Languages and Tools for Web Programming Uri Dekel ISRI, Carnegie Mellon University Presented in UI course Some examples taken from Outline Part 1: Static document formats for the web Document forms: HTML and CSS Data forms: XML, DTDs and Schemas, XSL High-end graphics forms: VRML, SVG Part 2: Client-side interactive web pages Client-Side Scripting languages: JavaScript, VBScript Client-Side embedded applications: Java applets, ActiveX, Flash Part 3: Server-side web page creation Scripting languages: CGI and Perl, PHP, ColdFusion High-level frameworks: Servlets and JSP, ASP, ASP.NET Part 4: Web service architectures WSDL, SOAP 2 Document Formats: The evolution of HTML HTML HyperText Markup Language Primary document type for the web Transmitted using the HyperText Transfer Protocol Client sends request string (with parameters) Server returns a document Describes document content and structure Stateless protocol Precise formatting directives added later Content and structure in same document Browser or formatter responsible for rendering Can partially render malformed documents Different browsers render differently 4 HTML structure HTML document is a text based representation of a tree of tags General structure: <OUTERTAG attribute1=‘val1’ attribute2=‘val2’> <INNERTAG attribute3=‘val3’>some text</INNERTAG> </OUTERTAG> 5 HTML evolution HTML 1 [early ‘90s] Invented by Tim Berners-Lee of CERN Aimed as standard format to faciliate collaboration between physicists Based on the SGML framework Old ISO standard for structuring documents Tags for paragraphs, headings, lists, etc. HTML added the hyperlinks, thus creating the web Rendered on prototype formatters 6 HTML evolution HTML+ [mid ‘94] Defined by small group of researchers Several new tags Many browsers Most notably, IMG for embedding images First text-based browser (Lynx) released in 03/93 First graphical browser (Mosaic) released in 04/93 First W3 conference [5/94] HTML+ presented 7 HTML evolution HTML 2 [7/94-11/95] Prompted by variety of diverging language variants and additions of different browsers Adds many widely used tags No custom style support e.g., forms e.g., no colors W3 consortium formed [Late 94] Mission: Open standards for the web 8 HTML evolution Netscape formed [11/94] Becomes immediate market leader Support for home users Forms a de-facto standard Use of “Netscape proprietary tags” Difficult for other browsers to replicate Documents start rendering differently Addition of stylistic tags e.g., font color and size, backgrounds, image alignment Frowned upon by structure-only advocates 9 HTML evolution HTML 3.0 draft proposed Huge language overhaul Tables, math, footnotes Support for style sheets (discussed later) Too difficult for browsers to adapt Every browser implemented different subset But claimed to support the standard And added new tags… Standard abandoned Incremental changes from here on 10 HTML evolution Microsoft introduces Internet explorer [8/95] First serious competition to Netscape Starts introducing its own tags e.g., MARQUEE Effectively splitting web sites into Microsoft and Netscape pages Many sites have two versions Microsoft starts supporting interactive application embedding with ActiveX Netscape responds with the emerging Java technology Starts supporting JavaScript Microsoft introduces VBScript 11 HTML evolution HTML 3.2 [1/97] Implements some of the HTML 3.0 proposals Essentially catches up with some widespread features. Supports applets Placeholders for scripting and stylesheet support 12 HTML evolution HTML 4 [12/97] Major overhaul Stylesheet support Tag identifier attribute Internationalization and bidirectional text Accessibility Frames and inline frames <object> tag for multimedia and embedded objects Adapted by IE (market leader) Slow adaptation by Netscape XML 1.0 standard [2/98] XHTML 1.0 [1/00, 8/02] 13 Limitations of HTML No support for accessibility until HTML 4 No support for internationalization until HTML 4 No dynamic content in original definition No inherent support for different display configurations (e.g., grayscale screen) Except for alt tag for images Added in CSS2 No separation of data, structure and formatting Until version 4 14 Wireless Markup Language (WML) Markup language for WAP browsers WAP = Wireless Application Protocol Based on limited HTML, uses XML notation Uses WMLScript scripting language, based on JavaScript A page is called a “deck”, displayed in individual sections called “cards” Tasks are used to perform events Variables used to maintain state between cards 15 Client-side: Cascading Style Sheets Why CSS? HTML was not meant to support styling information But browsers started supporting inline style changes to make web look better Inline styling information is problematic Difficult to change Lack of consistency No support for different display formats Bloats pages No support for some styling features 17 Connecting HTML to CSS HTML document typically refers to external style sheet <HEAD> <LINK rel="stylesheet" type="text/css“ href="fluorescent.css"> </HEAD> Style sheets can be embedded: <HEAD><STYLE type="text/css"> <!