UNIX Lecture 1 Hana Filip January 16, 2007 Spring 2007 1 What is UNIX • a computer operating system – an operating system is the software that provides the interface between the hardware of a computer system and the applications programs running on it January 16, 2007 Spring 2007 2 What is UNIX • UNIX provides a range of tools that can be combined and manipulated to perform such a wide variety of jobs that users of the system can very often carry out sophisticated tasks without writing programs in a programming language – – – – Text preparation and printing Document storage and manipulation Programming E-mail January 16, 2007 Spring 2007 3 What is Unix • originally developed for multi-user systems • now is also run on 'stand-alone' machines January 16, 2007 Spring 2007 4 What is UNIX • can be found on a wide variety of computer systems: – global computer networks like the World Wide Web – PCs often have Linux (a UNIX-type operating system) or a variety of BSD installed (BSD = Berkeley Software Distribution, or Berkeley UNIX, one of the branches of UNIX) – OS X Apple Macintoshes all run a form of UNIX – a host of free open software systems like FreeBSD, NetBSD or GNU/Linux all are varieties of a UNIX-type operating system January 16, 2007 Spring 2007 5 Date: Thu, 11 Jan 2007 15:17:37 From: Michael LaStella < [email protected] > Subject: English & Computational Linguistics, Language Description, Text/Corpus Linguistics: Knowledge Engineer (KE), KNOVA Software, Inc. Organization: KNOVA Software, Inc. Department: Engineering Web Address: http://www.knova.com Specialty Areas: Computational Linguistics; Language Description; Text/Corpus Linguistics Required Language(s): English (eng) Description: Knowledge Engineer (KE) Summary: Want to work with cutting-edge technology in one of the ten fastest growing software companies as selected by Baseline Magazine? KNOVA's (http://www.knova.com/) suite of applications are built on an adaptive search and knowledge management platform which has been lauded as 'visionary' and 'innovative' by technology research firms like Gartner, professional associations like SSPA, and customers alike. KNOVA's applications help leading companies like AOL, Ford, H&R Block, HP, McAfee, and Novell increase revenues, reduce service costs and improve customer satisfaction. January 16, 2007 Spring 2007 6 As a member of the KNOVA team, the Knowledge Engineer (KE) is responsible for the discovery, development, and maintenance of terminology and synonyms used to help drive the intelligence of KNOVA's search engine. This is a contract-to-hire position. Duties and Responsibilities: - Discover, develop, and maintain terminology and synonyms used to help drive the intelligence of KNOVA's search engine - Set up and configure enterprise software and development environments - Analyze and import structured and unstructured data using scripting languages such as PERL and Python - Participate in the effort of constantly improving methodology and tools - Facilitate knowledge transfer from Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) - Provide SME training - Follow methodology to complete work within established time frames Knowledge, Skills and Abilities: - Skilled at using search engines - Working knowledge of XML, HTML, PERL, UNIX, and regular expressions - Ability to communicate effectively - Working knowledge of data structures, data creation and manipulation, taxonomies, and ontologies - Understanding of search technology a plus January 16, 2007 Spring 2007 7 Qualifications: Bachelor's Degree in Library Science, Computer/Information Science, Linguistics, or extensive coursework in knowledge engineering topics -orTwo or more years of experience in knowledge engineering Contact Information: Please email resumes to: [email protected] Or fax resumes to: (408) 863-5810 To find out more information about KNOVA, please visit us on the web at http://www.knova.com. Application Deadline: 30-Jun-2007 ----------------------------------------------------------LINGUIST List: Vol-18-95 January 16, 2007 Spring 2007 8 History of UNIX • UNIX was first developed in the early 1970s at Bell Laboratories in the USA (in collaboration with GE and MIT). • AT&T (the owners of Bell Laboratories) made UNIX available at nominal cost to academic users, allowing researchers at universities to modify and extend UNIX. • UC Berkeley was the first university to get interested in the UNIX system in 1973, a PDP-11 installed in 1974, and the computer science department used it for extensive research thereafter • Columbia (1974), Santa Cruz (1979), MIT (1983 - Athena networked workstations) January 16, 2007 Spring 2007 9 Different UNIX Systems • System V (distributed by the original developers, AT&T) • AIX (IBM) • Berkeley BSD (from the University of California, Berkeley) • SunOS, now known as Solaris (from the makers