<March. 2004> Doc.:IEEE802.15-04/0094r0-mmwi Project: IEEEP802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Network(WPAN) Submission Title: [Study on mm wave propagation characteristics to realize WPANs ] Date Submitted: [March 2004] Revised: [] Source: [Akira Akeyama & see slide 2] Company [NTT Advanced Technology Corp.] Address [3-9-11, Midori-cho, Musashino-shi, Tokyo 180-0012, Japan] Voice [+81(422) 51-9811], Fax [+81(422) 56-7676], E-mail [[email protected]] Re: [Millimeter wave propagation characteristics] Abstract: [60 and 70GHz-bands propagation characteristics in indoor environment are presented in this document ] Purpose: [Contribute to mm wave interest group for WPANs] Notice: This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P802.15. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual or organization. The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor reserves the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P802.15. Submission Slide1 Akira Akeyama, NTT-AT <March. 2004> Doc.:IEEE802.15-04/0094r0-mmwi Study on mm wave propagation characteristics in indoor environment The following individuals support this proposal as co-authors: Toshiyuki Hirose (Siemens k.k.) Kouichi Sakamoto (Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd.) Ami Kanazawa (Communications Research Laboratory) Submission Slide2 Akira Akeyama, NTT-AT <March. 2004> Doc.:IEEE802.15-04/0094r0-mmwi Study on mm wave propagation characteristics to realize WPANs 60GHz-Band is expected to realize a very high rate transmission system. In this document, several propagation characteristics are presented for the promotion of new system proposals. Content ■ Indoor propagation loss characteristics ■ Level fluctuation caused by human movements ■ Delay spread in indoor environments This measurement results are a summary of the experimental works done in a collaboration research project for Millimeter-wave Ad-Hoc communication in YRP. Submission Slide3 Akira Akeyama, NTT-AT <March. 2004> Doc.:IEEE802.15-04/0094r0-mmwi Propagation Path Image Office Home/Cafeteria オフィス Train/Bus Conference Submission Slide4 Akira Akeyama, NTT-AT <March. 2004> Doc.:IEEE802.15-04/0094r0-mmwi Measurement Parameters Indoor propagation characters are affected by furnishing, furniture and PC tools. Propagation loss and Delay-Distance characteristics in both LOS and NLOS are presented. 60GHz band Frequency 62.5GHz V Plane Horn Antenna Polarity Antenna 10dBi(60°), 16(30°), 22(15°) 100cm Antenna Height TEST Equipment Submission 70GHz 2 dBm Tx Power Gain 70GHz band Vector Network Analyzer Slide5 Akira Akeyama, NTT-AT <March. 2004> Doc.:IEEE802.15-04/0094r0-mmwi Propagation Loss in a Home Environment 0 linear (vertical) linear (horizontal) circular Wall 1 Wall 1 Room 2 Wall 2 -30 Room 2 -40 Room 1 -50 -60 -70 -80 Kitchen Wall 2 Room 1 -20 Room 3 Wall 1 received power [dBm] -10 2 1 3 4 5 10 RX distance from TX [m] Room 3 n L f d Ai Living room i 1 :propagation loss d :propagation distance f d :free space propagation loss Ai :transparency loss of each wall L An example of propagation at 60GHz loss in a home environment Submission Slide6 Akira Akeyama, NTT-AT <March. 2004> Doc.:IEEE802.15-04/0094r0-mmwi Complex permittivity measuring system To calculate the reflection and transmission characteristics from/through the building material, the complex permittivity of construction materials are indispensable. Transmitter Antenna Receiver Antenna Incident Angle Wooden made Arch θ θ θ Material under Test Radius 1 1m Reference Plane Adjuster Styrene Foam Absorber Submission Slide7 Akira Akeyama, NTT-AT <March. 