-- …CSS DEFINITIONS.. --> </STYLE></HEAD> 18 Connecting HTML to CSS Styles can be embedded inline with the style attribute Style sheets can be chosen by media type Simply add a media attribute to the link or style tags Choose from: screen, tty, tv, projection, handheld, braille, aural, all HTML document can provide several stylesheet options Give titles to each stylesheet One preferred (default) style, the rest are alternates e.g., Default configuration in internal browser stylesheet and user stylesheet 19 Style sheet structure Declaration gives value to property Styles are applied to selectors Property: value e.g., color: red Selector describes element Simplest form is tag type e.g., P {color:red; font-size: 16px} Style sheet is a series of style applications Can import other stylesheets @import url(corestyles.css); BODY {color: red; background-color: black} Style of enclosing element is inherited by enclosed 20 Selectors Type selectors Pseudo-class Specific subset of an HTML elements e.g., :link, :visited, :active for the A tag Pseudo-element Name of HTML elements Specific subset of any element e.g., :first-line, :first-letter Context sensitive elements e.g., H2 I {color:green} 21 Selectors Element classes HTML document can classify tags e.g., <P class=“warning”>…</P> Can refer to element type with specific class e.g., P.warning {color:red} Can refer to all elements with specific class e.g., .warning {color:red} Use HTML tags <div> and <span> Element IDs HTML entity can have a unique id attribute e.g., <P id=“copyright”>…</P> #copyright {color:blue} 22 Cascading Most properties are inherited From enclosing element to internal element Sort order for conflict resolution: Origin (page>user>browser) Weight (!important symbol allows overriding) Specificity Order 23 How is CSS applied? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Source document is parsed into a DOM tree Media type is identified Relevant stylesheets obtained DOM tree annotated with values to every property Formatting structure generated Formatting structure presented (rendered) 24 CSS2 Extends CSS1 Many new properties and built-in classes Better support for media types Better support for accessibility Stylesheet can specify type in selector Properties for aural rendering Better support for internationalization 25 Document Formats: XML XML, SAX, DOM, DTD, XML-SCHEMA, XSL, XMLFO XML Extensible Markup Language Documents consist of tags and data Based on SGML format Intended to facilitate data exchange Data is usually untyped characters Tags have names and attributes Document has tree structure Tags are nested Data areas are considered leafs One root <?xml version="1.0"?> <person> <name type=“full”>John Doe</name> <tel type=“home”>412-555-4444</tel> <tel type=“work”>412-268-5555</tel> <email>[email protected]</email> </person> 27 XML Structure XML documents have no semantics XML does not enforce structure It is up to the programs using them No restriction on possible tags No restriction on order, repeats, etc. Mixed content allowed Text followed by tags followed by text Allows HTML compatibility (XHTML) “Well-Formed Document” Tree structure with proper nesting Attributes are not repeated in same tag 28 XML Programming with SAX Lightweight simple event-based parser Originally in Java, ports for other languages Programmer instantiates SAX parser Parser is invoked on input and an implementation of Document Handler Parser invokes callback functions on handler during DFS traversal e.g., startDocument, endDocument, startElement, endElement, etc. 29 XML Programming with DOM A heavyweight XML-based API A programmatic representation of the XML document tree Supported in multiple languages Variety of interfaces representing elements, attributes, etc. User instantiates a DOM parser of specific vendor and supplies XML file Receives Document interface Different parsers use different optimizations 30 DTD Document Type Descriptor Impose structure on XML document Usually placed in separate file XML refers to HTML file using following header: <!DOCTYPE root-element SYSTEM "filename"> DTD can be placed inline An XML document is Valid if it conforms to the DTD DTD consists of a series of declarations 31 DTD Element Declarations <!ELEMENT element-name category> Category can be: ANY (#PCDATA) EMPTY No tags or text can be nested Sequence of nested elements Text… Element becomes leaf Essentially a regular expression e.g., <!ELEMENT note (to+,from,cc*,subject?, header,(message|body))> <!ENTITY entity-name "entity-value"> Declares a symbolic constant 32 DTD Attribute Declaration <!ATTLIST element-name attribute-name attribute-type default-value> Attribute types include: CDATA for text (en1|en2|en3…) for enumeration ID for