance with the time of shipment as stipulated in the Contract. Therefore it resulted in time delay for the vessel sent by Party A for 48 hours. • Party B’s failure to get the goods ready for loading in accordance with the time of shipment as stipulated in the Contract has resulted in time on demurrage for the vessel sent by Party A for 48 hours EXX • • • • • • • • • We wish to cover the goods against All Risks. 我们希望货物能避免所有风险. 我们拟对该货投保全险. We are able to quote you very advantageous terms. 我们能够引用你方非常有利的条件. 我们能够向你方报相当优惠的价格. Most little shops have been absorbed into big business. 大多数小店已被大企业吸收了. 大多数小店已被并入大公司 3.Consistency By consistency we also mean, if possible, keeping the same structural forms in translation so as to achieve coherence of the text. • As we begin a new era in McDonald’s, it is important that we define our vision for the future … where we are heading … what we plan to achieve … and how we will get there together. • 当我们开创麦当劳公司新纪元之际,重要的是要描绘我们 未来的发展前景,诸如我们的前进方向,规划取得何种成 就,如何共同达到这一目标等等。 Exercises Loyalty (accuracy) • This contract is made in two originals in both English and Chinese,each party holding one.In case of any discrepancy between the two versions,the Chinese version shall prevail. 以中文本为准 • 本合同以中英文同时书就,一式两份,双方各 执一份。两种文本如有歧意,以中文本为准。 loyalty • The Buyer shall make a claim against the Seller (including replacement of the goods) by further inspection certificate and all the expenses incurred therefrom shall be borne by the Seller. • 如果买方向卖方提出索赔( 包括换货),并 出具相应的检验证明,卖方将支付全部费用。 • 买方须凭复检证明书向卖方提出索赔(包括 换货),由此引发的全部费用应由卖方承担。 EXX • The date of receipt issued by the transportation department concerned shall be regarded as the date of the delivery of goods. • 由有关的运输机构所开具收据的日期即被 视为交货日期。 • 由承运的运输机构所开具收据的日期即被 视为交货日期。 Idiomaticity • The arbitral award is final and binding upon both parties. • 仲裁机构的裁决具有最终效力,双方必须 遵照执行。 • 仲裁裁决是终局裁决,对双方均具有约束 力。 2.General Introduction to Techniques for Biz Translation • • • • • • • Direct method Indirect method Complete equivalence Partial equivalence Merging Splitting Conversion Example • As a result, goods circulate more widely and at lower prices, jobs are created, and wealth is spread. Though people may act from the narrow desire to enrich themselves, “an invisible hand” guides them to enrich and improve all of society. • Direct: 结果,商品更广泛地流通,价格低廉,工作被创造 出来,财富被扩散。尽管人们可以从狭窄的欲望出发,使 自己富有,‘一个无形之手’指导它们致富并改进社会。 • Indirect:结果,商品价格更为低廉、流通更为广泛,就业 机会增加,人们的财富也随之增加。尽管人们可能会从狭 义的欲望出发去发家致富,但‘一种无形之手’却能引导 他们去繁荣整个社会、去促进整个社会的进步。 More • Designated forex banks dealt on the inter-bank market according to the turnover position limit on banking exchange stipulated by SAFE and covered the position on the market. • 外汇指定银行根据国家外汇管理局核对的银行 结售汇周转头寸限额到银行间市场进行外汇买 卖,平补结售汇头寸。 • in an easy position (tight position) • 头寸宽裕(头寸紧缺) Explanation • …And for good reason:Lenders worry that they'll be throwing money down a black hole..…其原因很清楚,放款者担心他们的 钱会扔进一个无底洞。 Good 引申为“很清楚”、“很简单”或“只有 一个” black hole “黑洞 “石沉大海” 肉包子打狗 有去无回 “无底洞” Words of the day Fresh money • These investors show no interest in putting fresh money into the market. • 这个投资者根本没有兴趣向市场追加资本。 • Fresh money is opposed to old money. • 追加资本与原有资本相对。 Hands-on homework Lecture 3 Lexical Choice in EnglishChinese Translation for International Business (1) Laura SISU p77 • Advertisers must realize that people usually are motivated by the goal of satisfying some combination of two or more needs, and the needs may be both conscious and unconscious. • T:广告人必须明白,通常能够满足两个或者更多需要的综合 目标才能促使人们购买 ,而且这些需要既可能是有意识的 , 又可能是无意识的. • 改1: 广告商须知 ,人们在实现能满足两个以上综合需求的 目标时才会激起消费欲 ,这些消费需求既可以是有计划的 , 也可以是没有计划的。 • 改2: 广告商须知 ,如能满足人们两个以上的综合需求,才会 激起其消费欲 ,这些消费需求既可以是有计划的 ,也可以是 没有计划的。 p89 • In a turnkey project, the seller plans, constructs, and places in operation a foreign facility that is then transferred to a local owner. • T: 在由承包商完全承包的工程中,卖主计划 、建造并将一 套国外设施投人运作 ,然后将其转让给地方雇主 。 • 改: 在统包式项目中,卖方负责规划、建造一套国外进口设 施并使其投人运行后 交付给当地的买主。 Note • • • • • • A turnkey project 统包式工程/项目;交钥匙工程项目 Places in operation 将上述设施“投人运行 ” Transfer :转交给 统工程的付款方式都有约定 ,工程完工了再作“转让”不 符合一般的操作规范 • A local owner • 买方/买主 p20 • A foreign business representative, neither overly sympathetic toward China nor overly disposed against it, would need to be convinced on a number of scores before he could responsibly commit his firm to taking an equity position in a Chinese enterprise. • T: 一个对中国既无过度好感又无过度恶感的企业代表 ,在 代表公司在华投资、与一定中国企业形成平等股权关系 之前 ,必须考虑许多因素。 • 改:一个对华采取中立态度的(或译既不十分支持中国 ,也 不极力反对中国的)外国企业代表 ,需要考虑诸多因素方可 代表其公司在中国的某企业获得股权地位。 p24 • You cannot build a ship, a bridge or a house if you don’t know to make a design or how to read it. • T:不会制图或看不懂图纸 ,就不可能造船 、 架桥或盖房子。 • 改:如果你不会设计或看不懂设计图纸 ,你就 无法造船 、架桥 、盖房子 。 p42 • To avert the danger of major defaults and to restore security to the economic systems, Western bankers and governments will have to ensure that they are imposing reasonable repayment terms on developing countries, terms that will not provoke revolution or chaos. • T:为了防止发生重大宣布无力偿还债务事件 ,并 使经济体制恢复巩固 ,西方各国金融机构和政 府必须确保对各发展中国家强制实行公平合理 的还 债 条 件,确保这些条件不至于引发革命或 混乱。 • 为了防止发生重大债务危机,并为经济体制提供 安全保障,西方各国金融机构和政府必须确保对 各发展中国家强制实行公平合理的还债条件,确 保这些条件不至于引发革命或混乱。 default • • • • • 不履行,违约,拖欠;不出场;不参加;不到案;弃权 Let's both try not to default on our commitments. 让我们双方一起努力,不违反自己的承诺。 The player defaulted in the tournament because of her injury. 在这次循环赛中,这位运动员由于受伤而弃权。 p50 • A more realistic approach toward international specialization is that of comparative advantage. this concept says that a nation has a comparative advantage in an item if it can produce it more efficiently that alternative products. • T:参与国际分工的另一更为现实的做法是采取比较优势的 做法。比较优势是指假如一个国家生产某种产品比生产其 他产品的效率高 ,那么它就具有生产该产品的比较优势。 • 改:实现国际专业化生产的一个更为现实的途径是“相对优 势” ,这个理念是指某个国家生产某种产品比生产其它产品 效率高,那么该国就具有生产此产品的相对优势。 p52 • As each currency's value is stated of other currencies, French francs, then , have a value in US dollars, which have a value in British pounds, which have a value in Japanese yen. • T: 由于每一种货币的价值是用另外的货币表现出来的 ,那 么法国法郎的价值可以用美元来体现 ,美元可以用英镑来 体现 ,英镑可以用日元来体现。 • 改:由于每一种币值可以折换成其它币值,所以,法国法郎具 有美元的币值 ,美元具有英镑的币值 ,英镑具有日元的币值。 p60 • In the station, a telephone began to ring. The ringing was loud, evenly spaced and unanswered. • T:车站里有一部电话的铃声响了起来。声音 很大 ,节奏均匀 ,没有人接。 • 改: 车站里 ,有部电话铃声大作 ,间隔均匀 ,但 无人接听。 p64 • International trade occurs when a country does not have enough of a particular item to meet its needs. • T: 当一个国家没有足够的某一特定商品来满 足自身需求时 ,就需要有国家贸易。 • 改: 当一个国家的某种产品没有足够的量来 满足本国需求时 ,国际贸易便应运而生了。 p75 • A firm’s involvement in exporting products can range from a minimal commitment all the way to considering exports as necessary for the firm’s survival and growth. • T:公司在产品出口中参与情况的程度不一 ,从最低程度的参 与一直到将出口视为公司生存和发展必要条件的参与都会 存在。 • 改:公司在出口产品中参与程度迥异 ,从最小的出口量直到 视出口量为公司生存与发展 的必要条件。 pp41-42 • When mineral oil is refined into petrol, it is used to drive internal combustion engine. To it we owe the existence of the motor-car, which has replaced the private carriage drawn by the horse. • T:当矿物油被提炼成汽油之后 ,就可以用来驱动内燃机。就 是有了这种油 ,我们才能用上汽车 ,以代替私人马车。 • 改:矿物油精炼成汽油后可用来驱动内燃机。正是有了汽 油 ,我们才用上了汽车 ,取代了私家马车。 p.60 • The voyage was a smooth one. The wind is favorable and the weather fair. • T:一路上非常顺利 ,风是顺风 ,天气是晴好的 天气。 • 改:天气晴好 ,风助船行 ,航程顺利。 p66 • International business as a field of management training deals with the special features of business activities that cross national boundaries. • T:作为管理训练一个领域的国际商务具有跨 国家边界商务活动的专门特征。 • 改:作为管理培训的一个学科 ,国际商务研究 讨论跨国界商务活动的特征 。 p108 • Unemployment in America (as of mid-1990) was running near 5.25 percent. That is somewhat higher than used to be considered full employment, but it is not a serious figure in the aggregate. • T:1990年年中美国的失业率近5.25% 。