2004> Doc.:IEEE802.15-04/0094r0-mmwi Reflection Coefficient Reflection and Transparency Coefficient 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 TE TM TE (theory) TM (theory) 0 20 40 60 80 Angle of Incidence [degrees] Transparency loss [dB] 0 Plaster board (Ceiling material) -5 -10 -15 -20 -25 -30 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 Frequency [GHz] Submission Slide8 Akira Akeyama, NTT-AT <March. 2004> Doc.:IEEE802.15-04/0094r0-mmwi Complex Permittivity A-F: Actual value calculated by Reflection coefficient and Transparency coefficient G-K: Effective value calculated by only Reflection coefficient Construction Material 62GHz 70GHz A Glass (Normal type) 6.24-0.17i 6.16-0.13i B Glass (Infrared absorption type) 6.43-0.15i 6.45-0.16i C Glass (Infrared reflection type) 6.30-0.15i 6.14-1.67i D Glass (with wire netting) 6.08-1.27i 6.25-0.17i E Plaster board (Wall) 2.17-0.01i 2.66-0.02i F Plaster board (Ceiling) 2.48-0.03i 2.43-0.04i G Marble(Bianco carrara) 7.90-0.05i 7.40-0.04i H Granite (Caledonia) 4.85-1.42i 4.49-1.29i I Granite (Zimbabwe black) 6.75-0.52i 7.00-0.50i J Lawn of grass (Dry) 1.00-0.004i 1.00-0.006i K Lawn of grass (Wet) 1.00-0.004i 1.00-0.006i Submission Slide9 Akira Akeyama, NTT-AT <March. 2004> Doc.:IEEE802.15-04/0094r0-mmwi Furniture’s Existence Probability 本箱 14% Bookcase 7% エアコン Air-conditioner 12% Wardrobe タンス Shelf 棚 10% エアコン タンス テーブル類 ハンガー ピアノ 5% ベッド、ソファ ラック 5% 11% 1% 1% 3% 3% 家電(大小) 植物 他 棚 本棚 28% ラック Rack 図4.2-1 什器類の利用頻度分布調査結果 Submission Slide10 Akira Akeyama, NTT-AT <March. 2004> Doc.:IEEE802.15-04/0094r0-mmwi Transparency Loss of Furniture Furniture Empty Stuffed Wardrobe 12.1 dB 25.9 Hanger 0.7 10.8 Bookcase 7.3 28.6 TV Set dB 22.9 Measured:60GHz band Submission Slide11 Akira Akeyama, NTT-AT <March. 2004> Doc.:IEEE802.15-04/0094r0-mmwi Propagation Characteristics above the Desk Surface -60 Path loss (dB) -70 -80 -90 -100 -110 Height pattern -120 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 TX-RX height (meter) Loss ( two wave model) Submission Slide12 loss without desk Measurements Akira Akeyama, NTT-AT <March. 2004> Doc.:IEEE802.15-04/0094r0-mmwi Submission Fading range Cumulative probability [%] Received Power Level Fluctuation -LOS- Slide13 Akira Akeyama, NTT-AT <March. 2004> Doc.:IEEE802.15-04/0094r0-mmwi Measurement Scenery h=2.05m Path A Path B ★ h=1.05m Relative level (dB) LoS path 10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 -60 -70 f:70.0GHz ht,hr:1.05m Ant.:Horn(15deg) d:7.3m one person goes across the LoS 0 Submission Slide14 1 2 3 Time (sec) 4 5 Akira Akeyama, NTT-AT <March. 2004> Doc.:IEEE802.15-04/0094r0-mmwi The path interruption occurrence in hour (N) The Total Fade Duration per Hour B Ti N v 400 350 300 offices exhibition hall 250 200 Ti:Total fade duration 150 B : Average body size 100 Mean fade duration v : Walking speed of persons N=260Dp 50 N : The number of path interruption 0 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 The number of persons per square meter (Dp) Submission Slide15 Akira Akeyama, NTT-AT Doc.:IEEE802.15-04/0094r0-mmwi Delay Spread -Office- RMS Delay(ns) <March. 2004> 8 60GHzTx60°Rx15° 60GHzTx60°Rx30° 60GHzTx60°Rx60° 70GHzTx60°Rx15° 6 70GHzTx60°Rx30° 70GHzTx60°Rx60° LOS 4 2 0 RMS Delay (ns) 1 2 Slide16 5 7 10 Distance(m) 60GHzTx60°Rx15° 60GHzTx60°Rx30° Tx60°Rx30° 60GHzTx60°Rx60° Tx60°Rx60° 70GHzTx60°Rx15° Tx60°Rx15° Tx60°Rx30° 70GHzTx60°Rx30° Tx60°Rx60° 70GHzTx60°Rx60° 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 3 Submission 3 7 14 18 NLOS 10 14 18 Distance(m) Akira Akeyama, NTT-AT <March. 