The Existence of Common Asian Values in Japan and China: Myth or Reality? Yuri Sato B11612 Asian Values was an idea or concept that became common in the 1990s to justify the powers of Asia 1995 idea recommended by the prime ministers of Malaysia and Singapore Asians wished to create their own identity as a counterpart to the identity of the West. (Wikipedia:2012) The Existence of Common Asian Values in Japan and China: Myth or Reality? Asian Values: Personal qualities embodied in a Confucian ethic- “ those of a hard working, responsible, skillful, ambitious, member of society who would contribute to the group rather than pursuing individual selfish interests” (Michael Hill 2000: 179) Myth: A widely held but false belief or idea. Reality: The state or quality of having existence or substance.(Oxford: 2010) 2.1 Hours spent on studying and working 2.2 Food safety incidents 2.1 Hours spent on studying and working 2.2 Food safety incidents Which country studies longer hours? Which country work longer hours? Jr. High School/High school 日本の中高校生の勉強時間は、中国の中高校生 のほぼ半分しかないことが24日、財団法人日 本青少年研究所のまとめた調査で分かった。韓 国の中高校生と比べても少なかった。それでも 日本の高校生の約8割は学校の勉強が「きつ い」と感じており、学力低下の一端をうかがわ せる結果となった。(msn経済ニュース:2009) Figure1: 学校以外での勉強時間(高校) (Youth study: 2004) Figure2: Working Hours Around the World CHINA: 2,200 40 Values:“ PER WEEK Asian those of a hard working, (ECNS:2011) responsible, skillful, ambitious, member of society who would contribute to the group rather than pursuing individual selfish interests” (Michael Hill: 2000) 2.1 Hours of studying and working 2.2 Food safety incidents 2.1 Hours of studying and working 2.2 Food safety incidents Chinese milk scandal in 2008 ⇒ more than 300,000 children ill ⇒860 hospitalized ⇒13 deaths ・2007 段ボール肉まん ・2008 中国製冷凍餃子中 毒事件 ・2012 冷凍イチゴ (Wikipedia: 2008) CHINA: JAPAN: (Ministery of Health Labor and Welfare :2009pd (Aseanfood: てあ どな のた 程は 度普 意段 識、 し食 て品 いの ま安 す全 か性 ?に つ い (NetMile:2011) 3.1 Family Attitudes 3.2 Buddhism Values 3.1 Family Attitudes 3.2 Buddhism Values China: nuclear family reaching 50% Japan: Extended family 56% United States: Extended family 16% (HONG, Chuan/ZHU, Yan:2010) Asian Values:“ those of a hard working, responsible, skillful, ambitious, member of society who would contribute to the group rather than pursuing individual selfish interests” (Michael Hill: 2000) Both China and Japan’s family Tradition Extended family has provided an economic unit where each member takes on some responsibility. (IPS Worldwide: 2010) (HONG, Chuan/ZHU, Yan:2010) 3.1 Family Attitudes 3.2 Buddhism Values 3.1 Family Attitudes 3.2 Buddhism Values Buddhism beliefs (1) to lead to true happiness, (2) to be mindful and aware of thoughts and actions (3) to develop wisdom and understanding. Figure 4: Spread of Buddhism around Asia Table 3: Top 10 National Buddhist population Spreads in Northern Asia (BDEA/Buddha net:2012) (Adherents: 2005) ⇒ Mahayana Buddhism: no existence of their own and take identity only in relation to other beings and phenomena ⇒Loyalty towards family ancestors Asian Values:“ those of a hard working, responsible, skillful, ambitious, member of society who would contribute to the group rather than pursuing individual selfish interests” (Michael Hill: 2000) Mahayana Buddhists belief Very similar Buddhist festival/holiday in Japan and China ・Ghost Festival in China ・Obon ? in ? Japan ? Family reunion holiday, visits and cleans their ancestors grave (Kotaro Suzuki:2007) 2.1 Hours spent on studying and working 日本の東京大学は、人口1億3000万人のうちの 3000人。これに対して中国の清華大学は、中国13億 人のトップクラス2500人が入る超難関だ。勉強量も圧 倒的に多いので、「これでは日本がかなうわけがありま せん」という。 (日経ビジネス:2012) 5 (Young Study: 2009 2.2 Food Safety Incident Larger population=More incidents, More deaths Japan also has numbers of incidents 4 2000雪印集団食中毒事件 2006 不二家期限切れ原材料使 用問題 2011 ユッケ食中毒 (Wikipedia:2010) 3.1 Family Attitudes But the percentage of extended family is decreasing: Japan 56% to 29.7% China 50% to 32% Shift of family structure extended to nuclear. Weakened responsibility of ancestors (Jeffrey Hays: 2009) 3.2 Buddhism Values ⇒ Mahayana Buddhism: No existence of their own and take identity only in relation to other beings and phenomena ⇒ respect their ancestors BUT 2 Buddhism (Japan-Guide: 1996-2012) Asian Values:“ those of a hard working, responsible, skillful, ambitious, member of society who would contribute to the group rather than pursuing individual selfish interests” (Michael Hill: 2000) Mahayana Buddhist belief: respect their ancestors 9 6 Common Asian Values do NOT exist
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