Japanese society as vertical society b13449na Akari Nishikawa Japanese society is vertical society true or false 1. INTRODUCTION I wondered whether Japanese society is vertical society or not by reading essay about Japanese society which we read in this seminar. “Nakane (1970) has posited that the fundamental conflicts in Japanese society occur not among the capitalists and workers, who are respectively bound together ‘horizontally’ in their own class, defined by their having a common ‘attribute’, but rather among ‘vertically’ structured groups, such as company A and company B, in each of which members relate on the basis of belonging to the same ‘frame’. Basing its information on Nakane’s book, the influential Economist even went so far as to describe Japan as being ‘the most unMarxist society’ (3 March 1973). ” R.Mouer and Y.Ugimoto, “IMAGE OF JAPANESE SOCIETY A Study in the Social Construction of Reality” 1. INTRODUCTION I read Nakane’s book “Japanese society” (タテ社会の人間関係). Outline 1. INTRODUCTION 2. DEFINING TERMS 3. EVIDENCE For Japanese companies to be vertical society 4. EVIDENCE For Japanese companies not to be vertical society 5. ANALYSIS 6. CONCLUSION Outline 1. INTRODUCTION 2. DEFINING TERMS 3. EVIDENCE For Japanese companies to be vertical society 4. EVIDENCE For Japanese companies not to be vertical society 5. ANALYSIS 6. CONCLUSION Outline 1. INTRODUCTION 2. DEFINING TERMS 3. EVIDENCE For Japanese companies to be vertical society 4. EVIDENCE For Japanese companies not to be vertical society 5. ANALYSIS 6. CONCLUSION Outline 1. INTRODUCTION 2. DEFINING TERMS 3. EVIDENCE For Japanese companies to be vertical society 4. EVIDENCE For Japanese companies not to be vertical society 5. ANALYSIS 6. CONCLUSION 2. DEFINING TERMS What is ‘vertical society’? What is ‘vertical society’? There are 3 essence in vertical society. Equality of ability, awareness of one’s rank 能力の平等観、序列主義 Conflict of parallel 並列の対立 Qualification, Field 資格よりも場の優先 What is ‘vertical society’? There are 3 essence in vertical society. Equality of ability, awareness of one’s rank 能力の平等観、序列主義 Conflict of parallel 並列の対立 Qualification, Field 資格よりも場の優先 What is ‘vertical society’? There are 3 essence in vertical society. Equality of ability, awareness of one’s rank 能力の平等観、序列主義 Conflict of parallel 並列の対立 Qualification, Field 資格よりも場の優先 What is ‘vertical society’? There are 3 essence in vertical society. Equality of ability, awareness of one’s rank 能力の平等観、序列主義 Conflict of parallel 並列の対立 Qualification, Field 資格よりも場の優先 Japan is vertical society, true or false? Outline 1. INTRODUCTION 2. DEFINING TERMS 3. EVIDENCE For Japanese companies to be vertical society 4. EVIDENCE For Japanese companies not to be vertical society 5. ANALYSIS 6. CONCLUSION Outline 1. INTRODUCTION 2. DEFINING TERMS 3. EVIDENCE For Japanese companies to be vertical society 4. EVIDENCE For Japanese companies not to be vertical society 5. ANALYSIS 6. CONCLUSION 3. EVIDENCE For Japanese companies to be vertical society 3.1:Middle-class consciousness 中流意識 3.2:General trading company 