1.JAPAN : A Top export market for the U.S. Rank of U.S. export countries Rank 1998 2000 (1)Largest export market outside NAFTA : 54.4 billion $ ☆Japan is the largest export market outside NAFTA (Canada, Mexico). ☆2004 Exports to Japan were valued at 54.4 billion dollars (6.7% share). Canada 23.1% Export value of selected countries 2002 2004 1 2 3 Canada Mexico Japan Canada Mexico Japan Canada Mexico Japan Canada Mexico Japan 4 5 UK Germany UK Germany UK Germany UK China 56 U.S. Exports to JAPAN A Growing Market (in millions of dollars) Value 189,101.3 110,775.3 35,959.8 34,721.0 % Share 23.1% 13.5% 6 .7 % 4.4% 4.2% Total 817,935.8 100.0% 54,400.2 54.4 54 Others 48.0% Mexico 13.5% Japan China United 6.7% Kingdom 4.2% 4.4% (in billions of dollars) 1 2 3 4 5 Country Canada Mexico Japan UK China 52 52.0 51.4 50 48 2002 (2)Important high-tech market A erospace C ountry 1 France 2 Japan 3 UK 4 C anada 5 Singapore TO TA L Others 57.2% O thers 57.2% (in m illions of dollars) V alue % S hare 5,982.6 11.0% 5,872.4 10.8% 4,752.0 8.7% 3,345.0 6.2% 3,298.8 6.1% 54,377.3 100.0% France 11.0% France 11. 0% Japan 10.8% Japan 10.8% UK 8.7% UK 8.7% Canada 6.2% C anada 6.2% Singapore 6.1%S ingapore 2003 2004 (3)Largest agricultural market Life Science (in m illions of dollars) C ountry V alue % S hare 1 Japan 2,070.3 14.3% 2 G erm any 1,638.0 11.3% 3 C anada 1,312.0 9.0% 4 N etherlands 993.6 6.8% 5 UK 953.0 6.6% TO TA L 14,515.9 100.0% A gricultural& Livestock P roducts C ountry V alue % S hare 1 Japan 14.4% 4,911.3 2 C hina 12.9% 4,408.8 3 C anada 12.1% 4,150.8 4 M exico 11.1% 3,806.3 5 K orea 4.6% 1,559.4 100.0% Total 34,191.8 Japan 14.4% Japan 14.3% G erm any 11.3% O thers 52.0% C anada 9.0% UK 6.6% N etherlands 6.8% In millions of dollars China 12.9% Others 44.9% Japan 14.4% C 1 Canada 12.1% O thers 44.9% Korea 4.6% Mexico 11.1% 1 2.JAPAN : A Top Creator of American Jobs (1)Japan’s Direct Investment to the U.S. : 177 billion dollars ☆ Japan is the second largest foreign investor in the U.S. after the UK. ☆ Japan’s direct investment in 2004 was valued at 177 billion dollars (11.6% share). United Kingdom 16.5% Rank of Foreigners' Direct Investment in U.S. bonds Rank 2001 2002 2003 2004 1 UK UK UK UK 2 Germany J a pa n J a pa n J a pa n 3 France Netherlands Germany Netherlands 4 J a pa n France Netherlands Germany 5 Netherlands Germany France France 6 Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Canada 7 Luxembourg Canada Luxembourg Switzerland Others 31.8% Japan 11.6% 1,526 billions dollars Netherlands 11.0% Canada 8.8% France 9.7% Germany 10.7% (2)The number of employees in U.S. hired by Japanese companies : 599 thousand ☆ Japan is the third largest job creator after the U.K (996 thousand) and Germany (674 thousand). ☆ Japanese companies created 599 thousands jobs in 2003 ( 11.4% share of foreign companies). The number of employees by foreign companies (in ten thousands) Country Number % Share 1 UK 99.6 19.0% 2 Germany 67.4 12.8% 3 Japan 59.9 11.4% 4 Netherlands 50.3 9.6% 5 France 45.2 8.6% 6 Switzerland 43.1 8.2% Total 525.3 100.0% others 30% UK 19% Germany 13% Switzerland 8% France 9% Netherlands Japan 11% 2
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