2004> Doc.:IEEE802.15-04/0094r0-mmwi Delay Spread -CafeteriaDelay Spread (ns) 8 6 Antenna BW : 15° BW : 60° 4 2 0 Submission Freq.:70GHz NLoS 0 2 4 6 8 Distance (m) Slide17 Akira Akeyama, NTT-AT <March. 2004> Doc.:IEEE802.15-04/0094r0-mmwi Delay Spread -Train Environment- Tx Rx Delay Profile Delay Spread [ns] 15 V pol. H pol. C pol. 10 5 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Halfpower Beam Width [deg] 70 Delay Spread Submission Slide18 Akira Akeyama, NTT-AT <March. 2004> Doc.:IEEE802.15-04/0094r0-mmwi Summary ・Propagation loss Total loss = Free space loss + Obstacle loss Obstacle loss and complex permittivity were measured Path above the desk : Clear height pattern was observed ・Level fluctuation due to human movements LOS : Fading range (10%-90%) was about 1dB NLOS : Path interruption rate was measured ・Delay spread in indoor environments LOS (NLOS) : RMS delay spread < 10ns (Directional Ant.) Submission Slide19 Akira Akeyama, NTT-AT <March. 2004> Doc.:IEEE802.15-04/0094r0-mmwi Reference [1]T.Suzuki, et al, “Millimeter-wave Ad-Hoc Wireless Access System-(9)RMS Delay Measurements In Indoor Radio Channels-“TSMMW2002,p-9(2002-03) [2]N.Sakamoto, et al, “Indoor propagation Experiment at 60GHz and 70GHz-A study of propagation characteristic in an office environment-“ TECNICAL REPORT OF IEICE.RCS2002-3001,pp157-162(2003-03) [3]N.Kuribayashi, et al, “Millimeter-wave Ad-Hoc Wireless Access SystemⅡ-(4) (4)Receiving Power Time Variation Characteristics in 70GHz Band Indoor Propagation–“ TSMMW2003,2-4,(2003-03) [4]F.Ohkubo, et al, “Millimeter-wave Ad-Hoc Wireless Access SystemⅡ(5)Statistical characteristic of shadowing loss due to human movement – “ TSMMW2003,2-5,(2003-03) [5]N.Kuribayashi, et al, “Millimeter-wave Ad-Hoc Wireless Access System(8)60GHz Band propagation Loss Characteristics Along the Surface of Wooden/Metallic Desk Planes-“ TSMMW2002,p-8(2002-03) [6]T.Hirose, et al, “Millimeter-wave Ad-Hoc Wireless Access System-(7) Strict Solution of Fresnel Zone Radius and Visibility Estimation-“ TSMMW2002,p8(2002-03) Submission Slide20 Akira Akeyama, NTT-AT <March. 2004> Doc.:IEEE802.15-04/0094r0-mmwi Continue [7]A.Akeyama, et al, “Propagation Characteristics in Indoor Environments” 2003 IEEE Topical Conference on Wireless Communication Technology (TCWCT2003) [8] A. Kanazawa, D. Ushiki, and H. Ogawa, "Practical Propagation Measurements for Millimeter-wave Ad-hoc Wireless System", WPMC2003, vol.2, pp. 507-511, Oct. 2003. [9] A. Kanazawa, N. Sakamoto, and H. Ogawa, "Propagation Measurements for Millimeter-wave Ad-hoc Wireless System in a train", WPMC2003, vol.2, pp. 512-516, Oct. 2003. [10] F. Ohkubo, N. Ida, A.. Akeyama, A. Kanazawa, H, Ogawa, “A Study on Shadowing Characteristics in Millimeter-wave Ad-hoc Wireless Access System” ClimDiff 2003 Fortaleza Brazil, Statistical and Fundamental Modeling of Radio wave Propagation in Wireless Systems Diff.22 1-7, Nov. 2003 [11] A. Kanazawa, H. Ogawa, K. Sakamoto, S. Tago, F. Ohkubo, M. Ida, A. Akeyama, N. Kuribayashi, and T. Hirose, "Measurement of Complex Permittivity of Construction Materials at 62 GHz and 70 GHz",IEICE, Vol.J87-B, No.3, To be published at Mar. 2004. [12]F. Ohkubo, M. Ida, A. Akeyama, A. Kanazawa, and H. Ogawa, ” Millimeter-Wave Ad Hoc Wireless Access System Ⅲ -(7) A Study on Fade Duration in Exhibition Halls-”, TSMMW2004, (2004-02). Submission Slide21 Akira Akeyama, NTT-AT
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