unique element identifiers IDREF for referring to other elements Must refer to existing IDs Default value can be: String for actual default value #REQUIRED for forcing user to specify value #IMPLIED for optional attributes #FIXED for constant 33 Limitations of DTD DTD is weaker than database schemas Only one type Writer and reader must agree on implied types No abstractions such as sets ID References are untyped No constraints Tag definitions are global XML-Schema provides these capabilities Important for e-commerce 34 XML-Schema Replacement for DTDs Written in XML Support built-in and user-defined data types More extensible to future additions Including typed references and complex data types Support constraints 35 XML-Schema Example Schema document: <?xml version="1.0"?> <xs:schema xmlns:xs=“…“ targetNamespace=“…“ xmlns=“…" elementFormDefault="qualified"> <xs:element name=“person"> <xs:complexType><xs:sequence> <xs:element name=“name" type="xs:string"/> <xs:element name=“tel" type="xs:string"/> <xs:element name=“email" type="xs:string"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> </xs:schema> 36 XML-Schema <xs:schema> header has following attributes: Namespace for XML Schema built-in tags Namespace for elements defined by schema xmlns=“” Whether documents must use qualified names targetNamespace=“” Default namespace xmlns:xs="" elementFormDefault="qualified" XML file refers to schema : <note xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=> 37 XML-Schema: Defining simple elements and attributes Defining a simple element <xs:element name="xxx" type="yyy"/> Common built-in types are xs:string, xs:decimal, xs:integer, xs:boolean xs:date, xs:time Default and fixed attributes for values <xs:attribute name="xxx" type="yyy"/> Default and fixed attributes for values Add use=“optional” or use=“required” 38 XML-Schema: Restricting values Nest <xs:simpleType> and <xs:restriction base=“xs:type"> inside the element or attribute definition Simple type can be named for reuse Further nest the following restrictions: <xs:minInclusive> and <xs:maxInclusive> A sequence of <xs:enumeration value=“val”> A regexp: <xs:pattern value=“regexp"/> Whitespace: <xs:whiteSpace value=“mode"/> <xs:minLength> and <xs:maxLength> Many others 39 XML-Schema: Defining complex elements Create a new type with <xs:complexType> Extend an existing type by nesting <xs:complexContent> and <xs:extension base="personinfo"> Specify child ordering with the following tags: <xs:all> – Each child appears exactly once, but can permutate <xs:choice> – Exactly one of the children will occur <xs:sequence> – Each child appears exactly once, in order Specify child recurrence with minOccurs and maxOccurs Elements can be grouped with <xs:group name=“groupname”> Attributes group with <xs:attributeGroup> 40 XSL Extensible Stylesheet Language Intended to assist in presenting XML data CSS is not enough because it refers to HTML tags that have some display semantics Responsible for transforming an XML document into an XHTML document Essentially a tree transformation Consists of three languages: XSLT for transforming XML documents XPath for defining parts of XML documents XSL-FO for formatting the elements 41 XPath A system for referring to XML tree elements Used in XSLT for matching templates Similar to directory structure Absolute paths start with / Relative paths starts start with child name Parent is selected with .. Ignore ancestors with // e.g., //cd selects all cd elements Variety of special functions 42 XSLT Conditional Selection Wildcard Selection e.g., /catalog/*/price Selection of specific child e.g., /catalog/cd[price>10.80] e.g., /catalog/cd[1] e.g., /catalog/cd[last()] Referencing attributes e.g., //cd[@country='UK'] 43 XSLT XSLT is used to recursively transform a tree XSL sheet consists of templates Matching condition Transformation Transformation of the source tree is a recursive traversal No recursive search on matched nodes Use <xsl:apply-templates> to force Add select attribute to apply to a subset If match found, transformation is applied to matching part in result document Transformation can query nodes in the subtree Nonmatching parts are unmodified in result document 44 XSLT Example XML Document Stylesheet <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0“ xmlns:xsl=""> <xsl:template match="/"> <html><body><h2>My CD Collection</h2> <table border="1"> <tr bgcolor="#9acd32"> <th align="left">Title</th> <th align="left">Artist</th> </tr> <xsl:for-each select="catalog/cd"> <tr> <td><xsl:value-of select="title"/></td> <td><xsl:value-of select="artist"/></td> </tr> </xsl:for-each> </table></body></html> </xsl:template> </xsl:stylesheet> <?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl“ href="cdcatalog.xsl"?