Semantics: The meanings of language

The Analysis of Meaning
Deny A. Kwary
Airlangga University
Lexical Semantics (cf. p.274)
Semantic properties: The components of
meaning of a word.
Semantic feature: A notational device for
expressing the presence or absence of semantic
properties by pluses and minuses.
Example of componential analysis:
baby is [+ young], [+ human], [– abstract].
Identify the features (1)
1. (a) widow, mother, sister, aunt, maid
(b) widower, father, brother, uncle, valet
 The
(a) and (b) words are [+ human]
 The (a) words are [+ female]
 The (b) words are [+ male]
2. (a) bachelor, paperboy, pope, chief
(b) bull, rooster, drake, ram
(a) and (b) words are [+ male]
 The (a) words are [+ human]
 The (b) words are [+ animal]
 The
Identify the features (2)
3. (a) table, stone, pencil, cup, house, ship
(b) milk, alcohol, rice, soup, mud
(a) words are [+ count]
 The (b) words are [- count]
 The
4. (a) pine, elm, sycamore
(b) dandelion, aster, daisy
(a) and (b) words are [+ plant]
 The (a) words are [+ tree]
 The (b) words are [+ flower]
 The
Semantic Relations among Words (p. 269)
Synonymy: words that have the same meanings,
e.g. start & begin.
Antonymy: words that are opposites in meanings,
e.g. hot & cold.
Synonymy or Antonymy (p. 307)
 Flourish – thrive
 Intelligent – stupid
 Casual – informal
 Flog – whip
 Drunk – sober
Semantic Relations among Words
(cf. page 270; with critical notes)
Polysemy: A word which has two or more related
meanings, e.g. bright: ‘shining’ ; ‘intelligent’
Homonymy: A word which has two or more entirely
distinct meanings, e.g. club: ‘a social organization’ ;
‘a blunt weapon’.
Homophony: Different words pronounced the same
but spelled differently, e.g. two and too.
Homography: Different words spelled the same but
pronounced differently, e.g. minute and minute.
Identifying homophones
1. [steə] 
1. Stair, stare
2. [weist] 
2. waste, waist
3. [si:liη] 
3. sealing, ceiling
4. [kju:] 
4. cue, queue
5. [sent] 
5. sent, cent, scent
Identifying homographs
Identifying Homonyms in Jokes
1. Time flies like an arrow
Fruit flies like a banana
2. Policeman: Why have you parked your car here?
Motorist: Because the sign says “Fine for Parking”.
3. Customer: Have you got half-inch nails?
Ironmonger: Yes, sir.
Customer: Then could you scratch my back. It’s
very itchy
More semantic relations among words
Hyponymy: Words whose meanings are specific
instances of a more general word, e.g. isosceles and
equilateral are hyponyms of the word triangle.
Metonymy: A word substituted for another word
with which it is closely associated, e.g. diamond for
a baseball field.
Retronymy: An expression that would once have
been redundant, but which societal or
technoligical changes have made nonredundant,
e.g. silent movies  movies  silent movies
That’s All For Today
See You Next Week
Deny A. Kwary
Airlangga University