按以往的标准 ,这个 比例偏高,没有达到充分就业 。但就整体来说问题并不严 重。 • 改:1990年年中美国的失业率接近5.25% 。与以往完全就业 的标准相比 ,这个比例略微偏高。但总的来说这个比例并 不严重 。 Textbook Chapter 3 floating exchange 浮<流>动外汇 • A problem with long-term controversy in economics is: whether fixed exchange rate is better than floating exchange rate? • 经济学中长期争论的一个问题是:固定汇率 是否优于浮动汇率? floating policy • 流动保险单,总额保险单 ,统保单 • Floating policy is of at importance for export trade. • 统保单对出口贸易至关重要 Sympathetic (93)/underwriter • 保险商, 承诺支付者, 承购人 ,核保人 • Usually we receive a handsome premium rebate from our underwriter at regular interval. • 通常,我们可定期从保险商那里拿到一笔可观的保险费回扣。 • Insurance Underwriter • 保险承销商 • Mortgage Underwriter • 抵押保险员 Word of the day • • • • • Underwriter Underwriter/insurer/assurer 保险商:underwriter/insurer Insurer: most commonly used Underwriter:特指进行保险风险和资产评估、 签订保险合同的人,即保险业务受理人。 • Assurer:可用来指进行保险公司或者个人 dance 特指人寿保险商 e.g. • • • • • • 保险商已经估算了风险。 The underwriter has calculated the risk. 如轿车被偷,保险公司就要赔一笔赔偿金。 If the car is stolen, the insurer will pay a sum of money. 这家人寿保险公司同意赔付10万美元的保险赔偿金。 This life assurer agrees to pay US$ 100,000 in insurance. Lecture 4 Lexical Problems in English-Chinese Translation for International Business Addition & Omission Laura SISU Repetition P.14 (Textbook) • Marketing occurs when people decide to satisfy needs and wants through exchange. • 当人们开始通过交换满足欲望和需求的时 候 就出现了营销. • 当人们开始通过交换来满足各种需求的时 候, 就出现了营销。 Repetition p88 • Business is a combination of all these activities: production, distribution and sale, through which profit or economic surplus will be created. • 译文:商务指生产、分配、销售等一切活动的组合,通 过它们利润和经济盈余将被创造。 • 教材:商务是指生产、分配、销售等一切活动的组合, 通过这些活动能创造利润和经济盈余。? • 改译:商务是指生产、分配、销售、并创造利润的一系 列相关活动。 Idiomatic P22 • Shipping details, including whether transshipments are allowed. Also recorded should be the latest date for shipment and the names of the ports of shipment and discharge. • 教材:装船细节, 包括是否允许转运以及装船的最后日期 和装船 、卸货的港口名称。 • 改:装运细节:包括是否允许转运。还须记录装船的最后 日期及装货港、卸货港的名称。 Idiomatic P22 In may be in the best interest of the exporter for shipment to be allowed “from any UK port", so that he has a choice if, for example, some ports are affected by strikes. The same applies for the port of discharge. • 教材:就出口商而言 ,如能任选英国的任何港口装船最有利。 如发生罢工等情况下 ,他有选择港口的余地 。对卸货港口 亦然 。 • 对出口商来说 ,允许在“英国的任何港口装船”最为有利。 比如,一旦罢工波及某些港口而影响装货,他就可以选择 其他港口。这同样适用于卸货港。 Plural words P39. Cargo insurance is to protect the trader from losses that many dangers may cause. • 教材:货物保险会使贸易商免受许多风险 所 可能造成的种种损失。 • 修改:货物保险可以保护商人免遭各种危 险可能造成的经济损失。 商务英语中,一些名词的复数形式通常用来表示 “量 ” e.g. • The losses are computed at $1,000. • 估计损失额为1000美元。 p39 • Another factor behind the increase in merger activity is the record performance of stock markets, which has enabled companies to finance major acquisitions on the strength of their inflated share prices. • 教材:导致合并不断增加的另一个因素是股票市场的空前 繁荣 。股票市场的空前繁荣使得各家公司可以依赖其上涨 的股票价格去资助各种大规模的购进 。 • Improved:使公司购并增长的另一个原因是股票市场的空前 繁荣。许多上市公司可以用股价上涨获得的资金为大的购 并项目提供金融保障。 p196 • In the event the Buyer does not furnish the seller with shipping instructions on or before August 17,1987, the seller may at his option cancel this contract and demand the Buyer to pay any damages he has sustained on account of such failure of the Buyer to give such instructions. • 教材: 如买方在 1987年 8月17日或在此之前未向卖方发出装 运通知 ,则卖方可自行决定取消本合同,并要求买方赔偿因未 发出装运通知而使其蒙受的一切损失。 • Improved:如买方在 1987年 8月17日之前(含17日)未向卖 方发出装运通知 ,则卖方可自行决定取消本合同,并要求买方 赔偿因未发出装运通知而使其蒙受的一切经济损失。 Repetition & Lexical choice P91 Traditionally, business simply meant exchange or trade for things people wanted or needed, but today it has a more technical definition, which is the production, distribution, and sale of goods and service for a profit. T: 传统上,商务仅指人们所需要的物品的交换或贸易。但是 ,今 天商务有更为科学的定义 ,它是指为了利润而进行货物和劳 务的生产 、配送和销售的一种活动。 Improved: 传统意义上的商务是指人们为了获得所需求的物品 而进行的交易活动。