(Appendix) Cool Earth-Innovative Energy Technology Program Technology Development Roadmap ○RD&D Roadmap Milestones including elemental technologies to promote RD&D and the direction of RD&D for 21 Innovative Technologies are developed on temporal axis. Relevant supporting technologies are also referred to. Major performance targets of R&D and expected timing of accomplishment 2000 Power generation cost 2010 46 JPY/kWh 2020 23 JPY/kWh 2030 14 JPY/kWh ○Compound crystalline solar cell Module production cost 〔conversion efficiency〕 2040 2050 7 JPY/kWh ●High-efficiency compound concentrating solar cell 50 JPY/W 〔40% at collection] 75 JPY/W 〔30% at collection] - Multi-junction technology Leap in efficiency Supporting and related technologies - System technologies (grid connection, batteries, etc.) ◆High-performance power storage ◆HEMS/BEMS/Local-level EMS Innovative technologies ◆: Innovative technologies described in other area ○: Existing technologies - : Elemental technologies, etc. Italic: Direction of technology development ●: Direction from RD&D toward diffusion RD&D Market introduction and diffusion ○ Introduction/diffusion scenario Major steps to accomplish RD&D goals and related policies are summarized for 21 technologies. ① High-Efficiency Natural Gas Fired Power Generation 2000 2010 ○Natural gas combined cycle power generation 2020 2030 ●High-efficiency natural gas power generation 2040 2050 Leap in efficiency 52% (1500℃ class) 56% (1700℃ class) 60% (FC/GT hybrid power generation) - Large-capacity high-temperature fuel cell (MCFC, etc.) technology - Combined cycle power generation - High-temperature gas turbine - High-load compressor, turbine technology technology - Advanced cooling, combustion and heat insulation technology Net efficiency (HHV) - Heat resistance material technology - Advanced Humid Air Turbine technologies Supporting and related technologies ◆Integrated coal gasification fuel cell combined cycle (IGFC) ◆Integrated coal gasification combined cycle (IGCC) ◆CO2 capture and storage Introduction/diffusion scenario High-efficiency natural gas fired power generation While protecting the intellectual property rights, Japanese technologies, know-how and so forth will be provided to overseas power suppliers to meet the demands of developed and developing nations where demands for power are expected to grow to promote diffusion of high-efficiency natural gas fired power generation in overseas. Hybrid SOFC (several hundred kW~) System verification FC/GT hybrid power generation Demonstration Initial introduction Diffusion ② High-Efficiency Coal Fired Power Generation 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 ●Integrated coal gasification fuel cell combined cycle (IGFC) Demonstration plant (1000 t/d class) Net efficiency (HHV) 55% (600 MW-class commercial generation) 65% (A-IGFC) - Next-generation IGFC ●Integrated coal gasification combined cycle (IGCC) 48% (1500℃ class, hot gas clean up) 41% (250 MW demonstration plant) 50% (1700℃ class, hot gas clean up) 46% (1500℃ class, wet gas clean up) Leap in efficiency 57% (A-IGCC) - Next-generation IGCC ○Ultra super critical pressure coal power generation (USC) ●Advanced ultra super critical power generation (A-USC) 42% (600℃ class) 46% (700℃ class) 48% (750℃ class) Supporting and related technologies ◆CO2 capture and storage Introduction/diffusion scenario IFCC IGFC A-USC Verification by IGCC pilot and demonstration plants Introduction as additional or replacement of coal fired power plants (IGCC, IGFC) Verification and demonstration of FC system for IGFC Introduction as replacement of existing coal fired power plants (A-USC) Leap in efficiency Leap in efficiency ③ Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage (CCS) 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 ●Separation and capture of CO2 4,200 JPY/t-CO2 Capture cost 2050 Drastic reduction of capture cost 2,000s JPY/t-CO2 1,000s JPY/t-CO2 (adoption of separation membrane on high-pressure gas) 1,500s JPY/t-CO2 addressed by practical - Chemical absorption, Physical absorption/adsorption, Membrane separation, use of separation Utilization of unused low-grade exhaust heat to regenerate absorbent, etc. membrane - Size increase in separation membrane, Successive production ●Geological storage of CO2 Pilot study on geological storage ●Ocean sequestration of CO2 Leap in storage potential Large-scale demonstration Full-scale domestic implementation of underground storage - Aquifer, Waste oil and gas field, Coal seam - Dissolution