> <catalog> <cd> <title>Empire Burlesque</title> <artist>Bob Dylan</artist> <country>USA</country> <company>Columbia</company> <price>10.90</price> <year>1985</year> </cd> … </catalog> 45 XSLT Structure Every <xsl:template> element attempts to match a set of XML nodes. The match attribute associates the template with particular nodes The <xsl:value-of> element extracts data from the source node The select attribute specifies what to extract, relative to the node matched by the template The <xsl:for-each> element enables iteration over a specific subset of nodes Selection can be filtered e.g., <xsl:for-each select="catalog/cd[artist='Bob Dylan']"> Nodes can traversformed in a sorted order with <xsl:sort> e.g., <xsl:sort select="artist"/> 46 XSLT Structure Use <xsl:if> for simple conditional on output: <xsl:if test=“test“>…output…</xsl:if> Use <xsl:choose> for more complex conditionals <xsl:choose> <xsl:when test=“test1"> ... some code ... </xsl:when> <xsl:when test=“test2"> ... some code ... </xsl:when> <xsl:otherwise> ... some code .... </xsl:otherwise> </xsl:choose> 47 Activating XSL Include <?xml-stylesheet directive in XML Use offline XSLT transformator XML can be displayed in browser Couples data and presentation Typically useful for data processing Programmatically perform transformation in HTML file using scripting <html><body> <script type="text/javascript"> xml = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM") xml.load("cdcatalog.xml") var xsl = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM") xsl.load("cdcatalog.xsl") document.write(xml.transformNode(xsl)) </script> </body> </html> 48 XML-FO Extensible Stylesheet Language Formatting Objects A W3C language for formatting XML data Now part of the XSL standard, a target language for transformed documents Supports a variety of output targets Output is in “pages” Further separated into rectangular areas 49 XQuery A standard for SQL-like queries on XML data Still at the W3C draft stage Relies on XPath and uses its data model Supports simple queries: e.g., doc("books.xml")/bib/book[price<50] Supports complex queries with FLWOR: e.g., for $x in doc("books.xml")/bib/book where $x/price>50 order by $x/title return $x/title 50 XForms A new infrastructure for web forms Separates form functionality from presentation Single XML form definition model Form data maintained as XML instance data Supports suspend and resume XForms UI replaces XHTML form controls Proprietary UIs provide alternative presentation Extensible for new form elements and widgets 51 Document Format: Vector and 3D Graphics VRML, X3D, SVG Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML) Abandoned W3C standard Requires third party VRML plug-in Used to set up 3D scenes called “worlds” Unique syntax for defining objects, transforms, effects, etc. VRML 2.0 (or ’97) adds many new features, supports animation, Java interaction, etc. 53 X3D Successor of VRML XML based Developed by Web3D consortium Extensible for specific markets and needs Several layers of extensions called “profiles” Interchange – Simple scenes (geometry, animation) Interactive – Enables basic interaction via sensors Immersive – Adds advanced interaction, audio, scripting Physical Simulation 54 Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) Standard for 2D graphics and applications Simple example: W3C XML based standard Requires browser plug-in to view Viewers for standalone applications e.g., Apache Batik project for Java <?xml version="1.0"?> <svg xmlns="" version="1.2"> <rect x="10" y="10" width="10“height="10"/> </svg> Complex examples: 55 Client Side: Scripting Languages JavaScript, VBScript, DHTML JavaScript The most common scripting language Typically embedded in HTML page Executable computer code within the HTML content Interpreted at runtime on the client side Can be used to dynamically manipulate an HTML document Originally supported by Netscape, eventually by IE Has access to the document’s object model Can react to events Can be used to dynamically place data in the first place Often used to validate form data Weak typing 57 JavaScript Syntax Code written within <script> element e.g., <script type="text/javascript"> document.write("Hello World!") </script> Use src attribute for scripts in external files Placement determines execution time Scripts in header must be invoked explicitly e.g., during events Scripts in body executed when that part is being processed. 