但是现在商务有了更为科学的定义: 它指为了获取利润而进行的商品的生产、配送和销售活动, 包括提供的服务业务。 e.g. • We provide a number of financial services. • 我们提供多种金融服务。 Business expertise (p64) • All services in business----such as gift wrapping delivery, and credit----have some amount of costs associated with them, and these costs much be covered by higher prices. • T: 商业中所有的服务—诸如礼品包装 、送货以及赊账—都 有相应的成本 ,而这些成本 要靠较高的价格来弥补。 • Improved: 商务活动中的所有服务,诸如礼品包装送货和赊 购等都有其相应的成本,而这些成本必须通过提高价格得到 补偿。 cover • • • • She had enough funds to cover her check. 她有足够的资金支付 自己的账单。 The policy covers fire and theft risks. 此保单承保火灾险和失窃险。 Business knowledge (p96) • Buyers or their chartering agent shall advise the Seller by fax 10 days prior to the arrival of the contract number, name of the carrying vessel, approximate loading capacity, lay days and port of loading. • 教材:买方或其租船代理人须于载货轮抵达装运港 天前以 传真方式通知卖方合同号 、船名 、大约受载重量 、预计 抵达日期及装运港名。 • 修改:买方或其船代须于承运船抵达装货港前10天将合同 号 、承运船名 、近似载重量 、在港时间和装货港以传真 的方式告知卖方。 More to say • I know much about lay days, but less about ladies. • Demurrage • 滞期费 • Dead Freight • 空舱费 Be subject to • The above offer is made without engagement and all order will be subject to our written acceptance. • 以上报盘为虚盘(无约束力), 所有订货将以 我方书面接受为准。 Textbook Chapter 4 Addition & Omission Lecture 5 Translation of Plurals In Business English Chapter 5 Laura SISU 1. Amount –Gu,2010(refer to lecture 4 ) e.g. • 必须通过国际黄金储备大量输入英国来达到收 支平衡。黄金大量流入英国自动地减少了外币 的供应量,增加了英国货币的供应,结果造成 外国贷价下跌,而英国贷价上涨。 e.g. • Eventually, reserve movements stop and both countries reach balance of payments equilibrium. e.g. • Government interference with private gold exports also undermined the system. • 政府对私自出口黄金采取干预措施也破坏 了这一体系。 • Exports: 出口量 2. Singular vs. Plural (different) Proceeds • He sold his house and lives on the proceeds. • 他卖掉了房子,靠房款收入为生。 Proceeds • Upon receipt of compliant documents, we undertake to remit proceeds by telegraphic transfer in terms of your instructions. • 一俟收到相符的单证,我(开证行)保证 按贵行指令电汇货款。 • Remit proceeds • 汇出货款。 Collections collection 托收 collections 收取款项、收款额 • We are sending our draft through the Bank of China (for) documentary collection. • 我们把汇票交由中国银行跟单托收。 • The total collections today amount to $78990. • 今天收款总额为78990. damages • They claim damages of $700 for the loss sustained. • 对所受损失,他们索赔700美元的损害赔偿 费。 • They found difficult in meeting the engagements. • 他们发现还债有困难。 More examples in textbooks Lecture 4 (review) Prices (p39) • • • Another factor behind the increase in merger activity is the record performance of stock markets, which has enabled companies to finance major acquisitions on the strength of their inflated share prices. 教材:导致合并不断增加的另一个因素是股票市场的空前 繁荣 。股票市场的空前繁荣使得各家公司可以依赖其上涨 的股票价格去资助各种大规模的购进 。 Improved:使公司购并增长的另一个原因是股票市场的空前 繁荣。许多上市公司可以用股价上涨获得的资金为大的购 并项目提供金融保障。 losses & dangers (p39) P39. Cargo insurance is to protect the trader from losses that many dangers may cause. • 教材:货物保险会使贸易商免受许多风险 所 可能造成的种种损失。 • 修改:货物保险可以保护商人免遭各种危 险可能造成的经济损失。 losses • Governments effectively suspended the gold standard during WWI and financed part of their massive military expenditures by printing money. Moreover, labor forces and productive capacity had been reduced sharply through war losses. Losses and expenditures • Losses—非商务英语。 (战争中人员的)伤 亡 • Expenditures: (军费)开支额 3.sum of money 3.sum of money Payment & payments • Payment:支付、付款(不可数) • Payments:支付的款项 • Payment will be made upon receipt of the goods with a discount of 5% for cash payment. • 收货付款,现金支付95折。 • You agree to repay this loan by 10 weekly payments of $10. • 你同意每周支付10美金,10周还清贷款。 e.g. • In this case, foreigners’ net imports from Britain are not being financed entirely by British loans. • 即然这样,外国人从英国的净进口就不可能全部用英国的 贷款来支付。 • Buyers must be responsible for all movements of the goods from inland point of loading, and pay all transportation costs. • 买方应负责将货物从内陆装货地开始的所有运输活动,并 支付一切运输费用。 