and dilution, - Transportation technologies Deep-sea storage and sequestration, etc. Supporting and related technologies ◆Integrated coal gasification fuel cell combined cycle (IGFC) - Enhanced oil recovery (EOR) - CO2 behavior analysis technologies ◆Integrated coal gasification combined cycle (IGCC) - Monitoring technologies ◆High-efficiency natural gas fired power generation 地中貯留実証試験 排出源近傍大規模実証試験 地中貯留の国内本格実施 Introduction/diffusion scenario Cost reduction of CO2 capture Separation and capture System Large-scale system demonstration Successive application making sure of legal system development and social acceptance Environmental impact evaluation and public acceptance (including monitoring for protocol post closure ) Establishment of domestic laws, international rules, etc. Others Evaluation of storage potential Reinforcement of international cooperation ④ Innovative Photovoltaic Power Generation 2000 Power generation cost 2010 46 JPY/kWh 2020 23 JPY/kWh 2030 14 JPY/kWh 2040 2050 7 JPY/kWh ●PV with innovative structure/material Theoretical efficiency 50% or higher Leap in efficiency Module conversion efficiency 40% or higher -Ultra high-efficiency PV such as quantum nanostructure ○Compound semiconductor PV Module production cost 〔conversion efficiency〕 ●High-efficiency compound semiconductor PV 50 JPY/W 〔40% at collection] 75 JPY/W 〔35% at collection] - Multi-junction technology Leap in efficiency ●Organic PV (dye-sensitized, thin-film organic) ー JPY/W 〔6%〕 75 JPY/W 〔10%〕 50 JPY/W 〔15%〕 Drastic cost reduction and expansion in popularization - Multi-junction technology ○Single-junction ○Tandem thin-film Si PV thin-film Si PV 100 JPY/W 〔12%〕 ●Ultra high-efficiency thin-film PV 75 JPY/W 〔14%〕 45 JPY/W 〔18%〕 75 JPY/W 〔18%〕 50 JPY/W 〔22%〕 - Multi-junction technology ○Thin-film CIS PV ○Crystalline Si PV Drastic cost reduction ●Ultra-thin crystalline Si PV 100 JPY/W 〔16%〕 75 JPY/W 〔19%〕 50 JPY/W 〔22%〕 Drastic cost reduction Supporting and related technologies - System technologies (grid connection, batteries, etc.) ◆High-performance power storage ◆HEMS/BEMS/Local-level EMS Introduction/diffusion scenario Residential Industrial Overseas Conventional grid connection Medium-range community PV system Introduction support by public authorities, etc. Wide-area PV system Market expansion support by RPS, etc. In-building high-voltage connection system for captive consumption SHS (Solar Home System)*Mini grid * Small-scale system for houses in areas without electricity supply in developing nations Very-Large-Scale Photovoltaic power generation (VLS-PV) ⑤ Advanced Nuclear Power Generation 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 ●Fast reactor Demonstration fast reactor Experimental fast reactor “Joyo” (O-arai-machi, Ibaraki) Achieved initial criticality in 1977 and operating up to present. Commercial fast reactor Drastic improvement of efficiency of uranium utilization Substantial reduction in radioactive wastes Prototype fast reactor “Monju” (Tsuruga-city, Fukui) Under modification ●Next-generation light-water reactor Excellent economics, reliability and safety ○Proper utilization of existing reactors with increased safety - For domestic replacement - Expansion into international market as a global standard reactor - Shift to more effective inspections - Steady management of substantial measures against aging ●Small and medium reactors Expansion into international market (addressed by subjecting markets different from large reactors such as the next-generation light-water reactor) Supporting and related technologies - Technologies for radioactive waste treatment and disposal (including recycling of nuclear materials through reprocessing) - Decommissioning technologies Introduction/diffusion scenario LWR FR Conceptual design and elemental technology development Achievements of development and Feasibility study operation in light-water reactors FR Cycle Technology Development (FaCT) Project Feasibility Study on FR Cycle Small and medium reactors Detailed design, licensing, construction, etc. Operation of next-generation light-water reactor FR Cycle demonstration 1977 - Operation of experimental reactor “Joyo” Operation of prototype reactor “Monju” SMR Next-generation light-water reactor Designing and construction of demonstration reactor Commercialization of FR Cycle Operation of demonstration reactor Designing and licensing on commercial reactor Construction of commercial reactor (before 2050) Development in international market ⑥ High-Efficiency