スイッチング捕食と天敵特異的防御が もたらす食物網構造と群集動態 More stories of community ecology with adaptive fish behaviors and adaptive fisheries management 松田裕之(横浜国大・環境情報) Hiroyuki Matsuda (Yokohama Nat’l Univ) 1 3 types of 3 species system predator 2 3 3 carnivore 3 herbivore 2 1 1 prey 2 1 plant 2 The paradox of pesticides 3 Pesticide also attacks carnivore 2 Pesticide attacks herbivore 1 Herbivore will increase and the plant will decrease. 3 間接効果Indirect Effects • 個体数変化を通じた間接効果 Density-Mediated Indirect Effects • 行動や形質変化を通じた間接効果 Trait-Mediated Indirect Effects 4 Exploitative Competition Increase predator 2 2 3 Decrease prey Decrease predator 3 1 5 Exploitative Competition • • • • • • • dN1/dt = (-d1 - b1N1 + a1R)N1 dN2/dt = (-d2 - b2N2 + a2R)N2 dR/dt = (d0 - a1N1 + a2N2)R N1 = (a1b2d0+a1a2d2 -a22d1)/(a22b1+a12b2), N2 = (a2b1d0+a1a2d1 -a12d2)/(a22b1+a12b2) R = (b1b2d0+a1b2d1 -a2b1d2)/(a22b1+a12b2) dN1*/dd2 > 0 6 Apparent Competition Increase prey 2 1 Increase predator Decrease prey 3 2 3 7 Apparent mutualism Abrams & Matsuda 1996 Ecology 77:610-616 Increase prey 2 1 Predator focuses on prey 2 Increase prey 3 2 3 8 Apparent Mutualism • Suppose Prey A & B and 1 Predator. • Prey A increases. • Predator focuses on A, consequently ignores B (Predator switching). • Fitness of Prey B may increase with A. • Few empirical data, 9 Exploitative Mutualism (Matsuda et al. Oikos 1993, 68:549-559) Increase predator 2 2 3 Watch more against 2 Increase predator 3 1 10 Antipredator effort against predator 1 is … • [Nonspecific defense] effective against both predator species (types) 1 & 2; • [Partly-specific] partly effective against 2; • [Perfect-specific] not effective against 2 at all; • [overly-specific] riskier against 2 than when it pais no attention to any predator. 11 How many points can you watch for simultaneously? Quiz by Japan Automobile Fedaration JAF News, the recent issue 12 Yodzis(1988)の間接効果理論 • • • • • • dN/dt = f(N, p) 群集動態 dN/dt = (f/N) (N-N*) 線形近似 = C (N-N*) 群集行列 f/p+(f/N)(N*/p)=0 陰関数微分 N*/p = –(f/N)-1(f/p) = – C-1(f/p) 13 Example: indirect effects in a 10 species system 10 8 5 1 9 6 2 7 3 4 14 10 8 5 1 9 6 2 7 3 a11 0 0 0 b C 15 0 0 0 0 0 4 群集行列 Community Matrix 0 a 22 0 0 0 0 b15 b25 0 b26 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 33 0 0 a 44 0 0 b36 0 b37 b47 0 0 0 0 b25 0 0 a 55 0 0 b58 b59 b26 0 0 0 b36 b37 0 0 0 b47 0 0 0 0 b58 b59 a 66 0 b68 b69 0 a 77 b78 b79 b68 b78 a 88 0 b69 b79 0 a 99 0 0 0 0 0 0 b80 b90 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 b80 b90 a 00 15 10 8 5 1 9 6 2 7 3 4 Sensitivity frequency Matrix “–C-1 ” 種 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 1000 101 953 511 0 934 511 653 658 157 2 101 1000 267 959 101 81 959 722 738 53 3 953 267 1000 112 953 81 112 747 728 51 4 511 959 112 1000 511 941 0 669 643 140 5 1000 899 47 489 1000 66 489 347 342 843 6 66 919 919 59 66 1000 59 402 420 733 7 489 41 888 1000 489 59 1000 331 357 860 8 653 722 747 669 653 598 669 1000 12 202 9 658 738 728 643 658 580 643 12 1000 188 10 843 947 949 860 843 733 860 798 812 1000 16 Kyoto Declaration and Plan of Action on the Sustainable Contribution of Fisheries to Food Security in 1992 (FAO) • Article 14 “When and where appropriate, consider harvesting multiple trophic levels in a manner consistent with sustainable development of these resources”. http://www.fao.org/fi/agreem/kyoto/kyoe.asp 17 イワシxとマグロyの数理模型 • dx/dt = (r - a x - b y - f) x • dy/dt = (-d + e b x - g) y • Maximize total yield fx+pgy at the equilibrium 18 Paradox of Kyoto Declaration • Optimal solution is either • to catch sardine after tuna goes extinct; or • to catch tuna only. 19 Examples of biological community at MSY (Matsuda & Abrams in review) Solution maximizing total yield from community MSY solution often reduces species and links; 5 5 4 1 5 4 5 6 