Automatic Generation of Drug Metabolic Pathways from ADME Ontology on OWL-DL Konagaya Akihiko RIKEN Genomic Sciences Center Project Director Advanced Genome Information Technology Research Group Motivation •Coming of Personalized Genome Era •Polymorphism in Drug Response Genes •Detection of Drug-Drug Interaction In silico prediction of individual differences in drug response and drug-drug interactions on multiple dose Issues • • • Detection of Personal Genome Variation Inference of Drug-Drug Interactions on Multiple Dose Quantitative Analysis by Drug Metabolic Pathway Simulation What is a pathway? Pathway KEGG Metabolic Pathway Typical Pathway Analogy Approaches for Metabolic Pathway Models • Dynamic Approach • Static Approach Generated from primitive reactions depending on “Trigger” A Priori Defined Trigger Primitives KEGG Body/Cell Why Dynamic Approach? •Combinatorial Explosion of Molecular Pathways •Integration of Continuants and Processes on Primitive Molecular Interactions •Representation of Pathways as Aggregation of Primitive Molecular Events How many colors can you see in rainbow? Real Rainbow Color From 360 nm~400 nm to 760 nm~830 nm All the colors you can see with your own eyes! Explicit Knowledge of Colors Purple Indigo Blue Green Yellow Orange Red Ontology for Rainbow Colors Purple RGB Value #800080 Indigo #000080 Blue #0000FF Green #008000 Yellow #FFFF00 Orange #FF8000 Red #FF0000 Which are Purple? #800050 #800060 #800070 #700080 #800080 #600080 #500080 Color Representation by Primitives RGB Representation R: 700nm, G: 546.1nm, B: 435.8nm. Purple ? 360nm ??? Red 830nm Ontology Schema Intension (Process) Extension Process Molecular Level Molecular Event Enzymatic Reaction Migration Protein Binding Pathway Inhibition Attribute (Continuant) (Object) has_participant Continuant Independent entities located_in Molecule Cellular region Organ Dependent entities hasSubProcesses (Asserted by OHDAG) DID POC (Asserted by OHDAG) Hypothetic Assertion Drug Interaction Ontology Detected drug-drug interaction Generated pathways Inference Program 基本要素インスタンスによる 静的クラス(continuants)と動的クラス(process) の統合 「プロセス」を定義するために必要十分な「物」の関係 Trigger (SN-38@lever) Situated (Carboxyl esterase@lever) Process (Irinotecan-SN38 Metabolism@lever) Resultant (SN-38@lever) 基本要素インスタンスの 重合による現実世界の記述 薬相互作用オントロジーでの例(吉川、有熊、小長谷、2006) Prototype System Inference Program (SWI-Prolog) UI (Java) USER Pathway Object Constructor dio_event.owl Semweb Library dio_cpt-11.owl SWI-Prolog DIO Drug Interaction Detector Visualization Program (Java) dio_KCZ.owl result.owl Dot Graphviz Graph (png / ps) Controlled Vocabulary Glycine_conjugation Water_conjugation Methylation phase_II_drug_ biotransformation Acetylation Sulfate_conjugation Glycosylation glutathione_ conjugation_reaction Hydrolysis phase_I_drug_ biotransformation Enzymatic_Reaction otherEnzymaticReaction DrugCellular Process Process DrugOrganismal Process DrugMolecular Process DrugReleaseReaction Deacetylation Oxidation Reduction Vein_to_Artery BindingRelease Reaction DrugBindingReaction intestinal_lumen_to_ outside_the_body Migration fiat_parts_migration bile_to_Intestinenal_lumen MolecularProcess AggregationOf MolecularProcess Inhibition Artery_to_Vein Channel_diffusion Facilitation Ureter_to_outside_the_body Carrier_Mediated_diffusion Passive_Transport Diffusion Active_transport Secondary_active_transport passage_through_ biological_membrane Filtration Primary_active_transport cell cellular_component extracellular_region intracellular cytoplasm membrane plasma_membrane fma:Vein fma:Portal_vein basolateral_ plasma_membrane apical_plasma_membrane fma:Liver Organ_part fma:Artery fma:Solid_organ fma:Lung fma:Pancreas fma:Kidney fma:Anatomical_structure fma:Large_Intestine fma:Organ fma:Cavitated_organ UGT1A1 fma:Gallbladder hexosyltransferase Glucuronosyltransferase UGT1A7 Cytochromes Cytochrome_P450 