環境・エネルギー論 18 November 2009 REEC-IFOST2009 21-23 October 2009 Ho Chi Minh City About Strategic Technology for Sustainability in Asian Countries KEIO UNIVERSITY, JAPAN PROF. HARUKI SATO Importance of woods & water In Asia, we have woods & water & solar . 1.Global warming and sea-level increase: not only reduction of CO2 emission but also global water management (by keeping woods) 2.Renewable energy resource: bio-ethanol, solar, and wind (by keeping woods) 3.Securing water: securing sanitary and quality life: 300 L/(day Japanese) securing food and cloths : 1000 L/(day Japanese) securing woods: ∞ L/day on land About Strategic Technology for Sustainability in Asian Countries 2 Haruki Sato, Keio University What is the relations among them? Air temperature and fossil fuel consumption Sea level / mm = 1.7 mm/year 3 About Strategic Technology for Sustainability in Asian Countries Haruki Sato, Keio University Air: Global Warming Altitude / km Average of surface temp. will become higher. S.Manabe and R. Wetherald J. The Atmospheric Sciences Vol. 24, No. 3, pp. 241-259, (1967). They calculated the possibility of climatic changes 42 years ago for the effect of a. water vapor b. carbon dioxide c. ozone d. surface albedo e. cloudiness. Temperature / K 4 About Strategic Technology for Sustainability in Asian Countries Haruki Sato, Keio University Carbon in the air: 7.6 × 1011 t +3.2× 109 t/year Net absorption in land −1.0× 109 Absorption in the sea −2.2× t/year Absorption in land Emission from fossil fuel 109 t/year +6.4× 109 t/year Emission from land −2.6× t/year 109 Carbon in land 2.3 × 1012 t Reduce CO2 Emission + Develop Double Forests +1.6× 109 t/year Carbon in the sea 38 × 1012 t Carbon in total fossil fuels 3.5 × 1012 t Carbon Cycling in 1990s HP of Japanese government:http://www.rinya.maff.go.jp/seisaku/sesakusyoukai/ondanka/a-2.html Based on the IPCC Fourth Assessment Report About Strategic Technology for Sustainability in Asian Countries 5 Haruki Sato, Keio University •When the mass of water on the globe is constant, the ratio of water in land and in sea would be important for deciding the sea level. •Forest is providing oxygen and absorbing CO2 with controlling the humidity and temperature of air, by getting solar energy and water. It provides us many important materials. 6 About Strategic Technology for Sustainability in Asian Countries Haruki Sato, Keio University Learn from LEAVES and live with WOODS 7 About Strategic Technology for Sustainability in Asian Countries Haruki Sato, Keio University Water is important? Under How a tree, there is a large water jar. trees bring water to each leaves? 8 About Strategic Technology for Sustainability in Asian Countries Haruki Sato, Keio University 自然環境では目に見えない水(水蒸気ガス)が 熱を運んでいます ポンプ無しに膨大な数の木の葉の 葉面の隅々に水が供給され蒸散しています 汗をかく車? 葉脈:the veins of leaves About Strategic Technology for Sustainability in Asian Countries 9 Haruki Sato, Keio University Experiments of decompression boiling 10 About Strategic Technology for Sustainability in Asian Countries Haruki Sato, Keio University Delicate phenomena for natural-energy utilization 20 15 15 (T -T cool) / K (T -T cool ) / K 20 10 Heater 10 5 Evaporator 5 Condenser 0 0 0 1 time/ h 2 0 1 time / h About Strategic Technology for Sustainability in Asian Countries 2 11 Haruki Sato, Keio University Objective of Strategic Technology is to build Interface Environment. forcus 1=person : forcus 2=nature Interface Environment Wild Nature Within Buildings Heat island Global warming water+food+energy resource 12 About Strategic Technology for Sustainability in Asian Countries Haruki Sato, Keio University Learn water circulation in natural