Center for Integrated Disaster Information Research (CIDIR), Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies, The University of Tokyo 東京大学大学院情報学環 総合防災情報研究センター CIDIR Center for Integrated Disaster Information Research 設立背景(1) Background of Establishment 1995年阪神淡路大震災 1995 Kube earthquake The Japanese Archipelago is thought to be entering into a period of increased seismic activity. 2005年福岡水害 2005 Fukuoka Flood damage The effects of global warming will lead to an increase in large-scale typhoons. 設立背景(2): 予想される巨大都市災害, Background of Establishment: Expecting huge urban disasters (1) 首都直下地震: 112兆円の経済損失 Tokyo Metropolitan Earthquake – economic loss is one Trillion US$ Requiring a NEW approach to disaster management. The role of information studies is becoming highly important. (2) 首都圏広域氾濫: 230万人が浸水被害 Metropolitan flood - 2.3 million peoples are damaged Disaster assessment, advance forecasts, early warning, evacuation information and social recovery systems for reducing human and economic loss. Brief History災害情報研究の継承 設立背景(3): Background of Establishment: Succession of disaster information studies Prof. Osamu Hiroi, who passed away in April 2006, was involved in the complete range of disaster-related research based on social psychology and information and behavior theory. Prof. Osamu Hiroi Professor Hiroi strongly promoted the importance of comprehensive disaster research, and therefore, conceived the idea of establishing a wide ranging institute. Today CIDIR carries on his will and work. 2008年 CIDIR設立 Foundation of the CIDIR in 2008 In cooperation among three institutions in the University of Tokyo: 東京大学 3部局協力 - Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies 大学院情報学環 Earthquake Research Institute 地震研究所 Institute of Industrial Science 人間 生産技術研究所 Human 社会情報学 災害軽減工学 Information 地震・火山学 情報 都市 自然 City Nature CIDIR CIDIR構成員 Member of the CIDIR Prof. Kiyoshi TAKANO Information Seismology 鷹野 澄教授(情報地震学) Prof. Takashi FURUMURA Assoc. Prof. Hideyuki TANAKA Seismology Network Economics 古村孝志教授(地震学) 田中秀幸准教授 (ネットワーク経済学) Center for Integrated Disaster Director Atsushi TANAKA Information Socio-information Research 田中 淳教授(社会情報学) Prof. Tetsutaro SUMI River Engineering 須見徹太郎教授(河川工学) Assoc. Prof. Miho OHARA Prof. Yoshiaki HASHIMOTO Disaster Management Eng. Socio-Psychology 大原美保准教授(災害経営工学) 橋本良明教授(社会心理学) CIDIRの目的 (1) The aim of the CIDIR (1) I. Developing interdisciplinary researches among seismology, engineering and social sciences. II. Advancing the concrete proposals in order to lessen the damages caused by large earthquakes in near future. III. Reducing disaster loss through the application of information studies. 社会情報 学 人 間 「情報」 地震・火山学 災害軽減工学 自然 都市 「減災」 CIDIRの目的 The aim(2) of CIDIR The aim of the CIDIR (2) (2) IV. Combines research fields such as economics, sociology, psychology, seismology, volcanology, disaster prevention engineering, socio-information studies and communication studies V. Creating an active disaster prevention network of researchers at the University of Tokyo. CIDIRの研究 (例) Current Research of CIDIR Development of University disaster prevention information system 大学防災情報システムの開発 Earthquake Early Warning 緊急地震速報 Flood forecast, alert 洪水予報・警報 Struck situation of school Building 大学キャンパス被災情報 Victim information of school students and staffs 学生教職員の安否情報 Safety information of school buildings 学内建物の安全情報 CIDIRの活動 (1): 社会人教育 Activity of the CIDIR: Social education course Course for lifeline mass communication in 2008 ライ フライン・マスコミ連携講座 ① Principle and application of the Earthquake Early Warning system 緊急地震速報の原理と活用 ② Effects of Urban Attack Earthquakes 都市直下地震の影響 ③ Earthquake and City Fire 地震と 都市火災 CIDIRは研究者、政府・自治体担当者、企業、 報道関係者、NPOとの連携拠点を目指す CIDIR aims to be a hub for cooperation among researchers, government, private business, mass media and NPOs. ④Long-period ground motion and High-rise buildings 長周期地震動と 高層ビル ⑤⑥… CIDIRの活動 (1): 学術学会との協調活動 Activity of the CIDIR: Cooperative activity with academic societies Co-sponsoring with academic society such as for Public lectures and Symposium 学会との共催による講演会やシンポジウム開催 2008-2009 - Japan Society for Disaster Information Studies - Japanese municipality crisis - management society - Japanese disaster revival society etc. 日本災害情報学会、日本自治体危機 管理学会、日本災害復興学会、など CIDIRの活動 (1): メディアを使った啓蒙活動 Activity of the CIDIR: Educational campaign using mass communication CIDIRの活動 (1): 国際連携2008年度 Activity of the CIDIR: International (Asian)Cooperation in 2008FY 9月 台湾国立精華大学 来訪 6月 GC Forum 上海交通大学 3月 台湾国家地震工程研究中心 来訪 11月 中国共産党中央党校 来訪
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