総合商社 3. EVIDENCE For Japanese companies to be vertical society 3.1:Middle-class consciousness 中流意識 3.2:General trading company 総合商社 What is ‘vertical society’? There are 3 essence in vertical society. Equality of ability, awareness of one’s rank 能力の平等観、序列主義 Conflict of parallel 並列の対立 Qualification, Field 資格よりも場の優先 What is ‘vertical society’? There are 3 essence in vertical society. Equality of ability, awareness of one’s rank 能力の平等観、序列主義 Conflict of parallel 並列の対立 Qualification, Field 資格よりも場の優先 3.1:Middle-class consciousness 生活程度に関する自己認識の変化 http://d.hatena.ne.jp/kihamu/touch/se archdiary?word=*%5B%B7%D0%BA%D1 %5D 賢人政治批判のパラドクス――八代尚宏『新 自由主義の復権』 3. EVIDENCE For Japanese companies to be vertical society 3.1:Middle-class consciousness 中流意識 3.2:General trading company 総合商社 3. EVIDENCE For Japanese companies to be vertical society 3.1:Middle-class consciousness 中流意識 3.2:General trading company 総合商社 What is ‘vertical society’? There are 3 essence in vertical society. Equality of ability, awareness of one’s rank 能力の平等観、序列主義 Conflict of parallel 並列の対立 Qualification, Field 資格よりも場の優先 What is ‘vertical society’? There are 3 essence in vertical society. Equality of ability, awareness of one’s rank 能力の平等観、序列主義 Conflict of parallel 並列の対立 Qualification, Field 資格よりも場の優先 3.2:General trading company 共に(『タテ社会の人間関係』(中根千枝)より 「フォーブス グローバル 2000」に おける世界の商社trading company ランキング(2010) (『総合商社の研究 その源流、成立、 展開』(p126)) Outline 1. INTRODUCTION 2. DEFINING TERMS 3. EVIDENCE For Japanese companies to be vertical society 4. EVIDENCE For Japanese companies not to be vertical society 5. ANALYSIS 6. CONCLUSION Outline 1. INTRODUCTION 2. DEFINING TERMS 3. EVIDENCE For Japanese companies to be vertical society 4. EVIDENCE For Japanese companies not to be vertical society 5. ANALYSIS 6. CONCLUSION 4. EVIDENCE For Japanese companies not to be vertical society 4.1:Decrease of Seniority-based wage system 年功序列型賃金制度の衰退 4.2:Expanse of using SNS (Social Networking Service) SNS (ソーシャルネットワーキングサービス) の拡大 4. EVIDENCE For Japanese companies not to be vertical society 4.1:Decrease of Seniority-based wage system 年功序列型賃金制度の衰退 4.2:Expanse of using SNS (Social Networking Service) SNS (ソーシャルネットワーキングサービス) の拡大 What is ‘vertical society’? There are 3 essence in vertical society. Equality of ability, awareness of one’s rank 能力の平等観、序列主義 Conflict of parallel 並列の対立 Qualification, Field 資格よりも場の優先 What is ‘vertical society’? There are 3 essence in vertical society. Equality of ability, awareness of one’s rank 能力の平等観、序列主義 Conflict of parallel 並列の対立 Qualification, Field 資格よりも場の優先 4.1:Decrease of Seniority-based wage system 年齢層別年間所得の推移 http://www5.cao.go.jp/seikatsu/whi tepaper/h19/01_honpen/html/07sh0 30201.html 第2節 職場のつながりの変化をもた らした背景 4. EVIDENCE For Japanese companies not to be vertical society 4.1:Decrease of Seniority-based wage system 年功序列型賃金制度の衰退 4.2:Expanse of using SNS (Social Networking Service) SNS (ソーシャルネットワーキングサービス) の拡大 4. EVIDENCE For Japanese companies not to be vertical society 4.1:Decrease of Seniority-based wage system 年功序列型賃金制度の衰退 4.2:Expanse of using SNS (Social