environment Solar energy is more than 10,000 times greater than the energy consumption by people. We should recognize the power of the SUN. Transpiration (water vaporization) exaust heat from cooling tower exhaust heat from indoors sensible heat from wall retaining water sewage dry soil lower temperature About Strategic Technology for Sustainability in Asian Countries high temperature 13 Haruki Sato, Keio University Solar panel (2 kW or 8 kW) with cooling tower(13 kW) G K J L C H I 3 B D 4 1 F E A 2 3 14 About Strategic Technology for Sustainability in Asian Countries Haruki Sato, Keio University Within artificial environment Wild Nature Highly sophisticated information tools for communication Solar thermal panel and cell Space of Interface-environment Storing rain-water minimum completely conditioned space safe and secure Energy consumption keeping to be gentle Transpiration symbiosis nature Energy conservation 15 About Strategic Technology for Sustainability in Asian Countries Haruki Sato, Keio University Open Amenity Space Energy consumption of cooling tower would be less than 1/5 of air-conditioning system. No high-temperature exhaust heat and provide water to the air like trees. About Strategic Technology for Sustainability in Asian Countries 16 Haruki Sato, Keio University Renewable Energy Utilized Amenity Space Solar chimney Cooling tower 17 About Strategic Technology for Sustainability in Asian Countries Haruki Sato, Keio University Need Clear Concept on Thermal Energy (Global warming is a problem of TEMPERATURE.) 18 About Strategic Technology for Sustainability in Asian Countries Haruki Sato, Keio University Solar energy : waste heat ●Power plants (27 GW) ●Steel plants ●Gas plants Tokyo bay ●Oil plants 104 m× 104 m = 108 m2 Ship factories ● Automobile factories ● Why the water in Tokyo Bay is not Boiling or keeping almost same temperature? Insolation 0.5 kW/ m2 50 GW 東京湾環境情報センター http://www.tbeic.go.jp/kankyo/sangyo.asp 火力発電所設備概要 http://www.tepco.co.jp/tp/list/index-j.html About Strategic Technology for Sustainability in Asian Countries 19 Haruki Sato, Keio University No effect to the natural environment, when the temperature of waste heat is exactly equal to the ambient temperature. Thermal energy Q times (1− T0/T ) equals exergy e e=Q×(1− T0/T ) • Many people are confusing ‘Energy is consumed’ but ‘Energy is conserved’. • The value of energy is consumed. The value of energy, we call the ‘exergy’. Exergy makes work, which includes negative work to the environment. • What is the value? Above equation expresses the value in the quantity of Q. The level of my talk Q is T. When your level is T0 , you can learn e from my talk. • When we make temperature of heat to be lower by using water, temperature change of water is much smaller than the temperature change of air because the capacity and latent heat of water are greater than the air. 20 About Strategic Technology for Sustainability in Asian Countries Haruki Sato, Keio University Sea water 1 atm = the mass of the air 1 kg/cm2 Av. sea depth = the mass of water 400 kg/cm2 Heat capacity of water is four times of air. On the globe, heat capacity of sea is almost three orders of magnitude greater than that of the air. IPCC predicted 0.74 K increase in the air for 100 years. By using water circulation, keep clean the air and don’t heat the air; make lower temperature on the surface; and cool the air by water circulation in the air. About Strategic Technology for Sustainability in Asian Countries 21 Haruki Sato, Keio University CEMSの持続型エネルギー供給イメージ コージェネレーション電源 負荷変動用火力サイクル 電 力 消 費 電力 電力 熱利用 廃熱 廃熱 外気温度に依存して変動する分は主に暖房・冷房・給湯である。これらの熱 需要は、発電時の排熱で賄うようにすべきである。 = 熱需要のあるところには、熱需要に見合う分散電源を設置。電力は、買 電あるいは電力託送で需要に合わせる。 熱利用 原子力や石炭を含む火力コンバインドサイクルの 年間定格運転を基礎とする系統電力供給分 冬 中間期 夏 About Strategic Technology for Sustainability in Asian Countries 中間期 22 Haruki Sato, Keio University 商用系統電力の電源構成 ógê Öé Æê ÖóÕ ãü És ãã ー ó p ÉN ìdóÕ [ kW] ê ŒñÞ LNG ÅA LPG ÅA ǪÇÃë º ÉKÉX ó gêÖéÆìÆó Õ ãü É~ ãã Éh ó p Éã ê ŒíY ãü Éx ãã ー ó p ÉX å ¥é qóÕ à Í î ê ÖóÕ 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 é ûç è [h] 15 17 19 21 23 http://www.tepco.co.jp/corp-com/db/supplyFacilities/GeneCapacity-j.html About Strategic Technology for Sustainability in Asian Countries 23 Haruki Sato, Keio University 7 慶應義塾大学湘南藤沢キャンパス(SFC)の電力消費量 3,000 最大電力消費 T = 日平均気温 [℃] 2005年4-7月(平日) 15 ≦ T < 20 (4月のみ) 電力需要 [kWh] 2,500 2,000 1,500 分散電源の 排熱と自然 エネルギーで 賄う 20 ≦ T < 25 15 ≦ T < 20 25 ≦ T < 30 1,000 分散電源の発電分 500 30 ≦ T < 35 電源容量は排熱利用量で定める 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 購入電力が約1000 kWで平準化され 基本契約電力が1/3になる可能性 時間 [h] 24 About Strategic Technology for Sustainability in Asian Countries Haruki Sato, Keio University Harmony with multi-disciplinary fields = System design (creation of a large and complicate system) (creation of a comfortable and secure space) 25 About Strategic Technology for Sustainability in Asian Countries Haruki Sato, Keio University Science Engineering Gives Dream (Possibility) Changes to True (Reality) 26 About Strategic Technology for Sustainability in Asian Countries Haruki Sato, Keio University Role in University Reality (mainly several years later) Dream Government (Advanced Tech. & 30 years later) Engineering Industries Academics Science Students Students will change dreams to the reality. About Strategic Technology for Sustainability in Asian Countries 27 Haruki Sato, Keio University Energy Environment Systems (Example of System Design on Complex System) Manager (vision) Leaders (System design) Green・Healthy (Field 1:person&nature) Energy utilization (Field 2:energy) Green IT (Field 3:IT) Secure・Safe (Field 4:risk) Field 5: Social science ・ Economics Project 1 Field 6: Architecture・Civil engineering Project 2 Field 7: Public relations and Communication Project 3・・・ Field 8: Practice & Work Support: Consortium About Strategic Technology for Sustainability in Asian Countries 28 Haruki Sato, Keio University 29 About Strategic Technology for Sustainability in Asian Countries Haruki Sato, Keio University 街 街 コ ン ベン シ ョ ン 都市 コ ン ベン シ ョ ン 街 都市 W eb 社会シ ス テ ム 30 About Strategic Technology for Sustainability in Asian Countries Haruki Sato, Keio University 持続可能社会+情報社会の未来ビジョン 課題 地球環境問題 ユビキタスIT社会 ヒートアイランド 人口問題 エネルギー資源 情報・智慧 自然環境調和型エネルギー資源 (太陽・バイオ+メタン+石炭+核) 世界の視点 水 循環型社会 食料と文化 安心・安全な社会 知的社会 多様型 自然環境調和型社会 未来社会の選択 集約型 31 About Strategic Technology for Sustainability in Asian Countries Haruki Sato, Keio University V model research Energy-Environment Systems Laboratory (Haruki Sato Laboratory) Practical Engineering Fundamental Science Thermal-Fluid Properties PVT Learning nature Cp C.P. Intermolecular Potential Parameters Open Amenity Space Vision Interface Environment Information Break through Exergy concept Thermodynamics Transpiration Decompressed boiling Statistical analysis/modeling/simulation Monte Carlo Method Method Energy Management Steam Table Refrigerant Table Desalination Cool Solar Panel Renewable Energy Assisted heat pump Creation Management Cluster Energy Supply Prediction of Energy Demand Modeling of Electric Appliances Principle New Thermodynamic Cycle Heat Pump + Renewable energy Ejector cycle + Renewable energy About Strategic Technology for Sustainability in Asian Countries Haruki Sato, Keio University
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