of Sun workstations) • Xenix (a PC version of UNIX). January 16, 2007 Spring 2007 10 UNIX Features • written in the high level level language C – easy to install on new computing systems • the UNIX operating system consists of – the kernel • Performs basic operating system functions such as accessing files, allocating memory, etc. – the shell • Provides the user interface to the kernel • C shell (csh) is the original default shell for interactive work January 16, 2007 Spring 2007 11 UNIX Features • tcsh – is a UNIX shell based on and compatible with the C shell (csh) – ‘t’ in tcsh comes from the T in TENEX, an operating system inspired Ken Greer, the author of tcsh, with its command-completion feature – early versions of Mac OS X shipped with tcsh as the default shell, the most recent versions now have bash January 16, 2007 Spring 2007 12 Shell Commands % shell prompt – you are in the shell mode, the main command center of the UNIX system – alternative shell prompts are $ # > January 16, 2007 Spring 2007 13 Shell Commands % date [RETURN] – the command is typed and then – the RETURN key is pressed this causes the computer to execute that command date – displays current date and time – is a two-way command: after executing the command, the computer returns you to the Shell Mode (your originating mode) January 16, 2007 Spring 2007 14 Shell Commands How do you spell … ? UNIX maintains an on-line spelling dictionary % look egg % look psych January 16, 2007 [RETURN] [RETURN] Spring 2007 15 Shell Commands telnet command allows you to communicate with a remote computer that is using the Telnet protocol % telnet [host] [RETURN] opens a telnet session to the domain [host] % telnet grove.ufl.edu [RETURN] January 16, 2007 Spring 2007 16 Shell Commands login Trying Connected to grove.ufl.edu. Escape character is '^]'. Compaq Tru64 UNIX V5.1A (Rev. 1885) (dogwood) (pts/12) login: hfilip Password: Compaq Tru64 UNIX V5.1A (Rev. 1885); Tue Oct 22 07:01:45 EDT 2002 > January 16, 2007 Spring 2007 17 Shell Commands % who [RETURN] current users on the system % whoami [RETURN] current user of the account % cd .. [RETURN] change directory move one tier up in the directory % ls [RETURN] list the files in the current directory % cd ~ [RETURN] move back to your home directory January 16, 2007 Spring 2007 18 Shell Commands % logout [RETURN] Connection closed by foreign host. January 16, 2007 Spring 2007 19 Your First File • OBJECTIVES – – – – Create a file for visual editing Append text to the file Escape from Text Append Mode Quit working on a file, save the changes made in the file and return to the Shell – Display a list of files in your account – Email your file January 16, 2007 Spring 2007 20 Your First File Starting Your First File 1. 2. 3. 4. Logon to your UNIX account % vi[SPACE]first vi indicates that you wish to use the UNIX visual text editor first is the name of the file to be worked on Press the [RETURN] key The screen will clear and a note will appear at the bottom of the screen "first" [New File] Tildes (~) will parade in a column down the left, the cursor will appear at the top left of the screen January 16, 2007 Spring 2007 21 Your First File Appending Text • You are now in the Visual Editor Command Mode • Press this key a SINGLE time (and do NOT press the RETURN key): a • What happened? January 16, 2007 Spring 2007 22 Your First File Appending Text • Nothing. • In the Visual Editor Command Mode, pressing the a key (once) tells vi that you want to add or append text to the file • After pressing the a key (once) the visual editor will add anything you type to the file and at the same time display it on the screen. • You are now in the Append Mode. January 16, 2007 Spring 2007 23 Your First File Appending Text • Type in the following sentence I anticipate a long and harmonious relationship with UNIX. January 16, 2007 Spring 2007 24 Your First File Leaving the Append Mode • Press the ESC key • Nothing appears to happen, but you are now out of Append Mode and back in the Visual Editor Command Mode. • To be certain press the ESC key again. • If a beep sounds, vi is telling you that you are in Command Mode. January 16, 2007 Spring 2007 25 Your First File Leaving the Append Mode • From the Command Mode type duty • What happened? The terminal should have beeped at you - several times. January 16, 2007 Spring 2007 26 Your First File Leaving the Append Mode • From the Command Mode type aduty • What happened? The word duty appears on the screen? January 16, 2007 Spring 2007 27 Your First File Leaving the Append Mode SUMMARY • The a command permits you to start entering text • The ESC key stops the append process and returns you to the Command Mode January 16, 2007 Spring 2007 28 Your First File Returning to the Shell “I am finished - save this text in a file for another time and bring me back to the Shell.” • Type - ESC key - ZZ (Upper Case) hold down the SHIFT key and press the Z key twice January 16, 2007 Spring 2007 29 Your First File Listing Files % ls [RETURN] The filename first should appear % first January 16, 2007 Spring 2007 30 Your First File Mail - Sending a File % mail [LOGIN@SYSTEM] < [FILENAME] [RETURN] leave one space between mail and [LOGIN] Example: % mail [email protected] < first If the person you wish to send an email message is on the same system, you need not include in the address: % mail tigger < tritesayings January 16, 2007 Spring 2007 31 Your First File Mail - Sending a Message % mail [LOGIN@SYSTEM] [RETURN] [TYPE YOUR MESSAGE] CTRL-D January 16, 2007 Spring 2007 32 Your First File Transcript % script [RETURN] Script started, file is typescript % mail [email protected] hello % [CTRL-D] %exit Script done, file is typescript % January 16, 2007 Spring 2007 33 Your First File Copying Files % % % % cp ls [RETURN] typescript cp typescript [NEW.FILENAME] ls typescript [NEW.FILENAME] [RETURN] copy January 16, 2007 Spring 2007 34 Your First File Renaming Files % % % % ls [RETURN] file1 mv file1 file2 ls file2 mv [RETURN] moves file1 into file2 January 16, 2007 Spring 2007 35 Your First File Cursor Moving Commands Depending on the terminal type: • arrow keys • h, j, k, l keys • or both January 16, 2007 Spring 2007 36 Your First File Cursor Moving Commands Slash-search command: • Command mode (Press [ESCAPE]) • /[word] e.g., /duck /a • Press [RETURN] • Pressing the n key will send the cursor to the next identical word or letter in your file January 16, 2007 Spring 2007 37 Your First File Deleting lines • Command mode (Press [ESCAPE]) • Position the cursor on any character on a line you want to delete • Type dd • Pressing the u key will undo the effect of the most recent text changing command –u January 16, 2007 the undo or ‘I goofed’ command Spring 2007 38 Your First File Deleting Lines • Command mode (Press [ESCAPE]) • Position the cursor on any character on a line you want to delete • Type 3dd • What happened? January 16, 2007 Spring 2007 39 Your First File Deleting Words • dw – delete word – move the cursor to the first letter of any word – deletes the whole word and the cursor ‘lands’ on the first character of the next word – place the cursor in the middle of a word and try the dw command - what happens? • 3dw January 16, 2007 Spring 2007 40 Your First File Deleting Specific Characters •x – Move the cursor to a letter or a space – Press x – ‘Delete one character at a time’ under x • 6x January 16, 2007 Spring 2007 41 Your First File Replacing a Single Character •r – replaces the one character located under the cursor with the very next character that you type – If the cursor is located at the w in two, typing r followed by o will give you too January 16, 2007 Spring 2007 42 Your First File Breaking Up a Long Line •r [RETURN] • Move the cursor to the space between two words • Type the replace r command and then press the [RETURN] key January 16, 2007 Spring 2007 43 Your First File Substituting for a Single Character •s – substituting for a single character one-way text changing command - moves you into the Append Mode – r is a two-way text-changing command for a replacement of a single character - leaves you in the Command Mode January 16, 2007 Spring 2007 44 Your First File Substituting for a Word • cw – change word – Move the cursor on the first letter in a word – Type cw – Deletes that word – Lets you append as much text as you wish – One-way text changing command - moves you into the Append Mode January 16, 2007 Spring 2007 45 Your First File Substituting for Lines • cc – Substitutes text for a whole line – Move the cursor to some place in a given line – Type cc – Deletes that line – Lets you append as much text as you wish – One-way text changing command - moves you into the Append Mode January 16, 2007 Spring 2007 46 Your First File Summary Commands that substitute or change characters, words and lines One-way Text Changing Commands: s, cw, cc Two-way Text Changing Commands: x, dw dd January 16, 2007 Spring 2007 47 Your First File Inserting Text •i – Select a place to which you want to add some text – Type the i(nsert) command – The text will be entered to the left of the cursor – i moves you into the Append Mode January 16, 2007 Spring 2007 48 Your First File Opening a Line Below •o – Opens a new line below the cursor line – o moves you into the Append Mode January 16, 2007 Spring 2007 49 Your First File Opening a Line Above • O (capital) – Opens a new line above the cursor line – O moves you into the Append Mode January 16, 2007 Spring 2007 50 Your First File Summary of Append Commands O i a o i O Opens the line above inserts text to the left a appends to the right January 16, 2007 o opens the line below Spring 2007 51
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