PowerPoint プレゼンテーション

Modified Stroop Test (MST) (Keio version)
赤 緑 黄 赤 青 緑
黄 緑 黄 青 青 黄
青 緑 黄 赤 緑 赤
青 赤 緑 青 赤 黄
Part I
Part II
Supplementary Figure 1: The modified Stroop test (Keio version). In Part 1, 24 color dots are arranged at random.
In Part 2, the color sequence is the same, but a different color names is written in Kanji (a Chinese character).
赤: red, 緑: green, 黄: yellow, 青: blue. 赤 should be read as blue not red. Kashima H. Assessment for
executive function disorders–frontal function tests. [in Japanese] J Clin Rehabil. 1995;8:162–167.