CYP3A4 Oxygenases FMO Transferase fma:Small_intestine independant_ entities Chemicals fma:Ureter Oxidoreductase Biomolecule Proteins Albumins ESTERASE Carboxylesterase DrugProteinComplex Ketoconazole-CYP3A4 Enzymes Hydrolase Glycoside_Hydrolases DrugOrMetabolite SN38-Albumin transport_protein Isomerase Deacetylase fma:Feces Ketoconazole-Albumin Drugs Membrane_Transport_Proteins fma:Urine MRP1 Continuant fma:Body_substance P-gp Irinotecan Ketoconazole Deacetylketoconazole MRP2 N-deacetylN-hydroxy_ketoconazole OATP-C Decreased dependant_ entities Metabolites ValueChange Maintained fma:Anatomical_cavity fma:Organ_cavity_ subdivision fma:Lumen_of_intestine fma:Organ_cavity fma:Lumen_of_ureter Increased Metabolites_of_Ketoconazole fma:Lumen_of_ common_bile_duct SN-38 Metabolites_of_Irinotecan APC NPC SN-38G Beta-glucuronidase Generated Pathway Artery ET SN-38 ET TR0000022 R R ES ET SN38-Albumin R Albumins TR0000023 TR0000036 R ET ET Irinotecan ET TR0000042 R TR0000031 TR0000032 R Kidney SN-38 Irinotecan Ureter ET ET TR0000037 ET TR0000044 ET TR0000038 TR0000043 R R ET SN-38 ET Irinotecan Urine TR0000040 TR0000046 R SN-38 R Irinotecan R R R Liver R P-gp CYP3A4 ES ET TR0000005 R ES TR0000021 ET ES ET TR0000012 R ET APC NPC Carboxylesterase TR0000030 ES TR0000018 R R SN-38 R UGT1A1 OATP-C ES ET TR0000035 ET ES TR0000017 ET TR0000019 MRP2 ET Irinotecan ET ET ES ES ES R SN-38G TR0000008 TR0000007 R R TR0000006 TR0000009 ET ES Lumen_of_common_bile_duct ET R SN-38G ET SN-38 ET Irinotecan ET R R R R SN-38 Irinotecan R ET ET TR0000013 R TR0000025 TR0000024 R TR0000026 Vein SN38-Albumin ET TR0000014 R Albumins ES TR0000041 ET TR0000033 R R Portal_vein Irinotecan R SN-38 ET ET TR0000045 TR0000027 R Small_intestine Irinotecan ET TR0000039 ET ES TR0000020 R MRP1 ES ET TR0000003 P-gp ES ET TR0000001 SN-38 Carboxylesterase MRP2 UGT1A1 ET ES ET ES R R R TR0000002 TR0000015 R ES R SN-38G R ET TR0000004 R Lumen_of_intestine ET ES Beta-glucuronidase ET SN-38G Irinotecan R ET ET TR0000016 TR0000029 TR0000034 R ET SN-38 ET R TR0000028 TR0000011 R Feces SN-38 SN-38G R Irinotecan TR0000010 Detected Drug Interactions Irinotecan@liver Irinotecan T Liver Bile MRP2 SN-38 a) Pathway map representation S TR0000019 R CE SN-38 CE@liver T S R MRP2@liver T CE@liver TR0000019 SN-38@liver SN-38@liver Irinotecan@liver S TR0000007 R SN-38@bile b) Modules of the pathway (Molecular events) SN-38@liver MRP2@liver T S TR0000007 R SN-38@bile c) Connection of modules (Pathway) Ontology-driven Hypothetical Assertion is_a instance_of Process instance_of hasSubProcesses DrugMolecularProcess MolecularProcess Hypothetical Assertion Aggregation_of_MolecularProcess Enzymatic_Reaction BindingReleaseReaction Inhibition Phase_I_Drug_Biotransformation Oxidation CYP3A4 CPT11 APC TR0000021 ddi0 CYP3A4 KCZ KCZ/CYP TR0010001 in liver ddi1 CYP3A4 CPT11 NPC TR0000012 Drug_BindingReaction Albumin SN-38 Albumin SN-38/Alb TR0000013 KCZ KCZ/Alb TR0010006 in vein ddi2 ddi3 Albumin SN-38 SN-38/Alb TR0000022 Albumin KCZ KCZ/Alb TR0010007 in artery Conclusion • Drug Interaction Ontology can be represented by OWL-DL in terms of processes, continuants and events. • Drug metabolic pathways can be dynamically generated by the aggregation of primitive molecular events with OWL-DL and Prolog. • Drug interaction can be detected by logical inference and mapped onto drug interaction ontology. Future Works • Expansion of Drug Interaction Ontology • Automatic Generation of ADME models • Integration of Drug Interaction Ontology and ADME simulation Acknowledgement Sumi Yoshikawa RIKEN GSC Ryuzo Azuma RIKEN GSC Takeo Arikuma Tokyo Institute of Technology Kentaro Watanabe Tokyo Institute of Technology (Hitachi Ltd., Japan. ) Kazumi Matsumura RIKEN GSC (DAIICHI PURE CHEMICALS CO., LTD., Japan. ) ご静聴ありがとうございました。 Thank You for Listening
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