Superconducting Transmission 2000 2010 100~500 m (Bi-system) AC66kV (3-phase) Length High voltage Large current 1 kA Low loss 1 W/m/phase @1 kA 2020 Several hundred meters ~1 km Several km AC66kV-class, DC125kV-class 3~5 kA (Triplex) 0.3 W/m/phase @3 kA 5~10 kA (Single or Triplex) 2040 154~275kV Several GJ (with current-limiting function) 6.6 kV 10 MVA Transformer 2030 ●Y-system superconducting stabilization technology for power transmission ●Y-system superconducting●Y-system superconducting transformer cable ブッシング 冷却装置 Engineering Critical Current Density Tape/Wire Cost Je>300 A/mm2 8~12 JPY/A・m@77K Transformer Je> 300~500 A/mm2 4~6 JPY/A・m@77K 2~3 JPY/A・m@77K - Long Tape, Low Cost Technology - High Efficiency in Cooling System, Scale-up, Cost Reduction 鉄心 超電導巻線 サブクール液体 窒素 Cable ○Bi-system Superconducting Tape Je~150 A/mm2 20 JPY/A・m@77K Je~200 A/mm2 12 JPY/A・m@77K Je~250 A/mm2 6 JPY/A・m@77K ○Nb-system wire 1 JPY/A・m@4.2K SMES for momentary outage compensation Supporting and related technologies - Cryocooler technology - System management technology - Electrical insulation technology - Superconducting power generator (including wind power generator) Introduction/diffusion scenario Power cable Industrial application cable Power transformer On-vehicle transformer Stabilization technology for power transmission Others Micro SMES Underground transmission in urban area Distribution transformer For load change compensation Long-distance transmission - Large-capacity transmission System connection transformer Trunk system transformer SMES for power system stabilization Deregulation, Standardization, Human resource development 2050 ⑦ Intelligent Transport System (ITS) 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 ●Automated driving, Vehicle platooning (highways) 2050 ●Automated driving, Cooperative driving (Improved driving method) - ECO driving route guidance system - ECO driving control system utilizing car navigation system - Real-time fuel efficiency meter - Adaptive cruise control (ACC) ●Traffic signal control using probe data ●Traffic signal linked ECO-driving ●Traffic signal linked green wave system (Elimination of bottlenecks) - Electronic Toll Collection (ETC) - Optimal control system on sag in the roads - Autonomous Merging system ○Traffic flow improvement technologies (Effective utilization of roads) - Optimal route guidance system - Vehicle information and communication system (VICS) - Parking information system - Optimal leaving time prediction system (using probe data) - Car navigation system - Abnormal situation detection system (using probe data) Supporting and related technologies - CO2 reduction effect evaluation technology and monitoring technology CO2 emission estimation hybrid traffic flow simulation technology, Traffic condition monitoring technology using probe data, CO2 emission estimation technology by driving situation Introduction/diffusion scenario Individual vehicles control ( Personal vehicle ) (Automatic engine stop) Vehicle control External Information Development of Communication Cooperative traffic flow control Distant, white lines, host vehicle Road geometry Traffic signal (Traffic signal control using (Optimal control system Traffic signal-linked on sag in the roads) ECO-driving probe data ) (Cooprative driving on Ordinary roads) Platoon information, Merging information, Surrounding environment (Autonomous merging) (Vehicle platooning on expressways) Vehicle to Infrastructure communication Inter-vehicle communications Effect evaluation and monitoring technology, Standardization, Internationalization, Systematization, Public outreach Plan for Diffusion ⑧ Fuel Cell Vehicle (FCV) 2000 2010 2020 Traveling distance 300 km 400 km 800 km Endurability 2,000 hours 3,000 hours 5,000 hours Vehicle cost (vs. ICV) 20 3~5 1.2 ●Fuel cell vehicles (FCV) 2030 Leap in cruising distance and drastic cost reduction - Drastic improvement in hydrogen storage capacity - Reduction in rare metal content, development of Non-rare metal catalysts Supporting and related technologies ◆Fuel cell (PEFC) ・Hybrid vehicle ◆Hydrogen production, transport and supply ・Vehicle body weight reduction ◆Intelligent transport system Introduction/diffusion scenario Active introduction in public service vehicles Large-scale social demonstration Full-scale diffusion of fuel cell vehicles Standardization Establishment and safety measures for hydrogen supply infrastructure, institution review and legal system development 2040 2050 ⑨ Plug-In Hybrid Vehicle (PHEV) and Electric