58 JavaScript Syntax User can declare variables User can declare functions function func(argument1,argument2,…) { some statements } Function can return values with return Standard conditionals e.g., var name = “user”; Variables can be global to the page if..then..else, switch, ?: operator Standard loops while, do..while, for 59 JavaScript Syntax JavaScript has built-in “Object” types Variety of operators and built-in functions Arrays, Booleans, Dates, Math, Strings Direct access to the HTML DOM model HTML Elements have script-specific event attributes e.g., <body onmousedown="whichButton()"> e.g., <input type="button" onclick="uncheck()" value="Uncheck Checkbox"> 60 VBScript Microsoft’s answer to JavaScript Never been supported by Netscape Less in use now Use <script type="text/vbscript"> Similar to JavaScript Follows Visual Basic look and feel Possible to declare variables Use “option explicit” to force declaration Separates procedures and functions 61 DHTML DHTML is a marketing buzzword It is not a W3C standard Every browser supports different flavour It is HTML 4 + CSS stylesheets + scripting language with access to document model 62 Client Side: Embedding Interactive Content Java Applets, ActiveX, .NET controls, Flash Java Applets Precompiled Java programs which can run independently within a browser Main applet class inherits from java.applet.Applet Sandboxed by a variety of security measures and functional limitations Cannot load libraries or native methods Cannot read/write most files on host Most network connections are blocked Cannot start external programs Limited access to system properties Different window style 64 Java Applets Applet API facilitates browser-related tasks Obtain parameters from the <APPLET> tag Load files relative to the applet or page URL Setting status messages on the browser Interact with other applets on the page Make the browser display a document. Play sounds. 65 ActiveX Controls Enhanced OLE controls ActiveX adds web-related features Security Reduced footprint Digital signatures and licensing Simplified distribution as a cabinet file Many limitations OLE controls are part of the Microsoft COM framework Support base COM interfaces, as well as interfaces for automation, persistence and UI. Works only in Microsoft browsers Numerous security holes Very difficult to develop in C++ Simple in visual basic, but not as powerful More component and UI oriented than Java applets 66 .NET Controls The equivalents of ActiveX controls in the Microsoft .NET Framework Different in internal structure Created from a hierarchy of control classes Represented in Microsoft Intermediate Language Supposedly multiplatform Can be developed in variety of languages 67 Flash Proprietary MacroMedia Format Intended to create interactive “movies for the web Provides free browser plugins Deployed as a single SWF file Initially used mostly for animation Later for interactive menus and navigation Then used for interactive games e.g., Warcraft I in Flash Uses vector graphics Does not require programming skills Except for highly interactive tasks which use scripting language 68 Flash User uses interactive Flash editor Draws and makes changes to “stage” Uses “timeline” to direct animation ActiveScript language has interactive IDE User drags-and-drops elements e.g., drag conditional and then variables Users need to learn a new language and type code for sophisticated events Still faster ramp-up than Java applets or .NET 69 Server side: Scripting and low-level languages CGI, Perl, PHP, Python, ColdFusion Common Gateway Interface (CGI) Standard interface allowing web server to delegate page creation to external programs Any programming language can be used Compile into executable binary Run scripts (e.g., perl) with executable intepreter Arguments passed via environment variables QUERY_STRING PATH_INFO, PATH_TRANSLATED Everything after the first ? Symbol in the URL Additional information in addition to the page URL Document returned via standard output Should return content-type header Can refer to other document with Location 71 CGI Limitations Not appropriate for busy servers Each program instance is a separate process Security risks Only web-master has install privileges Bad code can cause serious trouble 72 PERL based CGI scripts Practical Extraction and Report Language [1987] Popular interpreted language among system administrators Aimed at string processing Messy yet powerful language Scripted, Procedural, Object Oriented OO support very sketchy Mixed notions from UNIX, C, Basic, SED/AWK Weak typing system Rapid built-in data structures Relies heavily on regular expressions Variety of extensions and libraries CGI module facilitates web programming e.g., easy access to arguments from URL 73 PHP Personal Home Page tools Open-source language for server-side scripting Commercial 3rd party optimizers available Adopted in popular large-scale web-applications PhPBB bulletin board system Software behind Wikis and WikiPedia Some standalone rich-client applications Built-in facilities for popular protocols and services Shifts towards OOP Requires special server support Web master must allow php scripts 74 Python A popular multi-paradigm language [’90] Variety of built-in data types Extensible Some support for functional programming Considers itself a “dynamic programming language” rather than a scripting language Used to build some large scale applications Inherent object oriented programming Interactive mode a-la LISP Indentation is used to indicate blocks No semicolons or curly braces Whitespace can