4 Bonds, stocks & securities Bonds & bunds • Bond (可数): 债券 • Bonds (不可数):不记名债券 • Debenture : 公司债券,债券;信用债券; (海关)退税凭单 • Industrials:工业股票或者债券 • Irredeemable:不赎回债券,无偿还债券 5.Repetition of plural nouns 6.adj->n: amount 6.adj->n: amount • Outstanding 未付清的 已发行的 • Outstandings 未偿付的贷款 未清算的 项目 股东持有的股票 • Valuable 有价值的 贵重的 • Valuables 贵重物品 7. Others (平时积累) Task III Chapter 5: Repetition (p45-53) Problematical translations in this chapter (Lecture 3) p50 • • • A more realistic approach toward international specialization is that of comparative advantage. this concept says that a nation has a comparative advantage in an item if it can produce it more efficiently that alternative products. T:参与国际分工的另一更为现实的做法是采取比较优势的 做法。比较优势是指假如一个国家生产某种产品比生产其 他产品的效率高 ,那么它就具有生产该产品的比较优势。 改:实现国际专业化生产的一个更为现实的途径是“相对 优势” ,这个理念是指某个国家生产某种产品比生产其它 产品效率高,那么该国就具有生产此产品的相对优势。 p52 • • • As each currency's value is stated of other currencies, French francs, then , have a value in US dollars, which have a value in British pounds, which have a value in Japanese yen. T: 由于每一种货币的价值是用另外的货币表现出来的 ,那 么法国法郎的价值可以用美元来体现 ,美元可以用英镑来 体现 ,英镑可以用日元来体现。 改:由于每一种币值可以折换成其它币值,所以,法国法郎 具有美元的币值 ,美元具有英镑的币值 ,英镑具有日元的 币值。 Words of the day • longs and shorts • Long-dated securities vs. short-dated securities • 长期证券和短期证券 Lecture 6 Conversion Laura SISU Peculiarities of Biz English (Review) • • • • • • Practicability/实用性 Expertise/专业性 Target/目的性 Timeliness/时代性 Polysemy/多义性 Conciseness/简洁性 Peculiarities: Expertise • • • coverage 保险项目 stand-by credit • 备用信用证/备用信贷 • • • • • • clearance sale 清仓销售价 blank endorsement 空白背书 bill of lading 提单 • • • • • • • • establishment 开证 letter of guarantee 银行保函 arbitration 仲裁 mortgage 抵押 • • shipping marks 唛头 SHIPPING MARKS • • • S/M (shipping marks) 装船标记, 唛头 也叫"唛",是货物包装的重要组成部分,是运输包装件 上的图形、文字、数字、字母的总称。主要作用是货物 在装卸、运输、仓储过程中容易识别,以防错发错运, 也是商检、海关查检、监管的依据,此外还是商品身份 的证明。主要内容有主标志、件号、批号、重量标志、 体积标志、原产国标志、警告标志等等。 shipping marks • I suppose we also get the supplier to pack the goods for export and stencil shipping marks for us. • Stencil:用模板写 • 大概还得让供货商把货物按出口要求包装 好,代我们唰上装船唛头吧! EXX • Under the long draft, the bearer shall present it to the payer for acceptance before the date of maturity. • 如为远期汇票,持票人应在汇票到期前付 款提示承兑. • The finish is not good and the enamel has cracked in some places. • 光洁度不佳,有几处搪瓷破裂。 Peculiarities: Timeliness • • • • • • • • • • • cyber cash 电子货币 virtual store 虚拟商店 information super- highway 信息高速公路 paperless office 无纸化办公 soho(small office, home office ) 开领 • • • • venture capital 风险投资 China- Asean Free Trade Area 中国东盟自由贸易区 • • ASEAN abbr. 东盟(=Association of Southeast Asian Nations) • • • • electronic ticket 电子机票 online publishing 网上出版 Peculiarities: Polysemy • • • • • • • • If a particular cargo is partially damaged, the damage is called particular average. 如果某批货物部分受损,我们称之为单独海损。 It s obvious that the products are below the average quality. 很明显,这批产品的品质是中下水平。 This freight must be carefully handled when loading. 这种货物装载时应小心搬运 。 The ocean freight is calculated by weight not by measurement. 此项海运运费是按重量,而不是按尺码来计。 Peculiarities: Conciseness • PLS QUOTE LOWEST AND SOONEST 300 WOMENS MSIZE RAINCOATS CIF HONGKONG. • 中号女士雨衣 300 件,请报香港到岸最低 价和最早装船期。 • PLS(please) • MSIZE (mild size) • CIF (cost insurance freight ) Initials: • • • • • • OPEC Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries 石油输出国组织 EEC European Economic Community 欧洲经济共同体 • • • • • • • • • COD Cash On Delivery 交货付款 POD Port of Destination 目的港 GATT General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 关贸总协定 Clipped words • • • • • • • • • • sec Secretary memo memorandum kilo Kilogram cig cigarette biz ad Blending • • • • • • • • • • • • Agritainment agri-tourism 农家乐 Camcorder 摄像机(camera照相机+recorder录像) Autome 流动住宅车(automobile 汽车 +home住宅 motel 汽车旅馆(motor汽车 +hotel 旅馆) videophone 电视电话(video视频 +telephone 电话) Medicare 医疗服务(medical医疗 +care护理) EX • For the time being , therefore, we regret our inability to accept D/A terms in all transactions with our buyers abroad. • 因此, 我们很抱歉,时下与国外客户的一切交 易中, 还无法接受以承兑交单的方式付款。 • 承兑交单 • documentary against acceptance V-N • • • • The volume of trade has increased tremendously to the advantage of both countries. 贸易量巨大增加, 这给两国都带来了益处。 We thank you for your enquiry about the textiles transmitted by your letter of Feb 8. 承蒙贵公司 2 月8 日来函询问有关纺织品的事项, 谨 表谢意。 Adj--N • • • • The bill of lading is to be made out to order and blank endorsed. 该提单应做成空白抬头和空白背书。 The new contract would be good for ten years. 新的合同的有效期为10 年。 Adj.V • We hope that you will take your commercial reputation into account seriously and open the L/ C at once; otherwise you will be responsible for all the losses arising as a result of your failure to do so. • 我方期望你方会认真考虑商业信誉并立即 开出信用证, 否则, 由此造成的损失将由你 方负责。 Adj-adv • We tender our apologies for not having replied in due time to your letter of March 1. • 3 月 1 日来信未能及时回复, 特致歉意。 • In consideration of the friendly relations between us, we are, as an exceptional case, prepared to accept payment for your trial order on D/ P basis. • 考虑到彼此的友好关系, 对你方这批试购的 货物我们准备破例接受付款交单的方式付 Adv-n. • Specialization enables one country to produce some goods more cheaply than another country. • 专业化能使一个国家生产的产品比别 的国家生产的便宜。 Adv.-adj. • KFC’ s claims, somewhat improbably, that the recent fears over carcinogenic Sudan dyes have not affected sales in China at all. • 肯德基声称最近对苏丹红成分的恐慌并未 影响其在中国的销售。这种说法似乎不大 可能。 Task III Chapter 6 Conversion (pp54-61) Task IV Words of day Particular average vs. general average 海损:海运保险术语 • Particular average • 指保险标的物在海上遭受承保范围内的风险所造成的部 分灭失或损害,即指除共同海损以外的部分损失。这种 损失只能由标的物所有人单独负担。 • General average • 载货船舶在海运上遇难时,船方为了共同安全,以使同 一航程中的船货脱离危险,有意而合理地作出的牺牲或 引起的特殊费用,这些损失和费用被称为共同海损。 Lecture 7 Extension and Amplification (Lexical choice 5—chapter 7/8/9) Laura SISU Chapter 7 Extension & amplification P62-74 Textbook-related p64 (lecture 3) • All services in business----such as gift wrapping delivery, and credit----have some amount of costs associated with them, and these costs much be covered by higher prices. • T: 商业中所有的服务—诸如礼品包装 、送货以及赊账—都 有相应的成本 ,而这些成本 要靠较高的价格来弥补。 • Improved: 商务活动中的所有服务,诸如礼品包装送货和赊 购等都有其相应的成本,而这些成本必须通过提高价格得到 补偿。 p64 (lecture 3) • International trade occurs when a country does not have enough of a particular item to meet its needs. • T: 当一个国家没有足够的某一特定商品来满 足自身需求时 ,就需要有国家贸易。 • 改: 当一个国家的某种产品没有足够的量来 满足本国需求时 ,国际贸易便应运而生了。 p66 (lecture 3) • International business as a field of management training deals with the special features of business activities that cross national boundaries. • T:作为管理训练一个领域的国际商务具有跨 国家边界商务活动的专门特征。 • 改:作为管理培训的一个学科 ,国际商务研究 讨论跨国界商务活动的特征 。 p67 (lecture 3) • He started to his feet with the intention of awaking the sleepers, for there was no time to lose. • T:他倏地一下站起来 ,打算把睡觉的人都叫 醒 ,因为时间十分紧迫 ,必须马上赶路。 • 改:他倏地站起 准备叫醒其他还睡着的人时 不宜迟 ,分秒必争。 P68 (lecture 3) • Cleverer heads than mine might have seen his drift. • T:比我聪明的人 ,才弄得懂他葫芦里卖的是 什么药。 • 改:那些比我聪明的人早已觉察出他的意图 了。 Chapter 8 Concretion vs. Abstraction P75 –lecture 3 • A firm’s involvement in exporting products can range from a minimal commitment all the way to considering exports as necessary for the firm’s survival and growth. • T:公司在产品出口中参与情况的程度不一 ,从最低程度的参 与一直到将出口视为公司生存和发展必要条件的参与都会 存在。 • 改:公司在出口产品中参与程度迥异 ,从最小的出口量直到 视出口量为公司生存与发展 的必要条件。 p77-lecture 3 • Advertisers must realize that people usually are motivated by the goal of satisfying some combination of two or more needs, and the needs may be both conscious and unconscious. • T:广告人必须明白,通常能够满足两个或者更多需要的综合 目标才能促使人们购买 ,而且这些需要既可能是有意识的 , 又可能是无意识的. • 改1: 广告商须知 ,人们在实现能满足两个以上综合需求 的 目标时才会激起消费欲 ,这些消费需求既可以是有计划 的 ,也可以是没有计划的。 • 改2: 广告商须知 ,如能满足人们两个以上的综合需求,才 会激起其消费欲 ,这些消费需求既可以是有计划的 ,也可以 是没有计划的。 Task IV Chapter 9 Impersonal vs. Personal Chapter 9 Subject pp.82-87 Task V Biz terms IPO Example • Chinese shares opened lower on Monday, affected by a government decision over the weekend to resume initial public offerings (IPOs) in the domestic stock market. • 中国政府上周末宣布将要在国内股市重启 IPO,受此消息影响,国内股市本周一早盘 大幅低开。 Highlight • • • • • • open lower 大幅低开 open low 股市低开 to resume/relaunch initial public offerings 重启IPO Lecture 8 Subordinate Clauses Syntactic Structure (1) Chapter 10 • Business is a combination of all these activities : production , distribution and sale , through which profit or economic surplus will be created. (教材p88) • 教材:商务是指生产、配送、销售等一切活动的组合 , 通过 这些活动 ,创造利润或经济盈余。 • 改:商务是指生产、分配、销售、并创造利润的一系列相关 活动。 • Marketing is a pervasive social activity that goes considerably beyond the selling of tooth paste , soap , and steel。 • 营销是一种无处不在的社会活动 , 它远远超过牙膏、肥皂或 者钢铁的销售活动。 用汉语中表示同位成分的表达方式“即 ……”或者“——” • International trade transactions refer to the exportation of goods or services from one country to another , which is the importing country. • 国际贸易是指将商品或服务从一个国家出口到另一个国家 , 即进口的国家。 • The Multilateral Agreement on Investment (MAI) aims to achieve a situation where foreign investors are not discriminated against , but they are still subject to the same substantive laws and regulations that apply to domestic investors. • 多边投资协定的目标是要达到这样一种境界 ———外国投资 者不受歧视 , 但他们仍和国内投资者一样要接受同样的基本 法则的管制。 3.译成状语 • Unfortunately , every country in the world has trade barriers which are designed to protect its economy against international market forces. • 遗憾的是 , 世界各国都设置了贸易壁 垒 , 以保护本国经济免受国际市场力 量的冲击。 EXX • We apologize for the inconvenience on you that has caused by our delay in delivery. • 由于我们未能及时发货给你方造成了不便 ,我方表示歉意。 • Unlike other entrants , they excluded local broadcast programming (which was subject to change within 48 hours of air - time) , and they published on a monthly rather than weekly schedule (which lowered their costs of operation) . • 和其他新入行者不同 , 这两家公司排斥当地电视台的节目安 排 (因为当地电视台的节目安排在48小时之内可能会随时有 变化) , 而且每月出版一次而不是每周出版一次 (这就降低了 他们的出版费用) 。 Adverbial Clauses 时间状语 • Since the initiation of economic reforms in the late 1970s, China has achieved impressive economic growth coupled with significant structural transformation. • 中国自从20 世纪 70 年代末开始经济改革以来,已取 得了令人瞩目的经济增长和重大的结构转变 。 • Kindly advise us when our order will be shipped. • 请告知我方订货何时运出. EXX • We may accept deferred payment when the quantity to be ordered is over 3 000 sets. • 如果拟订购的数量超过 3 000 套,我们可以接受延期付 款. • Since 1978,when China began opening its economy to increased foreign investment and trade, aggregate output has more than doubled. • 自从 1978 年以来,中国经济为日益增加的外国投资和 贸易敞开大门,总产量增加了一倍 。 • International trade occurs when a country does not have enough of a particular item to meet its needs. • 要是一个国家没有足够的某一特定商品来满足自身需求, 就需要有国际贸易。(p64) • 改:当一个国家的某种产品没有足够的量来满足本国需 求时 ,国际贸易便应运而生了。 地点状语从句 • Floating policy is a convenient method of insuring goods where a number of similar export transactions are intended, e.g. where the insured has to supply an overseas importer under an exclusive sales agreement or maintains sales representatives or subsidiary companies abroad. • 统保单是货物保险中的一种便利的办法,特别适合于 分不同的时间出口的一批同类货物 例如,当被保险方 根据独家代理协议向国外的进口方供货,或在国外委 任了销售代表,或在设立分支机构时可以使用。 原因状语从句 • Owing to the late arrival of your offer, we have already placed our order elsewhere. • 由于你方报盘过迟,我方已从他处订货 。 • Please be informed that, on account of the fluctuations of foreign exchanges the quotation is subject to change without previous notice. • 兹告知贵方,由于外汇的波动,报价随时可能改变,不 另行通知 。 条件状语从句 • Fifteen percent of the payment for the technical import shall be deduced providing that the less-than-main technique performance of the produce falls short of the index stipulated in the contract. • 如果产品主要性能达不到合同规定的指标,则应扣除技术 引用费用的 15% 。 • We should be grateful /pleased if you would give us further details of Chinese leather shoes. • 如能告知中国皮鞋的其它详情,将不胜感激 。 EXX • Should the letter of credit fail to reach the Purchaser before the stipulated date, the contract shall be considered as null and void unless extensions approved by the Sellers. • 要是买方在规定日期内不开来信用证,本合同即作无 效论,但经卖方同意延期者不在此例 。 • The supplier shall be entitled to terminate this license in the event of failure by the Purchaser to comply with any of the conditions stated in this Article. • 若是买方违反本条所规定的任一条件,卖方有权中止 这种特许权。 让步状语从句 • While this arrangement makes sure that the bill is accepted before the goods are handed over, there is still the risk that the bill could be "dishonored"-that is, not paid in due course by the importer. • 虽然这一安排确保在货物交手之前,汇 票已为买主所承兑,但汇票被拒付的风 险仍然存在,也就是说,进口商不按期 付款。 原因状语从句 • Owing to the late arrival of your offer, we have already placed our order elsewhere. • 由于你方报盘迟达,我方已从他处订货 • Please be informed that, on account of the fluctuations of foreign exchanges the quotation is subject to change without previous notice. • 兹告知贵方,由于外汇的波动,报价随时可能改变,不另 行通知 Task II Chapter 10 pp88-100 Translation of English subordinate clauses P88 (lecture 3) Business is a combination of all these activities: production, distribution and sale, through which profit or economic surplus will be created. • 译文:商务指生产、分配、销售等一切活动的组合,通过 它们利润和经济盈余将被创造。 • 教材:商务是指生产、分配、销售等一切活动的组合,通 过这些活动能创造利润和经济盈余。 • 改译:商务是指生产、分配、销售、并创造利润的一系列 相关活动。 p89 (lecture 3) • In a turnkey project, the seller plans, constructs, and places in operation a foreign facility that is then transferred to a local owner. • T: 在由承包商完全承包的工程中,卖主计划 、建造并将一套 国外设施投人运作 ,然后将其转让给地方雇主 。 • 改: 在统包式项目中,卖方负责规划、建造一套国外进口设 施并使其投人运行后 交付给当地的买主。 P91 (Lecture 3) Traditionally, business simply meant exchange or trade for things people wanted or needed, but today it has a more technical definition, which is the production, distribution, and sale of goods and service for a profit. T: 传统上,商务仅指人们所需要的物品的交换或贸易。但是 ,今 天商务有更为科学的定义 ,它是指为了利润而进行货物和劳 务的生产 、配送和销售的一种活动。 Improved: 传统意义上的商务是指人们为了获得所需求的物品 而进行的交易活动。但是现在商务有了更为科学的定义: 它指为了获取利润而进行的商品的生产、配送和销售活动, 包括提供的服务业务。 Business knowledge (p96)—lecture 3 • Buyers or their chartering agent shall advise the Seller by fax 10 days prior to the arrival of the contract number, name of the carrying vessel, approximate loading capacity, lay days and port of loading. • 教材:买方或其租船代理人须于载货轮抵达装运港 天前以 传真方式通知卖方合同号 、船名 、大约受载重量 、预计 抵达日期及装运港名。 • 修改:买方或其船代须于承运船抵达装货港前10天将合同 号 、承运船名 、近似载重量 、在港时间和装货港以传真 的方式告知卖方。 P98 –Lecture 3 • Should for certain reasons the Buyers not be able to inform the Seller of the foregoing details 10 days prior to the vessel at the port of loading or should the carrying vessel be advanced or delayed, the Buyer or their chartering agent shall advise the Sellers immediately and make necessary arrangement. • T:若买方由于某种原因不能于装运轮抵达装运港10前将上述 详细情况通知卖方 ,或装运轮提前或推迟抵达 ,买方或其运输 代理人须立即通知卖方并做出必要的安排。 • 改: 如果买方由于种种原因不能于承运船抵达装货港10 天前 将上述细节告知卖方 ,或如果承运船提前或推迟抵港 ,买方或 其船代须立 即通知卖方并做出妥善安排。 me-too product - Business Definition me-too product • A product that is very similar to products manufactured by other companies and already on the market. For example, a toy manufacturer observes the immense popularity of a competitor's product and decides to produce its own version that is virtually identical. • Imitation, copy, replica, copycat Highlight • me-too vt. 模仿, 跟随 adj. 仿造的 • me-tooism n. 模仿, 追随 EXX: • 仿制品几乎可以乱真,如果其价格货销售占 有优势,他们也许可以获得成功。 • While me-too products have qualities that are similar, they may succeed if they can offer an advantage in some other area, for example, price or distribution. • 仿制品的激增引发药品成本下降。 • The proliferation of “me-too "drugs lead to Thanks
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