4 4 3 2 6 5 4 3 (e) 6 6 6 (d) (c) (b) (a) 3 3 1 2 1 3 2 1 2 1 2 20 Examples of biological community at MSY (Matsuda & Abrams in review) Constrained MSY that guarantee coexistence exploit more species, more trophic levels. (d) (c) (b) (a) 6 6 6 5 5 4 1 100% 5 4 5 6 4 4 3 2 6 5 4 3 (e) 3 3 1 92% 2 3 1 2 61% 1 2 12% 1 2 6% 21 Conclusion of story 2 • MSY theory does not guarantee species coexistence • Fisheries must take care of biodiversity conservation explicitly = Foodweb constraint to reconciling fisheries with conservation 22 Requiem to Maximum Sustainable Yield Theory surplus production • Ecosystems are uncertain, nonequilibrium and complex. • MSY theory ignores all the three. • Does MSY theory guarantee species persistence? - No!! 23 Stock abundance Feedback control in fishing effort is powerful... dE U N N * dt dN f ( N ) qEN dt N* N*N* f(N) A straw man says; • Even though the MSY level is unknown, the feedback control stabilizes a broad range of target stock level. Stock size N 24 Feedback control with community interactions also result in undesired outcomes. (M & A in preparation) dNi ri a ji N j qei Ni dt j 9 10 8 r = (0.454,1.059,1.186,0.247,-0.006,-0.028,-0.059,-0.704,-0.308,-0.238) A = (aji) = 1. 0.74 0.19 0.31 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.7 0.46 0.74 1. 0.87 0.08 0.46 0.66 0.48 0.73 0.84 0. 0.19 0.87 1. 0.96 0.08 0.14 0.83 0. 0. 0.68 7 0.31 0.08 0.96 1. 0. 0. 0. 0.28 0. 0.88 0. 0.46 0.08 0. 0.1 0. 0. 0.92 0.15 0.84 0. 0.66 0.14 0. 0. 0.1 0.01 0. 0.5 0.69 0. 0.48 0.83 0. 0. 0.01 0.1 0.56 0. 0. e9 = 0.1, ei = 0 0. 0.73 0. 0.28 0.92 0. 0.56 0.1 0.28 0. 0.7 0.84 0. 0. 0.15 0.5 0. 0.28 0.1 0. 0.46 0. 0.68 0.88 0.84 0.69 0. 0. 0. 0.1 5 6 1 4 2 3 25 Feedback control may result in extinction of other species (sp. 6). ratio de9/dt = u(N9-N9*) 26 Conclusion of story 3 • Single stock monitoring is dangerous • Target stock level is much more sensitive than we have considered in single stock models. • We must monitor not only stock level of target species, but also the “entire” ecosystem. 27 , aisclassic this illusion? Wasp-waist is dream... birds seals sardine/anchovy tunas lantern fish pelagic copepods krill deep sea .... Only 5 to 10 percent of us succeed of the weightloss industry • Anyway, we need to investigate how to fluctuate the total biomass of small pelagics. 28 非定常群集 nonequilibrial community • 環境が変化する Changing Environment • 個体数が変化する Unstable Population • 行動や形質が変化する – Change in Behavior & Traits • 餌選好や住み場所が変われば、群集構造 も変化する – Change in Community Structure 29 共進化的に安定な群集 Coevolutionarily stable community • • • • • • dNj/dt = [-dj + ΣifjiajiRi]Nj dRi/dt = [ri - biRi -ΣjfjiajiNj]Ri tradeoff Σifji=1 optimal prey preference ΣifjiajiRi maximize at CSC, ajiRi = ajkRkr if fji>0, fjk>0 # equations = #links - #predator species 30 Link-species scaling law (1) R1 R2 R3 • # equations = # links - # predator species • # unknowns = # prey species 31 Link-species scaling law (2) • # equations < # unknowns • # links (L) < # prey + # predator species • L < 2S (Cohen et al. 1993). 32 Predator-specific defense enhances • Coexistence of predators. • A more complex community strucutre Food web in Lake Tanganyika Matsuda with Abrams & Hori (1994, 1996, Evol. Ecol) 33 Polis’ opinion • Food web is – L is proportional to S2 – link-species scaling law is an artifact from short-term, narrow range observation. 