destroy a program 75 ColdFusion Macromedia’s server-side scripting language Tag based Easier to learn than other languages Extensible Targeted for the enterprise market Based on Allaire’s software early prototype Tag-based access to databases Security and scalability features Interacts with variety of protocols and services Visual tools for rapid development Recent versions can run on J2EE application servers 76 Server side: High-level languages Java servlets and JSPs ASP and ASP.NET Java Servlets Java analogue of a CGI script A servlet can service multiple requests in its lifetime Servlet-enabled server activates servlet More efficient than creating separate processes User servlet implements Servlet interface init(ServletConfig config) Service(ServletRequest req, ServletResponse res) destroy() Preferable to inherit from HttpServlet Filter infrastructure allows transformation of response 78 Java Servlets Servlets can interact and share information with other components They can also invoke other HTTP requests and include their results in their response Servlets have access to session information Sessions encoded either as cookies or in URL API hides details from the servlet programmer Servlets are good for intermediate service-oriented documents e.g., XML data from a web service Servlets are not natural for presentation-oriented documents Usually small portions of the page are dynamic 79 Java Server Pages A more natural way to dynamically create web pages Dynamic sections embedded within the static document JSP translator / compiler creates servlet Directives e.g., <%@ page import="java.util.*" %> Scriplets containing Java code e.g., <% int localStackBasedVariable = 1; %> JSP action tags Invoke built-in servlet functionality <jsp:forward page="subpage.jsp"> <jsp:param name="forwardedFrom" value="this.jsp"/> </jsp:forward> Include plug-ins such as JavaBeans Custom tags 80 JSP Tag Libraries JSP language can be extended with custom tags deployed as tag libraries Reduces amount of Java code that JSP users have to do. e.g., unique iterators to faciliate coding e.g., routines such as clearing a shopping cart 81 Apache Struts A framework for building web applications using a Model-View-Client architecture Model - Database interfaces such as JDBC or EJB View – Presentation interfaces such as JSP or XSLT Struts provides the controller 82 Classic ASP Microsoft’s server-side technology Code intermixed with static HTML Classic ASP used VBScript e.g., <html> <body bgcolor="yellow"> <center> <h2>The time is: <%Response.Write(now())%> </h2> </center></body> </html> 83 ASP.NET New generation of .NET Supports visual editing similar to VB programming Allows code to be decoupled from HTML Now supports all .NET languages Server controls are tags similar to JSP tags Supports a view state for forms In case of problems in form validation, values are restored 84 Architectures for Web Services Overall Architecture UDDI WSDL Information on available web service A description of how to communicate using the web service SOAP Protocol for exchanging messages 86 Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration (UDDI) Platform-independent XML registry Allows businesses to list services they provide Registration consists of: While pages info – real address and contact information Yellow pages info – industrial categorization Green pages info – technical information on exposed services 87 Web Services Description Language (WSDL) XML format for describing public interface of web services Services are collection of abstract endpoints called “ports” Each port has a protocol (“binding”) and address Each port has a type that defines valid “operations” An operation consists of messages and data formats WSDL document describes: Data formats Valid messages Ports types with their supported operations Binding of ports to types and addresses Services in terms of ports they provide and documentation 88 Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) Lightweight protocol for message exchange XML based, runs on top of HTTP Optional header with information on Enable “access” to objects, including RPCs Defines formats for requests, responses, errors Security requirements Routing Transactions Body contains actual data 89 Simple SOAP example Request: <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""> <soap:Body> <getProdDetails xmlns=""> <productId>827635</productId> </getProdDetails> </soap:Body> </soap:Envelope> Response: <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""> <soap:Body> <getProdDetailsResponse xmlns=""> <getProductDetailsResult> <productName>Toptimate 3-Piece Set</productName> <productId>827635</productId> <description>3-Piece luggage set Polyester</description> <price>96.50</price> <inStock>true</inStock> </getProductDetailsResult> </getProductDetailsResponse> </soap:Body> </soap:Envelope> 90 Questions? 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