Vehicle (EV) 2000 2010 Battery capacity (vs. current level) 2020 1 time 1 time Battery cost Traveling distance on a full charge 1/2 2030 1.5 times 3 times 7 times 1/7 1/10 1/40 200 km 500 km 130 km 2040 2050 ●Electric vehicle (EV) - Improvement of battery performance - Development of post-Li ion batteries Leap in cruising distance Drastic cost reduction ●Plug-in hybrid vehicle (PHEV) - Improvement of Li ion battery performance Supporting and related technologies ◆Intelligent transport system - Vehicle weight reduction ◆High-performance power storage (Li ion battery, high-performance capacitor, Post Li ion battery) - Hybrid vehicle ◆Power electronics - Alternative material of rare metal Introduction/diffusion scenario Public service vehicles, Commuters EV for limited-use Commuter EV Full-spec EV Plug-in hybrid vehicle Establishment of charging infrastructures ⑩ Production of Transport Biofuel 2000 2010 (Alternative fuel of Diesel) 2020 2030 ○GTL (Gas to Liquid) ○CTL (Coal to Liquid) 2040 ●BTL (Biomass to Liquid) Drastic cost reduction and high-efficiency improvement - FT(Fisher-Tropsch Process) technology, DME technology - Butanol fermentation - Bio Hydrofined Diesel - Gasification technology -The securing of short rotation crops by domestic product and international cooperation - Small, high-efficiency liquefaction technology ○Bio-diesel fuel (BDF) (Alternative fuel of Gasoline) ○Ethanol production from sugar, starch, etc. ●Ethanol production from cellulose - ETBE production 100 JPY/L (From rice straw ,waste wood, etc.) -Improvement of process 40 JPY/L (From short rotation crops) (Pretreatment, saccharification, conversion to ethanol) Drastic cost reduction and high volume production -Development technologies for microorganisms and enzyme -Development of new short rotation crops with high-efficiency photosynthetic capacity Supporting and related technologies ◆Fuel cell vehicles (FCV) - Clean diesel vehicles Equivalent emission and cost to gasoline vehicles - Combination vehicles of flex fuel vehicles (FFV) and hybrid vehicles Introduction/diffusion scenario Ethanol / ETBE production Ethanol production from cellulose BDF production GTL production Direct synthesis of DME Spread promotion by demonstration Establishment legal system for quality assurance of biofuel Spread promotion of diesel engine CTL production BTL production 2050 ⑪ Innovative Material, Production and Processing Technology 2000 2010 2020 (Glass production process) 2030 2040 ●Innovative glass melting process 2050 Leap in efficiency Small melter Large melter - Glass melter automatic control technology Scale-up technology - High-efficiency oxygen production technology - Simulation technology - In-flight melting technology utilized plasma, etc. - High-efficiency cullet heating technology, etc. (Non-ferrous metal materials production process) ●High performance titanium alloy production process Industrialization of new smelting process - High performance titanium alloy design technology - Molding process technology - New smelting scale increase technology (Chemical process) ●Bio refinery technology Mass production, cost reduction and material conversion of oil for various substances ●Water processing by innovative separation membrane system (Other industries) Drastic energy saving and application expansion - Development of new energy-saving separation membrane materials - Establishment of water processing technology using energy-saving separation membrane (Material technologies and innovative design technologies for energy saving in transport devices such as airplanes) ●Energy saving material and design technology for transport devices Drastic energy saving in airplanes , other transport devices and so forth - Carbon fiber composite material technology - Next-generation structural part production/processing technology - Environmentally–friendly, small aircraft engine - Development of thermoplastic carbon fiber composite material - Technology to enable gradient functions with optimal thermo-mechanical treatment (Cross-cutting energy saving technologies) ●Co-production - Next-generation gasification (exergy recuperation-type) technology - Autothermal regeneration industrial process ●Steam generation heat pump Leap in efficiency Next-generation coal gasification power generation (A-IGCC/A-IGFC) Leap in application - Steam generation by utilization - COP improvement for low-temperature steam heat pump of air-source COP 3.0, 120℃ steam COP 4.0 - Temperature increase in generated steam Introduction/diffusion