Networking Service) SNS (ソーシャルネットワーキングサービス) の拡大 What is ‘vertical society’? There are 3 essence in vertical society. Equality of ability, awareness of one’s rank 能力の平等観、序列主義 Conflict of parallel 並列の対立 Qualification, Field 資格よりも場の優先 What is ‘vertical society’? There are 3 essence in vertical society. Equality of ability, awareness of one’s rank 能力の平等観、序列主義 Conflict of parallel 並列の対立 Qualification, Field 資格よりも場の優先 4.2:Expanse of using SNS (Social Networking Service) 2014年度 SNS利用動向に関する調査:表 1.SNS利用動向調査 http://www.ictr.co.jp/report/20140821 000067.html Outline 1. INTRODUCTION 2. DEFINING TERMS 3. EVIDENCE For Japanese companies to be vertical society 4. EVIDENCE For Japanese companies not to be vertical society 5. ANALYSIS 6. CONCLUSION Outline 1. INTRODUCTION 2. DEFINING TERMS 3. EVIDENCE For Japanese companies to be vertical society 4. EVIDENCE For Japanese companies not to be vertical society 5. ANALYSIS 6. CONCLUSION 5. ANALYSIS 3.1:Middle-class consciousness 中流意識 4.1:Decrease of Seniority-based wage system 年功序列型賃金制度の衰退 3.2:General trading company 総合商社 4.2:Expanse of using SNS (Social Networking Service) SNSの拡大 5. ANALYSIS 3.1:Middle-class consciousness 中流意識 4.1:Decrease of Seniority-based wage system 年功序列型賃金制度の衰退 3.2:General trading company 総合商社 4.2:Expanse of using SNS (Social Networking Service) SNSの拡大 5-3.1:Middle-class consciousness “朝日新聞広告局が昨年10月、新聞読者調査の中で小さな実験を試みた。首都圏の15-65歳の男女7 77人を対象に、「中流のイメージ」を聞いた。その結果、一流有名企業のサラリーマンで、年収は763 万円。家の広さは183平方メートル(約55坪)の土地付き一戸建て。趣味はゴルフでテニスや釣りも、 というのが多くの人々の描く「中流」の条件とわかった。 この質問をしたうえで「あなたは自分を中流と思うか」と質問してみると、中流と答えた人は4人に1人 の23.3%だけだった。 意識調査は質問の仕方でこんなにも結果に差が出るという例だ。しかし、どちらが正しく、どちらが間 違っているとは言えない。一方で、人々は、身近な人たちとの比較で「中程度の生活」と判断し、また一方 で、満たされないものが、いくらでもあることもわかっているからだ。” “中流意識 質問の仕方で微妙に変わる(統計うらおもて)” Asahi news paper 1985年07月01日 9p 5. ANALYSIS 3.1:Middle-class consciousness 中流意識 4.1:Decrease of Seniority-based wage system 年功序列型賃金制度の衰退 3.2:General trading company 総合商社 4.2:Expanse of using SNS (Social Networking Service) SNSの拡大 5. ANALYSIS 3.1:Middle-class consciousness 中流意識✕false 4.1:Decrease of Seniority-based wage system 年功序列型賃金制度の衰退 3.2:General trading company 総合商社 4.2:Expanse of using SNS (Social Networking Service) SNSの拡大 5. ANALYSIS 3.1:Middle-class consciousness 中流意識 4.1:Decrease of Seniority-based wage system 年功序列型賃金制度の衰退 3.2:General trading company 総合商社 4.2:Expanse of using SNS (Social Networking Service) SNSの拡大 5-3.2:General trading company England used to have general trading company like japan. Ex. ジャーディンマセソン商会 ➜However, they are dismissed. Difference between Japanese company and English company Japan :近代的な経営、学歴による優秀な人材の採用(タテ社会的 意識) England :世襲制による非公開のファミリー経営。資本市場の構造か の変化で対処できなくなった。 