34 Foodweb changes temporally Matsuda, H. & Namba, T. (1991) Ecology 72(1):267-276. predator prey 35 長期と短期を分けて考えよう Importance of short-term structure • Temporal niche overlap is reasonable for abundant resource • Predator may avoid short-term competition. (behavioral response) • It is different from long-term coexistence and population dynamics 36 非定常群集 nonequilibrial community • 環境が変化する Changing Environment • 個体数が変化する Unstable Population • 行動や形質が変化する Change in Behavior & Traits • 餌選好や住み場所が変われば、群集構造 も変化する Change in Community Structure 37 Lateral dimorphism of scale eating cichlids in Lake Tanganyika Righty Lefty Hori 1991 Science 267 38 Three types of Asymmetries (van Valen 1962) “Antisymmetry” Fluctuating asymmetry (FA) frequency Directive asymmetry (DA) -10 -5 0 5 relative trait values 10 39 Antisymmetry in fishes • Scale-eating cichlid in Lake Tanganyika • Lefties feed on scales of the right side, righties feed on scales of the left side • Frequency dependent natural selection – Hori 1991 Science 267: • Maintained by predator-specific defense 40 More Story in Fish Laterality…. • Another Tanganyikan fish has lateral asymmetry (Mboko et al. 1998: Zool. Sci. 15) • A fresh water goby has lateral asymmetry in a Japanese river (Seki et al. 2000: Zool. Sci. 17) • Many fishes and other aquatic invertebrates have lateral antisymmetry! (Hori unpublished) • In these fishes, lefty is dominant heritage. • Far too counterintuitive! • We need more evidence and theoretical reason... 41 Frequencies of lefties Coexistence of laterality dimorphism (antisymmetry) Scale eaters in Lake Tanganyika (Hori unpublished) Year of birth 42 Righty predators eat lefty prey, and vice versa. • Lefties of scale-eating fish feed only on left side scales of lefties, righties feed only on right side scales of righties (Hori 1993 stomach contents, unpublished lab experiment). • Circa 75% of the stomach contents of righty and lefty piscivorous predators (Lamprologus spp.) were the lefty and righty, respectively (Hori unpublished field data). 43 Why does a lefty catch a righty? (Michio Hori’s idea) 44 Definition of Antisymmetric Predation • Both prey and predator have antisymmetric traits (laterality); • “Lefty” predators feed on “righty” prey; “Righty” predators feed on “lefty” prey. 45 Two-platoon lineups in MLB No fluctuation is reported in the frequency of lefty pitchers and batters in MLB or College baseball 46 %lefties Question… • Does it really fluctuate? – Statistically significant (Hori unpubl) • Does it really synchronize? • If so, what mechanism promote fluctuation? 47 Omnivory is common in Lake Tanganyika Fish Community Piscivores Scale eaters Algal eaters Hori 1997 48 We must apply our model to the entire community (Hori unpublished) 49 Extension to Holt and Polis (1997) dx dt dy dt m Axy y Axz z c x x mAyz z Axy x d y y dz z r 1 Axz x Ayz y z dt k z • Where k = K/2 50 Three trophic levels • 6 “populations” (3 sp.×{Lefty, Righty} • X: scale eaters • Y: piscivores • Z: algal feeders • X preys on both y and z. xL xR yL yR zL zR 51 Does omnivory destabilize or stabilize the antisymmetric predation system? if X is omnivory, lefties increase Righties increase Lefties increase Righties increase 52 Our model results • Under the perfect anti-symmetric predation, no force (“friction”) to stabilize a 1:1 laterality ratio exists. • Omnivory destabilizes 1:1 laterality ratio and enhances a stable limit cycle (coexistence with fluctuation). – Nakajima, Matsuda, Hori (2004 Am.Nat) 53 Why did laterality evolve? • Scale-eaters first evolved laterality, because they attack either side scales. • “Prey” needed to evolve laterality to improve predator-specific defense • …What story is possible in the absence of scale-eaters??? • Measure quantitative trait in laterality I don’t know 54 Lateral dimorphism is Single-locus Mendellian inheritance Seen in most of fishes (Hori unpubl) Maintained by antisymmetric predation Fluctuation & coexistence in omnivory [Overly?] predator-specific defense This is a new story of Antisymmetry 55 Competitive exclusion of laterality in amino acids L-amino acids D-amino acids 56 Omnivory is probably important for coexistence
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