scenario Innovative glass melting process New titanium forging technology Development of energy-saving technologies regarding glass melting and forming process Technology development regarding titanium smelting and molding process Small-scale practical application New heat collection and utilization system Medium-scale practical application Small-scale practical application Large-scale practical application Large-scale practical application Development of new energy saving or resource saving processing technologies Increase in the number of key materials, general purpose chemical products, etc. using bioprocesses Bio refinery Increased number of products made from biomass materials Increased distribution of biomass-derived chemical products Water processing by innovative separation membrane system Carbon fiber composite material technology Development of membrane pore orientation control technology Technology to add functions to improve water permeability Development of endurance (pressure resistance, chemical resistance) improvement technologies Technology development related to forming process and ensuring thunder resistance in carbon fiber composite material Co-production Practical application and diffusion of energy-saving membrane separation water processing system Practical application in small jet liners Application in other transport devices, etc. Reduction of exergy loss in industrial processes Improvement in compressor performance Steam generation heat pump Practical application of steam generation (approx. 120℃) HP using exhaust heat Co-production of power and materials (hydrogen, etc.) Practical application and popularization of steam generation HP with increased steam temperature Improvement in heat exchange parts Development of working fluid Expansion in application range by high performance ⑫ Innovative Iron and Steel Making Process 2000 2010 COURSE50*1 2020 (step 2) PhaseⅠ(step 1) 2030 2040 2050 Industrial application/diffusion PhaseⅡ ●Innovative Iron and Steel making process *1: CO2 Ultimate Reduction in Steelmaking Process by Innovative Technology for Cool Earth 50 - Blast furnace gas circulation technology - Hydrogen amplification technology - Iron ore hydrogen reduction technology ●CO2 separation and capture technology ○Energy saving technologies - Next-generation coke production technology (SCOPE21*2) - High temperature waste heat recovery *2: Super Coke Oven for Productivity and Environmental enhancement toward the 21th century - Medium- to low-temperature waste heat recovery (blast furnace top pressure recovery turbine (TRT), new establishment of coke dry quench facility (CDQ), etc.) - Facility efficiency increase (high-efficiency oxygen plant, power generation turbine improvement, etc.) - Operation efficiency increase (reduction in reducing agent ratio, steel products temperature management, etc.) - Effective utilization of waste plastic, etc. (substitution for coking coal, gasified gas utilization) Introduction/diffusion scenario Process innovation Process efficiency increase PCI, CNC, etc. Continuous operation, AI, CNC, etc. By-product gas utilization Gas holder operation, ACC Waste heat recovery TRT, CDQ, etc. Waste utilization Innovative iron and steel making process SCOPE-21 Continuous efficiency increase promotion H2 supply Separation and capture of CO2 Regeneration burner, etc. Medium to low temperature waste heat recovery Waste plastic and tires Biomass ⑬ High-Efficiency House and Building 2000 2010 2020 2.7 W/m2・K Heat loss coefficient 2030 2040 2050 1.6 W/m2・K ●High heat insulation and shielding houses and buildings Remarkable advance in heat insulation performance Leap in heat insulation performance - Low thermal conductivity insulators - Vacuum insulation wall - Vacuum insulation window - Window glass with low coefficient of heat transmission - Light control glass - Solar shading - Low vacuum heat insulation technology - Multi-ceramic layer heat insulation material technology Thermal conductivity 0.002 W/m・K, Heat transmittance 0.3 W/m2・K (super insulation wall) Thermal conductivity 0.003 W/m・K, Heat transmittance 0.4 W/m2・K (super insulation window) - Development and cost reduction of externally insulation control system ○Highly airtight housing and building - Heat exchange ventilation system - Indoor air improvement technology (VOC absorption building materials, moisture adjustment building materials) ○Passive houses and buildings - Natural ventilation - Utilization of natural light - Heat storage Supporting