5. ANALYSIS 3.1:Middle-class consciousness 中流意識 4.1:Decrease of Seniority-based wage system 年功序列型賃金制度の衰退 3.2:General trading company 総合商社 4.2:Expanse of using SNS (Social Networking Service) SNSの拡大 5. ANALYSIS 3.1:Middle-class consciousness 中流意識 4.1:Decrease of Seniority-based wage system 年功序列型賃金制度の衰退 3.2:General trading company 総合商社〇True 4.2:Expanse of using SNS (Social Networking Service) SNSの拡大 5. ANALYSIS 3.1:Middle-class consciousness 中流意識 4.1:Decrease of Seniority-based wage system 年功序列型賃金制度の衰退 3.2:General trading company 総合商社 4.2:Expanse of using SNS (Social Networking Service) SNSの拡大 5. ANALYSIS 3.1:Middle-class consciousness 中流意識 4.1:Decrease of Seniority-based wage system 年功序列型賃金制度の衰退 3.2:General trading company 総合商社 4.2:Expanse of using SNS (Social Networking Service) SNSの拡大 5-4.1:Decrease of Seniority-based wage system 「個人的な意見だが、トヨタの強さは、労使双方の信頼に あると思う。従業員が経営者の信頼に応えて毎日職場を改 善する、そんな強さは海外にはない。私は定昇や終身雇用 の維持は当然だと思っている」 “定昇と終身雇用は維持 トヨタ・張社長インタビュー Asahi new paper 2003/1/29 11p 【名古屋】” 5. ANALYSIS 3.1:Middle-class consciousness 中流意識 4.1:Decrease of Seniority-based wage system 年功序列型賃金制度の衰退 3.2:General trading company 総合商社 4.2:Expanse of using SNS (Social Networking Service) SNSの拡大 5. ANALYSIS 3.1:Middle-class consciousness 中流意識 4.1:Decrease of Seniority-based wage system 年功序列型賃金制度の衰退 〇True 3.2:General trading company 総合商社 4.2:Expanse of using SNS (Social Networking Service) SNSの拡大 5. ANALYSIS 3.1:Middle-class consciousness 中流意識 4.1:Decrease of Seniority-based wage system 年功序列型賃金制度の衰退 3.2:General trading company 総合商社 4.2:Expanse of using SNS (Social Networking Service) SNSの拡大 5. ANALYSIS 3.1:Middle-class consciousness 中流意識 4.1:Decrease of Seniority-based wage system 年功序列型賃金制度の衰退 3.2:General trading company 総合商社 4.2:Expanse of using SNS (Social Networking Service) SNSの拡大 5-4.2:Expanse of using SNS (Social Networking Service) 社内SNSの利用意向 (調査人数=2,133) http://research.nttcoms.com/database/ data/000361/ 「企業内コミュニケーションの実態」に関 する調査結果 5. ANALYSIS 3.1:Middle-class consciousness 中流意識 4.1:Decrease of Seniority-based wage system 年功序列型賃金制度の衰退 3.2:General trading company 総合商社 4.2:Expanse of using SNS (Social Networking Service) SNSの拡大 5. ANALYSIS 3.1:Middle-class consciousness 中流意識 4.1:Decrease of Seniority-based wage system 年功序列型賃金制度の衰退 3.2:General trading company 総合商社 4.2:Expanse of using SNS (Social Networking Service) SNSの拡大△(middle) 5. ANALYSIS 3.1:Middle-class consciousness 中流意識 4.1:Decrease of Seniority-based wage system 年功序列型賃金制度の衰退 3.2:General trading company 総合商社 4.2:Expanse of using SNS (Social Networking Service) SNSの拡大 5. ANALYSIS 3.1:Middle-class consciousness 中流意識✕ 4.1:Decrease of Seniority-based wage system 年功序列型賃金制度の衰退〇 3.2:General trading company 総合商社〇 4.2:Expanse of using SNS (Social Networking Service) SNSの拡大△ Outline 1. INTRODUCTION 2. DEFINING TERMS 3. EVIDENCE For Japanese companies to be vertical society 4. EVIDENCE For Japanese companies not to be vertical society 5. ANALYSIS 6. CONCLUSION Outline 1. INTRODUCTION 2. DEFINING TERMS 3. EVIDENCE For Japanese companies to be vertical society 4. EVIDENCE For Japanese companies not to be vertical society 5. ANALYSIS 6. CONCLUSION 6. CONCLUSION 3.1:Middle-class consciousness 中流意識✕ 4.1:Decrease of Seniority-based wage system 年功序列型賃金制度の衰退〇 3.2:General trading company 総合商社〇 4.2:Expanse of using SNS (Social Networking Service) SNSの拡大△ 6. CONCLUSION Japan is not vertical society. Thank you for listening
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