and related technologies ◆HEMS /BEMS/Local-level EMS Introduction/diffusion scenario Insulation wall/window easy construction system Technologies to utilize insulation walls and windows (structure, design and construction) Diffusion of energy-saving housing by financing, tax system, etc. Establishment, expansion and diffusion of housing performance indication system, etc. ⑭ Next-Generation High-Efficiency Lighting 2000 2010 2020 2030 ●Organic EL lighting Light emission efficiency Life 15 lm/W 1,000 hours 100 lm/W 2040 2050 ●Next-generation lighting 200 lm/W 60,000 hours - Micro cavity light emission, cluster light emission, light storage technology, optical transmission technology, etc. ●High-efficiency LED lighting 65 lm/W 40,000 hours 100 lm/W 200 lm/W 60,000 hours - Area lighting system using light sensor/human detection sensor ○Incandescent lamp ○High-efficiency fluorescent lamp 15 lm/W, 1,000~2,000 hours 50~100 lm/W, 10,000 hours Supporting and related technologies ◆HEMS /BEMS/Local-level EMS Introduction/diffusion scenario Individual houses Creation of initial demands by subsidiary, tax system reform, etc. Industrial Effective management with top-runner method Overseas Active promotion of cooperation to developing nations ⑮ Stationary Fuel Cell 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 (PEFC) System cost (stationary, JPY per kW) 4 – 5 million Approx. 700,000 500,000 <400,000 36%, 90,000 hours Power generation efficiency (HHV), durability 32%, 40 thousand hours (SOFC) Small-capacity cogeneration Power generation efficiency (HHV), Durability, System cost 40%, 40,000 hours 1 million JPY/kW Medium-capacity cogeneration GT/FC combined power generation * Cost for household products are estimated including hot water storage tank >40%, 90,000 hours, <250,000 JPY/kW (*for household use: 300,000~400,000 JPY) >45%, 90,000 hours, <200,000 JPY/kW 42%, 40,000 hours, 1 million JPY/kW 60%, 40,000 hours >60%, 90,000 hours several hundred thousand JPY/kW <10,000 JPY/kW ●Polymer-Electrolyte Fuel Cell (PEFC) Drastic cost reduction - High temperature, low humidity, robust development technology - Reduction of platinum content, etc. - Non-humidified MEA, Non-platinum/low oxygen overvoltage catalyst, etc. Household cogeneration For automobiles (auxiliary power supply, power train) ●New direct Polymer-Electrolyte membrane Fuel Cell (PEFC) Drastic cost reduction - Stable anion membrane, Medium-temperature electrolyte - Bio fuel (direct) - Nonmetal air electrode, Nonmetal fuel electrode - Direct ammonia ●Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC) Small-scale cogeneration Medium-scale to large-scale power generation - Separation and capture of CO2 ●Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell (MCFC) Small-scale cogeneration ○Phosphoric Acid Fuel Cell (PAFC) Drastic lifetime extension and cost reduction Drastic lifetime extension and cost reduction Medium-scale to large-scale power generation - Separation and capture of CO2 Diffusion expansion Commercial cogeneration, Industrial cogeneration Introduction/diffusion scenario Introduction and Diffusion of Fuel Cell Vehicles (FCV) Polymer-Electrolyte Fuel Cell (PEFC) Diffusion of fuel cell cogeneration (commercial/industrial) Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell (MCFC) High-efficiency bio-gas power generation Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC) Promotion of international standard Output increase (several MW) GT/FC composite power generation ⑯ Ultra High-Efficiency Heat Pump 2000 2010 Cost (vs. current level) Device efficiency (vs. current level) (Annual Performance Factor) 2020 2030 2040 2050 1 0.75 0.5 1 1.5 2 * Reference value: Air conditioning and heating APF 6.6 (2.8 kW) Hot water supply rated COP 5.1 - Next-generation coolant technology - High-efficiency compressor technology - Expansion work recovery technology ●Ultra high-efficiency heat pump for air conditioning (Air conditioning) Leap in efficiency - High-efficiency heat recovery technology (simultaneous supply of cold energy and heat) - New air conditioning method such as chemical HP - Low ambient temperature addressing technology - Next-generation ground source utilization technology (including very cold district) (Room heating) ●Ultra high-efficiency heat pump for dual purpose of heating and hot water supply Leap in efficiency - Heat pump technology for snow melting (Hot water Supply) - Ultra high-efficiency heat exchange technology - Next-generation latent/sensible heat storage technologies - Exhaust heat utilization technology for exhaust heat from ventilation and human sewage ●Ultra high-efficiency heat recovery type heat pump for multiple purposes including air conditioning, and hot water supply Drastic improvement in convenience and cost reduction Supporting and related technologies ◆HEMS/BEMS/Local-level EMS High-efficiency motor, Inverter technology, Control by forecasting technology, High flux heat removal technology, Material/processing technology, etc. Introduction/diffusion scenario Subsidiary, preferential treatment in tax system Diffusion promotion by top-runner program Research and development with industry-academia-government cooperation Information provision to public International cooperation promotion though IEA etc. ⑰ High-Efficiency Information Device and System 2000 2010 (TV) 2020 2030 2040 ●High-efficiency Back Light technology (LCD) Drastic power consumption reduction 5.3 kWh/year・inch Annual power consumption 2.7 kWh/year・inch 1.6 kWh/year・inch ●Organic EL display (LCD TV size 52V) Energy saving in individual information devices - Larger screen area - Light emission efficiency improvement - Lifetime extension 70 lm/W 50,000 hours (Information and telecommunication devices) ●Energy-saving information & communication devices Drastic power consumption reduction Drastic expansion in popularization - Ultra high recording density HDD - Large-capacity optical communication network technology, power saving router/switch technology 30% reduction in power consumption ●Energy-saving information and communication system (server, data center, etc.) Energy saving for the entire network system - Cooling technology, Energy management technology - Virtualization technology, energy saving network architecture (Next-generation semiconductor devices) Line width (nm) 90 65 ●Ultra low power consumption semiconductors 45 32 22 16 14 11 - Heterogeneous multi-core technology - Ultra low power circuit/system technology - Microfabrication technology - Circuit design technology, Transistor with new structure Supporting and related technologies ◆ HEMS/BEMS/Local-level EMS - High-efficiency motor and motor control technology, High-efficiency DC/DC converter technology, DC power supply/distribution technology, etc. - SiC, GaN high-efficiency inverter Introduction/diffusion scenario Technology development System Promotion of energy saving technology development with industry-academia-government cooperation Green IT promotion council Enlightening and diffusion of environmental IT business management visualization of environmental contribution by IT in the entire society Diffusion promotion by top-runner program, etc. Holding of international symposium Reduction in social load by IT society, how environmental IT business management should be implemented, transmission of development of energy saving innovative technologies to domestic and international society 2050 ⑱ HEMS/BEMS/Local-Level EMS 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 ●Local-level EMS (Energy Management System) - Application of HEMS/BEMS technology - Organic combined technology with HEMS/BEMS and local heat/electricity supply - Coordination with autonomous local energy demand and supply system - Local area EMS - Block-level EMS - Cluster type (local-/city-level) EMS ●HEMS (Home Energy Management System) - Telecommunication hardware - In-house sensor network - Micro sensing technology technology - Renewable energy integration - Energy (electricity/heat) storage system integration - Middleware technology - Energy demand and supply analysis - Energy saving technologies such ad DC power supply /forecasting technology - Energy saving cooperation and control by living activity forecasting technology ●BEMS (Building Energy Management System) - Application of HEMS technology - High efficiency, power saving BEMS - Next-generation ultra energy saving BEMS - Integrated/flexible BEMS Supporting and related technologies ◆Next-generation high◆Innovative photovoltaic power generation efficiency lighting ◆Advanced Li ion battery ◆Energy-conserving information ◆High heat insulation and shielding houses and buildings devices and systems ◆Power electronics Introduction/diffusion scenario HEMS Individual development of communication hardware, middleware and sensor technology Local-level EMS connected distributed power supply, Photovoltaic power generation, etc. BEMS Diffusion of ESCO projects, Development in energy saving businesses such as EPS, Further efficiency and IT development in commercial and household devices ⑲ High-Performance Power Storage 2000 (For vehicles) 2010 2020 2030 2040 Energy density 70~100 Wh/kg 150 Wh/kg 200 Wh/kg 500 Wh/kg Cost 200,000 JPY/kWh 30,000 JPY/kWh 20,000 JPY/kWh 5,000 JPY/kWh (For stationary use) Lifetime Cost 10 years 20 years 40,000 JPY/kWh 15,000 JPY/kWh 2050 ●Batteries with new concept/principle Drastic performance improvement and cost reduction ・Metal-air battery, etc. ●Advanced Li ion battery For Mobile device For Hybrid vehicle ○NAS battery, Redox flow battery Drastic performance improvement and cost reduction - Li metal battery, LiS battery, etc. For Plug-in hybrid vehicle and electric vehicle Stabilization of wind power/photovoltaic power generation For load leveling, improvement of power quality, load change compensation ○Ni metal hydride battery ○Advanced Ni hydrogen battery Hybrid vehicle Mobile devices Stabilization of wind power/photovoltaic power generation ○Capacitor ●Capacitors based on new concept For memory maintenance, etc. Automobile accessory assistance Automobile power train assistance Power quality improvement Stabilization of wind power/photovoltaic power generation - Electric dual-layer capacitor, Hybrid capacitor, etc. - Hybrid with storage battery Drastic performance improvement and cost reduction Supporting and related technologies ◆HEMS/BEMS/Local-level EMS Introduction/diffusion scenario For vehicles Public vehicles, Commuters EV for limited-use General Commuter EV Full-spec EV Plug-in HV vehicle For stationary use Load leveling Power quality improvement Load change compensation Stabilization of wind power /photovoltaic power generation Local-level EMS ⑳ Power Electronics 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 ●Diamond power device 410 mm Wafer diameter Wafer dislocation density 105 cm-2 - Extension of wafer diameter - Reduction of wafer defect (dislocation density) - Improvement of - ON resistance reduction /voltage resistance 2 inch 103 cm-2 3 inch 102 cm-2 4 inch 10 cm-2 ●GaN-type power device 2 inch 105 cm-2 3 inch 4 inch 5 inch 104 cm-2 103 cm-2 ●SiC power device 100mm 4H-SiC single crystal 3 inch 104 cm-2 4 inch 103 cm-2 6 inch 102 cm-2 50 cm-2 10 cm-2 ●High-efficiency inverter/converter - Ultra low loss SiC switching device (normally-off type MOSFET) - Advanced inverter/converter design technology Supporting and related technologies ◆HEMS /BEMS/Local-level EMS Introduction/diffusion scenario Information devices, Household appliances, Distributed power supply, Industrial devices, Large power devices Si Power distribution devices (Switching device) Information devices (Rectification device) GaN-type Household appliances, Distributed power supply, Wireless base station (Switching device) Laser in vehicle, etc. Information devices – Power distribution meters Diamond 21 Hydrogen Production, Transport and Storage 2000 Hydrogen price Household appliances, Distributed power supply, Industrial devices, Automobiles, Electric railway Information devices (Rectification device) SiC 2010 150 JPY/Nm3 2020 80 JPY/Nm3 2030 - Hydrogen production from fossil fuels -Hydrogen production by renewable energy utilization ●Hydrogen transport technology - Compressed hydrogen transport - Liquid hydrogen transport Drastic cost reduction - Hydrogen fermentation, Photocatalyst, etc. Drastic transport efficiency improvement and safety improvement High-pressure transport 7 JPY/Nm3, Liquid transport 3 JPY/Nm3 - Pipeline transport - Organic hydride transport ●Hydrogen storage technology - Ultra high pressure container - Liquid hydrogen container 2050 40 JPY/Nm3 ●Hydrogen production technology - Water electrolysis 2040 - Hydrogen storage materials (alloy/inorganic/carbon-type, etc.) Drastic advances, cost reduction, and endurance and safety improvement - Clathrate, Organic metal structures, Organic hydride, etc. Supporting and related technologies Hydrogen supply technology (Small Refueling station, Parallel establishment with gas station, Local and National-scale hydrogen supply system) ◆Fuel cell vehicle (FCV) ◆Fuel cells for fixed installation Introduction/diffusion scenario Hydrogen from fossil fuels, By-product hydrogen, Water electrolysis Hydrogen from renewable energy (Photovoltaic/wind power generation, biomass, etc). Innovative product of hydrogen Hydrogen fermentation, photocatalyst, etc. Establishment and safety measures for hydrogen supply infrastructure, System review, Legal system development and promotion of standardization
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